;_____________________________________________ ; File: CTBUtilities.a ; ; Contains: Assembler interface to the CommToolbox Utilities ; ; Written by: Byron Han ; ; Copyright: © 1988-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. ; All rights reserved. ; ; This file is used in these builds: BigBang ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <13> 2/11/92 MH Add include of Traps.a to support reference to ; _CommToolboxDispatch ; <12> 11/21/91 MH Change the name of NLTypeEntry.ICON to hIcon to match C and ; Pascal. Retain ICON as an equate for hIcon for backwards ; compatibility ; <11> 8/27/91 CH Updated interface header for consistency. ; <10> 6/25/91 JNG Move Dialog manipulation calls to ToolEqu.a ; <9> 6/24/91 BH change conditional wrapper to conform to standards ; <8> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the Ôalready including this fileÕ variable to ; all uppercase (for security reasons) ; <7> 1/25/91 stb . ; <6> 9/15/90 PWD Added _StandardNBP in prep for renaming _NuLookup. ; <5> 9/15/90 PWD Moved popup constants to ToolEqu.a. ; <4> 9/15/90 PWD Renamed popupUseCQD to popupReserved. ; <3> 5/20/90 ngk Added constants for popup CDEF ; <2> 3/15/90 BBH fixed problem with the initial IF defined being missing ; <1> 3/13/90 BBH first checked in to BBS ; ; To Do: ;_____________________________________________ IF (&TYPE('__INCLUDINGCTBUTILITIES__') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN __INCLUDINGCTBUTILITIES__ SET 1 IF &TYPE('__INCLUDINGTRAPS__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN INCLUDE 'Traps.a' ENDIF MACRO _CTBCall &selector move.w &selector,-(sp) move.l sp,a0 _CommToolboxDispatch adda.w #$2,sp ; Pop the selector back off ENDM ; version of CommToolbox Utilities curCTBUVersion EQU 2 ; CTBUErr ctbuGenericError EQU -1 ctbuNoErr EQU 0 ; Choose responses chooseDisaster EQU -2 chooseFailed EQU -1 chooseAborted EQU 0 chooseOKMinor EQU 1 chooseOKMajor EQU 2 chooseCancel EQU 3 ; NuLookup responses nlOk EQU 0 nlCancel EQU 1 nlEject EQU 2 ; Name FilterProc responses nameInclude EQU 1 nameDisable EQU 2 nameReject EQU 3 ; Zone FilterProc responses zoneInclude EQU 1 zoneDisable EQU 2 zoneReject EQU 3 ; Dialog items for hook procedure hookOK EQU 1 hookCancel EQU 2 hookOutline EQU 3 hookTitle EQU 4 hookItemlist EQU 5 hookZonetitle EQU 6 hookZonelist EQU 7 hookLine EQU 8 hookVersion EQU 9 hookReserved1 EQU 10 hookReserved2 EQU 11 hookReserved3 EQU 12 hookReserved4 EQU 13 ; Virtual items in the dialog item list hookNull EQU 100 hookItemRefresh EQU 101 hookZoneRefresh EQU 102 hookEject EQU 103 hookPreflight EQU 104 hookPostflight EQU 105 hookKeyBase EQU 1000 ; NuLookup data structures NLTypeEntry Record 0 hIcon ds.l 1 ICON EQU hIcon ; for backward compatibility typeStr ds.b 34 EndR NBPReply Record 0 theEntity ds.b 102 theAddr ds.l 1 EndR InitCTBUtilities EQU $401 CTBGetCTBVersion EQU $405 NuLookup EQU $406 NuPLookup EQU $407 StandardNBP EQU $406 CustomNBP EQU $407 MACRO _InitCTBUtilities _CTBCall #InitCTBUtilities ENDM MACRO _CTBGetCTBVersion _CTBCall #CTBGetCTBVersion ENDM MACRO _NuLookup _CTBCall #NuLookup ENDM MACRO _NuPLookup _CTBCall #NuPLookup ENDM MACRO _StandardNBP _CTBCall #StandardNBP ENDM MACRO _CustomNBP _CTBCall #CustomNBP ENDM ENDIF ; already included