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2017-12-26 10:02:57 +08:00

1716 lines
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; File: PDMMace.a
; Contains: routines to support MACE when coupled with a AMIC-style DMA model
; Written by: Sean Findley, Mark A. Law, Gary Rensberger
; Copyright: © 1990-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM25> 10/6/93 RC Took out PDM EVT1 support
; <SM24> 9/20/93 GMR Fixed a bug where we might count a xmit frame twice, if we got
; an underflow interrupt in the middle of transmission.
; <SM23> 9/9/93 pdw Changed installation of MACE int to maceVector in
; DMADispatchGlobals instead of ddMACEÉ.
; <SMG3> 9/2/93 chp Change MaceVarPtr from DC.L 1 to DC.L 0 so that the MACE
; variables are initialized to Ònone.Ó
; <SMG2> 8/30/93 chp InterruptHandlers.a now supports MACE interrupts on PDM.
; Modified the MACEInterrupt exception handler to run as a
; subroutine to the system interrupt dispatcher, so deferred tasks
; can now run following a MACE interrupt. Modified MACE and Enet
; DMA interrupt routines to save and restore only those registers
; not saved by the interrupt dispatcher. Modified the install code
; to install interrupt handlers into the AMIC dispatch table
; rather than AutoInt3, and to do so directly rather than calling
; _DMAIntInstall.
; <SM21> 8/20/93 GMR Added AMIC4 support (don't apply AMIC headPtr hack if on AMIC4).
; <SM20> 8/4/93 GMR Fixed a bug that caused the xmit routine to count a packet as
; going out, but which didn't go out because of a bad length.
; <SM19> 7/1/93 GMR Backed out a couple of the changes in <SM18> which were
; unnecessary; the branch to the wrong label was the only change
; needed to fix the problem.
; <SM18> 7/1/93 pdw Fixed the "Blowed up after Macsbug" bug which was due to not
; handling MACE Overflow problems correctly which were due to AMIC
; overflows caused by the deferred task processing of packets
; which was not happening because Macsbug turns off the Deferred
; Task Manager which was... It was late one night... Actually we
; just moved the @done label up one line.
; <SM17> 6/28/93 GMR Made receive handling use deferred tasks now, instead of
; processing at level 4.
; <SM16> 6/10/93 GMR Fixed a couple bugs (found by test tool) in the level 3 Mace
; handler, and in handling transmit completions.
; <SM15> 6/8/93 GMR Added support for EVT1. Temporarily fixed privilage violation
; when running VM; the level 3 handler installation really needs
; support from Inthandlers.a.
; <SM14> 6/3/93 GMR Remove debugger on receive overflow.
; <SM13> 6/2/93 GMR Now, defer transmits until we get a MACE interrupt indicating
; the previous packet went out.
; <SM12> 6/2/93 GMR Rewrote the interrupt handlers and cleaned up parts of the code.
; <SM11> 6/1/93 dwc Fix init code, add code to wait for MACE transmit status valid
; to work around MACE's not returning it in a timely manner.
; <SM10> 5/27/93 dwc Added work-around code to wait for AMIC to finish writing a
; packet into the receive DMA buffer before handling it.
; <SM9> 5/25/93 dwc Cleaned uo for Alpha. Removed some more debug code and hardware
; patches. Added simple work around for AMICs' incrementing the
; head pointer before it has finished writing the packet into the
; DMA buffer. This is a kluge, but it is the fastest one I
; tried, and throws away the fewest packets.
; <SM8> 5/4/93 dwc Added debug code to work around AMIC's returning FF's on the
; first read. Added test for EVT1/EVT2.
; <SM7> 4/6/93 dwc Updated for level #4 DMA interrupts.
; <SM6> 3/24/93 dwc Remove obsolete code and added code to try to recover from
; lowered interrupt level during packet handling.
; <SM5> 3/5/93 dwc Removed some more debugging and obsolete code and comments.
; <SM3> 2/25/93 dwc Enabled receive, removed some debug code and obsolete routines.
; <SM2> 2/24/93 dwc Cleaned up transmit, disabled receive for PDM D5 ROM build.
; 11/30/92 dwc Moved INTLockOut, DMALockOut to PDMMaceEqu.a.
; 11/20/92 dwc Convert to PDM.
; To Do: Look into AMIC not properly detecting receive overflow (head continues to wrap past
; the tail without error).
; Notes: This version supports EVT2 and later machines.
INCLUDE 'SysEqu.a' ; System definitions
INCLUDE 'SysErr.a' ; System errors
INCLUDE 'Traps.a' ; Traps definitions
INCLUDE 'GestaltEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'InternalOnlyEqu.a' ; lowmem globals
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a' ; lowmem global records
INCLUDE 'ATalkMacros.a' ; Nifty Macros
INCLUDE 'SysPrivateEqu.a' ; ExpandMem defs
; Conditional compile equates
Logging EQU 1
INCLUDE 'PDMMaceEqu.a' ; Mace definitions
INCLUDE 'AMICEqu.a' ; AMIC definitions
INCLUDE 'ENETEqu.a' ; Driver definitions
INCLUDE 'SNMPLAP.a' ; SNMP definitions
; Misc definitions
OneWdsSz EQU 8 ; single fragment wds size
INTLockOut EQU $0700 ; SR value to disable ALL interrupts
DMALockOut EQU $0400 ; SR value to disable AMIC DMA interrupts
NeedDefer EQU 5 ; bit indicates VM is running
MACERevA2 EQU $0941
MACERevB0 EQU $0940
MaceVars RECORD 0 ; our variables
MACEmem DS.l 1 ; ptr to memory block with recv & xmit buffers
MACEmemSz DS.l 1 ; need size if need to free it
XmitBuffMem DS.l 1 ; xmit buffer mem
DMAPacketPtr DS.l 1 ; ptr to active receive packet in DMA buffer
MACEBase DS.l 1 ; MACE base address
AMICDMABase DS.l 1 ; AMIC DMA base address
DTQE DS.b dtQElSize ; Deferred task queue element
MACEChipID DS.w 1 ; MACE revision
; ¥¥¥ parms saved from MaceInit call
RcvRtn DS.l 1 ; users recv rtn
RcvParm DS.l 1 ; users recv rtn parm
XmtDnRtn DS.l 1 ; users xmit completion rtn
XmtDnParm DS.l 1 ; users xmit completion rtn parm
MCfg DS.l 1 ; ptr to MACE config record
Dot3StatPtr DS.l 1 ; ptr to 802.3 statistics counters
LAPMIBStatPtr DS.l 1 ; ptr to LAP MIB statistics counters
OurAddrPtr DS.l 1 ; ptr to ethernet address
MemMove DS.l 1 ; ptr to fast memory move rtn
; ¥¥¥ end parms
DeferFlag ds.b 1 ; bit 0 = deferred task installed.
XmitPend ds.b 1 ; <> 0 = # xmits pending
XmitStat ds.b 1 ; <> 0 = # xmit status's pending from mace
BoardFlag ds.b 1 ; 00 = AMIC1-3
; 01 = AMIC4
DMABufStart DS.l 1 ; logical addr of start of DMA recv buffer
TxBuffPtr0 DS.l 1 ; logical addr of start of DMA xmit buffer0
TxBuffPtr1 DS.l 1 ; logical addr of start of DMA xmit buffer1
XmitRegSet ds.w 1 ; 0 or 1
ByteCount ds.w 1 ; bytes in current xmit packet
COLLCnt DS.l 1 ; recv frames with collision error
; Transmit Frame Status Register counters
XmtStatINV DS.l 1 ; xmit ints with xmit status invalid
XmtLCOL DS.l 1 ; late collision
XmtRTRYCnt DS.l 1 ; total number of retries
; Interrupt Register counter
RCVCOCnt DS.l 1 ; *256 to get # collisions on net
MPCOCnt DS.l 1 ; *256 to get # of missed packets due to
; RcvOFLO, receiver disabled, or excessive
; receive frame count (RcvFC)
LogAddrFltr DS.b 8 ; Copy of MACE Logical Address Filter
; bit order 63-56, 55-48, ... 7-0
LAFHashTbl DS.b 64 ; Tbl of counts of number multicasts addresses
RcvBuffer ds.b 6*256 ; Receive buffer (transfered to from DMA buffer)
IF Logging THEN
LogPtr ds.l 1
LogEndPtr ds.l 1 ; ptr to end of log
LogStart ds.l 512*4 ; room for 512 log entries
MaceVarSz EQU * ; End of variables
; Receive Buffer template
; -ensure 1st one is quad-aligned and all the rest will be
RecvBuff Record 0
MaceStat DS.b 4 ; Recv'd pkt status from Mace
DS.b 4 ; Garbage bytes
Packet DS.b Max_Pkt_Size ; packet data area
MaceData PROC
ENTRY MaceVarPtr
MaceVarPtr DC.L 0 ; Contains ptr to my variables
; ResetMACE - Reset AMIC & MACE FIFOs and disable recv & xmit paths and reset MACE
; Call: A2 - drvr vars
; Return: none
; Destroys: A1,D0,D1
WITH MACERegs,MaceVars
; reset & disable MACE -> AMIC receive path
MoveA.l MACEBase(A2), A0 ; A0-> base address of MACE regs
MoveA.l AMICDMABase(A2), A1 ; A1-> base address of AMIC regs
Move.b #0, MACE_MAC_CNFG(A0) ; Disable MACE recv, xmit, et. al.
Move.b MACE_FIFO_CNFG(A0), D0 ; Get current FIFO config
OrI.b #(1<<RCVFWR), D0 ; Keep current FIFO's watermarks
Move.b D0, MACE_FIFO_CNFG(A0) ; Reset MACE recv FIFO
nop ; Allow it to complete
Move.b #(1<<DMAIF), AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(A1) ; Clear interrupt flag
nop ; Allow it to complete
Move.b #(1<<DMARST), AMIC_DMA_XMIT_CNTL(A1) ; Reset xmit chnl
nop ; Allow it to complete
Move.b #(1<<DMAIF), AMIC_DMA_XMIT_CNTL(A1) ; Clear interrupt flag
nop ; Allow it to complete
Move.b MACE_FIFO_CNFG(A0), D0 ; Get current FIFO config
OrI.b #(1<<XMTFWR), D0 ; Keep current FIFO's watermarks
Move.b D0, MACE_FIFO_CNFG(A0) ; Reset MACE xmit FIFO
; Reset MACE
Move.b #(1<<MACERESET), MACE_BIU_CNFG(A0) ; reset MACE
@wait Move.b MACE_BIU_CNFG(A0), D0
Bne.s @wait ; loop until reset complete
Move.b #0, MACE_MAC_CNFG(A0) ; make sure MACE disabled
Move.b #MaceIntMask, MACE_INT_MSK(A0) ; Disable all MACE ints.
; FreeMACEMem - free all memory
; Call: A2 - our globals
; Return: none
; Destroys: A0
IMPORT FreeMemory
WITH MaceVars
Tst.l MaceVarPtr ; Mace var pointer
Beq.s @57 ; no mem allocated
Move.l #0, -(SP) ; size not needed
Move.l A2, -(SP) ; ptr to mem to free
Move #0, -(SP) ; no options
Lea FreeMemory, A0
Jsr (A0) ; free MACE var memory
Lea 10(SP), SP ; strip parms
Lea MaceVarPtr, A0
Clr.l (A0) ; Clear MaceVarPtr contents
; MACEHalt - HALT the MACE, remove interrupt handlers, free all memory
; Call: none
; Return: none
; Destroys: A1,D0,D1
WITH MACERegs,MaceVars
Move.l A2, -(SP) ; save regs
MoveA.l MaceVarPtr, A2 ; Get ptr to my vars
Move SR,-(SP) ; Save interrupt mask level
OrI #DMALockOut, SR ; Disable DMA ints.
Bsr ResetMACE
Move.l AMICDMABase(A2), A1 ; Base address of AMIC
Move.b #(1<<DMAIF), AMIC_DMA_XMIT_CNTL(A1) ; Clear IF & disable xmit DMA
nop ; Allow it to complete
Move.b #(1<<DMAIF), AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(A1) ; Clear IF & disable xmit DMA
nop ; Allow it to complete
MoveA.l MACEBase(A2), A3
Move.b #MaceIntMask, MACE_INT_MSK(A3) ; Disable all MACE interrupts
nop ; Allow it to complete
OrI #INTLockOut, SR ; Disable ALL ints.
bclr.b #0,DeferFlag(A2) ; is Deferred Task installed?
Beq.s @nodq ; nope
Lea DTQE(A2), A0 ; get ptr to queue entry
LEA DTQueue, A1 ; get ptr to queue
_Dequeue ; remove from deferred task queue
Move (SP)+, SR ; Restore SR
; Free MACE buffer and var memory
; ¥¥¥¥
; ¥¥¥¥ WARNING: upper layer handlers better be done with packets cause we're
; ¥¥¥¥ freeing the mem the packets are in!
; ¥¥¥¥
Bsr FreeMACEMem ; Free, and unlock if needed, all mem blks
Move.l (SP)+, A2 ; restore regs
; NormAddr - convert IEEE address to normal format
; Call: D0 bit-inverted address byte from Address Prom
; Return: D0 bit-inverted address byte
; Destroys: D1
MoveM.l D2,-(SP)
Clr.b D1
MoveQ #7,D2
Lsl.b #1,D1 ; get ready for next bit
Lsr.b #1,D0 ; get a bit from source
Bcc.s @lb ; non there
AddQ.b #1,D1
DBra D2,@loop
Move.b D1,D0 ; D0=converted value
MoveM.l (SP)+,D2
; DoCRC - compute Ethernet CRC on address field
; Call:
; D1 = first two bytes of address
; D3 = last four bytes of address
; Return:
; D0 = 6 bit hash into Logical Address Filter
; Uses: D0,D1
; The CRC-32 of a sequence of bits views that sequence as the co-efficients of a (long!)
; polynomial. This polynomial is multiplied by x^32, then divided by the CRC polynomial
; x^32 + x^26 + x^23 + x^22 + x^16 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^8 + x^7 + x^5 + x^4 + x^2 +x+1.
; It is the remainder of this division (of degree <= x^31), considered as a 32 bit sequence,
; that is the CRC. In the calculation, the initial value of the "remainder" is all 1's.
CRCPoly EQU %00000100110000010001110110110111
; Co-efficients after a shift left
Move.l D2, -(SP)
MoveQ #-1,D2 ; D2 = current value of CRC
Bsr.s @10 ; Compute over D1, address bits 47-32
Move.l D3,D1 ; D1 = rest to do
Swap D1 ; Get high word of D3 into D1
Bsr.s @10 ; Compute over D1, address bits 31-16
Swap D1 ; Get low word of D3 into D1
Bsr.s @10 ; Compute over D1, address bits 15-0
And #%111111, D2 ; Get six hash bits in low byte
Move D2, D0
Bsr NormAddr ; D0 = bit inverted hash
Lsr.b #2, D0 ; Move 6 msb's to 6 lsb's
Move.l (SP)+, D2
Rts ; Exit DoCRC
; Accumulate the CRC over the low 16 bits of D1 (starting with high byte bit 0!)
@10 MoveQ #16,D0 ; D0 = no. of bits to do
Ror #8,D1 ; Do high byte first
@15 Lsl.L #1,D2 ; Shift CRC, clear low bit, old hi bit in C
; If (CRC-hi-bit XOR D1-current-bit) = 1, we complement bits specified by the CRC polynomial
; (this is the equivalent of a subtract operation in the long division process, I think)
Bcc.s @30 ; Branch if CRC hi bit clear
Ror #1,D1 ; Shift D1, low bit in C
Bcs.s @50 ; (1 XOR 1) = 0: don't compl; low bit = 0
Bra.s @40 ; Go complement
@30 Ror #1,D1 ; Shift D1, high bit in C
Bcc.s @50 ; (0 XOR 0) = 0: don't compl; low bit = 0
@40 Eor.l #CRCPoly,D2 ; Complement some bits; set low bit
@50 SubQ #1,D0 ; Decrement count of bits to do
Bne.s @15 ; Do all 16 bits
Rts ; That's it if done them all
; WriteLAF - update MACE Logical Address Filter (LAF) from copy in drvr globals
; Call:
; A2 -> my variables
; Return:
; none
; Uses:
; A1, D0
; The LAF can not be updated while MACE recv is enabled. Disable MACE pkt
; reception. If frames in MACE Recv FIFO, reset MACE Recv FIFO (possible pkt
; loss), flush AMIC recv FIFO, and reprime affected DMA Reg. Set. Finally,
; update the LAF.
WITH MACERegs,MaceVars
MoveA.l MACEBase(A2), A1
Move.b MACE_MAC_CNFG(A1), -(SP) ; Save current config
Move.b #(1<<ADDRCHG), MACE_ADDR_CNFG(A1) ; Set address change bit
@wait1 Move.b MACE_ADDR_CNFG(A1), D0 ; wait for MACE to clear it
Bne.s @wait1
Lea LogAddrFltr(A2), A0 ; A0-> copy of logical address filter
Move.b #(1<<LOGADDR), MACE_ADDR_CNFG(A1) ; Select logical address
MoveQ #7, D0
@laf Move.b (A0,D0.w), MACE_LOG_ADDR(A1) ; Set appropriate bits in Log. Addr Filter
DBra D0, @laf
Move.b (SP)+, MACE_MAC_CNFG(A1) ; restore MACE mac config
; MaceAddMulti - add a multicast address to the list
; Call:
; D1 = first two bytes of address
; D3 = last four bytes of address
; Return:
; none
; Computes the hash for this multicast address and increments hash count in
; the Logical Address Filter (LAF) Table. If hash count now = 1, sets
; appropriate bit in the MACE LAF.
WITH MACERegs,MaceVars
Move.l A2, -(SP) ; Save used C regs
MoveA.l MaceVarPtr, A2 ; Get ptr to my vars
Bsr DoCRC ; D0-> 6 bit hash into LAF
AddQ.b #1, (LAFHashTbl,A2,D0) ; Inc. # of multi's with this hash
CmpI.b #1, (LAFHashTbl,A2,D0) ; Multiaddr hash bit already in LAF?
Bhi @bye ; yes, do nothing
Lea LogAddrFltr(A2), A0 ; A0-> copy of log. addr. filter
Cmp.b #31, D0 ; Hash > 31?
Bhi.s @b63to32 ; yes
Move.l 4(A0), D1 ; no, get LAF bits 31-0
BSet.l D0, D1 ; Is this hash bit already set?
Bne @bye ; yes, nothing to do
Move.l D1, 4(A0) ; Save modified LAF bits 31-0
Bra.s @doit
@b63to32 Sub.b #32, D0 ; Convert hash for use on LAF bits 63-32
Move.l (A0), D1 ; Get LAF bits 63-32
BSet.l D0, D1 ; Is this hash bit already set?
Bne @bye ; yes, nothing to do
Move.l D1, (A0) ; Save modified LAF bits 63-32
@doit Bsr WriteLAF ; Write the new LAF
@bye Move.l (SP)+, A2 ; Restore used C regs
; MaceDelMulti - Delete a multicast address HASH from the LAF
; Call:
; D1 = first two bytes of address
; D3 = last four bytes of address
; Return:
; none
; Computes the hash for this multicast address and decrements the LAF
; Table hash count for the given Multicast address. If new hash count = 0,
; clears appropriate bit in MACE LAF.
; Depends on caller to ensure not called for a multicast's hash that hasn't
; already been inc'd in LAFHashTbl.
WITH MACERegs,MaceVars
Move.l A2, -(SP) ; Save used C regs
MoveA.l MaceVarPtr, A2 ; Get ptr to my vars
Bsr DoCRC ; D0-> 6 bit hash into LAF
SubQ.b #1, (LAFHashTbl,A2,D0) ; Dec. # of multi's with this hash
Bne @bye ; Do nothing if hash table cnt non-zero
; Clear this bit in LAF since no other
; multiaddr's hash to this bit
Lea LogAddrFltr(A2), A0 ; A0-> copy of log. addr. filter
Cmp.b #31, D0 ; Hash > 31?
Bhi.s @b63to32 ; yes
Move.l 4(A0), D1 ; no, get LAF bits 31-0
BClr.l D0, D1 ; Clear this hash bit
Beq @huh ; if LAFHashTbl correct, D1 should
ELSE ; have D0 bit set!
Beq @bye ; do nothing hash bit already clear!
Move.l D1, 4(A0) ; Save modified LAF bits 31-0
Bra.s @doit
@b63to32 Sub.b #32, D0 ; Convert hash for use on LAF bits 63-32
Move.l (A0), D1 ; Get LAF bits 63-32
BClr.l D0, D1 ; Clear this hash bit
Beq @huh ; if LAFHashTbl correct, D1 should
ELSE ; have D0 bit set!
Beq @bye ; do nothing hash bit already clear!
Move.l D1, (A0) ; Save modified LAF bits 63-32
@doit Bsr WriteLAF ; Write the new LAF
@bye Move.l (SP)+, A2 ; Restore used C regs
@huh _Debugger ; nothing to do 'cause hash bit
Bra.s @bye ; was already clear
; PrimeXmitRS - Prime Reg Set with transmit packet info.
; Call:
; 4(SP) - xmit buffer ptr
; A2 - our vars
; Return:
; If xmit register sets are full, return CC==NE; else, CC==EQ.
; Notes:
; Called both on normal writes AND write completion (interrupt level 4)
PrimeXmitRS PROC
XmitPrm RECORD 4
XmitPtr DS.l 1 ; Transmit buffer ptr
ParmSz EQU *
addq.b #1,XmitStat(a2) ; count this packet as waiting to go out <SM20>
move.l AMICDMABase(A2),A3 ; Get AMIC DMA base addr
Move.b AMIC_DMA_XMIT_CNTL(A3), D1 ; get xmit status
BTst #DMARUN, D1 ; DMA enabled already?
Beq @noten ; No, don't reset it
@noten moveq #0, D0
Move.w ByteCount(A2), D0 ; Get DMA byte count (word)
move.w XmitRegSet(a2),d1 ; get register set
lsl #4,d1 ; * 16 for proper reg offset
IF Logging THEN
move.l #'DMA ',-(sp)
move.l #'SEND',-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp)
move.w XmitPend(a2),(sp)
bsr AddToLog
add.w #12,sp
Move.b D0, (AMIC_DMA_XMIT_CNT0L,A3,d1.w) ; Set DMA byte count (LOW)
nop ; Allow it to complete
ror.w #8,D0 ; Get HIGH count into lower byte
Move.b D0, (AMIC_DMA_XMIT_CNT0H,A3,d1.w) ; Set DMA byte count (HIGH)
nop ; Allow it to complete
@aroundone rol.w #8,D0 ; Get HIGH count back into upper byte
Move.l XmitPrm.XmitPtr(SP),a1 ; a1 - xmit buffer ptr
BTst #0,(A1) ; xmiting a multi/bcast?
MoveA.l LAPMIBStatPtr(A2), A1
Bne.s @30
AddQ.l #1, ifOutUcastPkts(A1) ; inc. non-multi/bcast cntr
Bra.s @31
@30 AddQ.l #1, ifOutNUcastPkts(A1) ; inc. multi/bcast cntr
@31 Add.l D0, ifOutOctets(A1) ; inc. sent octet cntr
Move.b #XMTDMA, AMIC_DMA_XMIT_CNTL(A3) ; Clear IF & enable xmit DMA
nop ; Allow it to complete
MoveQ #0, D0 ; Set CC's
Rts ; Return
; MaceXmit - Calls PrimeXmitRS to prime Reg Set with transmit packet info.
; If xmit register sets are full, put xmit buffer ptr on tail
; of xmit InUse queue.
; Call:
; 4(SP) - WDS ptr
; Return:
; D0 = error code; nobuff - temporarily out of xmit buffers
; eLenErr - sum of data in WDS > max. pkt size
; noErr - primed reg set with xmit pkt or put pkt
; on xmit InUse queue
; Notes:
; Called both on normal writes AND write completion (interrupt level 4). Due to
; a hardware problem in Curio (it seems), you cannot DMA another packet into
; MACE before a pending Xmit status is read, or the transmitter locks up. Hence
; the code below will return a 'nobuff' error if there is an outstanding status.
; If the part is fixed, then by modifying a constant, the code will allow 2 or more
; packets to go out before returning the error.
WDSPrm RECORD 4 ; Return address
WDSPtr DS.l 1 ; Write Data Structure ptr
ParmSz EQU *
WITH MACERegs,MaceVars
Move.l WDSPrm.WDSPtr(SP), D2 ; Get WDS ptr
movem.l A0-A4/D1-D4,-(SP) ; save non-scratch regs
MoveA.l MaceVarPtr, A2 ; Get ptr to my vars
Move SR,-(SP) ; ¥¥`Save interrupt mask level
OrI #DMALockOut, SR ; Disable DMA ints.
move.l AMICDMABase(A2),a0 ; Get AMIC DMA base addr
Move.b AMIC_DMA_XMIT_CNTL(A0),d0 ; Which reg set is available?
andi.b #(1<<SET0)+(1<<SET1),d0 ; We're only interested in these 2
Bne.s @haveBuff
_debugger ; something's really screwed...
move (sp)+,sr ; ¥¥Restore int. mask level
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a4/d1-d4 ; Restore C regs
moveq #nobuff,d0 ; Set no xmit buff available error
rts ; return to caller
; first make sure we don't have any status's pending before sending the packet.
move.b XmitStat(a2),d0 ; see how many packets outstanding
cmpi.b #MAX_STAT_PEND,d0 ; MACE can only buffer 1 status (bug)
blo.s @gotit ; 0 outstanding, send another
addq.b #1,XmitPend(a2) ; else, count pending packet
move (sp)+,sr ; ¥¥Restore int. mask level
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a4/d1-d4 ; Restore C regs
moveq #nobuff,d0 ; Set no xmit buff available error
rts ; return to caller
; Total the length and make sure it's valid
move.w #0,XmitRegSet(a2) ;
move.l TxBuffPtr0(a2),a1 ; assume DMA set 0 for now
; addq.w #1,XmitRegSet(a2) ; ¥¥ no need for the 2nd DMA channel due to MACE bug
; move.l TxBuffPtr1(a2),a1 ; use set 1
move.l a1,-(sp) ; ¥¥save buffer pointer for later
Clr.w ByteCount(A2) ; init len
Move.l D2, A4 ; A4-> WDS
MoveQ #0,D0
Move.w (A4), D0 ; get this wds entry length
Beq.s @2 ; all done
AddQ.w #6, A4 ; inc to next wds entry length
Add.w D0,ByteCount(A2) ; sum the length
Bra.s @1 ; look for more
Move.w ByteCount(A2),D1 ; get single fragment length
Sub.w #EHdrSize,D1 ; Subtract out header bytes
Cmp.w #EMaxDataSz,D1 ; Check the data's length
Bls.s @cont ; Branch if ok
; Length error, relink buffer onto free list and return error
MoveA.l (SP)+,A1 ; ¥¥Pop buff ptr
Move (SP)+,sr ; ¥¥Restore int. mask level
Movem.l (SP)+,A0-A4/D1-D4 ; Restore C regs
MoveQ #eLenErr,D0 ; Set length error
Rts ; Return it
; Copy WDS data to our Xmit buffer
@cont MoveA.l (SP),A1 ;
MoveA.l D2,A4 ; A4-> WDS
Move.w (A4)+,D0 ; last WDS entry?
Beq.s @4 ; yes, all done
MoveA.l (A4)+,A0 ; get pointer to the data
; A0->source, A1->dest, D0=len
MoveM.l A1/D0,-(SP) ; save buff ptr and len
Jsr ([MemMove,A2]) ; move the data
MoveM.l (SP)+,A1/D0
AddA.l D0, A1 ; update buff ptr
Bra.s @3 ; look for more
@4 ; (SP) -> Xmit buffer ptr pushed earlier
Jsr PrimeXmitRS
AddQ #4,sp ; ¥¥Pop buff ptr
Move (SP)+,SR ; ¥¥Restore int. mask level
Movem.l (SP)+,A0-A4/D1-D4 ; Restore C regs
MoveQ #0, D0 ; Set return code & CC's
Rts ; Return
; MaceRecv - Deferred Task Packet receive routine
; Call: a1 - our variables
; Return:
; Destroys: a0-a1,d0-d1
; Calls:
; Calls user's handler to receive packet.
; Notes:
; Installed via DMAInterrupt, called via Deferred Task Mgr.
MaceRecv PROC
IMPORT AddToLog,CopyRcvBuffer,InitStatBuf
WITH MACERegs,MaceVars,RecvBuff
WITH Dot3StatsEntry,LAPMIBStats
movem.l A2-A6/D2-D4,-(SP) ; save non-scratch regs
move.l a1,a2 ; get ptr to our globals
@ChkRecv movea.l AMICDMABase(a2),a3 ; get ptr to AMIC
move.w sr,-(sp) ; ¥¥ save sr
ori.w #DMALockOut,sr ; ¥ mask out DMA ints
; Here we check for a valid packet in the circular buffer...
moveq #0,d0
move.b AMIC_DMA_RECV_TAIL(A3),D0 ; Are there packets to process? (should be)
cmp.b AMIC_DMA_RECV_HEAD(A3),D0 ; Get the Head Ptr
bne @gotData
btst.b #6,AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(a3) ; overrun?
beq @exit
IF Logging THEN
move.b AMIC_DMA_RECV_HEAD(A3),d0
move.l #'McRv',-(sp) ; push string
move.l #'OVER',-(sp) ; push string
move.l #'RUN ',-(sp) ; push string
bsr AddToLog
add.w #12,sp
tst.l DMAPacketPtr(a2) ; did we re-enter??
bne @exit ; yes, exit for now
IF Logging THEN
move.l d0,-(sp)
swap d0
move.b AMIC_DMA_RECV_HEAD(A3),d0
move.l #'DMAr',-(sp) ; push string
move.l d0,-(sp) ; push tail/head
move.l DMABufStart(A2),a0 ; Recv buffer ptr
clr.w d0
swap d0
lsl.w #8,d0
adda.l d0,a0 ; point to start of packet
move.l (a0),-(sp) ; push status/length
bsr AddToLog
add.w #12,sp
move.l (sp)+,d0
move.l DMABufStart(A2),a0 ; Recv buffer ptr
lsl.w #8,d0 ; convert to offset
add.l d0,a0 ; a0=addr of packet
tst.b BoardFlag(a2) ; AMIC4?
bgt.s @skipStat ; yes, don't bother with the hack
tst.l (a0) ; ¥ has status been updated?
beq @exit ; ¥ no, not full packet, exit
move.l a0,DMAPacketPtr(a2) ; save ptr, flag we're in use
move.w (sp)+,sr ; ¥¥ restore interrupts
; we seem to have a complete packet, get it's status,
; copy DMA buffer to our receive buffer (if status valid),
; and call user with data
moveq #0,d1
move.w (a0),d1 ; Get Status(15-12) & Byte Cnt(11-8,7-0)
move.w d1,d2 ; want Status later
lsr.w #8,d2 ; d2.w=00ss
andi.b #$f0,d2 ; d2.w=00s0
swap d2 ; d2.l=s000
move.w 2(a0),d2 ; d2.l=s0cr (Get the Collision & Runt cnts)
swap d2 ; d2.l=crs0 (Coll,Runt,Stat,Null)
andi.w #$0fff,d1 ; remove status bits from byte cnt
bsr CopyRcvBuffer ; copy the DMA buffer into our receive buffer
btst.b #6,AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(a3) ; are we in an overrun condition?
beq.s @notOverrun
IF Logging THEN
move.b AMIC_DMA_RECV_HEAD(A3),d0
move.l #'McR2',-(sp) ; push string
move.l #'OVER',-(sp) ; push string
move.l #'RUN ',-(sp) ; push string
bsr AddToLog
add.w #12,sp
move.b #$4a,AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(a3) ; yes, clear the overrun and turn on DMA
MoveA.l LAPMIBStatPtr(A2),A5 ; pt to LAP stats
MoveA.l Dot3StatPtr(A2),A6 ; pt to DOT3 stats
; Retrieve status bytes from beginning of buffer. Each status byte is present in
; the high and low bytes of a word. There are 4 status bytes, so there are 8 bytes
; of status.
Add.l d1,ifInOctets(a5)
Btst #RcvOFLO,d2 ; Overflow Error?
Beq.s @s1
AddQ.l #1,dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors(a6)
Bra.s @s4 ;
@s1 AndI.b #(1<<RcvCLSN)+(1<<RcvFRAM)+\
(1<<RcvFCS),d2 ; Receive Status Error?
Beq.s @s4 ; Note: only lower status/len byte trashed
AddQ.l #1,ifInErrors(a5)
Btst #RcvFCS,d2 ; FCS Error?
Beq.s @s2
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsFCSErrors(A6)
@s2 Btst #RcvFRAM, d2 ; Framing Error?
Beq.s @s3
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsAlignmentErrors(A6)
@s3 Btst #RcvCLSN, d2 ; Collsion Error?
Beq.s @s4
AddQ.l #1, COLLCnt(A2) ; Yes
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsLateCollisions(A6) ; xmit & recv cntr
; Call user's receive routine
move.w sr,-(sp) ; ¥¥ save sr
movem.l a2-a3/d1-d2,-(sp) ; ¥¥ save non-scratch regs
lea RcvBuffer(a2),a0 ; get ptr to our receive buffer
Pea Packet(a0) ; Pass recv packet ptr
Move.l d2,-(sp) ; pass recv packet status word
move.l d1,-(sp) ; pass recv packet length
Move.l RcvParm(a2),-(sp) ; Pass user's rcv rtn parm
MoveA.l RcvRtn(a2),a0 ; User's rcv rtn
Jsr (a0) ; Call user's rcv rtn
Add #RcvParms.ParmsSz,sp ; strip parms
movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3/d1-d2 ; ¥¥ restore non-scratch regs
ori.w #DMALockOut,sr ; ¥ mask interrupts
clr.l DMAPacketPtr(a2) ; local buffer not in use now
; Now see if length valid by checking error status (bits 4-7)
; If invalid, we must reset the receiver and receive DMA channels,
; since the length might be incorrect. If the HeadPtr (hardware bug)
; didn't move during a packet, we wouldn't have to to this.
tst.b d2 ; status bits zero?
beq.s @rcvPcktLoop ; length correct, check for another packet
move.l MACEBase(a2),a1 ; Base address of Mace
move.b #(1<<ENXMT)+(0<<ENRCV),\
MACE_MAC_CNFG(a1) ; disable receiver
move.b #(1<<DMARST),AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(a3) ; turn off receive DMA
move.b #TFW16+RFW64+(1<<RCVFWR),\ ; reset MACE's receive fifo
tst.b BoardFlag(a2) ; AMIC4?
bgt.s @skipStatInit ; yes, don't bother with the hack
bsr InitStatBuf ; init status/length words in DMA buff
move.b #RCVMSK, AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(A3) ; Clear IF & enable recv DMA
move.b #(1<<ENXMT)+(1<<ENRCV),\
MACE_MAC_CNFG(a1) ; re-enable receiver
@exit bclr #0,DeferFlag(a2) ; deferred task complete
move.w (sp)+,sr ; ¥¥ restore interrupts
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d4/a2-a6 ; ¥¥ restore registers
; MaceInterrupt - Process interrupts from MACE
; Calls: none
; Notes: Mace interrupts at Level 3
; Primary function is to read the MACE transmit status upon receipt of the
; Transmit Completion interrupt. Also, reads and processes interrupts for
; error conditions.
MaceInterrupt PROC
WITH MACERegs,MaceVars,Dot3StatsEntry,LAPMIBStats
MoveA.l MaceVarPtr,A1 ; Get ptr to my vars
@more Move.l MACEBase(A1), A0 ; Base address of Mace
Move.b MACE_INT(A0), D0 ; Get Mace Interrupt Status
AndI.b #~OurIntsMask, D0 ; Process only the ones we want
Bne @goOn ; no ints we care about, leave
rts ; Return from MaceInterrupt
@goOn MoveA.l LAPMIBStatPtr(A1), A2
MoveA.l Dot3StatPtr(A1), A3
; Process Transmit Completion Interrupt
BTst #XMTINT, D0 ; Xmit done int?
Beq @rcvco ; no, check for err int.
; Read Mace Transmit Status
MoveQ #0, D1
Move.b MACE_TX_RETRY_CNT(A0), D1 ; Read Xmit Retry Count
Add.l D1, XmtRTRYCnt(A1)
Move.b MACE_TX_FRM_STAT(A0), D1 ; Read Xmit Frame Status
tst.b XmitStat(a1) ; make sure there's an outstanding frame <SM24>
beq.s @skipCnt ; no, don't count it <SM24>
subq.b #1,XmitStat(a1) ; else, count this frame status as read
IF Logging THEN
move.l #'MACE',-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp) ; log interrupt reg
move.b d1,1(sp) ; and frame status
move.l XmitPend(a1),-(sp)
move.b MACE_FIFO_FRM_CNT(A0),2(sp) ; and frame counts
bsr AddToLog
add.w #12,sp
BTst #XMTSV, D1 ; Is status valid?
Bne.s @10 ; yes, continue
AddQ.l #1, XmtStatINV(A1)
Bra @xmit
@10 Move.b D1, -(SP) ; save D1
AndI.b #(1<<UFLO)+(1<<LCOL)+(1<<RTRY), D1
Beq.s @1
AddQ.l #1, ifOutErrors(A2)
@1 Move.b (SP)+, D1 ; restore D1
beq.s @xmit ; There's no other status
BTst #UFLO, D1 ; Underflow?
Beq.s @2 ; no
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors(A3)
@2 BTst #LCOL, D1 ; Late Collision?
Beq.s @3 ; no
AddQ.l #1, XmtLCOL(A1)
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsLateCollisions(A3)
@3 BTst #LCAR, D1 ; Loss of Carrier?
Beq.s @4 ; no
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors(A3)
@4 BTst #DEFER, D1 ; deferred?
Beq.s @5 ; no
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions(A3)
@5 BTst #RTRY, D1 ; 15 retries?
Beq.s @6 ; no
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions(A3)
Bra.s @xmit ; Chk err since remaining
; bits can't be set
@6 BTst #MORE, D1 ; More than 1 retry?
Beq.s @7 ; no
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames(A3)
Bra.s @xmit ; Chk err since remaining
; bits can't be set
@7 BTst #ONE, D1 ; Exactly 1 retry?
Beq.s @xmit ; no
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames(A3)
@xmit movem.l d0-d1/a1-a3,-(sp)
move.w sr,-(sp) ; ¥¥
Move.l XmtDnRtn(a1),d0
Beq.s @8 ; no xmit completion rtn
Move.l XmtDnParm(a1),-(sp) ; Push user parm
MoveA.l d0,a0
move.b XmitPend(a1),d0 ; pass our 'xmit waiting' flag
beq.s @7a
subq.b #1,XmitPend(a1)
@7a Jsr (a0) ; Call user xmit completion rtn
addq #4,sp ; Strip parms
@8 move.w (sp)+,sr ; ¥¥
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a1-a3
; Process Error Interrupts
BTst #RCVCO, D0 ; Recv Collision Overflow count interrupt?
; Indicates RCV coll cntr rolled over from 255->0
Beq.s @mpci ; no
AddQ.l #1, RCVCOCnt(A1)
@mpci BTst #MPCO, D0 ; Missed packet count interrupt? This int.
; indicates MPC reg. rolled over from 255->0
Beq.s @cerr ; no
AddQ.l #1, MPCOCnt(A1)
Add.l #256, ifInErrors(A2)
@cerr BTst #CERR, D0 ; Collision error interrupt?
Beq.s @babl ; no
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsSQETestErrors(A3)
AddQ.l #1, ifOutErrors(A2)
@babl BTst #BABL, D0 ; Babble error interrupt?
Beq.s @chkAgain ; no
AddQ.l #1, dot3StatsFrameTooLongs(A3)
AddQ.l #1, ifOutErrors(A2)
@chkAgain bra @more
; Routine: CopyRcvBuffer
; Inputs: d1 - packet length
; d2 - packet status
; a0 - ptr to start of packet in DMA buffer
; a2 - globals
; a2 - AMIC base
; Outputs: RcvBuffer - contains the received packet
; Destroys: a1,d3
; Calls:
; Function: Copyies the packet in DMA buffer to our receive buffer, bumping
; the tail pointer as we go.
WITH MACERegs,MaceVars
move.l d1,-(sp) ; save length
tst.b d2 ; check status, is length valid?
bne.s @copyExit
add.w #$00ff+8,d1 ; compute the rounded up length in pages
andi.w #$ff00,d1
lsr.w #8,d1 ; # of pages (256 bytes)
subq.w #1,d1 ; adjust for dbra
blt.s @copyExit
moveq #0,d3
move.b AMIC_DMA_RECV_TAIL(a3),d3 ; get tail ptr
move.l DMAPacketPtr(a2),a0 ; get buf ptr
lea RcvBuffer(a2),a1 ; get ptr to our receive buffer
@clrLoop move.l #$0100,d0
_BlockMove ; copy next page to user buffer
add.w #$0100,a1 ; point to next page
clr.l (a0) ; clear out it's length/status ¥¥hardware fix
add.w #$0100,a0 ; point to next status
addq.b #1,d3 ; bump tail ptr
cmpi.b #$c0,d3 ; at end of buffer?
blo.s @update ; no, continue
moveq #0,d3 ; yes, reset to starting page
move.l DMABufStart(a2),a0 ; wrap length/status ptr to start
@update move.b d3,AMIC_DMA_RECV_TAIL(a3) ; update tail ptr
cmp.b AMIC_DMA_RECV_HEAD(a3),d3 ; have we caught up with head (bad length)?
dbeq d1,@clrLoop ; and repeat for next page
@copyExit move.l (sp)+,d1
; DMAIntHandler - Process DMA Interrupt from AMIC
; Call: A1 - our variables (reference constant from dispatcher)
; Regs: A2 - our variables
; A3 - Receive or Transmit DMA Channel base address
; D4.B - Register Set offset, 0 or $10
; Calls: PrimeRecv - reprime a Recv DMA reg set
; MaceXmitDone - read Xmit status and reprime Xmit DMA regs if needed
; RePrime Receive and Transmit Register Sets. Install Deferred Task to
; process Received Packets and Transmit Completions.
DMAIntHandler PROC
IMPORT AddToLog,InitStatBuf,CopyRcvBuffer
WITH MACERegs,MaceVars
Move.l D4, -(SP) ; Save non-interrupt regs used
Move.l A1,A2 ; A2 -> our variables
; Check for packet in Receive DMA Channel
ChkRecv MoveA.l AMICDMABase(a2),a3
Move.b AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(a3),d0 ; Get receive status, int pending?
bpl @ChkXmitDone ; no, check xmit channel
btst #6,d0 ; is this an overrun?
beq.s @notOVRN ; no, continue
IF Logging THEN
move.b AMIC_DMA_RECV_HEAD(A3),d0
move.l #'RECV',-(sp) ; push string
move.l #'OVER',-(sp) ; push string
move.l #'RUN ',-(sp) ; push string
bsr AddToLog
add.w #12,sp
Move.b #$80, AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(A3) ; Clear the interrupt
bra.s @2
@notOVRN Move.b #RCVMSK, AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(A3) ; Clear the interrupt and turn on DMA
IF Logging THEN
move.b AMIC_DMA_RECV_HEAD(A3),d0
move.l #'DMAr',-(sp) ; push string
move.l #'Int ',-(sp) ; push string
move.l DeferFlag(a2),-(sp)
bsr AddToLog
add.w #12,sp
bset #0,DeferFlag(a2) ; we're installing deferred task
bne.s @ChkXmitDone ; skip if already installed
lea DTQE(a2),a0 ; A0->deferred task queue element
movea.l JDTInstall,a1
jsr (a1) ; install deferred task
move.l a2,a1 ; a1 = globals for deferred tasks
bsr MaceRecv
; Check for Transmit Completion Interrupt
move.b AMIC_DMA_XMIT_CNTL(a3),d0 ; AMIC xmit control/status
bpl @doneAMICInt ; exit if no xmit DMA int
IF Logging THEN
move.l #'DMA ',-(sp)
move.l #'DONE',-(sp)
move.l d0,-(sp)
bsr AddToLog
add.w #12,sp
Move.b #XMTMSK, AMIC_DMA_XMIT_CNTL(A3) ; clear the interrupt
Move.l (SP)+, D4
rts ; Return from DMAInterrupt
; MaceInit - Get var and DMA memory, then initialize DMA Register Sets and
; MACE chip
; Call: following record on stack:
; MACEInitParms RECORD 0
; RecvRtn DS.l 1 ; address of Ethernet receive routine
; RecvPrms DS.l 1 ; parms to pass @ receive
; XmitRtn DS.l 1 ; address of Ethernet xmit complete routine
; XmitPrms DS.l 1 ; parms to pass @ xmit complete
; MACECfgPtr DS.l 1 ; ptr to MACE config record
; Dot3NetStats DS.l 1 ; ptr to 802.3 statistics array
; LAPMIBNetStats DS.l 1 ; ptr to LAP MIB statistics array
; EnetAddr DS.l 1 ; ptr to ethernet address
; FastMoveRtn DS.l 1 ; ->proc to move memory FAST
; IPSize EQU *
; Return:
; D0 = openErr (-23) or mFulErr (-41)
parms RECORD {A6Link}
LocalSize EQU *
A6Link DS.l 2 ; link and return address
initp DS MACEInitParms ; parameters passed to us
IMPORT TranslateAddress, GetMemory, FreeMemory, AddToLog, InitStatBuf
WITH parms,initp,MACERegs,MaceVars
Link A6,#LocalSize ; Save A6
MoveM.l A2-A4/D3-D5,-(SP) ; Save regs
Move.l #MaceVarSz, -(SP) ; requested memory size
Move #0, -(SP) ; do NOT want memory locked,
; contiguous, and non-cacheable
Lea GetMemory, A0
Jsr (A0) ; get memory in D0
AddQ #6, SP ; pop parms
Blt @InitError ; bra if CC indicate error
Lea MaceVarPtr, A3
Move.l A0, (A3) ; Save ptr to my vars
MoveA.l A0, A2
clr.b BoardFlag(a2) ; init to AMIC1-3
move.w sr,-(sp) ;¥¥
ori.w #$0700,sr ; mask ints during this
lea $50f14010,a0
move.b (a0),d1
move.b d1,-(sp) ;¥¥ read AMIC, save old value
btst.l #3,d1 ; check bit 3
bne.s @amic4 ; if set, must be amic4
ori.b #(1<<3),d1 ; clear, get set mask
move.b d1,(a0) ; try setting bit 3
btst.b #3,(a0) ; did it set?
beq.s @hwChkDone ; no, must be AMIC1-3
@amic4 addq.b #1,BoardFlag(a2) ; yes, 01=AMIC4
@hwChkDone move.b (sp)+,(a0) ; ¥¥ restore AMIC
move.w (sp)+,sr ; ¥¥ restore SR
IF Logging THEN
lea LogStart(a2),a0
move.l a0,LogPtr(a2)
lea LogEnd(a2),a0
move.l a0,LogEndPtr(a2)
move.l #'STRT',-(sp)
move.l #'ENET',-(sp)
clr.l -(sp)
bsr AddToLog
add.w #12,sp
Move.l UnivInfoPtr, A0 ; get ptr to ProductInfo
Add.l ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A0), A0 ; point to the base address table
Move.l DecoderInfo.MACEAddr(A0), MACEBase(A2) ; Save the MACE base address
Move.l DecoderInfo.AMICAddr(A0), AMICDMABase(A2) ; Save the AMIC base address
Move.l RecvRtn(A6), RcvRtn(A2) ; save addr of recv rtn
Move.l RecvPrms(A6), RcvParm(A2) ; save parm for recv rtn
Move.l XmitRtn(A6), XmtDnRtn(A2) ; save addr of xmit compl rtn
Move.l XmitPrms(A6), XmtDnParm(A2) ; save parm for xmit compl rtn
Move.l Dot3NetStats(A6), Dot3StatPtr(A2)
Move.l LAPMIBNetStats(A6), LAPMIBStatPtr(A2)
Move.l EnetAddr(A6), OurAddrPtr(A2) ; save ptr to our Ethernet address
Move.l FastMoveRtn(A6), MemMove(A2) ; save addr of fast mem move rtn
; Get the buffer addresses from the AMIC base address register + offsets
lea $61000000,a1 ; Get the buffer base address
Move.l a1,DMABufStart(A2) ; Set Recv buffer pointer
adda.l #XMIT_BUFF0,a1 ; D0 = Recv ptr + xmit buff offset
Move.l a1,TxBuffPtr0(A2) ; Set 1st Xmit buffer pointer
adda.w #2048,a1
Move.l a1,TxBuffPtr1(A2) ; Set 2nd Xmit buffer pointer
tst.b BoardFlag(a2) ; AMIC4?
bgt.s @skipStat ; yes, don't bother with the hack
bsr InitStatBuf ; ¥¥ hack to init status words at each page boundary
; Install MACE Recv DMA channel Deferred Task, called by MACE_RECVhndlr
Move.w #dtQType, DTQE+qType(A2) ; Set Deferred Task queue type
Lea MaceRecv,A1
Move.l A1, DTQE+dtAddr(A2) ; Set address of DT, called by slot int. hndlr.
Move.l A2, DTQE+dtParm(A2) ; Set variable pointer to MACE vars
; MACE Chip initialization
MoveA.l MACEBase(A2), A0 ; A0-> base address of Mace regs
Bsr ResetMACE ; Reset MACE chip and AMIC DMA chnls
Move.b #(1<<RTRD), MACE_USER_TEST_REG(A0) ; Disable access to Reserved Test Regs
Move.b #MaceIntMask, MACE_INT_MSK(A0) ; Disable all ints.
Move.b #XMTS64, MACE_BIU_CNFG(A0) ; Xmit start after 64 bytes, Intel Bus Mode
Move.b #(1<<APADXMT), MACE_TX_FRM_CNTRL(A0) ; ¥¥¥Xmit Control ->
; Enable Retry, FCS, Auto Padding
Move.b #$00, MACE_RX_FRM_CNTRL(A0) ; ¥¥¥Recv Control ->
; Disable Auto Pad Stripping
; Set up FIFOs' configuration
Move.b #TFW16+(1<<XMTFWR)+RFW64+(1<<RCVFWR),\ ; ¥¥¥
Move.b #0, MACE_PLS_CNFG(A0) ; Set up for normal transmit
Lsl #8, D0
Move D0, MACEChipID(A2)
CmpI #MACERevA2, MACEChipID(A2) ;???? temp code to check MACE chip id
Beq.s @skip1 ; MACE in Rev B0 Curio has new bit in IAC!
Move.b #(1<<ADDRCHG), MACE_ADDR_CNFG(A0) ; Set address change bit
nop ; Allow it to complete
@wait1 Move.b MACE_ADDR_CNFG(A0), D0 ; wait for MACE to clear it
Bne.s @wait1
Move.b #(1<<PHYADDR), MACE_ADDR_CNFG(A0) ; Select physical address
nop ; Allow it to complete
Lea MACE_PHY_ADDR(A0), A0 ; A0-> Mace Phy Address Reg
MoveA.l OurAddrPtr(A2), A1 ; A1-> Our node address
Move.b (A1)+, (A0) ; Move addr byte0 to Mace reg
nop ; Allow it to complete
Move.b (A1)+, (A0) ; Move addr byte1 to Mace reg
nop ; Allow it to complete
Move.b (A1)+, (A0) ; Move addr byte2 to Mace reg
nop ; Allow it to complete
Move.b (A1)+, (A0) ; Move addr byte3 to Mace reg
nop ; Allow it to complete
Move.b (A1)+, (A0) ; Move addr byte4 to Mace reg
nop ; Allow it to complete
Move.b (A1), (A0) ; Move addr byte5 to Mace reg
nop ; Allow it to complete
MoveA.l MACEBase(A2), A0 ; Get back base address of Mace regs
CmpI #MACERevA2, MACEChipID(A2) ;???? temp code to check MACE chip id
Beq.s @skip2 ; MACE in Rev B0 Curio has new bit in IAC!
Move.b #(1<<ADDRCHG), MACE_ADDR_CNFG(A0) ; Set address change bit
nop ; Allow it to complete
@wait2 Move.b MACE_ADDR_CNFG(A0), D0 ; wait for MACE to clear it
Bne.s @wait2
Move.b #(1<<LOGADDR), MACE_ADDR_CNFG(A0) ; Select logical address
nop ; Allow it to complete
Lea MACE_LOG_ADDR(A0), A1 ; A1-> Mace Phy Address Reg
MoveQ #7, D0
@laf Move.b #0, (A1) ; CLEAR all bits in Log Addr Filter
nop ; Allow it to complete
DBra D0, @laf
MoveA.l AMICDMABase(A2), A3 ; Get the AMIC base address
Move.b #(1<<DMAIF), AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(A3) ; Clear recv DMA IF, disable DMA
nop ; Allow it to complete
; Install MACE Recv DMA channel Deferred Task, called by MACE_RECVhndlr
Move.w #dtQType, DTQE+qType(A2) ; Set Deferred Task queue type
Lea MaceRecv, A1
Move.l A1, DTQE+dtAddr(A2) ; Set address of DT, called by slot int. hndlr.
Move.l A2, DTQE+dtParm(A2) ; Set variable pointer to MACE vars
; Initialize Recv & Xmit DMA Channel Control Registers
MoveA.l AMICDMABase(A2), A3 ; <!>Get the AMIC base address
Move.b #XMTMSK, AMIC_DMA_XMIT_CNTL(A3) ; Clear IF to be safe
nop ; Allow it to complete
Move.b #RCVMSK, AMIC_DMA_RECV_CNTL(A3) ; Clear IF & enable recv DMA
nop ; Allow it to complete
; Be sure the Tail Pointer starts out a 0
Move.b #0, AMIC_DMA_RECV_TAIL(A3) ; Start at the beginning
nop ; Allow it to complete
; Install Enet interrupt handlers
with ExpandMemRec, DMADispGlobals
movea.l ([ExpandMem],emDMADispatchGlobals), A0
; Install MACE (level 3) interrupt handler
lea MaceInterrupt, A1
move.l A1, maceVector(A0) ; register the handler in its designated entry
; Install AMIC DMA (level 4) interrupt handlers
lea DMAIntHandler, A1
moveq #hwAmicETX, D0
move.l A1, ddVector0(A0,D0.l*8) ; register transmit DMA handler
move.l A2, ddRefCon0(A0,D0.l*8) ; register globals pointer as reference constant
moveq #hwAmicERX, D0
move.l A1, ddVector0(A0,D0.l*8) ; register receive DMA handler
move.l A2, ddRefCon0(A0,D0.l*8) ; register globals pointer as reference constant
; Enable MACE
Move.l MACEBase(A2), A0 ; Base address of Mace
Move.b #(1<<ENXMT)+(1<<ENRCV),\
MACE_MAC_CNFG(A0) ; Enable xmit and recv
Move.b #OurIntsMask, MACE_INT_MSK(A0) ; Enable ints. we care about
MoveQ #0, D0
Bra.s @60
; Init error - clear out variable pointer for next try
Move D0,D3 ; Save error code
Bsr FreeMACEMem ; Free, and unlock if needed, all mem blks
Move D3,D0
CmpI #-1,D0 ; Translate generic error
Bne.s @60
MoveQ #openErr,D0
Tst D0
MoveM.l (SP)+, A2-A4/D3-D5 ; Restore regs
Unlk A6
Rts ; Return with error
; Fuctions: InitStatBuf
; Inputs: a2 - ptr to globals
; Destroys: d0,a0
; Return:
WITH MaceVars
Move.l DMABufStart(a2),a0 ; Set Recv buffer pointer
move.w #$c0-1,d0
@clrLp clr.l (a0) ; clear length/status ¥¥hardware fix
add.w #$0100,a0 ; point to next possible status field
dbra d0,@clrLp
IF Logging THEN
; Fuctions: AddToLog
; Inputs: a2 - ptr to globals
; 4-16(sp) - params to log
; Return:
WITH MaceVars
movem.l a0-a1,-(sp) ; save regs
move.w sr,-(sp)
ori.w #$0700,sr
Lea MaceVarPtr, a1
move.l (a1),a1
move.l LogPtr(a1),a0 ; get current ptr into log buffer
move.l 22(sp),(a0)+ ; log user data
move.l 18(sp),(a0)+
move.l 14(sp),(a0)+
move.l Ticks,-(sp) ; and time stamp
move.w 4(sp),(sp) ; and saved SR
move.l (sp)+,(a0)+ ; stuff them
cmpa.l LogEndPtr(a1),a0 ; are we at end?
blo.s @ok
lea LogStart(a1),a0
@ok move.l a0,LogPtr(a1) ; update log ptr
move.w (sp)+,sr
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a1