; ; File: ScriptMgrUtilText.a (formerly SMgrUtilText.a) ; ; Contains: Script Mgr text utilities ; ; Written by: MED Mark Davis ; DRS daan Strebe ; LDC Lee Collins ; PKE Peter Edberg ; ; Copyright: © 1987-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; This file is used in these builds: Mac32 System CubeE ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <11> 11/17/92 PKE Add include of new IntlResourcesPriv.a for IntlTokenize equates. ; <10> 6/17/92 HA #1029756,: Made sure that we stuff a dummy address in the ; ram based vector table for StyledLineBreak after removing it ; from ptch 4 and adding it to ptch 27. ; <9> 4/30/92 FM Remove obsolete conditionals:shrinkIntlTokenize, smgrUsesStdExit ; <8> 9/20/91 PKE Remove CubeE conditional, since the new plan (according to ; Darin) is that everything for Cube-E goes in without ; conditionals. While I'm at it, get rid of some ">=$604", ; ">=$605", and ">=$700" conditionals. ; <7> 9/15/91 PKE smb, #1011961: For Bruges/Cube-E, roll in from 6.1 - Fix ; trashing of d3 by GetFormatOrder. ; ; <6> 9/14/90 BG Removed <4>. 040s are now behaving more reliably. ; <5> 7/23/90 PKE Changed IntlTokenize (under control of shrinkIntlTokenize ; symbol) to use BSRs instead of macros with inline code. On ; Plus/SE/II, this saves 620 bytes but makes IntlTokenize 13% ; slower, so we may reverse this. ; <4> 7/17/90 BG Added EclipseNOPs for flakey 040s. ; <3> 4/10/90 PKE Deleted conditionalized definitions of forROM, SysVers, ; Scripts604, and TestScriptManager. Used smgrUseStdExit, ; smgrSysVers, and smgrROMVers symbols instead of buildLevel. ; <2> 1/4/90 PKE Updated conditionals to put SS-6.0.4 changes in 6.0.5 as well as ; 7.0. Updated header to BBS format. ; <1> 12/18/89 CCH Adding for the first time into BBS. Changed include 'inc.sum.a' ; to load 'StandardEqu.d'. Updated file name references. ; ; (BBS versions above, EASE versions below:) ; <2.2> 11/27/89 PKE Use bug fix in <1.8> for Scripts604 build too. ; <2.1> 8/26/89 PKE Cleaned up some conditionals, moved a comment. ; <2.0> 8/22/89 SES Removed references to nFiles. ; <1.9> 7/12/89 PKE NEEDED FOR AURORA: In StyledLineBreak, replace 'mulu #4' with ; 'lsl.w #2' for efficiency. ; <1.8> 6/27/89 PKE NEEDED FOR AURORA - Fix GetFormatOrder bug discovered by Sue: ; If firstFormat=lastFormat, it did a move.l (instead of .w) of ; firstFormat into the first word of the ordering array. This ; move was redundant anyway, so I just skipped it. ; <1.7> 6/23/89 PKE Skip definition of buildLevel (done in ScriptPriv.a). ; <1.6> 6/9/89 PKE Change StyledLineBreak to use input offset value as per ; documentation: if 0, returned offset >= 1 and char breaks ; possible; otherwise, returned offset >= 0 and char breaks not ; possible. ; <1.5> 5/30/89 PKE Fixed bug in StyledLineBreak for 2-byte characters. ; <1.4> 5/24/89 EMT Renamed alpha symbol to not conflict with development stage. ; <1.3> 2/21/89 PKE Replaced with RomProj version, which already had system and Rom ; sources merged. ; (EASE ROMproj history below:) ; <1.6> 2/21/89 PKE Fix up LOADs: always use include 'StandardEqu.d'. ; 2/21/89 pke Fix up includes: always use include 'inc.sum.a'. ; <1.5> 2/14/89 PKE Fixed bugs in LineBreak/FindCarriage that broke new TextEdit ; <1.4> 2/14/89 PKE Updated to use MPW 3.0 final ScriptEqu.a equate names ; <1.3> 2/3/89 PKE Merged with current system sources (CCH's 01/16/1989 merge of ; 6.0.3 and 7.0 sources, done in RES.sys:smgr) ; 2/2/89 pke Merged system sources and ROM sources ; <1.2> 11/14/88 PKE Synchronize EASE and Projector ; <1.1> 11/11/88 CCH Fixed Header. ; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE. ; (old EASE ROMproj history below:) ; <1.7> 10/27/88 LDC Mods by Carl Hewitt and Brian McGhie in the process of putting ; Script Manager in ROM ; (EASE SYSproj history below:) ; <1.2> 2/14/89 PKE Updated to use MPW 3.0 final ScriptEqu.a equates ; <1.1> 1/16/89 CCH Merged 6.0.3 final sources into 7.0. ; <1.0> 11/16/88 CCH Added to EASE. ; (pre-EASE history; recent changes here went into EASE ROMproj, not SYSproj:) ; 9/16/88 ldc fixed StyledLineBreak to get correct itlb values ; 6/16/88 ldc added StdUnlink ; 6/14/88 ldc added check for valid token value [0..tokenNil) ; 6/13/88 ldc removed delimMap for move to ROM ; changes above here are for ROM or buildLevel >= 2 ; 2/10/88 med Changed GetFormatOrder pascal interface ; 2/10/88 med LineRight parameter is high byte from pascal ; 2/9/88 med Change pascal interface ; 1/7/88 med itlResource loaded if purged; minor changes in Tokenizer ; 1/4/88 med itlResource in Tokenizer is now handle ; 11/20/87 med Changed CheckSelector ; 11/16/87 med Minor cleanup of IntlTokenize ; 10/28/87 med Added IntlTokenize Routine ; 10/26/87 med Added StyledLineBreak algorithm, FormatOrder ;___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ; To Do: ; ;___________________________________________________________________________________________________ debugging equ 0 BLANKS ON STRING ASIS load 'StandardEqu.d' include 'ScriptPriv.a' include 'IntlResourcesPriv.a' ; <11> export FormatOrder,IntlTokenize ; smSelStyledLineBreak ;____________________________________________________________ ; ; StyledLineBreak Algorithm ; ; by Mark E. Davis ; ; Modification History ; ; 7/25/87 med Finished first version of line-break ; 7/28/87 med Pretty final version for AIS, needs truncation fixing ; 7/29/87 med Added check for CR ; 7/31/87 med CR cannot be part of white-space ; 7/31/87 med Add check for old SISs with bad word-break table ;<8/2/87med> Use direct calls on script routines ;<8/2/87med> Moved CheckFont ;<8/4/87med> Use blockflags instead of sisReverse ;____________________________________________________________ ;____________________________________________________________ ; Routine StyledLineBreak ( ; textPtr: Ptr; ; textLen: Longint; {must be < 32K ;<2/14/89 pke>} ; textStart: Longint; ; textEnd: Longint; ; flags: Longint; ; var textWidth: Fixed; {on exit, set if too long} ; var textOffset: Longint; ; ): LineCode; ;____________________________________________________________ IF 0 THEN LineBreakFrame record {oldA6},decrement resultSize equ 2 result ds.w 1 argSize equ *-8 textPtr ds.l 1 textLen ds.l 1 textStart ds.l 1 textEnd ds.l 1 flags ds.l 1 textWidth ds.l 1 textOffset ds.l 1 selector ds.l 1 return ds.l 1 oldA6 ds.l 1 offsets ds.l 3 leftSide ds.b 1 savedReverse ds.b 1 lineDirection ds.w 1 oldBlockFlags ds.w 1 ; <8/4/87med> localFrame equ * endR FixMinusOne equ $FFFF0000 LineBreakRegs reg a2-a3/d4-d6 ;____________________________________________________________ IF 0 THEN ; StyledLineBreak Equates smcTypeMask equ $000F smcReserved equ $00F0 smcClassMask equ $0F00 smcReserved12 equ $1000 smcRightMask equ $2000 smcUpperMask equ $4000 smcDoubleMask equ $8000 ; CharType character types. smCharPunct equ 0 smCharAscii equ 1 smCharEuro equ 7 ; CharType punctuation types. smPunctNormal equ $0000 smPunctNumber equ $0100 smPunctSymbol equ $0200 smPunctBlank equ $0300 ; NBSP is PunctNormal ENDIF ;____________________________________________________________ StyledLineBreak proc import FindCarriage import StdUnlink ; setup with LineBreakFrame,smgrRecord,scriptRecord, ItlbRecord CheckSelector link a6,#localFrame movem.l LineBreakRegs,-(sp) ; common args move.l textWidth(a6),a3 ; get @width move.l textPtr(a6),d5 ; pointer add.l textStart(a6),d5 ; pointer+start ; save environment and reset ;!!! generalize for left-right move.w teSysJust,lineDirection(a6) ; save just move.w #0,teSysJust ; set to LR ; get current script move.w #0,-(sp) ; allocate _FontScript return _FontScript ; get current script move.w (sp)+,d0 ; current script ; get core globals and test: inline instead of trap, for speed lsl.w #2,d0 ; make script code a longword offset <1.9> GetSmgrCore a2 ; smgr core globals move.l smgrRecord.smgrEntry(a2,d0),a2 ; core location ;<9/16/88ldc> changed following two lines to access correct itlb values <06/09/89 pke><3> move.b ScriptRecord.scriptBundle.itlbFlags(a2),oldBlockFlags(a6) ; <9/16/88ldc> bclr.b #smsfReverse,ScriptRecord.scriptBundle.itlbFlags(a2) ; set left-right <8/4/87med> ; <9/16/88ldc> ; quick check on length move.l textEnd(a6),d4 ; get length sub.l textStart(a6),d4 ; segment length ble @TooLong ; if zero, bail tst.l (a3) ; no width (degenerate) ; changed this so we handle blanks at start of 0-width line. <06/09/89 pke><3> bmi @FixNoChars ; fix neg width ; get offset ;!!! fix long length later move.w #0,-(sp) ; return space move.l d5,-(sp) ; pointer move.w d4,-(sp) ; length (mod) move.w #0,-(sp) ; slop (truncate) move.w (a3),-(sp) ; width (truncate) pea leftSide(a6) ; @leftSide _Pixel2Char ; use trap move.l #0,d6 ; longize move.w (sp)+,d6 ; get offset ; if width is zero, fix leftSide for FindWord etc. (change for 604) <06/09/89 pke><3> tst.l (a3) ; zero width? bne.s @doneFixLeftSide ; st leftSide(a6) ; if so, fix leftSide @doneFixLeftSide ; Check for CR <7/29/87med> move.l d5,a0 ; text ptr move.w d6,d0 ; copy of non-offsetted length bsr FindCarriage ; a0,d0.w: return d0.b=t/f, length in d1.w add.w textStart+2(a6),d1 ; need offset from textPtr tst.b d0 ; found? bne @ReturnWord ; yes, return ; check for position being too long move.l d6,d0 ; copy un-offsetted length add.l textStart(a6),d6 ; get char offset ; if offset > length, return width of text cmp.l d4,d0 ; position at end? blt.s @GotCharPos ; no, skip tst.b leftSide(a6) ; leftSide? bne.s @TooLong ; yes, too long @GotCharPos ; get word around char offset move.l textPtr(a6),-(sp) ; ptr move.w textLen+2(a6),-(sp) ; length (mod) move.w d6,-(sp) ; offset (truncate) move.b leftSide(a6),-(sp) ; leftSide move.l MinusOne,-(sp) ; line break table pea offsets(a6) ; offset table _FindWord ; use trap ; test character to see if it is white-space ; Mark suggests checking to see if VisibleLength would work better hereÉ <06/09/89 pke> move.w #0,-(sp) ; allocate return move.l textPtr(a6),-(sp) ; ptr move.w offsets(a6),-(sp) ; offset _CharType ; use trap move.w (sp)+,d0 ; get type move.l #0,d1 ; longize move.w offsets(a6),d1 ; assume second offset *** and.w #smcTypeMask+smcClassMask,d0 ; type and class cmp.w #smCharPunct+smPunctBlank,d0 ; blank? bne.s @ReturnOffset ; no, continue btst.b #smsfReverse,oldBlockFlags(a6) ; test reverse block flag <8/4/87med> sne d0 ; 0/-1 left/right <8/4/87med> cmp.b LineDirection+1(a6),d0 ; line = char? (bottom byte of line) <8/4/87med> bne.s @ReturnOffset ; yes, skip to end ; here, word is whitespace and direction is ok (script direction = line direction), ; so return second offset. ; add check for CR for old SISs with bad word-break table. <7/31/87med> ; All new SISs should be fixed, so we should be able to skip the FindCarriage ; stuff here and just set d1 to offsets+2(a6). <06/09/89 pke> move.l textPtr(a6),a0 ; get ptr moveq #0,d6 ; make long <2/14/89 pke><3> move.w offsets(a6),d6 ; get first offset add.l d6,a0 ; now at first offset <2/14/89 pke><3> move.w offsets+2(a6),d0 ; take second offset sub.w d6,d0 ; now length bsr FindCarriage ; find in d1 add.w d6,d1 ; d1 either after cr or at end bra.s @ReturnWord ; return @TooLong ; return width move.w #0,-(sp) ; return space move.l d5,-(sp) ; pointer move.w #0,-(sp) ; firstByte move.w d4,-(sp) ; length _TextWidth move.w (sp)+,d0 ; pop width swap d0 ; swap for long clr.w d0 ; longize ; move.l (a5),a0 ; graf globals ; move.l fontAdj(a0),d0 ; get fixed width sub.l d0,(a3) ; final width move.l textEnd(a6),d6 ; set return move.l #smBreakOverflow,d0 ; set type bra.s @Done ; return @ReturnOffset tst.l d1 ; break at start? bne.s @ReturnWord ; yes, return char move.l textOffset(a6),a0 ; get @textOffset <06/09/89 pke><3> tst.l (a0) ; was offset 0 at entry? <06/09/89 pke><3> beq.s @ReturnWord ; if so, go return zero offset <06/09/89 pke><3> ; have to break word, so backup until length is less. ; The most we have to backup is one char, and we only have to do that if <06/09/89 pke><3> ; leftSide is false <06/09/89 pke>. We also need to catch the case of d6=0. tst.b leftSide(a6) ; leftSide? bne.s @checkNullOffset ; if T, skip decrement sub.l #1,d6 ; decrement clr.w -(sp) ; allocate return move.l d5,-(sp) ; pass text ptr move.l d6,d0 ; cur position sub.l textStart(a6),d0 ; start of real text move.w d0,-(sp) ; count (mod!!!) _CharByte tst.w (sp)+ ; return 0=single,-1=first,1=last ble.s @checkNullOffset ; bail if -1 or 0, ok sub.l #1,d6 ; fix for 2-byte chars @checkNullOffset: tst.l d6 ; are we still >0? bgt.s @ReturnChar ; if so, go return a char bra.s @FixNoChars1 ; don't redo test for orig offset 0 @FixNoChars move.l textOffset(a6),a0 ; get @textOffset <06/09/89 pke><4> tst.l (a0) ; was offset 0 at entry? <06/09/89 pke><4> bne.s @FixNoChars1 ; if not, return 1 char <06/09/89 pke><4> moveq #0,d1 ; if so, set zero offset <06/09/89 pke><4> bra.s @ReturnWord ; and go return word break <06/09/89 pke><4> @FixNoChars1 ; string is now zero length, make it at least 1 char move.l #1,d6 ; include first char clr.w -(sp) ; allocate return <05/30/89 pke><3> move.l d5,-(sp) ; pass text ptr move.w #1,-(sp) ; offset _CharByte tst.w (sp)+ ; return 0=single,-1=first,1=last <05/30/89 pke><3> ble.s @ReturnChar ; bail if -1 or 0, ok add.l #1,d6 ; fix for 2-byte chars @ReturnChar move.l #smBreakChar,d0 ; so, word too long. bra.s @Done ; exit @ReturnWord moveq #0,d6 ; make long <2/14/89 pke><3> move.w d1,d6 ; set to word bound <2/14/89 pke><3> move.l #smBreakWord,d0 ; break at word @Done move.l textOffset(a6),a0 ; get @textOffset move.l d6,(a0) ; set to char position move.b d0,result(a6) ; set result type ; restore environment ; <9/16/88ldc> fixed following line move.b oldBlockFlags(a6),ScriptRecord.scriptBundle.itlbFlags(a2) ; <9/16/88ldc> use for 6.0.4 too <06/09/89 pke><3> move.w lineDirection(a6),teSysJust ; restore just ; cleanup movem.l (sp)+,LineBreakRegs CheckA6 move #argSize, d0 ; for StdUnlink <6/16/88ldc> bra StdUnlink ; standard exit <6/16/88ldc> endWith endProc ENDIF ;____________________________________________________________ ; PROCEDURE FormatOrder ( ; ordering : FormatOrderPtr; ; firstFormat : Integer; ; lastFormat : Integer; ; lineRight : Boolean; ; FUNCTION DirProc (theFormat : Integer; dirParam : Ptr) : Boolean; ; dirParam : Ptr ; ); ;____________________________________________________________ FormatOrderFrame record {oldA6},decrement resultSize equ 0 argSize equ *-8 ordering ds.l 1 firstFormat ds.w 1 lastFormat ds.w 1 filler ds.b 1 lineRight ds.b 1 ; high byte from pascal <2/10/88med> DirProc ds.l 1 ;;filler2 ds.l 1 ; why does pascal want this? Changed pascal interface <2/9/88med> dirParam ds.l 1 selector ds.l 1 return ds.l 1 oldA6 ds.l 1 localFrame equ * endR FormatOrderRegs reg a2-a3/d3-d6 ; <7> ;____________________________________________________________ FormatOrder proc import StdUnlink with FormatOrderFrame CheckSelector link a6,#localFrame movem.l FormatOrderRegs,-(sp) ; consistency check move.l ordering(a6),a2 ; get ordering move.w firstFormat(a6),d3 ; get start move.w lastFormat(a6),d4 ; get end cmp.w d3,d4 ; same? ble.s @Exit ; lastFormat ² firstFormat, leave array alone. <1.8><2.2><3> @FillArray ; {fill the array with initial values, going in lineDirection order} move.l DirProc(a6),a3 ; get dirProc move.l #2,d5 ; set pointer increment move.b lineRight(a6),d6 ; right-left? beq.s @InvertLoop ; no, continue move.w d4,d0 ; get last element sub.w d3,d0 ; last-first add.w d0,d0 ; for word array add.w d0,a2 ; last element neg.w d5 ; invert pointer increment @InvertLoop clr.b -(sp) ; allocate return move.w d3,-(sp) ; pass i move.l dirParam(a6),-(sp) ; pass dirParam jsr (a3) ; call it move.w d3,d1 ; set temp cmp.b (sp)+,d6 ; get result: same as lineRight? beq.s @1 ; yes, skip not.w d1 ; invert @1 move.w d1,(a2) ; set value add.w d5,a2 ; increment array pointer add.w #1,d3 ; i := i+1 cmp.w d3,d4 ; same? bge.s @InvertLoop ; no, keep looping ; {walk through the array, reversing the odd direction clusters (inverted)} @WalkArray sub.w firstFormat(a6),d4 ; now # elements + 1 move.l #-1,d5 ; mark as no first backwards element clr.w d3 ; i := 0 move.l ordering(a6),a2 ; get ordering move.l a2,a3 ; for increment @RevLoop tst.w (a3)+ ; get value bge.s @BadOrder ; correct order tst.w d5 ; have first backwards element? bge.s @RevContinue ; yes, continue move.w d3,d5 ; mark first backwards element bra.s @RevContinue ; continue @BadOrder tst.w d5 ; have first backwards element? blt.s @RevContinue ; no, continue bsr.s ReverseCluster ; ReverseCluster(j, i - 1) move.l #-1,d5 ; mark no first backwards element. @RevContinue add.w #1,d3 ; inc cmp.w d3,d4 ; at end? bge.s @RevLoop ; no, continue tst.w d5 ; got one? blt.s @Exit ; no, continue bsr.s ReverseCluster ; ReverseCluster(j, limit); @Exit ; cleanup movem.l (sp)+,FormatOrderRegs CheckA6 move #argSize, d0 ; for StdUnlink <6/16/88ldc> bra StdUnlink ; standard exit <6/16/88ldc> ;____________________________________________________________ ; PROCEDURE ReverseCluster (first, last : Integer); ; e.g. d5=3, d3 = 6 should reverse 3,4,5 ;____________________________________________________________ ReverseCluster move.w d3,d2 ; get last + 1 sub.w d5,d2 ; diff = first - last sub.w #1,d2 ; sum -1 asr.w #1,d2 ; middle = (sum-1)/2 (6,3 => move.w d5,d0 ; get j add.w d0,d0 ; double for word address lea 0(a2,d0.w),a0 ; end address move.w d3,d0 ; get i add.w d0,d0 ; double for word address lea 0(a2,d0.w),a1 ; end address (after end of element) ; e.g. for 3,4 items, dbra = 1 (two iterations); @RevClusLoop ; reverse outer elements move.w (a0),d0 ; temp = ordering^[i] not.w d0 ; restore it move.w -(a1),d1 ; temp2 = ordering^[j] not.w d1 ; restore it move.w d0,(a1) ; mix move.w d1,(a0)+ ; ditto dbra d2,@RevClusLoop ; til done ; exit rts endProc ;____________________________________________________________ ; Routine IntlTokenize ;____________________________________________________________ ;The tokenizer's job is to lexically analyze a block of characters ;(irrespective of script) and return a block of standardized tokens. The ;character block is interpreted as an expression from any normal computer ;language. ;The tokenizer lexes the following atoms: ; Unknown symbol (a character outside the tokenizer's vocabulary) ; White space (consecutive white space characters generate one token) ; Alphabetic (sequence of textual characters (and, optionally, digits)) ; Numeric (sequence of digits) ; Alternate numeric (digits from foreign scripts) ; Real numeric (digits, decimal, [digits]) ; Newline ; Comment (delimiters chosen by application) ; Literal (with delimiters chosen by the application) ; Escape character (disable special meaning of following character) ; Symbols (non-alphanumeric special symbols) ; End of Parse (source string ran out) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;The following symbols are unique tokens: ; ( ) [ ] { } Ç È + - * Ö ± / \ > < ; = <= ² >= ³ == := ­ <> != ! ~ , . Ò Ó Ô ; Õ " ' ; % ^ _ & @ | ? ¹ Ã · º µ ¸ ; ° : # $ ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;The tokenizer is a function: ; FUNCTION IntlTokenize( tokenParam: tokenBlock ): tokenResult; ;where ; tokenResult = (tokenOK, tokenOverflow, stringOverflow, badDelim, unknown); ; tokenBlock = ^paramBlock; ; paramBlock = RECORD ; source: Ptr; (*pointer to stream of characters*) ; sourceLength: LongInt; (*length of source stream*) ; tokenList: Ptr; (*pointer to array of tokens*) ; tokenLength: LongInt; (*maximum length of TokenList*) ; tokenCount: LongInt; (*number of tokens generated by tokenizer*) ; stringList: Ptr; (*pointer to stream of identifiers*) ; stringLength: LongInt; (*length of string list*) ; stringCount: LongInt; (*number of bytes currently used*) ; doString: Boolean; (*make strings & put into StringLIst*) ; doAppend: Boolean; (*append to TokenList rather than replace*) ; doAlphanumeric: Boolean;(*identifiers may include numeric*) ; leftDelims, rightDelims: ARRAY[0..1] OF tokenType; ; leftComment, rightComment: ARRAY[0..3] OF tokenType; ; escapeCode: tokenType; ; decimalCode: tokenType; (*what symbol to use for decimal mark*) ; END; ; TokenRec = RECORD ; theToken: tokenType; ; position: Ptr; (*pointer into original Source*) ; length: LongInt; (*length of text in original source*) ; stringPosition: Ptr; (*Pascal/C string copy of identifier*) ; END; ; tokenType : Integer; (*defined below*) ; (* The only value in tokenBlock directly modified by the tokenizer is ; the tokenCount field. The tokenizer modifies the memory pointed to ; by tokenList and stringList. stringList is a sequence of null- ; terminated, even-boundaried Pascal strings that is generated if ; doString is true but ignored otherwise; likewise, the ; stringPosition fields of the TokenRec records are ignored if doString ; is false. *) ; (* The Left and right delimiters are encoded as tokenType; two may be ; specified. If only one is needed, the second must be 127. ; These delimit literal strings. The position of a delimiter in the ; rightDelims array must match the position of its counterpart in ; the leftDelims array. As an example, the pairs ÒÓ and ÔÕ are [47,49] ; and [48,50] respectively, where the codes are given below. *) ; (* The leftComment and rightComment are also encoded as tokenType, but ; unlike delimiters, two tokens must be specified per comment symbol ; (postions 0 and 1 in the array are one comment symbol). ; If a single token only is needed then the second must be -1. One ; or two comment symbols are available; if only one is used then the ; second comment's tokens must both be 127. The pairs (* *) are ; [16, 26, 127, 127], [26, 17, 127, 127] *) ; (* The escape character is significant only when followed by a right ; delimiter within a literal. It nullifies the special meaning of the ; delimiter. If there is no escape character, use 127 *) ; (* The decimal symbol is has special meaning only when flanked or ; preceded by numeric or AltNumeric tokens. If RealNumber parsing is to ; be disabled, decimalCode should be 127 *) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Ordinal values of tokenType are: ;-1 EndParse ;0 Unknown 1 WhiteSpace 2 LeftLitDelim 3 RightLitDelim ;4 Alpha 5 Numeric 6 NewLine 7 LeftCommentDelim ;8 RightCommentDelim 9 literal 10 Escape ;11 Alternate numeric 12 RealNumber 13 AltRealNumber ;16 ( 17 ) 18 [ 19 ] 20 { 21 } 22 Ç 23 È 24 + ;25 - 26 * 27 Ö 28 ± 29 / 30 \ 31 < 32 > 33 = ;34 <= 35 ² 36 >= 37 ³ 38 == 39 := 40 ­ 41 <> 42 != ;43 ! 44 ~ 45 , 46 . 47 Ò 48 Ó 49 Ô 50 Õ 51 " ;52 ' 53 ; 54 % 55 ^ 56 _ 57 & 58 @ 59 | 60 ? ;61 ¹ 62 Ã 63 · 64 º 65 µ 66 ¸ 67 ° 68 : 69 # ;70 $ ;71 non-breaking space ;72 fraction ;73 intlCurrency ;74 leftSingGuillemet ;75 rightSingGuillemet ;76 perThousand ;77 ellipsis ;78 centerDot ;127 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IMPLEMENTATION NOTES ; ; This header file should be included in any version of tokenizer that is ;created. In the local version's file, this header file should be "included" ;as the first significant text. The local version must then implement a ;BaseSym macro after the include. The characteristics of the macro are: ; a) the first line is movea.l srcA,lastA ; b) the number of bytes in the character must be subtracted from srcL ; c) the symbol class of the character must be placed in the low word ; of csym. The upper word must remain undisturbed. ; d) after BaseSym, srcA must point to the byte following the last byte ; of the character just retrieved. ; e) if the available bytes run out before the character does, BaseSym ; must clean up its own portion of the stack (if any), place the ; constant #unexpectedEndER into temp, and branch to cleanUp. ; f) no registers except temp and the low word of csym may be modified. ; ; Following the BaseSym macro, the tokenBase.a file must be included. This ;file contains all state transition information. ; Finally, StringCopy must be implemented by the local version. String- ;copy's characteristics are: ; a) it is a subroutine. ; b) it may freely use any registers it pleases. ; c) it creates even-boundaried, null-terminated Pascal strings corres- ; ponding to those that each token's record points to. ; d) assuming that the return address from StringCopy is at the top of the ; stack, then the next word down is the current error condition. The ; following longword is the address of the effective token list, which ; is different from the pBlok tokenList address when doAppend is true. ; In other words, StringCopy must use the stack value rather than the ; parameter block value to determine the start of the token list. ; e) it must transliterate altNum and altReal tokens into ascii real ; strings and put the transliterated numbers, rather than the original ; numbers, into the Pascal strings. The same goes for roman (and only ; roman) letters. Additionally, the decimal character should be changed ; to a canonical '.'. All other text and symbols are to be copied ; verbatim. ; f) if doAppend is true, then it must compute the effective address of ; stringList by adding stringCount to it. ; g) it must compute the total amount of space used by strings by sub- ; tracting stringList(pBlok) from the next legal string address ; following the last null character of the last Pascal string, and ; place that computed value into stringCount(pBlok). ; h) it must detect overflow of the string space. If an overflow occurs, ; it must place #stringOverflow in the error condition space on the stack ; and return immediately. ; i) it must reverse the order of digits for the zany countries that use ; reversed digit sequences -- Arabic and Hebrew. In real numbers, the ; decimal point should be considered part of the string of digits and ; reversed right along with them. ; The local version contains its own mapping tables to decide the class ;of a character. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TokenFrame record {oldA6},decrement resultSize equ 2 result ds.w 1 argSize equ *-8 paramSpace ds.l 1 selector ds.l 1 return ds.l 1 oldA6 ds.l 1 localFrame EQU * ENDR ;--- ; put these here for reference; defined in IntlResourcesPriv.a IF 0 THEN srcA EQU a0 srcL EQU d0 toks EQU a1 tokL EQU d1 holdA EQU a2 cSym EQU d2 lastA EQU a3 ld EQU d3 map EQU a4 lc1 EQU d4 pBlok EQU a5 lc2 EQU d5 temp EQU d6 dTab EQU a6 temp1 EQU d7 rd EQU ld escRD EQU lc1 rc EQU ld ENDIF ;--- EXPORT IntlTokenize IntlTokenize func WITH TokenRec,tokenBlock,TokenFrame,TokenResults,itl4Rec CheckSelector MACRO BaseSym bsr BaseSymRoutine ; <5> ENDM MACRO ;get before swap GetSym bsr GetSymRoutine ; <5> ENDM MACRO ;swap before get NextSym bsr NextSymRoutine ; <5> ENDM MACRO DoToken &TokenRec move.w &TokenRec,temp ; <5> bsr DoTokenRoutine ; <5> ENDM MACRO makeSym &symNum move.w &symNum,-(sp) ; <5> bra makeSymRoutine ; <5> ENDM MACRO setDel ® ;set the bit position in the delimMap ;<6/14/88ldc> move byte, not word <3> clr.w temp move.b ®,temp ;compute delimiter map position ;<6/14/88ldc> skip -1, -2 <3> bmi.s @999 ;skip if temp < 0 asr.w #3,temp ;offset address bset ®,(dTab,temp) ;set that puppy @999 ENDM entry link a6,#0 movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp) ;just save it all movea.l TokenFrame.paramSpace(a6),pBlok ;parameter block address movea.l itlResource(pBlok),Map ;get the itl resource block <1/7/88med> move.l (Map),temp bne.s @27 move.l Map,-(a7) _LoadResource move.l (Map),temp @27 move.l temp,Map movea.l source(pBlok),srcA move.l sourceLength(pBlok),srcL movea.l tokenList(pBlok),toks tst.b doAppend(pBlok) ;is this an append or replace operation? beq.s @1 move.l tokenCount(pBlok),temp ;compute end of list mulu #tokenRecSize,temp ;that's how much is in there now adda.l temp, toks ;viola @1 move.l toks,-(sp) ;we need to save this for StringCopy move.l tokenLength(pBlok),tokL move.l leftDelims(pBlok),ld move.l leftComment(pBlok),lc1 move.l leftComment+4(pBlok),lc2 move.l MapOffset(Map),temp ;itl character map table lea (Map,temp),Map lea cleanUp,dTab move.l dTab,mapEmergOffset(Map) ;emergency exit address for itl extendFetch GetSMgrCore dTab ; <4/27/88ldc><3> adda #smgrRecord.delimMap, dTab ; <4/27/88ldc><3> lea -2(dTab),holdA ; holdA free for now!!! <1/7/88med> clr.w (holdA)+ ;clear delimiter map positions clr.l (holdA)+ clr.l (holdA)+ clr.l (holdA)+ clr.l (holdA)+ ; need to add one more word <6/14/88ldc><3> movea.l srcA,holdA ; start wild and wacky macro calls (expression borrowed from JT). setDel ld ;set up delimiter map swap ld setDel ld swap ld setDel lc1 setDel lc2 clr.l cSym ;clear 2nd byte of each char attr. GetSym ;start 2-symbol pipe bra.s main ;hop over to start cont DoToken cSym main movea.l lastA,holdA ;retrieve address of beginning of token GetSym ;get NextSym move.w cSym,temp ;compute delimMap address asr.w #3,temp ;byte offset btst cSym,(dtab,temp.w) ;is it a possible delimiter? bne delimRun ; <05/30/89 pke><3> notDelim ;just as fast on the averageÉ cmpi.w #4,cSym ;Éas a jump table beq alphabetic cmpi.w #1,cSym beq.s whiteSpace cmpi.w #16,cSym bge TokSymbol cmpi.w #5,cSym beq.s TokNumeric cmpi.w #6,cSym ;check newline beq.s cont cmp.w #11,cSym ;alternate numeral beq altnum tst.w cSym ;check unknown symbol beq.s cont bmi endparse bra unknownER ;shouldn't be able to get here ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- whitespace swap cSym ;need to check the nextSym @1 cmpi.w #1,cSym ;check for recurring whitespace bne.s @3 ;no more whitespace NextSym ;get NextSym bra.s @1 @3 swap cSym ;get cSym back into sync bra cont ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TokNumeric swap cSym ;check NextSym for numeric moveq.l #5,temp1 ;numeric code @nloop cmp.w temp1,cSym bne.s @done ;not numeric; bail out NextSym bra.s @nloop ;cycle again @done cmp.w decimalCode(pBlok),cSym ;could be real number beq realNumber swap cSym ;repair cSym order bra cont ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alphabetic swap cSym ;check NextSym moveq.l #4,temp1 ;alphabetic code tst.b doAlphanumeric(pBlok) ;are numerics legal? beq.s @aloopA ;no @aloopN cmp.w temp1,cSym ;is it alpha? beq.s @1 ;no, but it might be numeric cmpi.w #5,cSym ;is it numeric? beq.s @1 ;no, but could be alternate numeric cmpi.w #11,cSym bne.s @done @1 NextSym bra.s @aloopN ;and re-enter loop @aloopA cmp.w temp1,cSym ;is it alpha? bne.s @done ;nope so we're done NextSym bra.s @aloopA @done swap cSym ;repair cSym order DoToken #4 ;create alpha token bra main ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- leftLit1 move.l rightDelims(pBlok),rd ;get matching delimiter swap rd ;match was in upper word bra.s litMain leftLit move.l rightDelims(pBlok),rd ;get matching delimiter litMain move.w escapeCode(pBlok),escRD ;need escape code DoToken #2 ;create leftDelim token movea.l lastA,holdA ;save beginning of literal string swap cSym ;look ahead @litLoop cmp.w cSym,rd ;see if we found an end delimiter beq @endlit ;sure 'nuff cmp.w cSym,escRD ;see if it's an escape bne.s @1 ;nope, continue DoToken #9 ;portion of literal before escape movea.l lastA,holdA ;beginning of escape code BaseSym bmi badDelER ;don't stop now DoToken #10 ;escape code movea.l lastA,holdA ;beginning of symbol following escape NextSym swap cSym DoToken cSym ;symbol following escape movea.l lastA,holdA ;beginning of rest of literal swap cSym bra.s @litloop ;continue @1 tst.w cSym ;make sure we've not exhausted the source bmi badDelER ;hanging delimiter NextSym ;get NextSym bra @litLoop ;continue @endLit DoToken #9 ;create literal token move.l leftDelims(pBlok),rd ;repair delim and comment regs move.l leftComment(pBlok),escRD ;escRD is lc1 move.l lastA,holdA ;need address of closing delimiter GetSym ;start filling pipe DoToken #3 ;create right delimiter token bra main ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- leftCom2A move.l rightComment+4(pBlok),rc ;get matching delimiter move.w #1,dTab ;this reg becomes the nest counter bra.s comMain2 leftCom2 move.l lc1,lc2 ;lc2 becomes info for nested comment move.w #1,dTab ;this reg becomes the nest counter move.l rightComment(pBlok),rc comMain2 GetSym ;NextSym DoToken #7 ;create left comment symbol move.l lastA,holdA ;beginning of literal string tst.l rc ;see if right delim is 1 or 2 symbols bmi.s endCom1 ;branch accordingly bra endCom2 ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - leftCom1A move.l rightComment+4(pBlok),rc ;get matching delimiter bra.s comMain1 leftCom1 move.l rightComment(pBlok),rc comMain1 move.w #1,dTab ;for compatibility reasons (nesting) DoToken #7 ;create left comment symbol move.l lastA,holdA ;beginning of literal string tst.l rc ;see if right delim is 1 or 2 symbols bmi.s endCom1 ;branch accordingly bra.s endCom2 ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - endCom1 swap cSym ;look at the nextSym @cloop cmp.w cSym,rc ;check for end beq.s @end NextSym ;go for the next symbol bpl.s @cloop ;may have run out before delimiter bra badDelER @end DoToken #9 ;create the literal token movea.l lastA,holdA ;start of end delimiter NextSym ;get one beyond end delimiter swap cSym ;fix the order move.l leftDelims(pBlok),rc ;repair register DoToken #8 ;create end delimiter move.l leftComment+4(pBlok),lc2 GetSMgrCore dTab ; <4/27/88ldc><3> adda #smgrRecord.delimMap, dTab ; <4/27/88ldc><3> bra main ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - endCom2 @cloop move.l lastA,temp1 ;effectively a 2-symbol look-behind GetSym ;try the next puppy cmp.l cSym,lc2 ;check for nested comment beq.s @nest @nogo cmp.l cSym,rc ;check for end delimiter sequence beq.s @end tst.w cSym ;may have run out of symbols bpl.s @cloop ;still okay bra badDelER @nest tst.b doNest(pBlok) ;how's the weather? beq.s @nogo move.l temp1,lastA ;do literal token DoToken #9 move.l temp1,holdA ;start of nested left comment addq.w #1,dTab ;nest counter bra comMain2 @end move.l temp1,lastA ;fix up the pipeline DoToken #9 ;create literal move.l temp1,holdA ;start address of right delimiter GetSym ;start up normal piping again DoToken #8 ;create right delimiter movea.l lastA,holdA ;start of whatever follows subq.w #1,dTab ;see how the nesting isÉ cmpa.w #0,dTab bne endCom2 ;Éand continue if necessary move.l leftDelims(pBlok),rc ;repair register move.l leftComment+4(pBlok),lc2 GetSMgrCore dTab ; <4/27/88ldc><3> adda #smgrRecord.delimMap, dTab ; <4/27/88ldc><3> bra main ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- altnum swap cSym ;check NextSym for numeric moveq.l #11,temp1 ;numeric code @nloop cmp.w temp1,cSym bne.s @done ;not numeric; bail out NextSym bra.s @nloop ;cycle again @done cmp.w decimalCode(pBlok),cSym ;could be real number beq.s realAlt swap cSym ;repair cSym order bra cont ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- realNumber ;entry from altNum or numeric NextSym moveq.l #5,temp1 @nloop cmp.w temp1,cSym bne.s @done NextSym bra.s @nloop @done swap cSym move.w #12,cSym ;code for real number bra cont ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- realAlt ;entry from altNum or numeric NextSym moveq.l #11,temp1 @nloop cmp.w temp1,cSym bne.s @done NextSym bra.s @nloop @done swap cSym move.w #13,cSym ;code for real number bra cont ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TokSymbol swap cSym ;we'll be checking NextSym cmpi.w #33,cSym ;is NextSym "="? bne @cont swap cSym cmpi.w #31,cSym ;check for <= bne.s @c1 makeSym #34 @c1 cmpi.w #32,cSym ;check for >= bne.s @c2 makeSym #36 @c2 cmpi.w #68,cSym ;check for := bne.s @c3 makeSym #39 @c3 cmpi.w #33,cSym ;check for == bne.s @c4 makeSym #38 @c4 cmpi.w #43,cSym ;check for != bne.s @cont1 ;if that's not it then it ain't nothin' makeSym #42 @cont swap cSym ;re-adjust it cmpi.l #$001F0020,cSym ;is it "<>"? bne.s @cont1 makeSym #41 @cont1 move.l lastA,temp1 ;was not a composite symbol sub.l holdA,temp1 ;compute size bra cont ;get back into the thick of things ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- delimRun cmp.w cSym,ld ;check for left delimiter beq leftLit swap ld ;check for other delimiter cmp.w cSym,ld beq leftLit1 swap ld tst.l lc1 ;is comment sequence two symbols? bpl.s @1 cmp.w cSym,lc1 ;check for left comment sequence bne.s @2 bra leftCom1 @1 cmp.l cSym,lc1 beq leftCom2 @2 tst.l lc2 ;is other comment sequence two symbols? bpl.s @3 cmp.w cSym,lc2 ;check for other left comment beq leftCom1A bra notDelim @3 cmp.l cSym,lc2 beq leftCom2A bra notDelim ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;itl4 call interfacing ; extendFetch tst.l srcL ;did we come because of a double-byter? bpl.s @1 ;yes. move.w #-1,cSym ;we need a full word negative for dTab's benefit rts ;we came because source ran out; return home @1 move.l mapExtendOffset(Map),temp ;offset of the extended fetch routine jmp (Map,temp.l) ;finish the fetch StringCopy movea.l itlResource(pBlok),dTab ;get the itl resource block move.l (dTab),dTab ;dereference! <1/7/88med> move.l strOffset(dTab),temp ;offset of the stringCopy jmp (dTab,temp.l) ;finish the fetch ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Tail End ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- endParse moveq.l #0,temp ;status if nothing went wrong cleanUp move.w temp, -(sp) ;save status move.l toks,temp ;find out how many tokens we created sub.l tokenList(pBlok),temp divs #tokenRecSize,temp ;divide by size of TokenRec record move.l temp,tokenCount(pBlok) ;save the value (instead of whales)É ;Éif something went wrong then upper word is non-zero tst.b doString(pBlok) ;do we need to create string list? beq.s @end1 bsr.s StringCopy @end1 move.w (sp)+,d0 ;status report addq.l #4,sp ;yank off the token start address movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6 ;restore it CheckA6 ; check stack unlk a6 movea.l (sp)+,a0 ;return address add.l #argSize,sp ;dump original parameters move.b d0,(sp) ;status report jmp (a0) ;go home ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;IntlTokenize error branches ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tokenOVER move.w #tokenOverflow,temp bra.s cleanUp badDelER move.w #badDelim,temp bra.s cleanUp unknownER move.w #crash,temp bra.s cleanUp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Common routines for code savings <5> ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NextSymRoutine ; <5> swap cSym ; <5> BaseSymRoutine ; <5> movea.l srcA,lastA ;save start of symbol move.b (srcA)+,cSym ;start 2-mappedChar pipe subq.l #1,srcL ;pay the dues bmi.s @999 move.b 0(Map,cSym.w),cSym ;map the character bpl.s @998 @999 bsr extendFetch ;we've either run out of input or it's 2-byte, @998 ; and srcL tells which rts ; <5> GetSymRoutine ; <5> movea.l srcA,lastA ;save start of symbol move.b (srcA)+,cSym ;start 2-mappedChar pipe subq.l #1,srcL ;pay the dues bmi.s @999 move.b 0(Map,cSym.w),cSym ;map the character bpl.s @998 @999 bsr extendFetch ;we've either run out of input or it's 2-byte, @998 ; and srcL tells which swap cSym ; <5> rts ; <5> DoTokenRoutine ; has parameter in temp ;move first subtraction below <5> subq.l #1,tokL ;decrement available size of token space bmi.s toTokenOVER ;ran out of room <5> move.w temp,(toks)+ ;token <5> move.l holdA,(toks)+ ;adr in srcA of token start move.l lastA,temp ;find length of token <5> sub.l holdA,temp ; <5> move.l temp,(toks)+ ;size of token string clr.l (toks)+ ;space for string ptr rts ; <5> toTokenOVER addq #4,sp ; strip DoTokenRoutine return addressÉ <5> ; Éor makeSymRoutine parameter. bra tokenOVER ; go to err handling routine <5> makeSymRoutine ; has DoToken parameter on the stack. ;GetSym part movea.l srcA,lastA ;save start of symbol move.b (srcA)+,cSym ;start 2-mappedChar pipe subq.l #1,srcL ;pay the dues bmi.s @999 move.b 0(Map,cSym.w),cSym ;map the character bpl.s @998 @999 bsr extendFetch ;we've either run out of input or it's 2-byte, @998 ; and srcL tells which swap cSym ; <5> ;DoToken part subq.l #1,tokL ;decrement available size of token space bmi.s toTokenOVER ;ran out of room <5> move.w (sp)+,(toks)+ ;token <5> move.l holdA,(toks)+ ;adr in srcA of token start move.l lastA,temp ;find length of token <5> sub.l holdA,temp ; <5> move.l temp,(toks)+ ;size of token string clr.l (toks)+ ;space for string ptr ;don't return, just branch bra main ENDWITH ENDF END