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; File: OpenResFile.a
; Contains: patch to OpenResFile to fix old print glues
; Copyright: <09> 1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: BigBang
; Change History (most recent first):
; <4> 1/16/91 stb & gbm; preserve d1-d2/a1 like all good Resource Mgr calls should
; <3> 4/23/90 dba don<6F>t change CurMap to SysMap before doing the GetString; this
; fixes some problems with PrintMonitor, and doesn<73>t hurt
; anything, since no one except PrintMonitor and the System is
; supposed to have an STR -8192
; <1> 4/6/90 NB Added a call to PrLoadDriver. This replaces all the driver
; load hacks from before.
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
_PrLoadDriver ; Only available on System 7.0 or better.
move.l #$D8000000,-(SP)
dc.w $A8FD
; OpenResFile <20> open the printer driver whenever anyone opens 'STR ' ($E000)
OpenResFile PatchProc _OpenResFile, (Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
move.b ResLoad,-(sp) ; save the old value for whether to load resources
sf ResLoad ; don<6F>t load the resource
subq #4,sp ; make room for resource handle
move.w #$E000,-(sp) ; get that resource handle
_GetString ; got the string now!
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; get the string into a register
move.b (sp)+,ResLoad ; restore ResLoad
tst.l d0 ; check if the handle is nil
bz.s NotForPrinting ; nope, it is not the printer driver name
exg d0,a0 ; move to address register for dereference
move.l (a0),a0 ; dereference to get the pointer
exg d0,a0 ; move file name pointer back to A1
cmp.l 4(sp), d0 ; check and see if it is the printer name
bne.s NotForPrinting ; nope, it is not the printer driver
movem.l d1-d2/a1,-(sp) ; Resource Mgr calls shouldn<64>t touch these <4>
_PrLoadDriver ; function result is in D0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2/a1 ; restore registers <4>
move.w D0, ResErr ; copy the error result into ResErr
move.w $952, D0 ; copy the printing refnum into the function result
; This will be the error from HOpenResFile if it didn't work.
move.l (sp)+, a0 ; save return address
add.l #4, sp ; strip the parameter
move.w d0, (sp) ; set the function result
jmp (a0) ; out of here
jmpold ; go to the old OpenResFile