/* File: FinalRes.r Contains: Resource Version for TrueType Init Written by: Charlton E. Lui Copyright © 1989-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): <4> 10/23/91 ngk Fix bundle and use Rez templates. <3> 9/25/91 jlf Rolled in modifications from Pacific TrueType project: bumped the sysz size from 132k to 310k to compensate for 150k partial font heap and 40k of extra code in the J-TrueType init. This change should only affect the memory configuration of the init version of TrueType. <2> 10/15/90 CL Added alert dialog data. Added stuff for desktop icon and show init. <3> 6/13/90 CL Changing copyright date <2> 6/5/90 CL Added the system size resource to this file. <1> 4/16/90 CL first checked in */ #include "Types.r" #include "SysTypes.r" resource 'vers' (1,purgeable) { numVers, /* Contains all four bytes of information */ langInt, stringVers, stringVers ", ©Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-90", }; data 'sysz' (0) { $"00 04 D8 00" }; resource 'BNDL' (-4064, purgeable) { 'CHAZ', 0, { /* array TypeArray: 2 elements */ /* [1] */ 'FREF', { /* array IDArray: 1 elements */ /* [1] */ 0, 128 }, /* [2] */ 'ICN#', { /* array IDArray: 1 elements */ /* [1] */ 0, 128 } } }; data 'CHAZ' (0) { $"4E 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 61 20 67 72 61 6E 64" /* NThis is a grand */ $"20 54 72 75 65 54 79 70 65 AA 20 69 6E 69 74 2E" /* TrueTypeª init. */ $"00" /* . */ }; resource 'FREF' (128, purgeable) { 'INIT', 0, "" }; /* Icon for TrueTypeª */ resource 'ICN#' (128) { { /* array: 2 elements */ /* [1] */ $"00 03 80 00 00 04 80 00 00 08 80 00 00 14 9C 00" $"00 2C A4 00 00 54 C4 00 00 A4 84 00 01 7D 04 78" $"02 86 44 88 05 04 C5 08 0A 09 46 08 1F 12 44 08" $"00 24 48 08 00 4F D0 08 00 80 23 08 01 3F C5 08" $"02 40 89 08 04 81 11 08 19 02 21 08 20 84 41 08" $"3F 88 FF 08 00 10 00 08 00 20 00 08 00 47 FF 08" $"00 88 01 08 01 10 01 08 02 20 01 08 04 40 01 08" $"08 80 01 08 31 00 02 04 40 80 04 02 7F 80 07 FE", /* [2] */ $"00 03 80 00 00 07 80 00 00 0F 80 00 00 1F 9C 00" $"00 3F BC 00 00 77 FC 00 00 E7 FC 00 01 FF FC 78" $"03 FF FC F8 07 07 FD F8 0E 0F 7F F8 1F 1E 7F F8" $"00 3C 7F F8 00 7F FF F8 00 FF FF F8 01 FF FD F8" $"03 C0 F9 F8 07 81 F1 F8 1F 03 E1 F8 3F 87 C1 F8" $"3F 8F FF F8 00 1F FF F8 00 3F FF F8 00 7F FF F8" $"00 F8 01 F8 01 F0 01 F8 03 E0 01 F8 07 C0 01 F8" $"0F 80 01 F8 3F 00 03 FC 7F 80 07 FE 7F 80 07 FE" } }; /* for alerts */ #define ALERT_SKIP 1 /* skipping install because of mouse */ #define ALERT_WRONG_SYS 2 /* wrong system */ #define ALERT_SYS_ENV_ERR 3 /* System environment error */ #define ALERT_ALREADY_INSTALLED 4 /* already installed */ resource 'ALRT' (0) { {100, 100, 182, 408}, 0, { /* array: 4 elements */ /* [1] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [2] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [3] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [4] */ OK, visible, sound1 } }; resource 'ALRT' (1) { {100, 100, 182, 408}, 1, { /* array: 4 elements */ /* [1] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [2] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [3] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [4] */ OK, visible, sound1 } }; resource 'ALRT' (2) { {100, 100, 178, 352}, 2, { /* array: 4 elements */ /* [1] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [2] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [3] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [4] */ OK, visible, sound1 } }; resource 'ALRT' (3) { {100, 100, 182, 408}, 3, { /* array: 4 elements */ /* [1] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [2] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [3] */ OK, visible, sound1, /* [4] */ OK, visible, sound1 } }; resource 'DITL' (0) { { /* array DITLarray: 2 elements */ /* [1] */ {48, 223, 68, 283}, Button { enabled, "OK" }, /* [2] */ {4, 7, 43, 289}, StaticText { disabled, "Mouse button downÉ skipping TrueTypeª installation." } } }; resource 'DITL' (1) { { /* array DITLarray: 2 elements */ /* [1] */ {51, 234, 73, 295}, Button { enabled, "OK" }, /* [2] */ {10, 9, 46, 302}, StaticText { disabled, "Cannot install TrueTypeªÉ system 6.0.5 or greater is required." } } }; resource 'DITL' (2) { { /* array DITLarray: 2 elements */ /* [1] */ {46, 171, 66, 231}, Button { enabled, "OK" }, /* [2] */ {7, 6, 43, 284}, StaticText { disabled, "System Error: aborting TrueTypeª installation!" } } }; resource 'DITL' (3) { { /* array DITLarray: 2 elements */ /* [1] */ {51, 233, 75, 289}, Button { enabled, "OK" }, /* [2] */ {10, 9, 47, 294}, StaticText { disabled, "TrueTypeª is already installedÉ skipping installation!!!" } } };