/* File: Dictionary.c Contains: Implemetation of Dictionary Manager routines. Written by: Hae-sung Kim, Simon Lee Copyright: © 1991-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): 7/21/93 joe Back out . <19> 7/9/92 hsK #1035398,: Modify the CopySourceUsingAttributeTable routine so that it can get more than one attribute entries. <18> 6/26/92 hsK #1033512: Improved the speed of FindRecordByIndex routine by giving the hint to the BTGetRec routine. <17> 6/25/92 hsK Use the BTree manager error code names. <16> 5/27/92 hsK #1030902,: Includes the Errors.h. <15> 5/26/92 hsK „ #1030304 bug fix: call BTFlush routine after BTOpen in the OpenDictionary_ATrap routine. „ change the "scriptCode" of the DictionaryInformation record to "script" for correct Pascal syntax. <14> 5/15/92 hsK Dean updated ResourceMgrExtensions file to add CloseResFileUnderSystemMap so I changed to use it instead of using SuspendProcessMgrFileTracking routine <13>. <13> 5/14/92 hsK „ changed kDataBufferSize from 1K to 4K and resource file clump size from 50K to 8K. „ #1029463: change the InitializeDictionary routine to accept the script code. add formatNumber and scriptCode to the DictionaryInformation record. „ check dictionary format number in the OpenDictionary. Later if we have different format from current one (format 1) „ for this build, I used SuspendProcessMgrFileTracking and ResumeProcessMgrFileTracking when closing the dictionary to make Process manager happy (FileMgrPatches.a). <12> 5/10/92 KSM Fixed call to OpenResFileUnderSystemMap() to fix the build. <11> 5/5/92 hsK „ #1027602 bug fix: call OpenResFileUnderSystemMap instead of OpenResFile in the OpenDictionary_ATrap routine to open the dictionary across the applications. „ rewrote CompactDictionary routine. made it cleaner, smaller and faster than old CompactDictionary. „ allocate the internal dataBuffer inside dictionary reference record instead of allocating it separately as a handle. „ call ResError after UseResFile. „ save the current resource file number on entry and restore it on exit for every Dictionary routines except InitializeDictionary. „ get rid of MoveHHi because dictionary reference handle may be allocated in the system heap. „ use Get1Resource instead of GetResource. „ check whether both dictionary info and data resources are avaiable when OpenDictionary. <10> 3/5/92 hsK Call UseResFile to use multiple dictionaries in chain. <9> 2/7/92 hsK return badDictionaryErr in OpenDictionary_ATrap, if cannot find kDictInfoType resource in the opened file . <8> 1/29/92 hsK Use ConstStr255Param and const qualifier to unchanged pointer parameters. Fixed bugs on returning wrong error codes. The numberOfAttributes in CopySourceUsingAttributeTable function is now type casted from the unsinged byte type. Changed entryDataHandle to recordDataHandle. <6> 01/23/92 hsK Fixed bugs in partial resource cache scheme. Fixed bugs in CompactDictionary algorithm. Changed the DictionaryInformation record (see Dictionary.h). Delete the DictionaryPrivate.h file and moved its all type and constant definitions into here. Inhence input parameters check for every routine. Always use the FFSpec instead of old vRef number plus something in every local routines too. Fixed memory leak problems caused by not disposing some handles. This is the major upgrade from previous code. <5> 11/27/91 hsK Instead of using 4 byte long (OSType) attribute type, use one signed byte field to represent the attribute types to avoid accessing odd address problem and to remove Compress and Decompress routines. Added GetRequestedAttributes routine instead of Decompress routine. Also Don't use dataBufferHandle in the InsertRecordToDictionary routine. <4> 11/20/91 hsK Changed the dictionary manager public routine names to "name_ATrap" so that they are different from the public interface names in the Dictionary.h file. <3> 11/20/91 KST Changed IntializeDictionary and OpenDictionary to use FSSpec. Changed OpenDictionary to take access permission. And fixed many miscsllaneous bugs. <2> 30 Jul 91 Simon Lee -- Use partial resource to store the actual data in the dictionary. A simple caching scheme has been put in to cache the partial resource data. <1> 10 May 91 Hae-sung Kim -- New today. */ #include "Types.h" #include "BaseTypes.h" #include "Resources.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "Files.h" #include "BTEqu.h" #include "Dictionary.h" #include "ResourceMgrPriv.h" // <11> /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Local constant definitions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define kDictionaryFormatNumber 0x00010000 // <13> current dictionary format number (fixed). #define kDictInfoType 'dinf' // dictionary information resource type. #define kDictDataType 'ddat' // dictionary data resource type. enum { kMaximumKeyLength = 129 }; // maximum key length is 129 bytes. enum { kBTreeClumpSize = 0 }; // let B*Tree manager fills this in for us. enum { kDataBufferSize = 4096 }; // <13> size of the cache buffer which Dictonary Manager uses to store. enum { kDictDataClumpSize = 8192 }; // <13> dictionary data resource clump size (50K). enum { kDictionaryResourceID = 128 }; // id of the dictionary info and dictionary data resource. enum { // <17> cannot use the Errors.h because the BTEqu.h has the same constants. /*Dictionary Manager errors*/ dupFNErr = -48, /*duplicate filename (rename)*/ //notBTree = -410, /*The file is not a dictionary.*/ //btNoSpace = -413, /*Can't allocate disk space.*/ //btDupRecErr = -414, /*Record already exists.*/ //btRecNotFnd = -415, /*Record cannot be found.*/ //btKeyLenErr = -416, /*Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero.*/ //btKeyAttrErr = -417, /*There is no such a key attribute.*/ unknownInsertModeErr = -20000, /*There is no such an insert mode.*/ recordDataTooBigErr = -20001, /*The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes).*/ invalidIndexErr = -20002 /*The recordIndex parameter is not valid.*/ }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Local type definitions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // Dictionary information record. typedef struct { Fixed formatNumber; // <13> dictionary format number. LongInteger currentGarbageSize; // current garabage size in a dictionary. LongInteger dictDataLEOF; // logical end of file of a dictionary. LongInteger dictDataPEOF; // physical end of file of a dictionary. UnsignedByte keyAttributes; // key attributes flag of a dictionary. UnsignedByte reserved; // <13> fill byte. ScriptCode scriptCode; // <13> dictionary data script code. } DictInfoRecord, *DictInfoRecordPtr, **DictInfoRecordHandle; // Private data for each opened dictionary. // removed the dictInfoRecord field. dictionary info resource is loaded for every dictionary manager call. <11> // removed the compactFlag field. it is not used because of CompactDictionary routine change. <11> typedef struct { FSSpec fsspec; // file spec record for the current dictionary file. Integer dataRefNum; // access path reference for the data fork. Integer resourceRefNum; // access path reference for the resource fork. LongInteger bTreeReservedUID; // used for BTree routines. LongInteger cacheStartOffset; // offset which marks the start of the data which we cache in the buffer. LongInteger previousIndex; // <17> used in FindRecordByIndex routine to place the file marker. LongInteger ioBTHint1; // <17> used in FindRecordByIndex routine to speed up. LongInteger ioBTHint2; // <17> Integer ioBTHint3; // <17> Integer ioBTHint4; // <17> LongInteger ioBTHint5; // <17> UnsignedByte dataBuffer[ kDataBufferSize]; // used for disk cache. <11> } DictReferenceRecord, *DictReferenceRecordPointer, **DictReferenceRecordHandle; // The information which are actually stored into the node of the BTree. typedef struct { LongInteger dataOffset; // offset from beginning the data resource to beginning of the data in this node. LongInteger dataSize; // length of the data in this node. } BTreeRecord; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forward function declarations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* <14> // <13> different names of the BeginSystemMode and EndSystemMode. pascal OSErr SuspendProcessMgrFileTracking(void) = {0x303C,0x0011,0xAA52}; pascal OSErr ResumeProcessMgrFileTracking(void) = {0x303C,0x0012,0xAA52}; */ pascal OSErr GetRequestedAttributes( const UnsignedBytePointer sourceBufferPointer, Size sourceBufferSize, const Ptr requestedAttributeTablePointer, Handle targetHandle); pascal OSErr CopySourceWithAllAttributes( const UnsignedBytePointer sourceBufferPointer, Size sourceBufferSize, Handle targetHandle); pascal OSErr CopySourceWithoutAttributes( UnsignedBytePointer sourceBufferPointer, Handle targetHandle); pascal OSErr CopySourceUsingAttributeTable( UnsignedBytePointer sourceBufferPointer, const Ptr requestedAttributeTablePointer, Handle targetHandle); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Initialize a dictonary file with a given name on a specified volume/directory. User provide the dictionary with the length of key (maximumKeyLength) so as minimize disk space use. "keyAttributes" specifies the searching critereas for a key. The pre-defined attributes are as followed: „ kIsCaseSensitive: an upper case key is different from a lower case key. kIsDiacriticalNotSensitive: a key with diacritical is the same as one without it. „ A dictionary file should be created by "Create" before this routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr InitializeDictionary_ATrap( FSSpecPtr fsspecPointer, Integer maximumKeyLength, UnsignedByte keyAttributes, ScriptCode scriptCode) // <13> { OSErr functionResult = noErr; UnsignedByte keyDescriptorRecord[4]; BTParam bTreeParameterBlock; Integer resourceRefNumber = 0; Handle dictDataResource = nil; Handle dictInfoResource = nil; Boolean closeResourceFile = false; Boolean disposeDictDataResource = false, disposeDictInfoResource = false; // First check if input parameters are valid. if (maximumKeyLength > kMaximumKeyLength) { functionResult = btKeyLenErr; goto bail; } else if ((keyAttributes != caseSens) && (keyAttributes != diacNsens)) { functionResult = btKeyAttrErr; // <8> hsK goto bail; } // Fill in the BTree parameter block. bTreeParameterBlock.ioCompletion = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioNamePtr = fsspecPointer->name; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTMaxKLen = maximumKeyLength; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTClumpSize = kBTreeClumpSize; bTreeParameterBlock.ioVRefNum = fsspecPointer->vRefNum; bTreeParameterBlock.ioDirID = fsspecPointer->parID; // Set the key descriptor. keyDescriptorRecord[0] = 3; // number of bytes in the record. keyDescriptorRecord[1] = kdString; // key is a Pascal string. keyDescriptorRecord[2] = 1; // occurrence. keyDescriptorRecord[3] = keyAttributes; // the key attribute flags. bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTKDPtr = (Ptr) keyDescriptorRecord; // Install the BTree structure into the file. functionResult = BTInit( &bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Create the resource file and open it. HCreateResFile(fsspecPointer->vRefNum, fsspecPointer->parID, fsspecPointer->name); functionResult = ResError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } resourceRefNumber = FSpOpenResFile( fsspecPointer, fsRdWrPerm); functionResult = ResError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } closeResourceFile = true; // Create the empty dictionary data resource. dictDataResource = NewHandle(0); if (dictDataResource == nil) { functionResult = MemError(); goto bail; } AddResource( dictDataResource, kDictDataType, kDictionaryResourceID, "\pDictionary Data"); functionResult = ResError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { disposeDictDataResource = true; goto bail; } // Create the dictionary information resource. // All fields except the keyAttributes are initialized to zero implicitely. dictInfoResource = NewHandleClear(sizeof(DictInfoRecord)); if (dictInfoResource == nil) { functionResult = MemError(); goto bail; } (**(DictInfoRecordHandle) dictInfoResource).formatNumber = kDictionaryFormatNumber; // <13> (**(DictInfoRecordHandle) dictInfoResource).keyAttributes = keyAttributes; (**(DictInfoRecordHandle) dictInfoResource).scriptCode = scriptCode; // <13> AddResource( dictInfoResource, kDictInfoType, kDictionaryResourceID, "\pDictionary Info"); functionResult = ResError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { disposeDictInfoResource = true; goto bail; } bail: if (closeResourceFile) CloseResFile( resourceRefNumber); if (disposeDictDataResource) DisposHandle( dictDataResource); if (disposeDictInfoResource) DisposHandle( dictInfoResource); return functionResult; } // InitializeDictionary /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Open the dictonary file which is referenced by dictionaryReference. „ The structure of dictionaryReference is private. One should always pass in the value which is returned by the OpenDicitonary routine. „ <15> must call BTFlush after the BTOpen routine to save the changes, because dictionary may be opened in system mode and in that case nobody can't save the changes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr OpenDictionary_ATrap( FSSpecPtr fsspecPointer, SignedByte accessPermission, LongInteger *dictionaryReference ) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; BTioParam bTreeParameterBlock; Integer resourceRefNumber = 0; Integer savedResourceRefNumber = CurResFile(); // <11> Integer ioRefNum = 0; LongInteger ioBTRsrvUID = 0; DictInfoRecordHandle dictInfoHandle = nil; DictReferenceRecordHandle dictReferenceRecordHandle = nil; Boolean closeBTree = false, closeResourceFile = false; // Set up B*Tree parameter block. bTreeParameterBlock.ioCompletion = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioNamePtr = fsspecPointer->name; bTreeParameterBlock.ioVRefNum = fsspecPointer->vRefNum; bTreeParameterBlock.ioDirID = fsspecPointer->parID; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTKCProc = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioPermssn = accessPermission; // Open the BTree file. functionResult = BTOpen( &bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } ioRefNum = bTreeParameterBlock.ioRefNum; // Flush the BTree file. <15> bTreeParameterBlock.ioCompletion = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTWriteFlag = true; functionResult = BTFlush( &bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Get the BTree ioBTRsrvUID. functionResult = BTGetUid(&bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (functionResult != noErr) { closeBTree = true; goto bail; } ioBTRsrvUID = bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTRsrvUID; // Open the dictionary resource file with the map under the system resource. <11> resourceRefNumber = OpenResFileUnderSystemMap( fsspecPointer, accessPermission ); // <12> UseResFile( resourceRefNumber); // <12> functionResult = ResError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { closeBTree = true; goto bail; } // Check if there are dictionary info and dictionary data resources. <13> <11> dictInfoHandle = (DictInfoRecordHandle) Get1Resource( kDictInfoType, kDictionaryResourceID); if (dictInfoHandle == nil) { functionResult = ResError(); closeBTree = true; closeResourceFile = true; goto bail; } if (Count1Resources( kDictDataType) != 1) { functionResult = notBTree; closeBTree = true; closeResourceFile = true; goto bail; } // Check if the dictionary format number is correct. <13> if ((**dictInfoHandle).formatNumber != kDictionaryFormatNumber) { functionResult = notBTree; closeBTree = true; closeResourceFile = true; goto bail; } // Set up the dictionary reference. dictReferenceRecordHandle = (DictReferenceRecordHandle) NewHandleClear(sizeof(DictReferenceRecord)); if (dictReferenceRecordHandle == nil) { functionResult = MemError(); closeBTree = true; closeResourceFile = true; goto bail; } // Initialize the dictReferenceRecord fields. (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->fsspec = *fsspecPointer; (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->dataRefNum = ioRefNum; (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->resourceRefNum = resourceRefNumber; (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->bTreeReservedUID = ioBTRsrvUID; // this is needed by the BTree search and insert routines. (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->cacheStartOffset = -1; (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->previousIndex = -1; // <17> initialize the index value. *dictionaryReference = (LongInteger)dictReferenceRecordHandle; bail: if (closeBTree) functionResult = BTClose( &bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (closeResourceFile) CloseResFileUnderSystemMap( resourceRefNumber); // <14> UseResFile( savedResourceRefNumber); // <11> return functionResult; } // OpenDictionary /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Close the dictonary file which is referenced by dictionaryReference. „ The structure of dictionaryReference is private. One should always pass in the value which is returned by the OpenDicitonary routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr CloseDictionary_ATrap( LongInteger dictionaryReference ) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; BTioParam bTreeParameterBlock; DictReferenceRecordHandle dictReferenceRecordHandle = (DictReferenceRecordHandle) dictionaryReference; // <11> Integer resourceRefNumber = 0; Integer savedResourceRefNumber = CurResFile(); // <11> // Get the dictionary resource file reference number. resourceRefNumber = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->resourceRefNum; // <10> UseResFile( resourceRefNumber); // <10> functionResult = ResError(); // <11> if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Close the resource file under the system mode. CloseResFileUnderSystemMap( resourceRefNumber); // <14> functionResult = ResError(); // <14> if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Close the BTree file. bTreeParameterBlock.ioCompletion = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioRefNum = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->dataRefNum; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTRsrvUID = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->bTreeReservedUID; functionResult = BTClose( &bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Dispose the memory storage used by dictionary manager. DisposHandle((Handle) dictReferenceRecordHandle); bail: UseResFile( savedResourceRefNumber); // <11> return functionResult; } // CloseDictionary /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- „ Insert an entry into a dictionary which is referenced by "dictionaryReference". The data of the record is in "recordDataHandle". There are three different insert modes. „insertOrReplace -- insert the entry if there is nothing in the dictionary which matches the key. Or replace all the existing information in the dictionary which matches the key with the entry. „replace -- replace the existing information in the dictionary which matches the key with the entry. If there is nothing in the dictionary which matches the key, a recordNotFoundErr is returned. „insert -- Only insert the entry if there is nothing in the dictionary which matches the key. If there is already something which matches the key, a recordAlreadyExistErr is returned. „ An entry in "recordDataHandle" has the following format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Entry length(byte) | Raw data length(byte) | Raw data | Attribute 1 | .. | Attribute N | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Each attribute has the following format on entry: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Attribute length(byte) | Attribute type(1 byte) | Other attribute data | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- „ recordDataHandle should be valid upon entry. The length of the key has to equal to or less than 129 byte. „ dataBufferHandle (cache buffer) is not used for this routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr InsertRecordToDictionary_ATrap( LongInteger dictionaryReference, ConstStr255Param key, Handle recordDataHandle, InsertMode whichMode ) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; DictReferenceRecordHandle dictReferenceRecordHandle = (DictReferenceRecordHandle) dictionaryReference; // <11> Size dataHandleSize = 0; Size savedOffset = 0; Size garbageIncrease = 0; Size keyBlockSize = 0; Ptr keyPointer = nil; Handle dictDataResource = nil; DictInfoRecordHandle dictInfoHandle = nil; Integer resourceRefNumber = 0; Integer savedResourceRefNumber = CurResFile(); // <11> BTreeRecord nodeRecord; BTioParam bTreeParameterBlock; Boolean recordExist = false; Boolean hasGarbage = false, appendData = false; Boolean disposeKeyPointer = false; // First check input parameters are valid. dataHandleSize = GetHandleSize( recordDataHandle); if (key[0] > kMaximumKeyLength) { functionResult = btKeyLenErr; goto bail; } else if ((whichMode < kInsert) || (whichMode > kInsertOrReplace)) { functionResult = unknownInsertModeErr; goto bail; } else if (dataHandleSize > kDataBufferSize) { functionResult = recordDataTooBigErr; goto bail; } // set current resource file. <10> resourceRefNumber = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->resourceRefNum; UseResFile( resourceRefNumber); functionResult = ResError(); // <11> if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Get an empty dictionary data handle to write partial resource. SetResLoad(false); // don't load any resource. dictDataResource = Get1Resource( kDictDataType, kDictionaryResourceID); SetResLoad(true); // reset to always load. if (dictDataResource == nil) { functionResult = ResError(); goto bail; } // Get the dictionary info resource to update. dictInfoHandle = (DictInfoRecordHandle) Get1Resource( kDictInfoType, kDictionaryResourceID); if (dictInfoHandle == nil) { functionResult = ResError(); goto bail; } // Prepare the key string pointer. keyBlockSize = *(UnsignedBytePointer)key + 2; // Two extra byte requires by BTree key descriptor. keyPointer = NewPtrClear( keyBlockSize); if (keyPointer == nil) { functionResult = MemError(); goto bail; } disposeKeyPointer = true; *keyPointer = keyBlockSize -1; // key length byte. BlockMove( (Ptr)key, keyPointer +1, keyBlockSize -1); // See if there is a node in the BTree which matches the key. bTreeParameterBlock.ioCompletion = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioRefNum = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->dataRefNum; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBuffer = (Ptr)&nodeRecord; bTreeParameterBlock.ioReqCount = sizeof(BTreeRecord); bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTKeyPtr = keyPointer; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTRsrvUID = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->bTreeReservedUID; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint1 = 0; recordExist = (BTSearch( &bTreeParameterBlock, false) == noErr); // If error occured depending on insertion mode, bail out at this point. if (whichMode == kInsert) { if (recordExist) { functionResult = btDupRecErr; goto bail; } } else if (whichMode == kReplace) { if (!recordExist) { functionResult = btRecNotFnd; goto bail; } } // If there is a record which matches the key in the dictionary. If the current data size // in the record is the same as the new data size, we can store the new data into the same area. // Otherwise, we will get a new area for the new data at the end of the resource. if (recordExist) { garbageIncrease = nodeRecord.dataSize; appendData = hasGarbage = (garbageIncrease != dataHandleSize); } else appendData = true; savedOffset = (**dictInfoHandle).dictDataLEOF; if (appendData) { // Update the logical and physical size of the dictionary resource. if ( ((**dictInfoHandle).dictDataPEOF - (**dictInfoHandle).dictDataLEOF) < dataHandleSize) { SetResourceSize( dictDataResource, (**dictInfoHandle).dictDataPEOF + kDictDataClumpSize); functionResult = ResError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } (**dictInfoHandle).dictDataPEOF += kDictDataClumpSize; (**dictInfoHandle).dictDataLEOF += dataHandleSize; } else { (**dictInfoHandle).dictDataLEOF += dataHandleSize; } nodeRecord.dataSize = dataHandleSize; nodeRecord.dataOffset = savedOffset; } // Write out the dictionary data to the dictionary resource file. HLock((Handle) recordDataHandle); WritePartialResource( dictDataResource, nodeRecord.dataOffset, *recordDataHandle, dataHandleSize); HUnlock((Handle) recordDataHandle); functionResult = ResError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { (**dictInfoHandle).dictDataLEOF = savedOffset; goto bail; } // Insert the nodeRecord into the btree file. bTreeParameterBlock.ioCompletion = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioRefNum = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->dataRefNum; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBuffer = (Ptr)&nodeRecord; bTreeParameterBlock.ioReqCount = sizeof(BTreeRecord); bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTKeyPtr = keyPointer; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTRsrvUID = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->bTreeReservedUID; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint1 = 0; switch (whichMode) { case kInsert: // insert the entry into the dictionary. functionResult = BTInsRec( &bTreeParameterBlock, false); break; case kReplace: // replace existing data in dictionary with the entry. functionResult = BTReplRec( &bTreeParameterBlock, false); break; case kInsertOrReplace: // insert or replace data with the entry in the dictionary. functionResult = BTSetRec( &bTreeParameterBlock, false); break; default: break; } if (functionResult != noErr) { (**dictInfoHandle).dictDataLEOF = savedOffset; goto bail; } // Update the garbage size and invalidate the cache offset of the dictionaryReference record. if (hasGarbage) { (**dictInfoHandle).currentGarbageSize += garbageIncrease; } (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->cacheStartOffset = -1; // Save the dictInfo resource changes into the resource file. ChangedResource((Handle) dictInfoHandle); UpdateResFile( resourceRefNumber); bail: if (disposeKeyPointer) DisposPtr(keyPointer); UseResFile( savedResourceRefNumber); // <11> return functionResult; } // InsertRecordToDictionary /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Removes a record with the key from the dicitonary. „ The structure of dictionaryReference is private. One should always pass in the value which is returned by the OpenDicitonary routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr DeleteRecordFromDictionary_ATrap( LongInteger dictionaryReference, ConstStr255Param key ) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; Size keyBlockSize = 0; Ptr keyPointer = nil; DictReferenceRecordHandle dictReferenceRecordHandle = (DictReferenceRecordHandle) dictionaryReference; // <11> DictInfoRecordHandle dictInfoHandle = nil; Integer resourceRefNumber = 0; Integer savedResourceRefNumber = CurResFile(); // <11> BTioParam bTreeParameterBlock; BTreeRecord nodeRecord; Boolean disposeKeyPointer = false; // First check if key is valid, i.e. less than 129 bytes. if (key[0] > kMaximumKeyLength) { functionResult = btKeyLenErr; goto bail; } // set current resource file. <10> resourceRefNumber = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->resourceRefNum; UseResFile( resourceRefNumber); functionResult = ResError(); // <11> if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Get the dictionary info resource to update the resource file. dictInfoHandle = (DictInfoRecordHandle) Get1Resource( kDictInfoType, kDictionaryResourceID); if (dictInfoHandle == nil) { functionResult = ResError(); goto bail; } // Prepare the key string pointer. keyBlockSize = key[0]+2; keyPointer = NewPtr( keyBlockSize); if (keyPointer == nil) { functionResult = MemError(); goto bail; } disposeKeyPointer = true; *keyPointer = keyBlockSize -1; BlockMove( (Ptr)key, keyPointer +1, keyBlockSize -1); // Get the nodeRecord which has the index of the real data stored in the resource file. bTreeParameterBlock.ioCompletion = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioRefNum = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->dataRefNum; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBuffer = (Ptr)&nodeRecord; bTreeParameterBlock.ioReqCount = sizeof(BTreeRecord); bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTKeyPtr = keyPointer; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTRsrvUID = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->bTreeReservedUID; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint1 = 0; functionResult = BTSearch( &bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Delete the nodeRecord by calling BTDelete. bTreeParameterBlock.ioCompletion = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioRefNum = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->dataRefNum; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTKeyPtr = keyPointer; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTRsrvUID = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->bTreeReservedUID; functionResult = BTDelete(&bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Increase the garbage size caused by the logically deleting an entry from the dictionary data resource. (**dictInfoHandle).currentGarbageSize += nodeRecord.dataSize; // Save the dictInfoRecord changes into the resource file. ChangedResource((Handle) dictInfoHandle); UpdateResFile( resourceRefNumber); bail: if (disposeKeyPointer) DisposPtr(keyPointer); UseResFile( savedResourceRefNumber); // <11> return functionResult; } // DeleteRecordFromDictionary /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Search for a record in a dictionary referenced by "dictionaryReference" which matches the "key". The caller can filter out some of the entries by specifying which kind of entries he wants the Dictionary Manager to return. If "requestedAttributeTablePointer" is not nil, only the entries which contain attributes in the "requestedAttributeTable" list will be returned. If "requestedAttributeTablePointer" is nil, only "raw data" will be returned. If "requestedAttributeTablePointer" is Ptr(-1), all data entries will be returned. „ Resulting "recordDataHandle" will contain requested data entries. The format of "requestedAttributeTable" is as follow: ------------------------------------ | Number of attribute IDs (1 Byte) | ------------------------------------ | Attribute ID 1 (1 byte) | ------------------------------------ | ... | ------------------------------------ | Attribute ID N (1 byte) | ------------------------------------ "recordDataHandle" contains a collection of entries and each entry has the following format. Actually this is the same format as the internal structure of B*Tree node. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Entry length(byte) | Raw data length(byte) | Raw data | Attribute 1 | .. | Attribute N | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Each attribute has the following format on entry: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Attribute length(byte) | Attribute ID(byte) | Other attribute data | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- „ The structure of dictionaryReference is private. One should always pass in the value which is returned by the OpenDicitonary routine. "recordDataHandle" must be a valid handle on entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr FindRecordInDictionary_ATrap( LongInteger dictionaryReference, ConstStr255Param key, Ptr requestedAttributeTablePointer, Handle recordDataHandle ) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; Handle dictDataResource = nil; Size keyBlockSize = 0; Ptr keyPointer = nil; DictReferenceRecordHandle dictReferenceRecordHandle = (DictReferenceRecordHandle) dictionaryReference; // <11> UnsignedBytePointer dataBufferPointer = nil; LongInteger cacheStartOffset = 0; Integer savedResourceRefNumber = CurResFile(); // <11> LongInteger count = 0; // <17> DictInfoRecordHandle dictInfoHandle = nil; // <17> BTreeRecord nodeRecord; BTioParam bTreeParameterBlock; Boolean disposeKeyPointer = false; Boolean unlockDictionaryReference = false; // First check if key is valid, i.e. less than 129 bytes. if (key[0] > kMaximumKeyLength) { functionResult = btKeyLenErr; goto bail; } // Prepare enough space for dataHandle. SetHandleSize( recordDataHandle, kDataBufferSize); functionResult = MemError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Prepare the key string pointer. keyBlockSize = *(UnsignedBytePointer)key + 2; keyPointer = NewPtr( keyBlockSize); if (keyPointer == nil) { functionResult = MemError(); goto bail; } disposeKeyPointer = true; *keyPointer = keyBlockSize -1; // key length byte. BlockMove( (Ptr)key, keyPointer +1, keyBlockSize -1); // Get the nodeRecord which has the index of the real data stored in the resource file. bTreeParameterBlock.ioCompletion = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioRefNum = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->dataRefNum; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBuffer = (Ptr)&nodeRecord; bTreeParameterBlock.ioReqCount = sizeof(BTreeRecord); bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTKeyPtr = keyPointer; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTRsrvUID = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->bTreeReservedUID; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint1 = 0; functionResult = BTSearch(&bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // set current resource file. <10> UseResFile( (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->resourceRefNum); functionResult = ResError(); // <11> if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Lock down the dictionary reference handle and dereference the buffer. <11> HLock((Handle) dictReferenceRecordHandle); unlockDictionaryReference = true; dataBufferPointer = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->dataBuffer; // If data is not in the cache, load from the disk. cacheStartOffset = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->cacheStartOffset; if ((cacheStartOffset == -1) || (cacheStartOffset > nodeRecord.dataOffset) || ((nodeRecord.dataOffset + nodeRecord.dataSize) > (cacheStartOffset + kDataBufferSize))) { // <17> Adjust the byte count to read by looking logical end of file. dictInfoHandle = (DictInfoRecordHandle) Get1Resource( kDictInfoType, kDictionaryResourceID); if (dictInfoHandle == nil) { functionResult = ResError(); goto bail; } cacheStartOffset = nodeRecord.dataOffset; // update the offset. if ((**dictInfoHandle).dictDataLEOF > (cacheStartOffset +kDataBufferSize)) count = kDataBufferSize; else count = (**dictInfoHandle).dictDataLEOF - cacheStartOffset; // Get the dictionary data into the buffer. SetResLoad(false); // set to don't load. dictDataResource = Get1Resource( kDictDataType, kDictionaryResourceID); SetResLoad(true); // reset to always load. if (dictDataResource == nil) { functionResult = ResError(); goto bail; } ReadPartialResource( dictDataResource, cacheStartOffset, dataBufferPointer, count); // <17> functionResult = ResError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->cacheStartOffset = cacheStartOffset; // Update the cacheStartOffset. } else { dataBufferPointer += (nodeRecord.dataOffset - cacheStartOffset); } // Get only requested attributes from the dataBufferPointer and copy the result data into the recordDataHandle. functionResult = GetRequestedAttributes( dataBufferPointer, nodeRecord.dataSize, requestedAttributeTablePointer, recordDataHandle); bail: if (unlockDictionaryReference) // <11> HUnlock((Handle) dictReferenceRecordHandle); // <11> if (disposeKeyPointer) DisposPtr(keyPointer); if (functionResult != noErr) SetHandleSize( recordDataHandle, 0); UseResFile( savedResourceRefNumber); // <11> return functionResult; } // FindRecordInDictionary /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Search for a record in a dictionary referenced by "dictionaryReference" which matches the "key". The caller can filter out some of the entries by specifying which kind of entries he wants the Dictionary Manager to return. If "requestedAttributeTablePointer" is not nil, only the entries which contain attributes in the "requestedAttributeTable" list will be returned. If "requestedAttributeTablePointer" is nil, only "raw data" will be returned. If "requestedAttributeTablePointer" is Ptr(-1), all data entries will be returned. Resulting "recordDataHandle" will contain requested data entries. The format of "requestedAttributeTable" is as follow: ------------------------------------ | Number of attribute IDs (1 Byte) | ------------------------------------ | Attribute ID 1 (1 byte) | ------------------------------------ | ... | ------------------------------------ | Attribute ID N (1 byte) | ------------------------------------ "recordDataHandle" contains a collection of entries and each entry has the following format. Actually this is the same format as the internal structure of B*Tree node. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Entry length(byte) | Raw data length(byte) | Raw data | Attribute 1 | .. | Attribute N | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Each attribute has the following format on entry: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Attribute length(byte) | Attribute ID(byte) | Other attribute data | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- „ The structure of dictionaryReference is private. One should always pass in the value which is returned by the OpenDicitonary routine. "recordDataHandle" must be a valid handle on entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr FindRecordByIndexInDictionary_ATrap( LongInteger dictionaryReference, LongInteger recordIndex, Ptr requestedAttributeTablePointer, Str255 recordKey, Handle recordDataHandle ) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; Handle dictDataResource = nil; Ptr keyPointer = nil; DictReferenceRecordHandle dictReferenceRecordHandle = (DictReferenceRecordHandle) dictionaryReference; // <11> UnsignedBytePointer dataBufferPointer = nil; Integer returnedKeySize = 0; Integer savedResourceRefNumber = CurResFile(); // <11> LongInteger cacheStartOffset = 0; LongInteger difference = 0; LongInteger remaining = 0, count = 0; // <17> DictInfoRecordHandle dictInfoHandle = nil; // <17> BTreeRecord nodeRecord; BTioParam bTreeParameterBlock; Boolean disposeKeyPointer = false; Boolean unlockDictionaryReference = false; // First check if index is valid, i.e. 0 =< recordIndex. if (recordIndex < 0) { functionResult = invalidIndexErr; goto bail; } // Prepare enough space for dataHandle. SetHandleSize( recordDataHandle, kDataBufferSize); functionResult = MemError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Prepare key string. keyPointer = NewPtr( kMaximumKeyLength +1); if (keyPointer == nil) { functionResult = MemError(); goto bail; } disposeKeyPointer = true; // <17> check if this is the first FindRecordByIndex call after the OpenDictionary call. if ((*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->previousIndex == -1) { resetHint: bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint1 = 0; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint2 = 0; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint3 = 0; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint4 = 0; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint5 = 0; if (recordIndex > 0x7FFF) { // if record index is bigger than 32K, loop later. bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTPosMode = 0x7FFF; remaining = recordIndex - 0x7FFF; } else { bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTPosMode = (Integer) recordIndex; remaining = 0; } } else { // This is not the first time so that we are using the hint. bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint1 = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->ioBTHint1; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint2 = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->ioBTHint2; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint3 = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->ioBTHint3; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint4 = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->ioBTHint4; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint5 = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->ioBTHint5; difference = recordIndex - (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->previousIndex; if (difference > 0x7FFF) { bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTPosMode = 0x7FFF; remaining = difference - 0x7FFF; } else { bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTPosMode = (Integer) difference; remaining = 0; } } // Get data (both key and entry data) from the dictionary. bTreeParameterBlock.ioCompletion = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioRefNum = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->dataRefNum; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBuffer = (Ptr)&nodeRecord; bTreeParameterBlock.ioReqCount = sizeof(BTreeRecord); bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTKeyPtr = keyPointer; bTreeParameterBlock.ioKReqCount = kMaximumKeyLength +1; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTRsrvUID = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->bTreeReservedUID; functionResult = BTGetRec(&bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (functionResult == btPMInvalid) { // if we have the InsertRecord or DeleteRecord before this call, // the hint in BTree data structure is not valid and go back to the resetHint. goto resetHint; } if (functionResult != noErr) { // Set possible BTree errors except notBTree and btRecNotFnd to invalidIndexErr. <8> hsK if ((functionResult != notBTree) && (functionResult != btRecNotFnd)) functionResult = invalidIndexErr; goto bail; } // <17> hint is in the param block of the current stack. while (remaining > 0) { if (remaining > 0x7FFF) { bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTPosMode = 0x7FFF; remaining -= 0x7FFF; } else { bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTPosMode = (Integer) remaining; remaining = 0; } functionResult = BTGetRec(&bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (functionResult != noErr) { if ((functionResult != notBTree) && (functionResult != btRecNotFnd)) functionResult = invalidIndexErr; goto bail; } } // <17> save the BTree hints and the last index. (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->previousIndex = recordIndex; (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->ioBTHint1 = bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint1; (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->ioBTHint2 = bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint2; (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->ioBTHint3 = bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint3; (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->ioBTHint4 = bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint4; (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->ioBTHint5 = bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTHint5; // Copy keyPointer into recordKey. returnedKeySize = bTreeParameterBlock.ioKActCount; BlockMove((Ptr)(keyPointer +1), (Ptr)recordKey, returnedKeySize-1); // set current resource file. <10> UseResFile( (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->resourceRefNum); functionResult = ResError(); // <11> if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Lock down the dictionary reference handle and dereference the buffer. <11> HLock((Handle) dictReferenceRecordHandle); unlockDictionaryReference = true; dataBufferPointer = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->dataBuffer; // If data is not in the cache, load from the disk. cacheStartOffset = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->cacheStartOffset; if ((cacheStartOffset == -1) || (cacheStartOffset > nodeRecord.dataOffset) || ((nodeRecord.dataOffset + nodeRecord.dataSize) > (cacheStartOffset + kDataBufferSize))) { // <17> Adjust the byte count to read by looking logical end of file. dictInfoHandle = (DictInfoRecordHandle) Get1Resource( kDictInfoType, kDictionaryResourceID); if (dictInfoHandle == nil) { functionResult = ResError(); goto bail; } cacheStartOffset = nodeRecord.dataOffset; // update the offset. if ((**dictInfoHandle).dictDataLEOF > (cacheStartOffset +kDataBufferSize)) count = kDataBufferSize; else count = (**dictInfoHandle).dictDataLEOF - cacheStartOffset; // Get the dictionary data into the buffer. SetResLoad(false); // set to don't load. dictDataResource = Get1Resource( kDictDataType, kDictionaryResourceID); SetResLoad(true); // reset to always load. if (dictDataResource == nil) { functionResult = ResError(); goto bail; } ReadPartialResource( dictDataResource, cacheStartOffset, dataBufferPointer, count); // <17> functionResult = ResError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->cacheStartOffset = cacheStartOffset; // Update the cacheStartOffset. } else { dataBufferPointer += (nodeRecord.dataOffset - cacheStartOffset); } // Get only requested attributes from the dataBufferPointer and copy the result data into the recordDataHandle. functionResult = GetRequestedAttributes( dataBufferPointer, nodeRecord.dataSize, requestedAttributeTablePointer, recordDataHandle); bail: if (unlockDictionaryReference) // <11> HUnlock((Handle) dictReferenceRecordHandle); // <11> if (disposeKeyPointer) DisposPtr(keyPointer); if (functionResult != noErr) SetHandleSize( recordDataHandle, 0); UseResFile( savedResourceRefNumber); // <11> return functionResult; } // FindRecordByIndexInDictionary /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Get useful dictionary information which are defined as DictionaryInformation. Currently returns number of entries( records), max key size, current garabge size, and max garbage size. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr GetDictionaryInformation_ATrap( LongInteger dictionaryReference, DictionaryInformation *dictionaryInformation) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; UnsignedByte keyAttributes = 0; UnsignedByte keyDescriptorRecord[4]; DictReferenceRecordHandle dictReferenceRecordHandle = (DictReferenceRecordHandle) dictionaryReference; // <11> BTParam bTreeParameterBlock; Integer savedResourceRefNumber = CurResFile(); // <11> DictInfoRecordHandle dictInfoHandle = nil; // <11> // set current resource file. <10> UseResFile( (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->resourceRefNum); functionResult = ResError(); // <11> if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Get the dictionary info resource to update the resource file. dictInfoHandle = (DictInfoRecordHandle) Get1Resource( kDictInfoType, kDictionaryResourceID); if (dictInfoHandle == nil) { functionResult = ResError(); goto bail; } // Get dictionary information. keyAttributes = (**dictInfoHandle).keyAttributes; bTreeParameterBlock.ioCompletion = nil; bTreeParameterBlock.ioRefNum = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->dataRefNum; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTKDReqCount = 4; keyDescriptorRecord[0] = 3; // number of bytes in the record. keyDescriptorRecord[1] = kdString; // key is a Pascal string. keyDescriptorRecord[2] = 1; // occurrence. keyDescriptorRecord[3] = keyAttributes; bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTKDPtr = (Ptr)keyDescriptorRecord; functionResult = BTGetInfo(&bTreeParameterBlock, false); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // return the dictionary information record. dictionaryInformation->dictionaryFSSpec = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->fsspec; dictionaryInformation->numberOfRecords = bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTRecNum; dictionaryInformation->currentGarbageSize = (**dictInfoHandle).currentGarbageSize; dictionaryInformation->script = (**dictInfoHandle).scriptCode; // <15><13> dictionaryInformation->maximumKeyLength = bTreeParameterBlock.ioBTMaxKLen; dictionaryInformation->keyAttributes = keyAttributes; bail: UseResFile( savedResourceRefNumber); // <11> return functionResult; } // GetDictionaryInformation /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Compact the dictionary by creating a brand-new dictionary and inserting all entries of the existing dictionary into the new dictionary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr CompactDictionary_ATrap( LongInteger dictionaryReference ) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; DictInfoRecordHandle dictInfoHandle = nil; Handle recordDataHandle = nil; Integer index = 0; Str255 recordKey = ""; DictionaryInformation oldDictionaryInformation; // <11> FSSpec oldDictionaryFsspec, newDictionaryFsspec; // <11> DictReferenceRecordHandle dictReferenceRecordHandle = (DictReferenceRecordHandle) dictionaryReference; // <11> DictReferenceRecordHandle temporaryDictionaryReferenceHandle = nil; // <11> LongInteger newDictionaryReference = 0; // <11> Integer savedResourceRefNumber = CurResFile(); // <11> FInfo finderInfo; // <11> LongInteger numberOfRecords = 0; // <11> Boolean disposeRecordDataHandle = false; // set current resource file. <11> UseResFile( (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->resourceRefNum); functionResult = ResError(); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Get the dictionary info resource to update the resource file. <11> dictInfoHandle = (DictInfoRecordHandle) Get1Resource( kDictInfoType, kDictionaryResourceID); if (dictInfoHandle == nil) { functionResult = ResError(); goto bail; } // If currentGarbageSize is zero, we don't need to compact. if ((**dictInfoHandle).currentGarbageSize <= 0) { goto bail; } // Prepare the space to copy each record data in the will-be-compact dictionary. recordDataHandle = NewHandleClear( kDataBufferSize); if (recordDataHandle == nil) { functionResult = MemError(); goto bail; } disposeRecordDataHandle = true; // Create a new file in the current directory with the same finder info of the original dictionary. <11> oldDictionaryFsspec = (*dictReferenceRecordHandle)->fsspec; newDictionaryFsspec.vRefNum = oldDictionaryFsspec.vRefNum; newDictionaryFsspec.parID = oldDictionaryFsspec.parID; newDictionaryFsspec.name[0] = 1; newDictionaryFsspec.name[1] = 0x0a; // just a weird name that cannot be typed by the user. functionResult = HGetFInfo( oldDictionaryFsspec.vRefNum, oldDictionaryFsspec.parID, oldDictionaryFsspec.name, &finderInfo); functionResult = HCreate( newDictionaryFsspec.vRefNum, newDictionaryFsspec.parID, newDictionaryFsspec.name, finderInfo.fdCreator, finderInfo.fdType); if (functionResult == dupFNErr) { functionResult = FSpDelete( &newDictionaryFsspec); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } functionResult = HCreate( newDictionaryFsspec.vRefNum, newDictionaryFsspec.parID, newDictionaryFsspec.name, finderInfo.fdCreator, finderInfo.fdType); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } } functionResult = HSetFInfo( newDictionaryFsspec.vRefNum, newDictionaryFsspec.parID, newDictionaryFsspec.name, &finderInfo); // Install dictionary structure into the new file and open it. <11> functionResult = GetDictionaryInformation_ATrap( dictionaryReference, &oldDictionaryInformation); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } functionResult = InitializeDictionary_ATrap( &newDictionaryFsspec, oldDictionaryInformation.maximumKeyLength, oldDictionaryInformation.keyAttributes, (**dictInfoHandle).scriptCode); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } functionResult = OpenDictionary_ATrap( &newDictionaryFsspec, fsRdWrPerm, &newDictionaryReference); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } // Get all the records from the backup dictionary and copy them into the original. <11> numberOfRecords = oldDictionaryInformation.numberOfRecords; for (index = 0; (index < numberOfRecords); index++) { functionResult = FindRecordByIndexInDictionary_ATrap( dictionaryReference, index, (Ptr)-1, recordKey, recordDataHandle); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } functionResult = InsertRecordToDictionary_ATrap( newDictionaryReference, recordKey, recordDataHandle, kInsertOrReplace); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } } // Close and delete the current (old) dictionary file. <11> temporaryDictionaryReferenceHandle = (DictReferenceRecordHandle) NewHandleClear(sizeof(DictReferenceRecord)); if (temporaryDictionaryReferenceHandle == nil) { functionResult = MemError(); goto bail; } **temporaryDictionaryReferenceHandle = **dictReferenceRecordHandle; functionResult = CloseDictionary_ATrap( (LongInteger) temporaryDictionaryReferenceHandle); if (functionResult != noErr) { goto bail; } functionResult = FSpDelete( &oldDictionaryFsspec); // Update dictionaryReference and rename the new dictionary. <11> **dictReferenceRecordHandle = **(DictReferenceRecordHandle) newDictionaryReference; (**dictReferenceRecordHandle).fsspec = oldDictionaryFsspec; // copy the file name. functionResult = HRename( newDictionaryFsspec.vRefNum, newDictionaryFsspec.parID, newDictionaryFsspec.name, oldDictionaryFsspec.name); bail: if (disposeRecordDataHandle) DisposHandle( recordDataHandle); UseResFile( savedResourceRefNumber); // <11> return functionResult; } // CompactDictionary /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Input is the sourceBufferPointer with the requestedAttributeTablePointer. Depending on the requestedAttributeTable, copy data into the output targetHandle. If "requestedAttributeTablePointer" is not nil, only the entries which contain attributes in the "requestedAttributeTable" list will be returned. If "requestedAttributeTablePointer" is nil, only "raw data" will be returned. If "requestedAttributeTablePointer" is Ptr(-1), all data entries will be returned. „ This routine moves heap memory. Upon entry targetHandle size was set to kDataBufferSize (currently 1024 bytes). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr GetRequestedAttributes( const UnsignedBytePointer sourceBufferPointer, Size sourceBufferSize, const Ptr requestedAttributeTablePointer, Handle targetHandle) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; switch ((LongInteger) requestedAttributeTablePointer) { case ( -1): functionResult = CopySourceWithAllAttributes( sourceBufferPointer, sourceBufferSize, targetHandle); break; case ( 0): functionResult = CopySourceWithoutAttributes( sourceBufferPointer, targetHandle); break; default: functionResult = CopySourceUsingAttributeTable( sourceBufferPointer, requestedAttributeTablePointer, targetHandle); break; } return functionResult; } // GetRequestedAttributes /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Copy the original source which also has all attributes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr CopySourceWithAllAttributes( const UnsignedBytePointer sourceBufferPointer, Size sourceBufferSize, Handle targetHandle) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; BlockMove( sourceBufferPointer, *targetHandle, sourceBufferSize); SetHandleSize( targetHandle, sourceBufferSize); functionResult = MemError(); return functionResult; } // CopySourceWithAllAttributes /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Copy only raw data from the original source. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr CopySourceWithoutAttributes( UnsignedBytePointer sourceBufferPointer, Handle targetHandle) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; Integer totalNumberOfEntries = 0; Integer i = 0; Integer numberOfBytesToSkip = 0, rawDataSize = 0; Size targetHandleSize = 0; UnsignedBytePointer targetPointer = nil; targetPointer = (UnsignedBytePointer)*targetHandle; totalNumberOfEntries = *sourceBufferPointer; *targetPointer = totalNumberOfEntries; // Copy number of entries into target. sourceBufferPointer++; // Move to the first entry in source. targetPointer++; // Move to the first entry in target. for ( i = 0; i < totalNumberOfEntries; i++) { numberOfBytesToSkip = *sourceBufferPointer; // Get source entry length. sourceBufferPointer++; // Move to raw data size byte of the source. rawDataSize = *sourceBufferPointer +1; // Raw data size plus one (raw data entry byte size). *targetPointer = (UnsignedByte) rawDataSize; // Set target entry length. targetPointer++; // Move to raw data size byte of the target. BlockMove( sourceBufferPointer, targetPointer, rawDataSize); // Copy raw data including entry length. sourceBufferPointer += numberOfBytesToSkip; targetPointer += rawDataSize; } targetHandleSize = ((Ptr)targetPointer - *targetHandle); // Get target handle size. SetHandleSize( targetHandle, targetHandleSize); functionResult = MemError(); return functionResult; } // CopySourceWithoutAttributes /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ „ Copy the raw data with selected attributes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ pascal OSErr CopySourceUsingAttributeTable( UnsignedBytePointer sourceBufferPointer, const Ptr requestedAttributeTablePointer, Handle targetHandle) { OSErr functionResult = noErr; Integer attributeID = 0, attributeLength = 0; Integer totalNumberOfEntries = 0, numberOfTargetEntries = 0; Integer i = 0, j = 0; Integer rawDataSize = 0; Integer numberOfAttributes = 0; Integer sourceEntryLength = 0; Size targetHandleSize = 0; UnsignedBytePointer targetPointer = nil; UnsignedBytePointer sourceEntryLengthPointer = nil, targetEntryLengthPointer = nil; UnsignedBytePointer sourceRawDataPointer = nil, targetRawDataPointer = nil; Ptr tempPointer = nil; Boolean foundRequestedAttribute = false; Boolean foundAtLeastOneAttribute = false; // <19> targetPointer = (UnsignedBytePointer)*targetHandle; totalNumberOfEntries = *sourceBufferPointer; numberOfAttributes = (UnsignedByte) *requestedAttributeTablePointer; // <8> hsK numberOfTargetEntries = 0; // Initially zero of entries in targetHandle. sourceBufferPointer++; // Move to the first entry in source. targetPointer++; // Move to the first entry in target. // Copy the needed attributes along with raw data from the source buffer to targetHandle. for ( i = 0; i < totalNumberOfEntries; i++) { // Mark source/targetEntryLengthPointers. sourceEntryLengthPointer = sourceBufferPointer; targetEntryLengthPointer = targetPointer; sourceEntryLength = *sourceEntryLengthPointer; // Move to the raw data size byte. sourceBufferPointer++; targetPointer++; // Reserve raw data space in the targetHandle. sourceRawDataPointer = sourceBufferPointer; targetRawDataPointer = targetPointer; // Move to the first attribute. rawDataSize = *sourceRawDataPointer +1; sourceBufferPointer += rawDataSize; targetPointer += rawDataSize; // Copy only requested attribute ID's into the targetHandle. while ( (sourceEntryLength +1) > (sourceBufferPointer - sourceEntryLengthPointer)) { attributeID = (Integer) *(Ptr)(sourceBufferPointer +1); // Get source attribute ID. tempPointer = requestedAttributeTablePointer +1; // Points the first attribute. foundRequestedAttribute = false; j = 0; while ((!foundRequestedAttribute) && (j < numberOfAttributes)) { if ((Integer)*tempPointer == attributeID) { foundRequestedAttribute = true; } else { tempPointer++; j++; } } if (foundRequestedAttribute) { *targetPointer = *sourceBufferPointer; // target attribute length will be the same as the source. attributeLength = *sourceBufferPointer +1; BlockMove( sourceBufferPointer, targetPointer, attributeLength); // Copy the attribute. sourceBufferPointer += attributeLength; // Move to the next attribute field in source. targetPointer += attributeLength; // Move to the next attribute field in target. foundAtLeastOneAttribute = true; // <19> } else { sourceBufferPointer += *sourceBufferPointer +1; // Move only source pointer to the next attribute. } } // Copy the raw data into the target and set sourceBufferPointer to next entry. if (foundAtLeastOneAttribute) { // <19> BlockMove( sourceRawDataPointer, targetRawDataPointer, rawDataSize); *targetEntryLengthPointer = (targetPointer - targetEntryLengthPointer -1); // Fill the entry length byte. numberOfTargetEntries++; } else { targetPointer = targetEntryLengthPointer; } foundAtLeastOneAttribute = false; // <19> } // for // Fill the total number of entries in byte. *((UnsignedBytePointer)*targetHandle) = (UnsignedByte) numberOfTargetEntries; targetHandleSize = ((Ptr)targetPointer - *targetHandle); // Get target handle size. SetHandleSize( targetHandle, targetHandleSize); return functionResult; } // CopySourceUsingAttributeTable