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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright <EFBFBD> 1990-1991, Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
File: BaseTypes.h
Author: John Farmer
Contains: This file contains alternative type definitions for the C base types.
Use these types to define your structure specific types and never
use base types directly. For example, if you need an unsigned two
byte integer as an index in your Foobar structure, define the following:
typedef UnsignedInteger FoobarIndex, *FoobarIndexPointer;
Revisions: (most recent first):
ID Date Description
<2> 05/14/91 Hae-sung Kim - Avoid redefinition error when we use MapApp.
<1> 11/16/90 John Farmer - Created the file and it's original contents.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifndef __BaseTypes__
#define __BaseTypes__
// Enumerations and Type Statements
typedef char *BytePointer, **ByteHandle;
typedef unsigned char UnsignedByte, *UnsignedBytePointer, **UnsignedByteHandle;
typedef char Character, *CharacterPointer, **CharacterHandle;
typedef unsigned char UnsignedCharacter, *UnsignedCharacterPointer, **UnsignedCharacterHandle;
typedef short Integer, *IntegerPointer;
#ifndef __UMacAppUtilities__
typedef Integer **IntegerHandle; // <2>
typedef unsigned short UnsignedInteger, *UnsignedIntegerPointer, **UnsignedIntegerHandle;
typedef long LongInteger, *LongIntegerPointer, **LongIntegerHandle;
typedef unsigned long UnsignedLongInteger, *UnsignedLongIntegerPointer, **UnsignedLongIntegerHandle;
typedef pascal void (*StdTextProcedurePointer)( Integer byteCount, CharacterPointer textBuffer, Point numerator, Point denominator );
#endif __BaseTypes__