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; File: AliasMgr.a
; Contains: Alias Manager trap dispatcher and gestalt support
; Written by: Prashant Patel
; Copyright: <09> 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM3> 10/28/92 SWC Changed ATalkEqu.a->AppleTalk.a.
; <17> 6/2/92 JSM Move AliasMgrInstall here (and capitalize it) from
; AliasMgrPatch.a since it's used by both the ROM and System
; builds.
; <16> 2/27/91 PP ich,#ich-AMgr-0096:Interface for GetExportedFolderInfo has
; changed.
; <15> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Reorganize some of the include files, change CASE to
; OBJ to avoid several case sensitivity bugs in the assembler
; <14> 1/25/91 PP ich,#81507:Add FollowFinderAlias as an internal trap selector so
; Finder can use it.
; <13> 1/14/91 PP (sad) Add GetFolderName. Get rid of short branch warnings.
; <12> 12/20/90 PP (ich) Added BlockInit routine.
; <11> 9/1/90 PP SetArrowCursor is selector id 29.
; <10> 8/6/90 PP Support auto volume mount for foreign file systems other than
; AppleShare.
; <9> 7/2/90 PP Add ReleaseFolder and ResolveAliasFile.
; <8> 6/15/90 PP Remove "SelectAlias" and associated Traps. Allow a way for
; building AliasMgr as an INIT overpatch.
; <7> 5/10/90 JSM Use secondary jump table so we can be a linked patch.
; <6> 5/3/90 PP Incorporate Diet tips.
; <5> 3/8/90 PP Add Trap selectors #8 and #9 for minimal alias support.
; <4> 2/27/90 PP Add Trap selector #10 for FindFolderInternal.
; <3> 2/6/90 PP Remove CatSearch glue.
; <2> 1/4/90 PP Add gestalt support.
; <2.0> 12/8/89 dnf remove CatSearch macro definition
; <1.9> 11/27/89 prp SetArrowCursor is a Trap selector routine.
; <1.8> 10/30/89 prp <09> Add AL_findVolume internally selected trap.
; <1.7> 10/13/89 prp Added AL_appendPString and AL_displayAlert as internal Trap
; selectors.
; <1.6> 10/2/89 prp Added 'GetAliasInfo' routine.
; <1.5> 9/18/89 prp AL_filterFile is an additional trap selector.
; <1.4> 9/6/89 prp Added DisposeAlias back until DPMgr is in sync.
; <1.3> 9/6/89 prp Changes from CodeReview.
; <1.2> 8/7/89 prp Additional Trap selector routines.
; <1.1> 6/5/89 prp Folder Manager is added as part of Alias Manager.
; <1.0> 5/30/89 prp Initial Release
; 5/28/89 prp Initial Creation
TITLE 'AliasMgr.a - alias trap'
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'LinkedPatchMacros.a' ; <17>
INCLUDE 'GestaltEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'InternalMacros.a'
INCLUDE 'AppleTalk.a'
DEBUG default false ; debugging off by default
FOR_AMGR_PATCH_INIT default false ; AliasMgrPatchINIT off by default
; InstallProc for the Alias Manager. Calls InitFolderManager and installs
; the Alias Manager and Folder Manager Gestalt routines. For this
; reason, Gestalt must be installed before us.
ALIASMGRINSTALL InstallProc (Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci)
IMPORT InitFolderManager
IMPORT gestaltAliasMgr
IMPORT gestaltFolderMgr
JSR InitFolderManager ; set up the Folder Manager
MOVE.L #gestaltAliasMgrAttr,d0 ; AliasMgr Gestalt selector
leaResident gestaltAliasMgr,a0 ; get gestaltFunction ProcPtr
MOVE.L #gestaltFindFolderAttr,d0 ; FolderMgr Gestalt selector
leaResident gestaltFolderMgr,a0 ; get gestaltFunction ProcPtr
; PROCEDURE ALIAS(); - alias manager trap
; macro to build jump table
Bra.s ALIAS ; Allow this file to be compiled as a patch.
JT &entry
DC.W JumpTo&entry - JumpTable
JumpTable ; offsets to alias manager routines
JT FindFolder ; 0 find folder by type (Folder Manager)
JT AL_CANONIFYFILE ; 1 canonify a filename
JT AL_NEWALIAS ; 2 create a new alias
JT AL_RESOLVEALIAS ; 3 resolve "the" alias
DC.W 0 ; 4 select an alias (obsolete)
JT AL_MATCHALIAS ; 5 match an alias for >=1 matches
JT AL_UPDATEALIAS ; 6 update an alias
JT AL_GETALIASINFO ; 7 get alias information
JT AL_NEWALIASMINIMAL ; 8 create a new minimal alias
JT AL_NEWALIASMINIMALFROMFULLPATH ; 9 create a new minimal alias from fullpath
JT FindFolderInternal ; 10 find folder internal (For Installer)
JT ReleaseFolder ; 11 release folder (Folder Manager)
JT AL_RESOLVEALIASFILE ; 12 Resolve an alias created by Finder
JT AL_ALIASVOLUMEMOUNT ; 13 Mount a foreign volume
JT GetFolderName ; 14 get special folder name (Folder Manager)
JT AL_FOLLOWFINDERALIAS ; 15 Follow an alias created by Finder
; following are alias manager support routines that are good candidates for a
; generalized file manager utility routines.
JT ALI_FINDVOLBYNAME ; 16 find volume by name
JT ALI_FINDDIRBYID ; 17 find directory by ID
JT ALI_FINDBYNAME ; 18 find file/directory by name
JT ALI_FINDFILEBYID ; 19 find file by cnodeID
JT ALI_FINDFILEBYNUM ; 20 find file by file number
JT ALI_ISFULLPATH ; 21 Is given path a full path?
JT ALI_GETFILENAME ; 22 parse filename from full or partial path
JT ALI_STRIPFILENAME ; 23 strip filename from full or partial path
JT ALI_COPYPSTRING ; 24 copy a pascal string
JT ALI_FSEQUALSTRING ; 25 comapare FileSystem fileName string
JT ALI_BLOCKINIT ; 26 init a block with given char
JT ALI_BLOCKCOMPARE ; 27 comapare two blocks
JT ALI_APPENDPSTRING ; 28 append a pascal string
JT SETARROWCURSOR ; 29 set arrow cursor
minSelector EQU (JumpTable - JumpTable) / 2 ; no private routines
maxSelector EQU (JumpEnd - JumpTable) / 2 - 1
minReservedSelector EQU (ReservedPublic - JumpTable) / 2
maxReservedSelector EQU (EndReserved - JumpTable) / 2 - 1
ALIAS ; actual dispatcher starts here
CMP.B #minSelector, D0 ; do range checking
BLT.S lBadSelector ; too small
CMP.B #maxSelector, D0
BGT.S lBadSelector ; too big
CMP.B #minReservedSelector, D0 ; do reserved range checking
BLT.S lDispatch ; it is a valid public call
CMP.B #maxReservedSelector, D0
BLE.S lBadSelector ; reserved public call
EXT.W D0 ; selector OK
ASL.W #1, D0 ; extend and shift
MOVE.W JumpTable(D0.W), D0 ; get the offset
JMP JumpTable(D0.W) ; jump to it
LSR.W #8, D0 ; get the stack frame size
MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; move the return address
ADD.W D0, A7 ; pop the parameters
MOVE.W #corErr, (A7) ; core routine number not in range
JMP (A0) ; return to caller
; Because linked patches don't allow word references to other modules,
; the jump table before this one points to the following "real" jump table,
; which does a JMP to the actual routine.
; macro to build "real" jump table
JumpTo &name
IMPORT &name
JumpTo&name: JMP &name
CODEREFS FORCEJT ; we don't want PC relative here
JumpTo FindFolder ; 0 find folder by type (Folder Manager)
JumpTo AL_CANONIFYFILE ; 1 canonify a filename
JumpTo AL_NEWALIAS ; 2 create a new alias
JumpTo AL_RESOLVEALIAS ; 3 resolve "the" alias
JumpTo AL_MATCHALIAS ; 5 match an alias for >=1 matches
JumpTo AL_UPDATEALIAS ; 6 update an alias
JumpTo AL_GETALIASINFO ; 7 get alias information
JumpTo AL_NEWALIASMINIMAL ; 8 create a new minimal alias
JumpTo AL_NEWALIASMINIMALFROMFULLPATH ; 9 create a new minimal alias from fullpath
JumpTo FindFolderInternal ; 10 find folder internal (For Installer)
JumpTo ReleaseFolder ; 11 release folder (Folder Manager)
JumpTo AL_RESOLVEALIASFILE ; 12 Resolve an alias created by Finder
JumpTo AL_ALIASVOLUMEMOUNT ; 13 Mount a foreign volume
JumpTo GetFolderName ; 14 Get a special folder name
JumpTo AL_FOLLOWFINDERALIAS ; 15 Follow an alias created by Finder
JumpTo ALI_FINDVOLBYNAME ; 16 find volume by name
JumpTo ALI_FINDDIRBYID ; 17 find directory by ID
JumpTo ALI_FINDBYNAME ; 18 find file/directory by name
JumpTo ALI_FINDFILEBYID ; 19 find file by cnodeID
JumpTo ALI_FINDFILEBYNUM ; 20 find file by file number
JumpTo ALI_ISFULLPATH ; 21 Is given path a full path?
JumpTo ALI_GETFILENAME ; 22 parse filename from full or partial path
JumpTo ALI_STRIPFILENAME ; 23 strip filename from full or partial path
JumpTo ALI_COPYPSTRING ; 24 copy a pascal string
JumpTo ALI_FSEQUALSTRING ; 25 comapare FileSystem fileName string
JumpTo ALI_BLOCKINIT ; 26 init a block with given char
JumpTo ALI_BLOCKCOMPARE ; 27 comapare two blocks
JumpTo ALI_APPENDPSTRING ; 28 append a pascal string
JumpTo SETARROWCURSOR ; 29 set arrow cursor
; PROCEDURE gestaltAliasMgr(); - alias manager gestalt function
; FUNCTION gestaltAliasMgr (
; gestaltSelector: OSType; = PACKED ARRAY [1..4] OF CHAR;
; VAR gestaltResult: Longint;
; ): OSErr; = Integer;
gestaltAliasMgr PROC EXPORT
error ds.w 1 ; the resulting error code
gestaltSelector ds.l 1 ; the selector type
gestaltResult ds.l 1 ; returned result
MOVE.W #gestaltUndefSelectorErr,D0 ; assume bad selector was passed
CLR.L D1 ; initialize return result code
CMP.L #gestaltAliasMgrAttr,gestaltSelector(A6)
BNE.S @done ; not the right selector
BSET.L #gestaltAliasMgrPresent,D1 ; set the presence bit
CLR.W D0 ; no error
MOVE.L gestaltResult(a6),A0 ; load address of result
MOVE.L D1,(A0) ; return the computed result
MOVE.W D0,error(A6); ; return error code
; Since VolMount glue is not released on EASE, it is
; released as part of Alias Manager.
; Glue for GetExportedFolderInfo is here also.
; Remove following code when the glue is officially released.
; AppleShare Volume Mount Trap Glue Code
; Ruth Hennigar
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986 - 1989
; All Rights Reserved
; Modification History:
; 5/9/89 RH New today. Created glue code for the two new $A060 traps
; GetVolMountInfo and VolumeMount
; 6/13/89 RH Moved constants from drEqu.a to here.
; new $A060 traps for getVolMountInfo & VolumeMount routines
GetVMInfoSize EQU 63 ; index of getVolMountInfoSize trap
GetVMInfo EQU 64 ; index of getVolMountInfo trap
VMount EQU 65 ; index of volumeMount trap
ServerControl EQU 0 ; index of ServerControl trap
MOVEA.L 6(A7), A0 ; get the param block pointer
MOVE.L #ServerControl, D0 ; our dispatch number
DC.W $A094 ; special server control call Trap
MOVEA.L (A7)+, A0 ; move the return address
ADDA.L #6, A7 ; blow away the parameters
MOVE.W D0, (A7) ; write function result
JMP (A0) ; go home
; Routine: GetVolMountInfoSize
; Function: Returns the volume mount information size from the VCB that is needed
; to allocate storage for actual volume mount informaion.
; Pascal interface:
; Function GetVolMountInfoSize (volRefNum: Integer;
; sizeInBytes: ^Integer): OSErr;
LINK A6,#-ioHFQElSiz ; Allocate space for a IO ParmBlock
BSR.S ClrStkPB ; Get a pointer to the cleared parameter block
; At this point, the stack looks as follows:
; (A6) --> Old A6
; 4(A6) --> Return address
; 8(A6) --> Pointer to returned size info
; 12(A6) --> Volume Ref Num
; 14(A6) --> Return value
MOVE.L 8(A6),ioBuffer(A0) ; Copy returned size pointer into ioBuffer
MOVE.W 12(A6),ioVRefNum(A0) ; Copy Volume RefNum
MOVE.W #GetVMInfoSize,D0 ; Indicate requested function
DC.W $A060 ; Dispatch call
MOVE.W D0,14(A6) ; Return final result
UNLK A6 ; Pop off the call frame
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; Save the return address
ADDA.W #6,SP ; Pop off the incoming arguments
JMP (A0) ; And call it a day.
; Routine: GetVolMountInfo
; Function: Returns the information from the VCB that is needed to mount a
; volume (zone, server and volume name, volume password,
; user name and password
; Pascal interface:
; Function GetVolMountIntfo (volRefNum: Integer;
; volInfoPtr: ^VolumeLocation): OSErr;
LINK A6,#-ioHFQElSiz ; Allocate space for a IO ParmBlock
BSR.S ClrStkPB ; Get a pointer to the cleared parameter block
; At this point, the stack looks as follows:
; (A6) --> Old A6
; 4(A6) --> Return address
; 8(A6) --> Pointer to volume Information record
; 12(A6) --> Volume Ref Num
; 14(A6) --> Return value
MOVE.L 8(A6),ioBuffer(A0) ; Copy volInfo pointer into ioBuffer
MOVE.W 12(A6),ioVRefNum(A0) ; Copy Volume RefNum
MOVE.W #GetVMInfo,D0 ; Indicate requested function
DC.W $A060 ; Dispatch call
MOVE.W D0,14(A6) ; Return final result
UNLK A6 ; Pop off the call frame
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; Save the return address
ADDA.W #6,SP ; Pop off the incoming arguments
JMP (A0) ; And call it a day.
; Routine: VolumeMount
; Function: Mounts the volume specified by the zone, server and volume name,
; volume password, user name and password in the VolInfo record passed
; into this routine. Returns the vRefNum of the volume as well.
; Pascal interface:
; Function VolumeMount (volInfoPtr: ^VolumeLocation;
; VAR volRefNum: Integer): OSErr;
LINK A6,#-ioHFQElSiz ; Allocate space for a IO ParmBlock
BSR.S ClrStkPB ; Get a pointer to the cleared parameter block
; At this point, the stack looks as follows:
; (A6) --> Old A6
; 4(A6) --> Return address
; 8(A6) --> volRefNum
; 12(A6) --> Pointer to volume Information record
; 16(A6) --> Return value
MOVE.L 12(A6),ioBuffer(A0) ; Copy volume info record into ioBuffer
MOVE.W #VMount,D0 ; Indicate requested function
DC.W $A060 ; Dispatch call
MOVE.W D0,16(A6) ; Return final result
MOVEA.L 8(A6),A1 ; A1 points to volRefNum parameter
MOVE.W ioVRefNum(A0),(A1) ; return the vRefNum
UNLK A6 ; Pop off the call frame
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; Save the return address
ADDA.W #8,SP ; Pop off the incoming arguments
JMP (A0) ; And call it a day.
; A small setup subroutine. Assuming the caller has executed
; a LINK A6,#-ioHFQElSiz, this routine points A0 to the start of a
; cleared parameter block.
; D0 is trashed.
ClrStkPB MOVEA.L A6,A0 ; Point to top of parameter block
MOVE.W #(ioHFQElSiz/2-1),D0 ; DBRA word loop index
@1 CLR.W -(A0) ; ...cleared.
DBRA D0,@1 ;
RTS ; And we're done.