Elliot Nunn 5b0f0cc134 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-12-26 10:02:57 +08:00

1628 lines
33 KiB

File: ATIDrvrImp.c
Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
Copyright: © 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<1> 11/5/93 fau first checked in
<1> 10/27/93 fau first checked in
<1> 10/19/93 fau first checked in
*Name: ATIDrvrImp
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/17/92
*Purpose: Contains the implementations of the Quadra video driver routines.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Exports: DoGetPages - Returns the number of video pages.
* DoGrayCLUT
* DoCheckMode
* DoGetMode
* DoGetEntries
* DoGetBaseAddr
* DoGetGray
* DoGetInterrupt
* DoGetGamma
* DoGetDefaultMode
* DoVideoReset
* DoSetEntries
* DoSetVideoMode
* DoSetGamma
* DoGrayPage
* DoSetGray
* DoSetInterrupt
* DoDirectSetEntries
* DoSetDefaultMode
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
* Includes
#include <Types.h>
#include <Video.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <Slots.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include "NubEqu.h"
#include "ATIStdTypes.h"
#include "ATI.h"
#include "ATIDrvr.h"
#include "ATIVideo.h"
* Imported Variables
* Imported Procedures
extern UInt8 MonitorIDToSpID(UInt8 monitorId);
extern Ptr FindVideoTimingStruct(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 theSlot);
extern Ptr GetTimingSBlock(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 timingSelector, UInt8 ourSlot);
extern void PruneMonitors(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 theSlot);
extern UInt16 od(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 theSlot);
extern UInt16 GetNumLines(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 theSlot);
extern UInt16 GetBitDepth(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 theSlot);
extern void DoProgramDAC(ColorSpecPtr ctPtr, UInt16 numEntries, UInt16 start, Boolean indexMode);
extern void DoProgramDACGamma(GammaTablePtr gammaPtr);
extern void DoBuildLinearRamp (ColorSpecPtr ctPtr);
extern void DoGammaCorrectCLUT(UInt16 numEntries, ColorSpecPtr orgCLUTPtr,
ColorSpecPtr corrCLUTPtr,GammaTablePtr gammaPtr);
extern void DoEnableVideo(UInt32 theSlot);
extern void DoDisableVideo(UInt32 theSlot);
extern void DoProgramTiming (UInt32 slotNum, Ptr baseAddr, UInt8 monitorID,
UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 ourSlot, UInt16 rowBytes,
Boolean enableInterrupts);
* Local Typedefs and Defines
* Exported Variables
* Exported Procedures
* Local Variables
* Beginning of Procedure Definitions
*Name: DoGrayCLUT
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 4/14/92
*Purpose: Fills the CLUT with a gray color.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
void DoGrayCLUT ()
UInt32 i;
UInt8 *clutAddrReg = 0;
UInt8 *clutData;
// UInt8 dummy;
unsigned long data;
// DebugStr("\pDoGrayCLUT");
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12) | 4);
*(unsigned char *)(0xF2C00000) = 0x3;
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12));
data = LByteSwap(*(unsigned long *)0xF2C00000); // Get Vendor ID
if ( data == (0x1002 | (0x4158 << 16)) ) { // look for ATI
clutAddrReg = (UInt8 *) kDAC_W_INDEX;
clutData = (UInt8 *) kDAC_DATA; // Point to data register
*clutAddrReg = 0; // Point to first entry
WaitForVBL(); // Wait for blanking
for ( i = 0; i < kNumCLUTEntries; i++ ) {
*clutData = kGrayCLUTValue;
*clutData = kGrayCLUTValue;
*clutData = kGrayCLUTValue;
else {
// if ( data == (0x100E | (0x9001 << 16)) ) { // look for Diamond
clutAddrReg = (UInt8 *)(0xF20003C8); // kRamWrite
clutData = (UInt8 *)(0xF20003C9); // kPaletteData
*clutAddrReg = 0; // Point to first entry
WaitForVBL(); // Wait for blanking
for ( i = 0; i < kNumCLUTEntries; i++ ) {
*clutData = (unsigned char)i;
*clutData = (unsigned char)i;
*clutData = (unsigned char)i;
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12) | 4);
*(unsigned char *)(0xF2C00000) = 0x2;
} /* End of DoGrayCLUT */
*Name: DoCheckMode
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 4/14/92
*Purpose: Returns true if the specified video mode is a valid video mode.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
* 8/28/93 George W. Only one mode for now.
Boolean DoCheckMode (short theVideoMode)
// DebugStr("\pDoCheckMode");
if (theVideoMode == kFirstVideoMode) {
} else {
} /* End of DoCheckMode */
*Name: DoGetPages
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/17/92
*Purpose: Returns the number of video pages.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoGetPages(VDPgInfoPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
#pragma unused(dce)
// DebugStr("\pDoGetPages");
pgPtr->csPage = kNumPages;
} /* End of DoGetPages */
*Name: DoGetMode
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/17/92
*Purpose: Returns the video page, baseAddr, and mode.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
* 9/9/92 George W. Return wrong base address.
OSErr DoGetMode(VDPgInfoPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
globalsPtr g;
// DebugStr("\pDoGetMode");
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
pgPtr->csPage = g->gCurrentPage;
pgPtr->csMode = g->gCurrentMode;
// pgPtr->csBaseAddr = g->gFBBaseAddr;
pgPtr->csBaseAddr = g->gBaseAddr;
} /* End of DoGetMode */
*Name: DoGetEntries
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/17/92
*Purpose: Returns the CLUT entries.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
*Note: If gamma correction is enabled the values returned may not be
* the same as the values passed to SetEntries.
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoGetEntries(VDSetEntryPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
UInt16 numEntries;
UInt8 *clutData;
UInt8 *clutAddrReg = 0;
UInt32 red, green, blue;
short i;
short startEntry;
ColorSpecPtr cpPtr;
// UInt8 dummy;
globalsPtr g;
unsigned long data;
// DebugStr("\pDoGetEntries");
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12) | 4);
*(unsigned char *)(0xF2C00000) = 0x3;
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12));
data = LByteSwap(*(unsigned long *)0xf2c00000); // Get Vendor ID
if ( pgPtr->csTable == nil ) {
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
switch ( g->gCurrentMode ) {
case kFirstVideoMode: numEntries = k8bppEntries; break;
case kSecondVideoMode: numEntries = k2bppEntries; break;
case kThirdVideoMode: numEntries = k4bppEntries; break;
case kFourthVideoMode: numEntries = k8bppEntries; break;
case kFifthVideoMode: numEntries = k16bppEntries; break;
if ( pgPtr->csCount > numEntries ) return(statusErr);
cpPtr = pgPtr->csTable;
numEntries = pgPtr->csCount + 1;
if ( data == (0x1002 | (0x4158 << 16)) ) { // look for ATI
clutAddrReg = (UInt8 *) kDAC_R_INDEX;
clutData = (UInt8 *) kDAC_DATA;
else {
// if ( data == (0x100E | (0x9001 << 16)) ) { // look for Diamond
clutAddrReg = (UInt8 *)(0xF20003C7); // kRamRead
clutData = (UInt8 *)(0xF20003C9); // kPaletteData
if (!clutAddrReg){
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12) | 4);
*(unsigned char *)(0xF2C00000) = 0x2;
if ( pgPtr->csStart == -1 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) {
*clutAddrReg = pgPtr->csTable[i].value;
red = *clutData; PerformPCIHack();
green = *clutData; PerformPCIHack();
blue = *clutData; PerformPCIHack();
cpPtr[i] = red;
cpPtr[i] = green;
cpPtr[i] = blue;
if ( pgPtr->csStart >= 0 ) {
startEntry = pgPtr->csStart;
*clutAddrReg = startEntry;
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) {
red = *clutData; PerformPCIHack();
green = *clutData; PerformPCIHack();
blue = *clutData; PerformPCIHack();
cpPtr[i] = red;
cpPtr[i] = green;
cpPtr[i] = blue;
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12) | 4);
*(unsigned char *)(0xF2C00000) = 0x2;
} /* End of DoGetEntries */
*Name: DoGetBaseAddr
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/17/92
*Purpose: Returns the base address of the frame buffer.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoGetBaseAddr(VDPgInfoPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
globalsPtr g;
// DebugStr("\pDoGetBaseAddr");
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
pgPtr->csBaseAddr = nil; // Default is no page address
if ( pgPtr->csPage == kOurVidPage ) { // If they ask for our only page
// pgPtr->csBaseAddr = g->gFBBaseAddr;
pgPtr->csBaseAddr = g->gBaseAddr;
return(noErr); // Everything ok
return(statusErr); // Return error indicating unsupported page
} /* End of DoGetBaseAddr */
*Name: DoGetGray
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/17/92
*Purpose: Returns whether the driver is in color mode or grayscale mode.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoGetGray(VDGrayPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
globalsPtr g;
// DebugStr("\pDoGetGray");
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
if ( g->gLuminanceMode ) {
pgPtr->csMode = 1;
} else {
pgPtr->csMode = 0;
} /* End of DoGetGray */
*Name: DoGetInterrupt
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/17/92
*Purpose: Returns the status of VBL interrupts enabled.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoGetInterrupt(VDPgInfoPtr flgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
globalsPtr g;
// DebugStr("\pDoGetInterrupt");
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
if ( g->gInterruptsEnabled ) {
flgPtr->csMode = kVBLInterruptEnabled;
} else {
flgPtr->csMode = kVBLInterruptDisabled;
} /* End of DoGetInterrupt */
*Name: DoGetGamma
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/17/92
*Purpose: Returns a pointer to the current gamma table.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoGetGamma(VDGamRecPtr gPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
globalsPtr g;
// DebugStr("\pDoGetGamma");
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
gPtr->csGTable = nil; // Default is no gamma table
if ( g->gGammaPtr ) { // If a table exists
gPtr->csGTable = (Ptr) (g->gGammaPtr); // Return a the tables pointer
} /* End of DoGetGamma */
*Name: DoGetDefaultMode
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/17/92
*Purpose: Returns the current default value of a video sResource's spID entry.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoGetDefaultMode(VDDefModePtr dfPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
#pragma unused(dce)
globalsPtr g;
SpBlock spPb;
OSErr err;
// DebugStr("\pDoGetDefaultMode");
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
spPb.spSlot = g->gSlotNum;
spPb.spResult = &sPRAM;
err = SReadPRAMRec(&spPb);
if ( err == noErr ) { // Did we get our PRAM?
dfPtr->csID = sPRAM.vendorUse4;
} /* End of DoGetDefaultMode */
// Driver Control routines
*Name: DoVideoReset
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/30/92
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoVideoReset(VDPgInfoPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
#pragma unused(pgPtr)
#pragma unused(dce)
// DebugStr("\pDoVideoReset");
} /* End of DoVideoReset */
*Name: DoSetVideoMode
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/30/92
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
DoSetVideoMode(VDPgInfoPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
globalsPtr g;
// DebugStr("\pDoSetVideoMode");
if ( !DoCheckMode(pgPtr->csMode) ) return(controlErr);
if ( pgPtr->csPage != kOurVidPage ) return(controlErr);
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
g->gCurrentMode = pgPtr->csMode; // Remember new video mode
if ( g->gCurrentMode == kFirstVideoMode ) {
g->gDirectMode = false;
} else {
g->gDirectMode = true;
g->gRowBytes = GetRowBytes(g->gMonitorID,g->gCurrentMode,g->gSlotNum);
// pgPtr->csBaseAddr = g->gFBBaseAddr; // Always return base address
pgPtr->csBaseAddr = g->gBaseAddr; // Always return base address
DoGrayCLUT(); // Fill the CLUT with all gray
// IOWordWrite(kEXT_GE_CONFIG,0x4010);
// DoProgramTiming(g->gBigSlotNum,(Ptr) kBaseAddress,
// g->gMonitorID,g->gCurrentMode,g->gSlotNum,
// g->gRowBytes,g->gInterruptsEnabled);
// DoEnableVideo(g->gBigSlotNum);
} /* End of DoSetVideoMode */
*Name: DoSetEntries
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/30/92
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
* 9/21/92 George W. Shift lum for grays bug fix.
OSErr DoSetEntries(VDSetEntryPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
volatile UInt8 *clutData;
volatile UInt8 *clutAddrReg = 0;
// char *redGammaPtr;
// char *greenGammaPtr;
// char *blueGammaPtr;
// GammaTablePtr gammaPtr;
short i;
// short j,index;
UInt32 red,green,blue;
UInt32 lum;
ColorSpecPtr cpPtr;
// volatile UInt8 dummy;
ColorSpec tmpCTable[256];
UInt16 start;
globalsPtr g;
short numEntries;
unsigned long data;
// DebugStr("\pDoSetEntries");
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12) | 4);
*(unsigned char *)(0xF2C00000) = 0x3;
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
if ( g->gDirectMode ) return(controlErr); // Only supported in index modes
if ( pgPtr->csTable == nil ) return(controlErr);
start = pgPtr->csStart;
cpPtr = pgPtr->csTable;
numEntries = pgPtr->csCount + 1; // Get the number of entries passed
if (start > 255) {
return controlErr;
if (start + numEntries > 256) {
numEntries = 256 - start;
if ( g->gLuminanceMode ) { // Create a gray ramp out of entries
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) { // Look at each entry to create ramp
red = cpPtr[i] * kRedLumValue;
green = cpPtr[i] * kGreenLumValue;
blue = cpPtr[i] * kBlueLumValue;
lum = red + green + blue;
lum >>= 16;
tmpCTable[i].value = cpPtr[i].value;
tmpCTable[i] = lum;
tmpCTable[i] = lum;
tmpCTable[i] = lum;
if ( g->gGammaPtr != nil ) { // If we have a gamma table correct things
} else {
if ( g->gGammaPtr != nil ) { // If we have a gamma table correct things
else {
if (start >= 0) {
for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
tmpCTable[start+i] = cpPtr[start+i];
if (start == -1) {
for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
tmpCTable[i] = cpPtr[i];
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12));
data = LByteSwap(*(unsigned long *)0xF2C00000); // Get Vendor ID
if ( data == (0x1002 | (0x4158 << 16)) ) { // look for ATI
clutAddrReg = (UInt8 *) kDAC_W_INDEX;
clutData = (UInt8 *) kDAC_DATA; // Point to data register
else {
// if ( data == (0x100E | (0x9001 << 16)) ) { // look for Diamond
clutAddrReg = (unsigned char *)(0xF20003C8);
clutData = (unsigned char *)(0xF20003C9);
if (!clutAddrReg) {
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12) | 4);
*(unsigned char *)(0xF2C00000) = 0x2;
clutAddrReg = (unsigned char *)(0xF20003C8);
clutData = (unsigned char *)(0xF20003C9);
// return(noErr);
if ( start >= 0 ) { // Standard fill CLUT
*clutAddrReg = start; PerformPCIHack(); // Goto the proper clut entry
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) {
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
if ( start == -1 ) { // Fill specific CLUT entries
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) {
*clutAddrReg = tmpCTable[i].value; // Point to specific CLUT entry
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12) | 4);
*(unsigned char *)(0xF2C00000) = 0x2;
} /* End of DoSetEntries */
*Name: DoSetGamma
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/30/92
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoSetGamma(VDGamRecPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
GammaTablePtr gammaPtr;
GammaTablePtr ourGammaPtr;
UInt16 i;
globalsPtr g;
UInt16 numBytes;
// DebugStr("\pDoSetGamma");
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
if ( pgPtr->csGTable == nil ) { // If nil pointer build linear ramp
if ( g->gGammaPtr == nil ) { // We couldn't allocate table earlier
return(controlErr); // bad error
// Build linear gamma table of gChanCnt channels.
ourGammaPtr = g->gGammaPtr;
ourGammaPtr->gVersion = 0; // Always version 0
ourGammaPtr->gType = 0;
ourGammaPtr->gFormulaSize = 0;
ourGammaPtr->gChanCnt = 1;
ourGammaPtr->gDataCnt = 256; // Generate a single channel table
ourGammaPtr->gDataWidth = 0x0008;
for ( i = 0; i < kNumCLUTEntries; i++ ) {
ourGammaPtr->gFormulaData[i] = i;
} else { // They supplied a table
gammaPtr = (GammaTablePtr) pgPtr->csGTable;
if ( gammaPtr->gVersion != 0 ) return(controlErr);
if ( gammaPtr->gType == 0 ) {
if ( g->gGammaPtr == nil ) return(controlErr);
ourGammaPtr = g->gGammaPtr;
ourGammaPtr->gVersion = gammaPtr->gVersion;
ourGammaPtr->gType = gammaPtr->gType;
ourGammaPtr->gFormulaSize = gammaPtr->gFormulaSize;
ourGammaPtr->gChanCnt = gammaPtr->gChanCnt;
ourGammaPtr->gDataCnt = gammaPtr->gDataCnt;
ourGammaPtr->gDataWidth = gammaPtr->gDataWidth;
numBytes = gammaPtr->gDataCnt * gammaPtr->gChanCnt;
for ( i = 0; i < numBytes; i++ ) {
ourGammaPtr->gFormulaData[i] = gammaPtr->gFormulaData[i];
if ( g->gDirectMode ) {
} /* End of DoSetGamma */
*Name: DoGrayPage
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/30/92
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoGrayPage(VDPgInfoPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
UInt32 grayPattern;
UInt16 numLines;
UInt32 numWrites;
Ptr linePtr;
UInt32 *dumbPtr;
UInt16 i,j;
globalsPtr g;
UInt16 rowBytes;
UInt16 depth;
ColorSpec tmpCTable[256];
// DebugStr("\pDoGrayPage");
if ( pgPtr->csPage != kOurVidPage ) { // If asked to gray some other page error
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
depth = GetBitDepth(g->gMonitorID,pgPtr->csMode,g->gSlotNum);
rowBytes = GetRowBytes(g->gMonitorID,pgPtr->csMode,g->gSlotNum);
numLines = GetNumLines(g->gMonitorID,pgPtr->csMode,g->gSlotNum);
numWrites = rowBytes / 4;
// linePtr = g->gFBBaseAddr;
linePtr = g->gBaseAddr;
switch ( depth ) {
case 1: grayPattern = kOneBitPattern; break;
case 2: grayPattern = kTwoBitPattern; break;
case 4: grayPattern = kFourBitPattern; break;
case 8: grayPattern = kEightBitPattern; break;
case 16: grayPattern = kSixTeenBitPattern; break;
case 32: grayPattern = kThirtyTwoBitPattern; break;
if ( depth == 32 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < numLines; i++ ) {
dumbPtr = (UInt32 *) linePtr;
for ( j = 0; j < numWrites; j++ ) {
*dumbPtr++ = grayPattern;
grayPattern = ~grayPattern;
linePtr += rowBytes;
grayPattern = ~grayPattern;
} else {
for ( i = 0; i < numLines; i++ ) {
dumbPtr = (UInt32 *) linePtr;
for ( j = 0; j < numWrites; j++ ) {
*dumbPtr++ = grayPattern;
linePtr += rowBytes;
grayPattern = ~grayPattern;
if ( g->gDirectMode ) {
if ( g->gGammaPtr != nil ) {
return noErr;
} /* End of DoGrayPage */
*Name: DoSetGray
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/30/92
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
* 5/26/92 George W. Fixed 'C' equals bug.
OSErr DoSetGray(VDGrayPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
globalsPtr g;
// DebugStr("\pDoSetGray");
// Is this a mono only montor. Do something different ¥¥¥
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
if ( g->gDirectMode ) {
g->gLuminanceMode = true;
if ( !g->gMonoOnly ) {
if ( pgPtr->csMode == kMonoDevice ) {
g->gLuminanceMode = true;
} else {
g->gLuminanceMode = false;
} /* End of DoSetGray */
*Name: DoSetInterrupt
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/30/92
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoSetInterrupt(VDPgInfoPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
globalsPtr g;
// DebugStr("\pDoSetInterrupt");
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
if ( pgPtr->csMode == 0 ) { // Disable interrupts
if ( g->gInterruptsEnabled == kVBLInterruptEnabled ) {
// RemoveInterruptRoutine(dce);
if ( pgPtr->csMode == 1 ) { // Enable interrupts
if ( g->gInterruptsEnabled == kVBLInterruptDisabled ) {
// InstallInterruptRoutine(dce);
} /* End of DoSetInterrupt */
*Name: DoDirectSetEntries
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/30/92
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoDirectSetEntries(VDSetEntryPtr pgPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
ColorSpecPtr cpPtr;
UInt8 *clutData;
UInt8 *clutAddrReg = 0;
short i;
UInt16 start;
// UInt8 dummy;
globalsPtr g;
ColorSpec tmpCTable[256];
UInt16 numEntries;
unsigned long data;
// DebugStr("\pDoDirectSetEntries");
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12) | 4);
*(unsigned char *)(0xF2C00000) = 0x3;
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12));
data = LByteSwap(*(unsigned long *)0xf2c00000); // Get Vendor ID
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
if ( !g->gDirectMode ) return(controlErr); // Only supported in 16bpp and 32 bpp
if ( pgPtr->csTable == nil ) return(controlErr);
cpPtr = pgPtr->csTable;
start = pgPtr->csStart;
numEntries = pgPtr->csCount + 1;
if ( g->gGammaPtr != nil ) { // If we have a gamma table correct things
if ( data == (0x1002 | (0x4158 << 16)) ) { // look for ATI
clutAddrReg = (UInt8 *) kDAC_W_INDEX;
clutData = (UInt8 *) kDAC_DATA; // Point to data register
else {
// if ( data == (0x100E | (0x9001 << 16)) ) { // look for Diamond
clutAddrReg = (UInt8 *) 0xF20003C8;
clutData = (UInt8 *) 0xF20003C9; // Point to data register
if (!clutAddrReg) {
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12) | 4);
*(unsigned char *)(0xF2C00000) = 0x2;
return(controlErr); // Always return err for now ¥¥¥
if ( start >= 0 ) { // Standard fill CLUT
*clutAddrReg = start; // Goto the proper clut entry
// dummy = *clutAddrReg; // HW funnies.
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) {
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
if ( start == -1 ) { // Fill specific CLUT entries
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) {
*clutAddrReg = tmpCTable[i].value; // Point to specific CLUT entry
// dummy = *clutAddrReg; // HW funnies.
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
*clutData = tmpCTable[i];
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, (0x2 << 12) | 4);
*(unsigned char *)(0xF2C00000) = 0x2;
return(controlErr); // Always return err for now ¥¥¥
} /* End of DoDirectSetEntries */
*Name: DoSetDefaultMode
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 3/30/92
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
OSErr DoSetDefaultMode(VDDefModePtr dfPtr, DCtlPtr dce)
#pragma unused(dce)
globalsPtr g;
SpBlock spPb;
OSErr err;
// DebugStr("\pDoSetDefaultMode");
g = (globalsPtr) *(dce->dCtlStorage);
spPb.spSlot = g->gSlotNum;
spPb.spResult = &sPRAM;
err = SReadPRAMRec(&spPb);
if ( err == noErr ) { // Did we get our PRAM?
sPRAM.vendorUse4 = dfPtr->csID;
spPb.spsPointer = (Ptr) &sPRAM; // Heres the PRAM record to save
err = SPutPRAMRec(&spPb); // Save it for ever
} /* End of DoSetDefaultMode */
* End of Module
#if 0
void DACDisplay(Ptr baseAddr, UInt16 rowBytes, UInt8 depth, UInt16 numLines)
UInt32 grayPattern;
UInt32 numWrites;
Ptr linePtr;
UInt32 *dumbPtr;
Ptr myPtr;
UInt16 i,j, k, huh, huh1;
// DebugStr("\pGrayPage");
switch ( depth ) {
case 1: grayPattern = kOneBitPattern; break;
case 2: grayPattern = kTwoBitPattern; break;
case 4: grayPattern = kFourBitPattern; break;
case 8: grayPattern = kEightBitPattern; break;
case 16: grayPattern = kSixTeenBitPattern; break;
case 32: grayPattern = kThirtyTwoBitPattern; break;
numWrites = rowBytes / 4;
huh = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numLines; i++) {
linePtr = (Ptr) baseAddr + (i * rowBytes);
myPtr = linePtr;
huh1 = huh;
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 40; k++) {
*myPtr = huh1;
if (i % 30 == 0 && i > 0) {
huh += 16;
} /* End of DACDisplay */