; ; File: DeskMgrPatches.a ; ; Contains: Fixes to the Desk Manager ; ; Copyright: © 1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <5> 7/8/92 JSM Add comments about patches that have been rolled in. ; <4> 2/10/92 JSM Moved this file to DeskMgr folder, keeping all the old ; revisions. ; <3> 8/30/90 dba add code for SystemClick heap scramble bug fixes ; <2> 8/2/90 csd Patch SystemClick to be 32-Bit clean. ; <1> 7/2/90 stb first checked in ; ; load 'StandardEqu.d' include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a' SysEvtAfterFrontWindow ROMBind (Plus, $15C2A), (SE, $10268), (II, $14FE0), (Portable, $15536), (IIci, $1C79C) SysEvtDoneSEvt ROMBind (Plus, $15C20), (SE, $1025C), (II, $14FD4), (Portable, $1552C), (IIci, $1C790) SystemClickContinue ROMBind (IIci, $1C856) CheckDeskHook ROMBind (IIci, $1C8A0) SearchWindow ROMBind (Plus, $15C40), (SE, $1027C), (II, $14FF4), (Portable, $15550), (IIci, $1C7B4) DoneSClick ROMBind (IIci, $1C894) AfterLoadResourceInSystemClick ROMBind (Plus, $15CDC), (SE, $10330), (II, $150A8), (Portable, $15606), (IIci, $1C86A) AfterFrontWindowInSystemClick ROMBind (Plus, $15CF8), (SE, $1034C), (II, $150C4), (Portable, $15622), (IIci, $1C886) AfterTrackGoAwayInSystemClick ROMBind (Plus, $15D58), (SE, $103AC), (II, $15124), (Portable, $15682), (IIci, $1C8E6) ;ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ ; SystemEvent Ρ bail out if there is no window up ; SystemEvent has a call to FrontWindow before dereferencing the front window's data structure. ; This is bad if FrontWindow returns nil. This come-from patch to FrontWindow causes SystemEvent ; to exit immediately with a return value of FALSE if FrontWindow returns nil. ; ; This patch has been rolled into DeskMgr.a. ; SysEvtIgnoreNILFrontWindow ComeFromPatchProc \ _FrontWindow,SysEvtAfterFrontWindow,(Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci) addq #4,sp ; pop return address because we know it's always SysEvtAfterFrontWindow jsrOld ; go ahead and finish the FrontWindow tst.l (sp) ; is there no window up? bneROM SysEvtAfterFrontWindow ; there's a window, so we can continue as normal ; we don't have a window, so bail out addq #4,sp ; pop the windowptr from the FrontWindow call jmpROM SysEvtDoneSEvt ; exit through the ROM EndProc ;ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ ; SystemClick - Make this routine 32-bit clean when it calls the WDEF and fix heap scramble bugs. ; ; This patch has been rolled into DeskMgr.a. ; FixSystemClick PatchProc _SystemClick,(IIci) MOVEM.L D0/D3-D4/A3-A4,-(SP) ;preserve some work registers ;D0 to reserve space on stack MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ;push "savePort" _GetPort ;remember the current grafPort on stack MOVE.L 24(SP),A4 ; get theWindow into A4 MOVE.L WindowDef(A4),A3 ; get the window def proc handle into A3 MOVE.L 28(SP),D4 ; get theEvent into D4 MOVE.L A4,D0 ; test the window ptr beqROM CheckDeskHook ; if nil, check the desk hook MOVE.L A4,A0 ;pass in A0 jsrROM SearchWindow ;find it in the driver list bneROM DoneSClick ;if not found, ignore the call MOVE.L A0,D3 ;remember DCE handle (formerly remembered the pointer) <3> ; ; we found the window in the device table; A1 points to the DCE entry of the driver ; that owns the window. First see what part of the window its in by calling ; the window definition proc to classify. ; subq #2, SP ; room for window variant move.l A4, -(SP) ; push window pointer _GetWVariant ; legally get the window variant move.w (SP)+, D0 ; put the var code into D0 for the ROM jmpROM SystemClickContinue ; let the rom do the rest EndProc ; The next patch is so that we keep the DCE handle instead of the pointer. ; Not needed on the IIci because the above patch fixes it for that ROM. RememberDCEHandleInsteadOfPointer ComeFromPatchProc \ _LoadResource,AfterLoadResourceInSystemClick,(Plus,SE,Portable,II) MOVE.L A4,A0 ;pass in A0 jsrROM SearchWindow ;find it in the driver list (we know it will be found, we found it before) MOVE.L A0,D3 ;remember DCE handle (formerly remembered the pointer) <3> jmpOld EndProc ; The next patch is so that we get the dCtlRefNum properly when we send a message to the driver. ; ; This patch has been rolled into DeskMgr.a. ; GetDCtlRefNumFromHandleForSendDrvrMsg ComeFromPatchProc \ _FrontWindow,AfterFrontWindowInSystemClick,(Plus,SE,Portable,II,IIci) move.l d3,a0 ;put DCE handle in an address register to dereference it move.l (a0),d3 ;get the DCE pointer now, like the ROM expects jmpOld EndProc ; The next patch is so that we get the dCtlRefNum properly when close the driver. ; This can be two different things Ρ either CloseDeskAcc or calling the CloseOrnHook. ; ; This patch has been rolled into DeskMgr.a. ; GetDCtlRefNumFromHandleForClosingDeskAccessory ComeFromPatchProc \ _TrackGoAway,AfterTrackGoAwayInSystemClick,(Plus,SE,Portable,II,IIci) addq #4,sp ;get rid of the return address in SystemClick jsrOld ;call TrackGoAway, and the stack is right move.l d3,a0 ;put DCE handle in an address register to dereference it move.l (a0),d3 ;get the DCE pointer now, like the ROM expects jmpROM AfterTrackGoAwayInSystemClick ; rejoin the ROM, just after the TrackGoAway call EndProc ;ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ End