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; File: BTScanPriv.a
; Contains: BTree scanner's private equates
; Written by: Dave Feldman
; Copyright: <09> 1989-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <3> 8/20/90 gbm (dnf and gbm, really) Change the name of LastTime to
; LastGoodNode for clarity. Also improve explanation of the
; Physical Scanner
; <2> 2/26/90 dnf Add NoMoreReads bit, LastTime bit, cpGoodNodeCount
; <1.2> 9/7/89 dnf Added CatPosition record
; <1.1> 7/31/89 dnf Change ForceRead to FirstTime
; <1.0> 5/30/89 dnf Integrate CatSearch, FileID's and Desktop Database Mgr into one
; ptch
; To Do:
; State record on A6 stack while PScan is in progress
PSR RECORD 0, Increment
fcbPtr ds.l 1 ; ptr(FCB) for catalog file under search
btcbPtr ds.l 1 ; BTCB for catalog file under search
curNodePtr ds.l 1 ; points to current node in read buffer
readBufPtr ds.l 1 ; the read buffer
readBufLen ds.l 1 ; length in bytes of read buffer
goodCount ds.l 1 ; # of good nodes we've seen so far
maxNodes ds.l 1 ; # of allocated nodes in tree (calc from btcb)
buf1stNode ds.l 1 ; node # of 1st node in read buffer
bufCount ds.l 1 ; # nodes in read buffer
curNode ds.l 1 ; node # of current node
curRec ds.w 1 ; record in current node (index)
flags ds.b 1 ; see flag bits
align 2 ; make size of state record even
size equ *-PSR
; The Physical Scanner
; The btree physical scanner scans any ROM-btree-manager-like btree and returns
; each of the records found in the leaf nodes to the caller.
; BTIPScan is required before any records are read. It converts a catPosition
; record into an internal state record to use while reading.
; BTGetPhys delivers the next record
; BTEndScan converts the internal state record back into a catPosition record
; that can be used to continue the search from the current position.
; The btree parser state machine uses a node and record index field to keep
; track of its position in the btree. Each time BTGetPhys needs a record, the record
; index is incremented and validated. If the index is off the end of the current
; node, the node number is incremented and validated (forced into the read buffer).
; There are several exceptions. To allow a catPosition to specify the beginning
; of a btree, the record index is not incremented for the first record fetched
; on a scan. To compensate for this BTEndScan increments the record index when
; converting its state record into a catPosition.
; Optimizations:
; There are two optimizations in the btree scanner
; 1) Even after a timer has expired, always use up the nodes already
; in the read buffer. The NoMoreReads bit tells ValidateNode about this
; 2) Count the number of valid nodes of all types (header, map, index, leaf)
; and end the search when the count equals the number of allocated nodes
; indicated by the btree header.
; ValidateNode counts all valid non-leaf nodes
; ValidateRecord counts leaf nodes as it increments the current
; node counter.
; flag bits
; These three bits control the corner cases of the ValidateNode
; FirstTime Forces a read without trying to see if any nodes are already
; in the buffer. Tells BTGetPhys not to increment the record
; index.
; NoMoreReads Indicates that the caller would not like to take any more disk hits
; Nodes that are in the buffer (conceivably quite a few) are still
; parsed and returned
; LastGoodNode Indicates that the last valid node (determined by counting valid
; nodes and comparing against the free space listed in the btree
; header) was seen in the previous call to ValidateNode. If this
; is set on entrance to ValidateNode we know to return an eofErr.
FirstTime equ 7
NoMoreReads equ 6
LastGoodNode equ 5
; the catalog position record
CatPosition record 0, increment
cpWriteCount ds.l 1 ; catalog state for this position <dnf 1.2>
cpNodeNumber ds.l 1 ; node number of record <dnf 1.2>
cpRecNumber ds.w 1 ; record # within node <dnf 1.2>
cpGoodNodeCount ds.l 1 ; # of good nodes we've seen
cpResrv ds.b 2
size equ *-CatPosition
; HIOParam block
HIOP RECORD 0, Increment
qLink ds.l 1;
qType ds.w 1;
ioTrap ds.w 1;
ioCmdAddr ds.l 1;
ioCompletion ds.l 1;
ioResult ds.w 1;
ioNamePtr ds.l 1;
ioVRefNum ds.w 1 ; integer
ioRefNum ds.w 1 ; integer
ioVersNum ds.b 1 ; SignedByte
ioPermssn ds.b 1 ; signedByte
ioMisc ds.l 1 ; ptr
ioBuffer ds.l 1 ; ptr
ioReqCount ds.l 1 ; longint
ioActCount ds.l 1 ; longint
ioPosMode ds.w 1 ; integer
ioPosOffset ds.l 1 ; longint
size equ *-HIOP