
593 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

File: ATIVideoImp.c
Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
Copyright: <EFBFBD> 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<1> 11/5/93 fau first checked in
<1> 10/27/93 fau first checked in
<1> 10/19/93 fau first checked in
*Name: ATIVideoImp.c
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/19/92
*Purpose: Contains ATI specific video routines.
*Category: Video Hardware Implementation
*File: ATIVideoImp.c
*Exports: DoProgramDAC
* DoProgramDACGamma
* DoBuildLinearRamp
* DoGammaCorrectCLUT
* DoProgramEndeavor
* DoProgramACDC
* DoProgramSwatch
* DoEnableVideo
* DoDisableVideo
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
* Includes
#include <Types.h>
#include <Video.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <Slots.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include "NubEqu.h"
#include "ATIStdTypes.h"
#include "ATIDrvr.h"
#include "ATIVideo.h"
* Imported Variables
* Imported Procedures
extern Ptr FindVideoTimingStruct(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 theSlot);
extern Ptr GetTimingSBlock(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 timingSelector, UInt8 ourSlot);
extern void PruneMonitors(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 theSlot);
* Local Typedefs and Defines
* Exported Variables
* Exported Procedures
* Local Variables
* Beginning of Procedure Definitions
*Name: DoProgramDAC
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 5/28/92
*Purpose: Sends the specified CLUT to the hardware CLUT.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
*Exit: void
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
DoProgramDAC(ColorSpecPtr ctPtr, UInt16 numEntries, UInt16 start, Boolean indexMode)
UInt32 i;
UInt32 *clutReg;
UInt32 *clutAddrReg;
UInt32 dummy;
// DebugStr("\pDoProgramDAC");
// bogus code
clutAddrReg = (UInt32 *) kDACAddrReg;
clutReg = (UInt32 *) kDACDataReg; // Point to data register
if ( indexMode ) { // Fill specific CLUT entries
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) {
*clutAddrReg = ctPtr[i].value; // Point to specific CLUT entry
dummy = *clutAddrReg; // HW funnies.
*clutReg = ctPtr[i];
*clutReg = ctPtr[i];
*clutReg = ctPtr[i];
} else { // Fill the CLUT sequencially
*clutAddrReg = start; // Goto the proper clut entry
dummy = *clutAddrReg; // HW funnies.
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) {
*clutReg = ctPtr[i];
*clutReg = ctPtr[i];
*clutReg = ctPtr[i];
} /* End of DoProgramDAC */
*Name: DoProgramDACGamma
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 5/28/92
*Purpose: Programs the specified gamma table into the CLUT DAC.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
*Exit: void
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
DoProgramDACGamma(GammaTablePtr gammaPtr)
char *redGammaPtr;
UInt32 i;
UInt32 *clutReg;
UInt32 *clutAddrReg;
UInt32 dummy;
UInt16 numEntries;
// DebugStr("\pDoProgramDACGamma");
// bogus
clutAddrReg = (UInt32 *) kDACAddrReg;
clutReg = (UInt32 *) kDACDataReg; // Point to data register
*clutAddrReg = 0; // Point to first CLUT entry
dummy = *clutAddrReg; // HW funnies.
redGammaPtr = gammaPtr->gFormulaData;
redGammaPtr += gammaPtr->gFormulaSize;
numEntries = gammaPtr->gDataCnt;
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) {
*clutReg = redGammaPtr[i];
*clutReg = redGammaPtr[i];
*clutReg = redGammaPtr[i];
} /* End of DoProgramDACGamma */
*Name: DoBuildLinearRamp
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 5/28/92
*Purpose: Sets the specified color spec array to a linear ramp.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
*Exit: void
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
DoBuildLinearRamp (ColorSpecPtr ctPtr)
UInt16 i;
// DebugStr("\pDoBuildLinearRamp");
for ( i = 0; i < kNumCLUTEntries; i++ ) {
ctPtr[i].value = i;
ctPtr[i] = ctPtr[i] = ctPtr[i] = i << 8;
} /* End of DoBuildLinearRamp */
*Name: DoGammaCorrectCLUT
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 5/27/92
*Purpose: Applies the specified gamma table to the CLUT passed.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
*Exit: void
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
DoGammaCorrectCLUT(UInt16 numEntries, ColorSpecPtr orgCLUTPtr,
ColorSpecPtr corrCLUTPtr,GammaTablePtr gammaPtr)
char *redGammaPtr;
char *greenGammaPtr;
char *blueGammaPtr;
UInt16 red,green,blue;
UInt16 i;
// DebugStr("\pDoGammaCorrectCLUT");
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) { // Copy all the needed entries
corrCLUTPtr[i].value = orgCLUTPtr[i].value;
corrCLUTPtr[i] = orgCLUTPtr[i];
corrCLUTPtr[i] = orgCLUTPtr[i];
corrCLUTPtr[i] = orgCLUTPtr[i];
redGammaPtr = gammaPtr->gFormulaData;
redGammaPtr += gammaPtr->gFormulaSize;
if ( gammaPtr->gChanCnt == 1 ) { // If single channel gamma table
greenGammaPtr = redGammaPtr; // Point all other channels to red
blueGammaPtr = redGammaPtr;
if ( gammaPtr->gChanCnt == 3 ) { // If triple channel gamma table
greenGammaPtr = redGammaPtr + gammaPtr->gDataCnt;
blueGammaPtr = greenGammaPtr + gammaPtr->gDataCnt;
for ( i = 0; i < numEntries; i++ ) { // Gamma correct each entry
red = corrCLUTPtr[i];
red >>= 8; // Rotate high order bits down
if ( corrCLUTPtr[i] & 0x0080 ) { // If low order high bit was set
if ( red != 0x00FF ) red += 1; // If we won't overflow add one
green = corrCLUTPtr[i];
green >>= 8; // Rotate high order bits down
if ( corrCLUTPtr[i] & 0x0080 ) { // If low order high bit was set
if ( green != 0x00FF ) green += 1; // If we won't overflow add one
blue = corrCLUTPtr[i];
blue >>= 8; // Rotate high order bits down
if ( corrCLUTPtr[i] & 0x0080 ) { // If low order high bit was set
if ( blue != 0x00FF ) blue += 1; // If we won't overflow add one
corrCLUTPtr[i] = redGammaPtr[red];
corrCLUTPtr[i] = greenGammaPtr[green];
corrCLUTPtr[i] = blueGammaPtr[blue];
} /* End of DoGammaCorrectCLUT */
// Hardware specific routines.
*Name: DoProgramTiming
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 4/16/92
*Purpose: Programs the Arial and MMIC hardware for the ATI video system.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
void DoProgramTiming (UInt32 slotNum, Ptr baseAddr, UInt8 monitorID,
UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 ourSlot, UInt16 rowBytes,
Boolean enableInterrupts)
#pragma unused (baseAddr, ourSlot, rowBytes, enableInterrupts)
UInt8 *DACRegPtr;
UInt8 *MMICRegPtr;
UInt8 DACValue;
UInt8 MMICValue;
// DebugStr("\pDoProgramTiming");
// bogus
DACRegPtr = (UInt8 *) (slotNum | kArielBaseAddr);
MMICRegPtr = (UInt8 *) (slotNum | kMMICBaseAddr);
switch ( videoMode ) {
case kFirstVideoMode: DACValue = kArial1BPPCode; break;
case kSecondVideoMode: DACValue = kArial2BPPCode; break;
case kThirdVideoMode: DACValue = kArial4BPPCode; break;
case kFourthVideoMode: DACValue = kArial8BPPCode; break;
case kFifthVideoMode: DACValue = kArial16BPPCode; break;
switch ( monitorID ) {
case kRGB1312Connected: MMICValue = kMMIC13Code; break;
case kRGB16Connected: MMICValue = kMMIC16Code; break;
case kRGB15Connected: MMICValue = kMMIC15Code; break;
case kRGB12Connected: MMICValue = kMMIC12Code; break;
*DACRegPtr = DACValue;
*MMICRegPtr = MMICValue;
} /* End of DoProgramTiming */
*Name: DoEnableVideo
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 4/17/92
*Purpose: Turns the video curcuitry on for ATI hardware.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
void DoEnableVideo(UInt32 theSlot)
UInt32 *SashaRegPtr;
// DebugStr("\pDoEnableVideo");
// bogus
SashaRegPtr = (UInt32 *) (theSlot | kSashaBase);
*SashaRegPtr = (kOutputCtl | kPixelDataOutEn |
kAcDcCSYNCEnable | kAcDcCBLANKEnable |
kAcDcSYNCEnable | kAcDcLoadClkEnable);
*SashaRegPtr = (kSwatchSoftReset | kNormal);
*SashaRegPtr = (kVidPipeReset | kNormal);
} /* End of DoEnableVideo */
*Name: DoDisableVideo
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 4/17/92
*Purpose: Turns the video curcuitry off for ATI hardware.
*File: ATIDrvrImp.c
*Called By:
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
void DoDisableVideo(UInt32 theSlot)
UInt32 *SashaRegPtr;
// DebugStr("\pDoDisableVideo");
// bogus
SashaRegPtr = (UInt32 *) (theSlot | kSashaBase);
*SashaRegPtr = (kOutputCtl |
kAcDcCSYNCDisable | kAcDcCBLANKDisable |
kAcDcSYNCDisable | kAcDcLoadClkDisable);
*SashaRegPtr = (kSwatchSoftReset | kNormal);
*SashaRegPtr = (kVidPipeReset | kNormal);
} /* End of DoDisableVideo */
* End of Module