; ; File: Processes.a ; ; Contains: Assembly Interface for Process Manager API ; ; Written by: David Harrison ; ; Copyright: © 1989-91 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <25> 8/15/91 MH change include 'SysEqu.a' to INCLUDE ... ; <24> 8/15/91 MH remove one commentless semi-colon ; <23> 6/14/91 JL Checked in official MPW 3.2Ä version. Equated theMsgEvent to $10 ; - evtBlkSize is in SysEqu.a: must be included. ; <22> 2/1/91 DFH stb,WS#DFH-910131c:Removed Process Mgr defined AppleEvent codes. ; They belong in {AIncludes}AppleEvents.a, which does not exist. ; <21> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the Ôalready including this fileÕ variable to ; all uppercase (for security reasons) ; <20> 1/16/91 JDR (dba) Moved the Process Mgr error numbers into the Errors ; interface file. Including SysEqu.a for the evtBlkSize. ; <19> 1/15/91 DFH (VL) Add record REC/ENDR templates for existing records. ; <18> 9/4/90 JT Added modeUseTextEditServices to the list of process state ; flags. ; <17> 8/28/90 DFH Correct capitalization of highLongOfPSN and lowLongOfPSN ; <16> 7/19/90 DFH Removed launchIsAutomatic and modeAutomatic. ; <15> 7/16/90 DFH LaunchParamBlockRec and ProcessInfoRec now use FSSpec instead of ; name/vrefnum/dirid. ; <13> 5/8/90 DFH Fixed GetFrontProcess glue. ; <12> 4/27/90 GM prevent redefinition errors by avoiding multiple inclusion. ; <11> 4/16/90 DFH Added AppleEvent definitions. Changed Launch param constant ; for extended length to be the actual value rather than a bias. ; <10> 3/21/90 DFH Renamed new SIZE flags. ; <9> 3/21/90 DFH Added modeHLEventCompatible, modeNetHLEventCompatible, and modeStationeryAware. ; ; 1.2 DFH 03/12/90 Added launchAppParameters ; 1.1 ngk 12/01/1989 Added LaunchApplication and new error codes ; 1.0 CCH 10/16/1989 Adding to EASE. ;___________________________________________________________________________ IF &TYPE('__INCLUDINGPROCESSES__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN __INCLUDINGPROCESSES__ SET 1 IF &TYPE('__INCLUDINGSYSEQU__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN INCLUDE 'SysEqu.a' ENDIF ;__________________________________________________________________________________ ; Process Serial Number (PSN) ;__________________________________________________________________________________ ; various reserved process serial numbers kNoProcess EQU 0 ; no process at all kSystemProcess EQU 1 ; the system kCurrentProcess EQU 2 ; the switched-in process ; record definition ProcessSerialNumber RECORD 0 highLongOfPSN DS.L 1 ; the upper half lowLongOfPSN DS.L 1 ; the lower half size EQU * ENDR ; record definition (old style definition) highLongOfPSN EQU 0 lowLongOfPSN EQU 4 ;__________________________________________________________________________________ ; parameter block passed in the _Launch trap. ;__________________________________________________________________________________ ; flags for launchControlFlags field launchContinue EQU $4000 launchNoFileFlags EQU $0800 launchUseMinimum EQU $0400 launchDontSwitch EQU $0200 launchAllow24Bit EQU $0100 launchInhibitDaemon EQU $0080 ; format of buffer pointed to by launchAppParameters AppParameters RECORD 0 theMsgEvent DS.B $10 ; (evtBlkSize) a HighLevelEvent record eventRefCon DS.L 1 ; refcon for the high-level event messageLength DS.L 1 ; number of bytes in messageBuffer messageBuffer EQU * ; start of message for the high level event size EQU * ENDR ; format of buffer pointed to by launchAppParameters (old style definition) theMsgEvent EQU 0 eventRefCon EQU 16 messageLength EQU 20 messageBuffer EQU 24 ; parameter block itself LaunchParamBlockRec RECORD 0 reserved1 DS.L 1 reserved2 DS.W 1 launchBlockID DS.W 1 ; { = extendedBlock } launchEPBLength DS.L 1 ; { = extendedBlockLen } launchFileFlags DS.W 1 launchControlFlags DS.W 1 launchAppSpec DS.L 1 launchProcessSN DS ProcessSerialNumber launchPreferredSize DS.L 1 launchMinimumSize DS.L 1 launchAvailableSize DS.L 1 launchAppParameters DS.L 1 size EQU * extendedBlockLen EQU size-launchFileFlags ENDR ; parameter block itself (old style definition) launchBlockID EQU 6 launchEPBLength EQU 8 launchFileFlags EQU 12 launchControlFlags EQU 14 launchAppSpec EQU 16 launchProcessSN EQU 20 launchPreferredSize EQU 28 launchMinimumSize EQU 32 launchAvailableSize EQU 36 launchAppParameters EQU 40 SIZEOF_LAUNCHPARAMBLOCKREC EQU 44 extendedBlockLen EQU SIZEOF_LAUNCHPARAMBLOCKREC - launchFileFlags ; set launchBlockID to extendedBlock to specify that extensions exist ; set launchEPBLength to extendedBlockLen for compatibility extendedBlock EQU 19523 ;__________________________________________________________________________________ ; Definition of the information block returned by _GetProcessInformation. ;__________________________________________________________________________________ ; bits in the processMode field modeDeskAccessory EQU $00020000 modeMultiLaunch EQU $00010000 modeNeedSuspendResume EQU $00004000 modeCanBackground EQU $00001000 modeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch EQU $00000800 modeOnlyBackground EQU $00000400 modeGetFrontClicks EQU $00000200 modeGetAppDiedMsg EQU $00000100 mode32BitCompatible EQU $00000080 modeHighLevelEventAware EQU $00000040 modeLocalAndRemoteHLEvents EQU $00000020 modeStationeryAware EQU $00000010 modeUseTextEditServices EQU $00000008 ; record returned by GetProcessInformation ProcessInfoRec RECORD 0 processInfoLength DS.L 1 processName DS.L 1 processNumber DS ProcessSerialNumber processType DS.L 1 processSignature DS.L 1 processMode DS.L 1 processLocation DS.L 1 processSize DS.L 1 processFreeMem DS.L 1 processLauncher DS ProcessSerialNumber processLaunchDate DS.L 1 processActiveTime DS.L 1 processAppSpec DS.L 1 size EQU * ENDR ; record returned by GetProcessInformation (old style definition) processInfoLength EQU 0 processName EQU 4 processNumber EQU 8 processType EQU 16 processSignature EQU 20 processMode EQU 24 processLocation EQU 28 processSize EQU 32 processFreeMem EQU 36 processLauncher EQU 40 processLaunchDate EQU 48 processActiveTime EQU 52 processAppSpec EQU 56 ;__________________________________________________________________________________ ; trap macros ;__________________________________________________________________________________ MACRO _LaunchApplication _Launch ENDM MACRO _LaunchDeskAccessory MOVE.W #$36,-(SP) _OSDispatch ENDM MACRO _GetCurrentProcess MOVE.W #$37,-(SP) _OSDispatch ENDM MACRO _GetFrontProcess PEA $FFFFFFFF MOVE.W #$39,-(SP) _OSDispatch ENDM MACRO _GetNextProcess MOVE.W #$38,-(SP) _OSDispatch ENDM MACRO _GetProcessInformation MOVE.W #$3A,-(SP) _OSDispatch ENDM MACRO _SetFrontProcess MOVE.W #$3B,-(SP) _OSDispatch ENDM MACRO _WakeUpProcess MOVE.W #$3C,-(SP) _OSDispatch ENDM MACRO _SameProcess MOVE.W #$3D,-(SP) _OSDispatch ENDM ENDIF ; ...already included