{ File: BuiltInVideoExtension.p Contains: Built-in Video Monitors (cdev) Extension for IIci and IIsi. Written by: Jim Straus/Mike Puckett Copyright: © 1989-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. This file is used in these builds: Mac32 BigBang Sys606 Change History (most recent first): <4> 1/23/91 stb BBM: change spParamData in SpBlock type from Ptr to a LONGINT; <3> 1/7/91 JDR (dba) Devices.p now has the Monitors extensions, so I've removed them from this file. <2> 12/14/90 dba get rid of redundant RectPtr declaration, now in Types.p <1> 10/6/90 jmp Name change from VideoExtensionIIci.p to BuiltInVideoExtension.p. ThatÕs all! <11> 10/6/90 jmp Cleaned up changes I made on 10/2/90 -- no functionality changes; changed name of file from VideoExtensionIIci.p to BuiltInVideoExtension.p to reflect that it is used for more than just the IIci. <10> 10/4/90 JAL changed spStackPtr to spParamData to match change in Slots.p interface file. <9> 10/2/90 jmp NEEDED FOR 7.0: In version 4.4b2 of Monitors, I effectively removed the CodeValueOK code so that developers could have the entire LONGINT range of values. However, several third-party extensions were relying on Monitors reserving values 1-255 as error return values. So, in Monitors 4.4b3, I put the CodeValueOK code back in. This change, then, was made so that superUser vs. normalUser modes can be remembered across calls in the built-in extension (i.e., I added a call to NewHandle at startupMsg time, and a call to DisposHandle at okMsg/cancelMsg time). <8> 9/29/90 jmp NEEDED FOR 7.0: For version 4.4b2 of Monitors and later, this extension now always comes up; changing memory allocation for RBV is no longer considered an ÒexpertÓ feature -- especially with the memory constraints imposed by System 7.0. This extension works on 6.0.x Systems as well. <7> 8/23/90 jmp Added MPW3.0 conditional for C2PStr. IÕm not sure which MPW objects SixPack or 7.0 are built with; I use MPW 3.2 myself. <6> 8/18/90 jmp NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Cleaned up changes that were made on July 3rd -- Get1Resource vs GetResource problem. Also, replaced the call of WeirdStatus to PBStatus, and brought GetTypesRsrc in-line (i.e., there is now no dependecy of this file on VideoExtensionIIci.a). I also fixed a problem in GetCardName that only occured when 32-bit addressing is activated (same change that was made to the NuMonitors.p source); this problem caused the built-in video radio buttons dialog to not show up. Finally, I fixed the window updating problems that were showing up under System 7.0. <5> 7/3/90 jmp I added to the comments for the previous fix (number <4>). No code changes were made. See the <5> comment block in the EDialog routine. <4> 7/3/90 DDG NEEDED FOR SIXPACK: Fixed resource reference problem. <3> 6/18/90 JBS NEEDED FOR SIXPACK-Merged ci/erickson extension with elsie resources <2> 1/3/90 CCH Change name of Gestalt interface file. <1.0> 8/3/89 JBS FOR 6.0.4 BUILD - Mac IIci Monitors extension code added to build. To Do: } UNIT MNTR; INTERFACE USES GestaltEqu, Errors, Devices, Slots, Video, Start, QuickDraw, OSUtils, Desk, SysEqu, Menus, Windows, Dialogs, Lists, Fonts, Memory, Packages, PaletteMgr, Resources, ROMDefs, ToolUtils, Strings, PasLibIntf; {$D-} {No debug checking} {$R-} {Zap range checking again, in case USEd units set it} CONST SlotCount = 15; {Maximum number of slots we deal with} MonitorsMem = $C2E; {Monitors low memory global} divLineItem = 1; {the items in our DITL} bwOnlyItem = 2; {the four radio buttons. Must be together and in order} fourItem = 3; sixteenItem = 4; twoFiftySixItem = 5; rect1Item = 6; {the various rectangles for max depths -- thereÕs got to be} rect2Item = 7; { a better way!} rect3Item = 8; titleItem = 9; memoryItem = 10; buttonDistance = 20; {how far the buttons are apart. Used to shrink the RECT resource} memRoundFactor = $8000; {size to round memory amounts by} spFlagAll = 1; {flags that can be set for spParamData} spFlagOneSlot = 2; spFlagNext = 4; cscSetDefault = 9; {csCode to the driver to get and set the video default} rExtensionId = -4096; {use localID and baseID as calculated in code instead} rLocalId = -4080; Mac2ID = $86; PortraitID = $81; IIGSID = $82; SEID = $87; IDMask = $E7; {????} numShow = 2; {localID to localID+numShow are the cards on which we should be} {visible; i.e. we won't show up ever on an Elsie or Eclipse.} errorValue = 1; {returned in monitorValue when the extension canÕt be started up} TYPE LongPtr = ^LONGINT; LongHdl = ^LongPtr; QDGlobals = RECORD randSeed: LONGINT; screenBits: BitMap; arrow: Cursor; dkGray: Pattern; ltGray: Pattern; gray: Pattern; black: Pattern; white: Pattern; thePort: GrafPtr; END; QDGlobalsPtr = ^QDGlobals; { August 15, 1990 jmp mod -- added this definition for ease of use with PBStatus, which is replacing the calls to WeirdStatus. (I.e., ThereÕs nothing weird about _Status except in the high-level glue, and who needs it anyway.) } VideoParamBlock = RECORD qLink: QElemPtr; qType: INTEGER; ioTrap: INTEGER; ioCmdAddr: Ptr; ioCompletion: ProcPtr; ioResult: OSErr; ioNamePtr: StringPtr; ioVRefNum: INTEGER; ioRefNum: INTEGER; csCode: INTEGER; csParam: Ptr; END; VideoParamBlockPtr = ^VideoParamBlock; ScrnRecord = RECORD {'scrn' info for each screen} srDrvrHW: INTEGER; {spDrvrHW from slot decl mgr's device type} srSlot: INTEGER; {Slot number for the screen's video card} srDCtlDevBase: LONGINT; {Base address of card's memory} srMode: INTEGER; {sRsrcID for desired mode} srFlagMask: INTEGER; {$77FE} srFlags: INTEGER; {active, main screen, B/W or color} srColorTable: INTEGER; {Resource ID of desired 'clut'} srGammaTable: INTEGER; {Resource ID of desired 'gama'} srRect: Rect; {Device's rectangle, global coordinates} srCtlCount: INTEGER; {Number of control calls} END; ScrnRecordPtr = ^ScrnRecord; ScrnRecordHandle = ^ScrnRecordPtr; ScrnRsrc = RECORD {Complete 'scrn' resource} count: INTEGER; {Number of screens configured here} scrnRecs: ARRAY[1..SlotCount] OF ScrnRecord; {Config for @ one} END; ScrnRsrcPtr = ^ScrnRsrc; ScrnRsrcHandle = ^ScrnRsrcPtr; RectHandle = ^RectPtr; VDDefaultRecord = RECORD csID: SignedByte; pad: SignedByte; END; GDDefaultRecPtr = ^VDDefaultRecord; SPRAMRecord = RECORD boardID: INTEGER; {Apple-defined card identification} vendorUse1: SignedByte; {Byte with the default mode for screen devices} vendorUse2: SignedByte; {Unused by us} vendorUse3: SignedByte; {Unused by us} vendorUse4: SignedByte; {Unused by us} vendorUse5: SignedByte; {Unused by us} vendorUse6: SignedByte; {Unused by us} END; FUNCTION Entry(message, {the action to handle} Item, {the DITL item or 0} numItems: INTEGER; {the number of the systems last item} monitorValue: LONGINT; {the value returned last time. defaults to zero} mDialog: DialogPtr; {the dialog pointer} theEvent: EventRecord; {the event that caused the message to happen} ScreenNum: INTEGER; {the number of the screen to affect} VAR Screens: ScrnRsrcHandle; {the screen resource to change if desired} VAR ScrnChanged: BOOLEAN {TRUE if we should clean up Screens} ): LONGINT; {value to pass back in or error if negative} IMPLEMENTATION FUNCTION EDialog(message, {the action to handle} Item, {the DITL item or 0} numItems: INTEGER; {the number of the systems last item} monitorValue: LONGINT; {the value returned last time. defaults to zero} mDialog: DialogPtr; {the dialog pointer} theEvent: EventRecord; {the event that caused the message to happen} ScreenNum: INTEGER; {the number of the screen to affect} VAR Screens: ScrnRsrcHandle; {the screen resource to change if desired} VAR ScrnChanged: BOOLEAN {TRUE if we should clean up Screens} ): LONGINT; FORWARD; {value to pass back in or error if negative} FUNCTION Entry(message, {the action to handle} Item, {the DITL item or 0} numItems: INTEGER; {the number of the systems last item} monitorValue: LONGINT; {the value returned last time. defaults to zero} mDialog: DialogPtr; {the dialog pointer} theEvent: EventRecord; {the event that caused the message to happen} ScreenNum: INTEGER; {the number of the screen to affect} VAR Screens: ScrnRsrcHandle; {the screen resource to change if desired} VAR ScrnChanged: BOOLEAN {TRUE if we should clean up Screens} ): LONGINT; {value to pass back in or error if negative} BEGIN Entry := EDialog(message, Item, numItems, monitorValue, mDialog, theEvent, ScreenNum, Screens, ScrnChanged); END; {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetCardName - returns the name of the driver for a particular slot. } FUNCTION GetCardName(slotNum: INTEGER): STR255; CONST board = 0; drvrHWMask = 1; VAR sPB: SpBlock; name: Str255; BEGIN WITH sPB DO BEGIN spSlot := slotNum; { Start the sResource search from the top of the list } spID := 0; { (i.e, from 0+1 since 0 is invalid). } spExtDev := 0; spTBMask := 0; { Look for board sResources [catBoard,typeBoard,0,0] } spCategory := catBoard; { only, set set mask to 0. } spCType := typeBoard; spDrvrSW := 0; spDrvrHW := 0; spHwDev := 0; END; name := 'XXX'; { Assume we will fail. } IF SNextTypeSRsrc(@sPB) = noErr THEN BEGIN sPB.spID := sRsrcName; IF SGetCString(@sPB) = noErr THEN name := C2PStr(Ptr(sPB.spResult))^ END; GetCardName := name; END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetQDGlobals - return pointer to quickdraw globals } FUNCTION GetQDGlobals: QDGlobalsPtr; BEGIN { Get pointer to thePort, which is at offset zero from A5, and adjust it to point at the base of the quickdraw globals. We have to do this to reference quickdraw globals, because as a desk accessory we can't have any globals of our own. } GetQDGlobals := QDGlobalsPtr( LongHdl(CurrentA5)^^ + Sizeof(GrafPtr) - Sizeof(QDGlobals)); END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DrawDivLine draws the line separating the extension from the rest of the options dialog. DrawLine, below, just draws a solid line. } PROCEDURE DrawDivLine(theWindow: WindowPtr; itemNo: INTEGER); VAR itemType: INTEGER; itemHandle: Handle; itemBox: Rect; savedPenState: PenState; BEGIN GetDItem(DialogPtr(theWindow), itemNo, itemType, itemHandle, itemBox); GetPenState(savedPenState); PenNormal; FrameRect(itemBox); PenMode(notPatBic); PenPat(GetQDGlobals^.gray); PaintRect(itemBox); SetPenState(savedPenState); END; PROCEDURE DrawLine(theWindow: WindowPTr; itemNo: INTEGER); VAR itemType: INTEGER; itemHandle: Handle; itemBox: Rect; BEGIN GetDItem(DialogPtr(theWindow), itemNo, itemType, itemHandle, itemBox); PenNormal; FrameRect(itemBox); END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID2Item converts a family member id into the control item in the dialog. ThereÕs got to be a better way to do this! } FUNCTION ID2Item(id: SignedByte): INTEGER; VAR temp: INTEGER; BEGIN ID2Item := BWOnlyItem; {a default value} temp := BAnd(id, $FF); {turn the signed byte into an integer} CASE temp OF $8E, $89, $8A, $8F: {all the 1 bit IDs for the various monitors supported} ID2Item := BWOnlyItem; $9E, $91, $9A, $9F: {all the 2 bit IDs for the various monitors supported} ID2Item := FourItem; $96, $81, $92, $97: {all the 4 bit IDs for the various monitors supported} ID2Item := SixteenItem; $86, $82, $87: {all the 8 bit IDs for the various monitors supported} ID2Item := TwoFiftySixItem; END; END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item2ID converts a control item into the family member id. ThereÕs got to be a better way to do this. } FUNCTION Item2ID(Item: INTEGER; oldID: SignedByte): SignedByte; VAR base: INTEGER; BEGIN base := BAnd(oldID, IDMask); {mask to the base ID} IF base = $00 THEN base := $86; {if we have no base, assume High-Res Display} IF base = $81 THEN {handle Page Display specially. It can't have 8 bit mode} CASE Item OF BWOnlyItem: base := BOr(base, $08); FourItem: base := BOr(base, $10); SixteenItem: base := BOr(base, $00); TwoFiftySixItem: base := BOr(base, $00); {just in case} END ELSE CASE Item OF BWOnlyItem: base := BOr(base, $08); FourItem: base := BOr(base, $18); SixteenItem: base := BOr(base, $10); TwoFiftySixItem: base := BOr(base, $00); END; Item2ID := base; END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetControl deselects all the radio buttons except for the item which is selected. } PROCEDURE SetControl(mDialog: DialogPtr; Item: INTEGER; numItems: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; iType: INTEGER; iHandle: HANDLE; iBox: Rect; BEGIN Item := Item - numItems; {convert into our range of item numbers} FOR i := BWOnlyItem TO TwoFiftySixItem DO BEGIN GetDItem(mDialog, i + numItems, iType, iHandle, iBox); SetCtlValue(ControlHandle(iHandle), ord(i = Item)); {set to 1 if selected item, else 0} END; END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetControl returns the item number of the radio button which is selected. } FUNCTION GetControl(mDialog: DialogPtr; numItems: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR i: INTEGER; iType: INTEGER; iHandle: HANDLE; iBox: Rect; BEGIN GetControl := 0; {default case} FOR i := BWOnlyItem TO TwoFiftySixItem DO BEGIN GetDItem(mDialog, i + numItems, iType, iHandle, iBox); IF GetCtlValue(ControlHandle(iHandle)) <> 0 THEN GetControl := i; END; END; FUNCTION GetDCEHand(gdHand: gdHandle): AuxDCEHandle; BEGIN GetDCEHand := AuxDCEHandle(GetDCtlEntry(gdHand^^.gdRefNum)); END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetRefNum returns a slot numberÕs driver refNum. } FUNCTION GetRefNum(Slot: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR curGD: GDHandle; BEGIN GetRefNum := 0; {default case} curGD := GetDeviceList; WHILE (curGD <> NIL) DO BEGIN IF GetDCEHand(curGD)^^.dCtlSlot = Slot THEN BEGIN GetRefNum := curGD^^.gdRefNum; curGD := NIL; {to force us out of the loop} END ELSE curGD := GetNextDevice(curGD); END; END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetVidDefault returns the family id for the currently selected family. } FUNCTION GetVidDefault(VAR Id: SignedByte; slot: INTEGER): OSErr; CONST cscGetDefaultMode = 9; {This should be removed when the Pascal Equates are updated.} VAR err: OSErr; defaultRec: VDDefaultRecord; vPB: VideoParamBlock; BEGIN {err := WeirdStatus(GetRefNum(slot), cscSetDefault, @defaultRec);} vPB.ioRefNum := GetRefNum(slot); vPB.csCode := cscGetDefaultMode; vPB.csParam := Ptr(@defaultRec); err := PBStatus(ParmBlkPtr(@vPB),false); IF err = noErr THEN Id := defaultRec.csID ELSE Id := 0; GetVidDefault := err; END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetMemoryUsed determines the amount of memory used by video for a particular max depth. ThereÕs got to be a better way to do this! } FUNCTION GetMemoryUsed(item: INTEGER; slot: INTEGER): LONGINT; VAR id: SignedByte; size: LONGINT; factor: LONGINT; pageSize: LONGINT; BEGIN size := 0; GetMemoryUsed := 0; IF Gestalt(gestaltLogicalPageSize, pagesize) <> NoErr THEN pagesize := $00008000; {if no page size, assume 32k} IF GetVidDefault(id, slot) <> NoErr THEN Exit(GetMemoryUsed); CASE BAnd(id, IDMask) OF Mac2ID: {Mac II 12" monitor-640x480} CASE item OF BWOnlyItem: size := $00009600; FourItem: size := $00012C00; SixteenItem: size := $00025800; TwoFiftySixItem: size := $0004B000; END; PortraitID: {Portrait display-640x780} CASE item OF BWOnlyItem: size := $00010FE0; FourItem: size := $00021FC0; SixteenItem: size := $00043F80; TwoFiftySixItem: size := $00043F80; END; IIGSID: {IIGS 12" monitor-512x384} CASE item OF BWOnlyItem: size := $00006000; FourItem: size := $0000C000; SixteenItem: size := $00018000; TwoFiftySixItem: size := $00030000; END; SEID: {SE 9" monitor-512x342} CASE item OF BWOnlyItem: size := $00005580; FourItem: size := $0000A600; SixteenItem: size := $00015600; TwoFiftySixItem: size := $0002AC00; END; END; factor := size MOD pagesize; GetMemoryUsed := size + (pagesize - factor); END; {sets the id for the selected family. Also sets the mode for restart} FUNCTION SetVidDefault(Id: SignedByte; depth: INTEGER; slot: INTEGER; VAR Screens: ScrnRsrcHandle; ScreenNum: INTEGER): OSErr; VAR err: OSErr; defaultRec: VDDefaultRecord; csParamPtr: Ptr; spBlk: spBlock; PRAMRec: SPRAMRecord; BEGIN defaultRec.csID := Id; csParamPtr := @defaultRec; err := Control(GetRefNum(slot), cscSetDefault, @csParamPtr); SetVidDefault := err; spBlk.spSlot := slot; spBlk.spResult := LongInt(@PRAMRec); err := sReadPRAMRec(@spBlk); spBlk.spsPointer := @PRAMRec; PRAMRec.vendorUse1 := depth; {force to default mode} err := sPutPRAMRec(@spBlk); Screens^^.scrnRecs[ScreenNum].srMode := depth; {force to default mode in scrn resource} END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FindSlotStructfinds the video slot structure using the flags passed in (either all or only active). } FUNCTION FindSlotStruct(slot: INTEGER; VAR spBlk: spBlock; dataFlags: LongInt): OSErr; VAR err: OSErr; value: Ptr; BEGIN WITH spBlk DO {set up the fields for the slot manager call} BEGIN spParamData := dataFlags; spSlot := slot; spExtDev := 0; spCategory := catDisplay; spCType := typeVideo; spDrvrSW := drSwApple; spHWDev := 0; spTBMask := 1; {mask off hardware type field; match any vendor} END; err := SGetTypeSRsrc(@spBlk); FindSlotStruct := err; END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NumFamilies finds the number of active and inactive video sResources. } FUNCTION NumFamilies(slot: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR count: INTEGER; spBlk: spBlock; err: OSErr; BEGIN count := 0; err := NoErr; spBlk.spId := 0; WHILE (err = NoErr) DO BEGIN err := FindSlotStruct(slot, spBlk, spFlagAll+spFlagNext+spFlagOneSlot); {force to find invalid sRsrcs} IF err = NoErr THEN count := count + 1; END; IF count = 0 THEN {if we didn't find any, then there MUST be the active one} count := 1; NumFamilies := count; END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetActiveFamily gets the active member of the video family. } FUNCTION GetActiveFamily(slot: INTEGER): SignedByte; VAR spBlk: spBlock; err: OSErr; BEGIN GetActiveFamily := 0; spBlk.spId := 0; err := FindSlotStruct(slot, spBlk, spFlagNext+spFlagOneSlot); IF err = NoErr THEN GetActiveFamily := spBlk.spID; END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetMemUsed sets the string indicating the amount of memory that will be used/freed for a given selection. } PROCEDURE SetMemUsed(numItems, item: INTEGER; mDialog: DialogPtr; slot, localID: INTEGER); VAR iType: INTEGER; iHandle: HANDLE; iBox: Rect; defaultID: SignedByte; size: LONGINT; newText: STR255; titleText: STR255; BEGIN GetDItem(mDialog, MemoryItem + numItems, iType, iHandle, iBox); defaultID := GetActiveFamily(slot); size := GetMemoryUsed(Id2Item(defaultID), slot) - GetMemoryUsed(item - numItems, slot); IF size = 0 THEN newText := '' ELSE BEGIN NumToString(abs(size) DIV 1024, newText); IF size < 0 THEN BEGIN GetIndString(titleText, localID, 1); NewText := concat(titleText, newText); GetIndString(titleText, localID, 2); NewText := concat(newText, titleText); END ELSE BEGIN GetIndString(titleText, localID, 3); NewText := concat(titleText, newText); GetIndString(titleText, localID, 4); NewText := concat(newText, titleText); END; END; SetIText(iHandle, newText); END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetLine sets the item to our line drawing routine. } PROCEDURE SetLine(item, numItems: INTEGER; superUser: LONGINT; mDialog: DialogPtr); VAR iType: INTEGER; iHandle: HANDLE; iBox: Rect; BEGIN GetDItem(mDialog, item + numItems, iType, iHandle, iBox); {put in our line} { Draw the divider line in gray (when in superuser mode) and the other lines solid. } IF item = divLineItem THEN BEGIN IF superUser = 1 THEN SetDItem(mDialog, item + numItems, iType, @DrawDivLine, iBox) END ELSE SetDItem(mDialog, item + numItems, iType, @DrawLine, iBox); END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CenterRect centers a rectangle on another rectangle. } PROCEDURE CenterRect(VAR rectToCenter: Rect; rectToCenterOn: Rect); VAR ptToCenterTo: Point; oldCenter: Point; BEGIN WITH rectToCenterOn DO BEGIN ptToCenterTo.v := top + (bottom - top) DIV 2; ptToCenterTo.h := left + (right - left) DIV 2; END; WITH rectToCenter DO BEGIN oldCenter.v := top + (bottom - top) DIV 2; oldCenter.h := left + (right - left) DIV 2; END; OffsetRect(rectToCenter, ptToCenterTo.h - oldCenter.h, ptToCenterTo.v - oldCenter.v); END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MyAlert performs an alert after moving the window over the control panel (front window). } FUNCTION MyAlert(alertID: INTEGER; filterProc: ProcPtr): INTEGER; VAR alertHand: AlertTHndl; r: Rect; mWindow: WindowPtr; savedPort: GrafPtr; BEGIN mWindow := FrontWindow; InitCursor; alertHand := AlertTHndl(GetResource('ALRT', alertID)); r := mWindow^.portRect; LocalToGlobal(r.topLeft); LocalToGlobal(r.botRight); CenterRect(alertHand^^.boundsRect, r); MyAlert := NoteAlert(alertID, filterProc); { If I donÕt do the following, then the Monitors window doesnÕt get updated properly under System 7.0. I should probably clip around the area where the NoteAlert came up, but IÕm hoping that this code can be dumped. -- jmp } GetPort(savedPort); SetPort(mWindow); InvalRect(mWindow^.portRect); SetPort(savedPort); END; {--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDialog is the main code. } FUNCTION EDialog(message, {the action to handle} item, {the DITL item or 0} numItems: INTEGER; {the number of the systems last item} monitorValue: LONGINT; {the value returned last time. defaults to zero} mDialog: DialogPtr; {the dialog pointer} theEvent: EventRecord; {the event that caused the message to happen} ScreenNum: INTEGER; {the number of the screen to affect} VAR Screens: ScrnRsrcHandle; {the screen resource to change if desired} VAR ScrnChanged: BOOLEAN {TRUE if we should clean up Screens} ): LONGINT; {value to pass back in or error if negative} VAR iType: INTEGER; iHandle: HANDLE; iBox: Rect; err: OSErr; defaultID: SignedByte; itemFound: INTEGER; id: SignedByte; depth: INTEGER; num: INTEGER; rectHdl: RectHandle; theName: STR255; found: BOOLEAN; baseID: INTEGER; localID: INTEGER; theType: ResType; i: INTEGER; disposeStorage: BOOLEAN; {true when time to dispose private storage} savedResFile: INTEGER; {for saving/restoring the current resFile} codeHandle: Handle; {for remembering handle to mntr resource} BEGIN { Remember our entry pointÉ } codeHandle := Recoverhandle(@Entry); { Scary stuff here! } GetResInfo(codeHandle, baseID, theType, theName); baseID := BAND(baseID, $FFE0); localID := baseID + $10; { WeÕll determine dynamically whether storage needs to be thrown away this time or not. } disposeStorage := FALSE; { Handle the messagesÉ } CASE message OF STARTUPMSG: BEGIN theName := GetCardName(Screens^^.scrnRecs[ScreenNum].srSlot); found := FALSE; savedResFile := CurResFile; UseResFile(HomeResFile(codeHandle)); FOR i := localID TO (localID + numShow) DO BEGIN iHandle := Get1Resource('card',i); IF iHandle <> NIL THEN IF theName = StringHandle(iHandle)^^ THEN found := TRUE; END; UseResFile(savedResFile); monitorValue := LONGINT(NewHandle(sizeof(INTEGER))); IF monitorValue <> LONGINT(NIL) THEN BEGIN IF NOT found THEN disposeStorage := TRUE ELSE BEGIN num := NumFamilies(Screens^^.scrnRecs[ScreenNum].srSlot); rectHdl := RectHandle(GetResource('RECT', baseID)); IF rectHdl <> NIL THEN BEGIN HNoPurge(Handle(rectHdl)); {so the resource won't be purged} rectHdl^^.top := rectHdl^^.top + (ButtonDistance * (4 - num)); Handle(monitorValue)^^ := item; END ELSE disposeStorage := TRUE; END; END; END; INITMSG: BEGIN { Set the line separating us from the default controls. } SetLine(divLineItem, numItems, Handle(monitorValue)^^, mDialog); { Find how many controls are showing and select the correct border rect. } CASE NumFamilies(Screens^^.scrnRecs[ScreenNum].srSlot) OF 2: SetLine(rect1Item, numItems, Handle(monitorValue)^^, mDialog); 3: SetLine(rect2Item, numItems, Handle(monitorValue)^^, mDialog); OTHERWISE SetLine(rect3Item, numItems, Handle(monitorValue)^^, mDialog); END; { Select the approriate control. If we can't get the default, try for the active family member. } err := GetVidDefault(defaultID, Screens^^.scrnRecs[ScreenNum].srSlot); IF err <> noErr THEN defaultID := GetActiveFamily(Screens^^.scrnRecs[ScreenNum].srSlot); itemFound := ID2Item(defaultID) + numItems; GetDItem(mDialog, itemFound, iType, iHandle, iBox); SetCtlValue(ControlHandle(iHandle), 1); { Define the default control by appending message to the name of the active control. } defaultID := GetActiveFamily(Screens^^.scrnRecs[ScreenNum].srSlot); itemFound := ID2Item(defaultID) + numItems; GetDItem(mDialog, itemFound, iType, iHandle, iBox); GetCTitle(ControlHandle(iHandle), theName); theName := concat(theName, GetString(localID)^^); SetCTitle(ControlHandle(iHandle), theName); END; HITMSG: BEGIN SetControl(mDialog, Item, numItems); SetMemUsed(numItems, Item, mDialog, Screens^^.scrnRecs[ScreenNum].srSlot, localID); END; OKMSG: BEGIN itemFound := GetControl(mDialog, numItems); IF itemFound <> 0 THEN BEGIN err := GetVidDefault(defaultID, Screens^^.scrnRecs[ScreenNum].srSlot); id := Item2ID(itemFound, defaultID); IF (err = noErr) AND (id <> defaultID) THEN BEGIN depth := $80 + (itemFound - BWOnlyItem); {This is ugly, but still works.} err := SetVidDefault(id, depth, Screens^^.scrnRecs[ScreenNum].srSlot, Screens, ScreenNum); END; IF (err = noErr) AND (id <> GetActiveFamily(Screens^^.scrnRecs[ScreenNum].srSlot)) THEN BEGIN ScrnChanged := TRUE; Ptr(MonitorsMem)^ := BAnd(Ptr(MonitorsMem)^, BNot(BSL(1, ScreenNum))); err := MyAlert(localID, NIL); END; END; disposeStorage := TRUE; END; CANCELMSG: disposeStorage := TRUE; END; { Common area for disposing of storage for ÒsuperUserÓ vs. ÒnormalUserÓ flag. Note that if disposeStorage is TRUE at start, the monitorValue being set to errorValue is the right thing to do. Also, since the okMsg and cancelMsg are Òthen end,Ó setting monitorValue to an errorValue doesnÕt matter. } IF disposeStorage THEN BEGIN DisposHandle(Handle(monitorValue)); monitorValue := errorValue; END; { Return the resultÉ } EDialog := monitorValue; END; END.