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; File: BTreeQueue.a
; Contains: This file separates Btree manager from HFS one layer above.
; Support async call for BTree Manager using its own cache buffers and
; param block queue.
; Written by: Kenny SC. Tung
; Copyright: <09> 1989-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM1> 4/1/92 kc Changed the name prefex used to distinguish
; routines used by the external B-Tree manager
; from the versions used by the File System.
; Removed forRom conditional.
; <09> Pre-SuperMario comments follow <20>
; <20> 9/13/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <19> 6/12/91 LN Removed #includes for private interfaces from public interfaces.
; Changed #include 'HardwareEqu.a' to 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
; <18> 3/17/91 dnf ppd, #dnf-0013: Use the result code from ioResult(a0) instead of
; from d0 to be extra-clean on async calls.
; <17> 3/17/91 dnf dba, dty, #84977: use CallWithRegistersPreserved in dispatching;
; save D0 across calls to completion routines.
; <16> 12/18/90 KST With Bill B. Adding DoAlloc back.
; <15> 12/11/90 KST With Bill B. Change _Allocate. to _SetEOF because some foreign
; FS doesn't handle _Allocate call.
; <14> 9/10/90 KST Took out debugger labels.
; <13> 8/3/90 KST Adding FlushFile call in ExtDoAOCRWF.
; <12> 7/30/90 dnf Make some changes so BTree manager can work as a linked patch.
; <11> 7/18/90 KST btRsvAccess will not return error if the file has already been
; reserved, instead the request will be queued.
; <10> 7/11/90 gbm add END
; <9> 4/17/90 KST Adding btDebugSYS conditional in "ExtBTQueue".
; <8> 3/30/90 KST Save registers across ASYNC call.
; <7> 3/20/90 KST Fixing a bug in handling B*Tree request queue, removing <1.9>
; registers saving redundant code, and other documentation
; changes.
; <6> 3/13/90 KST documentation change and code cleanup.
; <5> 2/20/90 KST map node was written before "RelMap" was called, now we only
; mark it dirty and write it back in "ExtRelBlock" !
; <4> 2/4/90 DNF Add include of FileMgrPrivate.a
; <3> 1/22/90 KST Changed queue dispatcher to support access control. -- KST
; 1/16/90 KST added code to support AppleShare's access control.
; <1.9> 11/10/89 dnf Fix register trashing in ExtDoAOCRWF
; <1.8> 10/2/89 KST Code cleanup.
; <1.7> 9/25/89 KST Took out the Debugger call. BTFlush now will flush RamCAche.
; <1.6> 9/17/89 KST New buffer scheme. No more B*Tree cache buffers.
; <1.5> 9/8/89 KST Fixed a bug in ExtWriteBlock. We need to save the RefNum because
; the param is being reused.
; <1.4> 8/7/89 KST Code cleanup.
; 7/27/89 KST Use jump table for dispatching calls; Get rid of macro calls
; 7/27/89 KST Save async trap bit in BTVQflag of BTVar for all operations in
; ExtBTQueue (BTDispatch)
; <1.3> 7/13/89 KST Take out debug code for write error.
; <1.2> 7/6/89 KST Cleaned up the code.
; <1.1> 6/27/89 KST Fixed a bug in DoACORW routine that trashes A1.
; 6/27/89 KST Preserve A1 across ExtDoAOCRWF call.
; <1.0> 6/14/89 KST New file for the new implementation of BTreeMgr.
; 5/15/89 KST Check A6 stack overflow across ExtDoAOCRWF call.
; 4/24/89 KST New today.
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'BTreeEqu.a' ; BTManager
Include 'BTreePrivate.a'
Include 'FileMgrPrivate.a'
Include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
IF (&TYPE('btDebug') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN
btDebug EQU 0
IF &trim(&type('btDebugSYS')) = 'UNDEFINED' THEN ; <16Apr90>
btDebugSYS EQU 0 ; <16Apr90>
ENDIF ; <16Apr90>
; Function: ExtBTQueue.
; All B*Tree requests branch to here to get queued and serviced in the
; order they enter the queue (but not necessarily serviced in FCFS because
; that file's access might have been reserved).
; Input: D0 = dispatch selector, A0 = ioParam, D1.W = trapword (A08E)
export ExtBTDispatchRequest
MOVE.W #1,IOResult(A0) ; set IOResult to "in process"
MOVE.W D1,IOTrap(A0) ; save the trap number
MOVE.B D0,ioTrap+1(A0) ; Store trap index in low byte
MOVE.L (SP)+,IOCmdAddr(A0) ; save address to go to when ready
MOVE.W #btQType,IOType(A0) ; say its a Btree queueing element
BTST #btAsyncBit,D1 ; async bit on?
BNE BTAsync ; yes
;; else, it's a sync call:
CLR.L IOCompletion(A0) ; no completion routines for sync calls
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save parameter block ptr
BSR.S BTAsync ; queue it up (and maybe call it)
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore ioParam
WaitLoop MOVE.W IOResult(A0),D0 ; get the result code into D0
IF btDEBUG THEN ; debug ... see if we can continue ?
CMPI #btADAndWait,D0 ; waiting for a RelAccess call?
BNE.S @3 ; no, never mind
;; if it is, then we need a RelAccess call. How?
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save parameter block ptr
BSR.S InstallVBL ; install a VBL task
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore ioParam
MOVE.W #1,IOResult(A0) ; but do this only once
BRA.S WaitLoop
@3 TST D0
ENDIF ;...... end of debug
BGT.S WaitLoop ; done when result is zero or negative
EXT.L D0 ; ALWAYS return a long error code
RTS ; return to caller
DC.B $80, 'ExtBTQueue'
DC.W 0
InstallVBL ;; ask VBL to issue the release access BTcall
;; Test program issues a synchronous request and the access is denied.
MOVEQ #vblPhase+2,D0 ; 14 bytes
_NewPtr ,SYS ,Clear
BNE.S @nomem ; exit if no room
MOVE #vType,vblType(A0) ; VBL queue
MOVE.L @vblRelBT,vblAddr(A0) ; pointer to task (this will move the contents)
LEA @vblRelBT,A1
MOVE.L A1,vblAddr(A0) ; pointer to task (this will move the pointer)
MOVE #30,vblCount(A0) ; frequency count
@nomem RTS
@vblRelBT ;; this VBL task will release the file
MOVEa.L FSVarsPtr,A1
MOVEA.L fsVars.btMgr(A1),A1 ; A1 = btVars
MOVEA.L btVParam(A1),A0 ; A0 = private Param
MOVEA.L btVQhead(A1),A1 ; A1 = current btioParam
MOVE ioRefNum(A1),ioRefNum(A0) ; release this file
MOVE.L ioBTRsrvUID(A1),D0 ; test program's UID
ADDQ #1,D0 ; it uses UID - 1
MOVE.L D0,ioBTRsrvUID(A0) ; use this ID to release
CLR.L ioCompletion(A0) ; no completion routine
_BTRelAccess ,Async ; call B*TreeMgr
BTAsync MOVEa.L FSVarsPtr,A1
MOVEA.L fsVars.btMgr(A1),A1 ; A1 is also the q header
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; only allow
ORI #HiIntMask,SR ; interrupt for debugging
ToBTDispatch ; dispatch the next request (also called by ExtBTCmdDone)
; interrupt disabled. ; Is a request already executing?
BSET #btQBusyBit,btVQFlag(A1) ; A1=btVar, B*Tree busy?
BEQ.S BTDispatch ; if not, just call it
; The B*tree Manager is busy (and we've queued the request), so we're done for now.
; We'll get to it when ExtBTCmdDone is called.
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no errors (yet)
MOVE.W (SP)+,SR ; re-enable interrupts and return
BTDispatch ;; A1 = ptr(BTvars)
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; re-enable interrupts
MOVEM.L D3-D7/A2-A6,-(SP) ; observe Pascal regsave conventions <17>
bsr.s ExtBTDispatchRequest
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D7/A2-A6 ; restore registers <17>
;; Added code to support AppleShare's access control: -- 12/14/89
;; We may not service the request in FCFS order. If the request we're servicing
;; is not in the front of the queue, then we move it to the front.
;; If we cannot service any of the requests, we clear the BUSY flag and leave.
LEA btVQHead(A1),A0 ; A1=btVar, A0=ioParam
@scanLoop MOVE.L qLink(A0),D0 ; Pick up the next element on the queue
BEQ @ad_ret ; If EQ, there are no requests pending
@loop2 MOVEA.L D0,A0 ; A0 -> BT Parameter block
;; Loop through the queue, looking for an element that can be started:
MOVE.B ioTrap+1(A0),D0 ; which operation
CMP.W #btRsrvAccessN,D0 ; reserveAccess will be queued now <17Jul90>
BEQ.S @controlled ; yes, this is RsrvAccess call <17Jul90>
CMP.W #btOpenN,D0 ; INIT, OPEN are free to go
BLE.S @moveQueue ; no access control
CMP.W #btDeleteN,D0
BHI.S @moveQueue ; no access control
;; we are in the range of operations that will change the contents of B*Tree.
;; check if the file is locked by other process; if not then move the request
;; to the front if it isn't already at the front.
BSR btFileUid ; get this B*tree file's Uid in D1
BNE.S @moveQueue ; not btree error, but let B*TreeMgr handles it
TST.L D1 ; Check: B*-Tree access reserved?
BEQ.S @moveQueue ; If 0, it's a free-for-all
CMP.L ioBTRsrvUID(A0),D1 ; If not, is this call for the right user?
BEQ.S @moveQueue ; yes, we have the access
;; If we don't have the access permission and this is a SYNCHRONOUS call,
;; then we set a special value in ioResult.
BTST #btAsyncBit,ioTrap(A0) ; SYNC call?
BNE.S @scanLoop ; No, it's not - check next one in queue
MOVE #btADAndWait,IOResult(A0) ; access denied on a SYNC call, mark we're waiting
BRA.S @scanLoop
@moveQueue CMP.L btVQHead(A1),A0 ; is this head?
BEQ.S @doit ; yes
;; If not, then we need to move it to the front
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; only allow level 3
ORI #HiIntMask,SR ; interrupts for debugging
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; save btVars
LEA btVQHdr(A1),A1 ; A1 = theQueue, A0 = qEntry
_dequeue ; remove it from BT queue
MOVEA.L (SP),A1 ; A1 = btVars
MOVEA.L btVQHead(A1),A1 ; A1 = head
MOVE.L A1,qLink(A0) ; add it in the front
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A1 ; restore A1(btVars)
MOVE.L A0,btVQHead(A1) ; A0 = QHead
TST.L btVQTail(A1) ; tail = NULL?
BNE.S @1 ; no
MOVE.L A0,btVQTail(A1) ; A0 = QTail too
@1 MOVE.W (SP)+,SR ; re-enable interrupts
@doit ;;Really gonna execute it. Here, make sure A1=btVar.
MOVEA.L btVSTop(A1),A6 ; Set up A6 for use as stack pointer
;; Before servicing the call, save async bit in BTVars because B*Tree Manager
;; shares its private param block doing I/O, not user param.
BCLR #btAsyncBit,btVQFlag(A1) ; sync is default
BTST #btAsyncBit,ioTrap(A0) ; Async only?
BEQ.S @2 ; sync call
BSET #btAsyncBit,btVQFlag(A1) ; set async bit
@2 MOVEA.L IOCmdAddr(A0),A1 ; get address to call
JMP (A1) ; execute Btree command and return <17>
; (all commands finish by jumping to ExtBTCmdDone)
;; Access has been denied, clear busy flag and return,
;; (the request(s) will finally be serviced when a RelAccess call comes in).
@ad_ret BCLR #btQBusyBit,btVQFlag(A1) ; Btree not servicing
;; because this test and clear is not atomic, I need to do this:
MOVE.L qLink(A0),D0 ; A0 was tail
BEQ.S @qexit ; and it still is
BSET #btQBusyBit,btVQFlag(A1) ; is B*Tree busy?
BEQ @Loop2 ; no, go service the new request
@qexit RTS ; D0 = 0
;; _____________________________________________________________________
;; Function:verify if this file is B*Tree, if it is, get the UID in D1
;; Input: A0 = user param
;; Output: D0=0 if it's Btree; D1 = UID. All other registers preserved.
;; _____________________________________________________________________
btFileUid MOVEM.L D2/A1-A4,-(SP)
BSR ExtIsBtree ; BTree?
BNE.S @3 ; no, not btree
MOVE.L BTCRsrvUID(A4),D1 ; yes, get UID
IF btDebugSYS THEN ; if debugging <16Apr90>
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; .. system btree file <16Apr90>
ENDIF ; .. don't use UID <16Apr90>
@3 MOVEM.L (SP)+,D2/A1-A4
DC.B $80, 'BTDispatch'
DC.W 0
; _____________________________________________________________________________
; Function: ExtBTCmdDone. All BTcommands jump to here when finished
; ioCompletion routine is called for ASYNC call. The current request
; is removed from the queue, and the next one is serviced if there is one.
; Input: D0.W = error code
; _____________________________________________________________________________
IMPORT ExtBTDispatchRequest, CallWithRegistersPreserved
IF btDebug THEN
BSR bufDebug ; debugging
EXT.L D0 ; Make a long of it
jsr btQerrorp ; get current ioParam in A0
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; save interrupt state
ORI #HiIntMask,SR ; only debug interrupts allowed
BCLR #btQBusyBit,btVQFlag(A1) ; clear Btree busy flag
; delete the current request from the queue and post any completion routines
MOVE.L QLink(A0),btVQHead(A1) ; get next request, if any
BNE.S bt_CallComp ; branch if queue not empty
CLR.L btVQTail(A1) ; clear tail ptr, too
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; restore interrupt state
MOVE.W D0,IOResult(A0) ; post error code
MOVE.L IOCompletion(A0),D1 ; is there a completion routine?
BEQ.S bt_DispNext ; skip if there's not
MOVE.L D1,A1 ; get the completion routine address
JSR (A1) ; call it with A0=param
bt_DispNext ;; check if there's anything else for us to do
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; save interrupt state
ORI #HiIntMask,SR ; only debug interrupts allowed
MOVEa.L FSVarsPtr,A1
MOVEA.L fsVars.btMgr(A1),A1 ; get BT vars
TST.L btVQHead(A1) ; any req pending?
beq @noRequirements ; <dnf> change for linked patch
BSET #btQBusyBit,btVQFlag(A1) ; A1=btVar, B*Tree busy? <17>
bne.s @noRequirements ; if it was already busy, we can return asynchronously <17>
move.w (sp)+,sr ; restore interrupt state <17>
lea.l ExtBTDispatchRequest,a0 ; our dispatcher<65>s entry point <17>
jmp CallWithRegistersPreserved ; call it <17>
MOVE.W (SP)+,SR ; re-enable interrupts and return
;; _______________________________________________________________
;; Function: get current ioParam in A0 and validate it
;; Output: A0=current request, A1=BTVar ptr
;; _______________________________________________________________
btQerrorp ;; if error just die
MOVEa.L FSVarsPtr,A1
MOVEA.L fsVars.btMgr(A1),A1
MOVEA.L btVQHead(A1),A0 ; A0 = first ioParam
CMP #btQType,IOType(A0) ; it better be an Btree queue element
BNE.S @2 ; or else die
IF btDebug THEN ; Debugging ........................
bufDebug MOVEM.L D0/D2/A3-A5,-(A7)
MOVEa.L FSVarsPtr,A5
MOVEA.L fsVars.btMgr(A5),A5
MOVEA.L btBufQHdr(A5),A5 ; A5 = ptr(buffer Qheader)
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; start from 0 <9/15/89>
LEA btQBStart(A5),A3 ; A3=first buffer <9/15/89>
@2 BTST #CBHinuse,btBHFlags(A3) ; buffer in use? <9/15/89>
BNE.S @4 ; yes, error <9/15/89>
ADDQ #1,D2 ; next index <9/15/89>
CMPI #btBufferN,D2 ; all done? <9/15/89>
BEQ.S @6 ; Yes, <9/15/89>
ADDA #$200,A3 ; next buffer <9/15/89>
ADDA #lenBTBH,A3 ; ... and skip header <9/15/89>
BRA.S @2 ; test next <9/15/89>
@4 _debugger ; this shouldn't happen <9/15/89>
; A3 buffer still in use <3/09/90>
@6 MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/D2/A3-A5
DC.B $80, 'ExtBTCmdDone'
DC.W 0
;; ___________________________________________________________________________
;; Function: This is the routine that handles async HFS calls
;; Input: D1 = option word (ALLOCATE/OPEN/CLOSE/READ/WRITE/Flush).
;; A0 = BT private param, assume A1 is free
;; Output: D0=error code
;; 28Jul89 KST Disable system cache for B*Tree when doing R/W
;; 24Aug89 KST Undo previous change, we depend on RamCache
;; 02Aug90 KST Adding flushfile call for BTFlush.
;; ___________________________________________________________________________
asyncRegs REG d2-d7/A2-A5
MOVEQ #paramErr,D0 ; preset error code
CMPI #DoMaxNum,D1 ; legal (0~5) ?
BHI.S syncRet ; bad
MOVEa.L FSVarsPtr,A1
MOVEA.L fsVars.btMgr(A1),A1
IF btDebug THEN ;; debugging, check for stack overflow <6/12/89>
MOVE.L btVSTop(A1),D0 ; stack base
SUB.L A6,D0 ; how far does it go
CMPI.L #(btStkLen-24),D0 ; overflow? (reserve 24 bytes for AsyncOC)
BLO.S @1 ; no,
MOVEQ #dsStkNHeap,D0 ; stack overflow
_SysError ; bumb !
@1 LSL #2,D1 ; use jump table
BTST #btAsyncBit,btVQFlag(A1) ; Async call?
BNE.S AsyncOC ; yes
@2 ;; A0/A1 are saved by the system dispatcher
LEA syncTable,A1
JMP (A1,D1) ; service the call
_Allocate ; put this back <18Dec90 #16>
BRA.S syncRet
BRA.S syncRet
BRA.S syncRet
BRA.S syncRet
BRA.S syncRet
BRA.S syncRet
_SetEOF ; adding this <18Dec90 #16>
syncRet RTS
AsyncOC ;; A0 = BTParam to do async open/close...., D1 is the selector
;; A1 = ptr(BTVars)
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address
MOVEM.L asyncRegs,-(A6) ; save all regs across async
MOVE.L A6,btVSPtr(A1) ; save BT stack top
BCLR #btAsyncRetd,btVQFlag(A1) ; clear 'premature-return' flag
LEA btIOComp,A1 ; load btIOcomp routine
MOVE.L A1,IOCompletion(A0)
LEA asyncTable,A1
JMP (A1,D1) ; service the call
_Allocate ,Async ; put this back <18Dec90 #16>
BRA.S @4
_HOpen ,Async
BRA.S @4
_Close ,Async
BRA.S @4
_READ ,Async
BRA.S @4
_WRITE ,Async
BRA.S @4
_FlushFile ,Async
BRA.S @4
_SetEOF ,Async ; adding this <18Dec90 #16>
@4 BEQ.S @6 ; branch if no error
TST IOResult(A0) ; really error?
BLE.S btACont ; yes
@6 ; say we returned from B*Tree async call
MOVEa.L FSVarsPtr,A1
MOVEA.L fsVars.btMgr(A1),A1
BSET #btAsyncRetd,btVQFlag(A1) ; set asyncReturn flag
BNE.S btACont1 ; if we already returned, do ioComp now
; do the completion routine not caused by interrupt
btAsyncRTS RTS ; else, return to App. We'll be back
btIOcomp ;; B*Tree ioCompletion routine
MOVEa.L FSVarsPtr,A1
MOVEA.L fsVars.btMgr(A1),A1 ; say we're returning now
BSET #btAsyncRetd,btVQFlag(A1) ; set asyncReturn flag
BEQ.S btAsyncRTS ; if trap didn't really return ASYNC
; then RTS now, we'll be back (from @6)
;; SYNC case in an ASYNC call, it will eventually return to @6
btACont MOVEM.L D4-D7/A4-A6,-(SP) ; preserve non-interrupt registers
PEA btACont2 ; return to here to restore regs
MOVEa.L FSVarsPtr,A1 ; restore B*TreeMgr stack
MOVEA.L fsVars.btMgr(A1),A1
MOVEa.L btVSPtr(A1),A6 ; A6 = BT stack
MOVEM.L (A6)+,asyncRegs ; restore regs across async
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP)
MOVE.W ioResult(a0),D0 ; any error? <18>
RTS ; return to B*tree manager
btACont2 MOVEM.L (SP)+,D4-D7/A4-A6 ; restore the non-int registers
RTS ;; we're done with it! (return to interrupt handler)
; Routine: ExtGetBlock
; Function: Gets a specified btree node (data fork of a B*Tree file).
; The desired block must be specified by file refnum;
; Unless GBnoRead option is specified, a FS read is performed.
; Input: D0.W - file refnum only
; A1.L - pointer to BTree cache queue header
; D1.B - option flags (default = read from disk if not found):
; GBRead - read from disk (forced read)
; GBnoRead - don't read from disk if not found
; GBexist - get existing cache block
; D2.L - btree node number
; Output: A0.L - addr(buffer) containing desired block
; D0.W - result code, 0 = ok, other = error
; 08Aug89 KSCT Need a inuse flag for the new buffer scheme.
; 15Aug89 KSCT Clear inuse flag if read error!
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1-D6/A1-A5,-(A6) ; save regs
MOVE.B D1,D3 ; D3 = option flags
MOVEA.L A1,A3 ; A3 = ptr(Buf QHdr)
MOVE.W D0,D1 ; D1 = volume or file refnum?
BLT GBErrExit ; volume -> unsupported
MOVEA.L FCBSPtr,A1 ; A1 = ptr(FCB)
MOVEA.L FCBVPtr(A1,D1.W),A2 ; A2 = ptr(VCB)
MOVEA.L FCBBTCBptr(A1,D1),A4; A4 = ptr(BTCB)
MOVEQ #0,D6 ; D6.L=request count
MOVE.W btcNodeSize(A4),D6 ; D6=B*Tree nodesize
BNE.S @1 ; B*tree opened
;; BTOpen wants to read the header but we don't know the NodeSize, assume
;; Header Nodesize is a constant, or at least Header info is in the first 512 bytes.
MOVE.W #btHdrNSize,D6
;; new buffer scheme: not cache (can't get an existing block) <8/21/89>
@1 BTST #GBexist,D3 ; request for an existing block?
BEQ.S @2 ; no ->
IF btDebug THEN
_debugger ; should not happen
MOVEQ #Chnotfound,D0 ; result = 'not found'
BRA GBExit1 ; exit ->
@2 MOVE btQCIndex(A3),D0 ; current index
MOVE D0,D5 ; save current index for error recovery
MOVEA.L A3,A5 ; A3 = A5 = buffer QHdr
CMPI #(btBufferN-1),D0 ; need to wrap around?
BEQ.S @3 ; yes
ADDQ #1,btQCIndex(A3) ; else, bump the index
BRA.S @4
@3 CLR btQCIndex(A3) ; wrap around
@4 MOVE btQBSize(A3),D4 ; D4=INIT buffer size
;; In future release, we need to make sure that D4>=D6, err otherwise.
;; get the buffer based on the index in D0
LEA btQBStart(A3),A3 ; A3=first buffer
BRA.S @6
@5 ADDA D4,A3 ; next buffer
ADDA #lenBTBH,A3 ; ... and skip header
@6 DBRA D0,@5
;; A3=buffer header pointer, check if the buffer is inuse <9/8/89>
;; can't just use the next one sequentially <9/8/89>
BTST #CBHinuse,btBHFlags(A3) ; buffer in use? <9/8/89>
BEQ.S @8 ; No, OK => <9/8/89>
BSR gNextbuf ; Yes, get next one <9/11/89>
BNE.S @gbNoBuf ; no buffer <9/11/89>
;; convert block number into byte position, A3 = buffer header address to use.
@8 MOVEQ #0,D0
MOVE.B btcL2NSize(A4),D0 ; D0=shift bit count
LSL.L D0,D2 ; file block number x size = file position
;; assign buffer to new node, but keep status info <9/8/89>
BSET #CBHinuse,btBHFlags(A3) ; set in use <9/8/89>
MOVE D1,btBHRefNum(A3) ; save refnum
MOVE D6,btBHNSize(A3) ; save node size
MOVE.L D2,btBHFilePos(A3) ; save file position
LEA btBHData(A3),A3 ; A3=ptr(buffer)
BTST #GBnoRead,D3 ; no-read requested ?
BNE.S NoReadBlk ; ...yes, skip read ->
;; FileRead here: D0/A0 are free, (A1,D1)=FCB, A4=BTCB, D2=file pos,D6=nodesize
MOVEa.L FSVarsPtr,A1
MOVEA.L fsVars.btMgr(A1),A1
MOVEA.L btVParam(A1),A0 ; A0 = BT Param
MOVE.W D1,ioRefNum(A0) ; file refnum
MOVE.L A3,IOBuffer(A0) ; buffer to read in
MOVE.W #fsFromStart,IOPosMode(A0) ; position mode(from BOF)
MOVE.L D6,IOByteCount(A0) ; r/w node size
MOVE.L D2,IOPosOffset(A0) ; ... gives position offset
MOVEQ #DoRead,D1 ; indicate this is READ
BEQ.S NoReadBlk ; read OK =>
;; some read error, clean up and exit (clear flag). A3=ptr(buffer)
LEA -btBHData(A3),A1 ; A1=ptr(bufHdr) <9/15/89>
BCLR #CBHinuse,btBHFlags(A1) ; not in use <9/15/89>
@gbNoBuf MOVE D5,btQCIndex(A5) ; restore old index as nothing has happened
BRA.S GBExit1 ; D0=read error ->
NoReadBlk MOVEQ #0,D0 ; all OK
GBExit1 MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; return buffer address in A0 (even error in read)
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D6/A1-A5
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set up condition codes
RTS ; exit ExtGetBlock
GBErrExit MOVEQ #paramErr,D0
; Routine: gNextbuf (internal function)
; Function: Current buffer is inuse, try next one. This function is SYNC.
; Input: D4.W=Btree private buffer size, D5.W=index of current buffer,
; A3=ptr(buffer inuse), A5=ptr(buffer QHdr)
; Output: if D0=0, then A3=new buffer ptr, everything else unchanged,
; btQCIndex(A5) updated to reflect the change.
; if D0<>0 (all inuse), everything unchanged, including A3.
gNextbuf MOVE.L D2,-(SP)
MOVE D5,D2 ; D2=D5=index <9/11/89>
@gnbLoop ADDQ #1,D2 ; next index <9/11/89>
CMPI #btBufferN,D2 ; need to wrap around? <9/11/89>
BNE.S @1 ; No <9/11/89>
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; Yes, wrap around <9/11/89>
LEA btQBStart(A5),A3 ; A3=first buffer <9/11/89>
BRA.S @2 ; <9/11/89>
@1 ADDA D4,A3 ; A3 points to next buffer <9/11/89>
ADDA #lenBTBH,A3 ; ... and skip header <9/11/89>
@2 ;; we knew D5 is inuse, so don't bother testing it. A3 = ptr(D5 buffer)
CMP D2,D5 ; all done? <9/11/89>
BEQ.S @gnbNobuf ; yes, all inuse. punt-> <9/11/89>
BTST #CBHinuse,btBHFlags(A3) ; buffer in use? <9/11/89>
BNE.S @gnbLoop ; yes, try next one <9/11/89>
;; found the free buffer, D2 is the index, update the btQCIndex field
ADDQ #1,D2 ; next index <9/11/89>
CMPI #btBufferN,D2 ; need to wrap around? <9/11/89>
BNE.S @3 ; No <9/11/89>
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; Yes, wrap around <9/11/89>
@3 MOVE D2,btQCIndex(A5) ; and save it in qHeader <9/11/89>
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; perfect <9/11/89>
@gnbExit MOVE.L (SP)+,D2
IF btDebug THEN
_debugger ; this shouldn't happen <9/11/89>
MOVEQ #ChNoBuf,D0 ; result=all buffers in use <9/11/89>
BRA.S @gnbExit ; <9/11/89>
; Routine: ExtRelBlock (Release Block)
; Function: Releases use of a specified disk block; optionally marks block dirty,
; trashes block, and/or writes block to disk. Note: this routine may be
; called for an already released block to mark it dirty, trashed, or to
; write it.
; Input: D1.B - option flags:
; RBdirty - mark buffer dirty
; RBtrash - trash buffer contents (set empty)
; RBwrite - force write buffer to disk
; A0.L - addr(cache buffer) containing disk block
; A1.L - pointer to buffer header (not used)
; Output: D0.W - result code
; 0 = ok
; other = error (can only occur if RBwrite option specified)
IMPORT ExtWriteBlock ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack
MOVEM.L D1/A0/A4,-(A6) ; save registers
LEA -lenbtBH(A0),A4 ; A4 = ptr to CBH
BTST #CBHdirty,btBHFlags(A4) ; buffer dirty? <2/20/90>
BEQ.S @1 ; no <2/20/90>
CLR.B btBHFlags(A4) ; clear dirty/in-use <2/20/90>
BRA.S @4 ; write dirty mapnode <2/20/90>
@1 CLR.B btBHFlags(A4) ; clear in-use <9/8/89>
BTST #RBdirty,D1 ; buffer dirty?
BNE.S @4 ; Yes ->
@2 BTST #RBwrite,D1 ; force write requested ?
BEQ.S RBExit ; no ->
@4 JSR ExtWriteBlock ; write block to disk
BRA.S RBExit1 ; all done -> D0 set
CLR.W D0 ; indicate no error
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1/A0/A4 ; restore registers
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set up condition codes
RTS ; exit ExtRelBlock
; Function: write a B*Tree buffer to disk.
; Input: A4.L - buffer header to write
; Output: D0 = error code, set buffer not dirty!
; Modification History:
; 07Aug89 KSCT Get node size shift count from BTCB
; 08Sep89 KSCT Save the RefNum we are servicing because the param is reused.
ExtWriteBlock PROC EXPORT ;
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6)
MOVEM.L D1/A1,-(A6) ; save regs over _write call
;; We don't do flush now, Do a filewrite here:
MOVEa.L FSVarsPtr,A1
MOVEA.L fsVars.btMgr(A1),A1
MOVEA.L btVParam(A1),A0 ; A0 = BT Param
;; A0 is reused. stash info on stack. <9/8/89>
MOVE ioRefNum(A0),-(A6) ; save the RefNum we're servicing <9/8/89>
MOVE.W btBHRefnum(A4),D0 ; D0=refnum
MOVE.W D0,ioRefNum(A0) ; file refnum
LEA btBHdata(A4),A1
MOVE.L A1,IOBuffer(A0) ; buffer to write
MOVE.W #fsFromStart,IOPosMode(A0) ; position mode(from BOF)
MOVE.W btBHNSize(A4),D0 ; D0=node size
MOVE.L D0,IOByteCount(A0) ; r/w node size
MOVE.L btBHFilePos(A4),D0 ; file pos
MOVE.L D0,IOPosOffset(A0) ; ... gives position offset
MOVEQ #DoWrite,D1 ; indicate this is WRITE
MOVE (A6),D1 ; old refnum <9/8/89>
CMP ioRefNum(A0),D1 ; same refnum? <9/8/89>
BEQ.S @2 ; yes <9/8/89>
_debugger ; should not happen <9/8/89>
@2 MOVE (A6)+,ioRefNum(A0) ; restore RefNum <9/8/89>
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1/A1 ; restore registers
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set up condition codes
ENDPROC ; ExtWriteBlock
; Function: mark the block dirty
; Now we just write it but don't clear inuse flag <9/11/89>
; Input: A0=ptr(buffer)
; Output: D0 = 0 if no error
ExtMarkBlock PROC EXPORT ;
; BSET #CBHdirty,CBHFlags-lenCBH(A0) ; mark it dirty
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6)
MOVE.L A4,-(A6)
LEA -lenbtBH(A0),A4 ; A4 = ptr to CBH
JSR ExtWriteBlock ;
MOVEa.L (A6)+,A4 ; restore registers
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; put return address back on stack
TST.W D0 ; set up condition codes