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* makefsdata: Converts a directory structure for use with the lwIP httpd.
* This file is part of the lwIP TCP/IP stack.
* Author: Jim Pettinato
* Simon Goldschmidt
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include "windows.h"
#include <dir.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Compatibility defines Win32 vs. DOS */
#ifdef WIN32
#define FIND_T_FILENAME(fInfo) (fInfo.cFileName)
#define FIND_T_IS_DIR(fInfo) ((fInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0)
#define FIND_T_IS_FILE(fInfo) ((fInfo.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0)
#define FINDFIRST_FILE(path, result) FindFirstFileA(path, result)
#define FINDFIRST_DIR(path, result) FindFirstFileA(path, result)
#define FINDNEXT(ff_res, result) FindNextFileA(ff_res, result)
#define FINDNEXT_SUCCEEDED(ret) (ret == TRUE)
#define GETCWD(path, len) GetCurrentDirectoryA(len, path)
#define CHDIR(path) SetCurrentDirectoryA(path)
#define NEWLINE "\r\n"
#define FIND_T struct fflbk
#define FIND_T_FILENAME(fInfo) (fInfo.ff_name)
#define FIND_T_IS_DIR(fInfo) ((fInfo.ff_attrib & FA_DIREC) == FA_DIREC)
#define FIND_T_IS_FILE(fInfo) (1)
#define FIND_RET_T int
#define FINDFIRST_FILE(path, result) findfirst(path, result, FA_ARCH)
#define FINDFIRST_DIR(path, result) findfirst(path, result, FA_DIREC)
#define FINDNEXT(ff_res, result) FindNextFileA(ff_res, result)
#define FINDFIRST_SUCCEEDED(ret) (ret == 0)
#define FINDNEXT_SUCCEEDED(ret) (ret == 0)
#define GETCWD(path, len) getcwd(path, len)
#define CHDIR(path) chdir(path)
typedef unsigned char u8_t;
#include "../httpd.h"
/** (Your server name here) */
const char *serverID =
"Server: lwIP/1.3.1 (http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lwip)\r\n";
/* change this to suit your MEM_ALIGNMENT */
/* set this to 0 to prevent aligning payload */
/* define this to a type that has the required alignment */
#define PAYLOAD_ALIGN_TYPE "unsigned int"
static int payload_alingment_dummy_counter = 0;
#define MAX_PATH_LEN 256
int process_sub(FILE *data_file, FILE *struct_file);
int process_file(FILE *data_file, FILE *struct_file, const char *filename);
int file_write_http_header(FILE *data_file, const char *filename, int file_size);
int file_put_ascii(FILE *file, const char* ascii_string, int len, int *i);
char curSubdir[MAX_PATH_LEN];
char lastFileVar[MAX_PATH_LEN];
unsigned char processSubs = 1;
unsigned char includeHttpHeader = 1;
unsigned char useHttp11 = 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FIND_T fInfo;
FIND_RET_T fret;
char path[MAX_PATH_LEN];
char appPath[MAX_PATH_LEN];
FILE *data_file;
FILE *struct_file;
int filesProcessed;
int i;
memset(path, 0, sizeof(path));
memset(appPath, 0, sizeof(appPath));
printf(NEWLINE " makefsdata - HTML to C source converter" NEWLINE);
printf(" by Jim Pettinato - circa 2003 " NEWLINE);
printf(" extended by Simon Goldschmidt - 2009 " NEWLINE NEWLINE);
strcpy(path, "fs");
for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (strstr(argv[i], "-s")) {
processSubs = 0;
} else if (strstr(argv[i], "-e")) {
includeHttpHeader = 0;
} else if (strstr(argv[i], "-11")) {
useHttp11 = 1;
} else {
strcpy(path, argv[i]);
/* if command line param or subdir named 'fs' not found spout usage verbiage */
fret = FINDFIRST_DIR(path, &fInfo);
/* if no subdir named 'fs' (or the one which was given) exists, spout usage verbiage */
printf(" Failed to open directory \"%s\"." NEWLINE NEWLINE, path);
printf(" Usage: htmlgen [targetdir] [-s] [-i]" NEWLINE NEWLINE);
printf(" targetdir: relative or absolute path to files to convert" NEWLINE);
printf(" switch -s: toggle processing of subdirectories (default is on)" NEWLINE);
printf(" switch -e: exclude HTTP header from file (header is created at runtime, default is on)" NEWLINE);
printf(" switch -11: include HTTP 1.1 header (1.0 is default)" NEWLINE);
printf(" if targetdir not specified, htmlgen will attempt to" NEWLINE);
printf(" process files in subdirectory 'fs'" NEWLINE);
printf("HTTP %sheader will %s statically included." NEWLINE,
(includeHttpHeader ? (useHttp11 ? "1.1 " : "1.0 ") : ""),
(includeHttpHeader ? "be" : "not be"));
sprintf(curSubdir, ""); /* start off in web page's root directory - relative paths */
printf(" Processing all files in directory %s", path);
if (processSubs) {
printf(" and subdirectories..." NEWLINE NEWLINE);
} else {
printf("..." NEWLINE NEWLINE);
data_file = fopen("fsdata.tmp", "wb");
struct_file = fopen("fshdr.tmp", "wb");
fprintf(data_file, "#include \"fs.h\"" NEWLINE);
fprintf(data_file, "#include \"lwip\\def.h\"" NEWLINE);
fprintf(data_file, "#include \"fsdata.h\"" NEWLINE NEWLINE NEWLINE);
fprintf(data_file, "#define file_NULL (struct fsdata_file *) NULL" NEWLINE NEWLINE NEWLINE);
sprintf(lastFileVar, "NULL");
filesProcessed = process_sub(data_file, struct_file);
/* data_file now contains all of the raw data.. now append linked list of
* file header structs to allow embedded app to search for a file name */
fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE NEWLINE);
fprintf(struct_file, "#define FS_ROOT file_%s" NEWLINE, lastFileVar);
fprintf(struct_file, "#define FS_NUMFILES %d" NEWLINE NEWLINE, filesProcessed);
/* append struct_file to data_file */
system("copy /b /y fsdata.tmp+fshdr.tmp fsdata.c");
printf(NEWLINE "Processed %d files - done." NEWLINE NEWLINE, filesProcessed);
return 0;
int process_sub(FILE *data_file, FILE *struct_file)
FIND_T fInfo;
FIND_RET_T fret;
int filesProcessed = 0;
char oldSubdir[MAX_PATH_LEN];
if (processSubs) {
/* process subs recursively */
strcpy(oldSubdir, curSubdir);
fret = FINDFIRST_DIR("*", &fInfo);
do {
const char *curName = FIND_T_FILENAME(fInfo);
if (strcmp(curName, ".") == 0) continue;
if (strcmp(curName, "..") == 0) continue;
if (strcmp(curName, "CVS") == 0) continue;
if (!FIND_T_IS_DIR(fInfo)) continue;
strcat(curSubdir, "/");
strcat(curSubdir, curName);
printf(NEWLINE "processing subdirectory %s/..." NEWLINE, curSubdir);
filesProcessed += process_sub(data_file, struct_file);
strcpy(curSubdir, oldSubdir);
} while (FINDNEXT_SUCCEEDED(FINDNEXT(fret, &fInfo)));
fret = FINDFIRST_FILE("*.*", &fInfo);
/* at least one file in directory */
do {
if (FIND_T_IS_FILE(fInfo)) {
const char *curName = FIND_T_FILENAME(fInfo);
printf("processing %s/%s..." NEWLINE, curSubdir, curName);
if (process_file(data_file, struct_file, curName) < 0) {
printf(NEWLINE "Error... aborting" NEWLINE);
return -1;
} while (FINDNEXT_SUCCEEDED(FINDNEXT(fret, &fInfo)));
return filesProcessed;
int get_file_size(const char* filename)
FILE *inFile;
int file_size = -1;
inFile = fopen(filename, "rb");
if(inFile) {
fseek (inFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
file_size = ftell(inFile);
return file_size;
int process_file(FILE *data_file, FILE *struct_file, const char *filename)
char *pch;
char varname[MAX_PATH_LEN];
int i = 0;
int ch;
FILE *sourceFile;
char qualifiedName[MAX_PATH_LEN];
int file_size;
/* create qualified name (TODO: prepend slash or not?) */
sprintf(qualifiedName,"%s/%s", curSubdir, filename);
/* create C variable name */
strcpy(varname, qualifiedName);
/* convert slashes & dots to underscores */
while ((pch = strpbrk(varname, "./\\")) != NULL) {
*pch = '_';
/* to force even alignment of array */
fprintf(data_file, "static const " PAYLOAD_ALIGN_TYPE " dummy_align_%s = %d;" NEWLINE, varname, payload_alingment_dummy_counter++);
#endif /* ALIGN_PAYLOAD */
fprintf(data_file, "static const unsigned char data_%s[] = {" NEWLINE, varname);
/* encode source file name (used by file system, not returned to browser) */
fprintf(data_file, "/* %s (%d chars) */" NEWLINE, qualifiedName, strlen(qualifiedName)+1);
file_put_ascii(data_file, qualifiedName, strlen(qualifiedName)+1, &i);
/* pad to even number of bytes to assure payload is on aligned boundary */
while(i % PAYLOAD_ALIGNMENT != 0) {
fprintf(data_file, "0x%02.2x,", 0);
#endif /* ALIGN_PAYLOAD */
fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE);
/* build declaration of struct fsdata_file in temp file */
fprintf(struct_file, "const struct fsdata_file file_%s[] = { {" NEWLINE, varname);
fprintf(struct_file, "file_%s," NEWLINE, lastFileVar);
fprintf(struct_file, "data_%s," NEWLINE, varname);
fprintf(struct_file, "data_%s + %d," NEWLINE, varname, i);
fprintf(struct_file, "sizeof(data_%s) - %d," NEWLINE, varname, i);
fprintf(struct_file, "%d}};" NEWLINE NEWLINE, includeHttpHeader);
strcpy(lastFileVar, varname);
file_size = get_file_size(filename);
if (includeHttpHeader) {
file_write_http_header(data_file, filename, file_size);
/* write actual file contents */
i = 0;
fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* raw file data (%d bytes) */" NEWLINE, file_size);
sourceFile = fopen(filename, "rb");
while ((ch = fgetc(sourceFile)) != EOF) {
char c = (char)ch;
file_put_ascii(data_file, &c, 1, &i);
fprintf(data_file, "};" NEWLINE NEWLINE);
return 0;
int file_write_http_header(FILE *data_file, const char *filename, int file_size)
int i = 0;
enum getResponseEnum response_type = HTTP_200_OK;
enum file_type_enum file_type;
const char **httpResponseText = httpResponseText_1_0;
const char *cur_string;
size_t cur_len;
int written = 0;
if (useHttp11) {
httpResponseText = httpResponseText_1_1;
fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* HTTP header */");
if (strstr(filename, "404")) {
response_type = HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND;
cur_string = httpResponseText[response_type];
cur_len = strlen(cur_string);
fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s\" (%d bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, cur_len);
written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i);
i = 0;
cur_string = serverID;
cur_len = strlen(cur_string);
fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s\" (%d bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, cur_len);
written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i);
i = 0;
if (strstr(filename, ".html") || strstr(filename, ".htm")) {
file_type = HTML;
} else if (strstr(filename, ".gif")) {
file_type = GIF;
} else if (strstr(filename, ".png")) {
file_type = PNG;
} else if (strstr(filename, ".jpeg") || strstr(filename, ".jpg")) {
file_type = JPEG;
} else if (strstr(filename, ".bin") || strstr(filename, ".class")) {
file_type = OCTET_STREAM;
} else if (strstr(filename, ".ra") || strstr(filename, ".ram")) {
file_type = REALAUDIO;
} else if (strstr(filename, ".js")) {
file_type = JAVASCRIPT;
} else if (strstr(filename, ".css")) {
file_type = CSS;
} else {
file_type = TEXT;
cur_string = httpContentType_header[file_type];
cur_len = strlen(cur_string);
fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s\" (%d bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, cur_len);
written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i);
i = 0;
if (useHttp11) {
char intbuf[MAX_PATH_LEN];
memset(intbuf, 0, sizeof(intbuf));
cur_string = httpContentLength;
cur_len = strlen(cur_string);
fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s%d\r\n\" (%d+ bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, file_size, cur_len+2);
written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i);
_itoa(file_size, intbuf, 10);
written += file_put_ascii(data_file, intbuf, strlen(intbuf), &i);
written += file_put_ascii(data_file, "\r\n", 2, &i);
i = 0;
cur_string = httpConnectionClose;
cur_len = strlen(cur_string);
fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* \"%s\" (%d bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string, cur_len);
written += file_put_ascii(data_file, cur_string, cur_len, &i);
fprintf(data_file, NEWLINE "/* Empty line (end of header - 2 bytes) */" NEWLINE, cur_string);
written += file_put_ascii(data_file, "\r\n", 2, &i);
return written;
int file_put_ascii(FILE *file, const char* ascii_string, int len, int *i)
int x;
for(x = 0; x < len; x++) {
unsigned char cur = ascii_string[x];
fprintf(file, "0x%02.2x,", cur);
if ((++(*i) % HEX_BYTES_PER_LINE) == 0) {
fprintf(file, NEWLINE);
return len;