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; File: DIALOGS.a
; Contains: Dialog interface glue
; Written by: Us
; Copyright: <09> 1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: BigBang Sys606
; Change History (most recent first):
; <8> 7/6/92 DCL Added Support for new synonyms.
; <7> 12/4/90 KIP <KSM> Includes DialogsPriv.a.
; <6> 10/1/90 JAL Deleted old/moved commented out routines.
; <5> 7/2/90 ngk Uppercased StdFilterProc, cause its for Pascal.
; <4> 7/2/90 KSM Undo the previous change...
; <3> 7/2/90 KSM Temporarily comment glue for stdfilterproc.
; <2> 7/1/90 KSM Add glue code for new dialog manager calls.
; To Do:
; Either get rid of or rewrite the new[c]dialog glue and all those other
; lower-case C glue routines.
; Add proper CASE directive to insure case sensitivity is preserved for this file!
include 'macintosh.a'
include 'dialogspriv.a'
; dialogs.a
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1984-1988
; All rights reserved.
; Modifications:
; 12 Jun 87 KLH Added newcdialog.
; *** MPW 3.0d2 ***
; 11 Feb 88 KLH Changed C headers to work with new C compiler:
; Changed to using standard glue in Interface.o, so
; much glue removed from CInterface.o.
; *** MPW 3.0d4 ***
; FUNCTION StdFilterProc(dlg: DialogPtr; VAR evt: EventRecord; VAR itemHit: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;
; This calls the standard filter proc conveniently for High-Level languages.
subq.l #6,sp ; Make a proc ptr var and result
pea 2(sp) ; Push the proc addr
_GetStdFilterProc ; Get the standard filter proc address (macro)
tst.w (sp)+ ; Everything OK
bne.s @noGood ; branch if not
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; Get the filter proc address
jmp (a0) ; Go do it, and never come back
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; Get the return address
add.l #12,SP ; Cut back the parameters
move.w #0,(sp) ; return false as the result (everything left unchanged)
jmp (a0) ; And go back to where we came from
newdialog proc EXPORT
import c2pstr ; c2pstr(s) char *s;
import p2cstr ; p2cstr(s) char *s;
move.l d2,-(sp) ; save register d2
clr.l -(sp) ; reserve space for result
move.l 12(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of first parameter
move.l 20(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of second parameter
move.l 28(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of third parameter
jsr c2pstr ; convert to Pascal string
move.b 39(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of fourth parameter
move.w 44(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of fifth parameter
move.l 48(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of sixth parameter
move.b 59(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of seventh parameter
move.l 62(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of eighth parameter
move.l 70(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of ninth parameter
dc.w $A97D ; trap to newdialog
move.l 20(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of third paramter
jsr p2cstr ; convert back to C string
add.w #4,sp ; balance stack
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; load result
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; restore register d2
newcolordialog proc EXPORT
export newcdialog ; obsolete old procedure name
import c2pstr ; c2pstr(s) char *s;
import p2cstr ; p2cstr(s) char *s;
newcdialog move.l d2,-(sp) ; save register d2
clr.l -(sp) ; reserve space for result
move.l 12(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of first parameter
move.l 20(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of second parameter
move.l 28(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of third parameter
jsr c2pstr ; convert to Pascal string
move.b 39(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of fourth parameter
move.w 44(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of fifth parameter
move.l 48(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of sixth parameter
move.b 59(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of seventh parameter
move.l 62(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of eighth parameter
move.l 70(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of ninth parameter
dc.w $AA4B ; trap to newcdialog
move.l 20(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of third paramter
jsr p2cstr ; convert back to C string
add.w #4,sp ; balance stack
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; load result
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; restore register d2
paramtext proc EXPORT
import c2pstr ; c2pstr(s) char *s;
import p2cstr ; p2cstr(s) char *s;
move.l d2,-(sp) ; save register d2
move.l 8(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of first parameter
jsr c2pstr ; convert to Pascal string
move.l 16(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of second parameter
jsr c2pstr ; convert to Pascal string
move.l 24(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of third parameter
jsr c2pstr ; convert to Pascal string
move.l 32(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of fourth parameter
jsr c2pstr ; convert to Pascal string
dc.w $A98B ; trap to paramtext
move.l 8(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of first paramter
jsr p2cstr ; convert back to C string
move.l 16(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of second paramter
jsr p2cstr ; convert back to C string
move.l 24(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of third paramter
jsr p2cstr ; convert back to C string
move.l 32(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of fourth paramter
jsr p2cstr ; convert back to C string
add.w #16,sp ; balance stack
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; restore register d2
getdialogitemtext proc EXPORT
export getitext ; obsolete old procedure name
import c2pstr ; c2pstr(s) char *s;
import p2cstr ; p2cstr(s) char *s;
getitext move.l d2,-(sp) ; save register d2
move.l 8(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of first parameter
move.l 16(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of second parameter
dc.w $A990 ; trap to getitext
move.l 12(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of second paramter
jsr p2cstr ; convert back to C string
add.w #4,sp ; balance stack
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; restore register d2
setdialogitemtext proc EXPORT
export setitext ; obsolete old procedure name
import c2pstr ; c2pstr(s) char *s;
import p2cstr ; p2cstr(s) char *s;
setitext move.l d2,-(sp) ; save register d2
move.l 8(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of 1st parameter (item)
move.l 16(sp),-(sp) ; copy second parameter (Str255)
jsr c2pstr ; convert to Pascal string
dc.w $A98F ; trap to setitext
move.l 12(sp),-(sp) ; push copy of second paramter
jsr p2cstr ; convert back to C string
add.w #4,sp ; balance stack
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; restore register d2
finddialogitem proc EXPORT
export findditem ; obsolete old procedure name
findditem move.l d2,-(sp) ; save register d2
clr.w -(sp) ; make space for result
move.l 10(sp),-(sp) ; first param is a handle
movea.l 18(sp),a0 ; 2nd param is a pointer to
move.l (a0),-(sp) ; the "Point" we want
dc.w $A984
move.w (sp)+,d0
ext.l d0
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; restore register d2