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; File: ScriptMgrROMPatch.a
; Contains: Patches for the IIci/Portable ROM version of the Script Manager
; Written by: PKE Peter Edberg
; SMB Sue Bartalo
; JH John Harvey
; Copyright: <09> 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <27> 6/10/92 FM Replace obsolete equate smgrVerPTCHRom with smgrVersPriv.
; <26> 4/30/92 FM Get rid of conditionals: SysVers, smgrSysVers,
; doScriptMgrStr2DatFix
; <25> 4/22/92 PKE #1027368,<FM>: Now Roman CharType is patched out entirely to
; handle the direction bit too, so it is moved to ptch 27 - delete
; it here.
; <24> 4/14/92 PKE #1026778,<yds>: To make FindWord not depend on having script
; code passed in d2 (script code will not be in d2 when it is
; called from one-byte extension), change Roman dispatcher to
; replace selector on stack with ScriptRecord pointer, and get
; script code from new scriptID field of ScriptRecord instead of
; from d2. Do this for CharType & Transliterate too.
; <23> 4/8/92 PKE #1026515,<cv>: Patch Roman FindWord to not require that itl2 be
; in new format in order to handle custom break tables (passed by
; pointer). We patch enough so we no longer need FindWord part of
; PACK 6 patch in this file, so remove it. Then the CharType part
; of the PACK 6 patch can be eliminated by just patching out the
; beginning of CharType (this way is shorter too), so do that
; also. Eliminates half of PACK 6 patch, makes it cleaner and
; faster. Finally: eliminate some pre-7.0 conditionalized code.
; <22> 3/16/92 csd #1017570,<gbm>: Removed the MoveHHi call on the itl0 and itl1
; resources to avoid System heap fragmentation.
; <21> 2/13/92 PKE #1021419, Cube-E: Make Roman dispatcher handle nil entries in
; dispatcher table.
; <20> 12/17/91 PKE #1018346: Fix bug introduced in <19>. Call IUGetScriptItl with
; script code passed from ScriptMgr dispatcher, so it works for
; simple scripts too (don't assume script is smRoman).
; <19> 10/8/91 PKE For Cube-E (and Bruges): PACK 6 patch no longer applies to
; LwrString, since we patch it out entirely. Change PACK 6 patch
; to just call IUGetScriptItl instead of forcing IntlForce off.
; Part of fix for bug #1013149. Clean up a few more conditionals.
; <18> 9/20/91 PKE Remove CubeE conditional, since the new plan (according to
; Darin) is that everything for Cube-E goes in without
; conditionals. While I'm at it, get rid of some ">= $700"
; conditionals, and get rid of some code that was only for
; pre-7.0.
; <17> 9/15/91 PKE smb, #1011961: For Bruges/Cube-E, roll in from 6.1 - Fix
; trashing of d3 by GetFormatOrder (replace ROM version of
; GetFormatOrder with version in this file).
; <16> 2/19/91 PKE smb,#DTS FT: ToggleDate trashes one word past the end of its
; <09>VAR lSecs: LongDateTime<6D> parameter (reported by a developer).
; <15> 2/15/91 PKE JSM,#54736: Redo conditionals to move change <14> to Post 7.0.
; Object compare identical to <13>.
; <14> 1/28/91 JH PKE,#54736: Added changes to mirror changes in
; ScriptMgrUtilDate. So changes to date cache, changes in
; InitDateCache to add date separators to the cache, moved
; ValidLong, MatchString over to this file so that String2Date
; could use the new cache. And added slightly tougher requirements
; for date separators.
; <13> 12/15/90 PKE (gbm) Move <20>itlk<6C> loading from KeyScript into SwapKybd patch.
; Fixes bugs with some European keyboards when using Keyboard
; menu, etc.
; <12> 12/14/90 PKE (DC) Don<6F>t install GetOSEvent patch if A/UX is running. A/UX
; folks will figure out how to handle the Script Mgr key
; combinations another way. Patch out rest of Script Mgr extension
; to GetOSEvent, and change it to use smgrKeyScriptResult to
; determine whether or not to strip event from queue (in a future
; build, this patch will be reduced in size by using a come-from
; patch in KeyScript). Patch KeyTrans to skip itlk handling if
; KeyTrans is called with a special KCHR (not the one emKeyCache
; points to). Patch internal SwapKybd routine to force it to load
; <09>KCHR<48> resources from System file.
; <11> 12/5/90 BBM (JSM) Protect the come-from patches
; <10> 10/30/90 PKE (stb) Patch out GetOSEvent and change it to permit switching
; keyboards within scripts using key combos defined in 'KSWP'
; resource.
; <9> 8/7/90 PKE Just altered the previous comment to say needed for SixPack.
; <8> 8/5/90 PKE NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Since this patch may now be installed for
; A/UX, we need to branch around the installations in here that
; shouldn<64>t be done for A/UX. Search for <8> to find changes.
; <7> 7/5/90 PKE NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Rearrange InitDateCache to fix old problem:
; itl0 and itl1 may be purged before we try to use them. Patch out
; GetScript for 6.x systems to fix its handling of unimplemented
; verbs (old bug, fix needed for Sound Cdev). Removed local
; definition of smgrSixPack since it is now defined in
; ScriptPriv.a.
; <6> 6/11/90 PKE NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Fix Script Mgr InitResources patch in ROM to
; save and restore all regs; only needed for 6.x. Changes are
; flagged with <6>. ALSO: Removed some superfluous with/endwith
; pairs.
; <5> 5/13/90 SMB Doing an <20>rts<74> for NewSwapIcon since now using Keyboard Menu.
; Installing a tail patch to InitMenus to set smgrRect to 0 so
; that keyboard/script toggling in the system menu is no longer
; available.
; <4> 3/26/90 PKE Moved definition of symbols that control Script Mgr patches into
; ScriptPriv.a. Renamed symbols and added some.
; <3> 3/4/90 PKE Changed _UprText to _UpperText to match new Traps.a.
; <2> 2/28/90 PKE Moved FixRomAddresses macro to end and bsr to it; fixes problems
; that occur with BIND macros that are located after it.
; <1> 2/27/90 PKE New today, created from common patch code extracted from
; PatchIIciROM.a and PatchPortableROM.a. Relevant comments from
; those files are copied below.
; Here are the relevant comments copied from PatchIIciROM.a; in body, these are marked <aX.X>
; <39> 2/22/90 PKE Replaced obsolete _LwrStringToUpr opword with _UprText. Removed
; setting of temporary sVectFixSpExtra vector (see <12>); we no
; longer need it.
; <12> 1/11/90 PKE Initialize Script Manager's new sVectFixSpExtra vector.
; <8.0> 11/17/89 PKE Tail patch on _GetIndADB to fix Script Mgr SwapKybd routine,
; which cleared ADB keyboard driver dead state as a word: should
; be a long.
; <7.8> 11/6/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.5!! Bug fixes for InitDateCache and String2Date
; needed for HyperCard. InitDateCache: Fixed CopyArray to use
; correct register (A4) for source pointer, and to initialize all
; relevant bytes of length register (D0). String2Date: if first
; relevant (i.e., day or month name) alpha token is a month name,
; we now search the day name list if we find another alpha token
; (fixes BRC #54946). Rearranged Cache structure to fix invalid
; use of month/day name index.
; <6.2> 9/18/89 PKE For 7.0, patch Script Manager internal routine SwapIcon to use
; new 'kscn' resource type instead of 'SICN'.
; <5.4> 8/28/89 PKE For 7.0, initialize additional Script Mgr vectors for
; SMgrCalcRect and SMgrInitFonts.
; <5.3> 8/27/89 PKE NEEDED FOR Scripts604, 6.0.5: Bump Script Manager version for
; Scripts604 or SysVers > $604, since IntlForce bug fix (4.5) is
; installed.
; <4.7> 8/21/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4:
; <09> Conditionalize 4.5 for Scripts604 OR (SysVers > $604)
; <4.5> 8/21/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4 SCRIPTS BUILD, 6.0.5: Extend Pack6 patch to fix
; a problem in LwrString,CharType,Transliterate,FindWord. These
; routines should save the IntlForce flags then clear them before
; the IUGetIntl call, restoring the flags afterward. This is so we
; get the itl2 tables for the correct script (instead of the
; tables for the system script).
; <4.3> 8/21/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4!!: Patch Pack6 to fix me-too problem with
; pointer to unlocked handle in Transliterate; affects Roman
; system (this problem looks familiar; did I dream that I already
; fixed this one?).
; To Do:
PRINT OFF ; <14>
blanks on
string asis
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'PatchMacros.a'
include 'ScriptPriv.a' ; <a4.5><e3.8>
INCLUDE 'ApplDeskBus.a' ; <a8.0><e5.5>
INCLUDE 'PackMacs.a' ; <a4.3><e3.7>
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' ; <8>
INCLUDE 'IntlUtilsPriv.a' ; <19>
PRINT ON ; <14>
ptchID equ 39 ; per CCH.
; The following symbols are defined in ScriptPriv.a. They control whether <4>
; various Script Mgr patches are resident and installed here.
; doScriptMgrUseKscn
; doScriptMgrStr2DatFix
; Local symbols <15>
FixCacheAndStr2Date equ 0 ; do this for 7.1? (not 7.0.1) <15>
;FixCacheAndStr2Date equ (smgrSysVers >= $710) ; do this for 7.1? (not 7.0.1) <15>
; =============================================================================
CodeEntry Main export
Import SMgrInstallPatch ; start of init code
bra.w SMgrInstallPatch ; branch to initialization
dc.b 'ptch' ; resource type
dc.w ptchID ; resource number
dc.w smgrVersPriv ; version
; =============================================================================
; ROM binds
; =============================================================================
ROMVersions Esprit, Aurora
; for PACK6 patch
;fromROMLwrString BIND (Aurora, $0C0B2), (Esprit, $0797A)
;fromROMCharType BIND (Aurora, $1D986), (Esprit, $1745C)
;fromROMFindWord BIND (Aurora, $1DBE0), (Esprit, $176B6)
fromROMTranslit BIND (Aurora, $1DB34), (Esprit, $1760A)
toROMTranslit BIND (Aurora, $1DB3A), (Esprit, $17610)
ROMPack6 BIND (Aurora, $262B2), (Esprit, $1E3F4)
; for SwapIcon patch
ROMAfterPushSICN BIND (Aurora, $1DF26), (Esprit, $179E8)
ROMNoList BIND (Aurora, $1DF7C), (Esprit, $17A3E)
; for InitDateCache/String2Date patch
ROMValidLong BIND (Aurora, $1EE60), (Esprit, $1895A)
ROMBlock2String BIND (Aurora, $1EEA0), (Esprit, $18996)
ROMMatchString BIND (Aurora, $1EF20), (Esprit, $18A02)
; in InitDateCache
ROMAfter2ndJSRCopyArray BIND (Aurora, $1F0E8), (Esprit, $18BC8)
ROMExit BIND (Aurora, $1F160), (Esprit, $18C40)
; in/after String2Date
ROMAfterDBNE BIND (Aurora, $1F2D6), (Esprit, $18DB4)
ROMDTComExit BIND (Aurora, $1F426), (Esprit, $18F04)
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; <14><15>
ROMCheckRest BIND (Aurora, $1f434), (Esprit, $18F12)
ROMCvtTables BIND (Aurora, $1f51e), (Esprit,$18ffc)
ROMCheckValid BIND (Aurora, $1F506), (Esprit,$18FE4)
ROMStdUnlink BIND (Aurora, $1E310), (Esprit,$17DCA)
ENDIF ; <14>
ROMFixValue BIND (Aurora, $1F46E), (Esprit, $18F4C)
ROMDateTimeEntry BIND (Aurora, $1F47E), (Esprit, $18F5C)
; for GetIndADB patch
ROMAfterGetIndADB BIND (Aurora, $1E048), (Esprit, $17B0A)
ROMAfterClrDeadKey BIND (Aurora, $1E058), (Esprit, $17B1A)
ROM@1dbra BIND (Aurora, $1E064), (Esprit, $17B26)
; for new vector initialization
ROMSMgrCalcRect BIND (Aurora, $1E1C2), (Esprit, $17C84)
ROMSMgrInitFonts BIND (Aurora, $1E21C), (Esprit, $17CDE)
ROMCallInterface BIND (Aurora, $1E3B0), (Esprit, $17E6A)
;ROMFixSpEXtra BIND (Aurora, $1DD94), (Esprit, $1786A)
; For GetOSEvent patch
ROMOSEventAvail BIND (Aurora, $B418), (Esprit, $6420) ; <10>
ROMDequeue BIND (Aurora, $9956), (Esprit, $4D64) ; <10>
ROMFilterKey BIND (Aurora, $1E2C6), (Esprit, $17D88) ; <10>
; For KeyTrans itlk fix
;ROMKeyTrans BIND (Aurora, $AD7A), (Esprit, $5DA2) ; <12>
ROMKeyTransAfterItlk BIND (Aurora, $ADCC), (Esprit, $5DF4) ; <12>
; For SwapKybd fix
;ROMSwapKybdAfterGetKCHR BIND (Aurora, $1DFC2), (Esprit, $17A84) ; <12>
ROMSwapKybdLockKCHR BIND (Aurora, $1DFC6), (Esprit, $17A88) ; <13>
; For ToggleDate fix via come-from patch in ValidDate ; <16>
ROMValidDate BIND (Aurora, $1E7B0), (Esprit, $18260) ; <16>
ROMTogDateAfterValDate BIND (Aurora, $1EAC6), (Esprit, $1856E) ; <16>
ROMbsrCopyDateLoop BIND (Aurora, $1EB3E), (Esprit, $185E6) ; <16>
; Five pairs - return address for xValidDate, ROM addresses after blt SetNewDate: <16>
;ROMbltSetNewDate1 BIND (Aurora, $1EA2E), (Esprit, $184D6) ; <16>
ROMAfterBltSetNewDate1 BIND (Aurora, $1EA32), (Esprit, $184DA) ; <16>
ROMbltSetNewDate2 BIND (Aurora, $1EA70), (Esprit, $18518) ; <16>
ROMAfterBltSetNewDate2 BIND (Aurora, $1EA74), (Esprit, $1851C) ; <16>
;ROMbltSetNewDate3 BIND (Aurora, $1EAE4), (Esprit, $1858C) ; <16>
ROMAfterBltSetNewDate3 BIND (Aurora, $1EAE6), (Esprit, $1858E) ; <16>
ROMdbltFinerLoop4 BIND (Aurora, $1EB02), (Esprit, $185AA) ; <16>
ROMAfterBltSetNewDate4 BIND (Aurora, $1EB08), (Esprit, $185B0) ; <16>
;ROMdbltBackwardsLoop5 BIND (Aurora, $1EB28), (Esprit, $185D0) ; <16>
ROMAfterBltSetNewDate5 BIND (Aurora, $1EB2E), (Esprit, $185D6) ; <16>
; For GetFormatOrder fix <17>
ROMReverseCluster BIND (Aurora, $1F974), (Esprit, $1944A) ; <17>
ROMEndFormatOrder BIND (Aurora, $1F96C), (Esprit, $19442) ; <17>
; For Roman dispatcher change <21>
ROMBitBucket BIND (Aurora, $1E3BC), (Esprit, $17E76) ; <21>
; For Roman FindWord/CharType changes <23>
; beginning of FindWord (Aurora, $1DBA4), (Esprit, $1767A) <23>
ROMfwAfterGetIntl BIND (Aurora, $1DBE0), (Esprit, $176B6) ; <23>
ROMfwLoadOffsets BIND (Aurora, $1DC16), (Esprit, $176EC) ; <23>
ROMfwstoreOffsets BIND (Aurora, $1DC42), (Esprit, $17718) ; <23>
; =============================================================================
; Begin resident code
; =============================================================================
; Script Manager patch to Pack6, fixes problem with pointer to unlocked
; handle in Transliterate. <a4.3><e3.7>
; Also fixes another problem in LwrString, CharType, Transliterate, FindWord:
; These routines need to get itl2 tables that apply to the current font script. <a4.5><e3.8>
; No longer applies to LwrString. <19>
; No longer applies to FindWord or CharType. <23>
; Note: d2 hi word has a value passed from dispatcher; save it till IUGetScriptItl call <20>
ptchPack6 PROC Export
tlRecord record {a6link},decr
result ds.w 1 ; function result.
tlArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
srcHandle ds.l 1 ; srcHandle.
dstHandle ds.l 1 ; dstHandle.
target ds.w 1 ; target.
srcMask ds.l 1 ; srcMask.
scriptRecPtr ds.l 1 ; ScriptRecord pointer <24>
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6 register.
tlLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
; We can use the new protection scheme, if the first two instructions in the <11>
; patch are a bra.s followed by the jump to the old rom address.
bra.s @protection
JMPBIND ROMPack6 ; nothing interesting to do
CMPBIND fromROMTranslit,(sp)
bne.s @NoPatch ; Translit is special - 2 bugs
; We get here if we came from the _IUGetIntl in Roman Transliterate (IUGetIntl is a
; macro that pushes a selector and then does a _Pack6 trap). A few instructions
; before the _IUgetIntl, we had handles in a1 and a2 which were then dereferenced
; into the same registers. We want to postpone this dereferencing till after
; _Pack6. Fortunately, the original handles are still available in Transliterate's
; a6 frame, so we can get them after the Pack6 call, dereference them again, and
; stuff them where they belong. We also need to clear the IntlForce flag around
; Pack6 if it is set.
; Now we ignore IntlForce and instead use IUGetScriptItl to be independent <19>
; of the grafPort, since we already know script is Roman.
; At this point the stack has 12 bytes that were intended for Pack6:
; 8(sp).L = space for returned handle
; 6(sp).W = argument, specifies which itlx
; 4(sp).W = Pack6 routine selector = #iuGetIntl
; 0(sp).L = return address
; We only care about the handle space and arg; we will call iuGetScriptItl instead.
WITH tlRecord
addq #6,sp ; kill old return address, selector <19>
;; clr.w d2 ; sysFlag=0; script code in hi word <20>
;; swap d2 ; put where they belong <20>
move.l scriptRecPtr(a6),a0 ; ScriptRecord ptr (maybe nonRoman) <24>
moveq #0,d2 ; sysFlag=0 in hi word <24>
move.b ScriptRecord.scriptID(a0),d2 ; script code in low word <24>
move.l d2,-(sp) ; two arguments: script code, sysFlag=0 <19><20>
move.w #iuGetScriptItl,-(sp) ; selector for PACK 6 <19>
; The next two lines are what follow the _IUGetIntl in the ROM Transliterate
move.l (sp)+,a4 ;
movem.l (sp)+,a1/d1-d2 ;
; Now we expect to have pointers in a1 and a2, so set them up again (this is
; the fix) and jump back into ROM:
move.l srcHandle(a6),a1 ; get source handle.
move.l dstHandle(a6),a2 ; get destination handle.
move.l (a1),a1 ; get source pointer.
move.l (a2),a2 ; get destination pointer.
endwith ;tlRecord
;====================================================================== pke <a6.2><e4.7>
; This used to patch Script Manager internal routine SwapIcon to use <5>
; new 'kscn' instead of 'SICN'. Now we just eliminate it because we are
; using the new keyboard system menu.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; SwapIcon blits the key script icon in the upper right corner of the screen,
; opposite the apple symbol in the menu bar. It only draws the icon if the
; menuList is not nil.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export NewSwapIcon
NewSwapIcon ; <a6.2><e4.7>
rts ; removing since now using the Keyboard-Script Menu <5>
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; { <14><15>
; For System 7.0 changes made where the cache record would not be bigger than the
; cache space passed in. ALso MatchString was changed to handle arrays of variable
; length pascal strings rather than just fixed length
; FUNCTION MatchString (textPtr : Ptr; textLen: Integer; textMinLen: Integer;
; strArrPtr : Ptr; strArrMaxLen: Integer;
; strArrCount: Integer) : Integer; external;
; function Finds the longest match between the text and an
; initial portion of a string in the array.
; return is the number of the match (1 based), -1 if not found
MatchString proc export
import StdUnlink
MatchStrFrame record {oldA6},decrement
result ds.w 1
textPtr ds.l 1
textLen ds.w 1
textMinLen ds.w 1
strArrPtr ds.l 1
strArrMaxLen ds.w 1
strArrCount ds.w 1
return ds.l 1
oldA6 ds.l 1
args equ result-return-4
MatchStrRegs reg a2-a4/d3-d5
with MatchStrFrame
link a6,#Frame ; allocate
movem.l MatchStrRegs,-(sp) ; save regs
move.l textPtr(a6),a3 ; get textPtr
move.w textLen(a6),d3 ; get len
move.l strArrPtr(a6),a4 ; get string array
move.w strArrCount(a6),d5 ; get count
bra.s @EndLoop ; for dbra
; if 0 we have variable length pstrings in the array and handle
; differently, see below <1-8-91jh>
move.w strArrMaxLen(a6),d4 ; get max str length
; call compare with array entry
move.l a3,a0 ; pass ptr1
move.l d3,d0 ; pass len1
clr.l d1 ; wordize
move.b (a4)+,d1 ; get length
tst.w d4 ; if d4.w=0 then we need to remember the actual string
; length for each string and now the strArrMaxLen as
; above <1-9-91, jh>
bne.s @UsingStrArrMaxLen ; valid length in d4.2 so we don't need to remember
; the real length <1-9-91, jh>
move.b d1,d4 ; remember # of characters so we can move to next string <1-8-91 jh>
@UsingStrArrMaxLen ; added label to branch to <1-9-91, jh>
move.l a4,a1 ; pass start of text
; move compare to in-line, add min length test <2/23/88med>
CMP.w D1,D0 ; word length
BGT.S @NextString ; if len actual > len template, skip
beq.s @TryCompare ; lens equal, try anyway
cmp.w textMinLen(a6),d0 ; len actual < abbrev len?
blt.s @NextString ; do next
SUBQ.w #1,D0 ; word length
blt.s @NextString ; actual string is null
CMPM.B (A0)+,(A1)+
DBNE D0,@CompareLoop
beq.s @GotString ; exit <2/23/88med>
add.w d4,a4 ; get to next string
dbra d5,@MainLoop ; loop til done
bra.s @Exit ; bail with d5 = -1.
; return number of string, 1 based
sub.w strArrCount(a6),d5 ; get difference <2/23/88med>
neg.w d5 ; now right direction <2/23/88med>
move.w d5,result(a6)
movem.l (sp)+,MatchStrRegs ; restore regs
move.w #args, d0 ; for StdUnlink
bra StdUnlink ; standard exit
ENDIF ; } <14>
;====================================================================== pke <a7.8><e5.4>
; Patch Script Manager routines InitDateCache and String2Date for bug fixes
; needed by HyperCard.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export NewInitDateCache,NewString2Date
WhiteSpace EQU 1 ; token number for white space
AlphaToken EQU 4 ; token number for string
NumericToken EQU 5 ; token number for number
AltNumericToken equ $B ; alternate token type for numbers
NonAlphNumToken EQU 16 ; token numbers starting here correspond to non-alpha numeric tokens
NilToken EQU $7F ; token number for nil <14>
MaxTokens EQU 32 ; number of tokens for which there is space
omdy EQU 0 ; date order constants
odmy EQU 1
oymd EQU 2
Str15 EQU 16 ; length of string[15]
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; { <14><15>
Str4 EQU 5 ; length of string[4] added for more space-efficient cache <1-8-91jh>
Str8 EQU 9 ; length of string[8] ditto <1-8-91jh>
ENDIF ; } <14>
DayMonthLen equ 15 ; length of days and months
NumDays EQU 7 ; length of various arrays
NumMonths EQU 12
DayList EQU NumDays*Str15
MonthList EQU NumMonths*Str15
NumStrBytes EQU 300
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; { <14><15>
monthReplace EQU 0 ; offsets to CvtTable
reorder EQU 18
theYear EQU 0 ; offset to elements of arrays in CvtTable.reorder
theMonth EQU 1
theDay EQU 2
NumTimeStrings equ 4
TimeLen equ 4
;;-------BEGIN <1-8-90, jh> equates for extend itl1
; new itl1 extensions
itl1Version equ localRtn+2 ; <pke>
itl1Format equ itl1Version+2 ; <pke>
calendarcode equ itl1Format+2 ; <pke>
extraDaysOffset equ calendarcode+2
extraDaysLength equ extraDaysOffset+4
extraMonthsOffset equ extraDaysLength+4
extraMonthsLength equ extraMonthsOffset+4
abbrevDaysOffset equ extraMonthsLength+4
abbrevDaysLength equ abbrevDaysOffset+4
abbrevMonthsOffset equ abbrevDaysLength+4
abbrevMonthsLength equ abbrevMonthsOffset+4
extraSepsOffset equ abbrevMonthsLength+4
extraSepsLength equ extraSepsOffset+4
; For any of the above offsets there will be data down here in all cases this
; data will have the STR# format (i.e. word for string count followed by an
; array of pstring)
extformatkey equ $A89F
maxExtraSeps equ 10 ; count of extra seps in cache, must be at least 1!! <10>
IF maxExtraSeps<1 THEN ; <14>
aerror &concat('maxExtraSeps wrong: ',&i2s(maxExtraSeps)) ; <14>
ENDIF ; <14>
itl1stCount equ 4 ; 0..4 st's in itl1
;;-----------END <1-8-91, jh> equates for extended itl1
ENDIF ; } <14>
;========================IMPORTANT NOTE,POTENTIAL DANGER===================================
; The Data structure below is actually 6 bytes longer than the size of a
; DateCacheRecord. Initially, I fixed it so that the Record fit within 512 bytes
; but that change forced very large patches to String2Date and String2Time in the
; aurora and esprit ROMs.
; Since these patches were large and required a fair amount of change to ScriptMgrROMPatch.a
; we rethought fixing the cache so that it fit into 512 bytes and instead opted
; for keeping the fields in identical offsets.
; This is not as bad as it sounds (although it is bad, let there be no doubt about that)
; since the last 32 bytes of a tokenBlock are reserved and at this time (7.0 and earlier)
; are neither read from nor written to. For that reason, the fact that the declaration
; below is 6 bytes longer than the memory provided for it is only a forgiveable bit
; of forgetfulness.
; However, do NOT read or write any values past the itlResource field of the token block.
; And do NOT do what inside mac and the published headers say to do which is zero out
; the last 32 bytes of the token block. Doing that will TRASH memory. DON'T DO IT.
Cache RECORD 0
version ds.w 1
CurrentDate DS LongDateRec
BaseDate DS LongDateRec
theDays DS.B DayList ; <a7.8><e5.4>
theMonths DS.B MonthList ; <a7.8><e5.4>
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; { <14><15>
theEveStr DS.B Str4 ;use new string definitions to make room for altseps
theMornStr DS.B Str4 ;
the24hrAMStr DS.B Str4 ;
the24hrPMStr DS.B Str4 ;
countAltSeps DS.W 1 ;number of separator tokens <14>
AltSeps DS.W maxExtraSeps ;contains an array of separator tokens <14>
filler DS.B 6
ELSE ; }{ <14>
theEveStr DS.B Str15
theMornStr DS.B Str15
the24hrStr DS.B Str15
ENDIF ; } <14>
theTimeSep DS.W 1
theDateSep DS.W 1
theDateOrder DS.b 1
longDateOrder ds.b 1
theAbbrLen DS.W 1
TBlock DS tokenBlock
CacheSize equ *
theTimeStrings equ theEveStr
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; function InitDateCache(theCache: CachePtr): OSErr;
; InitDateCache will initialize the items in the DateCacheRecord pointed to by theCache^
; and set the initialized item to true
; The bug fixes are in the CopyArray subroutine <a7.8><e5.4>.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; <14><15>
idcSaveRegs REG A2-A4/D3-d7 ; use d5,d6,d7 in our code to cache separators <1-10-91, jh>
ELSE ; <14>
idcSaveRegs REG A2-A4/D3/D4
ENDIF ; <14>
InitCacheRec RECORD {A6link},decr
Result DS.W 1 ; offset to function result (integer)
paramBegin EQU *
theCache DS.L 1 ; pointer to the cache record
selector ds.l 1 ; added for resource
paramEnd EQU *
return DS.L 1
A6link DS.L 1
theTokens DS.B 2*TokenRec.tokenRecSize
Intl0 DS.L 1 ; handle, not pointer
Intl1 DS.L 1 ; handle, not pointer
altSpace ds.w 1 ; use top byte
aLongDate ds LongDateTime ;
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; <14><15>
temp4bytes ds.l 1 ;4 bytes to cache temp string <1-10-91,jh>
ENDIF ; <14>
localsize EQU *
WITH InitCacheRec,LongDateField
parametersize EQU paramBegin - paramEnd ; size of parameter space on stack <14>
LINK A6,#localsize ; Establish local frame and variables
MOVEM.L idcSaveRegs,-(SP) ; saved used registers
CLR.W Result(A6) ; clear function result
MOVE.L theCache(A6),A2 ; cache addr
move.b #' ',altSpace(a6) ; assume no alt space
sub.l #6,sp ; reserve returns
_IntlScript ; get the script
move.w #smScriptRight,-(sp) ; get flag
_GetScript ; get value
tst.l (sp)+ ; got it?
beq.s @NoAltSpace ; no
move.b #' '+$80,altSpace(a6) ; use alt space.
WITH Cache
lea aLongDate(a6),a0 ; @temp
clr.l (a0)+ ; no high
move.l Time,(a0)+ ; low = current
pea aLongDate(a6) ; extended
pea CurrentDate(A2) ; get current date from system global time and convert to date
lea aLongDate(a6),a0 ; @temp
clr.l (a0)+ ; no high
clr.l (a0)+ ; low = current
pea aLongDate(a6) ; extended
pea BaseDate(A2) ; get base date and convert to date
; IUGetIntl(0): Handle
MOVE.L (SP)+,Intl0(A6)
move.w ResErr,d0 ; did intl0 load in all right
BEQ.S GotIntl0Ok ; if so, go on
MOVE.W d0,Result(A6)
BRA Exit
MOVE.L Intl0(A6),A3
; Lock itl0 across Block2String calls (which can now move memory)
move.l a3,a0
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ; now a3 is pointer to itl0
; Block2String(eveStr,theEveStr,4,true)
LEA eveStr(A3),A0 ; get international 0 record for evening string
LEA theEveStr(A2),A1
MOVE.B #1,D1
move.b altSpace(a6),d2 ; pass alt string
JSRBIND ROMBlock2String ; convert packed array of char into string <a7.8><e5.4>
; with no leading spaces
; Block2String(mornStr,theMornStr,4,true)
LEA mornStr(A3),A0 ; get international 0 record for morning string
LEA theMornStr(A2),A1
MOVE.B #1,D1
move.b altSpace(a6),d2 ; pass alt string
JSRBIND ROMBlock2String ; convert packed array of char into string <a7.8><e5.4>
; with no leading spaces
; Block2String(time1Stuff,the24hrStr,1,true)
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; <14><15>
lea timeSuff(a3),A0 ; AM trailer for 24 hour time
lea the24hrAMStr(a2),a1 ; position in cache
moveq #4,d0 ; max four bytes per trailer
MOVE.B #1,D1
move.b altSpace(a6),d2 ; pass alt string <8/22/87med>
JSRBIND ROMBlock2String ; convert packed array of char into<74>
; <20>string with no leading spaces
lea timeSuff+4(a3),A0 ; PM trailer for 24 hour time
lea the24hrPMStr(a2),a1 ; position in cache
moveq #4,d0 ; max four bytes per trailer
MOVE.B #1,D1
move.b altSpace(a6),d2 ; pass alt string <8/22/87med>
JSRBIND ROMBlock2String ; convert packed array of char into<74>
ELSE ; <14>
LEA timeSuff(A3),A0 ; get international 0 record for 24 hour string
LEA the24hrStr(A2),A1
MOVE.B #1,D1
move.b altSpace(a6),d2 ; pass alt string
JSRBIND ROMBlock2String ; convert packed array of char into string <a7.8><e5.4>
; with no leading spaces
ENDIF ; <14>
MOVE.B timeSep(A3),theTimeSep(A2) ; get time separator from intl 0
MOVE.B dateOrder(A3),theDateOrder(A2)
MOVE.B dateSep(A3),(theTimeSep + 1)(A2)
; Now unlock itl0
move.l Intl0(A6),a0
; This was moved from above to prevent itl0 and itl1 handles from being purged <7>
; before we lock them.
; IUGetIntl(1): Handle
MOVE.W #1,-(SP)
MOVE.L (SP)+,Intl1(A6)
TST.W ResErr ; did intl1 load in all right
BEQ.S GotIntl1 ; if so, go on
MOVE.W ResErr,Result(A6)
BRA Exit
MOVE.L Intl1(A6),A3
; Lock itl1 across Copy Array calls; it calls Block2String, which can now move memory
move.l a3,a0
MOVE.L (A3),A3 ; now a3 is pointer to itl1
; Get the long date order and convert
; false => dmy, true => mdy; otherwise fancy stuff
move.l #omdy,d1 ; assume false
clr.w d0 ; wordize
move.b lngDateFmt(a3),d0 ; get long format
beq.s @GotLong ; done
move.l #odmy,d1 ; assume true
cmp.b #$FF,d0 ; true?
beq.s @GotLong ; yes, got it
; if we are looking at the long date, only the day and year are important,
; since the dayOfWeek and month are both strings. Walk through the format until
; we find either one or the other
move.b d0,d2 ; get bottom half-nybble
and.b #3,d2 ; got it
cmp.b #longDay,d2 ; day?
beq.s @GotLong ; yes, return #odmy
cmp.b #longYear,d2 ; year?
beq.s @LongYearFirst ; go for it
lsr.b #2,d0 ; strip bottom
bne.s @LongFmtLoop ; repeat until done
move.l #oymd,d1 ; year first (also if none found)
move.b d1,longDateOrder(a2) ; set it
; continue
MOVE.B abbrLen(A3),theAbbrLen(A2) ; get abbrLen
; changed order for more convenience in the later routine
lea months(a3),a4 ; source of days
LEA theMonths(A2),a1 ; destination names of the day and months
MOVE.L #(numMonths - 1),D3 ; load day and months from intl 1 rec into space
jsr CopyArray ; copy days
lea days(a3),a4 ; source of days
LEA theDays(A2),a1 ; destination names of the day and months
MOVE.L #(numDays - 1),D3 ; load day and months from intl 1 rec into space
jsr CopyArray ; copy days
IF NOT FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; <14><15>
; Now continue with ROM code
JMPBIND ROMAfter2ndJSRCopyArray ; <a7.8><e5.4>
JMPBIND ROMExit ; <a7.8><e5.4>
ELSE ; <14>
; Begin addition where we try to cache any valid st0 through st4 strings <14>
; and any alternative separators included in the extended itl1
; note that these separators are not cached as strings but as tokens produced by IntlTokenize
; jh, 1-8-91
; Notes on the loop:
; An itl1 has 5 fields that are declared as PACKED ARRAY[1..4] OF CHAR
; This field contain valid separators for the long date format
; This loop walks through those arrays, and converts valid separators into pascal
; strings; those strings are then converted to tokens and potentially cached in the subroutine TokenizeSepAndCache
; Register usage in the loop:
; a0-used to pass address of separator string to TokenizeSepAndCache
; a1-used briefly in the beginning to copy the date separator obtained previously from the itl0 into the cache
; a2-just like the rest of this code holds pointer to the cache
; a3-contains pointer to itl1
; a4-points at the ST arrays is
; d0-used to hold characters so they can be compared to null and space
; d1-used as a scratch register
; d3 - loop control for inner loop
; d4 - used to hold count of characters placed in temp4bytes, for that reason used to pass length of string to TokenizeSepAndCache
; d6 - loop control for outer loop
; d7 - holds available cache space
move.w #maxExtraSeps,d7 ;hold onto the maximum chars allowed
clr.w CountAltSeps(a2) ;clear the count
; get the itl resource and stash it in parameter block
clr.l -(sp) ; return handle
move.w #4,-(sp) ; get itl4
move.l (sp)+,itlResource(a2) ; store itl resource
beq @FatalError ; couldn't get it give up
lea st0(a3),a4 ;load start of 4-byte char blocks
move.l #4,d6 ; 5 ST strings to look at
clr.l d4 ; clear our offset into temp4bytes
move.w #3,d3
lea temp4bytes(a6),a1 ;get our temp string address
move.b (a4)+,d0
beq.s @looptotop ; yes its null so just continue
cmp.b #32,d0 ; space ?
beq.s @looptotop ; yes don't copy it, but continue
move.b d0,(a1)+
addq #1,d4 ;increment our offset
dbra d3,@char4loop ;loop back
tst.w d4 ; if d4 > 0 we have some sort of string
beq.s @looptoTopST ; its 0 so look at the next st[x]
;if we got a string we want to turn it into a Token here and then stick the token into
; our cache
moveq #1,d5 ; only one token permitted
;now we need to tokenize this separator and check to see if it is in the cache
lea temp4bytes(a6),A0 ; load the address of the source text into A0 which is where the subroutine expects it
bsr TokenizeSep ; branch to subroutine
bne.s @looptoTopST ; something went wrong with that one
bsr CompareAndCache ; check the token against the cache
ble.s @DoneWithItls ; if we have run out of cache, quit this
dbra d6,@startSTloop
;now we've copied the old st0-st4 separators, its time to check and see if we are
;dealing with an extended itl1 that might have some more separators added
cmp.w #extformatkey,localRtn(a3) ;is local routine $A89F ($A89F (unimplemented trap)
; is used here to flag this itl1 as an extended itl1)
bne.s @DoneWithItls ;nope, so branch around extra sep copying code
move.l extraSepsOffset(a3),d1 ;ok move the offset into d1
beq.s @DoneWithItls ;moved a 0 nothing is actually here so give it up
move.l extraSepsLength(a3),d0 ;how long is this array
ble.s @DoneWithItls ;negative or 0 means nothing is really here so get out
add.l a3,d1 ;add offset to ptr to itl1
move.l d1,a4 ;move result to a4
move.w (a4)+,d3 ;move the count of extra separators to d3,
subq #1,d3 ; set up for dbra
clr.l d4 ;clear d4 for safety
moveq #1,D5 ;D5 carrys number of token recs allowed into subroutine
move.b (a4)+,d4 ;a4 points at the length byte, put that in d4 and increment a0 to point at actual string
move.l a4,a0 ;TokenizeSep expects source in a0
bsr TokenizeSep ; branch to subroutine
bne.s @extraSepLoop ; NE is tokenizer failed
bsr CompareAndCache ; tokenizer was OK so compare the token and potentially cache it
ble.s @DoneWithItls ; if we have run out of cache, quit this
add d4,a4 ; increment to next string
dbra d3,@extraSepLoop
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;end addition
;jh, 1-8-91 <14>
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;end addition
; Now unlock itl1
move.l Intl1(A6),a0
LEA theTimeSep(A2),A0 ;get ready for tokenize sub routine
moveq #2,d5 ;we allow two tokens
move.l #2,d4 ; length into d4
bsr TokenizeSep ;
beq.s @GotSeparators ; OK so back to the old code
@FatalError ;added label so I could branch here from new code <10>
MOVE.W #fatalDateTime,Result(A6) ; if not, exit procedure and return fatal error
BRA.S Exit
MOVE.W theTokens(A6),theTimeSep(A2)
MOVE.W (theTokens + TokenRec.tokenRecSize)(A6),theDateSep(A2) ; store date and time sep tokens
MOVE.L #MaxTokens,TBlock.tokenLength(A2) ; no more than 2 tokens, please
MOVEM.L (SP)+,idcSaveRegs ; restore registers to their original value
move.w #parametersize, d0 ; for StdUnlink
JMPBIND ROMStdUnlink ; standard exit
ENDIF ; <14>
; little subroutine for code savings
; a4 is source pointer
; a1 is dest pointer
; d3 is byte length
move.l a1,d4 ; dest ptr
@LOOP MOVE.L A4,A0 ; move string from intl 1 rec <a7.8><e5.4>
MOVE.L d4,A1 ; into local frame
moveq #0,d0 ; Block2String wants a long! <a7.8><e5.4>
MOVE.B (A0)+,D0 ; with length from first byte of string
MOVEQ #1,D1 ; with no local frame
move.b altSpace(a6),d2 ; pass alt string
JSRBIND ROMBlock2String ; search <a7.8><e5.4>
ADD.L #Str15,d4 ; get next string to transfer
ADD.w #Str15,A4 ; into next string in local frame <a7.8><e5.4>
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; { <14><15>
; TokenizeSep
; This subroutine is called to tokenize any separator we have found and store the
; resulting token in the datecache
; registers
; A0 - ptr to the source text
; A2 - which holds a ptr to the cache which contains a token paramblock
; D5 - number of tokens allowed
; D4 - length of source text
; A1,D0,D1
; sets NE if Tokenizer fails
; load the tokenizer parameter block for later
LEA theTokens(A6),A1 ; spaces for tokens in local frame
MOVE.L A1,tokenList(A2)
MOVE.L d5,tokenLength(A2) ; number of tokens allowed (shouldn't be more than 2)
CLR.L tokenCount(A2)
CLR.L DoString(A2) ; clear out DoString, DoAppend, DoAlphaNumeric, and DoNest
LEA leftDelims(A2),A1
MOVE.W #(decimalCode-leftDelims)/2,D0 ; load NilToken into leftDelims, rightDelims, leftComment
MOVE.W #NilToken,(A1)+ ; RightComment, EscapeCode & decimal code
; get the address of the source from a1
MOVE.L A0,source(A2) ; inside With TBlock
MOVE.L d4,sourceLength(A2) ; d4 holds the length
; IntlTokenize(@TBlock): signedByte;
PEA TBlock(A2)
_IntlTokenize ; tokenize text
tst.b (sp)+ ; test the result and set the return bit
; CompareAndCache
; Once we've sucessfully tokenized one of the separators we use this routine to compare
; the new token against the stuff already in the cache
; if the new token is not there it is cached
; a2 - Ptr to cache
; d7.w - token slots available in cache
; d0,d1,a1
; so we have a token type in theTokenRec
lea AltSeps(a2),a1 ; get destination in a1
move.w countAltSeps(a2),d0 ; number of tokens in d0
beq.s @storeToken ; none there so store it
subq #1,d0 ; for dbra
@tokenCompare ; otherwise compare token with whats in the cache
move.w (a1)+,d1
cmp.w theTokens(a6),d1 ;
beq.s @quitSubroutine ; we've already got this one so lets get on with it
; addq #2,a1 ; increment the pointer into the cache
dbra d0,@tokenCompare ; ne so look at the next one
move.w theTokens(A6),(a1) ; when loop completes a1 points at first empty slot
add.w #1,countAltSeps(a2) ; increment our count of separators
subq #1,d7 ; decrement our number of available token slots in cache
tst.w d7 ; set condition codes
ENDIF ; moved this back inside 2 ENDWITHs <14><15>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;function String2Date( textPtr: Ptr;
; textLen: longint;
; theCache: DateCachePtr;
; var lengthUsed: longint;
; var DateTime: LongDateRec): Integer;
; String2Date will look for a date in the text given it according to the international
; resource format. Using the Tokenizer routine it will look for a dayofWeek (which will
; be a string), a month (either a string or a number) and a day and year (both numbers).
; If the month is a number, order is decided by the ShortDate format in INTL 0; otherwise
; String2Date uses a table. Note if only two numbers are found they are assumed to be day
; and month. If one number is found it is assumed to be a date. Missing fields are
; filled in by the current date and time
; Register Usage
; A2 - Work register D3 - loop control register
; A3 - Work register D4 - MonthFound
; A4 - Cache Addr D5 - ResultNum
; D6 - AbbrLen
; D7 - NumDelimsFound
; The bug fixes are: <20> <a7.8><e5.4>
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
s2dSaveRegs REG D3-D7/A2-a4 ; removed a5
DateFrame RECORD {A6link},decr
Result DS.W 1 ; offset to function result (integer)
paramBegin EQU *
textPtr DS.L 1 ; offset to Date2Time's paramters
textLen DS.L 1
theCache DS.L 1 ; @DateCacheRecord
RestofText DS.L 1 ; @Longint
DateTime DS.L 1 ; @LongDateRec
selector ds.l 1 ; added for resource
paramEnd EQU *
return DS.L 1
A6link DS.L 1
theTokens DS.B MaxTokens*TokenRec.tokenRecSize ; storage for tokens found by tokenizer
theDate DS LongDateRec ; date time rec
results DS.W 3 ; three temporary results
myDateOrder DS.W 1
DayFound DS.W 1
lastItemSep DS.W 1
lastToken DS.W 1
lastTokenAddr DS.L 1
lastExToken DS.W 1
dummyLongDate ds LongDateTime
stringStorage DS.B NumStrBytes
localsize EQU *
WITH DateFrame
With Cache,LongDateField
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; Needed this conditional <15>
IMPORT ValidLong
ENDIF ; <15>
LINK A6,#localsize ; Establish local frame and variables
MOVEM.L s2dSaveRegs,-(SP) ; saved used registers
JSRBIND ROMDateTimeEntry ; initialize & call _IntlTokenize
; Note that DateTimeEntry also does the following:
; 1. moves theCache(a6) into a4
; 2. moves TheTokens(a6) into a3
; 3. sets result(a6)
; 4. clears D7,D6; sets D5.L = -1
; 5. after IntlTokenize, sets D3= number of tokens - 1
tst.w result(a6) ; entry failed?
bne DTComExit ; bail if so
; specific stuff
MOVEQ #-1,D4 ; initialize MonthFound to -1
CLR.W DayFound(A6)
LEA CurrentDate(A4),A1 ; source
LEA theDate(A6),A0 ;
MOVE.L (A1)+,(A0)+ ; era, year
MOVE.L (A1)+,(A0)+ ; month, day
MOVE.L (A1)+,(A0)+ ; hour, minute
move.w (a1)+,(a0)+ ; second
CLR.W (A0)+ ; clear out dayOfWeek. Will either be set by user or be set
; in the course of the validity check of the date
MOVE.B theAbbrLen(A4),D6
WITH TokenRec
MOVE.W theToken(A3),D1 ; get token code from TokenRec record at (A3)
CMP.W #NonAlphNumToken,D1 ; is it a separator
BGE.S @FoundSeparator
SUB.W #WhiteSpace,D1 ; was it a white space?
BEQ @TokenLoopEnd ; ignore
SUBQ.W #(AlphaToken - WhiteSpace),D1 ; is it an alpha token?
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; { <14><15>
beq @FoundAlpha ; <1-8-91, jh> changed to .w
SUBQ.W #(NumericToken - AlphaToken),D1 ; is it a number token?
BEQ @NumberToken ; <1-8-91, jh> changed to .w
SUBQ.W #(AltNumericToken - NumericToken),D1 ; is it a number token? <9/2/87med>
BEQ @NumberToken ; <1-8-91, jh> changed to .w <9/2/87med>
ELSE ; }{ <14>
beq.s @FoundAlpha
SUBQ.W #(NumericToken - AlphaToken),D1 ; is it a number token?
BEQ.S @NumberToken
SUBQ.W #(AltNumericToken - NumericToken),D1 ; is it a number token? <9/2/87med>
BEQ.S @NumberToken ; <9/2/87med>
ENDIF ; } <14>
BRA @TokenLoopEnd ; ignore any other characters
TST.B D7 ; possible separator. Has a separator already been found
BEQ.S @OneDelimFound ; no, so no error yet
OR.W #TooManySeps,Result(A6) ; yes, so now we have too many separators
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; { <14><15>
;begin <1-8-91 jh> changes <14>
;here we compare if any of the separators in the itl1 equal this so-called
;separator we just found
cmp.w theDateSep(a4),d1 ; start by comparing the DateSep (which is not cached with the other stuff) with the new token
beq.s @SeparatorFound ; found it
move.w countAltSeps(a4),d0 ; d0 will be our loop counter
beq.s @SeparatorFound ; hmm, nothing cached, but didn't match DateSep we could fail completely
; but I guess will just go with the old method of having everything match
subq #1,d0 ; set up for dbra
lea AltSeps(a4),a0 ; address of alternate separators
cmp.w (a0)+,d1 ; compare cached tokens with new token
beq.s @SeparatorFound ; found it branch out of loop
dbra d0,@compareSeps ; decrement and branch
;no separator match. If any of the date is there we set up for an error and kind of continue
TST.w D5 ; is this after the first number loaded? (.w)
bmi.s @firstNonAlphaInvalid ; if first non-alphanumeric isn't a valid separator we return dateTimeInvalid
or.w #SepNotIntlSep+sepNotConsistent+extraneousStrings,Result(a6)
bra.s @SeparatorFound
OR.W #dateTimeInvalid,Result(A6) ; date not valid, return error
; end <1-8-91, jh> changes <14>
ENDIF ; } <14>
ADDQ.B #1,D7 ; record separator found
TST.w D5 ; is this after the first number loaded? (.w) <1/5/88med>
BMI @TokenLoopEnd ; if we have not reached a number yet go on
BNE.S @CheckDateSep ; if we loaded in a number then check consistency
MOVE.W D1,lastItemSep(A6) ; otherwise update lastItemSep with just found separator
BRA @TokenLoopEnd
CMP.W lastItemSep(A6),D1 ; are they consistent
BEQ @TokenLoopEnd ; if yes, than go on
OR.W #SepNotIntlSep+sepNotConsistent,Result(A6) ; record warning
BRA @TokenLoopEnd
; check for numbers separated only by white space
tst.w d7 ; got a separator?
bne.s @1 ; yes
tst.w d5 ; first number?
blt.s @1 ; yes, skip
bne.s @0 ; have 1 number
move.w #WhiteSpace,lastItemSep(A6) ; set separator
bra.s @1 ; continue
cmp.w #WhiteSpace,lastItemSep(a6) ; same?
beq.s @1 ; yes, continue
or.w #SepNotIntlSep+sepNotConsistent,Result(A6) ; record warning
; end of white space check
CLR.L D7 ; clear out past separators
CMP.W #2,D5 ; make sure that results array is not full
BGE @ExtrnsToken ; if full, record warning and search <a7.8><e5.4>
; for final string (remove .s)
; ValidLong(position,textLength): longint
MOVE.L stringPosition(A3),A0
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; <14><15>
jsr ValidLong ; call new one to get > 32768 test
ELSE ; <14>
JSRBIND ROMValidLong ; get number in text at TokenRec.position <a7.8><e5.4>
ENDIF ; <14>
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; <14><15>
bpl.s @numberOK ; branch around error if the number is a valid long
ori.w #dateTimeInvalid,result(a6) ;bad number so or in the dateTimeInvalid error
bra DTComExit ; and branch to our exit place
ELSE ; <14>
ENDIF ; <14>
JSRBIND ROMFixValue ; <a7.8><e5.4>
bra @TokenRecognized ; get next token (remove .s) <a7.8><e5.4>
CLR.L D7 ; clear out past separators
; UprString(newTextPtr,AbbrLen) ; and make it uppercase for case insensitive search
MOVE.L stringPosition(A3),A2
ADDQ.L #1,A2
MOVE.L length(A3),D0 ; use real length
_UpperText ; _LwrString with uppercase function <a39><e11><3>
BPL.S @SearchForDay ; <a7.8><e5.4>
; MatchString(newTextPtr,AbbrLen,@months,15,12): integer
CLR.W -(SP) ; attempt to find a day/month string which matches alpha token
MOVE.W length+2(a3),-(SP) ; push length as integer
MOVE.W D6,-(SP) ; push minlen as integer
PEA theDays(A4) ; <a7.8><e5.4>
MOVE.W #DayMonthLen,-(SP)
MOVE.W #NumMonths+NumDays,-(SP) ; check for both at once
JSRBIND ROMMatchString ; <a7.8><e5.4>
MOVE.W (SP)+,D2 ; save in D2
BLE.S @ExtrnsToken ; checking both
; decide between days and months
sub.w #NumDays,d2 ; months?
ble.s @CheckForDay ; no, do days
; got a month
CMP.W #2,D5 ; is result array already full?
BGE.S @ExtrnsToken ; if so, then its not a needed token
ADDQ.W #1,D5 ; is in range, result is not full and string
MOVE.W D5,D1 ; did not match as a day
ADD.W D1,D1 ; double index for integer array
LEA results(A6),A1 ; ResultNum:= ResultNum + 1
MOVE.W D2,(A1,D1.W) ; results[ResultNum]:= match result
MOVE.W D5,D4 ; MonthFound:= resultNum
BRA.S @TokenRecognized
; if day not found yet, we need to see if current string matches a day <a7.8><e5.4>
TST.B DayFound(a6) ; have we found one yet?
BNE.S @ExtrnsToken ; day already found, record warning
CLR.W -(SP) ; attempt to find a day string which matches alpha token
MOVE.W length+2(a3),-(SP) ; push length as integer
MOVE.W D6,-(SP) ; push minlen as integer
PEA theDays(A4)
MOVE.W #DayMonthLen,-(SP)
MOVE.W #NumDays,-(SP) ; just check days this time
JSRBIND ROMMatchString ; <a7.8><e5.4>
MOVE.W (SP)+,D2 ; save in D2
BLE.S @ExtrnsToken ; checking both
BRA.S @HaveDay
TST.B DayFound(a6) ; off of a6!
BNE.S @ExtrnsToken ; day already found, record warning
add.w #NumDays,d2 ; restore days <a7.8><e5.4>
@HaveDay ; <a7.8><e5.4>
ST DayFound(A6) ; record that day was found <a7.8><e5.4>
MOVE.W D2,theDate.dayOfWeek(A6) ; otherwise, load dayOfWeek into date time record
TST.W D5 ; is dayOfWeek between two numbers (.w)
BMI.S @NoWarning ; if no number has been found yet, go on
OR.W #fieldOrderNotIntl,Result(A6) ; record warning
BRA.S @TokenRecognized
TST.W lastExToken(A6) ; is this the first extraneous token found?
BPL.S @TokenLoopEnd ; no, go on
MOVE.W D3,lastExToken(A6) ; a string which we don't recognize has been found
BRA.S @TokenLoopEnd ; record warning and go on
MOVE.W D3,lastToken(A6)
MOVE.L A3,lastTokenAddr(A6) ; save loop and token addr for later use
ADD.L #tokenRecSize,A3 ; add size of TokenRec record to A3 to get next token
CMP.W #2,D5 ; if the result array full (.w)
AND.B DayFound(A6),D0 ; and dayofWeek string been found
DBNE D3,@TokenLoop ; then stop loop, otherwise go until all tokens are looked at
endproc ; replaced this endproc <15>
IF FixCacheAndStr2Date THEN ; <14><15>
; Function ValidLong(aStr: Str255): Longint; <2.5>
; Input stringPtr: ptr in A0
; Output theLong ($80000000 if invalid) in D0
; returns a valid longint, positive. Number sets status register
ValidLong proc export
MaxInteger equ $00008000
movem.l d3/d4,-(sp)
move.l #$80000000,d0 ; assume bad
clr.l d4
move.b (A0)+,d4 ; get length
ble.s @BailValid ; bail if not there
clr.l d1 ; longize
move.b (a0)+,d1 ; new value
sub.b #'0',d1 ; adjust
subq.b #1,D4 ; adjust string length
move.l d1,d2 ; initialize total
bra.s @FastEntry ; enter loop in middle
; multiply by 10
add.l d2,d2 ; double
move.l d2,d3 ; save copy
lsl.l #2,d2 ; now * 8
add.l d3,d2 ; now * 10, at a cost of 6+4+12+6=28 10x = 2x + 4<>2x
add.l d1,d2 ; accumulate
move.b (a0)+,d1 ; new value
sub.b #'0',d1 ; adjust
dbra d4,@FastPathLoop ; yes, continue
cmp.l #MaxInteger,d2 ; is it greater than 32768?
bhi.s @BailValid ; yes, so it is too high, bail
; note that we don't compare against negative since tokenizer will treat that as a separator
move.l d2,d0 ; return result and set status register
tst.l d0
movem.l (sp)+,d3/d4
ENDIF ; } <14>
;====================================================================== <a8.0><e5.5>
; Tail patch on _GetIndADB to fix bug in Script Manager ResetKCHR routine
; called by SwapKybd: it clears ADB keyboard driver dead state as a word,
; should be a long.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export ptchGetIndADB
; We can use the new protection scheme, if the first two instructions in the <11>
; patch are a bra.s followed by the jump to the old rom address.
bra.s @protection
BackToTrap oldGetIndADB ; Jump back to the Rom
CMPBIND ROMAfterGetIndADB,OSTrapReturnAddressDepth(sp) ; From ResetKCHR?
bne.s @JumpToRom ; if not, just continue with trap
lea ptchResetKCHR,a1 ; a1 is not a param for GetIndADB
move.l a1,OSTrapReturnAddressDepth(sp) ; so trap returns to patch, not ROM
bra.s @JumpToRom ; and go back to the ROM
; When we reach the patch below, we are in ResetKCHR just after the _GetIndADB
rkRecord record {a6link},decr
rkArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
pointer ds.l 1 ; new KCHR pointer.
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6 register.
adb ds ADBDataBlock ; ADB data structure.
oldKeyboard ds.l 1 ; old keyboard pointer
rkLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
with rkRecord
cmp.b #kybdADBAddr,adb.origADBAddr(a6) ; is it a keyboard?
bne.s @1 ; no -> skip it.
move.l adb.dbDataAreaAddr(a6),a0 ; load data area pointer.
clr.l KybdDriverData.deadKey(a0) ; clear dead state - long! <a8.0><e5.5>
JMPBIND ROMAfterClrDeadKey ; <a8.0><e5.5>
@1 JMPBIND ROM@1dbra ; <a8.0><e5.5>
;====================================================================== <5>
; Set the smgrRect to 0 so that a mouse-down in the script icon is not
; handled by FilterMouse in GetOSEvent patch. Really undoing our patch to
; InitMenus; ugly, but necessary, if we don't want to completely patch out
; GetOSEvent.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export ptchInitMenus
with smgrRecord
move.l IntlSpec,a0
move.l sVectInitMenus(a0),a0
jsr (a0)
move.l IntlSpec,a0 ; prepare to stuff smgrRect!
lea smgrRect(a0),a0
move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)
;============================================================================= <10>
; GetOSEvent in the ROM ends by jumping to some Script Mgr code that checked
; events to see if they were script toggling events. Now we want to check if
; they are "keyboard changing events" - key-down or auto-key events that match
; a key combination in the 'KSWP' resource. To do this, we have to patch out
; GetOSEvent and the Script Mgr code it jumped to.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export ptchGetOSEvent
; Routine: GetOSEvent
; Arguments: A0 (input) -- pointer to user event buffer (32-bit)
; D0 (input) -- type of event desired (event mask)
; D0 (output) -- 0=non-null event returned, -1=null event
; returned
; Function: This routine returns the next event in the system event queue.
; The returned event is dequeued, thereby freeing up the space
; which holds that queue element. If no events of the types
; enabled by the mask exist, the null event is returned.
; Calling sequence: MOVE.W #EventMask,D0
; LEA EventBuffer,A0
; _GetNextEvent
; Other: uses D0,D1,D2,A0,A1
EvtOffset EQU 6 ; event record offset from start of
; event queue element
JSRBind ROMOSEventAvail ; first find the event
BNE.S @EventDone ; don't dequeue null or update events
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save user's event record ptr
MOVE.L A1,A0 ; pointer to event queue element
LEA EventQueue,A1 ; A1 points to the queue
JSRBind ROMDequeue ; dequeue it (D0 destroyed)
MOVE #$FFFF,EvtNum+EvtOffset(A0) ; and release its storage
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore user's event record ptr
; (needed by SMgrPostMunging)
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; exit with result code 0
; fall thru to newSMgrPostMunging
; newSMgrPostMunging
; Check key-down and auto-key events to see if they match a key combo
; in the 'KSWP' resource. If they do, call KeyScript with the
; corresponding verb from 'KSWP'.
modMask equ $fffb ; mask off capsLock key.
; a4.l Script Manager globals pointer.
; a3.l Keyboard globals pointer.
; a2.l Event record pointer.
with SMgrRecord ; <12>
movem.l a0-a4/d0-d2,-(sp) ; save the registers.
GetSMgrCore a4 ; load SMgr globals.
move.l a0,a2 ; save the event pointer.
; If this is a keyDown event, check to see if the keyboard code and
; modifiers match any of the combinations in the keyboard swapping table.
; Copied this code in from ScriptMgrPatch.a.
cmp.w #keyDwnEvt,evtNum(a2) ; evtNum = keyDown?
beq.s @1 ; yes -> check message.
cmp.w #autoKeyEvt,evtNum(a2) ; evtNum = autoKey?
bne.s DoneEvent ; no -> bail out.
move.l smgrKeySwap(a4),d0 ; swap table = nil?
beq.s DoneEvent ; yes -> skip key swapping.
move.l d0,a0 ; load swap table handle.
move.l (a0),a0 ; load swap table pointer.
move.l evtMessage(a2),d1 ; get event message
move.b evtMeta(a2),d1 ; get modifier keys.
and.w #modMask,d1 ; mask off alpha modifier.
move.l (a0)+,d0 ; tuple = 0?
beq.s DoneEvent ; yes -> bail out.
cmp.w d0,d1 ; tuple = message?
bne.s @2 ; no -> try next tuple.
swap d0 ; get KeyScript verb.
; Change the current keyboard. Call KeyScript to load the new keyboard
; and to draw the keyboard icon in the menu bar. Remember to null out
; the event type and return that no events were available.
; Beginning with System 7, we only strip the event if it meaningful <12>
; in the current system - i.e., the KeyScript return code is true.
move.w d0,-(sp) ; push script code.
_KeyScript ; invoke the trap.
tst.b smgrKeyScriptResult(a4) ; Did KeyScript do something useful? <12>
beq.s DoneEvent ; if not, don't strip event <12>
move.w #nullEvt,evtNum(a2) ; null event type.
move.l MinusOne,(sp) ; return no event in d0.
; Restore the registers and return to the caller.
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a4/d0-d2 ; restore the registers.
rts ; return to the caller.
endwith ;SMgrRecord ; <12>
;============================================================================= <12>
; Patch KeyTrans to skip the initial itlk processing if the KCHR pointer
; passed into KeyTrans is not the same as the one in emKeyCache (i.e., the
; itlk does not apply to this KCHR).
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export ptchKeyTrans
ktFrame record {a6link},decr
result ds.l 1 ; resulting ascii codes
kchrTable ds.l 1 ; KCHR table to use
codeMods ds.w 1 ; virtual key code, modifiers
deadState ds.l 1 ; dead key state pointer
return ds.l 1 ; return address
a6link ds.l 1 ; old link pointer
ktLocals equ * ; size of locals
kchrTableNoLink equ kchrTable-return ; kchrTable offset before link
; bail if KCHR pointer is not same as in ExpandMem
with ExpandMemRec,ktFrame ;
move.l ExpandMem,a1 ;
move.l emKeyCache(a1),d1 ; Get KCHR pointer in ExpandMem
cmp.l kchrTableNoLink(sp),d1 ; same as KCHR pointer param?
bne.s @skipItlk ; if not, skip itlk handling
BackToTrap oldKeyTrans ; begin with itlk handling
JmpBIND ROMKeyTransAfterItlk ; enter after itlk handling
endwith ;ExpandMemRec,ktFrame ;
;============================================================================= <12>
; Patch internal SwapKybd routine to force it to load 'KCHR' resources only
; from the System file.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export ptchSwapKybd
SwapKybdRegs reg a2/a3/d4 ; added d4 <7/25/87med>
with smgrRecord,scriptRecord,ExpandMemRec
link a6,#0 ; link the stack.
movem.l SwapKybdRegs,-(sp) ; save the registers.
move.l expandMem,a3 ; load expandMemPtr
move.l emKeyCache(a3),a3 ; get pointer to key cache
; Load the KCHR resource from the system file.
move.w CurMap,-(sp) ; leave cur resfile refnum on stack <12>
clr.w -(sp) ; specify system file <12>
_UseResFile ; <12>
sub.l #4,sp ; make room for handle.
move.l #'KCHR',-(sp) ; push KCHR type.
GetSMgrCore a0 ; load smgrCore pointer.
move.w smgrKeyScript(a0),d0 ; get key script code.
lsl.w #2,d0 ; convert to long offset.
move.l smgrEntry(a0,d0.w),a0 ; get key script entry.
move.w scriptBundle.itlbKeys(a0),d4 ; save KCHR id number in d4<64> <13>
move.w d4,-(sp) ; and push it <13>
move.w #-1,RomMapInsert ; look for KCHR in ROM and load.
_GetResource ; get the KCHR resource.
move.l (sp)+,a2 ; load handle
move.l a2,d0 ; handle = nil? <13>
; if no KCHR, restore resfile and exit <13>
bne.s @loadItlk ; no - go load itlk. Otherwise<73>
_UseResFile ; restore old resfile (refnum on stack)
bra.s DoneKybd ; bail, keep old KCHR & itlk.
; if we already have an itlk, dispose of it <13>
GetSMgrCore a0 ;
move.l smgrCurITLK(a0),d0 ; have old handle?
beq.s @noOld ; no -> skip dispose
clr.l smgrCurITLK(a0) ; clear the handle storage
move.l d0,a0 ; copy itlk handle
_DisposHandle ; dispose of the itlk
; load the itlk resource, detach it, and store its handle <13>
subq #4,sp ; make room for handle
move.l #'itlk',-(sp) ; push resource type
move.w d4,-(sp) ; push resource ID number
_GetResource ; load the resource
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; found the itlk resource?
beq.s @noNew ; no -> skip installation
GetSMgrCore a0 ;
move.l d0,smgrCurITLK(a0) ; save new itlk handle
move.l d0,-(sp) ; push itlk handle
_DetachResource ; detach from system file
; restore previous resource file
_UseResFile ; restore old resfile (refnum on stack) <12><13>
JmpBIND ROMSwapKybdLockKCHR ; <12><13>
DoneKybd ; <13>
movem.l (sp)+,SwapKybdRegs ; restore the registers.
unlk a6 ; unlink the stack.
rts ; return to the caller.
endwith ;smgrRecord,scriptRecord,ExpandMemRec
;============================================================================= <16>
; Come-from after patch on ValidDate to fix bug in Toggledate. <16>
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <16>
; <16>
proc ; <16>
export ptchValidDate ; <16>
; <16>
ptchValidDate ; <16>
CMPBIND ROMTogDateAfterValDate,(sp) ; coming from ROM ToggleDate? <16>
bne.s @doROMroutine ; if not, just continue <16>
lea ptchToggleDate,a0 ; get our patch address <16>
move.l a0,(sp) ; make ValidDate return to it <16>
@doROMroutine ; <16>
JMPBIND ROMValidDate ; continue with routine <16>
; <16>
; Copied from ScriptMgrUtilDate.a ; <16>
ToggleDateRec record {oldA6},decr ; <16>
resultSize equ 2 ; <16>
funcResult ds.w 1 ; <16>
argSize equ *-8 ; <16>
mySecsPtr ds.l 1 ; <16>
field ds.w 1 ; <16>
delta ds.w 1 ; <16>
ch ds.w 1 ; <16>
paramsPtr ds.l 1 ; <16>
selector ds.l 1 ; <16>
return ds.l 1 ; <16>
oldA6 ds.l 1 ; <16>
dateTime0 ds LongDateRec ; <16>
dateTime1 ds LongDateRec ; <16>
dateTime2 ds LongDateRec ; <16>
newDate ds LongDateTime ; <16>
myTogFlags ds.l 1 ; modified copy of togFlags <16>
localFrame equ * ; <16>
endr ; <16>
; <16>
ptchToggleDate ; <16>
; at this point we are near the end of internal xValidDate routine <16>
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; pop ValidDate result, set cc <16>
;; rts ; instead of returning<6E> <16>
; <20>we leave return addr on stack, check which of the five possible <16>
; return addresses it is, and dispatch to the new patch (one of 5) <16>
; that corresponds to the old return address. I first tried to pop <16>
; the old return address into a register and do the CMPBIND against <16>
; the register, but the assembler optimizes this to a cmpa.w, which <16>
; breaks the FixRomAddresses macro. <16>
lea @1,a0 ; assume first patch <16>
CMPBIND ROMbltSetNewDate2,(sp) ; but check return for second <16>
blo.s @xValidDateReturn ; if before, we want first <16>
lea @2,a0 ; try second <16>
beq.s @xValidDateReturn ; if equal, we want second <16>
lea @3,a0 ; now assume third patch <16>
CMPBIND ROMdbltFinerLoop4,(sp) ; but check return for fourth <16>
blo.s @xValidDateReturn ; if before, we want third <16>
lea @4,a0 ; try fourth <16>
beq.s @xValidDateReturn ; if equal, we want fourth <16>
lea @5,a0 ; use fifth! <16>
@xValidDateReturn ; simulate return from xValidDate: <16>
addq #4,sp ; discard old return address <16>
tst.w d0 ; reset condition codes <16>
jmp (a0) ; and jump to correct patch <16>
; <16>
@1 blt.s SetNewDate ; <16>
JMPBIND ROMAfterBltSetNewDate1 ; <16>
; <16>
@2 blt.s SetNewDate ; <16>
JMPBIND ROMAfterBltSetNewDate2 ; <16>
; <16>
@3 blt.s SetNewDate ; <16>
JMPBIND ROMAfterBltSetNewDate3 ; <16>
; <16>
@FinerLoop ; <16>
sub.w #1,(a3) ; drop <16>
bsr.s xValidDate ; is it ok? <16>
@4 dblt d5,@FinerLoop ; til done <16>
blt.s SetNewDate ; yes, exit <16>
JMPBIND ROMAfterBltSetNewDate4 ; <16>
; <16>
@BackwardsLoop ; <16>
add.w d3,(a2) ; bump <16>
bsr.s xValidDate ; is it ok? <16>
@5 dblt d5,@BackwardsLoop ; yes, exit <16>
blt.s SetNewDate ; with correct date from ValidDate <16>
JMPBIND ROMAfterBltSetNewDate5 ; <16>
; <16>
; Other fragments: <16>
; <16>
; For xValidDate, we cannot just jump into ROM, because the xValidDate <16>
; return addresses will not match the expectations of the above patch. <16>
; <16>
; The fragment after the SetNewDate label contains the real fix we are making. <16>
; <16>
with ToggleDateRec ; <16>
xValidDate ; <16>
clr.w -(sp) ; allocate return <16>
pea dateTime0(a6) ; pass @datetime0 <16>
move.l myTogFlags(a6),-(sp) ; pass adjusted togFlags <16>
pea newDate(a6) ; pass @newDate <16>
_ValidDate ; call it <16>
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; pop result <16>
rts ; <16>
; <16>
SetNewDate ; <16>
lea newDate(a6),a0 ; source <16>
move.l mySecsPtr(a6),a1 ; dest <16>
move.w #4-1,d0 ; dbra word cound <fixed!> <16>
JMPBIND ROMbsrCopyDateLoop ; <16>
; <16>
endwith ;ToggleDateRec ; <16>
endproc ; <16>
;============================================================================= <17>
; Patch out GetFormatOrder entirely to fix trashing of d3. <17>
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <17>
export ptchFormatOrder
FormatOrderFrame record {oldA6},decrement
resultSize equ 0
argSize equ *-8
ordering ds.l 1
firstFormat ds.w 1
lastFormat ds.w 1
filler ds.b 1
lineRight ds.b 1 ; high byte from pascal <2/10/88med>
DirProc ds.l 1
dirParam ds.l 1
selector ds.l 1
return ds.l 1
oldA6 ds.l 1
localFrame equ *
FormatOrderRegs reg a2-a3/d3-d6 ; Now include d3 <17>
with FormatOrderFrame
link a6,#localFrame
movem.l FormatOrderRegs,-(sp)
; consistency check
move.l ordering(a6),a2 ; get ordering
move.w firstFormat(a6),d3 ; get start
move.w lastFormat(a6),d4 ; get end
cmp.w d3,d4 ; same?
ble.s @Exit ; lastFormat <20> firstFormat, leave array alone.
; {fill the array with initial values, going in lineDirection order}
move.l DirProc(a6),a3 ; get dirProc
move.l #2,d5 ; set pointer increment
move.b lineRight(a6),d6 ; right-left?
beq.s @InvertLoop ; no, continue
move.w d4,d0 ; get last element
sub.w d3,d0 ; last-first
add.w d0,d0 ; for word array
add.w d0,a2 ; last element
neg.w d5 ; invert pointer increment
clr.b -(sp) ; allocate return
move.w d3,-(sp) ; pass i
move.l dirParam(a6),-(sp) ; pass dirParam
jsr (a3) ; call it
move.w d3,d1 ; set temp
cmp.b (sp)+,d6 ; get result: same as lineRight?
beq.s @1 ; yes, skip
not.w d1 ; invert
move.w d1,(a2) ; set value
add.w d5,a2 ; increment array pointer
add.w #1,d3 ; i := i+1
cmp.w d3,d4 ; same?
bge.s @InvertLoop ; no, keep looping
; {walk through the array, reversing the odd direction clusters (inverted)}
sub.w firstFormat(a6),d4 ; now # elements + 1
move.l #-1,d5 ; mark as no first backwards element
clr.w d3 ; i := 0
move.l ordering(a6),a2 ; get ordering
move.l a2,a3 ; for increment
tst.w (a3)+ ; get value
bge.s @BadOrder ; correct order
tst.w d5 ; have first backwards element?
bge.s @RevContinue ; yes, continue
move.w d3,d5 ; mark first backwards element
bra.s @RevContinue ; continue
tst.w d5 ; have first backwards element?
blt.s @RevContinue ; no, continue
JSRBIND ROMReverseCluster ; ReverseCluster(j, i - 1) <17>
move.l #-1,d5 ; mark no first backwards element.
add.w #1,d3 ; inc
cmp.w d3,d4 ; at end?
bge.s @RevLoop ; no, continue
tst.w d5 ; got one?
blt.s @Exit ; no, continue
JSRBIND ROMReverseCluster ; ReverseCluster(j, limit); <17>
; cleanup
movem.l (sp)+,FormatOrderRegs
JMPBIND ROMEndFormatOrder ; <17>
;============================================================================= <21>
; Replace Roman dispatcher with version that handles nil entries in
; dispatch table.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export ptchRomanScript
with SMgrRecord,ScriptRecord
move.l 4(sp),d0 ; get selector
GetSMgrCore a1 ; set up ptr to SMgrRecord <24>
move.l smgrEntry+(smRoman*4)(a1),a1 ; now set up ptr to Roman ScriptRecord <24>
cmp.w scriptDispHigh(a1),d0 ; selector past max script sys call? <24>
bhi BitBucket ; clean up stack and fake the call <6/7/88ldc>
sub.w scriptDispLow(a1),d0 ; make word offset from table start <24>
add.w d0,d0 ; make a long offset
move.l scriptDispTable(a1),a1 ; get table ptr <24>
move.l 0(a1,d0.w),d0 ; get routine vector from table <21><24>
beq BitBucket ; if nil, bail <21>
move.l a0,4(sp) ; replace selector with ScriptRecord ptr <24>
move.l d0,a0 ; copy vector <21>
jmp (a0) ; now jump to it
JMPBIND ROMBitBucket ; <21>
;============================================================================= <23>
; Patch beginning of Roman FindWord so that it handles custom break tables
; without checking the itl2 resource.
; This also replaces the FindWord part of the PACK 6 patch above.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
export ptchRomanFindWord
fwRecord record {a6link},decr
fwArgs equ *-8 ; size of arguments.
pointer ds.l 1 ; Text pointer.
length ds.w 1 ; Text length.
offset ds.w 1 ; First offset.
left ds.w 1 ; LeftSide flag.
option ds.l 1 ; Optional tuple table.
table ds.l 1 ; array of offsets.
scriptRecPtr ds.l 1 ; ScriptRecord pointer <24>
return ds.l 1 ; return address.
a6link ds.l 1 ; old a6 register.
fwLocals equ * ; size of local variables.
with fwRecord
link a6,#fwLocals ; link the stack.
movem.l d3-d7/a2-a4,-(sp) ; save the registers.
; Load the registers with the basic parameters.
move.l table(a6),a2 ; get offset array.
move.l pointer(a6),a3 ; get text pointer.
move.w offset(a6),d4 ; get first offset.
move.w length(a6),d7 ; get text length.
; Find the word that has the offset in it and return its limits. First,
; determine the starting offset based on the text offset, length, and
; leftSide flag.
tst.b left(a6) ; if leftSide is false,
bne.s @1 ; subtract one from
sub.w #1,d4 ; the offset.
@1 move.l #0,d3 ; left is zero.
move.l d3,d5 ; right is zero.
tst.w d4 ; if offset < 0,
blt storeOffsets ; return to caller.
move.l d7,d3 ; left is length.
move.l d7,d5 ; right is length.
cmp.w d7,d4 ; if offset >= length,
bge storeOffsets ; return to caller.
; Next, prime all of the registers for the search in both directions. We
; determine here which god-forsaken table the user wants.
MOVE.L option(A6),D0 ; check for 0 <23>
BEQ.S @UseDefault ; if default word select table, go get it <23>
CMP.L #-1,D0 ; check for -1 <23>
BEQ.S @UseDefault ; if default word wrap table, go get it <23>
MOVE.L D0,A1 ; have pointer to custom table <23>
BRA.S @LoadOffsets ; continue with it <23>
;; clr.w d2 ; sysFlag=0; script code in hi word
;; swap d2 ; put where they belong
move.l scriptRecPtr(a6),a0 ; ScriptRecord ptr (maybe nonRoman) <24>
moveq #0,d2 ; sysFlag=0 in hi word <24>
move.b ScriptRecord.scriptID(a0),d2 ; script code in low word <24>
clr.l -(sp) ; space for returned handle
move.w #2,-(sp) ; select itl2
move.l d2,-(sp) ; two arguments: script code, sysFlag=0
_IUGetScriptItl ; may trash a0,a1,d0-d2
JMPBIND ROMfwAfterGetIntl ; <23>
JMPBIND ROMfwLoadOffsets ; <23>
JMPBIND ROMfwstoreOffsets ; <23>
endwith ;fwRecord
; =============================================================================
; =============================================================================
CutBackPt proc Export
; EntryTable YourTrap,YourTrapID
EntryTable 0 ; <=== Last table entry
; =============================================================================
; =============================================================================
export SMgrInstallPatch
SMgrInstallPatch ; init routine
import CutBackPt,CodeEntry
; The FixRomAddresses macro has to be located after the last bind macro in the
; code, but has to be executed before any of them. So we put it at the end and
; BSR to it.
bsr DoFixRomAddresses
with SMgrRecord
movem.l d3/a2-a4,-(sp)
; =============================================================================
; Begin init code that is not excluded for A/UX (always installed)
; Initially, everything was here, since this patch file was not loaded for A/UX. <8>
; Now, if this patch is loaded for A/UX (doScriptMgrForAUX is TRUE), we need to
; create a block that is excluded for A/UX and move OS-specific installs there.
; =============================================================================
;________________________________________________________________ <a4.3><e3.7>
; Patch to Pack6 to fix Script Manager routines
InstToolTp ptchPack6,$1ED
; Bump Script Manager version number for IntlForce bug fix (SysVers < $700) <a5.3><e4.2>
; Set Script Manager version (SysVers >= $700) <a5.7><e4.4>
; redo using new symbol smgrVersPTCHRom <a5.9><e4.5>
GetSMgrCore a0
move.w #smgrVersPriv,smgrVersion(a0)
; Initialize additional Script Manager vectors <a5.4><e4.3>
; Add CallInterface <a5.9><e4.5>
; Moved NewSwapIcon setup below <4>
; GetSMgrCore a0 ; already set up <23>
move.l a1,sVectSMgrCalcRect(a0)
move.l a1,sVectSMgrInitFonts(a0)
LEABIND ROMCallInterface,a1 ; <a5.9><e4.5>
move.l a1,sVectCallInterface(a0) ; <a5.9><e4.5>
; Use NewSwapIcon <4>
import NewSwapIcon ; <a6.2><e4.7>
; GetSMgrCore a0 ; already set up
lea NewSwapIcon,a1 ; <a6.2><e4.7><a6.7><e5.4>
move.l a1,sVectSwapIcon(a0) ; <a6.2><e4.7>
;____________________________________________________________________________ <a7.8><e5.4>
; Install patches for Script Manager routines InitDateCache, String2Date
smInitDateCacheOff equ -16 ; DispTable offset for InitDateCache
smString2DateOff equ -20 ; DispTable offset for String2Date
smValidDateOff equ -56 ; DispTable offset for ValidDate <16>
smFormatOrderOff equ -08 ; DispTable offset for GetFormatOrder <17>
GetSMgrCore a1
move.l smgrDispTable(a1),a1
lea NewInitDateCache,a0
move.l a0,smInitDateCacheOff(a1)
lea NewString2Date,a0
move.l a0,smString2DateOff(a1)
lea ptchValidDate,a0 ; <16>
move.l a0,smValidDateOff(a1) ; <16>
lea ptchFormatOrder,a0 ; <17>
move.l a0,smFormatOrderOff(a1) ; <17>
;____________________________________________________________________________ <5>
; Installing tail patch to InitMenus to fix up smgrRect.
import ptchInitMenus
move.w #$130,d0 ; InitMenus trap address
_GetTrapAddress ; returns in a0
move.l IntlSpec,a1
move.l a0,sVectInitMenus(a1)
InstToolTp ptchInitMenus,$130
;____________________________________________________________________________ <12>
; Installing KeyTrans patch for itlk handling.
import ptchKeyTrans
PatchToolJump oldKeyTrans,$1C3 ; set addr for BackToTrap
InstToolTp ptchKeyTrans,$1C3
;____________________________________________________________________________ <12>
; Patch SwapKybd to force loading of KCHRs from System file.
import ptchSwapKybd
GetSMgrCore a0
lea ptchSwapKybd,a1
move.l a1,sVectSwapKybd(a0)
;____________________________________________________________________________ <21>
; Install updated Roman dispatcher.
import ptchRomanScript
with ScriptRecord
;; GetSMgrCore a0 ; already have this from above
move.l smgrEntry+(smRoman*4)(a0),a0 ; get ptr to Roman ScriptRecord <21>
lea ptchRomanScript,a1 ; get new dispatcher address <21>
move.l a1,scriptTrap(a0) ; install it <21>
endwith ;ScriptRecord
;____________________________________________________________________________ <23>
; Install patches to Roman FindWord
import ptchRomanFindWord
with ScriptRecord
GetSMgrCore a0 ; <23>
move.l smgrEntry+(smRoman*4)(a0),a0 ; get ptr to Roman ScriptRecord <23>
move.l scriptDispTable(a0),a1 ; get ptr to Roman disp table <23>
move.w scriptDispLow(a0),d0 ; get low selector handled by table <23>
add.w d0,d0 ; make long offset <23>
sub.w d0,a1 ; adjust to point where entry for selector <23>
; 0 would go if it were in the table <23>
lea ptchRomanFindWord,a0 ; <23>
move.l a0,2*smFindWord(a1) ; <23>
endwith ;ScriptRecord
; =============================================================================
; Begin init code that is excluded for A/UX (only installed if not A/UX).
; =============================================================================
; Runtime check to determine whether we are running A/UX. <8>
; If so, skip this section of patch install code.
move.w HwCfgFlags,d0 ; check <20>em the compulsive way
btst.l #hwCbAUX,d0 ; is it A/UX time?
bne EndMacOnlySection ; if so skip the mac-only patches
;____________________________________________________________________________ <a8.0><e5.5><8>
; Install Script Manager tail patch to _GetIndADB, fixes the way SwapKybd
; clears dead key state in ADB keyboard driver data structure
PatchOSJump oldGetIndADB,$78 ; set addr for BackToTrap
InstOSTp ptchGetIndADB,$78 ; <20>and then install patch
;____________________________________________________________________________ <10>
; Installing GetOSEvent patch for keyboard switching via key combos.
; Don't install if A/UX running. <12>
import ptchGetOSEvent
InstOSTp ptchGetOSEvent,$31
; =============================================================================
; end init code
; =============================================================================
movem.l (sp)+,d3/a2-a4
lea CutBackPt,a0 ; <=== Keep these two lines<65>
rts ; <=== in any case
move.w #dsSysErr,d0 ; load generic error
_SysError ; system error!
bra.s @exit
FixRomAddresses ; new macro