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Raw Normal View History

File: DisplayMgrOverlap.c
Contains: Overlapping and purely overlapping (aka <EFBFBD>mirroring<EFBFBD>) support for
the Display Manager.
Written by: Mike Puckett, September 29, 1993.
Copyright: <EFBFBD> 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<2> 11/5/93 IH Sync with Excelsior.
<1> 10/10/93 IH first checked in
Pre-SuperMario Comments
<3> 10/10/93 IH #1116329: Fixed mirroring call to use new process manager check
(so it is usable at extension loading time).
<2> 10-08-93 jmp In the MirrorDevices() routine, made it so that we now activate
any inactive devices before mirroring them. Also, took a first
crack at cleaning up the cursor flashing by calling
<1> 10-04-93 jmp first checked in
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include "Types.h"
#ifndef __GESTALTEQU__
#include "GestaltEqu.h"
#ifndef __DISPLAYS__
#include "Displays.h"
#ifndef __DISPLAYSPRIV__
#include "DisplaysPriv.h"
#include "ExpandMemPriv.h"
/* QDIsMirroringCapable() returns whether or not QuickDraw can handle mirroring.
// We are distinguishing between mirroring and overlap, as mirroring-capable
// is a superset of overlapping-capable. This distinction will eventually
// go away (I think).
pascal OSErr
Boolean *qdIsMirroringCapable)
{ long response;
// Assume that we<77>re not mirroring capable.
*qdIsMirroringCapable = false;
// Call Gestalt to get the QuickDraw feature set. If QD is mirroring
// capable, the appropriate bit will be set.
if (Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawFeatures,&response) == noErr)
*qdIsMirroringCapable = (response & (1<<gestaltSupportsMirroring))? true: false;
/* CanMirrorNow() returns whether or not the current environment will support mirroring.
// At the moment, mirroring only works if and only if there are 2 displays. In the
// future, we should be able to mirror any number of devices. We might even support
// distinct set of mirrors, who knows?
// Note: Several third parties have asked us to let them to simply block mirroring.
// This is supported thru the DMBlockMirroring() and DMUnblockMirroring() calls.
// CanMirrorNow() supports these routines.
pascal OSErr
Boolean *canMirrorNow)
{ OSErr theErr = kSysSWTooOld;
Boolean qdIsMirroringCapable;
// Assume that we can<61>t mirror now.
*canMirrorNow = false;
// Without IPC support from the Process Manager, just bail.
// Except we can do mirroring early in the boot before the process manager arrives.
{ //
// We can only mirror if: 1) QDIsMirroringCapable and 2) there are
// only 2 screen devices. The 2-device-only restriction should
// go away someday.
if ((noErr == DMQDIsMirroringCapable(&qdIsMirroringCapable)) && qdIsMirroringCapable)
{ DisplayManagerGlobalsPtr dmGlobals = GetDMGlobalsPtr();
theErr = kDMMirroringBlocked;
if (!dmGlobals->fMirroringBlocked)
{ theErr = kDMWrongNumberOfDisplays;
if (GetActiveScreenDeviceCount(false) == kDMNumDisplaysSupportedByMirroring)
{ *canMirrorNow = true;
theErr = noErr;
/* IsMirroringOn() returns whether or not mirroring has been enabled.
pascal OSErr
Boolean *isMirroringOn)
{ DisplayManagerGlobalsPtr dmGlobals = GetDMGlobalsPtr();
*isMirroringOn = dmGlobals->fDevicesMirrored;
/* MirrorDevices() attempts to mirror two gDevices. At the moment, since mirroring is only
// capable of handling 2 gDevices, it will return an error if mirroing is already on
// when it is called.
#define dontFailToMain false
#define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b))? (a): (b))
pascal OSErr
GDHandle gD1,
GDHandle gD2,
DisplaysStateHdl displayState)
{ Boolean cursorState = DM_HideCursor();
OSErr theErr;
THz savedZone;
theErr = PrepImmediateUpdate(noErr, &displayState, &savedZone);
if (noErr == theErr)
{ Boolean canMirrorNow;
DisplayManagerGlobalsPtr dmGlobals = GetDMGlobalsPtr();
theErr = DMCanMirrorNow(&canMirrorNow);
if (canMirrorNow)
{ theErr = kDMMirroringOnAlready;
/* If we can<61>t mirror now and we<77>re not already mirroring, then
// just get out of here for now.
if (!dmGlobals->fDevicesMirrored)
{ DisplayInfoPtr displayInfo1,
GDHandle theMainDevice = GetMainDevice();
theErr = kDMGenErr;
/* Make sure that the two passed-in devices are valid. Also, if either
// of the passed-in devices are inactive, then activate them now.
// Question: When mirroring is turned off, should we deactivate
// devices that started out inactive?
if (IsActiveScreenDevice(gD1,false) && IsActiveScreenDevice(gD2,false))
{ if (!TestDeviceAttribute(gD1,screenActive))
if (!TestDeviceAttribute(gD2,screenActive))
displayInfo1 = DM_GetDisplayInfoByGDevice(gD1,dontFailToMain);
displayInfo2 = DM_GetDisplayInfoByGDevice(gD2,dontFailToMain);
/* Make sure the Display Manager knows about these devices,
// for now and later.
if ((nil != displayInfo1) && (nil != displayInfo2))
{ unsigned short hRectLength1,
Ptr origBaseAddr;
Rect origRect,
origBaseAddr = (*(*theMainDevice)->gdPMap)->baseAddr;
origRect = (*theMainDevice)->gdRect;
displayInfo1->unMirroredBaseAddr = (*(*gD1)->gdPMap)->baseAddr;
displayInfo1->unMirroredRect = (*gD1)->gdRect;
displayInfo1->mirroredDevice = gD2;
displayInfo2->unMirroredBaseAddr = (*(*gD2)->gdPMap)->baseAddr;
displayInfo2->unMirroredRect = (*gD2)->gdRect;
displayInfo2->mirroredDevice = gD1;
/* Get the dimensions of both devices.
hRectLength1 = (*gD1)->gdRect.right - (*gD1)->gdRect.left;
vRectLength1 = (*gD1)->gdRect.bottom - (*gD1)->;
hRectLength2 = (*gD2)->gdRect.right - (*gD2)->gdRect.left;
vRectLength2 = (*gD2)->gdRect.bottom - (*gD2)->;
/* The mirroring rectangle is defined as the smallest rectangle
// that contains both devices.
*/ = 0;
mirrorRect.left = 0;
mirrorRect.bottom = MIN(vRectLength1,vRectLength2);
mirrorRect.right = MIN(hRectLength1,hRectLength2);
/* Do it!
(*gD1)->gdRect = (*gD2)->gdRect = mirrorRect;
dmGlobals->fDevicesMirrored = dmGlobals->fDevicesOverLap = true;
/* What if these fail? I think we<77>re hosed. We should probably have
// some sort of restoration capability here.
/* Since we only work with two devices, one of them, by definition, must be the
// mainScreen device. Do the final clean up here using the MainDevice.
CallAllProcesses((ProcPtr )InterProcessChangeMainDevice,(Ptr )theMainDevice);
theErr = noErr;
theErr = FinishImmediateUpdate(theErr,displayState,savedZone);
/* UnmirrorDevice() removes a particular gDevice from a mirrored set. At the moment, mirroring
// only works with two devices, so UnmirrorDevice() effectively turns mirroring off.
pascal OSErr
GDHandle gDevice,
DisplaysStateHdl displayState)
{ Boolean cursorState = DM_HideCursor();
OSErr theErr;
THz savedZone;
theErr = PrepImmediateUpdate(noErr, &displayState, &savedZone);
if (noErr == theErr)
{ DisplayManagerGlobalsPtr dmGlobals = GetDMGlobalsPtr();
theErr = kDMMirroringNotOn;
/* If we<77>re not mirroring, then we can<61>t unmirror.
if (dmGlobals->fDevicesMirrored)
{ theErr = kDMGenErr;
/* If the passed-in device isn<73>t active, then it hasn<73>t been mirrored.
if (IsActiveScreenDevice(gDevice,true))
{ DisplayInfoPtr displayInfo = DM_GetDisplayInfoByGDevice(gDevice,dontFailToMain);
/* Make sure that the Display Manager knows what<61>s going on.
if (nil != displayInfo)
{ GDHandle mirroredDevice = displayInfo->mirroredDevice;
/* Make sure that the device we<77>re supposed to unmirror was really
// mirrored to something else. And if so, go thru the restoration
// process, which includes clearing out the globals.
if (nil != mirroredDevice)
{ GDHandle theMainDevice;
Ptr mirroredBaseAddr;
Rect mirroredRect;
dmGlobals->fDevicesMirrored = dmGlobals->fDevicesOverLap = false;
/* Fix up gDevice<63>
mirroredBaseAddr = (*(*gDevice)->gdPMap)->baseAddr;
mirroredRect = (*gDevice)->gdRect;
(*(*gDevice)->gdPMap)->baseAddr = displayInfo->unMirroredBaseAddr;
(*(*gDevice)->gdPMap)->bounds = displayInfo->unMirroredRect;
(*gDevice)->gdRect = displayInfo->unMirroredRect;
displayInfo->unMirroredBaseAddr = nil;
displayInfo->mirroredDevice = nil;
/* Fix up mirroredDevice<63>
displayInfo = DM_GetDisplayInfoByGDevice(mirroredDevice,dontFailToMain);
mirroredBaseAddr = (*(*mirroredDevice)->gdPMap)->baseAddr;
mirroredRect = (*mirroredDevice)->gdRect;
(*(*mirroredDevice)->gdPMap)->baseAddr = displayInfo->unMirroredBaseAddr;
(*(*mirroredDevice)->gdPMap)->bounds = displayInfo->unMirroredRect;
(*mirroredDevice)->gdRect = displayInfo->unMirroredRect;
displayInfo->unMirroredBaseAddr = nil;
displayInfo->mirroredDevice = nil;
/* Since we only work with two devices, one of them, by definition, must be the
// mainScreen device. Do the final clean up here using the MainDevice.
theMainDevice = GetMainDevice();
CallAllProcesses((ProcPtr )InterProcessChangeMainDevice,(Ptr )theMainDevice);
theErr = noErr;
theErr = FinishImmediateUpdate(theErr,displayState,savedZone);
/* GetNextMirroredDevice() returns the device to which the known gDevice
// is mirrored. By definition, the link of mirrored devices is circular.
pascal OSErr
GDHandle gDevice,
GDHandle *mirroredDevice)
{ OSErr theErr = kDMMirroringNotOn;
Boolean mirroringIsOn;
/* Assume we<77>ll fail (safety first, you know).
*mirroredDevice = nil;
/* Make sure mirroring is even on.
if ((noErr == DMIsMirroringOn(&mirroringIsOn)) && mirroringIsOn)
{ theErr = kDMGenErr;
/* If the passed-in device isn<73>t active, then it hasn<73>t been mirrored.
if (IsActiveScreenDevice(gDevice,true))
{ DisplayInfoPtr displayInfo = DM_GetDisplayInfoByGDevice(gDevice,dontFailToMain);
/* Everything checks out, so returned the mirroredDevice.
if (displayInfo != nil)
*mirroredDevice = displayInfo->mirroredDevice;
/* BlockMirroring() allows mirroring to be disabled. Several third-parties have
// asked for this. If mirroring is already on, this routine will simply ignore
// the request.
pascal OSErr
{ OSErr theErr = kDMCantBlock;
Boolean mirroringIsOn;
if ((noErr == DMIsMirroringOn(&mirroringIsOn)) && !mirroringIsOn)
{ DisplayManagerGlobalsPtr dmGlobals = GetDMGlobalsPtr();
dmGlobals->fMirroringBlocked = true;
theErr = noErr;
/* UnblockMirroing() allows mirroring to be enabled again. This call has
// no restrictions.
pascal OSErr
{ DisplayManagerGlobalsPtr dmGlobals = GetDMGlobalsPtr();
dmGlobals->fMirroringBlocked = false;