;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; File: GenericInterface.a ; ; Contains: This file contains the generic interface macros which are used to ; interface to the run time modules in the CTE kernel. These macros ; push arguments onto the stack, make the C style call, then clean up ; stack. ; ; This file was created on ; Thursday, August 9, 1990 9:34:48 AM using the MakeAsmInc script: ; ; MakeAsmInc genericinterface.h genericinterface.h.i ; ; Written by: Scott Smyers ; ; Copyright: © 1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 5/16/92 kc Roll in Horror changes. Comments follow: ;

3/6/92 AL Added the GIM_ExecuteDTM macro. Made changes to reflect the new ; CTE kernel (many of the macros were removed because they are not ; supported in CTE v2.1). Executed the ; h_to_.i tool on the genericinterface.h file and ; created the genericinterface.h.i file, then copied the entire ; contents into this file. ; <2> 1/24/91 CCH Rolled in changes from Scott Smyers. ; <1> 8/31/90 SS first checked in ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF &TYPE('_GenericInterface_')='UNDEFINED' THEN _GenericInterface_ EQU 1 ; ; GenericInterface.a ; ; Calls: int GI_InitInterface(void *globs, long size) ; ; IMPORT GI_InitInterface paramCntOf_GI_InitInterface EQU 2 MACRO GIM_InitInterface &globs, &size move.l &size,-(sp) pea &globs bigjsr GI_InitInterface,a0 add.l #4*paramCntOf_GI_InitInterface,sp ENDM ; Calls: LONG ExecuteDTM(CTEInfo *kernelInfo, ; CTEDTMExecutionOptions *executionOptions, ; CTETestInfo *testInfo, ; CTESubtestInfo *subtestInfo, ; CTEDTMExecutionResults *executionResults) ; ; IMPORT GI_ExecuteDTM paramCntOf_GI_ExecuteDTM EQU 5 MACRO GIM_ExecuteDTM &kernelInfo, &executionOptions, &testInfo, &subtestInfo, &executionResults pea &executionResults pea &subtestInfo pea &testInfo pea &executionOptions pea &kernelInfo bigjsr GI_ExecuteDTM,a0 add.l #4*paramCntOf_GI_ExecuteDTM,sp ENDM ; Generic Interface functions that manage the CTE Workspace. ; Calls: void *GI_AllocPermMem(CTEGlobals *globs, int size) ; ; IMPORT GI_AllocPermMem paramCntOf_GI_AllocPermMem EQU 2 MACRO GIM_AllocPermMem &globs, &size move.l &size,-(sp) pea &globs bigjsr GI_AllocPermMem,a0 add.l #4*paramCntOf_GI_AllocPermMem,sp ENDM ; Calls: void *GI_AllocTempMem(CTEGlobals *globs, int size) ; ; IMPORT GI_AllocTempMem paramCntOf_GI_AllocTempMem EQU 2 MACRO GIM_AllocTempMem &globs, &size move.l &size,-(sp) pea &globs bigjsr GI_AllocTempMem,a0 add.l #4*paramCntOf_GI_AllocTempMem,sp ENDM ; Calls: void GI_FreeTempMem(CTEGlobals *globs) ; ; IMPORT GI_FreeTempMem paramCntOf_GI_FreeTempMem EQU 1 MACRO GIM_FreeTempMem &globs pea &globs bigjsr GI_FreeTempMem,a0 add.l #4*paramCntOf_GI_FreeTempMem,sp ENDM ; Generic Interface functions that allow access the the CTE globals. ; Calls: NumVersion *GI_GetVersion(CTEGlobals *globs) ; ; IMPORT GI_GetVersion paramCntOf_GI_GetVersion EQU 1 MACRO GIM_GetVersion &globs pea &globs bigjsr GI_GetVersion,a0 add.l #4*paramCntOf_GI_GetVersion,sp ENDM ; Calls: char *GI_GetCommentary(CTEGlobals *globs) ; ; IMPORT GI_GetCommentary paramCntOf_GI_GetCommentary EQU 1 MACRO GIM_GetCommentary &globs pea &globs bigjsr GI_GetCommentary,a0 add.l #4*paramCntOf_GI_GetCommentary,sp ENDM ; Calls: CTEDTMExecutionOptions GI_GetDefaultExecutionOptions(void) ; ; IMPORT GI_GetDefaultExecutionOptions paramCntOf_GI_GetDefaultExecutionOptions EQU 0 MACRO GIM_GetDefaultExecutionOptions bigjsr GI_GetDefaultExecutionOptions,a0 ENDM ENDIF ;_GenericInterface_