;_____________________________________________ ; File: TerminalTools.a ; ; Contains: Assembler Interface to the Terminal Manager Tools ; ; Written by: Byron Han ; ; Copyright: © 1988-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc. ; All rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <6> 11/18/91 BH fixed tver type declaration (was tver which was incorrect - ; should have been vers) ; <5> 8/27/91 CH Updated interface headers for consistency. ; <4> 8/16/91 MH remove outer parens from conditional assembly predicates to ; match other files ; <3> 6/24/91 BH Fix wrapper conditional to conform to standards ; <2> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the Ôalready including this fileÕ variable to ; all uppercase (for security reasons) ; <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in ; ; To Do: ;_____________________________________________ IF &TYPE('__INCLUDINGTERMINALTOOLS__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN __INCLUDINGTERMINALTOOLS__ SET 1 tdefType EQU 'tdef' tvalType EQU 'tval' tsetType EQU 'tset' tlocType EQU 'tloc' tscrType EQU 'tscr' tbndType EQU 'tbnd' tverType EQU 'vers' ; messages tmInitMsg EQU 0 tmDisposeMsg EQU 1 tmSuspendMsg EQU 2 tmResumeMsg EQU 3 tmMenuMsg EQU 4 tmEventMsg EQU 5 tmActivateMsg EQU 6 tmDeactivateMsg EQU 7 tmGetErrorStringMsg EQU 8 tmIdleMsg EQU 50 tmResetMsg EQU 51 tmKeyMsg EQU 100 tmStreamMsg EQU 101 tmResizeMsg EQU 102 tmUpdateMsg EQU 103 tmClickMsg EQU 104 tmGetSelectionMsg EQU 105 tmSetSelectionMsg EQU 106 tmScrollMsg EQU 107 tmClearMsg EQU 108 tmGetLineMsg EQU 109 tmPaintMsg EQU 110 tmCursorMsg EQU 111 tmGetEnvironsMsg EQU 112 tmDoTermKeyMsg EQU 113 tmCountTermKeysMsg EQU 114 tmGetIndTermKeyMsg EQU 115 ; messages for validate DefProc tmValidateMsg EQU 0 tmDefaultMsg EQU 1 ; messages for Setup DefProc tmSpreflightMsg EQU 0 tmSsetupMsg EQU 1 tmSitemMsg EQU 2 tmSfilterMsg EQU 3 tmScleanupMsg EQU 4 ; messages for scripting defProc tmMGetMsg EQU 0 tmMSetMsg EQU 1 ; messages for localization defProc tmL2English EQU 0 tmL2Intl EQU 1 TMSearchBlock Record 0 theString ds.l 1 where ds.l 2 searchType ds.w 1 callBack ds.l 1 refnum ds.w 1 next ds.l 1 EndR TMSetupStruct Record 0 theDialog ds.l 1 count ds.w 1 theConfig ds.l 1 procID ds.w 1 TMSetupStructSize EQU * EndR ENDIF ; already included