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Break out code into a HAL, optimize flash operations This makes the code pretty easily portable to other architectures if someone wants to make a more modern SIMM programmer. I also was pretty careful to split responsibilities of the different components and give the existing components better names. I'm pretty happy with the organization of the code now. As part of this change I have also heavily optimized the code. In particular, the read and write cycle routines are very important to the overall performance of the programmer. In these routines I had to make some tradeoffs of code performance versus prettiness, but the overall result is much faster programming. Some of these performance changes are the result of what I discovered when I upgraded my AVR compiler. I discovered that it is smarter at looking at 32-bit variables when I use a union instead of bitwise operations. I also shaved off more CPU cycles by carefully making a few small tweaks. I added a bypass for the "program only some chips" mask, because it was adding unnecessary CPU cycles for a feature that is rarely used. I removed the verification feature from the write routine, because we can always verify the data after the write chunk is complete, which is more efficient. I also added assumptions about the initial/final state of the CS/OE/WE pins, which allowed me to remove more valuable CPU cycles from the read/write cycle routines. There are also a few enormous performance optimizations I should have done a long time ago: 1) The code was only handling one received byte per main loop iteration. Reading every byte available cut nearly a minute off of the 8 MB programming time. 2) The code wasn't taking advantage of the faster programming command available in the chips used on the 8 MB SIMM. The end result of all of these optimizations is I have programming time of the 8 MB SIMM down to 3:31 (it used to be 8:43). Another minor issue I fixed: the Micron SIMM chip identification wasn't working properly. It was outputting the manufacturer ID again instead of the device ID.
2020-11-18 05:03:32 +00:00
* parallel_bus.c
* Created on: Nov 26, 2011
* Author: Doug
* Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Doug Brown
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Break out code into a HAL, optimize flash operations This makes the code pretty easily portable to other architectures if someone wants to make a more modern SIMM programmer. I also was pretty careful to split responsibilities of the different components and give the existing components better names. I'm pretty happy with the organization of the code now. As part of this change I have also heavily optimized the code. In particular, the read and write cycle routines are very important to the overall performance of the programmer. In these routines I had to make some tradeoffs of code performance versus prettiness, but the overall result is much faster programming. Some of these performance changes are the result of what I discovered when I upgraded my AVR compiler. I discovered that it is smarter at looking at 32-bit variables when I use a union instead of bitwise operations. I also shaved off more CPU cycles by carefully making a few small tweaks. I added a bypass for the "program only some chips" mask, because it was adding unnecessary CPU cycles for a feature that is rarely used. I removed the verification feature from the write routine, because we can always verify the data after the write chunk is complete, which is more efficient. I also added assumptions about the initial/final state of the CS/OE/WE pins, which allowed me to remove more valuable CPU cycles from the read/write cycle routines. There are also a few enormous performance optimizations I should have done a long time ago: 1) The code was only handling one received byte per main loop iteration. Reading every byte available cut nearly a minute off of the 8 MB programming time. 2) The code wasn't taking advantage of the faster programming command available in the chips used on the 8 MB SIMM. The end result of all of these optimizations is I have programming time of the 8 MB SIMM down to 3:31 (it used to be 8:43). Another minor issue I fixed: the Micron SIMM chip identification wasn't working properly. It was outputting the manufacturer ID again instead of the device ID.
2020-11-18 05:03:32 +00:00
* For some reason, avr-gcc is super inefficient dealing with uint32_t
* variables. Looking at the individual bytes using a union results in much
* more optimized code. Every cycle counts for this. So several of these
* functions may seem weird with the unions, but it's faster than operating
* directly with the uint32_t variables.
* There are also a few time-critical places where I had to bypass the GPIO and
* SPI drivers, so it's not 100% clean. Oh well...
#include "../parallel_bus.h"
#include "../../drivers/mcp23s17.h"
#include "../../util.h"
#include "gpio_hw.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
/// The port object where the OE, WE, and CS pins are connected
/// (This also happens to be where the MCP control pins are connected)
/// The index of the MCP23S17 chip select pin
#define MCP_CS_PIN 0
/// The index of the CS pin
#define FLASH_CS_PIN 4
/// The index of the OE pin
#define FLASH_OE_PIN 5
/// The index of the WE pin
#define FLASH_WE_PIN 6
/// The index of the MCP23S17 reset pin
#define MCP_RESET_PIN 7
/// The index of the highest address line on the parallel bus
static ALWAYS_INLINE uint8_t SPITransfer(uint8_t byte);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void SPITransferNoRead(uint8_t byte);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void AssertControl(uint8_t pin);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void DeassertControl(uint8_t pin);
/// The MCP23S17 device
static MCP23S17 mcp23s17 = {
.spi = {
.csPin = {GPIOB, MCP_CS_PIN}
/// The reset pin for the MCP23S17
static const GPIOPin mcpReset = {GPIOB, MCP_RESET_PIN};
/// The /WE pin for the parallel bus
static const GPIOPin flashWEPin = {GPIOB, FLASH_WE_PIN};
/// The /OE pin for the parallel bus
static const GPIOPin flashOEPin = {GPIOB, FLASH_OE_PIN};
/// The /CS pin for the flash chip
static const GPIOPin flashCSPin = {GPIOB, FLASH_CS_PIN};
/** Initializes the 32-bit data/21-bit address parallel bus.
void ParallelBus_Init(void)
static bool mcpInited = false;
if (!mcpInited)
// Set up the MCP23S17
mcp23s17.spi.controller = SPI_Controller(0);
MCP23S17_Init(&mcp23s17, mcpReset);
// Go ahead and let the MCP23S17 take over the SPI bus forever.
// There's nothing else attached to it.
mcpInited = true;
// Configure all address lines as outputs, outputting address 0
ParallelBus_SetAddressDir((1UL << (PARALLEL_BUS_HIGHEST_ADDRESS_LINE + 1)) - 1);
// Set all data lines to pulled-up inputs
// Note: During normal operation of read/write cycles, the pullups in the
// MCP23S17 will remember they are enabled, so we can do an optimization
// when using ParallelBus_ReadCycle/WriteCycle and assume they are already
// pulled up. This means we'll bypass ParallelBus_SetDataPullups.
// Control lines
// Default to only CS asserted
/** Sets the address being output on the 21-bit address bus
* @param address The address
void ParallelBus_SetAddress(uint32_t address)
// For efficiency, we talk directly to the PORT registers in this function,
// rather than going through the GPIO class.
// NOTE: If any of PORTA or PORTC or PORTD pins 0, 1, 4, 5, or 6 are set as
// inputs, this function might mess with their pull-up resistors.
// Only use it under normal operation when all the address pins are being
// used as outputs.
union {
uint32_t addr;
uint8_t addrBytes[4];
} u;
u.addr = address;
PORTA = u.addrBytes[0]; // A0-A7
PORTC = u.addrBytes[1]; // A8-A15
// A16-A20 are special because they are split up...(We use PORTD pins 0, 1, 4, 5, 6)
u.addrBytes[2] = (u.addrBytes[2] & 0x03) | ((u.addrBytes[2] & 0x1C) << 2) | (PORTD & 0x8C);
PORTD = u.addrBytes[2];
/** Sets the output data on the 32-bit data bus
* @param data The data
void ParallelBus_SetData(uint32_t data)
// For efficiency, we talk directly to the PORT registers in this function,
// rather than going through the GPIO class.
// NOTE: If any pins of PORTE or PORTF are set as inputs, this
// function might mess with their pull-up resistors.
// Only use it under normal operation when all the data pins are being
// used as outputs
union {
uint32_t data;
uint16_t dataShorts[2];
uint8_t dataBytes[4];
} u; = data;
// Doing the AVR registers first makes it so we don't have to use the stack
// (at least according to my testing with avr-gcc)
PORTE = u.dataBytes[1]; // D16-D23
PORTF = u.dataBytes[0]; // D24-D31
// D0-D15 are part of the MCP23S17
MCP23S17_SetOutputs(&mcp23s17, u.dataShorts[1]);
/** Sets the output value of the CS pin
* @param high True if it should be high, false if low
void ParallelBus_SetCS(bool high)
GPIO_Set(flashCSPin, high);
/** Sets the output value of the OE pin
* @param high True if it should be high, false if low
void ParallelBus_SetOE(bool high)
GPIO_Set(flashOEPin, high);
/** Sets the output value of the WE pin
* @param high True if it should be high, false if low
void ParallelBus_SetWE(bool high)
GPIO_Set(flashWEPin, high);
/** Sets which pins on the 21-bit address bus should be outputs
* @param outputs Mask of pins that should be outputs. 1 = output, 0 = input
* Typically the address pins will be outputs. This flexibility is provided in
* case we want to do electrical testing.
void ParallelBus_SetAddressDir(uint32_t outputs)
DDRA = (outputs & 0xFF); // A0-A7
DDRC = ((outputs >> 8) & 0xFF); // A8-A15
// A16-A20 are special because they are split up...(We use PORTD pins 0, 1, 4, 5, 6)
uint8_t tmp = (outputs >> 16) & 0xFF;
tmp = (tmp & 0x03) | ((tmp & 0x1C) << 2);
// Now, turn off the DDR bits we have to turn off,
// and turn on the DDR bits we have to turn on
// (without affecting other bits [2, 3, and 7]
// that we aren't supposed to touch)
DDRD &= (0x8C | tmp); // This should turn off all '0' bits in tmp.
DDRD |= tmp; // This should turn on all '1' bits in tmp
/** Sets which pins on the 32-bit data bus should be outputs
* @param outputs Mask of pins that should be outputs. 1 = output, 0 = input
void ParallelBus_SetDataDir(uint32_t outputs)
union {
uint32_t data;
uint16_t dataShorts[2];
uint8_t dataBytes[4];
} u; = outputs;
// Doing the AVR registers first makes it so we don't have to use the stack
DDRE = u.dataBytes[1]; // D16-D23
DDRF = u.dataBytes[0]; // D24-D31
// D0-D15 are part of the MCP23S17
MCP23S17_SetDDR(&mcp23s17, u.dataShorts[1]);
/** Sets the direction of the CS pin
* @param output True if it's an output, false if it's an input
* Typically this pin will be an output. This flexibility is provided in case
* we want to do electrical testing.
void ParallelBus_SetCSDir(bool output)
GPIO_SetDirection(flashCSPin, output);
/** Sets the direction of the OE pin
* @param output True if it's an output, false if it's an input
* Typically this pin will be an output. This flexibility is provided in case
* we want to do electrical testing.
void ParallelBus_SetOEDir(bool output)
GPIO_SetDirection(flashOEPin, output);
/** Sets the direction of the WE pin
* @param output True if it's an output, false if it's an input
* Typically this pin will be an output. This flexibility is provided in case
* we want to do electrical testing.
void ParallelBus_SetWEDir(bool output)
GPIO_SetDirection(flashWEPin, output);
/** Sets which pins on the 21-bit address bus should be pulled up (if inputs)
* @param pullups Mask of pins that should be pullups.
* This would typically only be used for testing. Under normal operation, the
* address bus will be outputting, so the pullups are irrelevant.
void ParallelBus_SetAddressPullups(uint32_t pullups)
// Pull-ups are set by writing to the data register when in input mode.
// possible on the AVR. Some places like SIMMElectricalTest call SetAddress
// followed by SetAddressPullups, which is kinda weird because it sets the
// same registers. But the way it's called doesn't hurt anything...
/** Sets which pins on the 32-bit data bus should be pulled up (if inputs)
* @param pullups Mask of pins that should be pullups.
* Typically these will be enabled in order to provide a default value if a
* chip isn't responding properly. Sometimes it's useful to customize it during
* testing though.
void ParallelBus_SetDataPullups(uint32_t pullups)
// NOTE: If any pins of PORTE or PORTF are set as outputs, this
// function might mess with their output values.
// Only use it when all the data pins are being used as inputs
union {
uint32_t data;
uint16_t dataShorts[2];
uint8_t dataBytes[4];
} u; = pullups;
PORTE = u.dataBytes[1]; // D16-D23
PORTF = u.dataBytes[0]; // D24-D31
// D0-D15 are part of the MCP23S17
MCP23S17_SetPullups(&mcp23s17, u.dataShorts[1]);
/** Sets whether the CS pin is pulled up, if it's an input.
* @param pullup True if the CS pin should be pulled up, false if not
* This would typically only be used for testing. Under normal operation, this
* pin will be set as an output, so the pullup state is irrelevant.
void ParallelBus_SetCSPullup(bool pullup)
GPIO_SetPullup(flashCSPin, pullup);
/** Sets whether the OE pin is pulled up, if it's an input.
* @param pullup True if the OE pin should be pulled up, false if not
* This would typically only be used for testing. Under normal operation, this
* pin will be set as an output, so the pullup state is irrelevant.
void ParallelBus_SetOEPullup(bool pullup)
GPIO_SetPullup(flashOEPin, pullup);
/** Sets whether the WE pin is pulled up, if it's an input.
* @param pullup True if the WE pin should be pulled up, false if not
* This would typically only be used for testing. Under normal operation, this
* pin will be set as an output, so the pullup state is irrelevant.
void ParallelBus_SetWEPullup(bool pullup)
GPIO_SetPullup(flashWEPin, pullup);
/** Reads the current data on the address bus.
* @return The address bus readback
* This would typically only be used for testing. Under normal operation, the
* address bus will be outputting, so the readback is irrelevant.
uint32_t ParallelBus_ReadAddress(void)
uint32_t result = PINA;
result |= (((uint32_t)PINC) << 8);
uint8_t tmp = (PIND & 0x03) | ((PIND & 0x70) >> 2);
result |= (((uint32_t)tmp) << 16);
return result;
/** Reads the current data on the 32-bit data bus.
* @return The 32-bit data readback
uint32_t ParallelBus_ReadData(void)
union {
uint32_t data;
uint16_t dataShorts[2];
uint8_t dataBytes[4];
} u;
u.dataShorts[1] = MCP23S17_ReadInputs(&mcp23s17);
// Grab the other two bytes...
u.dataBytes[1] = PINE;
u.dataBytes[0] = PINF;
/** Reads the status of the CS pin, if it's set as an input.
* @return True if the CS pin is high, false if it's low
* This would typically only be used for testing. Under normal operation, this
* pin will be set as an output, so the readback is irrelevant.
bool ParallelBus_ReadCS(void)
return GPIO_Read(flashCSPin);
/** Reads the status of the OE pin, if it's set as an input.
* @return True if the OE pin is high, false if it's low
* This would typically only be used for testing. Under normal operation, this
* pin will be set as an output, so the readback is irrelevant.
bool ParallelBus_ReadOE(void)
return GPIO_Read(flashOEPin);
/** Reads the status of the WE pin, if it's set as an input.
* @return True if the WE pin is high, false if it's low
* This would typically only be used for testing. Under normal operation, this
* pin will be set as an output, so the readback is irrelevant.
bool ParallelBus_ReadWE(void)
return GPIO_Read(flashWEPin);
/** Performs a write cycle on the parallel bus.
* @param address The address to read from
* @param data The 32-bit data to write to the bus
* Because this function is used a lot during programming, it is super
* optimized and bypasses the GPIO and SPI drivers. It's a necessary evil.
* It makes a big difference in programming time.
void ParallelBus_WriteCycle(uint32_t address, uint32_t data)
// Using this union surprisingly speeds things up when assembling or
// interpreting a uint32_t on the AVR.
union {
uint32_t word;
uint8_t bytes[4];
} u;
// We should currently be in a state of "CS is asserted, OE/WE not asserted".
// As an optimization, operate under that assumption.
// Set address. This is basically the exact same code as ParallelBus_SetAddress,
// but repeated in here so we don't have any function call overhead.
u.word = address;
PORTA = u.bytes[0];
PORTC = u.bytes[1];
u.bytes[2] = (u.bytes[2] & 0x03) | ((u.bytes[2] & 0x1C) << 2) | (PORTD & 0x8C);
PORTD = u.bytes[2];
// Set data as outputs. Bypass the SPI/GPIO drivers for this for efficiency.
DDRE = 0xFF;
DDRF = 0xFF;
// Set data. Bypass the SPI/GPIO drivers again...
u.word = data;
PORTE = u.bytes[1];
PORTF = u.bytes[0];
// Assert and then deassert WE to actually do the write cycle.
// Control lines are left as "CS asserted, OE/WE not asserted" here.
/** Performs a read cycle on the parallel bus.
* @param address The address to read from
* @return The returned 32-bit data
* Because this function is used a lot during programming, it is super
* optimized and bypasses the GPIO and SPI drivers. It's a necessary evil.
* It makes a big difference in programming time.
uint32_t ParallelBus_ReadCycle(uint32_t address)
// Using this union surprisingly speeds things up when assembling or
// interpreting a uint32_t on the AVR.
union {
uint32_t word;
uint8_t bytes[4];
} u;
// We should currently be in a state of "CS is asserted, OE/WE not asserted".
// As an optimization, operate under that assumption.
// Set data as inputs. Bypass the SPI/GPIO drivers for this for efficiency.
DDRE = 0;
DDRF = 0;
// Set pull-ups on the AVR data pins so we get a default value if a chip
// isn't responding. We can assume the MCP23S17 has already been configured
// to have its inputs pulled up. On the AVR we can't assume because its
// pull-up state is shared by the same register used for data output.
// Assert OE so we start reading from the chip. Safe to do now that
// the data pins have been set as inputs.
// Set address. This is basically the exact same code as ParallelBus_SetAddress,
// but repeated in here so we don't have any function call overhead.
u.word = address;
PORTA = u.bytes[0];
PORTC = u.bytes[1];
u.bytes[2] = (u.bytes[2] & 0x03) | ((u.bytes[2] & 0x1C) << 2) | (PORTD & 0x8C);
PORTD = u.bytes[2];
// Start the SPI read. Each clock cycle at 16 MHz is 62.5 nanoseconds. We don't want to
// immediately read back the data bus until the address has settled, so do some SPI
// preparation in the meantime.
// Read data. Bypass the GPIO/SPI drivers again...
u.bytes[1] = PINE;
u.bytes[0] = PINF;
u.bytes[3] = SPITransfer(0);
u.bytes[2] = SPITransfer(0);
// Deassert OE, and we're done.
// Control lines are left as "CS asserted, OE/WE not asserted" here.
// Return the final value
return u.word;
/** Reads a bunch of consecutive data from the parallel bus
* @param startAddress The address to start reading from
* @param buf Buffer to store the readback
* @param len The number of 32-bit words to read
* This function is just a time saver if we know we will be reading a big block
* of data. It doesn't bother playing with the control lines between each byte.
void ParallelBus_Read(uint32_t startAddress, uint32_t *buf, uint16_t len)
// We should currently be in a state of "CS is asserted, OE/WE not asserted".
// As an optimization, operate under that assumption.
// Using this union surprisingly speeds things up when assembling or
// interpreting a uint32_t on the AVR.
union {
uint32_t word;
uint8_t bytes[4];
} u;
// Set data as inputs. Bypass the SPI/GPIO drivers for this for efficiency.
DDRE = 0;
DDRF = 0;
// Set pull-ups on the AVR data pins so we get a default value if a chip
// isn't responding. We can assume the MCP23S17 has already been configured
// to have its inputs pulled up. On the AVR we can't assume because its
// pull-up state is shared by the same register used for data output.
// Assert OE, now the chip will start spitting out data.
while (len--)
// Set address. This is basically the exact same code as ParallelBus_SetAddress,
// but repeated in here so we don't have any function call overhead.
u.word = startAddress++;
PORTA = u.bytes[0];
PORTC = u.bytes[1];
u.bytes[2] = (u.bytes[2] & 0x03) | ((u.bytes[2] & 0x1C) << 2) | (PORTD & 0x8C);
PORTD = u.bytes[2];
// Start the SPI read. Each clock cycle at 16 MHz is 62.5 nanoseconds. We don't want to
// immediately read back the data bus until the address has settled, so do some SPI
// preparation in the meantime.
// Read data. Bypass the GPIO/SPI drivers again...
u.bytes[1] = PINE;
u.bytes[0] = PINF;
u.bytes[3] = SPITransfer(0);
u.bytes[2] = SPITransfer(0);
*buf++ = u.word;
// Deassert OE once we are done
// Control lines are left as "CS asserted, OE/WE not asserted" here.
/** Writes/reads a byte to/from the MCP23S17. More optimal than using the driver.
* @param byte The byte to write
* @return The byte read back
static ALWAYS_INLINE uint8_t SPITransfer(uint8_t byte)
SPDR = byte;
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
return SPDR;
/** Writes a byte to the MCP23S17 without reading back the result. More optimal
* than using the driver.
* @param byte The byte to write
static ALWAYS_INLINE void SPITransferNoRead(uint8_t byte)
SPDR = byte;
while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
/** Asserts a control pin
* @param pin Pin number of the control pin to assert
* This is slightly faster than using the GPIO driver because it inlines directly
* to a port RMW operation. Just a small optimization for performance.
static ALWAYS_INLINE void AssertControl(uint8_t pin)
FLASH_CONTROL_PORT &= ~(1 << pin);
/** Deasserts a control pin
* @param pin Pin number of the control pin to deassert
* This is slightly faster than using the GPIO driver because it inlines directly
* to a port RMW operation. Just a small optimization for performance.
static ALWAYS_INLINE void DeassertControl(uint8_t pin)
FLASH_CONTROL_PORT |= (1 << pin);