; ; File: PopupCDEFMDEF.a ; ; Contains: code resource that postprocesses menu defproc's mSizeMsg ; by expanding the width by a given delta amount ; ; Written by: Byron Han ; ; Copyright: © 1989-1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <5> 11/3/92 DTY Clean up includes. ; <4> 3/30/91 DTY ngk, #f1-ngk-002: lock down MDEF before calling through to it. ; <3> 3/19/90 EMT Deleted spurious characters inserted in <2>. ; <2> 3/19/90 BBH moved dsMDEFNotFound to SysErr.a ; <1> 3/5/90 BBH first checked in to BBS ; ; Pre-BBS Modification History ; 12/2/89 BBH Swap version/procID ; Incorporate changes from code revu ; (tighten up code, add syserr if cannot load mdef) ; 11/28/89 BBH Created ; ; ; PROCEDURE MyMDEF(msg: INTEGER; hMenu: MenuHandle; ; VAR mRect: Rect; hitPt: Point; VAR mItem: INTEGER); ; ; This MDEF calls the mdef stored in the header. If the size message is ; passed in, we increase the width by the value in extend. ; ; So, to do this from pascalÉ ; ; TYPE ; MyHandle = ^MyPtr; ; MyPtr = ^MyRecord; ; MyRecord = RECORD { format of the header } ; branch: INTEGER; { BRA.S blah blah blah } ; flags: INTEGER; ; rType: ResType; ; procID: INTEGER; ; version: INTEGER; ; ; defProc: Handle; ; extend: INTEGER; ; END; ; ; theHandle := MyHandle(GetResource('MDEF', $DFE0)); { get new mdef } ; WITH theHandle^^ DO { and fill in the blanks } ; BEGIN ; defProc := theMenu^^.menuProc; ; extend := info.widMax ; END; ; ; theMenu^^.menuProc := Handle(theHandle); { set up new mdefproc } ; ; { call popupmenuselect here } ; ; theMenu^^.menuProc := theHandle^.defProc; { restore the mdefproc } ; wholeErrors EQU 1 ; we want ALL error codes INCLUDE 'SysErr.a' ; INCLUDE 'ToolEqu.a' INCLUDE 'Traps.a' MDEF PROC EXPORT retAddr EQU 4 ; stack frame constants mItem EQU retAddr+4 hitPt EQU mItem+4 mRect EQU hitPt+4 hMenu EQU mRect+4 msg EQU hMenu+4 branch BRA.S Main ; 2 bytes flags DC.W 0 ; flags rType DC.L ('MDEF') procID DC.W $DFE0 ; procID (owned by CDEF 63) version DC.W 0 ; version defproc DC.L 0 ; handle for the menu defproc extend DC.W 0 ; amount to increase horizontal by Main LINK A6,#-2 ; create a stack frame MOVE.W msg(A6),-(SP) ; repush the parameters MOVE.L hMenu(A6),-(SP) MOVE.L mRect(A6),-(SP) MOVE.L hitPt(A6),-(SP) MOVE.L mItem(A6),-(SP) MOVE.L defProc,A0 ; replaces two lines below ; LEA defproc,A0 ; get the defProc storage ; MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get the defproc MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; load mdefproc _LoadResource MOVE.L (A0),D1 ; check if still not loaded <4, #f1-ngk-002> BNE.S @AOK ; all right MOVEQ #dsMDEFNotFound,D0 ; deep shit alert error _SysError BRA.S @byebye ; and now back to the futureÉ @AOK ; end addition _HGetState ; Get state of MDEF <4, #f1-ngk-002> move.w d0,-2(a6) ; Save state <4, #f1-ngk-002> _HLock ; <4, #f1-ngk-002> MOVE.L D1,A0 ; dereference defproc <4, #f1-ngk-002> JSR (A0) ; jump through it please move.l defProc,a0 ; <4, #f1-ngk-002> move.w -2(a6),d0 ; Restore state of handle <4, #fl-ngk-002> _HSetState ; <4, #f1-ngk-002> CMP.W #mSizeMsg,msg(A6) ; replaces two lines below ; MOVE.W msg(A6),D0 ; is this a size measurement? ; CMP #mSizeMsg,D0 BNE.S @byebye MOVE.W extend,D0 ; replaces two lines below ; LEA extend,A0 ; get amount to widen the menu ; MOVE.W (A0),D0 MOVE.L hMenu(A6),A0 ; get the mHandle MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; dereference ADD.W D0,menuWidth(A0) ; and add amount to extend byÉ @byebye ; common exit code UNLK A6 ; destroy stack frame MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get return address LEA 18(SP),SP ; replaces line below ; ADD.L #18,SP ; strip JMP (A0) ; and go home ENDPROC END