; ; File: EDiskEqu.a ; ; Contains: Equates and Data structures used internally by the EDisk Driver. ; ; Copyright: © 1988-1991, 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 11/9/93 SAM Roll in from mc900ftjesus. ; 11/9/93 SAM Reducing the max edisk size to 255 MB. Tough. ; 11/8/93 SAM Roll in from mc900ftjesus. ; 11/8/93 SAM Added MaxRamDiskSize. Currently set to 256MB -1. ; 10/28/93 CCH Just checking to see if you were paying attention.. Really added ; EDiskProtect equate to EDiskDriveInfo record. ; 10/28/93 CCH Added EDiskProtect equate to EDiskDriveInfo record. ; 6/17/93 kc Roll in Ludwig. ; 6/16/93 KW Ok mess with MinHeapSize again. now equal to 0x00260000, which ; is the current value of the mnrm resource in the memory control ; panel. Power users will be able to open the memory control ; panel and lower the mnrm resource to this value and still have a ; ram disk. ; 11/01/92 HY Added GintyHeader record to support ROM disks. ; <5> 10/28/91 SAM/KSM Rolled in Regatta file. ; ; Terror Change History: ; ; <7> 6/26/91 CCH Moved RAM disk base to slot 7 space so as not to conflict with ; DB Lite's frame buffer,. ; <6> 6/25/91 CCH Moved RAM disk base to $60000000 and added MinRamDiskSize ; equate. ; <5> 6/13/91 CCH Moved RamDiskSize to EDiskDriveInfo record. ; <4> 6/13/91 CCH Moved bRamDisk equate in from MMUTables.a. ; <3> 4/2/91 CCH Reduced minimum heap size to allow for space used by BootGlobs. ; <2> 12/20/90 CCH Added memory allocation equates for Edisk driver. ; ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ ; Pre-TERROR ROM comments begin here. ; ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ ; <2> 5/16/90 JJ Modify parameter ram byte address. Merged two bytes ($75-76) ; into one ($AF) since only 1 bit was used from $75. ; <1.2> 5/26/89 GMR Changed RomSpaceEnd from $F00000 to $E00000, added new RAM disk ; size status code (drvSizeCode) ; <1.1> 2/21/89 GGD Added support for SLIM interface adapter. Changed origin in ; EDiskDriveInfo record to be DriveQElement. ; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE. ; ; To Do: ; IF &TYPE('__INCLUDINGEDISKPRIVEQU__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN __INCLUDINGEDISKPRIVEQU__ SET 1 EDiskDriveInfo record {DriveQElement},increment ; drive specific variables SLIMRegPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to hardware polling regs (SLIMs only) HWDepProcPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to HW dependent function handler proc HeaderInfoPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to header info if present FormatTime ds.l 1 ; time when disk last formatted FormatTicks ds.l 1 ; ticks when last formatted CheckSumPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to CheckSum table if present DataStartPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to first byte of data storage DataEndPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to last byte+1 of data storage MediaIconPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to media Icon and Mask DriveIconPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to drive Icon and Mask WhereStringPtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to GetInfo Where: string DriveInfo ds.l 1 ; longword for Return Drive Info call MountedFlag equ 0 ; disk inserted event successfully posted CreateWithXSums equ 1 ; create RAM EDisk with checksums by default EDiskProtect equ 2 ; EDisk data buffer is protected Flags ds.b 1 ; state flags DiskInPlaceInit ds.b 1 ; $02, $08, $48. Value for DiskInPlace when inserted InsertedMask equ (1<<3)-1 ; last 3 polls are relevant InsertedStatus ds.b 1 ; inserted status from last 8 polls align 4 ; long word align RamDiskSize ds.l 1 ; size of memory for RAM disk, in bytes WriteProtected ds.b 1 ; bit7=1=write protected DiskInPlace ds.b 1 ; 0 = no disk place, 1 or 2 = disk in place Installed ds.b 1 ; 0 = don't know, 1=installed, $FF=not installed Sides ds.b 1 ; bit7=0=single sided, bit7=1=double sided ; record origin is here (fields above have negative offsets) DriveQElement ds.b dQDrvSz2+2 ; standard drive queue element DQE equ DriveQElement ; just a shorter name EDiskDriveInfoSize equ *-EDiskDriveInfo; size of drive specific variables endr EDiskVars record 0,increment ; global variables used by driver FindDqePatch ds.w 3 ; either an RTS or JMP.L $xxxxxxxx PrimePatch ds.w 3 ; either an RTS or JMP.L $xxxxxxxx DCEpointer ds.l 1 ; pointer to device control entry Active ds.b 1 ; Indicates request in progress align 2 VTask ds.b vblPhase+2 ; Virtical Retrace Task info IconAndMaskSize equ ((32*32)/8)*2 ; room for Icon data and mask WhereStringSize equ 32 ; room for name string IconBuffer ds.b IconAndMaskSize WhereStringBuff ds.b WhereStringSize align 2 EDiskVarsSize equ * ; size of global variables used by driver endr eDiskPollRate equ 17 ; 17 ticks = 0.2833333 seconds ejectPolls equ 11 ; give up on eject after about 3 seconds ; EDisk Drive Types (for Return Drive Info control call) ramDiskType equ 16 ; EDisk allocated in system RAM space romDiskType equ 17 ; EDisk in expansion ROM space slimDiskType equ 18 ; EDisk on SLIM card ; EDisk header block EDiskHeader record 0,increment ; layout of the slim signature block HdrScratch ds.b 128 ; scratch space for r/w testing and vendor info HdrBlockSize ds.w 1 ; size of header block (512 bytes for version 1) HdrVersion ds.w 1 ; header version number (this is version 1) HdrSignature ds.b 12 ; 'EDisk Gary D' HdrDeviceSize ds.l 1 ; size of device, in bytes HdrFormatTime ds.l 1 ; time when last formatted (pseudo unique ID) HdrFormatTicks ds.l 1 ; ticks when last formatted (pseudo unique ID) HdrCheckSumOff ds.l 1 ; offset to CheckSum table if present HdrDataStartOff ds.l 1 ; offset to first byte of data storage HdrDataEndOff ds.l 1 ; offset to last byte+1 of data storage HdrMediaIconOff ds.l 1 ; offset to media Icon and Mask if present HdrDriveIconOff ds.l 1 ; offset to drive Icon and Mask if present HdrWhereStrOff ds.l 1 ; offset to GetInfo Where: string if present HdrDriveInfo ds.l 1 ; longword for Return Drive Info call if present ds.b 512-* ; rest of block is reserved EDiskHeaderSize equ * ; size of EDisk header block endr ; ;₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯ Ginty ROM Header ₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯₯ GintyHeader record 0,increment ; layout of the slim signature block HdrScratch ds.b 128 ; scratch space for r/w testing and vendor info HdrBlockSize ds.w 1 ; size of header block (512 bytes for version 1) HdrVersion ds.w 1 ; header version number (this is version 1) HdrSignature ds.b 12 ; 'Ginty HYGWGA' HdrDeviceSize ds.l 1 ; size of device, in bytes HdrFormatTime ds.l 1 ; time when last formatted (pseudo unique ID) HdrFormatTicks ds.l 1 ; ticks when last formatted (pseudo unique ID) HdrCheckSumOff ds.l 1 ; offset to CheckSum table if present HdrDataStartOff ds.l 1 ; offset to first byte of data storage HdrDataEndOff ds.l 1 ; offset to last byte+1 of data storage HdrMediaIconOff ds.l 1 ; offset to media Icon and Mask if present HdrDriveIconOff ds.l 1 ; offset to drive Icon and Mask if present HdrWhereStrOff ds.l 1 ; offset to GetInfo Where: string if present HdrDriveInfo ds.l 1 ; longword for Return Drive Info call if present HdrEDiskOffset ds.l 1 ; offset to EDisk driver HdrBootCode ds.l 1 ; offset to Patch code for loading EDisk driver and boot process ds.b 512-* ; rest of block is reserved GintyHdrSize equ * ; size of Ginty header block endr ; ; Internal ROM disks are aligned on 64KB boundarys starting in the system ROM ; and running up to the beginning of I/O space RomDiskAlign equ $00010000 ; aligned on 64K byte boundarys RomSpaceEnd equ $00E00000 ; don't search I/O space <1.2> ROMSize equ $00400000 ; search a 4mb ROM space ; EDisk parameter RAM usage slimsExist equ 7 ; bit 7 = 0, slims have never been seen ; bit 7 = 1, slims have been seen ramDiskPramAddr equ $AF ; PRam byte (bits 0-6) is RamDisk size / 64KB drvSizeCode equ $4544 ; Status code for drive size call <1.2> ; Function codes passed to HWDepProcPtr in register D0 CheckEDiskInserted equ 0 CheckEDiskReadOnly equ 1 EnableEDiskWrites equ 2 DisableEDiskWrites equ 3 EjectEDisk equ 4 ; SLIMs are mapped into RAM as follows slim0RamBase equ $00500000 ; SLIM 0 is mapped here in the address space slim1RamBase equ $00700000 ; SLIM 1 is mapped here in the address space ; SLIM register addresses, eventually move to HardwareEqu.a slimAdapterROM equ $00E00000 ; base of 64K rom on slim adapter slimAdapterInfo equ $00FC0200 ; address of slim adapter status reg slimsInstalled equ 3 ; bit 3 = 1 if slim adapter installed slim0RegBase equ $00F00000 ; register base for slim 0 (upper) slim1RegBase equ $00F00030 ; register base for slim 1 (lower) slimStatusReg equ $00000000 ; offset to slim status register *slimInserted equ 3 ; bit 3 = 1 if slim is inserted slimReadOnly equ 2 ; bit 2 = 1 if slim is ROM or Write Protected slimEjectReg equ $00000010 ; offset to slim eject control register slimNotEjecting equ 3 ; bit 3 = 1 if slim is not ejecting ; (buffers enabled) ; bit 3 = 0 to start eject and disable ; buffers (on falling edge) slimProtectReg equ $00000020 ; offset to slim write protect register slimNoWrites equ 3 ; bit 3 = 1 if software write protected ; Memory allocation equates for Edisk bRamDisk EQU $70000000 ; base of Ram Disk area (32 bit mode) MinRamDiskSize EQU $00030000 ; minimum disk size is 192k MaxRamDiskSize EQU $0FF00000 ; maximum disk size is 255MB MinHeapSize EQU $00260000 ; must have at least Ε2.5 megs free for heap ENDIF ; Already Included.