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; File: SCSILinkPatch.a
; Contains: New SCSI Manager linked patches. These patches are in addition to the
; SCSI Manager patches in the CPU specific patch files. The patches in
; this file are generally not CPU specific (except for perhaps the MacPlus).
; Written by: David Wong, December 11, 1990
; Copyright: <09> 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM6> 11/3/92 SWC Changed SCSIEqu.a->SCSI.a.
; <SM4> 8/11/92 CSS Update from Reality:
; <16> 8/10/92 csd #1035754 <gbm>: Added another cache flush to be more <20>040 studly
; and locked out interrupts while changing code that could get
; called at interrupt time.
; <15> 8/1/92 csd #1035754 <dty>: The delay patch in the previous version is not
; the best way to work around the problem. Instead, we change the
; number of blocks read so that we never read between 9 and 16
; blocks.
; <14> 7/31/92 csd #1035754 <dty>: Patch the SCSI drivers in RAM to add a delay in
; order to avoid the Quantum cache bug.
; <4> 3/3/92 kc Move TransactionFlag, and FreeHookPending into SCSIGlobals.
; <3> 2/12/92 RLM change jsr to jmp
; <2> 2/12/92 RLM InstallProc roll-in (SCSIC96Install & SCSIBusyPlusInstall). <20>
; Pre-SuperMario Comments Follow <20>
; <13> 11/25/91 DTY Roll in the SCSIBusy fix from 7-Up. Based on Dave Wong<6E>s
; original code.
; <12> 10/28/91 SAM/KSM Rolled in Regatta changes.
; Put one of those semicolon things before a comment made in the
; last rev.
; (pdw,ag) Added SCSIC96Install proc to install 53c96 SCSIMgr
; changes.
; <11> 9/16/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <10> 6/12/91 LN added #include 'InternalOnlyEqu.a'
; <9> 6/12/91 LN removed #include 'HardwareEqu.a'
; <8> 3/13/91 djw <wnm>(BRC #83534) I ignorantly did not know a TAS instruction
; does not work on all machines. Replaced it with a BSET.
; <7> 2/28/91 djw <dnf>(BRC #83534) Modify "free hook" patch to only call freehook
; at the end of a SCSI transaction. Fixed bug if out of range
; selector would crash.
; <6> 1/19/91 eh (eva for djw) don't load this patch under AUX
; <5> 12/20/90 djw call "SCSIFreeHook" through _DeferUserFn to make it VM friendly.
; Delete check on *BSY for _SCSIBusy (unreliable).
; <4> 12/15/90 djw Fixing comments and changing SCSIBusy to access SCSI chip more
; efficiently.
; <3> 12/14/90 dnf (with djw) Call SCSIFreeHook when freeing the bus. Fix stack
; problems in SCSIBusy.
; <2> 12/13/90 djw Added SCSIBusy and SCSIDispatch patches for file
; system/fileshare/CDROM problem.
; <1> 12/6/90 djw first checked in
; File Organization
; Additions to this file should be grouped together by patch, that is install and
; resident code together. Add newer patches to the end of the file. Please include
; a DETAILED description of the problem and the solution the patch addresses.
String Asis
Print Off
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
Include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
Include 'SCSI.a'
Include 'SCSIPriv.a'
Include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
Include 'UniversalEqu.a' ; <2> ag
Print On
; ; <2> ag
; MACRO setTrapA0 &trapNumber
; Install the patch pointed to by A0 as trap &trapNumber.
; This handles OS traps and Toolbox traps by checking the toolbox bit.
setTrapA0 &trapNumber
LCLA &realTrapNumber
&realTrapNumber: SETA &EVAL(&trapNumber)
IF (&realTrapNumber AND $800) = 0 THEN ; it is an OS trap
&realTrapNumber: SETA &realTrapNumber AND $FF
IF &realTrapNumber < 128 THEN
moveq #&realTrapNumber,d0 ; move trap number (sometimes sign extended)
moveq #&realTrapNumber-$100,d0 ; move trap number (sometimes sign extended)
_SetTrapAddress newOS
&realTrapNumber: SETA &realTrapNumber AND $3FF
IF &realTrapNumber < 128 THEN
moveq #&realTrapNumber,d0 ; move trap number
move.w #&realTrapNumber,d0 ; move trap number
_SetTrapAddress newTool
Roms Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci,notAUX ; <6> djw
;_______________________________________________________________________________________ <2> pdw
; Installer for new scsi manager code on machines with c96
export SCSIC96Install ;<RLM>
SCSIC96Install InstallProc (IIci,hasC96)
TestFor SCSI96_1Exists
beq.s @exit ; if this box doesn't have a c96, exit
leaResident SCSIMgr_96,a0 ; addr of vector
setTrapA0 $a815 ; patch SCSIDispatch to ROM
leaResident SCSIInit96,a0
jsr (a0)
@exit rts
;_______________________________________________________________________________________ <2> djw
; SCSIDispatch - fixes for FileShare problem
; Detailed description of the FileShare problem:
; FileShare has a deadlock problem which is caused by the SCSI manager not being
; asynchronous. The actual problem case was during system task time, the CDROM
; systemTask called the SCSI manager directly to polled the CDROM drive whether it
; has a disk insert event. While the SCSI manager is busy with this transaction, a
; level 4 (SCC) interrupt occurs for fileshare. At interrupt time, fileshare makes
; an async file system I/O call which is to a SCSI device (hard drive). The SCSI
; driver calls _SCSIGet, and gets an error - SCSI manager busy. The driver then
; loops waiting for the SCSI manager to become free. This will never happen because
; the SCSI manager at event time has been interrupted and cannot complete until we
; return from interrupt - deadlock.
; The solution (short of a real async SCSI manager) is for the file system to check
; that the SCSI manager is free before processing its I/O request. If the SCSI
; manager is busy, then the file system will queue the request and defer it. When
; the SCSI manager becomes free, it will call the file system to run its deferred
; I/O. This solution has the undesirable effect of gating file system I/O on the
; SCSI manager whether or not the target device is SCSI.
; SCSIDispatch will be patched for two reasons: The addition of a new private
; selector routine _SCSIBusy to be called only by the file system; and a call a new
; "hook" vector "jSCSIFreeHook" at the end of a SCSI transaction when the SCSI Mgr
; is free.
; The "jSCSIFreeHook" is defined to be called at the end of a SCSI transaction. A
; normal SCSI transaction is defined to begin with SCSIGet and end with SCSIComplete.
; A SCSI transaction may be aborted and considered ended without calling SCSIComplete
; only when SCSISelect returns an error. An error from SCSISelect means the you never
; got on the bus.
; Detailed description of the "jSCSIFreeHook and HDSC Setup problem
; Calling "jSCSIFreeHook" in the FileShare problem case, will result in calling the
; file system. The file system in turn may call the SCSI driver to do a deferred
; file I/O. If the SCSI bus is busy when this happens, the driver will loop waiting
; for the bus to clear. While the driver is looping, the system will hang. We
; do not check for the bus being clear before calling "jSCSIFreeHook", because it may
; be some unknown number of milliseconds before this happens, and we would slow down
; every transaction. The rule for calling "jSCSIFreeHook" is to only call at the END
; of a transaction because we know the bus is becoming free.
; There is a problem in calling SCSIComplete multiple times. Normally SCSIComplete
; signals an end to the transaction. As long as the bus is free or is going to be
; free, calling SCSIComplete is ok. However, there was a case where during a format,
; HDSC Setup called SCSIComplete multiple times to determine whether the drive was
; still formatting. This meant the bus was still busy and the system hung. The bus
; never became free because we were looping in the driver and HDSC Setup could not
; call SCSIComplete again to get the status. The fix was to change HDSC Setup to
; not use SCSIComplete as its status call. Until async SCSI operations, hopefully
; only formatting will cause this problem.
; Mac Plus SCSIBusy Installer - Install routine to get SCSIGlobals on MacPlus
If not forRom then ; <4> kc.start
SCSIBusyPlusInstall InstallProc (Plus)
leaResident SCSIBusyVector,a0 ; addr of vector
leaResident SCSIBusyPlus,a1 ; addr of routine valid on mac plus
move.l a1,(a0) ; install vector
; Other Macs SCSIBusy Installer - Install routine to get SCSIGlobals on other Macs
SCSIBusyOtherInstall InstallProc (SE,Portable,II,IIci,notAUX) ; <6> djw
leaResident SCSIBusyVector,a0 ; addr of vector
leaResident SCSIBusyOthers,a1 ; addr of routine valid on all other macs
move.l a1,(a0) ; install vector
Endif ; <4> kc.end
; Common SCSIDispatch
; Insert ourselve in the return chain so that after we call the existing SCSI
; manager, we will return here to check for busy. Because the SCSI manager is
; stack based, we must shift the stack and insert our return address.
SCSIDispatchCommon PatchProc _SCSIDispatch,(Plus,SE,Portable,II,IIci,notAUX) ; <6> djw
Export SCSIBusyPlus
Export SCSIBusyOthers
with ExpandMemRec
; Head patch to check for the new scsiBusy selector
cmpi.w #scsiBusy,4(sp) ; check selector after the return addr
bne.s @Continue ; not scsiBusy
movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; pop a0 = return addr
adda.w #2,sp ; pop selector
If forRom then ; <4> kc.start
With scsiGlobalRecord
movea.l SCSIGlobals, a1 ; addr of record
lea TransactionFlag(a1),a1 ; is the SCSI Mgr free?
lea TransactionFlag(pc),a1 ; is the SCSI Mgr free?
Endif ; <4> kc.end
move.w (a1),(sp) ; return transaction flag on stack
jmp (a0) ; done
; Check for the selector being in range
moveq.l #0,d0
move.w 4(sp),d0 ; d0 = scsi selector
cmpi.w #numSelectors,d0 ; valid selector?
bhs.s @CallOld ; out of range - let the ROM handle it
; Head patch for "jSCSIFreeHook" and "TransactionFlag"
; Only patch selectors indicated by the table "TransFlagTbl". Call through to
; the ROM to handle the other selectors.
lea TransFlagTbl,a0 ; get bit flag table address
tst.b (a0,d0.w) ; any flags set?
bne.s @SetUpPatch ; flags set - do the patch
if forROM then ;<RLM>
import SCSIMgr ;<RLM>
jmp SCSIMgr ;<RLM> <3>
jmpOld ; wrong selector - call old scsimgr
endif ;<RLM>
; Setup for "jSCSIFreeHook" and "TransactionFlag" patches
; "jsr" into the ROM to execute the SCSI selector and return to this patch.
; Because the SCSI manager is stack based, we must shift the parameters 6 bytes on
; the stack to make room for our return address and for saving the SCSI selector
; (while not disturbing the stack parameters).
btst.b #fSetTransFlag,(a0,d0.w) ; are we setting the transaction flag?
beq.s @ContinueSetup ; no - just continue
If forRom then ; <4> kc.start
With scsiGlobalRecord
movea.l SCSIGlobals, a1 ; addr of record
lea TransactionFlag(a1),a1 ; is the SCSI Mgr free?
lea TransactionFlag(pc),a1 ; is the SCSI Mgr free?
Endif ; <4> kc.end
addq.w #1,(a1) ; inc the transaction flag now
lea ParamSizeTable,a0 ; get table of paramblk sizes
add.l d0,d0 ; index words
move.w (a0,d0),d0 ; d0 = parameter block size
subq.l #2,sp ; make room for saving scsi selector
movea.l sp,a1 ; a1 = destination reg
move.l 2(a1),d1 ; d1 = original return addr
movea.l a1,a0 ; a0 = source reg
addq.w #6,a0 ; shift parameters (4byte ret_addr,2byte selector)
move.w (a0)+,(a1)+ ; shift the stack
dbra d0,@Loop
move.l d1,(a1)+ ; orig return addr after params
move.w (sp),(a1) ; save scsi selector above return addr
; Call the old _SCSIDispatch code and return
if forROM then ;<RLM>
import SCSIMgr ;<RLM>
jsr SCSIMgr ;<RLM>
jsrOld ; call the old _SCSIDispatch
endif ;<RLM>
; On return, the stack has the function result code, the original return address,
; and the saved selector. Get the saved selector for later and move the result
; code to where the selector was. The return address is in the right place.
move.w 6(sp),d0 ; need SCSIDispatch selector for table lookup
move.w (sp)+,4(sp) ; move function result code, ret addr is in place
; Check if "TransactionFlag" should be cleared
lea TransFlagTbl,a0 ; addr of bit flag table
btst.b #fClearTransFlag,(a0,d0) ; do we unconditionally clear the flag?
bne.s @ClearFlag
btst.b #fClearTransErr,(a0,d0) ; do we clear only on an error result?
beq.s @CheckFreeHook ; no - check for executing the freehook
tst.w 4(sp) ; check the function result
beq.s @CheckFreeHook ; just check the freehook
If forRom then ; <4> kc.start
With scsiGlobalRecord
movea.l SCSIGlobals, a1 ; addr of record
lea TransactionFlag(a1),a1 ; is the SCSI Mgr free?
lea TransactionFlag(pc),a1 ; is the SCSI Mgr free?
Endif ; <4> kc.end
tst.w (a1) ; is it already zero?
beq.s @alreadyZero
subq.w #1,(a1) ; clear the transaction flag
; Check if "jSCSIFreeHook" should be called
; Check if the SCSI manager is free (TransactionFlag). The SCSI manager should only
; be free on error conditions during SCSISelect, or after SCSIComplete. The SCSI bus
; is allowed to still be busy at this point, but should require no additional intervention
; from the processor (a device could just be slow getting off the bus). SCSISelect
; with errors, and SCSIComplete should leave the bus in a condition of becoming free.
; If SCSIComplete returns with a timeout error, then the SCSI manager will be free, but
; the bus may still be busy. In this case, the "jSCSIFreeHook" will not be called.
btst.b #fDoFreeHook,(a0,d0) ; do we execute the freehook?
beq.s @Done ; no - we are done
If forRom then ; <4> kc.start
With scsiGlobalRecord
movea.l SCSIGlobals, a1 ; addr of record
lea TransactionFlag(a1),a1 ; is the SCSI Mgr free?
lea TransactionFlag(pc),a1 ; is the SCSI Mgr free?
Endif ; <4> kc.end
tst.w (a1) ; test flag
bne.s @Done ; scsi mgr busy - done
; SCSI manager is free - call the routine which runs "jSCSIFreeHook".
; A routine is executed through _DeferUserFn (to allow VM page fault processing) which
; actually executes the "jSCSIFreeHook". The reason why a routine is used instead of
; running "jSCSIFreeHook" directly, is so that we only have one outstanding call to
; "jSCSIFreeHook" at a time. So the routine is after the _DeferUserFn so we know it
; has run.
If forRom then ; <4> kc.start
With scsiGlobalRecord
movea.l SCSIGlobals, a0 ; addr of record
lea FreeHookPending(a0),a0 ; get address of freehook pending flag
lea FreeHookPending(pc),a0 ; get address of freehook pending flag
Endif ; <4> kc.end
bset.b #0,(a0) ; test and set the freehook pending flag <8> djw
bne.s @Done ; one already pending - done
lea PostFreeHook,a0 ; get addr of routine to execute
_DeferUserFn ; execute deferred
; PostFreeHook routine
; This routine is executed through _DeferUserFn to run the "jSCSIFreeHook". This
; routine will clear the FreeHookPending flag so that other SCSI completions will
; generate calls to "jSCSIFreeHook".
movea.l ExpandMem,a0 ; a0 = ptr to expand mem
move.l jSCSIFreeHook(a0),d0 ; d0 = SCSI free vector
beq.s @Done ; no freehook to execute
movea.l d0,a0
jsr (a0) ; execute "jSCSIFreeHook"
If forRom then ; <4> kc.start
With scsiGlobalRecord
movea.l SCSIGlobals, a0 ; addr of record
lea FreeHookPending(a0),a0 ; get address of freehook pending flag
lea FreeHookPending(pc),a0 ; get address of freehook pending flag
Endif ; <4> kc.end
clr.b (a0) ; clear pending flag
; SCSIBusyPlus - return G_State on a MacPlus
; WARNING...WARNING...WARNING... if the SCSIDispatch patch in the MacPlus patch file
; changes, then the equate @G_State may become invalid.
@G_State Equ $23 ; offset in MacPlus SCSI dispatcher to G_State global
@scsiRd Equ $580000 ; read base addr of NCR5380 on Plus
leaOld a0 ; a0 = addr of patched _SCSIDispatch
move.b @G_State(a0),d0 ; d0 = G_State byte embedded in system patch
movea.l #@scsiRd,a1 ; hard coded read base addr for SCSI chip
bra SCSIBusyCommon
; SCSIBusyOthers - return G_State on Macs other than a Plus
with SCSIGlobalRecord
movea.l SCSIGlobals,a0 ; a0 = ptr to SCSI global record
move.b G_State(a0),d0 ; d0 = G_State byte
movea.l SCSIBase,a1 ; read base of SCSI hardware supported by lowmem
; fall through to SCSIBusyCommon
; SCSIBusy common routine - a1 = read base addr of SCSI chip, d0 = G_State busy bit
andi.w #$01,d0 ; mask only busy bit from G_State
; <djw> moveq.l #$40,d1 ; mask for current bus status
; <djw> and.b sCSR(a1),d1 ; read and mask current bus status register
; <djw> rol.b #2,d1 ; get BSY bit (bit 6) to bit 0
; <djw> or.b d1,d0 ; if either SCSI mgr or bus is busy then return busy
movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; pop a0 = return addr
adda.w #2,sp ; pop selector
move.w d0,(sp) ; result on stack
jmp (a0) ; done
If not forRom then ; <4> kc.start
; Pending freehook call flag, and ParamSizeTable
; The ParamSizeTable contains the number of words of arguments passed to _SCSIDispatch
; for each of the various selectors. The count includes any arguments, the result
; word, and the selector word. The count does not include the return address on the
; stack. The count is then adjusted for a "dbra" loop count. The FreeHookPending
; flag is set if an outstanding "jSCSIFreeHook" call has been posted to _DeferUserFn.
; The flag is check before posting any calls to _DeferUserFn. This prevents overflowing
; VM's defered function queue.
; In SuperMario, this is part of SCSIGlobals.
FreeHookPending dc.l 0 ; location of pending free-hook flag
SCSIBusyVector dc.l 0
Endif ; <4> kc.end
ParamSizeTable ; parameters on stack in words + selector + result - dbra
dc.w 2-1 ; selector 0 SCSIReset
dc.w 2-1 ; 1 SCSIGet
dc.w 3-1 ; 2 SCSISelect
dc.w 5-1 ; 3 SCSICmd
dc.w 8-1 ; 4 SCSIComplete
dc.w 4-1 ; 5 SCSIRead
dc.w 4-1 ; 6 SCSIWrite
dc.w 2-1 ; 7 SCSIInstall (unused)
dc.w 4-1 ; 8 SCSIRBlind
dc.w 4-1 ; 9 SCSIWBlind
dc.w 2-1 ; 10 SCSIStat
dc.w 3-1 ; 11 SCSISelAtn
dc.w 4-1 ; 12 SCSIMsgIn
dc.w 3-1 ; 13 SCSIMsgOut
If not forRom then ; <4> kc.start
; SCSI Transaction Flag table and transaction flag
; The TransFlagTbl is an array of bit flags which indicate whether: to execute
; the "jSCSIFreeHook" vector; to set the "TransactionFlag"; to clear the
; "TransactionFlag".
; In SuperMario, this is part of SCSIGlobals.
TransactionFlag dc.w 0 ; location to store SCSI transaction flag
Endif ; <4> kc.end
dc.b (1<<fDoFreeHook)+(1<<fClearTransFlag) ; 0 SCSIReset
dc.b (1<<fSetTransFlag)+(1<<fClearTransErr) ; 1 SCSIGet
dc.b (1<<fClearTransErr)+(1<<fDoFreeHook) ; 2 SCSISelect
dc.b 0 ; 3 SCSICmd
dc.b (1<<fDoFreeHook)+(1<<fClearTransFlag) ; 4 SCSIComplete
dc.b 0 ; 5 SCSIRead
dc.b 0 ; 6 SCSIWrite
dc.b 0 ; 7 SCSIInstall (unused)
dc.b 0 ; 8 SCSIRBlind
dc.b 0 ; 9 SCSIWBlind
dc.b 0 ; 10 SCSIStat
dc.b (1<<fClearTransErr)+(1<<fDoFreeHook) ; 11 SCSISelAtn
dc.b 0 ; 12 SCSIMsgIn
dc.b 0 ; 13 SCSIMsgOut
Endp ; end SCSIDispatchCommon
;_______________________________________________________________________________________ <2> djw
PatchSCSIDrivers InstallProc (Plus,SE,Portable,II,IIci)
JSROpcode equ $4EB9
NOPOpcode equ $4E714E71
LowestDriverVersion equ $0026
HighestDriverVersion equ $0029
BlockPinningFirstLong equ $0C820000
BlockPinning2ndLong equ $01006308
scsiVersion equ -$E
leaResident SCSIPatchToBlockIOInDriver, A2 ; pointer to patch code
move.l A2, D0 ; so we can strip it
_StripAddress ; we might get called in 32-bit mode
move.l D0, A2 ; clean version of the address
move.l UTableBase, A0 ; pointer to unit table
add.l #32 * 4, A0 ; entry #32 * sizeof(DCEHandle)
moveq #7, D4 ; 8 possible scsi drivers
move.l (A0), D1 ; get DCEHandle for this driver
bz.s @nextSCSIDriver ; no driver here, try the next one
move.l D1, A1 ; DCEHandle for this driver
move.l (A1),A1 ; get the DCE
btst #dRAMBased, dCtlFlags+1(A1) ; do we have a handle or pointer?
move.l dCtlDriver(A1), A1 ; handle or pointer
bz.s @havePointer ; skip the deref if dRAMBased=0
move.l (A1), A1 ; get pointer to RAM driver
move.w scsiVersion(A1), D1 ; version field for Apple<6C>s SCSI driver
sub.w #LowestDriverVersion, D1 ; normalize $27-$29 => $0-$2
bmi.s @nextSCSIDriver ; bail if earlier than $27
cmp.w #HighestDriverVersion-LowestDriverVersion, D1 ; check high end of supported versions
bgt.s @nextSCSIDriver ; bail if later than $29
add.w D1, D1 ; times 2 for sizeof(word)
move.w OffsetsToBlockPinningInDriver(PC, D1), D2 ; get offset to patch location
cmpi.l #BlockPinningFirstLong, (A1, D2.w) ; is the data what we expect?
bne.s @nextSCSIDriver
cmpi.l #BlockPinning2ndLong, 4(A1, D2.w) ; is the second long correct?
bne.s @nextSCSIDriver
; Change the driver to call our patch
add.w D2, A1
move SR, -(SP) ; save current state of the world
ori.w #$0700, SR ; we<77>re not safe for page faults
move.w #JSROpcode, (A1)+ ; patch in a JSR
move.l A2, (A1)+ ; patch in operand
; The patch does the entire block pinning that the driver did, so NOP out these instructions
; after the JSR to our patch.
moveq #2, D1
move.l #NOPOpcode, (A1)+
dbra D1, @blastSomeInstructionsLoop
_FlushDataCache ; we wrote into a copyback cache
_FlushInstructionCache ; we changed code
move (SP)+, SR ; we<77>re safe for page faults again
addq #4, A0 ; point to next DCEPtr in the unit table
dbra D4, @checkSCSIDriverLoop ; do the rest of the SCSI drivers
dc.w $0CA8 ; Offset to offending code in driver version $26
dc.w $0CA8 ; Offset to offending code in driver version $27
dc.w $0CA8 ; Offset to offending code in driver version $28
dc.w $1046 ; Offset to offending code in driver version $29
; The Quantum firmware has a bug where the cache gets corrupt after a read of 10 to 15
; blocks if another read comes in after a certain amount of time. Our patch changes the
; SCSI driver so that we never read 10 to 15 blocks. If a read request in this range
; comes in, break the read down into two reads of 9 blocks and change.
; Register usage:
; D2 -> count (number of blocks remaining to be read. Could be > 256.)
; D3 -> wrflag (non zero if driver is doing a write.)
; D5 <- nb (number of blocks to be read in this pass. Must be <20> 256.)
SCSIPatchToBlockIOInDriver Proc Export
SCSISmallestSafeBlock equ 9
SCSILargestSafeBlock equ 16
SCSILargestIOBlockSize equ 256
move.l D2,D5 ; Potential number of blocks to read in this pass
tst.w D3 ; Are we reading or writing?
bnz.s @pinBlocksToReadOrWriteTo256 ; If we<77>re writing, just pin the blocks to 256
cmp.l #SCSISmallestSafeBlock, D2 ; Are we reading less than 10 blocks?
bls.s @rejoinDriver ; Yeah. Go back to the driver
cmp.l #SCSILargestSafeBlock, D2 ; Are we reading more than 15 blocks?
bhs.s @pinBlocksToReadOrWriteTo256 ; Yes. This read is safe. Go make sure we<77>re not reading more than 256 blocks
move.l #SCSISmallestSafeBlock, D5 ; We<57>re reading 10 to 15 blocks. Read only 9. (We<57>ll get the rest on the next pass.)
bra.s @rejoinDriver ; Go back to the driver
@pinBlocksToReadOrWriteTo256 ; Make sure we don<6F>t operate on more than 256 blocks in a pass
cmp.l #SCSILargestIOBlockSize, D2 ; Are we operating on more than 256 blocks?
bls.s @rejoinDriver ; No. Get on with it.
move.l #SCSILargestIOBlockSize, D5 ; Pin the operation to 256 blocks.
rts ; Go back to the driver. (D5 = nb)