; ; File: LinkPatch.a ; ; Contains: a tiny bit of assembly for the patch linker ; ; This file exists so that the patch linker can make decisions based on the number ; of ROMs and conditions for the patches that it will link. These numbers are ; calculated by the LinkedPatchMacros.a file, so this has to be in assembly. ; ; Written by: Darin Adler ; ; Copyright: © 1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <1> 2/26/90 KM First checked in. ; 1/25/90 dba added a header ; case on print push,off include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a' print pop NumROMs proc export moveq #NumROMs$,d0 rts endproc NumConditions proc export moveq #NumConditions$,d0 rts endproc end