; ; File: MFSRFN3.a ; ; Contains: This file contans the MFS equivalents to FXM and VSM for file block ; allocation and mapping. ; ; Copyright: © 1982-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <2> 9/12/91 JSM Add a header. ; <1.2> 3/2/89 DNF removed references to forROM; HFS now builds identically for ram ; or rom ; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header. ; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE. ; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ ; 10/8/85 LAK Added vector for Lg2Phys. ; 10/1/85 LAK D0 now returns a result code (no longer calls _SysError). ; 8/15/83 LAK Added safety check to prevent directory overwrites; D0 now ; returns end block + 1. ; 1/17/83 LAK Changed to add alloc blk offset in. ; 12/22/82 LAK Changed to use alloc blk size in bytes. ; 12/16/82 LAK Rewrote to reflect new file system data structures; Now passes ; back block parameter; takes allocation size into account. ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: Lg2Phys ; (c) 1983 Apple Computer Inc. ; ; Arguments: A2.L (input) -- VCB ptr ; (A1,D1.W) (input) -- FCB pointer ; D4.L (input) -- number of bytes desired (multiple of 512) ; D5.L (input) -- current file position (multiple of 512) ; D3.L (output) -- physical block start for current position <01Oct85> ; D0.W (output) -- result code (0 or FSDSIntErr). <01Oct85> ; D6.L (output) -- number of consecutive bytes available, up to D4 ; All other registers are preserved ; Note that Lg2Phys assumes we won't run off the end of a file. ; Called By: FileRead,FileWrite,MyRead ; Calls: GtNxBlk ; Function: Transforms file block number to volume block number and ; determines max number of consecutive disk bytes available. ; ; Modification History: ; 16 Dec 82 LAK Rewrote to reflect new file system data structures; ; Now passes back block parameter; takes allocation size ; into account. ; 22 Dec 82 LAK Changed to use alloc blk size in bytes. ; 17 Jan 83 LAK Changed to add alloc blk offset in. ; 15 Aug 83 LAK Added safety check to prevent directory overwrites; ; D0 now returns end block + 1. ; <01Oct85> LAK D0 now returns a result code (no longer calls _SysError). ; <08Oct85> LAK Added vector for Lg2Phys. ;_______________________________________________________________________ Lg2Phys BLANKS ON STRING ASIS MOVE.L jLg2Phys,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vLg2Phys <08Oct85> RTS ; go there <08Oct85> vLg2Phys ; 'vectored' Lg2Phys routine <08Oct85> BSR TFSVolTst ; If it's an MFS volume, <01Oct85> BNE.S @0 ; br for MFS file block mapping. <01Oct85> JMP MapFBlock ; Otherwise, do the TFS file mapping <01Oct85> @3 _HFSDebug 223 ; @0 MOVEM.L D1-D2/D4-D5/D7,-(SP) ; preserve dem regs MOVE.L VCBAlBlkSiz(A2),D7 ; number of bytes in an alloc blk MOVE.W FCBSBlk(A1,D1),D3 ; start alloc block for file IF HFSDebug THEN MOVE.L D4,D0 ; make sure byte count is non-zero <01Oct85> BEQ.S @3 ; 512-byte multiple . . . <01Oct85> AND.W #$FE00,D0 CMP.W D0,D4 BNE.S @3 MOVE.L D5,D0 ; make sure byte position is <01Oct85> AND.W #$FE00,D0 ; 512-byte multiple . . . <01Oct85> CMP.W D0,D5 BNE.S @3 ENDIF ADD.L D5,D4 ; current file pos + bytes desired SUBQ.L #1,D4 ; actual ending byte. MOVEQ #9,D1 ; shift count. MOVEQ #0,D6 ; no bytes available so far LSR.L D1,D4 ; end file (512-byte) block LSR.L D1,D7 ; num of 512-byte blks in alloc blk MOVE.L D5,D2 ; current file byte position LSR.L D1,D2 ; current (512-byte) file block BRA.S @2 ; br to end condition test @1 BSR.S GtNxBlk ; get block linked to by this block MOVE.W D5,D3 ; next linked blk -> cur block SUB.W D7,D4 ; one alloc blk closer to the end block SUB.W D7,D2 ; reached the desired alloc block? @2 CMP.W D7,D2 ; less than alloc blk size? BCC.S @1 ; keep looping until found MOVE.W D3,D0 ; cur alloc blk SUB.W #2,D0 ; adjust (1st alloc blk is blk 2) MULU D7,D0 ; convert to 512-byte blocks ADD.W D2,D0 ; add offset within alloc blk ADD.W VCBAlBlSt(A2),D0 ; add offset to alloc blk space on disk MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; starting block (save for return) <01Oct85> L2PPrt2 MOVE.W D7,D0 ; alloc blk size (mult of 512-bytes) SUB.W D2,D0 ; number of 512-byte blks avail this ADD.W D0,D6 ; add incremental 512-byte blks available SUB.W D0,D4 ; done enough blocks? BMI.S @0 ; yup. BSR.S GtNxBlk ; no, look into the next block MOVEQ #0,D2 ; entire alloc block ADDQ.W #1,D3 ; check for consecutive blocks CMP.W D3,D5 ; is it the next block? BEQ.S L2PPrt2 ; yes, keep going ; All done- give back needed info @0 MOVE.L (SP)+,D3 ; start physical 512-byte block <01Oct85> MOVE.W D3,D0 ; block start ADD.W D6,D0 ; last block in string ; this is important data, capable of trashing a diskette if wrong, so ; make sure it's in the allocation block range . . . MOVE.W VCBAlBlSt(A2),D4 ; first 512-byte alloc block MULU VCBNmAlBlks(A2),D7 ; number of alloc blocks ADD.W D4,D7 ; last 512-byte alloc block + 1 CMP.W D7,D0 ; last block in range? BHI.S @2 ; br if not CMP.W D4,D3 ; is start block > alloc start blk? BCS.S @2 ; br if not ok ASL.L D1,D6 ; num blocks avail*512 = available bytes MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D2/D4-D5/D7 ; restore regs CMP.L D4,D6 ; don't allow D6 larger than D4 BLS.S @1 MOVE.L D4,D6 @1 MOVEQ #0,D0 ; success <01Oct85> RTS @2 MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D2/D4-D5/D7 ; restore regs <01Oct85> MOVE.W #FXRangeErr,D0 ; use an appropriate TFS int err code <01Oct85> RTS ; <01Oct85> ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: GtNxBlk ; (c) 1983 Apple Computer Inc. ; ; Arguments: A2.L (input) -- VCB pointer ; D3.W (input) -- current block number (alloc blk size) ; D5.W (output) -- block pointed to by D3 ; Preserves all registers ; Sets CCR according to D5 value ; Called By: Alloc,DAlBlks,Lg2Phys,SetEOF,SuckEmUp ; Function: Figures next block in link. ; ; Modification History: ; 16 Dec 82 LAK Reformatted ; 22 Dec 82 LAK Changed to take VCB pointer as input ; 13 Jan 82 LAK Modified for allocation blocks offset from start of disk. ; ; - note the 32K size limitation for block maps? ;_______________________________________________________________________ GtNxBlk MOVEM.L D0/A2,-(SP) ; preserve all regs used MOVE.L VCBMAdr(A2),A2 ; get volume block map address MOVE.W D3,D0 ; current alloc block SUBQ.W #2,D0 ; first alloc block is number 2 MULU #BtsPrBlk,D0 ; cur blk's bit position in block map ROR.L #4,D0 ; word bound, save bit pos in hi word ASL.W #1,D0 ; for indexing by words MOVE.L 0(A2,D0.W),D5 ; get the long word the block is in CLR.W D0 ; prepare for shift count ROL.L #4,D0 ; get shift cnt from hi word ADD.W #12,D0 ; make into a rotate left count ROL.L D0,D5 ; rotates proper block into low 12 bits AND.W #$0FFF,D5 ; only give 12 bits MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A2 RTS ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: Alloc,Alloc1 ; (c) 1983 Apple Computer Inc. ; ; Arguments: A2.L (input) -- VCB ptr ; (A1,D1.W) (input) -- FCB pointer ; D4.L (input) -- number of bytes extra to allocate ; D0.W (output) -- Error code, 0 if no error. ; (only error: dskfull) ; D6.L (output) -- number of bytes actually allocated (always ; a multiple of 512-bytes). ; All other registers are preserved ; Called By: FileWrite,SetEOF,FileAlloc ; Calls: GtNxBlk,SubMrk ; Function: Allocate new blocks to a file. (Does not check lock bits!) ; Alloc entry point does nothing if it can't get all the bytes ; requested; Alloc1 entry gets what it can. ; ; Modification History: ; 22 Dec 82 LAK Rewrote to reflect new file system data structures; ; No reclamation of space is now needed from undeleted ; files; always checks number of free bytes available ; on the volume before proceeding; now has 2 entry points. ; 17 Jan 83 LAK Changes for alloc blks offset from diskette start. ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ MFSAlloc MOVE.L D4,D0 ; flag to get requested bytes or none AllocSt MOVEM.L D1-D5/D7/A0-A3,-(SP) ; preserve all but D0, D6 MOVE.L VCBAlBlkSiz(A2),D7 ; number of bytes in an alloc blk MOVE.L D7,D6 MULU VCBFreeBks(A2),D6 ; number of free bytes available CMP.L D6,D4 ; pin it at number of free blocks avail BLS.S @1 MOVE.L D6,D4 ; actual @1 CMP.L D0,D4 ; is this enough? BCC.S FigEndBlk ; br if so . . . MOVEQ #DskFulErr,D0 ; report disk full AllocXit MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D5/D7/A0-A3 ; restore regs used RTS ; D4 now contains the number of extra bytes needed, and we know they are out there FigEndBlk MOVE.L FCBPLen(A1,D1.W),D2 ; current physical length MOVEQ #0,D6 ; bytes allocated so far MOVE.W FCBSBlk(A1,D1),D3 ; start block for file BNE.S @2 ; br if there is a first block BSR.S GetFreeBk ; find a free block (put in D3) MOVE.W D5,FCBSBlk(A1,D1.W) ; only place we set this in file system MOVE.W D5,D3 ; now the current block MOVEQ #1,D5 ; mark this as the ending block BSR SubMrk BRA.S AlCkDone ; and join in with regular alloc code @1 MOVE.W D5,D3 ; next alloc blk in list @2 BSR.S GtNxBlk ; get block linked to by this block CMP.W #1,D5 ; terminal block? BNE.S @1 ; notice at this point, ; D3=current last block (alloc size) ; D2=physical file length (eventually) ; D4=bytes extra we need ; D6=# allocated already ; D7=num bytes in an alloc blk ; Now at the end of the file. start allocating AlNxtBlk CMP.W VCBNmBlks(A2),D3 ; > # blocks on the disk? BHI.S AlNtAtEnd ; br if so. (remember, 1st blk is #2) ADDQ.W #1,D3 ; next blk free? BSR.S GtNxBlk SUBQ.W #1,D3 ; back up to block that is in file TST.W D5 ; is it avail? BNE.S AlNtAtEnd ; br if not MOVE.W D3,D5 ; mark it for this file ADDQ.W #1,D5 ; AlLinkIn BSR SubMrk ; link block D3 to D5 MOVE D5,D3 ; now mark block D5 as 1 (EOF) MOVEQ #1,D5 BSR.S SubMrk AlCkDone ADD.L D7,D6 ; another block added ADD.L D7,D2 ; extends physical length by alloc size SUBQ.W #1,VCBFreeBks(A2) ; decrease num of free alloc blks on vol CMP.L D6,D4 ; have we added enough? BHI.S AlNxtBlk ; no, allocate more at the end ; have allocated all we need. restore regs, calc params, go home MOVE.L D2,FCBPlen(A1,D1.W) ; set new physical length BSR MarkVCB ; mark volume block map modified MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no errors BRA.S AllocXit AlNtAtEnd BSR.S GetFreeBk ; find a free one with some room BRA.S AlLinkIn ; then link it in . . . ; Comes here when we need to allocate a block but the next block in the ; file is not available (or when there are no blocks allocated to a file) GetFreeBk MOVEM.L D0-D4/D6/A1/A3,-(SP) SUB.L D6,D4 ; bytes needed - bytes allocated so far CMP.L VCBClpSiz(A2),D4 ; is this more than minimum clump? BCC.S @1 ; br if so MOVE.L VCBClpSiz(A2),D4 ; make this our minimum search size @1 MOVE.L VCBMAdr(A2),A1 ; block map address MOVE.W VCBNmBlks(A2),A3 ; number of alloc blocks ADDQ #1,A3 ; last alloc block number (1st one is 2) MOVEQ #0,D5 ; odd/even counter MOVEQ #2,D0 ; current block number MOVEQ #2,D2 ; last string block number start MOVEQ #0,D3 ; contiguous byte count MOVEQ #0,D6 ; max contiguous byte count CLR.W -(SP) ; block number of max string start ; we have 2 cases for the 12 bits we are after in the bit map: ; ; case 0: A1 => [nib0][nib1] [nib2][xxxx] ; ; case 1: A1 => [xxxx][nib0] [nib1][nib2] Scan4Free MOVE.B (A1)+,D1 ; get next bitmap byte LSL.W #8,D1 ; make room for 4-8 more bits BCHG #0,D5 ; are we odd or even? BNE.S @1 ; branch if we were in the middle of a byte MOVE.B (A1),D1 ; get the next 4 bits, don't increment ptr LSR.W #4,D1 ; move it back down to ground-zero BRA.S @2 ; go check for free . . . @1 MOVE.B (A1)+,D1 ; so get the other 8 . . . AND.W #$0FFF,D1 ; we only got 4 bits so far for this case @2 BNE.S NotFree ; br if not zero (i.e., not free) ADD.L D7,D3 ; incr contiguous free byte count CMP.L D6,D3 ; is this greater than our max so far? BLS.S @3 ; br if not MOVE.L D3,D6 ; if so, make this our new max MOVE.W D2,(SP) ; max string block start CMP.L D4,D3 ; is it more than we need? BCC.S GtFreeXit ; then we are done @3 ADDQ.W #1,D0 ; increment current block number BRA.S NF1 NotFree ADDQ.W #1,D0 ; increment current block number MOVE.W D0,D2 ; assume it starts a new string of freebees MOVEQ #0,D3 ; zero current contiguous byte count NF1 CMP.W A3,D0 ; past the end? BLS.S Scan4Free ; br if not GtFreeXit MOVE.W (SP)+,D5 ; get the max so far MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D4/D6/A1/A3 ; restore all registers except D5 result RTS ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: SubMrk ; (c) 1983 Apple Computer Inc. ; ; Arguments: D3.W (input) -- block (alloc size) to mark ; D5.W (input) -- mark value to put into the 12-bits ; A2.L (input) -- VCB pointer ; All registers are preserved ; Called by: SetEOF,Alloc ; Function: Set a value into a particular location in the block map: ; puts D5 into (D3). (effectively linking D3 to D5) ; ; Modification History: ; ; 22 Dec 82 LAK Reformatted; now takes VCB ptr as input; saves all regs; ; 17 Jan 83 LAK Changed for alloc blks diskette offset. ;_______________________________________________________________________ SubMrk MOVEM.L D0/D6/A2,-(SP) ; preserve all regs MOVE.L VCBMAdr(A2),A2 ; need addr of disk map. MOVE.W D3,D0 ; current alloc block SUBQ.W #2,D0 ; first alloc block is number 2 MULU #BtsPrBlk,D0 ; cur blk's bit position in block map ROR.L #4,D0 ; put bit shift count into high 4 bits ASL.W #1,D0 ; make word index, don't disturb HO byte MOVE.L 0(A2,D0.W),D6 ; get old stuff SWAP D0 ; get shift count into low word LSR.W #8,D0 ; get count into low order bits LSR.W #4,D0 ; all the way down--- ADD #12,D0 ; make into a rol shift count ROL.L D0,D6 ; get the block into the 12 ls bits AND.W #$F000,D6 ; make it 0, OR D5,D6 ; put new value in it. ROR.L D0,D6 ; put it back in order SWAP D0 ; get word index back MOVE.L D6,0(A2,D0.W) ; stuff it back into the table MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/D6/A2 ; restore regs RTS ; that's all folks ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: DAlBlks ; (c) 1983 Apple Computer Inc. ; ; Arguments: D3.W (input) -- start of chain of blocks (of alloc size) ; A2.L (input) -- VCB pointer ; D0.W (output) -- error code ; All registers are preserved. ; Calls: GtNxBlk,SubMrk ; Called by: Delete,SetEOF ; Function: ; ; Modification History: ; ; 22 Dec 82 LAK Reformatted; preserves regs (necessary?) ; 17 Jan 83 LAK Don't preserve regs cause we don't have to. ; ; - note that deallocated blocks still exist on the diskette until allocated ; to new files and rewritten. ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; DAlBlks- deallocate blocks. Enter with D3=start of chain ; exits with all blocks marked 0 in map table. does not write to disk DAlBlks TST.W D3 ; any blocks? BEQ.S DAlDone ; if no blocks, all done. @1 BSR GtNxBlk ; get the next in the chain. MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; save the link CLR.W D5 ; link cur blk to 00 BSR.S SubMrk ; and mark it. ADDQ.W #1,VCBFreeBks(A2) ; increase num of free alloc blks on vol MOVE.W (SP)+,D3 ; next linked block CMP.W #1,D3 ; last block? BNE.S @1 ; no, do whole list. BSR MarkVCB ; mark volume block map modified DAlDone RTS ; that's all folks.