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; File: GetEM.a
; Contains: Emulations of the unimplemented FGETEXP and FGETMAN instructions
; Originally Written by: Motorola Inc.
; Adapted to Apple/MPW: Jon Okada
; Copyright: <09> 1990, 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: Mac32
; Change History (most recent first):
; <1> 3/30/91 BG First checked into TERROR/BBS.
; getem.a
; Based upon Motorola file ''
; 07 Jan 91 JPO Renamed label "cont" to "shft_cont" to avoid duplicate
; symbol.
* 3.1 12/10/90
* The entry point sGETEXP returns the exponent portion
* of the input argument. The exponent bias is removed
* and the exponent value is returned as an extended
* precision number in fp0. sGETEXPD handles denormalized
* numbers.
* The entry point sGETMAN extracts the mantissa of the
* input argument. The mantissa is converted to an
* extended precision number and returned in fp0. The
* range of the result is [1.0 - 2.0).
* Input: Double-extended number X in the ETEMP space in
* the floating-point save stack.
* Output: The functions return exp(X) or man(X) in fp0.
* Modified: fp0.
* Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990
* All Rights Reserved
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any
* actual or intended publication of such source code.
* SGETEM IDNT 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package
* This entry point is used by the unimplemented instruction exception
* handler. It points a0 to the input operand.
move.w LOCAL_EX(a0),d0 ;get the exponent
bclr.l #15,d0 ;clear the sign bit
sub.w #$3fff,d0 ;subtract off the bias
fmove.w d0,fp0 ;move the exp to fp0
bclr.b #sign_bit,LOCAL_EX(a0)
bsr nrm_set ;normalize (exp will go negative)
move.w LOCAL_EX(a0),d0 ;load resulting exponent into d0
sub.w #$3fff,d0 ;subtract off the bias
fmove.w d0,fp0 ;move the exp to fp0
* This entry point is used by the unimplemented instruction exception
* handler. It points a0 to the input operand.
* For normalized numbers, leave the mantissa alone, simply load
* with an exponent of +/- $3fff.
move.l USER_FPCR(a6),d0
andi.l #$ffffff00,d0 ;clear rounding precision and mode
fmove.l d0,fpcr ;this fpcr setting is used by the 882
move.w LOCAL_EX(a0),d0 ;get the exp (really just want sign bit)
or.w #$7fff,d0 ;clear old exp
bclr.l #14,d0 ;make it the new exp +-3fff
move.w d0,LOCAL_EX(a0) ;move the sign & exp back to fsave stack
fmove.x (a0),fp0 ;put new value back in fp0
* For denormalized numbers, shift the mantissa until the j-bit = 1,
* then load the exponent with +/1 $3fff.
move.l LOCAL_HI(a0),d0 ;load ms mant in d0
move.l LOCAL_LO(a0),d1 ;load ls mant in d1
bsr.b shft ;shift mantissa bits till msbit is set
move.l d0,LOCAL_HI(a0) ;put ms mant back on stack
move.l d1,LOCAL_LO(a0) ;put ls mant back on stack
bra.b sgetman
* Shifts the mantissa bits until msbit is set.
* input:
* ms mantissa part in d0
* ls mantissa part in d1
* output:
* shifted bits in d0 and d1
tst.l d0 ;if any bits set in ms mant
bne.b upper ;then branch
* ;else no bits set in ms mant
tst.l d1 ;test if any bits set in ls mant
bne.b shft_cont ;if set then continue - label renamed <1/7/91, JPO>
bra.b shft_end ;else return
shft_cont: ; label renamed <1/7/91, JPO>
move.l d3,-(a7) ;save d3
exg d0,d1 ;shift ls mant to ms mant
bfffo d0{0:32},d3 ;find first 1 in ls mant to d0
lsl.l d3,d0 ;shift first 1 to integer bit in ms mant
move.l (a7)+,d3 ;restore d3
bra.b shft_end
movem.l d3/d5/d6,-(a7) ;save registers
bfffo d0{0:32},d3 ;find first 1 in ls mant to d0
lsl.l d3,d0 ;shift ms mant until j-bit is set
move.l d1,d6 ;save ls mant in d6
lsl.l d3,d1 ;shift ls mant by count
move.l #32,d5
sub.l d3,d5 ;sub 32 from shift for ls mant
lsr.l d5,d6 ;shift off all bits but those that will
* ;be shifted into ms mant
or.l d6,d0 ;shift the ls mant bits into the ms mant
movem.l (a7)+,d3/d5/d6 ;restore registers