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; File: WaitNextEvent.a
; Contains: This is the Classic Mac OS version of WaitNextEvent.
; It is completely replaced in MultiFinder.
; Written by: Phil Goldman and Ed Tecot
; Copyright: <09> 1988-1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <3> 2/11/92 JSM Moved this file to ToolboxEventMgr folder, keeping all the old
; revisions.
; <2> 1/4/90 dba get rid of assembly warning by renaming a local
; <1.0> 11/16/88 CCH Added to EASE.
; <S426> 3/16/88 PYG Handle overflow for timeout and control of mouse-moved diarrhea
; <S380> 2/4/88 EMT Fix WaitNextEvent when mouseRgn is nil
mouseMovedMsg EQU $FA000000
maxTickCount EQU $FFFFFFFF
; Stack Frame
retAddr EQU 4
mouseRgn EQU retAddr+4
timeOutX EQU mouseRgn+4
theEvent EQU timeOutX+4
eventMask EQU theEvent+4
retBool EQU eventMask+2
; Locals
; d3: Tick time to wakeup (i.e. return)
; d4: Last mouse position
LINK A6, #0 ; Set up stack frame
MOVEM.L D3-d4/A2, -(SP) ; Save registers <S436/22Mar88> PYG
moveq.l #$FFFFFFFF,d4 ; pick a supposed invalid first value <S436/22Mar88> PYG
; for the previous mouse position
MOVE.L Ticks, D3 ; Save Ticks on entry
ADD.L timeOutX(A6),D3 ; D3 is wakeup time
bcc.s @WaitTimeOK ; if no (unsigned) overflow, branch <S426/16Mar88> PYG
moveq.l #maxTickCount,d3 ; if overflow, peg to max tick count <S426/16Mar88> PYG
@WaitTimeOK ; <S426/16Mar88> PYG
MOVE.L theEvent(A6), A2 ; We'll use this often
SUBQ.W #2, SP ; Make space for return value
MOVE.W eventMask(A6), -(SP)
MOVE.L A2, -(SP) ; theEvent
MOVE.B (SP)+, retBool(A6) ; Stuff the boolean return value
BNE.S @WaitDone ; If non-zero, we're done
; GetNextEvent correctly stuffs evtTicks, evtMouse, evtMeta, and evtMBut fields
CMP.L evtTicks(A2), D3 ; Time to wake up?
BLS.S @WaitDone ; If so, we're done
MOVE.L mouseRgn(A6), D0 ; Get the mouseRgn <S380>
BEQ.S @WaitLoop ; Loop if nil <S380>
cmp.l evtMouse(A2),d4 ; is it the same as the last one? <S436/22Mar88> PYG
beq.s @WaitLoop ; if so, loop <S426/16Mar88> PYG
move.l evtMouse(A2),d4 ; and save new value <S436/22Mar88> PYG
SUBQ.W #2, SP ; Make space
MOVE.L evtMouse(A2), -(SP) ; pt for PtInRgn <S426/16Mar88> PYG
MOVE.L D0, -(SP) ; rgn for PtInRgn <S380>
TST.B (SP)+ ; Is it in the region?
BNE.S @WaitLoop ; If it is, loop around
MOVE.W eventMask(A6), D0
BTST #app4Evt, D0 ; Accept app4?
BEQ.S @WaitDone ; No, get out
; Manufacture a mouse moved event
MOVE.W #app4Evt, evtNum(A2) ; what = app4Evt
MOVE.L #mouseMovedMsg, evtMessage(A2) ; message = MouseMoved
ST.B retBool(A6) ; return True
MOVEM.L (SP)+, D3-d4/A2 ; Restore registers <S436/22Mar88> PYG
MOVE.L (SP), A0 ; Get return address
LEA retBool-4(SP), SP ; Pop the arguments
JMP (A0) ; Return