2016-04-17 14:15:06 +02:00

396 lines
14 KiB

* libres - library for reading Macintosh resource forks
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Jesus A. Alvarez
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <search.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "res.h"
#include "libres_internal.h"
const char * libres_id = "libres 1.0.0 (C)2008-2009";
RFILE* res_open (const char *path, int mode) {
if (mode != 0) efail(EINVAL);
RFILE* rp = malloc(sizeof(RFILE));
if (rp == NULL) efail(ENOMEM);
bzero(rp, sizeof(RFILE));
// open
rp->fp = fopen(path, "r");
if (rp->fp == NULL) {
return NULL;
// get size
errno = 0;
fseek(rp->fp, 0, SEEK_END);
rp->size = ftell(rp->fp);
if (errno) effail(errno, rp);
rp->buf = NULL;
return res_load(rp);
RFILE* res_open_mem (void *buf, size_t size, int copy) {
RFILE* rp = malloc(sizeof(RFILE));
if (rp == NULL) efail(ENOMEM);
bzero(rp, sizeof(RFILE));
rp->size = size;
if (copy) {
rp->buf = malloc(size);
if (rp == NULL) effail(ENOMEM, rp);
memcpy(rp->buf, buf, size);
} else rp->buf = buf;
return res_load(rp);
RFILE* res_open_funcs (void *priv, res_seek_func seekf, res_read_func readf) {
RFILE* rp = malloc(sizeof(RFILE));
if (rp == NULL) efail(ENOMEM);
bzero(rp, sizeof(RFILE));
rp->seek = seekf;
rp->read = readf;
rp->fpriv = priv;
rp->size = rp->seek(priv, 0, SEEK_END);
return res_load(rp);
int res_close (RFILE* rp) {
if (rp == NULL) eret(EBADF, EOF);
if (rp->buf) free(rp->buf);
if (rp->fp) fclose(rp->fp);
// free list
if (rp->types) {
for(int i=0; i < rp->numTypes; i++) {
struct RmType *t = &rp->types[i];
if (t->list == NULL) continue;
for(int j=0; j < t->count; j++) {
struct RmResRef *r = &t->list[j];
if (r->name) free(r->name);
return 0;
size_t res_typecount (RFILE *rp) {
return rp->numTypes;
uint32_t* res_types (RFILE *rp, uint32_t *buf, size_t start, size_t size, size_t *read, size_t *remain) {
if (buf != NULL && size == 0) efail(EINVAL);
if (size == 0 || start + size > rp->numTypes) size = rp->numTypes - start;
if (buf == NULL) buf = calloc(size, sizeof(uint32_t));
if (buf == NULL) efail(ENOMEM);
if (read) *read = size;
if (remain) *remain = rp->numTypes - (size + start);
for(size_t i=0; i < size; i++)
buf[i] = rp->types[start+i].type;
return buf;
size_t res_count (RFILE *rp, uint32_t type) {
struct RmType *t = res_type_find(rp, type);
if (t == NULL) return 0;
return t->count;
ResAttr* res_list (RFILE *rp, uint32_t type, ResAttr *buf, size_t start, size_t size, size_t *read, size_t *remain) {
struct RmType *t = res_type_find(rp, type);
if (t == NULL) efail(ENOENT);
if (buf != NULL && size == 0) efail(EINVAL);
if (size == 0 || start + size > t->count) size = t->count - start;
if (buf == NULL) buf = calloc(size, sizeof(ResAttr));
if (buf == NULL) efail(ENOMEM);
if (read) *read = size;
if (remain) *remain = t->count - (size + start);
for(size_t i=0; i < size; i++) {
buf[i].ID = t->list[start+i].ID;
buf[i].flags = t->list[start+i].flags;
buf[i].size = t->list[start+i].size;
buf[i].name = t->list[start+i].name;
return buf;
ResAttr* res_attr (RFILE *rp, uint32_t type, int16_t ID, ResAttr *buf) {
struct RmType *t = res_type_find(rp, type);
if (t == NULL) efail(ENOENT);
struct RmResRef *ref = res_ref_find(rp, t, ID);
if (ref == NULL) efail(ENOENT);
if (buf == NULL) buf = malloc(sizeof(ResAttr));
if (buf == NULL) efail(ENOMEM);
buf->ID = ref->ID;
buf->flags = ref->flags;
buf->size = ref->size;
buf->name = ref->name;
return buf;
ResAttr* res_attr_named (RFILE *rp, uint32_t type, const char *name, ResAttr *buf) {
struct RmResRef *ref = res_ref_find_named(rp, res_type_find(rp, type), name);
if (ref == NULL) efail(ENOENT);
return res_attr(rp, type, ref->ID, buf);
void* res_read (RFILE *rp, uint32_t type, int16_t ID, void *buf, size_t start, size_t size, size_t *read, size_t *remain) {
struct RmType *t = res_type_find(rp, type);
if (t == NULL) efail(ENOENT);
struct RmResRef *ref = res_ref_find(rp, t, ID);
if (ref == NULL) efail(ENOENT);
if (ref->flags.fl.compressed) efail(ENOSYS);
return res_read_raw(rp, ref, buf, start, size, read, remain);
void* res_read_named (RFILE *rp, uint32_t type, const char *name, void *buf, size_t start, size_t size, size_t *read, size_t *remain) {
struct RmResRef *ref = res_ref_find_named(rp, res_type_find(rp, type), name);
if (ref == NULL) efail(ENOENT);
return res_read(rp, type, ref->ID, buf, start, size, read, remain);
void* res_read_ind (RFILE *rp, uint32_t type, int16_t ind, void *buf, size_t start, size_t size, size_t *read, size_t *remain) {
struct RmType *t = res_type_find(rp, type);
if (t == NULL) efail(ENOENT);
if (ind >= t->count || ind < 0) efail(ENOENT);
struct RmResRef *ref = &t->list[ind];
if (ref == NULL) efail(ENOENT);
if (ref->flags.fl.compressed) efail(ENOSYS);
return res_read_raw(rp, ref, buf, start, size, read, remain);
void res_printdir (RFILE *rp) {
for(int i=0; i < rp->numTypes; i++) {
struct RmType *t = &rp->types[i];
for(int j=0; j < t->count; j++)
printf("%c%c%c%c %hd (%ub) %s\n", TYPECHARS(t->type), t->list[j].ID, t->list[j].size, t->list[j].name?t->list[j].name:"");
void res_printattr (const ResAttr *attr, uint32_t type) {
if (attr == NULL) return;
if (type)
printf("Type: %c%c%c%c\n", TYPECHARS(type));
printf("ID: %hd\n", attr->ID);
printf("Size: %u\n", attr->size);
if (attr->name)
printf("Name: %s\n", attr->name);
printf("Attr: ");
if (attr->flags.fl.sysRef) printf("sysRef%s", ((attr->flags.b&0x7F)?", ":""));
if (attr->flags.fl.sysHeap) printf("sysHeap%s", ((attr->flags.b&0x3F)?", ":""));
if (attr->flags.fl.purgeable) printf("purgeable%s", ((attr->flags.b&0x1F)?", ":""));
if (attr->flags.fl.locked) printf("locked%s", ((attr->flags.b&0x0F)?", ":""));
if (attr->flags.fl.protected) printf("protected%s", ((attr->flags.b&0x07)?", ":""));
if (attr->flags.fl.preload) printf("preload%s", ((attr->flags.b&0x03)?", ":""));
if (attr->flags.fl.changed) printf("changed%s", ((attr->flags.b&0x01)?", ":""));
if (attr->flags.fl.compressed) printf("compressed");
#if 0
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Private Functions
void* res_bread (RFILE *rp, void *buf, size_t offset, size_t count) {
if (offset+count > rp->size) efail(EFAULT);
if (buf == NULL) buf = malloc(count);
if (buf == NULL) efail(ENOMEM);
if (rp->buf)
// memory
memcpy(buf, rp->buf+offset, count);
else if (rp->fp) {
// file pointer
fseek(rp->fp, offset, SEEK_SET);
fread(buf, 1, count, rp->fp);
} else {
// functions
rp->seek(rp->fpriv, (long)offset, (int)SEEK_SET);
rp->read(rp->fpriv, buf, (unsigned long)count);
return buf;
uint32_t res_szread (RFILE *rp, size_t offset) {
uint32_t r = 0;
res_bread(rp, &r, offset, sizeof r);
return ntohl(r);
void* res_read_raw (RFILE *rp, struct RmResRef *ref, void *buf, size_t start, size_t size, size_t *read, size_t *remain) {
if (ref == NULL) efail(ENOENT);
if (buf != NULL && size == 0) efail(EINVAL);
if (size == 0 || start + size > ref->psize) size = ref->psize - start;
size_t rstart = start + ref->offset + rp->dataOffset + 4;
if (rstart+size > rp->size) efail(EFAULT);
if (buf == NULL) buf = malloc(ref->psize);
if (buf == NULL) efail(ENOMEM);
if (read) *read = size;
if (remain) *remain = ref->psize - (size + start);
return res_bread(rp, buf, rstart, size);
RFILE* res_load (RFILE *rp) {
// read header
struct RfHdr hdr;
res_bread(rp, &hdr, 0, sizeof(struct RfHdr));
rp->dataOffset = ntohl(hdr.dataOffset);
// read map
struct RfMap *map = res_bread(rp, NULL, (size_t)ntohl(hdr.mapOffset), (size_t)ntohl(hdr.mapLength));
if (map == NULL) egoto(EINVAL, error);
rp->attributes = ntohs(map->attributes);
struct RfTypeList *types = ((void*)map)+ntohs(map->typeListOffset);
uint8_t *names = ((void*)map)+ntohs(map->nameListOffset);
// read types
rp->numTypes = 1+(int16_t)ntohs(types->count);
rp->types = calloc(rp->numTypes, sizeof(struct RmType));
if (rp->types == NULL) egoto(ENOMEM, error);
bzero(rp->types, sizeof(struct RmType) * rp->numTypes);
for(int i=0; i < rp->numTypes; i++) {
struct RmType *t = &rp->types[i];
t->type = ntohl(types->entry[i].type);
t->count = 1+(size_t)ntohs(types->entry[i].count);
t->list = calloc(t->count, sizeof(struct RmResRef));
if (t->list == NULL) egoto(ENOMEM, error);
bzero(t->list, t->count * sizeof(struct RmResRef));
// read resource refs & names
int refsNeedSort = 0;
struct RfRefEntry *ent = ((void*)types)+ntohs(types->entry[i].offset);
for(int j=0; j < t->count; j++) {
t->list[j].ID = ntohs(ent[j].ID);
if (j && (t->list[j].ID < t->list[j-1].ID)) refsNeedSort = 1;
t->list[j].flags.b = ent[j].attributes;
t->list[j].offset = ((ent[j].offHi << 16) | ntohs(ent[j].offLo));
t->list[j].psize = res_szread(rp, rp->dataOffset+t->list[j].offset);
uint16_t nameOffset = ntohs(ent[j].nameOffset);
if (nameOffset == 0xFFFF) t->list[j].name = NULL;
else {
t->list[j].name = malloc(names[nameOffset]+1);
if (t->list[j].name == NULL) egoto(ENOMEM, error);
t->list[j].name[names[nameOffset]] = '\0';
memcpy(t->list[j].name, &names[nameOffset+1], names[nameOffset]);
// find logical size
if (t->list[j].flags.fl.compressed) {
struct RfCmpHdr cmpHdr;
if (res_read_raw(rp, &t->list[j], &cmpHdr, 0, sizeof cmpHdr, NULL, NULL) == NULL)
goto notCompressed;
if (ntohl(cmpHdr.tag) != kCompressedResourceTag)
goto notCompressed;
t->list[j].size = ntohl(cmpHdr.size);
if (ntohl(cmpHdr.flags) == kCompressedResourceFlg0)
t->list[j].dcmp = ntohs(cmpHdr.u.v0.dcmp);
else if (ntohl(cmpHdr.flags) == kCompressedResourceFlg1)
t->list[j].dcmp = ntohs(cmpHdr.u.v1.dcmp);
else {
t->list[j].dcmp = kDCMPInvalidFlags;
fprintf(stderr, "libres: %c%c%c%c %hd: unknown compression flags\n", TYPECHARS(t->type), t->list[j].ID);
// resource not compressed, logical size = physical size
if (t->list[j].flags.fl.compressed == 0) {
t->list[j].flags.fl.compressed = 0;
t->list[j].size = t->list[j].psize;
// keep ref list sorted
// they are normally sorted by ID already, so it's rarely needed
if (refsNeedSort) qsort(t->list, t->count, sizeof(struct RmResRef), (int(*)(const void*, const void*))res_ref_compar);
// keep type list sorted
// types are sorted alphabetically in files, we need them sorted numerically
qsort(rp->types, rp->numTypes, sizeof(struct RmType), (int(*)(const void*, const void*))res_type_compar);
errno = 0;
return rp;
return NULL;
int res_ref_compar (const struct RmResRef * a, const struct RmResRef * b) {
return (int)(a->ID - b->ID);
int res_type_compar (const struct RmType * a, const struct RmType * b) {
// types are unsigned, compare manually
if (a->type == b->type) return 0;
if (a->type < b->type) return -1;
return 1;
struct RmType * res_type_find (RFILE *rp, uint32_t type) {
struct RmType key;
key.type = type;
return bsearch(&key, rp->types, rp->numTypes, sizeof(struct RmType), (int(*)(const void*, const void*))res_type_compar);
struct RmResRef * res_ref_find (RFILE *rp, struct RmType *type, int16_t ID) {
struct RmResRef key;
if (type == NULL) return NULL;
key.ID = ID;
return bsearch(&key, type->list, type->count, sizeof(struct RmResRef), (int(*)(const void*, const void*))res_ref_compar);
struct RmResRef * res_ref_find_named (RFILE *rp, struct RmType *type, const char *name) {
struct RmResRef key;
if (type == NULL) return NULL; = (char*)name;
size_t count = type->count;
return lfind(&key, type->list, &count, sizeof(struct RmResRef), (int(*)(const void*, const void*))res_ref_name_compar);
int res_ref_name_compar (const struct RmResRef * a, const struct RmResRef * b) {
if (a->name == NULL || b->name == NULL) return 1;
return strcmp(a->name, b->name);