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; File: SCSIMgrHW.a
; Copyright: <09> 1989-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM10> 2/5/93 CSS Rollin from Horror: clear flag indicating drive is now spun down.
; <SM9> 11/3/92 SWC Changed SCSIEqu.a->SCSI.a.
; <SM8> 9/9/92 CSS Changed three bra.w's to bra.l's when modular makes
; caused the files to get to far apart.
; <SM7> 6/20/92 PN Roll in patchIIciROM.a. New and improved bus errorhandler
; <SM6> 6/2/92 kc Revert to <SM4>
; <SM5> 6/1/92 CS Roll more cyclone stuff in.
; <SM4> 5/17/92 kc Include PowerPrivEqu.a. The powerCntl equ was moved inside the
; pmCommandRec record.
; <SM3> 5/4/92 FM Undo last change and let Kurt deal with it :^)
; <SM2> 5/4/92 FM Roll in changes from PatchIICiRom.a file that were "lost" in the
; review process<73> Making the SCSIBusErrHandler a little more
; robust.
; <13> 12/27/91 RB Rolled in Terror changes. Cleaned up a bit.
; <12> 10/2/91 JSM Don<6F>t use any onXXMac conditionals at all, don<6F>t use forROM,
; isUniversal, or hasPwrControls since they are always true for
; this file, don<6F>t check for Cpu <20> 020 since it always is.
; <11> 9/16/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <10> 9/21/90 BG Removed <8>, <9>. 040s are behaving more reliably now.
; <9> 7/19/90 BG Found another place or two where EclipseNOPs were needed.
; <8> 6/22/90 CCH Added a NOP for flaky 68040's.
; <7> 5/16/90 MSH Added hasPowerControls to hcmac conditional.
; <6> 2/20/90 BG Added (simplistic) 040 bus error handling. Updated *Transfer* to
; decide which MaxBusErr value to use (000/020/030 vs. 040).
; <5> 1/18/90 JWK Needed for Zone5 - Fixes to old SCSI Mgr DMA routines for
; SCSIStat support and variable blind timeouts.
; <4> 1/14/90 JWK Needed for F19 - Added calls to LockMemory and UnlockMemory for
; VM support.
; <3> 1/11/90 CCH Added include of <20>HardwarePrivateEqu.a<>.
; <2> 1/8/90 JK Needed for F19: Fixed CD-ROM bug in slow read routines - better
; loss of phase error checking.
; <1.7> 12/10/89 jwk NEEDED FOR F19 - Optimized DMA code
; <1.6> 11/2/89 MSH Rolled in updated sleeptask from hcmac reality sources.
; <1.5> 9/11/89 jwk NEEDED FOR F19 - Cleaned up DMA code, added support for SE and
; Plus
; <1.4> 7/17/89 jwk NEEDED FOR AURORA - Changed to use "padForOverPatch" conditional
; <1.3> 7/15/89 jwk NEEDED FOR AURORA - Code review changes, F19 routines
; <1.2> 6/29/89 jwk NEEDED FOR AURORA - Fixed Tape Drive and Slow Write timing bugs
; <1.1> 6/19/89 SWC Replaced bit constants for equated versions for OSS interrupt
; register tests.
; <1.0> 6/13/89 jwk Reorganizing SCSI sources to be Universal-ROM friendly
; Old comments are saved for historical purposes in the SCSIMgrOld.a file. <v1.3>
IF (&TYPE('dbSymbols') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN
dbSymbols EQU 0 ; for debugging purposes <v1.5>
IF (&TYPE('phaseLogging') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN
phaseLogging EQU 0
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a' ; <13> rb
INCLUDE 'PowerPrivEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'SCSIEqu96.a' ; <13> rb
EXPORT Arb, Sel, Delay22, SCSIIntHnd
EXPORT Transfer, SlowComp, FastComp
EXPORT SlowRead, SlowWrite, FastRead, FastWrite
EXPORT VFastReadOSS, VFastRead, VFastWriteOSS, VFastWrite
EXPORT PFastReadOSS, PFastRead, PFastWriteOSS, PFastWrite
EXPORT FastReadOSS, FastWriteOSS ;<v1.3>
EXPORT BusErrHandler ;<v1.5>
EXPORT DisEnable
IMPORT ClearSCSIInt, EnableSCSIInts, DisableSCSIInts
WITH scsiPB,scsiPrivPB, scsiGlobalRecord, dcInstr, PmgrRec
EXPORT SleepTask, DoSpinDown
; DoSpinDown - Turn hard drive power off. <v1.1><v1.2>
; It is assumed that the drive power is on - the power is cut unconditionally.
with pmCommandRec
link a6,#-14 ; storage for Power Mgr param blk <v1.1>
lea.l -14(a6),a0 ; point to the parameter block <v1.1>
move.w #powerCntl,pmCommand(a0) ; power off the SCSI +5V and +12V <v1.1>
move.w #1,pmLength(a0) ; one byte of data in buffer <v1.1>
move.w #hdOff*256,-2(a6) ; hdOff command <v1.1>
pea.l -2(a6) ; address of send buffer <v1.1>
move.l (sp)+,pmSBuffer(a0) ; save the send buffer pointer <v1.1>
move.l zeroReg,pmRBuffer(a0) ; no data to be received <v1.1>
_PmgrOp ; send it off to the Power Mgr <v1.1>
tst.w d0 ; was there an error ? <v1.1>
bne.s @exit ; if there was, don't freeze the timer <v1.8>
MOVE.L PmgrBase,A0 ; get pointer to pmgr locals <v2.1>
clr.l LastHd(A0) ; stop calling - disk is spun down <v1.8>
bclr.b #HDPowerOn,PmgrFlags(a0) ; clear flag indicating drive is now spun down <t11> djw <SM10> CSS
unlk a6 ; release local storage <v1.1>
rts ; <v1.1>
; SleepTask - Turn hard drive power off, if necessary <v1.2>
; If the Sleep timer goes off, or the user decides to go immediately to sleep, this task
; is called. If no SCSI I/O is in progress, the power is turned off to the drive. <v1.2>
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; save A1
cmpi.w #SleepDemand,d0 ; is it a sleep demand ? <v1.4>
beq.s @spin ; if so, do it <v1.4>
cmpi.w #SleepNow,d0 ; is it a sleep now ? <v1.4><v1.6>
beq.s @spin ; if so, do it <v1.4>
cmpi.w #SleepRequest,d0 ; is it a sleep request ? <v1.4>
bne.s @exit ; if not, ignore it <v1.4>
move.l SCSIGlobals,a1 ; point to SCSI Mgr globals <v1.4>
tst.l scsiQHead(a1) ; is the new SCSI Mgr busy ? <v1.2>
bne.s @err ; we're busy, so we won't sleep <v1.4><v1.3>
MOVE.L PmgrBase,A1 ; use pointer to spin down routine <v1.5>
MOVE.L HDvector(A1),A1
JSR (A1)
clr.l d0 ; <v1.3>
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; restore a1 <v1.2><v1.3>
rts ; we're out of here <v1.4>
; ClearIRQ
; Function: Clears the SCSI IRQ bit and the VIA interrupt flag, if necessary.
move.b sRESET(a3),d1 ; clear the IRQ interrupt bit
bra.l ClearSCSIInt ; <SM8> call InterruptHandlers.a to clear SCSI intr latch (if any) <v1.3>
; DisEnable
; Called by: SCSIDT, ArbSel, SCSIIntHnd, MsgIn
; Calls: _PrimeTime (on the Mac Plus)
; On entry: d0 - If zero, disable SCSI interrupts, else enable SCSI interrupts
; Function: Enable/disable the CPU's SCSI interrupt.
tst.l d0 ; disable or enable ?
beq.s @disable ; if zero, disable interrupts
bra.l EnableSCSIInts ; <SM8> use routine in InterruptHandlers.a <v1.3>
bra.l DisableSCSIInts ; <SM8> use routine in InterruptHandlers.a <v1.3>
; BusErrHandler -- Hardware-handshaking bus error handler
aeXFrameType EQU $07 ; Access Error Exception Stack Frame type value <6>
aeXFrameSize EQU 30*2 ; size (words) of 040 AE Exception Frame <6>
shortBEXFrameType EQU $0A ; Short bus cycle fault stack frame (020/030) <6>
move.l d0,-(sp) ; save d0 <PN>
moveq.l #$ffffff9c,d0 ; mask = $ffffff9c <Start> <PN>
and.l 4+$10(sp),d0 ; clear variable bits of the fault address <PN>
cmp.l SCSIHsk,d0 ; was it a SCSI chip access ? <PN>
beq.s @start ; if so, start processing the bus error <PN>
movem.l d1/a4,-(sp) ; save what we will trash <PN>
move.l SCSIGlobals,a4 ; load our globals reference <PN>
move.l SCSI2Base,d1 ; is the external SCSI chip base address valid? <PN>
beq.s @NoSCSIBus2 ; -> no, cleanup and bail <PN>
cmp.l hhsk5380_2(a4),d0 ; was it an external SCSI chip access ? <PN>
beq.s @Is2ndSCSI ; if so, start processing the bus error <PN>
@NoSCSIBus2 ; <PN>
movem.l (sp)+,d1/a4 ; restore d1/a4 <PN>
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; restore d0
move.l OldBusErrVct(a6),-(sp) ; put old bus error handler addr on stack <end>
rts ; jump to old handler, assuming it'll RTE <PN>
@Is2ndSCSI ; <PN>
movem.l (sp)+,d1/a4 ; restore d1/a4 <PN>
subq.w #1,BusErrCount(a6) ; retry until we get tired
beq.s CleanUp
move.w TimeDBRA,d0 ; DBRA's per millisecond <v1.3>
lsr.w #4,d0 ; 1ms/16 = approximately 62us (was 50us) <v1.3>
@ErrWait dbra d0,@ErrWait ; recovery time (was 50us) <C865/PB208> <v1.3>
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; restore d0 <v2.0>
rte ; haven't reached max, so restart
addq.l #4,sp ; throw away copy of d0 on stack <29>
move.w (sp),d0 ; get sr from stack
bfextu 6(sp){0:4},d1 ; get format code from stack
cmp.b #aeXFrameType,d1 ; check for 040 Access Error Exception Frame <6>
beq.s Drop040XFrame ; dispose of 040 AE except. frame <6>
cmp.b #shortBEXFrameType,d1 ; short 020/030 exception frame?
bne.s Drop46w ; no, so use larger frame
adda.w #16*2,sp ; dispose of the 16-word frame
bra.s DummyFrame ; and finish up
Drop040XFrame ; 040 Bus Error frame-cleaning done here <6>
add.w #aeXFrameSize,sp ; remove 040 Access Error Exception Frame <6>
bra.s DummyFrame ; and create dummy return frame <6>
add.w #46*2,sp ; size of exception frame
; Fake a format code 0 exception frame (4 words) to finish cleaning up
move.w zeroReg,-(sp) ; format code 0
pea FinishErr ; PC value
move.w d0,-(sp) ; sr value
rte ; 'return' from the fake exception
moveq.l #scBusTOErr, d0 ; assume slow peripheral <13> rb
TestFor SCSI96_1Exists ; use macro to check if we have <13> rb
beq.s @noSCSI96 ; a SCSI96 chip. Bra. if not <13> rb
;In c96 DMA mode, if the phase changes while transfer count > 0
; during transfer info then c96 generates a bus service interrupt.
rts ; But return SCSI Bus TimeOut for now <13> rb
btst.b #bPM, (a1) ; phase change? <13> rb
bne.s @ErrorDone ; phase matches: slow peripheral <13> rb
moveq.l #scPhaseErr, d0 ; return phase change error <13> rb
; Arb
; Called by: SCSIDT
; Calls: Delay22.
; On entry: a3 - ptr to SCSI read base address
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; On exit: d0 - result code
; Function: Arbitrates for the SCSI bus.
movem.l a0-a3/d1-d2,-(sp) ; save registers
move.w #scsiArbitrated,scsiResult(a5) ; we're arbitrating
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; assume success
btst.b #sOSSExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; see if we really have an OSS
beq.s @notGDUOSS ; if not, skip it
btst.b #sSCSIDMAExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; see if we have a SCSI DMA chip
beq.s @notGDUOSS ; not the correct combination
move.l #$FFFFFFFF,sDTIME(a3) ; set timer to an outlandish value <v1.3><v1.5>
move.l G_Reserved2(a4),sDCTRL(a3) ; enable auto-arbitration <v1.2>
move.b #iARB,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; attempt arbitration
move.w TimeDBRA,d2 ; DBRA's per millisecond <v1.3>
lsr.w #6,d2 ; 1ms/64 = 15us <v1.3>
dbra.w d2,@delay ; delay at least 15us <v1.3>
move.l sDCTRL(a3),d1 ; get an image of the DMA control register
btst.l #bWONARB,d1 ; did we win ?
beq.s @busyGDU ; we didn't win
move.b sRESET(a3),d1 ; clear the interrupt <v1.3>
move.l #iINTREN,sDCTRL(a3) ; enable chip interrupts <v1.3>
bra.s @exit ; we won <v1.3>
move.l #iINTREN,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn off auto-arbitration <v1.3>
bra.s @busy ; continue <v1.3>
move.b G_ID(a4),sODR+WrOffs(a3) ; put CPU's ID out on the bus
move.b #iARB,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; attempt arbitration
btst.b #bAIP,sICR(a3) ; check for AIP (Arbitration In Progress) bit
beq.s @busy ; the bus is busy
movea.l jvDelay22(a4),a0 ; delay at least 2.2us
jsr (a0) ; go to the routine
btst.b #bLA,sICR(a3) ; did we lose arbitration ?
bne.s @busy ; if we lost, get out
move.b G_ID(a4),d2 ; CPU's SCSI ID <v1.3>
move.b sCDR(a3),d1 ; check ID's on the bus
eor.b d2,d1 ; take out our ID <v1.3>
cmp.b d2,d1 ; is there a higher ID on the bus ?
bhi.s @busy ; if so, we lost, so get out
btst.b #bLA,sICR(a3) ; check again - did we lose arbitration ?
beq.s @exit ; we won - d0 is set correctly
bset.b #waitingForIRQ,state1(a4) ; we're waiting for a Loss of BSY interrupt <v1.5>
move.b zeroReg,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; turn off arbitration
move.b #iMBSY,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; set up for "Loss of BSY" interrupt
moveq.l #scArbNBErr,d0 ; we didn't win
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a3/d1-d2 ; restore registers (d0 is not restored)
tst.l d0 ; set condition codes
; Sel
; Called by: SCSIDT
; Calls: Delay22.
; On entry: a3 - ptr to SCSI read base address
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; a5 - ptr to SCSI request parameter block
; On exit: d0 - result code
; Function: Selects a device.
movem.l scsiRegs,-(sp) ; save registers
move.w #scsiSelection,scsiResult(a5) ; we're attempting to select
move.b #iSEL+iBSY,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; assert SEL as well as BSY since we won
move.b zeroReg,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; turn off arbitration
movea.l jvDelay22(a4),a0 ; delay at least 1.2us (800+400ns) <v1.3>
jsr (a0) ; go to the routine
@select: ; start selection
move.b zeroReg,sTCR+WrOffs(a3) ; clear *I/O bit to become initiator
moveq.l #1,d1 ; build the select mask...
move.b scsiReqID(a5),d2 ; Target ID
lsl.b d2,d1 ; shift the bit to the appropriate spot
or.b G_ID(a4),d1 ; merge CPU ID with Target ID
move.b d1,sODR+WrOffs(a3) ; set select mask (ready to be output onto bus)
move.b #iBSY+iSEL+iDB+iATN,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; assert *SEL,*DB, and *ATN
move.b zeroReg,sSER+WrOffs(a3) ; disable reselection interrupts
move.l zeroReg,d0 ; disable all SCSI interrupts
move.l jvDisEnable(a4),a0 ; addr of intr enable/disable routine
jsr (a0) ; disable SCSI interrupts
move.b #iSEL+iDB+iATN,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; *SEL, *DB, and *ATN - no *BSY
movea.l jvDelay22(a4),a0 ; bus settle delay (400ns)
jsr (a0) ; go to the routine
move.w scsiSelTO(a5),d2 ; selection timeout in milliseconds
mulu.w TimeSCSIDB,d2 ; get number of DBRA's
move.l d2,d0 ; set up d0 as high word
swap d0
btst.b #bBSY,sCSR(a3) ; test for *BSY
dbne.w d2,@wfbsy ; loop until *BSY or timeout
dbne.w d0,@wfbsy
bne.s @noerror ; *BSY is asserted
move.b #iSEL,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; de-assert data bus
move.w TimeSCSIDB,d2 ; delay 200us
lsr.w #2,d2 ; 1ms/4 = 250us (greater than 200us)
dbra.w d2,@delay ; wait 250us
btst.b #bBSY,sCSR(a3) ; *BSY asserted ?
bne.s @noerror ; if asserted, we're done
move.w #scsiSelectTOErr,d0 ; selection timed out <v1.3>
move.b zeroReg,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; release the lines
bra.s @exit ; done
movea.l jvDelay22(a4),a0 ; bus settle delay (400ns)
jsr (a0) ; go to the routine
move.b #iATN,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; assert *ATN only
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; indicate success
movem.l (sp)+,scsiRegs ; restore registers (d0 is not restored)
tst.l d0 ; set condition codes
; Delay22();
; Called by: Arb, Sel
; Calls: None.
; Function: Provides a delay of at least 2.2us, using three VIA accesses <v1.3>
; as a time constant. <v1.3>
movea.l VIA,a0 ; point to the VIA <v1.3>
tst.b vIFR(a0) ; access the VIA <v1.3>
tst.b vIFR(a0)
tst.b vIFR(a0)
; SCSIIntHnd
; Called by: Macintosh Interrupt Dispatcher
; Calls: Command, Status, Data, MsgIn, MsgOut
; Function:
; This is the SCSI interrupt handler. (On the Mac Plus, a second timer is used to
; monitor the SCSI chip's interrupt line.)
IF dbSymbols THEN
link a6,#0 ; no globals, no locals
movem.l intrRegs,-(sp) ; save registers
movea.l SCSIGlobals,a4 ; get pointer to SCSI Manager globals <v1.7>
movea.l activeReq(a4),a5 ; point to the active request, if any <v1.3>
moveq.l #0,zeroReg ; clear out the zero register
move.l zeroReg,d0 ; disable all SCSI interrupts
move.l jvDisEnable(a4),a0 ; addr of intr enable/disable routine
jsr (a0) ; disable SCSI interrupts
move.l base5380(a4),a3 ; SCSI read base address
move.w sr,-(sp) ; save current status register contents
ori.w #HiIntMask,sr ; no interrupts during Reselection handshake
move.b sBSR(a3),d0 ; fetch Bus and Status Register
btst.l #bIREQ,d0 ; is the IRQ bit set ?
beq.w @Spurious ; if not, check for spurious interrupt
lsl.w #8,d0 ; put BSR in upper byte
move.b sCSR(a3),d0 ; put Current SCSI Bus Status in lower byte
move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers
andi.w #mReselect,d1 ; clear don't care bits
cmpi.w #iReselect,d1 ; is it a Reselection interrupt ?
bne.s @chkEOP ; if not, check for an End Of Process interrupt
; Since we're not a system with Parity implemented, we can't check for parity
; on Reselection. It's not worth the trouble to keep track of the ID's that implement
; Parity.
; btst.l #bDBP,d0 ; is /DBP asserted ?
; beq.w @Spurious ; if not, bad parity, don't respond
move.b sCDR(a3),d1 ; get ID of reselecting device
beq.w @Spurious ; no ID bits set
move.b G_ID(a4),d0 ; get our ID bit
eor.b d0,d1 ; remove our ID bit
beq.w @Spurious ; only our ID bit was set, invalid reselection
move.b zeroReg,sSER+WrOffs(a3) ; disable reselection interrupts
move.b sICR(a3),d0 ; assert *BSY
ori.b #iBSY,d0
move.b d0,sICR+WrOffs(a3)
moveq.l #scResel,d0 ; send a reselect message to dTask (ID mask in d1.b)
bra.s @ClearIRQ ; clear interrupt and leave
move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers
andi.w #mEOP,d1 ; clear don't care bits
cmpi.w #iEOP,d1 ; is it an End Of Process interrupt ?
bne.s @PhaseMm ; if not, check for Phase Mismatch
move.b zeroReg,sMR(a3) ; clear EOP interrupt (and turn off pDMA)
move.b zeroReg,sICR(a3) ; deassert the data bus (for writes) <v1.3>
moveq.l #scEOP,d0 ; send an EOP message to dTask
bra.s @ClearIRQ ; clear interrupt and leave
move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers
andi.w #mPhaseMm,d1 ; clear don't care bits
cmpi.w #iPhaseMm,d1 ; is it a Phase Mismatch interrupt ?
bne.s @LossBsy ; if not, check for Loss of BSY <v1.3>
moveq.l #scPhaseMm,d0 ; send a Phase Mismatch message to dTask
bra.s @ClearIRQ ; clear interrupt and leave
move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers
andi.w #mLossBsy,d1 ; clear don't care bits
cmpi.w #iLossBsy,d1 ; is it a Loss of BSY interrupt ?
bne.s @BusReset ; if not, check for SCSI Bus Reset
moveq.l #scLossBsy,d0 ; send a Loss of BSY message to dTask
bra.s @ClearIRQ ; clear interrupt and leave
move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers
andi.w #mBusReset,d1 ; clear don't care bits
cmpi.w #iBusReset,d1 ; is it a SCSI Bus Reset interrupt ?
bne.s @Parity ; if not, check for a Parity interrupt
; moveq.l #scBusReset,d0 ; send a Bus Reset message to dTask <v1.3>
bra.s @Spurious ; clear IRQ, leave as if nothing happened <v1.3>
move.w d0,d1 ; get a copy of BSR and CSR registers
andi.w #mParity,d1 ; clear don't care bits
cmpi.w #iParity,d1 ; is it a Parity Error interrupt ?
bne.s @Spurious ; if not, spurious interrupt <v1.5>
moveq.l #scParity,d0 ; send a Parity error message to dTask
; fall through to clear interrupt request and leave <v1.3>
movea.l jvMessage(a4),a0 ; addr of messaging routine <v1.3>
jsr (a0) ; send the message to the deferred task <v1.3>
movea.l jvClearIRQ(a4),a0 ; addr of ClearIRQ routine
jsr (a0) ; clear the SCSI interrupt (and VIA, if necessary)
move.w (sp)+,sr ; restore the sr
IF phaseLogging THEN
nop ; good place to jump to phase-logging routine
bra.s @inthndRTS ; we're done
move.w (sp)+,sr ; restore the sr
btst.b #sSCSIDMAExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; do we have a SCSI DMA chip ? <v1.3>
beq.s @DMAdone ; if not, skip <v1.3>
move.l sDCTRL(a3),d0 ; get a snapshot of DMA control register <v1.3>
btst.l #bTIMEP,d0 ; did the watchdog timer go off ? <v1.3>
beq.s @DMAdone ; if not, continue <v1.3>
if dbSymbols then
move.w #scsiBusTOErr,d0 ; report that the watchdog timer expired
movea.l jvLogError(a4),a0 ; note the SCSI error in the PB
jsr (a0) ; send it
moveq.l #-1,d0 ; clear the timer interrupt <end>
move.l d0,sDTIME(a3) ; hit the watchdog timer to clear the intr <v1.3>
movea.l jvClearIRQ(a4),a0 ; addr of ClearIRQ routine
jsr (a0) ; clear the VIA interrupt, if necessary
moveq.l #1,d0 ; flag to enable interrupts
movea.l jvDisEnable(a4),a0 ; addr of interrupt enable/disable routine
jsr (a0) ; turn interrupts back on
movem.l (sp)+,intrRegs ; restore registers
IF dbSymbols THEN
unlk a6
rts ; finished
dc.b 'INTHND ' ; MacsBug label
; Transfer -
; Called by: Data
; Calls: The primitive data transfer routines
; Registers: d0 <-- error, if any
; d1 <-- bytes transferred
; d2 --> number of bytes to transfer
; d3 --> bDMAR (6) <v1.3>
; d4 --> type of transfer to perform (offset into "dataTable")
; a2 --> ptr to data buffer
; Function: Sets up and dispatches to the simple data-transfer routines
; All primitive data transfer routines assume:
; d0 - <-- error (if any)
; d1 - <-- bytes transferred
; d2 - --> number of bytes to transfer
; d3 - scratch - saved
; d4 - --> type of transfer to perform
; d5 - scratch - saved
; d6 - scratch - saved
; a0 - scratch - saved
; a1 - saved - sBSR(a3)
; a2 - ptr to data buffer - saved
; a3 - SCSI read base address
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; a5 - scratch - saved
link a6,#LocalSize ; allocate local storage
moveq #MaxBusErr,d0 ; upper limit for 680x0's <v1.3><v1.5><6>
cmp.b #cpu68040,CpuFlag ; check if we're on an 040 <6>
bne.s @storeValue ; NO ... leave BusErrCount alone <6>
moveq #Max040BusErrs,d0 ; YES ... use 040 MaxBusErr value <6>
@storeValue ; <6>
move.w d0,BusErrCount(a6) ; store upper limit for allowable bus errors <6>
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; assume no error
move.l d2,d1 ; make a copy of the count - is it zero ?
beq.s @exit ; if so, get out
movem.l a1-a5/d2-d6,-(sp) ; save registers
lea.l sBSR(a3),a1 ; save later indexing
moveq.l #bDMAR,d3 ; bit DRQ test on sBSR(a3) (for speed)
move.l BusErrVct,OldBusErrVct(a6) ; keep old vector
move.l jvBusErr(a4),BusErrVct
lea.l dataTable(a4),a0 ; point to data transfer table in globals
movea.l 0(a0,d4.l),a0 ; get the routine address
jsr (a0) ; go to the appropriate routine
move.l OldBusErrVct(a6),BusErrVct ; restore previous Bus Error vector
movem.l (sp)+,a1-a5/d2-d6 ; restore these guys
tst.w d0 ; set the condition codes
unlk a6 ; release local storage
; All primitive data transfer routines use this convention:
; d0 - type of transfer to perform / error (if any)
; d1 - number of bytes to transfer / bytes transferred
; d2 - number of bytes to transfer
; d3 - bDMAR (6)
; d4 - scratch - saved
; d5 - scratch - saved
; d6 - scratch - saved
; a0 - special I/O address (pDMA or hhsk base, plus input/output register offset)
; a1 - sBSR(a3)
; a2 - ptr to data buffer
; a3 - SCSI read base address
; a4 - ptr to SCSI Mgr globals
; a5 - scratch - saved
; SlowRead
; Called by: Transfer
move.l pdma5380(a4),a0 ; use the global <C406/12Nov86>
adda.l #sIDR,a0 ; input data offset <C406/12Nov86>
subq.l #1,d2 ; decr. for DBRA <C478/10Dec86>
move.l d2,d5 ; make a copy of the byte count
swap d5 ; and get hiword in d5
btst.b d3,(a1) ; DRQ ? <v1.3>
bne.s @SnRd ; if so, start the transfer <v1.3>
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; look for REQ <v1.3>
beq.s @wait ; can't check phase until REQ is asserted <v1.3>
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; we have REQ, do we have a phase match ? <v1.3>
beq.s @RdPhaseErr ; if not, bail out with an error <v1.3>
; This is the loop for polled reads. Byte count is in d2,d5
btst.b d3,(a1) ; DRQ? <C478/10Dec86>
beq.s @SnRdChk ; (9)
move.b (a0),(a2)+ ; read bytes into user space (13)
dbra d2,@SnRd ; decrement count
dbra d5,@SnRd ; high word of count
bra.s @RdDone ; we're done
bsr.w NewPhaseCheck ; check more carefully for phase match <1>
bne.s @SnRd ; continue if it is
moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error
bra.s @exit
btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0>
beq.s @exit ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0>
beq.s @exit ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; still in same phase? <3.0> <v1.3>
bne.s @RdDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0>
swap d5 ; calculate bytes left to transfer
move.w d2,d5 ; lower word of count
addq.l #1,d5 ; undo adjustment for dbra
sub.l d5,d1 ; number of bytes transferred
; SlowWrite
; Called by: Transfer
move.l pdma5380(a4),a0 ; point to special address space
adda.w wrOffset(a4),a0 ; add in write offset, if any
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; check for REQ
beq.s @ckphase ; if no REQ, wait for synchronization
move.b zeroReg,sTCR+WrOffs(a3) ; match data out<C846/PM116/19Mar87>
move.b #iDMA,sMR+wrOffs(a3) ; set DMA mode
move.b #iDB,sICR+wrOffs(a3) ; assert data bus
btst.b #sSCSIDMAExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; see if we really have the DMA chip <2.8>
beq.s @DMAdone ; if not, skip it <2.8>
move.l #iHSKEN+iINTREN,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn on hhsk <C914> <v1.3>
move.b zeroReg,sDMAtx+wrOffs(a3) ; start write DMA
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; we have REQ, are we in phase ? <v1.3>
bne.s @wrContinue ; if in phase, continue <v1.3>
moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return a phase error
bra.s @WrDone ; get out
move.l d2,d1 ; make a copy of the byte count
subq.l #1,d2 ; decr. for DBRA <C478/10Dec86>
move.l d2,d5 ; make a copy of the byte count
swap d5 ; and get hiword in d5
; This is the loop for polled writes. Byte count is in d2,d5
btst.b d3,(a1) ; DRQ? <C478/10Dec86>
beq.s @SnWrChk
move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; write bytes
dbra d2,@SnWr ; decrement count
dbra d5,@SnWr
bra.s @WrDone ; we're finished <v2.3>
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; phase OK? <C478/10Dec86>
bne.s @SnWr ; continue if it is
moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return a phase error
bra.s @DMAOff ; we're done for now
@WrDone ; NOTE: we shouldn't turn off DMA mode before the last byte was taken.
; If the NCR chip asserts DRQ, then the peripheral got the byte.
; If the peripheral changes the bus phase, then it must have also got it.
; This section check is from <C138/29Sep86>. Modified <C780>.
btst.b #sSCSIDMAExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; do we have a SCSI DMA chip ?
beq.s @noDMA ; if not, skip
btst.b d3,sBSR(a3) ; check for DRQ
bne.s @DMAOff ; if DRQ, peripheral got the byte
btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; are we still in phase ?
bne.s @wrWait1 ; if so keep waiting
btst.b d3,sBSR(a3) ; check for DRQ
bne.s @DMAOff ; if DRQ, peripheral got the byte
btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; are we still in phase ?
bne.s @wrWait2 ; if so, keep waiting
move.b zeroReg,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; disable data bus
move.b zeroReg,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; clear DMA mode
btst.b #sSCSIDMAExists,G_Reserved0+3(a4) ; see if we really have the DMA chip <2.8>
beq.s @DMAdone2 ; if not, skip it <2.8>
move.l #iINTREN,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn off hhsk <C914> <v1.3>
swap d5 ; calculate number of bytes left to transfer
move.w d2,d5 ; low-order word of count
addq.l #1,d5 ; adjust for DBRA
sub.l d5,d1 ; number of bytes transferred
rts ; we're done
; VFastWriteOSS -- Virtual address interface to the SCSI DMA circuitry <v1.3>
; Called by: Transfer
; Function: This routine calls a service routine to get the physical translation
; for the virtual address/count pair passed in a2/d2. If the virtual
; data transfer cannot be performed in one DMA operation (crosses a page
; or memory bank boundary,) the virtual transfer will be completed later
; by a virtual transfer of the remaining bytes.
VFastWriteOSS: ;
movea.l scsiPrivate(a5),a0 ; get ptr to private storage record <v1.3>
lea.l scsiVAddr(a0),a0 ; point to record for GetPhysical routine <start>
move.l a2,d0 ; get the virtual address <v1.5>
jsr ([JStripAddress]) ; clean up that address <v1.5>
move.l d0,(a0) ; set the virtual address field <v1.5>
move.l d2,4(a0) ; set the virtual count field
moveq.l #1,d0 ; number of physical addr/count pairs
move.l d0,a1 ; set up for GetPhysical call
moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector
_MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed)
bne.s @error ; if error, bail out (what to do ???)
move.l 8(a0),a2 ; set up the physical address
move.l 12(a0),d2 ; set up the physical count
move.l d2,d1 ; number of bytes to transfer
movea.l jvPFW(a4),a0 ; address of fast physical write routine
jmp (a0) ; move the data
if dbSymbols then
rts ; we're done
; PFastWriteOSS -- Physical address interface to the SCSI DMA circuitry
; Called by: Transfer
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; noErr, yet
move.b zeroReg,sTCR+WrOffs(a3) ; match data out<C846/PM116/19Mar87>
move.b #iDMA,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; set DMA mode <C478/10Dec86>
move.b #iDB,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; assert data bus <C478/10Dec86>
move.l #iHSKEN,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn on hhsk <C914>
move.b zeroReg,sDMAtx+WrOffs(a3) ; start write DMA <C478/10Dec86>
@start ; blind write
move.l #$FFFFFFFF,sDTIME(a3) ; incredible Timer value <v1.5>
move.l #iTIMEEN+iINTREN+iDMAEN,sDCTRL(a3) ; enable true DMA
move.l a2,sDADDR(a3) ; set up DMA addr
move.l d2,sDCNT(a3) ; set up byte count
move.b #iIEOP+iDMA,sMR(a3) ; pDMA,EOP intr enabled
move.b #iDB,sICR(a3) ; assert the data bus
move.b zeroReg,sDMAtx(a3) ; start DMA write
bset.b #waitingForIRQ,state1(a4) ; we're DMAing, so bail and wait for intr <v1.5>
PFastWrite: ; unimplemented on all other machines
; VFastWrite -- Same as FastWrite for the old SCSI Manager
; Called by: Transfer
VFastWrite: ; all other machines
; FastWrite
; Called by: Transfer
;patch roll in from PatchIIciROM.a <SMx><SES>
; FastWriteFix - patch to FastWrite
; This code replaces the low level data transfer routine for fast writes in the SCSI
; manager. It is rewritten to assume psuedo-dma is always on, and to do the device
; synchronization (looking for *REQ and DRQ), after loading a data byte into the
; output register of the 5380. We don't have to worry about zero-byte transfers. They
; are filtered out in the calling routine (Transfer).
; Entry: d2 = number of bytes to transfer
; a1 = addr of sBSR(a3) - by convention, and used by bus error handler
; a2 = ptr to data buffer to transfer
; a3 = base addr of NCR 53C80
; a4 = ptr to SCSI globals
; Exit: d1 = number of bytes actually transfered. This value is only good if
; the transfer was good with no errors. It is inaccurate when an
; error aborts the transfer.
;This code is intended for use with 5380 ONLY, so check to make sure we <SMx><SES>
;need to do it. Note that we're assuming that SCSIExists implies a 5380. <SMx><SES>
TestFor SCSIExists ; <SMx><SES>
beq @Done ; don't do it if we're not using a 5380 <SMx><SES>
move.l hhsk5380(a4),a0 ; point to addr for hardware handshaking
adda.w wrOffset(a4),a0 ; add in write offset
move.l d2,d1 ; save to return number of bytes transfered
; Pre-load the NCR 53C80's output register with a byte of data. If we are in
; the middle of a multi-block write, *ACK is currently asserted. Writing a byte
; to the output register will release *ACK, completing the handshaking, allowing
; the target to assert *REQ. Is there a chance We do not need to check for DRQ at this point (to see
; if the chip is ready for the next byte), because all data out routines always
; wait to make sure the last byte got out.
sub.l #1,d2 ; dec number of bytes to xfer
move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; write data byte to output register
; With *ACK released, determine if the target is in sync. We cannot look for
; *REQ to be asserted, because the target may have already accepted the data byte
; and released *REQ at this point. We can sync on DRQ which will signal when
; the NCR 53C80 is ready to accept a data byte, meaning a *REQ from the target
; must have already occurred and our data byte was taken.
btst.b #bDMAR,(a1) ; check bus & status reg for DRQ
bne.s @doWrite ; DRQ present - sync-ed up so proceed
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; no DRQ - is *REQ present ?
beq.s @syncWait ; no *REQ yet - wait for sync
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; with *REQ, check phase lines
bne.s @syncWait ; still in data out phase - wait
moveq.l #0,d1 ; out of phase - did not xfer any bytes
moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error
bra.s @Done ; exit
; Perform the write to the SCSI chip. First align the bytes to longs, then
; align them to 32 byte chunks. Transfer the bulk of the data in 32 byte
; blocks.
; Reg d2.l = number of bytes to move
cmpi.l #3,d2 ; check for very short copy
bls.s @veryShort ; skip alignment if very short
move.l a2,d0 ; get addr of data buffer
andi.l #$00000003,d0 ; check for long word alignment
beq.s @Aligned ; if no alignment needed
subq.l #4,d0 ; bias by 4 to get correct index
jmp @Aligned(d0.w*2) ; do the alignment
move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte
move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte
move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte
add.l d0,d2 ; adjust the byte count (d0 = neg)
move.l d2,d4 ; save tail byte count
lsr.w #2,d2 ; adjust to number of longs to move
moveq.l #7,d0 ; mask for starting index
and.l d2,d0 ; number of long words to move first
neg.w d0 ; negate to index backwards
lsr.l #3,d2 ; number of 32 byte blocks to move
move.l d2,d3 ; get number of 32*64K byte blks to move
swap d3 ; count in low word
jmp @CopyStart(d0.w*2) ; jump into the loop
@CopyLoop move.l (a2)+,(a0) ; move a 32 byte block of data....
move.l (a2)+,(a0) ; ... 4 bytes at a time
move.l (a2)+,(a0)
move.l (a2)+,(a0)
move.l (a2)+,(a0)
move.l (a2)+,(a0)
move.l (a2)+,(a0)
move.l (a2)+,(a0)
@CopyStart dbra d2,@CopyLoop ; loop in chunks of 32 bytes
dbra d3,@CopyLoop ; loop in chunks of 32*64K bytes
andi.l #$00000003,d4 ; check for tail alignment
move.l d4,d2 ; d2 = number of bytes remaining
neg.w d2 ; negate to index backwards
jmp @Remaining(d2.w*2) ; write remaining bytes
move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte
move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte
move.b (a2)+,(a0) ; move a byte
; Before exiting this routine, make sure that the peripheral has actually accepted
; the data byte. Wait for a DRQ (meaning the SCSI chip is ready for another byte)
; before exiting.
moveq.l #0,d0 ; set good return
btst.b #bDMAR,(a1) ; check for DRQ (a1 = sBSR(a3))
bne.s @Done ; if DRQ, peripheral got the byte
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; no DRQ - is *REQ present ?
beq.s @DoneWait ; no *REQ yet - wait for it
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; are we still in phase ?
bne.s @DoneWait ; if so, keep waiting
rts ; we're done
;end FastWrite patch roll in from PatchIIciROM.a <SMx><SES>
; FastWriteOSS -- Old SCSI Mgr virtual address interface to the SCSI DMA circuitry
; Called by: Transfer
; Because the SCSI Bus Error handler counts on the a6 linkage that is in
; effect when this routine is called, the local storage needed by this routine
; to perform a DMA operation is simply allocated by moving the stack pointer.
; After allocating the local storage, the stack appears as follows:
; SP ---> virtAddress \ The stack pointer points to the
; virtCount \ parameter block for the GetPhysical call.
; physAddress / (All values are long words.)
; physCount /
; - reserved - Extra long word
; cleanAddress Pushed after StripAddress
; returnAddr <--- SP on entry
; ...
move.l a2,d0 ; make the buffer address 32-bit clean
jsr ([JStripAddress]) ; clean up that address
move.l d0,-(sp) ; save the 32-bit clean address <4>
lea.l -AddLocalSize(sp),sp ; allocate additional storage <v1.7start>
move.l d0,vAddr(sp) ; set the virtual address field <4>
move.l d2,vCount(sp) ; set the virtual count field <4>
movea.l d0,a0 ; virtual address <4>
movea.l d2,a1 ; virtual count <4>
moveq.l #2,d0 ; LockMemory selector <4>
_MemoryDispatch ; lock the buffer (a0 undisturbed) <4>
bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out <4>
movea.l sp,a0 ; a0 -> logical/physical param block
movea.w #1,a1 ; number of physical addr/count pairs
moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector
_MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed)
bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out <v1.7>
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; check for REQ
beq.s @ckphase ; if no REQ, wait (synchronization)
move.b zeroReg,sTCR+WrOffs(a3) ; match data out<C846/PM116/19Mar87>
move.b #iDMA,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; set DMA mode <C478/10Dec86>
move.b #iDB,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; assert data bus <C478/10Dec86>
moveq.l #iHSKEN,d5 ; <v1.7>
move.l d5,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn on hhsk <C914> <start>
move.b zeroReg,sDMAtx+WrOffs(a3) ; start write DMA <C478/10Dec86>
btst.b d3,sBSR(a3) ; is DRQ asserted ?
bne.s @start ; if so, ACK must be true (pDMA)
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; check for REQ for phase check
beq.s @wait ; no REQ yet
btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; are we still in phase ? <end>
bne.s @wait ; keep waiting <v1.7>
moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return a phase error
bra.w @WrDone ; get out
@start ; at this point, d0 = noErr <v1.7start>
bset.b #doingDMA,state1(a4) ; we're DMAing, so don't bother the chip <5>
move.l G_Reserved1(a4),sDTIME(a3) ; set Timer value <5>
moveq.l #iTIMEEN+iINTREN+iDMAEN,d5 ;
move.l d5,sDCTRL(a3) ; enable true DMA
move.l pAddr(a0),sDADDR(a3) ; set up DMA addr
move.l pCount(a0),sDCNT(a3) ; set up byte count
move.b #iIEOP+iDMA,sMR(a3) ; pDMA,EOP intr enabled
move.b #iDB,sICR(a3) ; assert the data bus
move.b zeroReg,sDMAtx(a3) ; start DMA write
; The pCount field is used to flag the need to move more data.
; If pCount is zero, it reflects that no more data needs to be moved.
; If pCount is nonzero, a translation will be performed, leaving pCount nonzero.
move.l vCount(a0),pCount(a0) ; any bytes left to transfer ?
beq.s @noPreflight ; if not, nothing to translate
movea.w #1,a1 ; number of physical addr/count pairs
moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector
_MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed)
bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out
movea.l OSS,a1 ; point to base of OSS chip
btst.b #OSSIntSCSI-8,OSSIntStat(a1) ; check for a SCSI interrupt
beq.s @waitForIntr ; wait for a SCSI interrupt
move.l sDCTRL(a3),d5 ; check for success
andi.w #iDMABERR+iTIMEP,d5 ; DMA bus error or watchdog timeout ?
bne.s @badAddrError ; if so, handle it
tst.l sDCNT(a3) ; did we transfer all the data ?
bne.s @badAddrError ; if not, report an error
move.b zeroReg,sMR(a3) ; clear EOP interrupt (and turn off pDMA)
tst.b sRESET(a3) ; clear SCSI interrupt
tst.l pCount(a0) ; were any bytes left to transfer ? <end>
bne.s @start ; continue until all bytes transferred <v1.7>
move.l d2,d1 ; return number of bytes transferred
@WrDone ; NOTE: we shouldn't turn off DMA mode before the last byte was taken.
; If the NCR chip asserts DRQ, then the peripheral got the byte.
; If the peripheral changes the bus phase, then it must have also got it.
; This section check is from <C138/29Sep86>. Modified <C780>.
btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0>
beq.s @DMAOff ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0>
beq.s @DMAOff ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; still in same phase? <3.0> <v1.7>
bne.s @WrDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0>
move.b zeroReg,sMR+WrOffs(a3) ; clear DMA mode
move.b zeroReg,sICR+WrOffs(a3) ; disable data bus
moveq.l #iINTREN,d5 ; <v1.7>
move.l d5,sDCTRL(a3) ; turn off hhsk <C914> <v1.3> <start>
bclr.b #doingDMA,state1(a4) ; we're finished DMAing <5>
lea.l AddLocalSize(sp),sp ; deallocate additional storage on the stack
movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; set virtual address <4>
movea.l d2,a1 ; set virtual count <4>
move.w d0,-(sp) ; save result from SCSI I/O <4>
moveq.l #3,d0 ; UnlockMemory selector <4>
_MemoryDispatch ; unlock the buffer (a0 undisturbed) <4>
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; restore original result <4>
moveq.l #scBusTOErr,d0 ; return a SCSI bus timeout error <end>
bra.s @DMAOff ; <v1.7>
rts ; we're done
; VFastReadOSS -- Virtual address interface to the DMA circuitry <v1.3>
; Called by: Transfer
; Function: This routine calls a service routine to get the physical translation
; for the virtual addr/count pair that is passed in a2/d2. If the virtual
; data transfer cannot be performed in one DMA operation (crosses a page or
; memory bank boundary,) the virtual transfer will be completed later by
; a virtual transfer of the remaining bytes.
movea.l scsiPrivate(a5),a0 ; get ptr to private storage record <v1.3>
lea.l scsiVAddr(a0),a0 ; point to record for GetPhysical routine <start>
move.l a2,d0 ; get the virtual address <v1.5>
jsr ([JStripAddress]) ; clean up that address <v1.5>
move.l d0,(a0) ; set the virtual address field <v1.5>
move.l d2,4(a0) ; set the virtual count field
moveq.l #1,d0 ; number of physical address/count pairs
move.l d0,a1 ; set up for GetPhysical call
moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector
_MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed)
bne.s @error ; if error, then bail out (what to do ???)
move.l 8(a0),a2 ; set up the physical address
move.l 12(a0),d2 ; set up the physical count
move.l d2,d1 ; number of bytes to transfer
movea.l jvPFR(a4),a0 ; address of fast physical data transfer routine
jmp (a0) ; move the data
if dbSymbols then
; PFastRead -- Physical address interface to the DMA circuitry
; Called by: Transfer
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; noErr, yet
move.l #$FFFFFFFF,sDTIME(a3) ; incredible Timer value <v1.5>
move.l #iTIMEEN+iINTREN+iDMAEN,sDCTRL(a3) ; enable true DMA
move.l a2,sDADDR(a3) ; set up DMA addr
move.l d2,sDCNT(a3) ; set up byte count
move.b #iIEOP+iDMA,sMR(a3) ; pDMA,EOP intr enabled
move.b zeroReg,sIDMArx(a3) ; start DMA read
bset.b #waitingForIRQ,state1(a4) ; we're DMAing, so bail and wait for intr <v1.5>
; PFastRead -- Physical address interface to the DMA circuitry
; Called by: Transfer
PFastRead: ; all other machines
rts ; unimplemented
; VFastRead -- For all other machines, same as old SCSI Mgr FastRead routine
; Called by: Transfer
; FastRead
; Called by: Transfer
move.l hhsk5380(a4),a0 ; use the global <C406/12Nov86>
adda.l #sIDR,a0 ; input data offset <C406/12Nov86>
btst.b d3,(a1) ; DRQ? <C478/10Dec86>
bne.s @start ; have DRQ, so let's go
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for REQ in case of phase error
beq.s @wait ; no REQ, so wait
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; phase OK? <C478/10Dec86>
bne.s @start ; continue if in phase
moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error
bra.w @exit
move.l d2,d1 ; copy of transfer count
moveq.l #3,d4 ; mask for long alignment
cmp.l d4,d2 ; enough bytes to align?
bhi.s @over3 ; more than three bytes
moveq.l #-1,d5 ; fudge to calculate normally
moveq.l #-1,d6 ; more fudging
bra.s @BlRdRmdr ; do them one at a time
move.l a2,d5 ; get destination address
neg.l d5 ; negate to get odd byte count
and.l d4,d5 ; mask off to get 0-3 count
sub.l d5,d2 ; d2 = count after alignment
bra.s @1 ; in case it's already aligned
move.b (a0),(a2)+ ; do the leading unaligned bytes
dbra d5,@0 ; loop until long-word aligned
move.l d2,d5 ; copy of the count
lsr.l #5,d5 ; divide by 32 <A356/06Nov86>
bne.s @over32 ; more than 32 bytes left
moveq.l #-1,d5 ; fudge to calculate normally
moveq.l #-1,d6 ; more fudging
bra.s @BlRdRmdr ; get the remaining bytes
subq.l #1,d5 ; adjust for dbra
move.l d5,d6 ; high order word of count
swap d6 ; number of 32-byte moves
moveq.l #$1F,d4 ; 32-1 <A356/06Nov86>
and.l d4,d2 ; remainder count after 32-byte moves
@BlRd32 ; <A356/06Nov86>
move.l (a0),(a2)+ ; do 8 aligned longs (32 bytes)
move.l (a0),(a2)+
move.l (a0),(a2)+
move.l (a0),(a2)+
move.l (a0),(a2)+
move.l (a0),(a2)+
move.l (a0),(a2)+
move.l (a0),(a2)+
dbra d5,@BlRd32 ; low word of # of 32-byte moves
dbra d6,@BlRd32 ; high order word
bra.s @BlRdRmdr
move.b (a0),(a2)+
dbra d2,@BlRdSingle
swap d6 ; calculate bytes left to transfer
move.w d5,d6 ; get low order word
addq.l #1,d6 ; groups of 32
lsl.l #5,d6 ; multiply by 32
ext.l d2 ; make d2 a long
addq.l #1,d2 ; single bytes left
add.l d2,d6 ; add to total
sub.l d6,d1 ; result
btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0>
beq.s @exit ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0>
beq.s @exit ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; still in same phase? <3.0> <v1.3>
bne.s @RdDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0>
; FastReadOSS -- Old SCSI Mgr virtual address interface to the DMA circuitry
; Called by: Transfer
; Because the SCSI Bus Error handler counts on the a6 linkage that is in
; effect when this routine is called, the local storage needed by this routine
; to perform a DMA operation is simply allocated by moving the stack pointer.
; After allocating the local storage, the stack appears as follows:
; SP ---> virtAddress \ The stack pointer points to the
; virtCount \ parameter block for the GetPhysical call.
; physAddress / (All values are long words.)
; physCount /
; - reserved - Extra long word
; cleanAddress Pushed after StripAddress
; returnAddr <--- SP on entry
; ...
move.l a2,d0 ; make the address 32-bit clean
jsr ([JStripAddress]) ; clean up that address
move.l d0,-(sp) ; save the 32-bit clean virtual address <4>
lea.l -AddLocalSize(sp),sp ; allocate additional storage <v1.7start>
move.l d0,vAddr(sp) ; set the virtual address <4>
move.l d2,vCount(sp) ; set the virtual count <4>
movea.l d0,a0 ; virtual address <4>
movea.l d2,a1 ; virtual count <4>
moveq.l #2,d0 ; LockMemory selector <4>
_MemoryDispatch ; lock the buffer (a0 undisturbed) <4>
bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out <4>
movea.l sp,a0 ; a0 -> logical/physical param block <4>
movea.w #1,a1 ; number of physical address/count pairs
moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector
_MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed)
bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out
btst.b d3,sBSR(a3) ; DRQ? <C478/10Dec86>
bne.s @start ; have DRQ, so let's go
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for REQ in case of phase error
beq.s @wait ; no REQ, so wait <end>
btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; phase OK? <C478/10Dec86> <v1.7>
bne.s @start ; continue if in phase
moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error
bra.w @exit
@start ; at this point, d0 = noErr <v1.7start>
bset.b #doingDMA,state1(a4) ; we're DMAing, so don't bother the chip <5>
move.l G_Reserved1(a4),sDTIME(a3) ; set Timer value <5>
moveq.l #iTIMEEN+iINTREN+iDMAEN,d5 ;
move.l d5,sDCTRL(a3) ; enable true DMA
move.l pAddr(a0),sDADDR(a3) ; set up DMA addr
move.l pCount(a0),sDCNT(a3) ; set up byte count
move.b #iIEOP+iDMA,sMR(a3) ; pDMA,EOP intr enabled
move.b zeroReg,sIDMArx(a3) ; start DMA read
; The pCount field is used to flag the need to move more data.
; If pCount is zero, it reflects that no more data needs to be moved.
; If pCount is nonzero, a translation will be performed, leaving pCount nonzero.
move.l vCount(a0),pCount(a0) ; any bytes left to transfer ?
beq.s @noPreflight ; if not, nothing to translate
movea.w #1,a1 ; number of physical address/count pairs
moveq.l #5,d0 ; GetPhysical selector
_MemoryDispatch ; perform the translation (a0 undisturbed)
bne.w @badAddrError ; if error, then bail out
movea.l OSS,a1 ; point to base of OSS chip
btst.b #OSSIntSCSI-8,OSSIntStat(a1) ; check for a SCSI interrupt
beq.s @waitForIntr ; wait for a SCSI interrupt
move.l sDCTRL(a3),d5 ; check for success
andi.w #iDMABERR+iTIMEP,d5 ; DMA bus error or watchdog timeout ?
bne.s @badAddrError ; if so, handle it
tst.l sDCNT(a3) ; did we transfer all the data ?
bne.s @badAddrError ; if not, report an error
move.b zeroReg,sMR(a3) ; clear the EOP interrupt, turn off pDMA
tst.b sRESET(a3) ; clear SCSI interrupt
move.b #iDMA,sMR(a3) ; turn on pDMA
move.b zeroReg,sIDMArx(a3) ; kick the pDMA mode
tst.l pCount(a0) ; any bytes left to transfer ? <end>
bne.s @start ; keep going until all bytes transferred
move.l d2,d1 ; return number of bytes transferred <v1.7>
btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0>
beq.s @exit ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0>
beq.s @exit ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bPM,sBSR(a3) ; still in same phase? <3.0> <v1.3><v1.7>
bne.s @RdDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0>
bclr.b #doingDMA,state1(a4) ; we're finished DMAing <5>
lea.l AddLocalSize(sp),sp ; deallocate additional storage <v1.7>
movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; set virtual address <4>
movea.l d2,a1 ; set buffer length <4>
move.w d0,-(sp) ; save result from SCSI I/O <4>
moveq.l #3,d0 ; UnlockMemory selector <4>
_MemoryDispatch ; unlock the buffer (a0 undisturbed) <4>
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; restore original result <4>
moveq.l #scBusTOErr,d0 ; report a "bus timeout error" <v1.7>
bra.s @exit ; <end>
; SlowComp <v1.3>
; <start>
; Called by: Transfer
move.l pdma5380(a4),a0 ; use the global <C406/12Nov86>
adda.l #sIDR,a0 ; input data offset <C406/12Nov86>
subq.l #1,d2 ; decr. for DBRA <C478/10Dec86>
move.l d2,d5 ; make a copy of the byte count
swap d5 ; and get hiword in d5
btst.b #bDMAR,(a1) ; DRQ ?
bne.s @SnComp ; if so, start the transfer
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; look for REQ
beq.s @wait ; can't check phase until REQ is asserted
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; we have REQ, do we have a phase match ?
beq.s @CompPhaseErr ; if not, bail out with an error
@SnComp ; Slow compare loop. Byte count in d2,d5
btst.b #bDMAR,(a1) ; DRQ? <C478/10Dec86>
beq.s @SnCompChk ; no, so check phase <A244/27Oct86>
move.b (a0),d3 ; get data byte <29Oct85>
cmp.b (a2)+,d3 ; same? <29Oct85>
beq.s @SnComp1 ; if so, continue
moveq.l #scCompareErr,d0 ; record compare error <29Oct85>
dbra d2,@SnComp ; repeat
dbra d5,@SnComp ; repeat
bra.s @RdDone ; let's get out of here
bsr.w NewPhaseCheck ; check more carefully for phase match <1>
bne.s @SnComp ; continue if it is
moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error
bra.s @exit ; let's get out here
btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0>
beq.s @exit ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0>
beq.s @exit ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; still in same phase? <3.0>
bne.s @RdDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0>
swap d5 ; calculate bytes left to transfer
move.w d2,d5 ; lower word of count
addq.l #1,d5 ; undo adjustment for DBRA
sub.l d5,d1 ; number of bytes transferred
moveq.l #bDMAR,d3 ; restore d3
; FastComp
; Called by: Transfer
movea.l hhsk5380(a4),a0 ; use the global
adda.l #sIDR,a0 ; input data register offset
subq.l #1,d2 ; decr. for DBRA <C478/10Dec86>
move.l d2,d5 ; make a copy of the byte count
swap d5 ; and get hiword in d5
btst.b #bDMAR,(a1) ; DRQ ?
bne.s @BlCmp ; have DRQ, so let's go
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for REQ in case of phase error
beq.s @wait ; no REQ, so wait
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; phase OK ?
bne.s @BlCmp ; continue if in phase
moveq.l #scPhaseErr,d0 ; return error
bra.s @exit ; let's get out here
move.b (a0),d3 ; blind compare <29Oct85> -- no optimization
cmp.b (a2)+,d3
beq.s @BlCmp1
moveq.l #scCompareErr,d0 ; record compare error
dbra d2,@BlCmp
dbra d5,@BlCmp
btst.b #bACK,sBSR(a3) ; check for ACK <3.0>
beq.s @exit ; if no ACK, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bREQ,sCSR(a3) ; test for *REQ <3.0>
beq.s @exit ; if it's gone, we're done <3.0>
btst.b #bPM,(a1) ; still in same phase? <3.0>
bne.s @RdDone ; if so, go back and wait <3.0>
swap d5 ; calculate bytes left to transfer
move.w d2,d5 ; lower word of count
addq.l #1,d5 ; undo adjustment for DBRA
sub.l d5,d1 ; number of bytes transferred <end>
moveq.l #bDMAR,d3 ; restore d3 <v1.3>
; This "improved" phase checking routine will fix the CD-ROM problem on Zone5. <1>
; On the SCSI DMA chip it's possible to have a DRQ without a phase match, and if an <start>
; interrupt occurs between checks of the BSR register, it appears that a disasterous
; phase change has occurred.
; To fix this problem, a snapshot is taken of the BSR register. If either DRQ or PM
; are set, then it is okay to continue. If both are cleared, a phase error has occurred.
; If DRQ or PM are set, the Zero flag is cleared.
; If neither are set, the Zero flag is set.
; Destroys d6
moveq.l #iDMAR+iPM,d6 ; if DRQ or PM is set, all is well
and.b sBSR(a3),d6 ; get a snapshot of the register <end>
rts ; if either is set, then Z=0 <1>