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; File: StartAlert.a
; Contains: This file contains the system alert manager, assembled as part of
; the ROM-based boot code. The system alert manager is called as the
; result of either a system error (when no debugger is installed) or
; through the SysAlert trap interface (used by Disk-switch). It assumes
; that the system is broken and tries to use as little of it as possible
; to get a message up on the screen. The message includes text, icons
; and some buttons, which execute user definable code when pushed.
; If the system alert manager was entered as the result of an NMI (system
; error 13), MicroBug is called. This the minimal set of get/set/go cmds
; for examining/altering the state of the machine. It uses the system alert
; rectangle as a display window.
; Written by: Andy Hertzfeld 20-Mar-83
; modified by Ken Krugler 4-May-85
; Copyright: <09> 1983-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <4> 9/27/91 JSM Don<6F>t use hasCQD conditional, all future ROMs will have color
; QuickDraw.
; <3> 9/16/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <2> 6/12/91 LN Changed #include 'HardwareEqu.a' to 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
; <1.5> 8/22/89 SES Removed references to nFiles.
; <1.4> 7/7/89 SWC NEEDED FOR AURORA: Zeroed DSErrCode when entering MicroBug since
; at that point, a fatal error hasn't occurred.
; <1.3> 5/4/89 SWC Code cleanup and conditionals reduction for universal ROM.
; <1.2> 1/16/89 GGD Added a scratch register parameter to the BigJMP macro calls
; since it will be needed when they change to use PC relative
; addressing.
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <<3C>1.1> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; <1.0> 2/10/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASE<53>
; <C966> 11/16/87 MSH Changed alert box sizing and placement to be like Mac 2.
; <C914> 10/29/87 rwh Port to Modern Victorian (onMvMac)
; <C882> 9/3/87 RDC Change check for NMI exception to D0=13 on all systems
; <C873> 9/1/87 MSH Added support for HcMac (Laguna)
; <C822> 2/15/87 RDC Fixed bug in DSErrHandler for fetch of error code on NuMac
; <C714> 1/28/87 WRL Dispose of the color icon after plotting it.
; <C682> 1/24/87 WRL When displaying a dialog box, SysErr now looks for a 'cicn'
; resource of the same ID as the icon it is about to display. This
; allows color icons to appear in system dialog boxes.
; <C651> 1/19/87 GWN Changed branch to test mgr to a branch to CritErr.
; <C584> 1/2/87 GWN Centered MicroBug port.
; <C578> 12/31/86 GWN Modified DrawSysErr so the box is centered on the screen
; depending upon the size of the screen. The objects drawn in the
; box are also centered.
; <C573> 12/30/86 GWN Fixed "MacsBug Installed" message. Temp hack for TFB video card.
; <C549> 12/19/86 bbm Fixed offset in hittest for buttons (global to localed the
; mouse)
; <C448> 11/20/86 DAH Jump to TestManager if no DSAlertTab.
; <A309> 10/31/86 DAH Once again change the sad mac code display so the major code is
; in d7 and the minor code is in d6 to match test fail codes.
; <A292> 10/29/86 DAH swap the error display in sad mac
; <C206> 10/9/86 bbm Modified to mpw aincludes.
; <C152> 9/18/86 WRL Made this a separate PROC.
; <C56> 6/26/86 WRL Moved SystemBeep function to :OS:Beep.a
; <C28> 6/3/86 CSL Added changes for Aladddin (onMacPP).
; <C25> 5/29/86 WRL DAH Support for new CritErr.
; <C1> 4/14/86 RDC Added changes for 68020 Reno project (NuMac) - Changed variable
; for NMI debounce
; 11/3/85 JTC Heighten erase rect in MicroBug command line.
; 10/23/85 EHB Set CurMap to SysMap in case font swap needed.
; 10/16/85 EHB Made DSError set clipping to the box (restore after)
; 10/16/85 EHB Commented out systemAlert which isn't used
; 10/16/85 EHB Made FakeRgn same size as QuickDraw's wide open clip.
; 10/16/85 EHB Made MicroBug set clipping to the box (restore after)
; 8/23/85 RDC Changed code for syserror msg display for MidMac
; 8/5/85 RDC Added code to adjust system error msg display for MidMac
; 7/23/85 RDC Added changes for MidMac - changed test for MicroBug jump -
; reset NMI indicator bit when keyboard char received
; 5/21/85 KWK Fixed non-save of D1/D2 in PrintNHex routines.
; 5/13/85 KWK G <address> works again, so does regular syserror stuff, also
; uses equate for setting up the DS alert rect.
; 5/12/85 KWK Re-added CritErr call if no DS table
; 5/10/85 KWK Errors in drawing/DSAT punt to MicroBug, fixed restore of error
; code after drawing box.
; 5/7/85 KWK Multiple MicroBug cleanup/enhancements
; 5/4/85 KWK Added MicroDB, new DeepShit entry code
; 4/29/85 SC D4 new parameter for boot beep
; 4/29/85 SC Made SystemBeep not beep if sound is active
; 8/16/83 SC Added parameter to SystemBeep
; 8/6/83 SC Added SystemBeep
; 6/23/83 AJH made it init VBL manager before tracking button
; 6/21/83 AJH made it recouple cursor
; 6/14/83 AJH made it stash deep shit ID in low mem
; 6/2/83 AJH made it check for no dsAlerts as the 1st thing
; 5/14/83 AJH made it init and show cursor if we have any buttons
; 4/13/83 AJH Made it increment buttonID if restProc installed
; 4/5/83 AJH Added procID field to alert definition structure
PRINT OFF ; <C152>
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
PRINT ON ; <C152>
EXPORT AllocFakeRgns ; <C56>
EXPORT DSErrorHandler ; <C152>
IMPORT TMRestart ; TestManager entry point <C448>
IMPORT CritErr ; Critical Error handler, in case we fail.
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Routine AllocFakeRgns
; Arguments
; Function Sets up a dummy vis and clip region for the system alert port
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LEA VisRgn(A6),A1 ; get pointer to visRgn handle
LEA PortRec(A6),A0 ; point to fake master pointer
MOVE.L A0,(A1)+ ; set up visRgn's master pointer on the stack
ADDQ #4,A0
MOVE.L A0,(A1)+ ; ditto with the clipRgn's
LEA GetParam,A1 ; point the "master pointers" to a region
MOVE.L A1,(A0) ; at GetParam to prevent a ROM write
MOVE.L A1,-(A0) ; <1.3>
OpenClip ; clip wide open (used on exit from syserr)
LEA FakeRgn+10,A0 ; copy the region data to RAM <1.3>
LEA GetParam+10,A1 ; <1.3>
MOVE.L -(A0),-(A1) ; <1.3>
MOVE.L -(A0),-(A1) ; <1.3>
MOVE.W -(A0),-(A1) ; <1.3>
FakeRgn DC.W 10
DC.W $8001,$8001,$7FFF,$7FFF ; <16-Oct-85>
; ClipBox sets the clipRegion (stored in GetParam) to the DS Alert rect.
; Trashes A0 and A1.
ClipBox LEA DSAlertRect+8,A0 ; point to our rect <16-Oct-85><1.3>
LEA GetParam+2+8,A1 ; point to vis/clip region <16-Oct-85><1.3>
MOVE.L -(A0),-(A1) ; DSAlertRect -> GetParam+2 <1.3>
MOVE.L -(A0),-(A1) ; <1.3>
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; offset the clip's rect <16-Oct-85>
BCLR #7,(A1) ; clear flag bit <16-Oct-85>
MOVE.L (A5),A0 ; get the port <16-Oct-85>
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; <16-Oct-85>
MOVE.L PortBounds(A0),-(SP) ; push dh,dv <16-Oct-85>
_OffsetRect ; <16-Oct-85>
RTS ; <16-Oct-85>
; Routine DSErrorHandler
; Arguments DSErrCode (input) System error value
; Function Creates temporary QD world on stack & uses the current Deep shit
; alert table (DSAT) to decide what to draw/do based on the system
; error value. Allows 2 strings, 1 icon and N button to be drawn
; for any error value. The restart proc creates a default 'resume'
; button in addition to the main (typically 'restart') button. In
; addition, a procedure (called before drawing buttons) can be
; associated with an alert.
; Uses A0-A6/D0-D7
; NOTE: Interrupts off on entry, assumes reasonable SP, D7.L must
; always be DSAlertTab ptr after setup
; Called by SystemError & SystemAlert
MOVE.W #$2500,SR ; turn off interrupts 'cept power off <C448>
MOVEQ #0,D6 ; clear upper word stuff <C309><C448><1.3>
MOVE.W DSErrCode,D6 ; get saved error code <C822>
MOVE.L DSAlertTab,D7 ; get alert table pointer <C448>
BNE.S @GoAlert ; installed, go nuts <C448>
; no deepshit alert table, keymap/resource map probably not set up either, so just bailout
MOVEQ #15,D7 ; test 15 => system alert error <C309><C448><1.3>
BigJmp CritErr,A0 ; Go directly to CritErr <C448><C651><1.2>
; setup the world for QuickDraw
@GoAlert MOVE.W #$2000,SR ; turn on interrupts
MOVE.W CurMap,-(SP) ; save and set for System map, <24Oct85>
MOVE.W SysMap,CurMap ; to ensure FONT 0 is available <24Oct85>
LEA -4(SP),A5 ; start A5 here
SUB.W #GrafSize+140,SP ; allocate global, port space
MOVE.L SP,A6 ; remember start of port
PEA -4(A5) ; point to QD global space
MOVE.B QDExist,D3 ; preserve state of QDExist flag (don't let us affect it)
_InitGraf ; initialize QuickDraw
; allocate a grafPort using the space above the screen and initialize it
BSR.S AllocFakeRgns ; init dummy vis and clip
MOVE.L A6,-(SP) ; push address of grafPort
_InitPort ; initialize the port
; decide whether to draw box or not, also whether to fall into MicroBug
MOVE.W D6,D0 ; get error code <1.3>
BMI.S @SkipDBox ; neg => don't redraw alert box
CMP.W #13,D0 ; programmer's switch hit with no MacsBug?
BEQ MicroBug ; -> yes, use the ROM-based version
BSR DrawBox ; draw and clear the alert box
; move the port to the center of the screen
@SkipDBox TST.B DSAlertRect ; is this a system alert? (vs system error?)<C573>
BPL.S @IsSysAlert ; branch if so. <C573>
MOVE.L DSCtrAdj,-(SP) ; Adjust TL of screen <C573><C578>
_MovePortTo ; and move the port. <C573>
@IsSysAlert BSR.S ClipBox ; set the clip to the alert rect <EHB 16-Oct-85>
MOVE.W D6,D0 ; get error code <1.3>
BSR FindObject ; look it up, set A0 to pt to it
BNE.S @GotAlert ; found it, now draw everything associated with it
; tricky stuff...didn't find the specific alert id, so default to the first one. Note, this
; is required for the normal user alerts to work, as the 'Sorry, as system error has occured..'
; has an id of -1, thus will never be found, but it is the first alert in the table, thus it
; gets called for any system error (1..13), and its proc gets the exact error number from the
; DSErrCode location and draws the 'ID = <N>' string.
MOVE.L D7,A0 ; get start of table
ADDQ.W #6,A0 ; bump past #of entries, entry id, entry length <1.3>
; we found the alert definition record so draw any appropriate fields
@GotAlert MOVE.L A0,A3 ; keep record pointer in A3
BSR DrawText ; draw the message <C682>
BSR DrawText ; draw it <C682>
; Draw the icon, if any. It gets the icon structure (the bits
; and where to plot them) from the logical ID passed in D0...
MOVE.W (A3)+,D0 ; get the icon ID
BEQ.S @NoIcon ; skip if there isn't one
BSR.S FindObject ; get the icon data structure
BEQ.S @NoIcon ; if none, skip
CMPI.W #30,DSErrCode ; Is the error fatal?
BLO.S @FatalError ; If so, don't bug the resource manager.
MOVE.L A0,A2 ; Save the pointer to the rectangle in A2
SUBQ.W #4,SP ; make room for color icon handle <1.3>
MOVE.W -4(A2),-(SP) ; Push icon ID
_GetCIcon ; Get the color icon of the same ID if present
TST.L (SP) ; Did we get a color icon (leave the handle on the stack)?
BEQ.S @NoColor ; Branch if not
MOVE.L A2,-(SP) ; Push a pointer to the rectangle to plot it in <C714>
MOVE.L 4(SP),-(SP) ; Push a handle to the color icon. <C714>
_PlotCIcon ; Plot the color icon
_DisposCIcon ; Dispose of it <C714>
BRA.S @NoIcon ; Skip the black and white icon
@NoColor ADDQ.W #4,SP ; Restore stack. <C714>
MOVE.L A2,A0 ; Restore A0 so that we can plot the b/w version
PEA 8(A0) ; push a pointer to the icon bits
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push a pointer to the rectangle
PEA 4(SP) ; push handle to the icon bits
_PlotIcon ; plot the icon
ADDQ.W #4,SP ; pop off the icon pointer
; call the alert's procedure, if any...
@NoIcon MOVE.W (A3)+,D0 ; get the proc ID
BEQ.S @NoProc ; if none, skip
BSR.S FindObject ;look up the proc
BEQ.S @NoProc ;if not found, skip
JSR (A0) ;invoke it
; draw any buttons...
@NoProc MOVE.W (A3)+,D0 ;get the buttonList
BEQ.S @NoSemantics ;if none, we're done
; if there's a restart proc installed, increment buttonID number
TST.L RestProc ;is a restart procedure installed?
BEQ.S @NoRestart
ADDQ.W #1,D0 ;yes, increment the buttonID number
@NoRestart BSR DoButtons ;draw the button list and hit test it
BEQ.S @NoSemantics ;if none, we're done <1.3>
; we got a semantic routine associated with a button so invoke it
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; set up routine <EHB 16-Oct85>
BRA OpenClip ; set clip to full size and jump to A0 routine <EHB 16-Oct85><1.3>
; there is no button list, or the button that was pushed denies responsibility,
; so just return to caller normally.
RTS2SysErr BSR OpenClip ; set clip back to full size <EHB 16-Oct85>
ADD.W #GrafSize+140,SP ; cut back the stack
MOVE.W (SP)+,CurMap ; restore CurMap from stuffed SysMap <24Oct85>
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; return no error
RTS ; exit back to SystemError code
; FindObject takes the logical alert ID in D0 and scans through the
; association until it finds an entry with the matching ID. It returns
; a pointer to the object body in A0, which is NIL if it couldn't
; find anything. The z-Flag will be set if we couldn't find it.
FindObject MOVE.L D7,A0 ;point to DS data structure
MOVE.W (A0)+,D1 ;get the number of entries
BRA.S @GoFindIt
@NextObject CMP.W (A0)+,D0 ;is this the one we're looking for?
BEQ.S @FoundObj ;-> didn't find the object we want
ADDA.W (A0)+,A0 ;bump to the next object
@GoFindIt DBRA D1,@NextObject ;-> keep looping if not
SUBA.L A0,A0 ;couldn't find it so return NIL
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; and exit with BEQ
@FoundObj ADDQ.W #2,A0 ;skip length word to point to the data
MOVEQ #-1,D0 ; and exit with BNE
; DrawText draws the deep shit text structure as specified by the ID in D0
DrawText MOVE.W (A3)+,D0 ;get the text ID
BEQ.S @NoText ;if zero, nothing to do
BSR.S FindObject ;find the text structure
BEQ.S @NoText ;if not found, we're done
MOVE.L (A0)+,D3 ;get the start point
MOVEA.L A0,A2 ;remember start of the first line
; scan for a null ($00) indicating the end of the text or the line separation character
@ScanForEOL MOVE.B (A2)+,D0 ;get the next byte <1.3>
BEQ.S @DrawTxLine ;if null, go draw the last line
CMP.B #'/',D0 ;is it the line separator?
BNE.S @ScanForEOL ;if not, continue scanning
; we got a null or a line separator so draw the text line
@DrawTxLine MOVE.B D0,-(SP) ;preserve the delimiting character
MOVE.L A2,D0 ;calculate how many text characters <1.3>
SUB.L A0,D0 ; are on this line <1.3>
SUBQ.W #1,D0 ; (don't include the delimiter in the length)
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ;pointer to the text to draw <1.3>
CLR.W -(SP) ;start at the beginning of the text
MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ;how many characters to draw
MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ;move to the starting text position
_DrawText ; and draw a line of text
ADDI.L #$000E0000,D3 ;move the position to the start of the next line
MOVEA.L A2,A0 ;point A0 at the beginning of the next line
MOVE.B (SP)+,D0 ;was the delimiter a null?
BNE.S @ScanForEOL ;-> no, go do the next line
@NoText RTS
; DrawBox draws a dialog-box-like-box or a deepshit-like-box
DrawBox MOVE.L DSDrawProc,D0 ; is a custom dialog draw procedure specified?
BLE.S @StdProc ; -> nope
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; push its address
BSET #7,DSDrawProc ; make it a one-shot
RTS ; go to it
@StdProc LEA DSAlertRect,A0 ; pt A0 at rect
TST.B (A0) ; is this a system alert? (vs system error?)
BPL.S DrawSysAlert ; yes, draw normal, do _MovePortTo
; we know it's a system error, so go stuff the rect w/what we need
MOVEM.L A1/D1,-(SP) ; save registers. <C578>
MOVE.L (A5),A1 ; <C578>
LEA ScreenBits+Bounds+bottom(A1),A1 ; <C578><1.3>
MOVEQ #100,D0 ; <- bounds.bottom/5.34 <1.3>
MULU (A1)+,D0 ; <1.3>
DIVU #534,D0 ; <C578>
MOVE.W D0,top(A0) ; <C578>
MOVEQ #-(DSRectTL>>16),D1 ; DSCtrAdj <- - (Mac <1.3>
ADD.W D0,D1 ; <1.3>
MOVE.W D1,DSCtrAdj ; <1.3>
ADD.W #DSRectHei,D0 ; DSRect.bottom <- + DSRectHei <C578>
MOVE.W D0,bottom(A0) ; <C578>
MOVE.W (A1),D0 ; DSRect.left <- bounds.right/2 - DSRectLen/2 <C578>
LSR.W #1,D0 ; <C578>
SUB.W #DSRectLen/2,D0 ; <C578>
MOVE.W D0,left(A0) ; <C578>
MOVEQ #-(DSRectTL**$FFFF),D1 ; DSCtrAdj <- DSRect.left - (Mac DSRect.left) <1.3>
ADD.W D0,D1 ; <1.3>
MOVE.W D1,DSCtrAdj+2 ; <1.3>
ADD.W #DSRectLen,D0 ; DSRect.right <- bounds.right/2 + DSRectLen/2 <C578>
MOVE.W D0,right(A0) ; <C578>
BSR.S DrawBox2 ; draw it
BSET #7,DSAlertRect ; reset flag for system error
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A1/D1 ; restore registers.
RTS ; and return
BSR.S DrawBox2 ; draw it
MOVE.L DSAlertRect,-(SP) ; push TL of rect
_MovePortTo ; move there
RTS ; and return
; use rect at (A0)
DrawBox2 MOVE.L A0, -(SP) ; rect for EraseRect
MOVE.L A0, -(SP) ; rect for FrameRect
MOVE.L A0, -(SP) ; rect for InsetRect
MOVE.L A0, -(SP) ; rect for FrameRect
MOVE.L A0, -(SP) ; rect for InsetRect <19Mar85>
MOVE.L #$00020002, -(SP)
MOVE.L #$00030003, -(SP)
_FrameRect ; draw the border
MOVE.L #$FFFDFFFD,-(SP) ; <19Mar85>
_InsetRect ; put the rect back to normal <19Mar85>
_PenNormal ; put the pen back to normal
NoButtons RTS
; DoButtons draws some buttons as specified by the buttonList data structure
; defined by the ID in D0, and then hit-tests the mouse position against
; them. It returns a dispatch address in A0, which is NIL if the deep
; shit manager should just return
DoButtons BSR FindObject ;find the buttonList data structure
BEQ.S NoButtons ;if none, we're done
MOVE.L A0,A2 ;remember the button base
MOVE.W (A0)+,D3 ;get the number of buttons
MOVE.L A0,A3 ;point A3 at the first button
; loop through the button list, drawing each button
@DrawBtnLp MOVE.L 2(A3),-(SP) ;push topLeft
ADD.L #$000E0004,(SP) ;offset it for pen position
_MoveTo ;position the pen
MOVE.W (A3)+,D0 ;get the string ID
BSR FindObject ;find the string
SUBQ.W #1,A0 ;point to low byte of length
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ;push the string pointer
_DrawString ;draw the string
MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the rectangle pointer
MOVE.L #$00100010,-(SP) ;push the roundness factor
_FrameRoundRect ;frame it
ADD.W #8+2,A3 ;bump to next button
SUBQ.W #1,D3 ;any more buttons to do?
BNE.S @DrawBtnLp ;-> yes
; set the cursor to the arrow and show it
MOVE.L (A5),A0 ;get global base
PEA Arrow(A0) ;push ptr to arrow image
_SetCursor ;make that the cursor
_ShowCursor ;make sure the cursor is visible
MOVE #$2000,SR ;make sure interrupts are on
ST CrsrCouple ;force the cursor to be coupled
CLR.B VBLQueue ;make sure VBL manager is cool
; OK, now the buttons are drawn so poll for a mouse button down
@Wait4Click TST.B MBState ;is the mouse button down?
BNE.S @Wait4Click ;-> nope, wait until it is
; the mouse button went down, so loop through the button data structure to
; determine which button, if any, it went down in
MOVE.L A2,A3 ;get start of button list
MOVE.W (A3)+,D3 ;get the number of buttons
ADDQ #2,A3 ;skip past the string ID
@FindBtnHit BSR.S myPtInRect ;test if we're in the button
BNE.S @TrackBtn ;if so, go track the button
; we're not in this button, so go test the next button. If we tested them
; all, go try again
ADD.W #8+2+2,A3 ;bump to the next button
SUBQ.W #1,D3 ;decrement button count
BNE.S @FindBtnHit ;if more to test, loop
BRA.S @Wait4Click ;go poll the mouse button
; at this point, we know the mouse has gone down in the rectangle pointed to
; by A3. Track the mouse until the button goes up
@TrackLoop BSR.S myPtInRect ;are we in the rectangle?
CMP.B D0,D3 ;did it change?
BEQ.S @NoChange ;skip if it didn't
; we've moved in if we were out or out if we were in so toggle our state
@TrackBtn MOVE.B D0,D3 ;flag the button on/off <1.3>
BSR.S InvertBut ; and hilite or unhilite it
; now see if the mouse button went up; continue tracking until it does
@NoChange TST.B MBState ;is the mouse button still down?
BEQ.S @TrackLoop ;-> nope, keep looping until it's not
; the mouse went up -- if it wasn't in a button, continue polling the mouse
; button. If it was, return the address of the appropriate semantic routine
TST.B D3 ;were we in the button?
BEQ.S @Wait4Click ;if not, go try again
MOVE.W 8(A3),D0 ;get ID of proc object
BRA FindObject ; and look it up <1.3>
; myPtInRect is a little code saving utility that tests if the current
; mouse position is in the rectangle pointed to by A3
myPtInRect SUBQ #2,SP ;make room for the function result
MOVE.L Mouse,-(SP) ;push the current mouse point
PEA (SP) ;push address of mouse point <C549>
_GlobalToLocal ;convert it to coordinates of alert <C549>
MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the rectangle ptr
_PtInRect ;test if the point is in the button
MOVE.B (SP)+,D0 ;get the result in D0
; InvertBut is a utility to invert the button whose rectangle is pointed to by A3
InvertBut MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ;push the rectangle pointer
MOVE.L #$00100010,-(SP) ;push the rounding factor
_InverRoundRect ;invert it
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Routine MicroBug
; Arguments
; Function Minimal debugger in Rom. Allows display/set of memory/registers,
; also Go [address]. Invoked by one of two ways:
; 1) System alert/error & no alert definition found for error number
; 2) NMI & no debugger installed.
; Registers D7 Previous command
; D6-D3 DM drawing
; D0-D2 Scratch
; A7 Stack
; A6 Input buffer current position ptr
; A5 Globals ptr
; A4 Input buffer start ptr
; A0-A3 Scratch
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
MicroBug CLR.W DSErrCode ; zero the deep shit code (no actual error) <1.4>
LEA DSAlertRect,A0 ; pt A0 at rect
BSR DrawSysErr ; erase/draw the deepshit error box
MOVE.L DSCtrAdj,-(SP) ; adjust TL of DS rect for screen size <C584>
ADD.L #DSrectTL+$00060006,(SP); so that text is inside of the rect <C584>
_MovePortTo ; and move the port <C584>
BSR ClipBox ; set the clipping to DSAlertRect <EHB 16-Oct-85>
SUB.W #evtBlkSize,SP ; room for event record <1.3>
CLR.W D7 ; clear previous cmd value
CLR.L MBdotAddr ; clear dot address
CLR.L MBlocAddr ; clear location
CmdReset MOVE.L #$001101B0,-(SP) ; BR = 120, 440 so we use 15, 440 (minus some)
; upped descender to 17 to catch ',' ';' etc. <03Nov85 JTC>
CLR.L -(SP) ; set TL = 0
BSR MBDoErase ; erase it
LEA MBbuffer+MBbufSize,A6 ; point to end of buffer
MOVEQ #0,D6 ; init counter
@0 MOVE.W #' ',-(A6) ; clear it
ADDQ.W #2,D6 ; bump counter
CMP.W #MBbufSize,D6 ; all done?
BNE.S @0 ; nope
MOVE.L A6,A4 ; set start/end ptr
MOVE.L #$000F000A,-(SP) ; push h,v = 10,15
_MoveTo ; move there
MOVEQ #'>',D0 ; get prompt char
MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; push on stack
_DrawChar ; and draw it
; Command loop. Get events, stuff key-down chars into buffer and display them,
; wait for return. On return, process buffer.
CmdLoop MOVE.L SP,A0 ; Point to event record on stack
MOVEQ #1<<keyDwnEvt,D0 ; keydown only <1.3>
_GetOSEvent ; any keyDown events in the queue?
BNE.S CmdLoop ; -> no, wait for one
; we got a keydown event, process it
BCLR #7,NMIFlag ; clear NMI indicator bit <C1/14Apr86>
MOVEQ #$7F,D0 ; get the ASCII character value <1.3>
AND.B evtMessage+3(SP),D0 ; and force it to be less than 128 <1.3>
CMP.B #'a',D0 ; is it lower case?
BLT.S @0
BCLR #5,D0 ; yes, force it to be upper case
; now D0.B is the character code value
@0 CMP.B #13,D0 ; carriage return?
BEQ.S GotCommand ; -> yes, go process the buffer
CMP.B #8,D0 ; backspace?
BNE.S RegChar ; -> no, all ok
CMP.L A6,A4 ; anything in buffer?
BEQ.S CmdLoop ; no, bail out
ADDQ.W #1,D6 ; increment remaining buffer space count
SUBQ.W #1,A6 ; remove one char from buffer
SUBQ.W #4,SP ; room for pt
MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; @pt
_GetPen ; get current pen pos, leave on stack
MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; make copy (building rect on stack)
SUBQ.W #2,SP ; room for result
MOVE.B (A6),D0 ; get last char
_CharWidth ; and measure it
MOVE.W (SP)+,D3 ; get width
SUB.W D3,2(SP) ; adjust left point of rect on stack
CLR.W (SP) ; top pt = 0
MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; push @rect
CLR.W -(SP) ; delta h = 0
MOVE.W #2,-(SP) ; delta v = 2
_OffsetRect ; offset it
BSR MBDoErase ; erase it
MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; char width
NEG.W (SP) ; negative movement
CLR.W -(SP) ; delta V = 0
_Move ; and reset the pen
BRA.S CmdLoop ; return
RegChar TST.W D6 ; any space left?
BEQ.S CmdLoop ; no, don't add any more chars
SUBQ.W #1,D6 ; dec buffer free space count
MOVE.B D0,(A6)+ ; buffer it up
MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; push on stack
_DrawChar ; draw it
BRA.S CmdLoop ; and loop
GotCommand CMP.L A4,A6 ; any chars?
BNE.S @0 ; yes, do reg processing
MOVE.W D7,(A6)+ ; stuff previous command
@0 MOVE.W (A4)+,D7 ; get command word
LEA MBcmds,A0 ; point at command table
@1 MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ; get routine name
BMI.S @3 ; last command, nothing matched
MOVE.W (A0)+,D2 ; get routine offset
CMP.B #'@',D0 ; register display routine (wildcard digit?)
BNE.S @2 ; nope
MOVE.B D7,D0 ; stuff input number
CMP.B #'0',D0 ; zero reg?
BMI.S @1 ; no, try next command
CMP.B #'7',D0 ; last reg
BGT.S @1 ; no, try next command
@2 CMP.W D0,D7 ; does input command match table
BNE.S @1 ; try next command
LEA MBcmds,A0 ; pt to start of this code
JSR 0(A0,D2.W) ; execute the routine
@3 BRA CmdReset ; and start cmd loop again
MBcmds DC.W 'G ', GCmd-MBcmds ; since command line cleared, 'G' only matches to G & null
DC.W 'DM', DMCmd-MBcmds
DC.W 'SM', SMCmd-MBcmds
DC.W 'TD', TDCmd-MBcmds
DC.W 'D@', DCmd-MBcmds
DC.W 'A@', ACmd-MBcmds
DC.W 'PC', PCCmd-MBcmds
DC.W 'SR', SRCmd-MBcmds
DC.W -1
; Go command. Try for address, if not there just return, else rts to it
GCmd BSR ReadToken ; try for address
BEQ.S GotResume
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; stuff address <EHB 16-Oct-85>
BSR OpenClip ; restore clipping <EHB 16-Oct-85>
RTS ; and go to it <EHB 16-Oct-85>
GotResume ADD.W #20,SP ; get rid of event record, RTS
CLR.B DSWndUpdate ; flag GNE to remove the alert . . .
BRA RTS2SysErr ; return to SysError handler
; Erase the rect on the stack
; Uses D0-D2/A0-A2
MBDoErase MOVE.L (SP)+,A2 ; preserve return address
MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; push @rect
_EraseRect ; erase lower pane
ADDQ.W #8,SP ; flush rect
JMP (A2) ; and return
; Display memory command. Get Address, do full window for the guy
DMCmd MOVE.L #$007001B0,-(SP) ; push BR
CLR.L -(SP) ; TL = 0
BSR.S MBDoErase ; erase the rect
BSR ReadXToken ; get address
@0 BCLR #0,D0 ; force even address
MOVE.L D0,A3 ; set display address
MOVE.L D0,MBdotAddr ; save as dot addr
MOVEQ #6-1,D6 ; 6 lines
MOVEQ #15,D5 ; starting V coord
@1 ADD.W #15,D5 ; bump V coord
MOVE.W #10,-(SP) ; push h
MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; push v
_MoveTo ; move there
MOVE.L A3,D0 ; get address
BSR.S Print6Hx ; print out
MOVEQ #7,D4 ; 8 words
MOVEQ #35,D3 ; starting h coord
@2 ADD.W #45,D3 ; bump h coord
MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; push h
MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; push v
_MoveTo ; move there
MOVE.W (A3)+,D0 ; get next word
BSR.S Print4Hx ; print word
DBRA D4,@2 ; word column loop
DBRA D6,@1 ; line loop
MOVE.L A3,MBlocAddr ; set up new address
RTS ; and return
Print6Hx SWAP D0
BSR.S Print2Hx
Print4Hx MOVE.W D0,-(SP)
ROXR.W #8,D0
BSR.S Print2Hx
Print2Hx MOVE.W D0,-(SP)
ROR.W #4,D0
ORI.B #'0',D0
CMPI.B #'9',D0
BLE.S @0
ADDQ.W #7,D0
@0 MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; save D0
MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; push on stack
_DrawChar ; draw it
MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; restore D0
RTS ; and return
; Set Memory command. Get an address, and then keep stuffing values until we're done
; Uses D0-D6/A0-A1/A3
SMCmd BSR ReadXToken
LEA MBdotAddr,A0 ; point at storage
MOVE.L D0,(A0)+ ; set dot and loc addresses
MOVE.L D0,(A0)+
MOVE.W #'DM',D7 ; jam repeat cmd to DM
@1 BSR ReadToken
BEQ.S DMCmd ; using locAddr, draw lower pane
MOVE.L A1,A2 ; get fixed point for shifting bytes in
@2 MOVE.B D0,-1(A2,D1) ; stuff byte at last position indicated by size (D1.W)
ASR.L #8,D0 ; get next byte
ADDQ.L #1,A1 ; bump destination ptr
SUBQ.L #1,D1 ; dec offset ptr
BNE.S @2 ; not done w/this value, keep looping
BRA.S @1 ; any more tokens?
; TD command. Display memory where all the regs are saved.
TDCmd MOVE.L #SEVars,MBlocAddr ; set saved address to be location of regs
BRA.S DMCmd ; using locAddr, draw lower pane
; Dx command. Set/display data register
DCmd LEA SED0,A3 ; pt at reg 0
BSR.S ReadToken
BEQ.S SetR2 ; print value
MOVE.W D0,(A3) ; stuff input
RTS ; and return
SetR BSR.S GetHex ; convert ascii in D0.B to hex value
LSL.L #2,D0 ; turn into long offset
ADD.L D0,A3 ; add offset
SetR0 BSR.S ReadToken
BEQ.S SetR1 ; print value
MOVE.L D0,(A3) ; stuff value
RTS ; and return
SetR2 MOVEQ #-1,D6 ; normal branch to SetR1 has D6=0
SetR1 MOVE.L #$007001B0,-(SP) ; push BR
CLR.L -(SP) ; TL = 0
BSR.S MBDoErase ; erase the rect
MOVE.L #$00300010,-(SP) ; push 10,30 as drawing pt
_MoveTo ; go there
MOVE.W (A3)+,D0 ; get current value
TST.W D6 ; special SR case?
BNE.S @0 ; yes, only print word
BSR.S Print4Hx ; print high word
MOVE.W (A3)+,D0 ; get low word
@0 BRA.S Print4Hx ; print low word <1.3>
GetHex AND.L #$FF,D0 ; mask off anything but low byte
CMP.B #$39,D0 ; Hex digit
BLE.S @0 ; assume so
SUBQ.B #7,D0 ; assume 0..9
@0 AND.B #$F,D0 ; mask off low nybble
RTS ; and return
; ReadXToken will return either ReadToken value or (if nothing in input buffer)
; the saved long value
; ReadToken will return in D0.L the next value in the command line. CC=NE if
; something was there.
; Uses D0-D6/A0
ReadXToken BSR.S ReadToken ; try for something
BNE.S @0 ; we got something back, return it
MOVE.L MBlocAddr,D0 ; return saved address
@0 RTS ; and return
ReadToken MOVEQ #0,D4 ; clear accumulator
MOVEQ #0,D6 ; max # digits
ReadMore MOVEQ #0,D5 ; count # digits
CLR.W MBSign ; set sign to positive
MOVEQ #0,D3 ; assume no indirection
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; sub-number built here
blanks CMP.L A6,A4 ; any more chars?
BGE ReadExit ; if not escape
leadSP MOVE.B (A4)+,D0 ; get next char
CMPI.B #' ',D0 ; skip blanks
BLE.S blanks
; See if leading sign or indirection
CMP.B #'@',D0 ; leading @ indirection
BNE.S @0
ADDQ #1,D3 ; bump indirection counter
BRA.S leadSP
@0 CMP.B #'+',D0 ; leading plus
BEQ.S leadSP
CMP.B #'-',D0 ; leading minus
BNE.S getBase
NOT.B MBSign ; record sign change
BRA.S leadSP
getBase CMP.B #'$',D0 ; leading $?
BNE getLabel ; no, try for label
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; clear char value
MOVE.B (A4)+,D0 ; next character
getNumber BSR GetHex ; convert hex ascii digit in D0.B to number
ADDQ #1,D5 ; increment # digits
LSL.L #4,D1 ; multiply by 16
ADD.L D0,D1 ; add in this digit
; Are we done?
CMP.L A6,A4 ; any more chars?
BGE.S ReadExit ; if not escape
MOVE.B (A4)+,D0 ; get next char
CMP.B #'0',D0 ; < ASCII zero
BGE.S GetNumber ; go get more
ReadExit TST D3 ; any indirection?
BEQ.S @1
MOVEQ #8,D5 ; jam eight digits
@0 BCLR #0,D1 ; make sure it's even
MOVE.L D1,A0 ; indirect it
MOVE.L (A0),D1
SUBQ #1,D3
BNE.S @0
@1 TST.B MBSign ; negative?
BEQ.S @2 ; no, keep going
@2 ADD.L D1,D4 ; add into result
; Clean up the bytes counter
ADDQ.W #1,D5 ; round up
LSR.W #1,D5 ; convert # chars to number of bytes
CMP.W #4,D5 ; more than a long?
BLE.S @3 ; no
MOVEQ #4,D5 ; jam to a long
@3 CMP.W D6,D5 ; bump max # digits if D5 >
BLE.S @4
MOVE.W D5,D6 ; max # digits
@4 CMPI.B #'+',D0 ; if plus or minus add a new one
BEQ.S @5
CMPI.B #'-',D0
BNE.S @6
@5 MOVE.B D0,-(A4) ; push back on sign
BRA ReadMore ; and keep looping
@6 MOVE.L D4,D0 ; return the number
MOVE.L D6,D1 ; return max digits
RTS ; and return
; See if the text matches a label
getLabel CMP.B #'.',D0 ; dot?
BNE.S notDot
MOVE.L MBdotAddr,D1 ; get saved long
MOVEQ #1,D2 ; amount to skip
MOVEQ #8,D5 ; all eight bytes
MOVE.B (A4)+,D0
SUBQ #1,D2
BNE cleanExit
BRA ReadExit
notDot MOVE D0,D2 ; build a word
LSL #8,D2
MOVE.B (A4),D2 ; get second byte
CMP #'PC',D2 ; PC?
MOVE.L SEPC,D1 ; return the PC
go2Label MOVEQ #2,D2 ; amount to skip
BRA goLabel
notPC CMP.B #'R',D0 ; reg references start with R
BNE.S getNumber ; try for hex number
CMP.B #'A',D2 ; aregs
BNE.S notAs
LEA SEA0,A0 ; point to address regs loc
doReg MOVEQ #0,D2 ; calculate the index
MOVE.B 1(A4),D2
SUB #'0',D2
BMI.S getNumber ; RAx, x < '0'
CMP #7,D2
BGT.S getNumber ; RAx, x > '7'
LSL #2,D2
MOVE.L 0(A0,D2),D1
MOVEQ #3,D2 ; amount to skip
BRA goLabel
CMP.B #'D',D2 ; Dregs
BNE.S getNumber ; Rx, x <> A, x <> D
LEA SED0,A0 ; point to data regs loc
BRA doReg
ENDP ; <C152>
END ; <C152>