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; File: MenuMgrPatch.a
; Contains: Patches to the Menu Manager.
; Written by: Ed Tecot
; Copyright: <09> 1987-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <16> 7/24/92 DTY #1034303 <gbm>: The Menu Manager calls the 'MDEF' with the
; CallMDEF utility routine. This routine locks the 'MDEF', calls
; it, unlocks it upon return, and returns to the caller.
; CalcMenuSize is an example of such a routine. The problem is
; that the 'MDEF' calls CalcMenuSize itself, which causes the
; 'MDEF' to get unlocked while it<69>s still executing. If the 'MDEF'
; handle get relocated by the Memory Manager, you<6F>ll crash.
; Bracket calls to CalcMenuSize with code that saves and restores
; the 'MDEF' handle state.
; <15> 5/14/92 KSM #1028474,<DCC>: Update patch that calls SCUpperText to skip the
; call when character is a one-byte null character for speed. Add
; patch to DrawMenuBar to synchronize the Keyboard menu (new
; KeyScript verb).
; <14> 1/22/92 JSM Add comment to PatchInsMenuItem to never roll this patch into
; ROM.
; <13> 10/10/91 PKE #1012672, For Cube-E (and Bruges): Use new SCUpperText routine
; in MenuKey instead of UpperText, so we are independent of any
; grafPort font. Include ScriptPriv.a.
; <12> 8/30/91 DTY Define hasCQD here since it<69>s no longer defined in BBSStartup.
; Defining it to be 0 for the System build seems like the wrong
; thing since some of these patches apply to the colour machines,
; but that<61>s the way it used to be, so that<61>s the way it<69>ll stay.
; <11> 8/22/91 KSM csd,#Bruges: New InsrtResMenu call to fix sorting problem with
; FONTs & FONDs. Call _UpperText instead of _UprString, MARKS in
; MenuKey.
; <10> 7/10/91 dba end of the forPost70 conditional; we are post-7.0 for good
; <9> 3/31/91 dba gbm: load the new version of DisposeMenu on the II, IIci, and
; Portable as well, since they all need the bug fix to handle
; purged menus; also implement MenuChoice on the Plus, SE, and
; Portable (but only post-7.0)
; <8> 12/14/90 bbm (djw) roll in linked comefrompatch from patchIIrom.a.
; <7> 12/14/90 KSM <rlc>Fix bug in MenuKey (II,IIci,&Portable) where it is BTSTing
; a register for each item, but when the item is greater than 31,
; the BTST instruction wraps and we get flags for previous items.
; <6> 9/28/90 KSM <dba> Guarantee A5 world for calls into MDEFs.
; <5> 9/15/90 KSM Patch InsMenuItem to fix a PixelPaint bug!!*!
; <4> 7/26/90 KSM use GetMenuBar on the Macintosh II as well
; <3> 7/23/90 dba convert this into a linked patch
; <2> 12/19/89 EMT Removed references to routines that haven't been altered. Use
; PatchMacros.a.
; <1.3> 8/28/89 SES Removed references to nFiles.
; <1.2> 6/2/89 KSM Remove tear off menu support in this file. See MenuMgr_Patch.a
; <1.1> 6/1/89 KSM Added MenuDispatch for BigBang.
; <1.0> 11/16/88 CCH Added to EASE.
; <12> When hasCQD was defined in {AvailableFeatures} in BBSStartup, it was defined
; to be 0 for System builds, so keep it that way for future System builds. This
; file probably won<6F>t be used in ROM builds, but in case it ever is, define
; hasCQD to be true for those builds.
if (&type('hasCQD') = 'UNDEFINED') then ; <12>
if forROM then ; <12>
hasCQD: equ 1 ; <12>
else ; <12>
hasCQD: equ 0 ; <12>
endif ; <12>
endif ; <12>
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
include 'ScriptPriv.a' ; <13>
ROMs Plus,SE
MakePatch InitProcMenu,$A808
MakePatch PopUpMenuSelect,$A80B
MakePatch InsMenuItem,$A826
MakePatch GetItemCmd,$A84E
MakePatch SetItemCmd,$A84F
MakePatch InitMenus,$A930
MakePatch DisposeMenu,$A932,(Plus,SE,II,IIci,Portable)
MakePatch AppendMenu,$A933
MakePatch ClearMenuBar,$A934
MakePatch InsertMenu,$A935
MakePatch DeleteMenu,$A936
MakePatch DrawMenuBar,$A937
MakePatch HiliteMenu,$A938
MakePatch EnableItem,$A939
MakePatch DisableItem,$A93A
MakePatch GetMenuBar,$A93B,(Plus,SE,II)
MakePatch SetMenuBar,$A93C
MakePatch MenuSelect,$A93D
MakePatch MenuKey,$A93E
MakePatch CalcMenuSize,$A948
MakePatch GetMHandle,$A949
MakePatch FlashMenuBar,$A94C
MakePatch AddResMenu,$A94D,(Plus,SE,II,IIci,Portable)
MakePatch InsrtResMenu,$A951,(Plus,SE,II,IIci,Portable)
MakePatch DelMenuItem,$A952
MakePatch MenuChoice,_MenuChoice,(Plus,SE,Portable)
include 'MenuMgr.a'
; SetClipForCallDrawMDEF
; This fixes two bugs in CallDrawMDEF. First, Don't use intersection of menuRect and
; portRect for clipping, just use menuRect instead. Second, Set low-memory global
; TopMenuItem before calling MDEF.
AfterSectRectInCallDrawMDEF ROMBind (II,$11244)
RTSInDrawTheMenu ROMBind (II,$11232)
SetClipForCallDrawMDEF ComeFromPatchProc _SectRect,AfterSectRectInCallDrawMDEF,(II)
cmpROM RTSInDrawTheMenu,18(sp) ; CallDrawMDEF is called by PopUpMenuSelect
; which should NOT be patched, so check where
; CallDrawMDEF was called from.
bne.s @inPopUp ;
move menuRect+Top(a6),TopMenuItem ; tell MDEF to draw from top of menu
MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ; Get dstRect (tRect)
MOVE.L 12(SP),A1 ; Get src1 (menuRect)
MOVE.L (A1)+,(A0)+ ; Copy src1 to dstRect
MOVE.L (A1)+,(A0)+
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; Get return address
LEA 12(SP),SP ; Remove parameters
JMP (A0) ; And return
; PatchInsMenuItem <20> Check for bogus data passed to this routine and ignore it to aid PixelPaint.
; This code should never be rolled into ROM.
; PROCEDURE InsMenuItem(menu, str, item);
PatchInsMenuItem PatchProc _InsMenuItem,(Portable,IIci)
; Stack frame offsets in memory
retAddr EQU 0
itemID EQU retAddr+4
strPtr EQU itemID+2
menuHdl EQU strPtr+4
stackDepth EQU menuHdl+4
; Perform a sanity check on the Parameters
move.l strPtr(sp),d0 ; Get a potentially offending param (stringPtr)
beq.s @PixelPaintSuks ; EQ means the stringPtr is NIL!!
move.l menuHdl(sp),d0 ; Get a potentially offending param (menuHandle)
beq.s @PixelPaintSuks ; Yep, they blew it
btst #0,d0 ; Is it an odd address?
beqOLD ; EQ means not ODD and param are all ok
move.l (sp),a0
lea stackDepth(sp),sp
jmp (a0)
; <16> SaveMDEFHandleStateAroundCalcMenuSize
; A side effect of calling CalcMenuSize is that the 'MDEF' will be unlocked on return.
; If the 'MDEF' itself calls CalcMenuSize, the world tends to blow up. Bracket calls to
; CalcMenuSize with HGetState/HSetState of the 'MDEF'.
SaveMDEFHandleStateAroundCalcMenuSize PatchProc _CalcMenuSize,(Plus,SE,II,IIci,Portable)
move.l 4(sp),a0 ; Get menu handle
subq #2,sp ; Save space for the handle state
move.l a0,-(sp) ; Push menu handle again for call through to CalcMenuSize
move.l (a0),a0
move.l MenuDefHandle(a0),a0 ; Get menu<6E>s definition procedure
_HGetState ; Get the handle<6C>s current state
move.b d0,4(sp) ; Save the state in the space we allocated just now
jsrOld ; Call CalcMenuSize
move.b (sp)+,d0 ; Get the saved handle state
move.l 4(sp),a0 ; Get the menu handle again
move.l (a0),a0
move.l MenuDefHandle(a0),a0 ; Get the menu<6E>s definition procedure
_HSetState ; Restore the previous handle state
move.l (sp)+,(sp) ; Bubble up the return address over the parameter
; SaveA5AroundCallMDEFProc <20> Some MDEFs rely on current A5 (so hold their hand across the call)
AfterLoadResourceInCallMDEFProc ROMBind (Portable,$11D96),(IIci,$177AA)
AfterCallToMDEFInCallMDEFProc ROMBind (Portable,$11D9C),(IIci,$177B0)
SaveA5AroundCallMDEFProc ComeFromPatchProc _LoadResource,AfterLoadResourceInCallMDEFProc,(Portable,IIci)
addq #4,sp ; get rid of the return address
jsrOld ; call LoadResource
_HLock ; lock it the gentleman<61>s way
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; handle -> pointer
move.l a5,8(a6) ; store A5 over one of the (already copied) parameters
move.l CurrentA5,a5 ; get the A5 he<68>s expecting
JSR (A0) ; call him
move.l 8(a6),a5 ; get our A5 back
jmpROM AfterCallToMDEFInCallMDEFProc
; FixBTSTBugInMenuKey <20> MenuKey is BTSTing a register containing menu flags. When we get to
; items > 31, the BTST wraps and we get bogus flag results.
; An item > 31 is always enabled unless the entire menu is disabled.
; FUNCTION MenuKey(CHAR): LongInt;
ROMUpChar ROMBind (II,$114A0),(IIci,$179D8),(Portable,$11F86)
ROMGetA0List ROMBind (II,$10DB2),(IIci,$17162),(Portable,$11776)
ROMGETMENUPTR ROMBind (II,$10DA4),(IIci,$17154),(Portable,$11768)
ROMGETITEMRECORD ROMBind (II,$113F8),(IIci,$17928),(Portable,$11ED6)
ROMGetHA0List ROMBind (II,$10DCE),(IIci,$1717E),(Portable,$11792)
ROMGetHIndex ROMBind (II,$10BD2),(IIci,$16F68),(Portable,$11600)
ROMKeyNotFound ROMBind (II,$116CE),(IIci,$17C06),(Portable,$12008)
ROMGOTMKEY ROMBind (II,$116DC),(IIci,$17C14),(Portable,$12016)
FixBTSTBugInMenuKey PatchProc _MenuKey,(II,Portable,IIci)
CmdChar EQU 9 ; command char is in lo-byte of param [byte/word]
MenuResult EQU 10 ; menu ID part of result
mItemResult EQU 12 ; Item part of result
searchMenu EQU -8 ; looking for the parent of...
HorRMenus EQU searchMenu - 2 ; looking thru HMenus (=0), or Regular Menus (=1)
KeyFrame EQU HorRMenus - 2
link a6, #KeyFrame ; set up stackframe
MOVEM.L D3-D6/A3,-(SP) ;save work registers
move.b CmdChar(a6), d0 ; get character to search for
jsrROM ROMUpChar ; upshift in D0
MOVE.B D0,D4 ; and save in D4
jsrROM ROMGetA0List ; get menuList pointer into A0
move lastMenu(a0), d5 ; go to last menu
clr d6 ; zero flag == checking regular menus
; here is the outer loop where each menu in the menuList is considered
KEYBARLOOP jsrROM ROMGETMENUPTR ;get menu pointer in A0 from index in D5
MOVE.L A0,A3 ;stash in A3 for safe keeping
BTST #0,MENUENABLE+3(A3) ;is this menu enabled?
BEQ.S NEXTBAR ;if not, skip it
MOVEQ #1,D3 ;start with item number 1
; here is the inner loop where each item is considered
BTST D3,D0 ;make sure this item is enabled
BEQ.S KEYNEXTITEM ;if not, skip it
EnabledKeyItemLoop ; <10> Loops to here when item in D3 > 31
MOVE.L A3,A0 ;get menuPtr in A0
MOVE D3,D0 ;get item number in D0
jsrROM ROMGETITEMRECORD ;search for item
BEQ.S NEXTBAR ;if not, this menu is exhausted
MOVE.B ItemCmd(A1),D0 ;get the command char
jsrROM ROMUpChar ; upshift it in D0
cmpi.b #FirstAltMenuCmd, d0 ; item between $1B and $1F?
blt.s @DoCompare ; no, so continue
cmpi.b #LastAltMenuCmd, d0
bhi.s @DoCompare ; no, so continue
bra.s KeyNextItem ; if here then cmdItem is between
; $1B and $1F so skip comparison
@DoCompare CMP.B D0,D4 ;do they match?
beqROM ROMGOTMKEY ;if they do, we<77>ve found it!
KEYNEXTITEM ADDQ #1,D3 ;bump to next item
CMPI.W #31,D3 ;<10> items > 31 are always enabled
BHI.S EnabledKeyItemLoop ;<10> so skip moving the flags and the btst
BRA.S KEYITEMLOOP ;loop till we find it or no more
NEXTBAR subq #6, d5 ; bump to next item
cmp d6, d5 ; have we reached the value in d6?
bgt.s KeyBarLoop ; loop till we reach it
tst d6 ; does d6 have a value? <FJL C222>
bneROM ROMKeyNotFound ; yes, so have checked regular AND HMenus <FJL C222>
; d6 was equal to zero, so now check thru the hierarchical menus
jsrROM ROMGetHA0List ; get HMenuList ptr in A0
move lastHMenu(a0), d5 ; get #HMenus
beqROM ROMKeyNotFound ; none, so don<6F>t check <20>em
; yes there are menus so check them backwards
move.l MinusOne, d1 ; set up for GetHIndex call
jsrROM ROMGetHIndex ; d0 now has ptr to HMenuList header info
add d0, d5 ; d5 points at last HMenu
move d0, d6 ; d6 points at HMenuList header
bra.s KeyBarLoop ; and start checking
; UseUpperTextInMenuKey <20> MenuKey now uses the internationally friendly _UpperText.
; <14>:
; Since SCUpperText can be slow, skip calls when we're upper-casing the single byte NULL
; which really means that there is no command-key equivalent for this item.
; Note: This patch should never be rolled in, the main code has been fixed in a better way.
AfterUprStringInUpChar ROMBind (II,$114A8),(IIci,$179E0),(Portable,$11f8E)
UseUpperTextInMenuKey ComeFromPatchProc _UprString,AfterUprStringInUpChar,(II,IIci,Portable)
tst.b (a0) ; Is the byte a zero? <14>
bne.s mustUpper ; No? go upper case it <14>
cmp.w #1,d0 ; Is the length 1? (to be sure) <14>
beq.s canSkipUpper ; Upper casing zero is skipped <14>
mustUpper ; <14>
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push textPtr <13>
move.w d0,-(sp) ; push length <13>
move.w #smSystemScript,-(sp) ; use system script, ignore port <13>
_SCUpperText ; (stack based!) <13>
canSkipUpper ; <14>
; <14>
; SynchKeyboardMenuState <20> Make sure the keyboard menu state corresponds to the
; application<6F>s desired setting (enable/disable) in the
; application-specific global flag, scriptDisableKybds
; Note: This patch should never be rolled in, this code should be in Process Manager.
SynchKeyboardMenuState PatchProc _DrawMenuBar,(Plus,SE,II,IIci,Portable)
moveq #smKeySynchKbdMenuState,d0 ; Set up the KeyScript verb
move.w d0,-(sp) ; to just synchronize the keyboard menu
_KeyScript ; Do it.
jmpOld ; Continue with DrawMenuBar code