; ; File: CacheIO.a ; ; Contains: These routines provide disk IO for the TFS caching routines. ; ; Written by: Bill Bruffey ; ; Copyright: © 1985-1994 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 1/29/94 DCB Roll in changes from MissingLink to support Async SCSI. ; 2/17/93 CSS Save additional registers in BasicIO's completion routine. Per ; Radar bug #1063342. ; 4/1/92 kc Rolled in PatchBasicIO from FileMgrPatches.a. ; ¥ Pre-SuperMario comments follow ¥ ; <2> 9/10/91 JSM Add a header. ; <1.2> 3/2/89 DNF removed references to forROM; HFS now builds identically for ram ; or rom ; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header. ; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE. ; <¥1.1> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles ; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ ; 9/25/86 BB Updated to use new MPW equate files. ; 9/15/86 BB Modified WriteBlock to fix problem with tag set up for volume ; blocks. ; 9/15/86 BB Modified BasicIO to fix asynch problem and OffLinErr problem. ; 10/22/85 LAK Added ReadOwnBuf, WriteOwnBuf for local buffer support. ; 10/2/85 LAK Added vectored routines for ROM assembly. ; 10/1/85 LAK Added routines RdBlocks and WrBlocks. Added Ref of TFSVCBTst. ; ALL I/O now goes thru one routine, BasicIO. ; 9/10/85 LAK Pass OffLinErr thru as OffLinErr for Mount problems. ; 9/9/85 LAK Pass OffLinErr thru as VolOffLinErr for Mount problems. ; 8/9/85 BB Modified to use VCB pointer in CQH. ; 8/1/85 BB Added code to set up tag data. ; 7/14/85 PWD Changed I/O completion routine to check for synchronous driver ; behavior, and avoid stacking trap completions. ; 6/12/85 BB Added code to check for A6 stack overflow and to maintain the ; stack 'high water mark'. ; 5/16/85 BB Cleaned the code up some. ; 3/26/85 BB Modified to support both file and volume IO. ; 3/16/85 BB Added asynchronous IO. ; 3/16/85 BB Renamed from TFSIO to CacheIO. ; 3/15/85 BB Modified to use A6 stack. ; 1/19/85 BB Extracted from Cache routines. ; ; ;_________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; External ; Routines: ReadBlock - Reads a block from disk into a cache buffer. ; WriteBlock - Writes a block to disk from a cache buffer. ; RdBlocks - read a contiguous set of disk blocks to user's buffer ; WrBlocks - read a contiguous set of disk blocks to user's buffer ; ; Vectored routines: ; ; Four routines have been vectored to enable an alternative cacheing scheme to ; replace the default one. The vectors were placed to allow the replacing of ; the Cache routines (GetBlock, RelBlock, etc.) while retaining the low-level ; I/O routines which are not cache-specific (RdBlocks, WrBlocks, SetUpTags, and ; BasicIO). Note that ReadBlock and WriteBlock are cache-specific up to BasicIO. ; ;_________________________________________________________________________________ BLANKS ON STRING ASIS PRINT OFF LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' include 'SysPrivateEqu.a' include 'FileMgrPrivate.a' include 'SCSI.a' include 'SCSIPriv.a' PRINT ON PRINT NOGEN CacheIO PROC EXPORT EXPORT ReadBlock,WriteBlock,RdBlocks,WrBlocks EXPORT ReadOwnBuf,WriteOwnBuf ; <22Oct85> EXPORT vBasicIO,vRdBlocks,vWrBlocks,vSetUpTags EXPORT SCSINotBusy IMPORT TFSVCBTst ;_________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine ReadBlock (Read Block) ; ; Function: Reads a block from disk into a specified cache buffer. ; ; Input: A3.L - CQH pointer ; A4.L - CBH pointer ; ; Output: D0.W - error code ; 0 = ok ; other = error ; ; Called by: GetBlock ;_________________________________________________________________________________ ReadOwnBuf ReadBlock MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack MOVEM.L D1-D7/A0-A5,-(A6) ; Save away almost all registers on TFS stack MOVEQ #0,D1 ; indicate 'read' operation BRA.S RWSetup ; use common code -> ;_________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine WriteBlock (Write Block) ; ; Function: Writes contents of cache buffer to disk ; ; Input: A3.L - CQH pointer ; A4.L - CBH pointer ; ; Output: D0.W - error code ; 0 = ok ; other = error ; ; Called by: FlushCache,GetBlock,RelBlock ;_________________________________________________________________________________ WriteOwnBuf ; A2=VCB ptr, A4=OwnBuf ptr - CBHData, (A1,D1)=FCB Ptr MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack <22Oct85> MOVEM.L D1-D7/A0-A5,-(A6) ; Save almost all regs on TFS stack <22Oct85> BRA.S WrBlkCom ; share code <22Oct85> WriteBlock MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack MOVEM.L D1-D7/A0-A5,-(A6) ; Save away almost all registers on TFS stack ; set up tag data MOVEA.L CBHVCBPtr(A4),A2 ; A2 = VCB ptr MOVE.L CBHDBlk(A4),D0 ; pass D0=disk blk if not a file blk <02Oct85> MOVE.W CBHFRefNum(A4),D1 ; file refnum or 0 BEQ.S TagCont ; br if volume block <15Sep86> WrBlkCom MOVE.L FCBSPtr,A1 ; pass A1=FCB ptr for files MOVE.L CBHFlBlk(A4),D0 ; ...file block number TagCont ; <15Sep86> BSR SetUpTags ; share code with WrBlocks MOVEQ #1,D1 ; indicate 'write' operation ; set up IO parameter block (ReadBlock code joins here) RWSetUp LEA Params,A0 ; use FS IO param block MOVE.W VCBDrvNum(A2),IODrvNum(A0) ; drive number MOVE.W VCBDRefNum(A2),IORefNum(A0) ; driver refnum LEA CBHData(A4),A1 ; addr(cache buffer) MOVE.L A1,IOBuffer(A0) ; MOVE.W #1,IOPosMode(A0) ; position mode 1 (from disk start) MOVE.L #BufSiz,IOByteCount(A0) ; always r/w 512 bytes <22Oct85> MOVE.L CBHDBlk(A4),D0 ; physical disk block IF HFSDebug THEN BNE.S @1 ; should never be zero _HFSDebug $420 @1 ENDIF LSL.L #8,D0 ; ...x 512 ADD.L D0,D0 ; MOVE.L D0,IOPosOffset(A0) ; ... gives disk address ;_______________________________________; ; ; All I/O goes through this routine . . . ;_______________________________________; BasicIO: MOVE.L jBasicIO,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for BasicIO <02Oct85> RTS ; go there <02Oct85> vBasicIO ; 'vectored' BasicIO routine <02Oct85> VolatileRegs REG A0-A1/D1-D2 MOVE.L A6,HFSStkPtr ; save stack ptr IF HFSDebug THEN TST.W IODrvNum(A0) ; should never be zero BNE.S @1 ; br if not _HFSDebug $421 @1 MOVE.L HFSStkTop,D0 ; check for stack overflow SUBI.L #HFSStkLen,D0 ; CMP.L A6,D0 ; BLE.S @2 ; ok -> _HFSDebug HFSStkOvf @2 ENDIF ; read/write the disk block TST.B FSCallAsync ; was FS call async? BNE.S rwAsync ; br if so (keep it that way) TST.B D1 ; 'read' operation? BNE.S @3 ; no, must be a 'write' -> _Read ; read it synchronously BRA.S RWCont1 ; then continue @3 _Write ; write it synchronously BRA.S RWCont1 ; then continue rwAsync ; We're about to send an async request to a driver. We have to make sure that ; that request isn't going to collide with another SCSI transaction. ; ; Old (synchronous) SCSI drivers (pre-7.2 HD Setup and 3rd parties') have no ; way of responding to a a request if they attempt to get the SCSI bus and fail ; because the bus is busy. There is no easy way for them to yield asynchronously ; and resume execution when the bus is free. In other words, even though we're sending ; them an async request, they handle it synchronously. ; Under System 7.0, file sharing causes File System I/O to occur at deferred ; task time, making it quite likely that I/O will collide with an already executing ; SCSI transaction, such as one started by CD-Remote or a scanner. Although the new ; async SCSI Manger eliminates this problem for drivers that use the new asynchronous ; API, we still have to handle old drivers that use the old SCSI Manager API., we'll have to settle for avoiding situations where SCSI transactions will ; collide. To do this, there's support in the SCSI Manager to call the vector ; jFSSCSIWakeUp every single time the SCSI manager frees the SCSI bus. ; ; All interrupt-level users of the old SCSI Manager interface free the bus up ; before returning. i.e. they aren't asynchronous users of the bus. So, we only ; have to worry about interrupting event-level users of the bus. We are also assuming ; that any other interrupt-level users of the bus (such as polling routines for CD-ROMs ; or removables) know how to deal with a busy bus, i.e. they figured all this out too. ; Check to see if the lucky driver is in the old synchronous SCSI driver range. This ; check assumes that all drivers that have loaded themselves above this range are ; asynchronous (i.e. any multi-bus aware drivers must be asynchronous). MOVE.W IORefNum(A0), D0 ; get refNum CMP.W #$FFDF, D0 ; below old SCSI driver range? (FFDF=ID 0) BHI.S SCSINotBusy ; yes-> not an old SCSI refNum CMP.W #$FFD9, D0 ; above? (FFD7=ID 6) BLO.S SCSINotBusy ; yes-> not an old SCSI refNum ; it is an old SCSI refNum: MOVEM.L VolatileRegs, -(sp) ; save across _SCSIBusy CLR.W -(sp) ; space for function result _SCSIBusy ; is the SCSI bus busy? TST.W (sp)+ MOVEM.l (sp)+, VolatileRegs BEQ.S SCSINotBusy ; no -> make call to driver ; yes: make fsSCSIDefer and return (asynchronously) MOVEM.L D1-D7/A0-A5,-(A6) ; Save away almost all registers on TFS stack MOVE.L A6,HFSStkPtr ; save stack ptr BSET.B #fsSCSIDefer, FSBusy ; remind ourselves that we're waiting for SCSI RTS SCSINotBusy LEA RWIOComp,A1 ; IO completion address MOVE.L A1,IOCompletion(A0) ; BCLR #HFSContd,HFSFlags ; Clear 'premature-continuation' flag TST.B D1 ; 'read' operation? BNE.S @1 ; no, must be a 'write' -> _Read ,ASYNC ; read it asynchronously BRA.S @2 ; @1 _Write ,ASYNC ; write it asynchronously @2 BEQ.S @3 ; br if no immediate error TST.W IOResult(A0) ; immediate error? for sure? BLE.S RWCont ; br if so (otherwise, driver just ; passed back some garbage . . .) @3 BSET #HFSContd,HFSFlags ; We're now returning from the trap BNE.S RWCont1 ; If we already returned, do I/O comp. now RWRTS RTS ; return to caller (complete asynchronously) ; IO completion routine RWIOComp BSET #HFSContd,HFSFlags ; We're continuing now BEQ.S RWRTS ; If trap didn't really return ,ASYNC ; ... then RTS now (we'll be back) RWCont MOVEM.L D1-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ; preserve all significant registers PEA RWCont2 ; return to here to restore regs RWCont1 MOVEA.L HFSStkPtr,A6 ; Recover HFS' private stack pointer MOVEM.L (A6)+,D1-D7/A0-A5 ; Retrieve registers off A6 stack MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; pop ret address off HFS stack TST.W D0 ; any errors? BEQ.S @1 ; br if not CMP.W #OffLinErr,D0 ; Offline? BEQ.S @1 ; br if so CMP.W #notEnoughMemoryErr,D0 ; was VM able to hold down enough physical memory? BEQ.S @1 ; send this error through MOVE.W D0,FSIOErr ; save original error for debugging MOVEQ #IOErr,D0 ; transform it to generic IO error @1 TST.W D0 ; set up condition codes RTS ; return to caller with error code RWCont2 MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D7/A0-A6 ; restore significant registers RTS ; we're done with it! ;_________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RdBlocks, WrBlocks ; ; Function: Read/write a consecutive number of blocks from/to the disk. The I/O ; is done directly to/from the user's buffer. This routine is in the ; cache to allow future caching schemes to buffer entire files if the ; room exists. ; ; Input: A0.L - user parameter block ptr ; (A1,D1.W) - FCB pointer ; A2.L - VCB Ptr ; D3.L - disk start block ; D6.L - bytecount to read/write ; ; Output: D0.W - error code ; All other registers preserved ; ; Called by: CacheRdIP,CacheWrIP ; ;_________________________________________________________________________________ RdBlocks: MOVE.L jRdBlocks,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vRdBlocks <02Oct85> RTS ; go there <02Oct85> vRdBlocks ; 'vectored' RdBlocks routine <02Oct85> MOVEQ #0,D0 ; indicate 'read' operation <01Oct85> ; RWBlksSub sets up the read/write block RWBlksSub: MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; save caller's addr <01Oct85> MOVEM.L D1-D7/A0-A5,-(A6) ; Save away almost all registers on HFS stack MOVE.L IOBuffer(A0),A5 ; user buffer address ADD.L IOActCount(A0),A5 ; buffer start + count so far = target MOVE D0,D1 ; save r/w indication MOVEQ #$40,D0 ; bit 6 mask AND.B IOPosMode+1(A0),D0 ; save verify mode bit LEA Params,A0 ; fixed file system I/O param block MOVE.W VCBDRefNum(A2),IORefNum(A0) ; driver refnum MOVE.W VCBDrvNum(A2),IODrvNum(A0) ; tell it which drive we want MOVE.L A5,IOBuffer(A0) ; buffer address MOVE.L D6,IOReqCount(A0) ; block size MOVE.W #1,IOPosMode(A0) ; position mode 1 (from disk start) OR.B D0,IOPosMode+1(A0) ; pass verify bit on to the disk driver MOVE.L D3,D0 ; convert from block to byte address LSL.L #8,D0 ; ...x 512 ADD.L D0,D0 ; MOVE.L D0,IOPosOffset(A0) ; absolute address BRA BasicIO ; head for the I/O sphincter WrBlocks: MOVE.L jWrBlocks,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vWrBlocks <02Oct85> RTS ; go there <02Oct85> vWrBlocks ; 'vectored' WrBlocks routine <02Oct85> MOVE.L D5,D0 ; current file position LSR.L #8,D0 ; form current file block LSR.L #1,D0 ; start file block BSR.S SetUpTags MOVEQ #1,D0 ; indicate 'write' operation BRA.S RWBlksSub ; share code with read SetUpTags: MOVE.L jSetUpTags,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vSetUpTags <02Oct85> RTS ; go there <02Oct85> vSetUpTags ; 'vectored' SetUpTags routine <02Oct85> TST.W D1 ; is it a file block? BEQ.S @3 ; br if not MOVE.L FCBFlNm(A1,D1),BufTgFNum ; set up file number MOVE.L D0,BufTgFFlg ; ...file block number MOVE.B FCBMdRByt(A1,D1),BufTgFFlg ; ...flags byte MOVE.L FCBFType(A1,D1),HFSTagData ; set Finder file type MOVE.L FCBDirID(A1,D1),HFSTagData+4 ; ...and parent DirID @1 JSR TFSVCBTst ; is it MFS or is it HFS? <01Oct85> BNE.S @4 ; br if not Memorex <01Oct85> MOVE.L VCBWrCnt(A2),BufTgDate ; set write count in tag data <01Oct85> ADDQ.L #1,VCBWrCnt(A2) ; bump volume write count <01Oct85> @2 RTS ; set up for non-file block . . . @3 MOVE.L D0,BufTgFFlg ; filblk = logical block on volume MOVEQ #FSRtParID,D0 MOVE.L D0,BufTgFNum ; filnum = parent DirID of root CLR.L HFSTagData ; no HFS tag data for volume level IO CLR.L HFSTagData+4 ; BRA.S @1 ; rejoin @4 MOVE.L Time,BufTgDate ; use date for MFS <01Oct85> RTS END