/* File: DiskInit.r Contains: All resources used by the disk init PACK-2. Written by: Philip Koch, June 1990. Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): <9> 3/27/92 DTY Set resSysHeap bit on 'PACK' resource. <8> 2/10/92 JSM Moved this file to DiskInit folder, keeping all the old revisions. <7> 7/2/91 JSM Remove obsolete SystemSevenOrLater conditionals. <6> 12/18/90 stb & JDR; change SystemSevenOrBetter to SystemSevenOrLater <5> 10/5/90 dba center the dialog <4> 8/27/90 PK Add itNewFormat message for future volume formats. <3> 7/24/90 RLC Update help strings to latest from J.Trumble. <2> 7/24/90 RLC Change explicit #include of BalloonTypes.r to get it from {RIncludes}. <1> 6/21/90 PK first checked in */ #include "Types.r" #include "BalloonTypes.r" #define DiskInitID -6079 Include $$Shell("ObjDir")"DiskInit.a.rsrc" 'RSRC' (0) as 'PACK' (2, sysHeap, purgeable); Include $$Shell("ObjDir")"DiskInitHFS.a.rsrc" 'RSRC' (0) as 'FMTR' (DiskInitID); resource 'DLOG' (DiskInitID, purgeable) { {60, 120, 158, 405}, dBoxProc, visible, noGoAway, 0, DiskInitID, "", alertPositionMainScreen }; #define HIDE 16384 /* Constant used by HideDItem and ShowDItem */ resource 'DITL' (DiskInitID) { { {10, 15, 42, 47}, Icon { disabled, -6079 }, // 1 Icon {69, HIDE+196, 90, HIDE+270}, Button { enabled, "Initialize" }, // 2 InitBut {69, HIDE+15, 90, HIDE+89}, Button { enabled, "Eject" }, // 3 EjectBut {69, HIDE+106, 90, HIDE+180}, Button { enabled, "OK" }, // 4 OkBut {29, HIDE+62, 45, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "Do you want to initialize it?" }, // 5 InitIt {29, HIDE+65, 45, HIDE+267}, EditText { enabled, "Untitled" }, // 6 NameText {7, HIDE+62, 23, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "This disk is unreadable:" }, // 7 UnReadable {7, HIDE+62, 23, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "This disk is damaged:" }, // 8 Damaged {7, HIDE+62, 23, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "This is not a Macintosh disk:" }, // 9 NotMacDisk {7, HIDE+62, 23, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "Please name this disk:" }, //10 NameDisk {7, HIDE+62, 23, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "Formatting diskÉ" }, //11 Formatting {29, HIDE+62, 54, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "" }, //12 UndoInitIt {7, HIDE+62, 23, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "Initialization failed!" }, //13 InitFailed {7, HIDE+62, 23, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "Initialize this disk?" }, //14 InitThis {7, HIDE+62, 23, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "This is a two-sided disk!" }, //15 2SidedDisk {69, HIDE+106, 90, HIDE+180}, Button { enabled, "One-Sided" }, //16 1SidedBut {69, HIDE+196, 90, HIDE+270}, Button { enabled, "Two-Sided" }, //17 2SidedBut {69, HIDE+15, 90, HIDE+89}, Button { enabled, "Cancel" }, //18 CancelBut {29, HIDE+62, 45, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "This disk is write-protected!" }, //19 WrProtected {7, HIDE+62, 54, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "^0" }, //20 ParamText {7, HIDE+62, 23, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "Verifying FormatÉ" }, //21 Verifying {7, HIDE+62, 23, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "Creating DirectoryÉ" }, //22 CreatingDir {29, HIDE+62, 45, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "There are open files on this disk." },//23 FilesBusy {7, HIDE+62, 54, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, //24 GCRonMFM "This disk is improperly formatted for use in this drive. " "Do you want to initialize it?" }, {7, HIDE+62, 54, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, //25 WarnMsg "This process will erase all information on this disk." }, {69, HIDE+15, 90, HIDE+89}, Button { enabled, "Cancel" }, //26 WarnCancel {69, HIDE+196, 90, HIDE+270}, Button { enabled, "Erase" }, //27 WarnErase {10, HIDE+15, 42, HIDE+47}, Icon { disabled, 2 }, //28 WarnIcon {7, HIDE+62, 23, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, "Re-Verifying FormatÉ" }, //29 ReVerifying {69, HIDE+106, 90, HIDE+180}, Button { enabled, "OK" }, //30 FailedOkBut {7, HIDE+62, 54, HIDE+284}, StaticText { disabled, //31 NewFormat "This disk uses a new format not supported by the system software on this Macintosh." }, {0,0,0,0}, UserItem { disabled }, //32 UserItem {0,0,0,0}, HelpItem { disabled, HMScanhdlg { DiskInitID }} //33 HelpMsgs } }; resource 'ICON' (DiskInitID, purgeable) { $"7FFFFFF0 80800208 8000A004 80800202" $"80011002 80800202 80011002 80800202" $"8000A002 80800202 802AA802 80000002" $"80000002 80000002 80000002 82AAAA82" $"80000002 88000022 80000002 88000022" $"80000002 88000022 80000002 88000022" $"80000002 88000022 80000002 88000022" $"80000002 88000022 80000002 7FFFFFFC" }; resource 'hdlg' (DiskInitID) { HelpMgrVersion, // Help Version 0, // offset to 1st item 0, // options 0, // theProc 0, // variant HMSkipItem {}, // skip missing message { HMStringResItem { // 1 - Icon {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 1, DiskInitID, 1, DiskInitID, 1, DiskInitID, 1 }, HMStringResItem { // 2 - InitBut {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 2, DiskInitID, 2, DiskInitID, 2, DiskInitID, 2 }, HMStringResItem { // 3 - EjectBut {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 3, DiskInitID, 3, DiskInitID, 3, DiskInitID, 3 }, HMStringResItem { // 4 - OkBut {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 4, DiskInitID, 4, DiskInitID, 4, DiskInitID, 4 }, HMStringResItem { // 5 - InitIt {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5 }, HMStringResItem { // 6 - NameText {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 6, DiskInitID, 6, DiskInitID, 6, DiskInitID, 6 }, HMStringResItem { // 7 - UnReadable {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 7, DiskInitID, 7, DiskInitID, 7, DiskInitID, 7 }, HMStringResItem { // 8 - Damaged {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 8, DiskInitID, 8, DiskInitID, 8, DiskInitID, 8 }, HMStringResItem { // 9 - NotMacDisk {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 9, DiskInitID, 9, DiskInitID, 9, DiskInitID, 9 }, HMStringResItem { // 10 - NameDisk {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 6, DiskInitID, 6, DiskInitID, 6, DiskInitID, 6 }, HMStringResItem { // 11 - Formatting {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 0, // no relinquish while formatting DiskInitID,0, DiskInitID,0, DiskInitID,0 }, HMStringResItem { // 12 - UndoInitIt {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 0, // this item zeroes out a portion of the screen DiskInitID,0, DiskInitID,0, DiskInitID,0 }, HMStringResItem { // 13 - InitFailed {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 10, DiskInitID, 10, DiskInitID, 10, DiskInitID, 10 }, HMStringResItem { // 14 - InitThis {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5 }, HMStringResItem { // 15 - 2SidedDisk {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 11, DiskInitID, 11, DiskInitID, 11, DiskInitID, 11 }, HMStringResItem { // 16 - 1SidedBut {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 12, DiskInitID, 12, DiskInitID, 12, DiskInitID, 12 }, HMStringResItem { // 17 - 2SidedBut {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 13, DiskInitID, 13, DiskInitID, 13, DiskInitID, 13 }, HMStringResItem { // 18 - CancelBut {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 3, DiskInitID, 3, DiskInitID, 3, DiskInitID, 3 }, HMStringResItem { // 19 - WrProtected {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 14, DiskInitID, 14, DiskInitID, 14, DiskInitID, 14 }, HMStringResItem { // 20 - ParamText {23,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5 }, HMStringResItem { // 21 - Verifying {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 0, // no relinquish verifyingÉ DiskInitID,0, DiskInitID,0, DiskInitID,0 }, HMStringResItem { // 22 - CreatingDir {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 0, // no relinquish creating dirÉ DiskInitID,0, DiskInitID,0, DiskInitID,0 }, HMStringResItem { // 23 - FilesBusy {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 15, DiskInitID, 15, DiskInitID, 15, DiskInitID, 15 }, HMStringResItem { // 24 - GCRonMFM {23,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 16, DiskInitID, 16, DiskInitID, 16, DiskInitID, 16 }, HMStringResItem { // 25 - WarnMsg {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5 }, HMStringResItem { // 26 - WarnCancel {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 3, DiskInitID, 3, DiskInitID, 3, DiskInitID, 3 }, HMStringResItem { // 27 - WarnErase {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 2, DiskInitID, 2, DiskInitID, 2, DiskInitID, 2 }, HMStringResItem { // 28 - WarnIcon {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5, DiskInitID, 5 }, HMStringResItem { // 29 - ReVerifying {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 0, // no relinquish doing thisÉ DiskInitID,0, DiskInitID,0, DiskInitID,0 }, HMStringResItem { // 30 - FailedOkBut {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 10, DiskInitID, 10, DiskInitID, 10, DiskInitID, 10 }, HMStringResItem { // 31 - NewFormat {8,20}, {0,0,0,0}, DiskInitID, 9, DiskInitID, 9, DiskInitID, 9, DiskInitID, 9 } } }; resource 'STR#' (DiskInitID, purgeable) { { "This icon shows you the location of the disk you are about to erase or " "initialize."; // 1. the disk icons /* [48] Erase disk/Disk initialization, FDHD floppy:1st dialog:Initialize button, Normal */ "To erase or initialize the selected disk, click this button."; // 2. init and erase buttons /* [44] Erase disk/Disk initialization, normal floppy:1st dialog:Cancel button, Normal */ "If you decide not to erase or initialize the selected disk, click this " "button."; // 3. eject and cancel buttons /* [52] Erase disk/Disk initialization, normal floppy:3rd dialog: OK button, Normal */ "After you have typed a name for the disk, click this button to initialize " "the disk."; // 4. OK button typing disk name ""; /* "TEMPORARY: Initializing the disk will erase all information (if any) " // 5. msgs that ask to erase "on it. Click Eject or Cancel to abort the operation."; */ /* [51] Erase disk/Disk initialization, normal floppy:3rd dialog: Typing area, Normal */ "Type a name for the disk in this box."; // 6. name this disk txt and box ""; /* "TEMPORARY: This is normal if the disk is brand new (blank), but can also " // 7. "this disk is unreadable" "happen if I/O errors occur trying to read a formatted disk."; */ ""; /* "TEMPORARY: The directory information on this disk has been garbled, " // 8. "this disk is damaged" "probably due to a software error. It might be repairable by a " "utility such as Disk First Aidª. The disk is not damaged physically."; */ ""; /* "TEMPORARY: The disk was not created on a Macintosh computer, and " // 9. "this is not a mac disk" "therefore cannot be used except possibly by Apple File Exchangeª " "or a similar utility."; */ ""; /* "TEMPORARY: The disk could not be initialized. Usually, this is because " //10. "Initialization failed!" "the disk has a physical defect, although it might be due to a dirty or " "malfunctioning disk drive. Click OK to continue."; */ ""; /* "TEMPORARY: You have tried to use a 2-sided disk in a 1-sided drive, which "//11. "This is a 2-sided disk!" "is not possible. However, the disk can be re-initialized on just one " "side for use on this drive."; */ /* [45] Erase disk/Disk initialization, normal floppy:1st dialog:One sided button, Normal */ "To initialize the selected disk as a one-sided, 400K disk, click this " "button."; //12. 1-sided button /* [46] Erase disk/Disk initialization, normal floppy:1st dialog:Two sided button, Normal */ "To initialize the selected disk as a two-sided, 800K disk, click this " "button."; //13. 2-sided button ""; /* "TEMPORARY: The disk cannot be initialized until the small tab on the " //14. "this disk is write protected!" "corner of the disk has been moved back to expose the square hole."; */ ""; /* "TEMPORARY: The disk cannot be initialized while some application is using "//15. "open files on this disk!" "a file on it."; */ ""; /* "TEMPORARY: It appears that this FDHD (1440K) disk was initialized on an " //16. "improperly formatted!" "800K drive, which makes it unuseable on a FDHD drive. Re-initializing " "it for 1440K may make it useable, though it will destroy its previous " "contents."; */ }};