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; File: StartFail.a
; Copyright: <09> 1983-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM5> 10/11/93 RC Roll in fix from Jesus
; <MC2> 10/11/93 RC Fixing code which was last checked in... When updating the
; scrnBase in LoMem need to do a Move.l csBaseAddr(A2),ScrnBase
; instead of a Move.l csBaseAddr(A0),ScrnBase
; <SM4> 8/16/93 fau When doing a cscSetMode to change to 1bpp, update the ScrnBase
; lowmem with the new base address (as returned by the _Control
; call). This fixes a problem with Cyclone where the base address
; can change when going to 1bpp.
; <SM3> 11/12/92 PN Get rid of <20> 020 conditionals for ROM builds
; <SM2> 11/3/92 SWC Changed VideoEqu.a->Video.a.
; <3> 9/16/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <2> 6/12/91 LN Changed #include 'HardwareEqu.a' to 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
; <2.1> 8/22/89 SES Removed references to nFiles. Removed changes from v2.0, now
; calls TMRestart.
; <2.0> 6/26/89 GMR CritError now calls U_TMRestart, which decides which Test
; Manager to call (Fremonts or universal Test Manager)
; <1.9> 6/14/89 SWC Played with the DeadMac code to take out the machine-based
; conditionals.
; <1.8> 6/13/89 DAF Moved DeadMacTL calculation inline.
; <1.5> 6/13/89 DAF Fixed CritErr to find boot card<72>s 1-bit video mode.
; <1.7> 6/13/89 GGD Added hasMMU conditionals around the _SwapMmuMode's in previous
; change so that the 16 bit machines will work again. Added
; conditionals in DeadMac to only do long word moves if Cpu <20> 020,
; to prevent address errors on 16 bit machines. Moved call to
; DeadMacTL so that it gets called for 16 bit machines too.
; <1.6> 6/13/89 DAF (completing previous comment). Corrected CritErr to flip to
; 1-bit mode via Control call rather than do an ineffective
; PrimaryInit. Fixed dead mac blitting to be 32-bit friendly.
; Moved dead mac icon calculations here from StartInit.a
; <1.4> 6/11/89 GMR Made call to TMRestart to be a BigJmp, as Fremonts code is now
; at end of ROM.
; <1.3> 6/10/89 SWC Removed Mac Plus/SE references to HappyMac because it's now
; handled the same way for all machines in StartBoot (it even uses
; QuickDraw!). Rewrote DeadMac to use a standard ICON since it no
; longer has to draw the HappyMac too. Removed PutSymbol code and
; EXPORT since it's not used by anyone. Removed nEqu.d load from
; include file list.
; <1.2> 5/24/89 GGD Converted to feature based conditionals. Deleted the code to
; turn off the floppy disk motor, because it doesn't work with
; SWIMs or IOPs and used an absolute base address.
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.4> 10/7/88 rwh made IWM address name uniform on all machines.
; <<3C>1.3> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; <1.2> 9/10/88 rwh remove obsolete check for Rev 8 board.
; <1.1> 6/7/88 MSH HcMac now uses HappyMac from startboot instead.
; <1.0> 2/10/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASE<53>
; <C914> 10/29/87 rwh Port to Modern Victorian (on MvMac)
; <C876> 9/1/87 MSH Port to HcMac (Laguna)
; <C682> 1/24/87 WRL [NuMac] Moved HappyMac to StartSearch so that it can use a real
; icon.
; <C651> 1/19/87 GWN Added test for VideoInfoOk, Perform sPrimaryInit if it is
; (Resets Slot HW). Added sad mac equates for CritErr.
; <C586> 1/2/87 GWN Added code to center happy & sad mac.
; <A355> 11/5/86 DAH Make some procedures not use ScreenBytes RAM global.
; <C317> 10/31/86 RDC Added change for new rev8 hardware on NuMac
; <C206> 10/9/86 bbm Modified to mpw aincludes.
; <C152> 9/17/86 WRL Fixed CritErr to display 2 lines for all machines.
; <C84> 7/29/86 WRL Removed NuMac version of BlackScreen - it wasn't being used.
; <C28> 6/3/86 CSL Added changes for Aladdin (onMacPP).
; <C27> 5/30/86 WRL Changed TMEntry1 to TMRestart to ignore register contents. Made
; second longword of Sad Mac info appear below first.
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'Video.a'
IF hasSlotMgr THEN ; <C46><C914><1.2>
INCLUDE 'SlotMgrEqu.a'
IMPORT TMRestart ; Test Manager entry point <2.1>
EXPORT CritErr ; Critical Error entry point
EXPORT PutIcon ; Subroutine to plot a Capps-compressed icon.
; Critical Error
; This routine is called in case of a critical hardware error.
; The hasSlotMgr variant uses RAM pretty heavily. This is generally OK since the stack
; is used earlier when finding and initializing the card. So generally, this code
; assumes that if VideoMagic has been set, then minimal stack is usable.
; First, it generates an ugly tone to indicate the failure.
; Then, it displays the dead Mac icon and two 32-bit error codes on the screen.
; The Major error code contains Test Manager state information in the high order word,
; and a code indicating which test failed in the low order word.
; The Minor code contains additional information which applies to the test that failed.
; For example, for a memory test failure, the Minor code would indicate which memory chip is at fault.
; D7.L -> The Major error code - to be displayed on the first row.
; D6.L -> The Minor error code - to be displayed on the second row.
CritErr MOVEM.L A0-A7/D0-D7,SERegs ; save all regs for debug <26Aug85>
; @@@ Generate an error tone here.
; We need to amass the following information about the screen:
; A2 <- pointer to the start of the screen.
; D0.W <- the number of pixels visible vertically.
; D1.W <- the number of pixels visible horizontally.
; D2.W <- the number of bytes per row.
; D3.L <- the number of bytes occupied by the whole screen.
IF hasSlotMgr THEN ; <C152><C914><1.2><1.9>
WITH spBlock
CMP.L #VideoMagic,VideoInfoOK ; Is the video info available? <C152>
BNE SkipDisplay ; If not, don't display anything. <C152>
; get the screen into 1-bit mode, if available. If it's not available, exit to SkipDisplay (as if
; video were not present). Note that the first video mode in the video sRsrc list is not necessarily
; 1-bit mode (although it usually is), so we need to search through the available modes in the
; sRsrc list to find 1-bit. We will also set up the screen size information since the lomems reflect
; the default mode's size and shape.
WITH spBlock, vpBlock, VDPageInfo
SUBQ #2,SP ; make a parameter block for GetVideoDefault
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; get a pointer to it
_GetVideoDefault ; get the slot number of the default video card
MOVE.B (A0)+,D0 ; get the slot number
SUBA #spBlockSize-2,SP ; allocate spBlock (and eliminate the 2 bytes from GetVideoDefault)
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block
MOVE.B D0,spSlot(A0) ; get info for the default slot
CLR.W spID(A0) ; zero the spID.B,spExtDev.B
MOVE.W #CatDisplay,spCategory(A0) ; look for this slot's card
MOVE.W #TypVideo,spCType(A0)
MOVE.W #DrSwApple,spDrvrSW(A0)
MOVE.B #1,spTBMask(A0) ; mark spDrvrHw field as don<6F>t care
_sNextTypesRsrc ; get the spsPointer
BNE.S @OhOh1 ; if error, then don't display anything
; save the spsPointer for the video sRsrc list for later
MOVE.L spsPointer(A0),-(SP) ; save the spsPointer
MOVE.W #$80,D3 ; setup D3 with the default video mode spID
MOVE.B D3,spID(A0) ; look for video mode info
_sFindStruct ; get pointer to this mode's structure
BNE.S @OhOh ; if there was an error, then there is no 1-bit mode on this card
MOVE.B #mVidParams,spID(A0) ; get the device parameter block
_SGetBlock ;
MOVE.L spResult(A0),A1 ; get pointer to device pixmap-like thing
CMP.W #1,vpPixelSize(A1) ; is this one-bit mode?
BEQ.S @GotIt ; if it is, then continue with setup
ADDQ #1,D3 ; increment to the next mode
MOVE.L (SP),spsPointer(A0) ; point back to video sRsrc list
BRA.S @GetLoop ; and continue
; if we get here, we either had a card with no 1-bit mode, or memory has been catastrophically wiped out
@OhOh ADDA #4,SP ; get rid of the spsPointer on stack
@OhOh1 ADDA #spBlockSize,SP ; get rid of the spBlock on stack
BRA SkipDisplay ; and hop out
; if we get here, then A1 is a pointer to the device pixmap (in vpBlock form), and D3 has the mode number
SUBA #IOVQElSize+12-spBlockSize-4,SP ; allocate an iopb and VDPageInfo, less the spBlock and saved spsPointer
LEA IOVQElSize(SP),A0 ; get pointer to video parameter block
MOVE.W D3,csMode(A0) ; insert id for 1-bit mode
CLR.L csData(A0) ; clear the data field
CLR.W csPage(A0) ; select page zero
CLR.L csBaseAddr(A0) ; clear the result
MOVE.L A0,csParam(SP) ; point the IOPB to this block
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; get IOPB pointer in A0
CLR.L ioCompletion(A0) ; no completion routine
CLR.W ioVRefNum(A0) ; no volume refnum
MOVE.L DeviceList,A2 ; get the boot device's gdevice handle (boot always first)
MOVE.L (A2),A2 ; get pointer to gdevice
MOVE.W gdRefNum(A2),ioRefNum(A0) ; set up refnum
MOVE.W #cscSetMode,csCode(A0) ; make it a SetMode call
_Control ; set 1-bit mode
Move.l csParam(A0),A2 ; Get a pointer to our parameters
Tst.l csBaseAddr(A2) ; If it didn't get updated
Beq.s @1 ; don't update the screen base
Move.l csBaseAddr(A2),ScrnBase ; Update screen base with <sm5>
; we need to set the color table, too, since SetEntries turns everything to gray
MOVE.L csParam(A0),A2 ; point to parameter block
LEA TinyTable,A3 ; get pointer to tiny black and white cSpecArray
MOVE.L A3,csTable(A2) ; put cSpecArray in the parameter block
MOVE.W #0,csStart(A2) ; sequential blast
MOVE.W #1,csCount(A2) ; of black and white
MOVE.W #cscSetEntries,csCode(A0) ;
ADDA #IOVQElSize+12,SP ; release the IOPB and video parameter block
; update some registers for upcoming code
MOVE.W bottom+vpBounds(A1),-(SP) ; number of lines (can't put in D0 yet)
MOVE.W right+vpBounds(A1),D1 ; number of columns
MOVE.W vpRowBytes(A1),D2 ; rowbytes for 1-bit mode
MOVE.L A1,A0 ; move sBlock ptr to A0
_DisposPtr ; release this block
MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 ; get number of lines in D0
ENDWITH ; <C651>
MOVE.W ColLines,D0 ; number of pixels vertically. <1.9>
MOVE.W RowBits,D1 ; number of pixels horizontally. <1.9>
MOVE.W ScreenRow,D2 ; number of bytes between scan lines. <1.9>
; a couple of the lomems actually ARE correct for all machine types!
MOVE.L ScrnBase,A2 ; Find the start of the screen
MOVE.L ScreenBytes,D3 ; total number of bytes in screen
; Calculate the screen address (in 1-bit B&W mode) of the top-left <1.8> moved inline
; corner where the sad Mac icon should be blasted onto the screen.
; This routine is the evil spawn of CalcIconTL which used to be
; in StartInit.a. It's moved here and became register-based to do
; the right thing in more situations.
MOVEM.L D0/D1/A2,-(SP) ; preserve some registers
LSR.W #1,D0 ; divide number of rows by 2
SUB #22,D0 ; adjust for icon (Vert) (where did this number come from?)
BSET #0,D0 ; align it
MULU D2,D0 ; convert to number of bytes offset
ADDA.L D0,A2 ; move halfway down the screen
LSR.W #4,D1 ; # of bytes horizontally divided by 2 (one-bit mode, remember?)
SUBQ.W #2,D1 ; adjust for icon (Horiz)
ADDA.W D1,A2 ; Move halfway across the screen
MOVE.L A2,IconTLAddr ; Save pointer
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/D1/A2 ; <1.8> moved inline
; A3 <- pointer to the center of the screen.
MOVE.L A2,A3 ; Point to the start of the screen. <C152>
LSR.W #1,D0 ; Divide number of rows by 2. <C152>
MULU D2,D0 ; Convert to number of bytes offset. <C152>
ADDA.L D0,A3 ; Move halfway down the screen. <C152>
LSR.W #4,D1 ; # of bytes horizontally divided by 2 <C152>
ADDA.W D1,A3 ; Move halfway across the screen. <C152>
; Okay, here are the values we still consider important at this point:
; A2 = pointer to the start of the screen.
; A3 = pointer to the center of the screen.
; D2.W = the number of bytes per row.
; D3.L = the number of bytes occupied by the whole screen.
; Fill the screen with black.
LSR.L #2,D3 ; Compute number of longs on screen. <C152>
if hasMMU then ; <1.7>
MOVEQ #true32b,D0 ; set 32-bit addressing mode
_SwapMMUMode ;
MOVE.B D0,-(SP) ; save the previous mode
endif ; <1.7>
MOVEQ #-1,D0 ; This should be black. <C152>
@FillLoop MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ ; Fill a long. <C152>
SUBQ.L #1,D3 ; Countdown. <C152>
BHI.S @FillLoop ; Loop until done. <C152>
if hasMMU then ; <1.7>
MOVE.B (SP)+,D0 ; get the previous addressing mode back
_SwapMMUMode ; flip back to previous addressing mode
endif ; <1.7>
; Okay, here are the values we still consider important at this point:
; A3 = pointer to the center of the screen.
; D2.W = the number of bytes per row.
; Display Major code.
MOVE.L A3,A2 ; Start at the center of the screen. <C152>
MOVEQ #24,D0 ; compute the length of 24 lines <1.3>
MULU D2,D0 ; <1.3>
ADD.L D0,A2 ; Move down 24 lines. <C152>
SUBQ #32/8,A2 ; Move left 32 pixels (4 tiny characters). <C152><1.3>
MOVE.L D7,D0 ; Get major code. <C152>
MOVEQ #8-1,D4 ; (number of chars to display) - 1 <1.3>
BSR6 FailData ; Plot the major code at this position <C152>
; Display Minor code.
MOVE.L A3,A2 ; Start at the center of the screen. <C152>
MOVEQ #36,D0 ; compute the length of 36 lines <1.3>
MULU D2,D0 ; <1.3>
ADD.L D0,A2 ; Move down 36 lines. <C152>
SUBQ #32/8,A2 ; Move left 32 pixels (4 tiny characters). <C152><1.3>
MOVE.L D6,D0 ; Get minor code. <C152>
MOVEQ #8-1,D4 ; (number of chars to display) - 1 <1.3>
BSR6 FailData ; plot the major/minor codes
; Display Sad Mac
BSR6 DeadMac ; plot the dead Mac icon
SkipDisplay BigJmp TMRestart,a0 ; go to Test Manager entry point <C27/30may86><1.4><2.0><2.1>
TinyTable DC.W $0000,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF ; whiteColor
DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000 ; black
* Subroutines *
; Display a failure code as a series of hex characters on the screen.
; *** Called by BSR6 ***
; D0.L -> the nybbles to display - left justified
; D2.W -> number of bytes between scan lines
; D4.W -> number of hex characters of D0 to display
; A2 -> pointer to screen area to put characters
; A6 -> return address (we don't want to use any RAM, now do we?)
; Destroys D0-D1/D3-D5/A1/A2.
if hasMMU then ; <1.7>
MOVEQ #true32b,D1 ; put in D1 for a second
EXG D1,D0 ; get true32b in D0, save D0 in D1
_SwapMMUMode ; switch to 32-bit addressing
MOVE.B D0,-(SP) ; save the previous addressing mode
EXG D1,D0 ; get D0 back in D0
endif ; <1.7>
ROL.L #4,D0 ; get nibble in low order
MOVEQ #$0F,D5 ; isolate the lower nibble <1.3>
AND.B D0,D5 ; in the working register <1.3>
MULU #3,D5 ; 3 bytes per digit
LEA numFont(D5),A1 ; point to start of digit's map
MOVEQ #$C3-256,D1 ; now mask off extras with $C3 <1.3>
MOVEQ #3-1,D3 ; <1.3>
chLoop MOVE.B (A1),D5 ; get the next byte
LSR #2,D5 ; get high nibble
OR D1,D5
MOVE.B D5,(A2)
ADD D2,A2 ; next scan line
MOVE.B (A1)+,D5 ; get the next byte
LSL #2,D5 ; get low nibble
OR D1,D5
MOVE.B D5,(A2)
ADDA.W D2,A2 ; Move to the next scan line. <C152>
DBRA D3,chLoop ; Loop until character is done. <C152>
MOVEQ #6,D1 ; calculate 6*[bytes/row] <1.3>
MULU D2,D1 ; <1.3>
SUBA.L D1,A2 ; move back to the top of this character <1.3>
ADDQ.W #1,A2 ; point to the next character's position <1.3>
DBRA D4,FailLoop ; loop until all characters are drawn
if hasMMU then ; <1.7>
MOVE.B (SP)+,D0 ; get the old addressing mode back
_SwapMMUMode ; restore the addressing mode
endif ; <1.7>
JMP (A6) ; return to caller
; The digits 0-F are 4x6 bitmaps stored as 3 bytes/digit
numFont DC.B $96,$42,$69 ; 0
DC.B $B3,$BB,$B1 ; 1
DC.B $96,$ED,$B0 ; 2
DC.B $0E,$9E,$69 ; 3
DC.B $66,$60,$EE ; 4
DC.B $07,$1E,$69 ; 5
DC.B $87,$16,$69 ; 6
DC.B $0E,$DD,$BB ; 7
DC.B $96,$96,$69 ; 8
DC.B $96,$68,$E1 ; 9
DC.B $96,$60,$66 ; A
DC.B $16,$16,$61 ; B
DC.B $87,$77,$78 ; C
DC.B $16,$66,$61 ; D
DC.B $07,$17,$70 ; E
DC.B $07,$17,$77 ; F
;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (rewritten) <1.3>
; DeadMac is used by all systems to display an icon indicating the Mac
; has died at boot time, following power on tests.
; Called by BSR6
; D2.W contains rowbytes on entry
; Registers used: D1,D2,A0,A2
LEA SadMacIcon,A0 ;point to the "Sad Mac" icon <1.3>
MOVE.L IconTLAddr,A2 ; figure out where the topLeft corner is <1.3>
if hasMMU then ; <1.7>
MOVEQ #true32b,D0 ; flip to 32-bit mode
_SwapMMUMode ; switch to 32-bit addressing
MOVE.B D0,-(SP) ; save the previous mode
endif ; <1.7>
MOVEQ #6,D1 ; move the icon down 6 lines <1.9>
MULU D2,D1 ; <1.9>
ADDA.L D1,A2 ; <1.3><1.9>
SUBQ.W #4,D2 ; adjust for auto-increment in blit loop <1.9>
MOVEQ #32-1,D1 ; set up counter <1.9>
MOVE.L (A0)+,(A2)+ ; copy one scanline of the icon
ADDA.W D2,A2 ; move down to the next screen line <1.3><1.9>
DBRA D1,@BlastIcon ; keep looping until all 32 lines are copied<1.3><1.9>
if hasMMU then ; <1.7>
MOVE.B (SP)+,D0 ; switch back to previous addressing mode
_SwapMMUMode ; flip back
endif ; <1.7>
RTS6 ; return to caller <1.3>
; Routines PutIcon,PutIcon1 are used to display a compressed icon on
; the screen. They are based on Steve Capps' bitmap compression technique.
; Arguments: A2 = screen address
; A3 = Ram offset pointer
; A4 = address of icon
; A6 = holds return address
; Called by BSR6
; Registers used: D2,D3,D4,A0,a1,A2,A4
PutIcon MOVEQ #16-1,D3 ; There are 16 octals in an icon <1.3>
UNCOMP1 MOVE.L A2,A0 ; save screen start address
MOVEQ #4-1,D2 ; reset row bytes counter <1.3>
UILOOP MOVE #$100,D4 ; prime D0 for 8 bit count count
MOVE.B (A4)+,D4 ; load map byte from compressed image
MLOOP LSR.W #1,D4 ; shift off map bit
BEQ.S DONE ; byte done when = 0
BCC.S IBLACK ; dispatch on the bit
CLR.B (A2)+ ; store zero in new
BRA.S CHECK ; continue for all 8 bits
IBLACK MOVE.B (A4)+,(A2)+ ; store byte in new
CHECK DBF D2,MLOOP ; see if on scanline seam (every 4 bytes)
ADDA ScreenRow,A2 ; bump to next scanline <C1/14Apr86>
SUBQ #4,A2 ; <C1/14Apr86>
MOVEQ #3,D2 ; reset row bytes counter
BRA.S MLOOP ; continue for all 8 bits
DONE DBF D3,UILOOP ; do the rest of the octals in ICON
; Now unXOR the icon on the screen
MOVE.L A0,A1 ; second pointer
MOVEQ #31-1,D3 ; do 31 scanlines <1.3>
XLOOP ADDA ScreenRow,A1 ; bump to next scanline <C1/14Apr86>
MOVE.L (A0),D4 ; get long from previous scanline
EOR.L D4,(A1) ; xor into this scanline
MOVE.L A1,A0 ; "add" rowBytes to a2
; "Sad Mac" icon for when the Mac croaks (this is new as of <1.3>)
DC.L $F000001F ; <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
DC.L $F000001F ; <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
DC.L $F000001F ; <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
DC.L $F000001F ; <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
DC.L $F000001F ; <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
DC.L $F000001F ; <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
DC.L $F000001F ; <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
DC.L $F000001F ; <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
DC.L $F000001F ; <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>