{ File: dpCompileOptions.inc.p Contains: converts comand line options to appropriate compiler inlines. Written by: Nick Kledzik Copyright: © 1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. This file is used in these builds: BigBang Change History (most recent first): <4> 10/31/90 ngk No longer force macsbug symbols, if qNames is undefined. This allows "-mbg full" switch to work. <3> 10/8/90 ngk turn off macsbug symbols, by default for beta builds <2> 3/25/90 ngk turn on symbols, by default for alpha builds 1.2 ngk 08/08/1989 added qCatchFailures and more comments 1.1 ngk 05/29/1989 fixed bug of right-curly bracket in comment 1.0 ngk 05/29/1989 Changed from a USES dpCompileOptions.p to [$I dpCompileOptions.inc.p] To Do: } { qRangeCheck ==> overflow checking of numbers, range checking of arrays qUnInit ==> all variables are initialized to $7267... qNames ==> all procedures and functions have MacsBug symbols qCatchFailures ==> each failure handler breaks into MacsBug on failure qDebug ==> qRangeCheck, qUnInit, qNames, qCatchFailures } { by defualt qDebug is False } {$IFC UNDEFINED qDebug } {$SETC qDebug=FALSE } {$ENDC } { If qDebug is True, set the default for others } {$IFC qDebug } {$IFC UNDEFINED qRangeCheck} {$SETC qRangeCheck=TRUE } {$ENDC } {$IFC UNDEFINED qUnInit} {$SETC qUnInit=TRUE } {$ENDC } {$IFC UNDEFINED qNames} {$SETC qNames=TRUE } {$ENDC } {$IFC UNDEFINED qCatchFailures} {$SETC qCatchFailures=TRUE } {$ENDC } {$ENDC } { Set the default for the undefined ones to be False } {$IFC UNDEFINED qRangeCheck} {$SETC qRangeCheck=FALSE } {$ENDC } {$IFC qRangeCheck} {$R+} {$OV+} {$ELSEC} {$R-} {$OV-} {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED qUnInit} {$SETC qUnInit=FALSE } {$ENDC } {$IFC qUnInit} {$Init+} {$ELSEC} {$Init-} {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED qNames} { leave macsbug symbols alone } {$ELSEC} {$IFC qNames} {$D+} {$N+} {$ELSEC} {$D-} {$N-} {$ENDC} {$ENDC } {$IFC UNDEFINED qCatchFailures} {$SETC qCatchFailures=FALSE } {$ENDC }