Elliot Nunn 5b0f0cc134 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-12-26 10:02:57 +08:00

617 lines
13 KiB

File: ATISlotUtils.c
Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
Copyright: © 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<1> 11/5/93 fau first checked in
<1> 10/27/93 fau first checked in
<1> 10/19/93 fau first checked in
*Name: ATISlotUtils.c
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/19/92
*Purpose: Contains routines to works with video slot resources
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Exports: MonitorIDToSpID
* FindVideoTimingStruct
* GetTimingSBlock
* GetBitDepth
* GetRowBytes
* GetNumLines
* PruneMonitors
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
* Includes
#include <Types.h>
#include <Video.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <Slots.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include "NubEqu.h"
#include "ATIStdTypes.h"
#include "ATIDrvr.h"
* Imported Variables
* Imported Procedures
* Local Typedefs and Defines
* Exported Variables
* Exported Procedures
* Local Variables
* Beginning of Procedure Definitions
*Name: MonitorIDToSpID
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/12/92
*Purpose: Transforms a monitor id into the appropriate slot resource id.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Exit: UInt8
*Note: Today the monitor identification is the slot manager spId.
* You must be careful not get the header file used here out of
* sync with the declaration ROM assembler file.
* We only have values for the 13" RGB currently.
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
MonitorIDToSpID(UInt8 monitorId)
// UInt8 spId;
// DebugStr("\pMonitorIDToSpID");
} /* End of MonitorIDToSpID */
*Name: GetNumLines
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/22/92
*Purpose: Returns the number of vertical lines for the specified monitor/mode.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Entry: rowBytes - If the video parameters structure couldn't be
* located zero is returned. Otherwise a 16 bit
* value indicating the number of vertical lines
* is returned.
*Exit: UInt16
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
GetNumLines(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 theSlot)
OSErr err;
// UInt8 spId;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
VPBlockPtr vpPtr;
Rect bounds;
// DebugStr("\pGetNumLines");
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
spPb.spSlot = theSlot;
spPb.spID = MonitorIDToSpID(monitorID); // The id of the monitor sRsrc
err = SRsrcInfo(&spPb); // Find it, it better be there
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Something bad has happened
spPb.spID = videoMode; // Find the structure for the mode
err = SFindStruct(&spPb); // Go find it
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
spPb.spID = mVidParams; // Get the video mode structure
err = SGetBlock(&spPb);
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
vpPtr = (VPBlockPtr) spPb.spResult;
bounds = vpPtr->vpBounds; // Save screen bounds value
DisposPtr((Ptr) spPb.spResult);
} /* End of GetNumLines */
*Name: GetBitDepth
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/22/92
*Purpose: Returns the bit depth for the specified monitor/mode.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Exit: UInt16
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
GetBitDepth(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 theSlot)
OSErr err;
// UInt8 spId;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
VPBlockPtr vpPtr;
UInt16 depth;
// DebugStr("\pGetBitDepth");
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
spPb.spSlot = theSlot;
spPb.spID = MonitorIDToSpID(monitorID); // The id of the monitor sRsrc
err = SRsrcInfo(&spPb); // Find it, it better be there
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Something bad has happened
spPb.spID = videoMode; // Find the structure for the mode
err = SFindStruct(&spPb); // Go find it
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
spPb.spID = mVidParams; // Get the video mode structure
err = SGetBlock(&spPb);
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
vpPtr = (VPBlockPtr) spPb.spResult;
depth = vpPtr->vpPixelSize; // Save depth
DisposPtr((Ptr) spPb.spResult);
} /* End of GetBitDepth */
*Name: GetRowBytes
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/22/92
*Purpose: Returns the rowBytes value for the specified monitor and mode.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Entry: rowBytes - If the video parameters structure couldn't be
* located zero is returned. Otherwise a 16 bit
* value indicating the rowbytes for the mode is
* returned.
*Exit: UInt16
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
GetRowBytes(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 theSlot)
OSErr err;
// UInt8 spId;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
VPBlockPtr vpPtr;
UInt16 rowBytes;
unsigned long data;
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, 0x02 << 12);
data = LByteSwap(*(unsigned long *)0xF2C00000); // Get Vendor ID
if ( data == (0x1002 | (0x4158 << 16)) ) { // look for ATI
if ( data == (0x100E | (0x9001 << 16)) ) { // look for Diamond
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
spPb.spSlot = theSlot;
spPb.spID = MonitorIDToSpID(monitorID); // The id of the monitor sRsrc
err = SRsrcInfo(&spPb); // Find it, it better be there
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Something bad has happened
spPb.spID = videoMode; // Find the structure for the mode
err = SFindStruct(&spPb); // Go find it
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
spPb.spID = mVidParams; // Get the video mode structure
err = SGetBlock(&spPb);
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
vpPtr = (VPBlockPtr) spPb.spResult;
rowBytes = vpPtr->vpRowBytes; // Save rowBytes value
DisposPtr((Ptr) spPb.spResult);
} /* End of GetRowBytes */
*Name: FindVideoTimingStruct
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/12/92
*Purpose: Locates the proper sRsrc for the given monitor.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Exit: Ptr
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
FindVideoTimingStruct(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 theSlot)
OSErr err;
// UInt8 spId;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
// DebugStr("\pFindVideoTimingStruct");
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
spPb.spSlot = theSlot;
#ifdef ROM
spPb.spID = 0x11; // The id of the board sRsrc
spPb.spID = 0x01;
err = SRsrcInfo(&spPb); // Find it, it better be there
if ( err != noErr ) return(nil); // Something bad has happened
spPb.spID = kATIVidParmSpId; // So far we only know about this one
err = SFindStruct(&spPb); // Go find it
if ( err != noErr ) return(nil); // Couldn't locate ATI video tree
spPb.spID = MonitorIDToSpID(monitorID); // Point to a specific monitor timimg set
err = SFindStruct(&spPb); // Go find it
if ( err != noErr ) return(nil); // There is no monitor of that type
return((Ptr) spPb.spsPointer); // Return slot pointer
} /* End of FindVideoTimingStruct */
*Name: GetTimingSBlock
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/12/92
*Purpose: Returns a pointer to the SBlock with all timing parameters.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Exit: Ptr - If the proper SBlock is located a pointer to the
* block of data is returned. If the block chould
* not be located nil is returned.
*Detailed: It is the responsibility of the caller of this routine to
* dispose of the pointer returned.
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
GetTimingSBlock(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 timingSelector, UInt8 ourSlot)
OSErr err;
Ptr vidParmPtr;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
// DebugStr("\pGetTimingSBlock");
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
vidParmPtr = FindVideoTimingStruct(monitorID,ourSlot);
if ( vidParmPtr ) {
spPb.spsPointer = vidParmPtr;
spPb.spID = timingSelector;
if ( timingSelector == kSwatchParmSpId ) {
spPb.spID = kSwatchParmSpId;
err = SFindStruct(&spPb);
if ( err != noErr ) return(nil);
spPb.spID = videoMode;
err = SGetBlock(&spPb);
if ( err == noErr ) {
return((Ptr) spPb.spResult);
} /* End of GetTimingSBlock */
*Name: PruneMonitors
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/19/92
*Purpose: Removes the unused monitors timing sResources
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Entry: monitorID - The monitor identifer to keep around.
* theSlot - The slot we are operating out of
*Exit: void
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
PruneMonitors(UInt16 cardType, UInt8 theSlot)
OSErr err;
// UInt8 spId;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
spPb.spSlot = theSlot; // should be 0x00
if ( cardType == 0x1002) { // look for ATI
spPb.spID = 0x90;
if ( cardType == 0x100E) { // look for Diamond
spPb.spID = 0x80; // The id of the board sRsrc
err = SDeleteSRTRec(&spPb);
} /* End of PruneMonitors */
* End of Module