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729 lines
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File: Schedule.c
Contains: Process Mgr scheduling routines.
Written by: Phil Goldman and Erich Ringewald
Copyright: © 1986-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<27> 11/11/92 FS Modify the process manager to send events to the shell process
if a window in the TSM layer has the magic window kind (13)
<26> 8/26/92 DTY Change ModSquadÕs funky conditional to use #ifdefs like everyone
<25> 8/17/92 hjcr Adding support for OCE's "defer drag" feature. Conditionally
compiled under MODSQUAD
<24> 7/28/92 DCL Included the private Layers.h because applicationFloatKind &
systemFloatKind constants were moved out of the public eye and
into the private Layers header file.
<23> 6/22/92 YK #1033306 <JH>: Always remove the mouse down event for a floating
window from the event queue.
<22> 6/8/92 YK <JH>: A boolean variable may not be either 0 or 1. (Probably
$FF) So Ô==trueÕ should be Ô!=falseÕ.
<21> 6/8/92 JH Removing PtInRgn from imLayerMouseDown. This is a superfluous
test since the swapCurLayer, FindWindow, SetCurLayer will always
do the right thing. In addition, for the PtInRgn call to work
the layer manager will always have to maintain the structrgn
state as it is maintained today. This assumption will break
(does break?) the shuffle window manager changes done by Dave
Collins for O.C.E.
<20> 5/11/92 JH #1029361 <KST>: Need to determine whether to send event to SWM
driver via the WindowKind and not the refcon. imLayerMouseDown
changed to look at the WindowKind.
<19> 4/29/92 YK #1028427 <JH>: Pass mouse down events to the front application
when the front app is inline aware.
<18> 4/25/92 YK #1027486: Move the code, which checks update regions for TSM
windows, from nexttask() to event_common() in EventMgrPatches.c.
<17> 4/22/92 JH #1027915,<YK>: YK,#1027915,If the an input method opens a
floating window in the context of a TSM unaware application that
window gets assigned to the swmdriver. However, if the user then
switches to a TSM aware application any mousedown events will be
routed to the swmdriver rather than the TSM aware application.
That means that the input method gets an A5 world that belongs
to the Process Manager and not the TSM aware application. When
the input method subsequently tries to callback to the
application a5 belongs to the process manager. If the
application depends on being able to access globals in the
AppleEvent handlers we get some fancy crashes. To fix this
problem we make a last minute check to see if the current
application is TSM aware before call SendEventToSWMDriver. If
the app is TSM aware we change the pTarg to route to the current
<16> 4/9/92 KST #1025131,<JH>: Changed SWM from a background app to a driver so
that input method can do dialog, change cursor, access the menu,
and type into the dialog window.
<15> 3/23/92 JSM OSEvents.h is obsolete, use Events.h.
<14> 10/9/91 YK Added imLayerMouseDown to get mouse down events in Text Service
Floating window.
<13> 2/6/91 DFH ewa,WS#DFH-910205a:Changed BringProcessToFront to call
MakeTopLayer if the destination is a high-level debuggee being
<12> 1/21/91 DFH (KSM) Process Menu is now called Application Menu.
<11> 1/14/91 DFH (JDR) Conditionalize out AUX support.
<9> 1/8/91 DFH (rdd) Simplified BringProcessToFront() since some of its work is
now done by CallDebugger(), and pErrantProcess is no longer
<8> 12/18/90 DFH Removed fgAppsUnexecuted mechanism, since front switch queue
works better.
<7> 12/17/90 DFH Fixing fg_resched to not consider new apps and front switches
when the event is not a null event.
<6> 12/14/90 DFH Added SynchIdleTime call in nexttask.
<5> 12/5/90 DFH Integrate AUX support. Also, remove GiveDriversTime call
from nexttask, since sleep is now based on drivers'
<4> 12/3/90 RLC <ksm> Change call to IsFrontWindowModal() to call the newer
GetFrontWindowModalClass instead.
<3> 11/27/90 DFH Removed unneeded parameter from cpu_resched.
<0> x/xx/86 PYG New Today.
#pragma segment kernel_segment
#include <types.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <files.h>
#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <menus.h>
#include <events.h>
#include <resources.h>
#include <osutils.h>
#include <retrace.h>
#include <segload.h>
#include <desk.h>
#include <dialogs.h>
#include <DialogsPriv.h>
#include <errors.h>
#include <EPPC.h>
#include <MFPrivate.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <TextServices.h>
#include <Layers.h>
#include "Glue.h"
#include "Lomem.h"
#include "Data.h"
#include "SysMisc.h"
#include "Aux.h"
#include "Puppet.h"
#include "OSDispatchPrivate.h"
/* Some function prototypes that should be in (yet another) header file */
void pollmouse(void);
void clkint(void);
unsigned short ApplicationMenuItemFromPEntry(PEntryPtr);
void PostPseudoEvent(PEntryPtr pProc, EventRecord *pEvent);
/* Function prototypes internal to this file */
PEntryPtr nexttask(void);
PEntryPtr nextback(void);
void PrepareForUpdate(PEntryPtr);
* *
* Process scheduling routines *
* *
/* BringProcessToFront. This fellow switches the given process to the frontmost,
* foremost, frontmost user application.
BringProcessToFront(PEntryPtr pNewProc)
PEntryPtr localCurrProc;
/* Accept no substitutes. This may happen, for example, if pNewFrontProcess gets
* cleared out because the app we are switching to croaked while foreground switching.
if (pNewProc == nil)
localCurrProc = pCurrentProcess;
if (pNewProc->p_state == PRNULL)
/* Only the debugger can switch into debuggees */
if (localCurrProc != pDebugProcess)
/* Re-enable process list item. Bring the application layer forward right now,
* on the assumption that this is where it was when the process was suspended.
* Otherwise, it would not come forward until the next event call. Window ops
* in the interim would go awry.
* NOTE: We *do* wait 'til the next event call to draw the menu bar, since we
* need to be in that app's context when we call DrawMenuBar().
if (pNewProc->p_layer != nil)
EnableItem(ApplicationMenuHdl, ApplicationMenuItemFromPEntry(pNewProc));
/* Have to run through initial stuff, possibly. */
coercionState = (pNewProc->p_haseditcmdkeys == (-1)) ? CS_INIT : CS_DONE;
/* Any time we do a high-level switch we are no longer a scratchpad task */
localCurrProc->p_puppetvars.puppetMasterProc = nil;
/* Save off his system event mask */
(*localCurrProc->p_pcb)->sysevtmask = SYSEVTMASK;
pFrontProcess = pNewProc;
localCurrProc->p_state = PRREADY;
/* Bring new front process out of its slumber so it can be running */
pNewProc->p_state = PRMOVING;
imLayerMouseDown( EventRecord *theEvent, Boolean eventInQueue)
//PEntryPtr pTarg;
EventRecord evtRecord;
WindowPtr floatWindow;
LayerPtr currLayer;
short floatWindowKind;
if ( (theEvent->what == mouseDown) && (IMLayer!=nil) && (((LayerPeek)IMLayer)->visible) )
currLayer = SwapCurLayer( IMLayer);
FindWindow( theEvent->where, &floatWindow);
SetCurLayer( currLayer);
if ( floatWindow==nil ) {
return false;
if ( eventInQueue ) { // remove the event before we send it to SWM
GetOSEvent( mDownMask, &evtRecord);
#define shellFloatKind 13
if (!routeEvent || pFrontProcess->p_inlineAware!=false) // before we go off half-cocked lets make double sure we go the right place
floatWindowKind = ((WindowPeek)(floatWindow))->windowKind;
if (floatWindowKind == shellFloatKind)
PostPseudoEvent(pShellProcess, theEvent); // route to the shell application
else if (floatWindowKind == applicationFloatKind)
PostPseudoEvent(pFrontProcess, theEvent); // route to the front application
if ( !routeEvent || pFrontProcess->p_inlineAware!=false || ((WindowPeek)(floatWindow))->windowKind == applicationFloatKind ) // before we go off half-cocked lets make double sure we go the right place
PostPseudoEvent( pFrontProcess, theEvent); // route to the front application
if ( ((WindowPeek)(floatWindow))->windowKind == systemFloatKind ) // this layer belongs to the SWM driver
SendEventToSWMDriver( theEvent ); // so route the event to driver
theEvent->what = nullEvent;
return true;
return false;
/* SendEventToSWMDriver:
Send event to SWM driver, and TSM's input methods.
Be careful with the deadlock situation because we are using sync. control call .....
Changed to use PBControlDirect to call the driver so that ModalDialog can use
SWM driver in a recursive way.
Called by:
1. "imLayerMouseDown" when user click in SWM or IM's floating window. (this file)
2. "imLayerKeyDown" when user press any key. (EventMgrPatches.c)
#pragma parameter __D0 PBControlDirect(__A0) // has to make direct call to SWM
pascal OSErr PBControlDirect(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA204;
void SendEventToSWMDriver( EventRecord *theEvent )
CntrlParam cp;
unsigned long oldA5;
oldA5 = ProcessMgrA5SimpleSetup();
if ( tsmLayerOwner!=nil )
cp.csCode = accEvent;
(*(EventRecord **)(cp.csParam)) = theEvent;
cp.ioCRefNum = (short) (((int) tsmLayerOwner) >> 16);
(void)PBControlDirect( (ParmBlkPtr)&cp); /* nothing we could do about an error so ignore it. */
/* fg_resched. Called by the foreground application during an event call.
* It returns a pointer to the application that should be frontmost.
fg_resched(register EventRecord *pOfficialEvent, Boolean pullEvent)
WindowPeek pWindow;
register LayerPtr pLayer;
register PEntryPtr pProc;
register PEntryPtr pCurrProc;
EventRecord evtRecord;
short part;
Boolean foundMouseDown;
char scratchpadResume;
short modalDialogActive;
EventRecord *pGivenEvent = pOfficialEvent;
Boolean foundInQueue;
Boolean doRepost = false;
pCurrProc = pCurrentProcess;
/* Disallow foreground switches if frontmost window is a modal dialog.
* NOTE: This check does not halt a foreground switch that is already in
* progress (this is correct, since the switch MUST have been initiated
* when there was not a modal up, and we'd like to finish the switch).
* No one should be putting up modals during a foreground switch anyway.
if ((GetFrontWindowModalClass(&modalDialogActive) == noErr) && (modalDialogActive == dBoxProc))
imLayerMouseDown( pOfficialEvent, !pullEvent); //
/* Check whether there are foreground switches waiting to happen.
* NOTE: CURACTIVATE <= 0 means no window activation in progress. The 32-bit dirty
* check of the high bit checks whether a window activation was canceled.
if ( (pOfficialEvent->what == nullEvent) && ((long) CURACTIVATE <= 0) )
/* Any pending programmatic switches? */
if ((pProc = PopFrontProcessQueue()) != nil)
/* Now check for the existence of a mouse click in the event queue (or just dequeued).
* If there is one, and it belongs to another layer, we set the wheels in motion to
* bring that layer to the foreground (i.e., we return its PEntryPtr and let the
* caller worry about this).
/* The mouse is down if either a) the passed event was a mouseDown, or b) the *first*
* physical event is a mousedown (i.e. passed is a nullEvent, and the first available
* is mouseDown).
#define everyPhysicalEvent (mDownMask+mUpMask+keyDownMask+keyUpMask)
foundMouseDown = false;
foundInQueue = false;
if (pOfficialEvent->what == mouseDown)
foundMouseDown = true;
else if (pOfficialEvent->what == nullEvent)
pOfficialEvent = &evtRecord;
foundMouseDown = OSEventAvail(everyPhysicalEvent, pOfficialEvent) && (pOfficialEvent->what == mouseDown);
foundInQueue = foundMouseDown;
if ( foundMouseDown && imLayerMouseDown( pOfficialEvent, (!pullEvent) || foundInQueue) )
pGivenEvent->what = nullEvent;
foundMouseDown = false;
/* Well, is the mouse down? */
if (foundMouseDown)
/* Which way did it go, George? */
if ( ((part = FindWindow(pOfficialEvent->where, &pWindow)) == inDesk) ||
((part == inSysWindow) && (pWindow == nil)) )
pProc = ((pLayer = LayerFind(pOfficialEvent->where)) != nil)
? LayerOwner(pLayer) : desklayerowner;
if ((pProc != nil) && (pProc != pCurrProc) && (pProc->p_state != PRNULL))
/* Hide the mousedown from the current application */
pOfficialEvent->what = nullEvent;
if ((pOfficialEvent->modifiers & optionKey) != 0)
HideLayer(GetLayer(), false);
else if (gDragMgrIsAvailable)
LayerPtr currLayer;
WindowPtr bgWindow;
currLayer = SwapCurLayer(pLayer);
FindWindow(pOfficialEvent->where, &bgWindow);
if (IsDragAware(bgWindow, &pProc->p_serialNumber))
short saveState;
if (pOfficialEvent == &evtRecord || !pullEvent)
GetOSEvent(mouseDown, &evtRecord); // remove event from queue
gDragState = DRAG_INIT;
gDragEvent = *pOfficialEvent;
//gStartDragTime = pOfficialEvent->message;
//gStartDragPosition = pOfficialEvent->where;
saveState = pCurrProc->p_state;
pCurrProc->p_state = PRREADY;
gFrontDragProcess = pCurrProc;
if (pProc->p_state == PRREADY)
pProc->p_state = PRBACKRUN;
pCurrProc->p_state = saveState;
if (gDragState == DRAG_DONE || gDragState == DRAG_INIT)
if (gDragState == DRAG_INIT)
// Weird. The app died I guess. ignore mouseup/down pair
GetOSEvent(mUpMask, &evtRecord);
gDragState = DRAG_DONE;
/* Hide the mousedown from the current application */
pOfficialEvent->what = nullEvent;
return pCurrProc;
assert(gDragState == DRAG_IGNORED);
gDragState = DRAG_DONE;
doRepost = true;
// I moved this code before the previous if
/* Hide the mousedown from the current application */
pOfficialEvent->what = nullEvent;
/* Re-post event if it was pulled, so next app sees them. We
* use PPostEvent so we can pass on the mouse position of the
* original event. PPostEvent and PostEvent always use the
* current mouse position, which will have changed if the user
* is clicking on the run.
if (((pOfficialEvent != &evtRecord) && (pullEvent)) || doRepost)
if ((pOfficialEvent != &evtRecord) && (pullEvent))
EvQElPtr pEvtQEl;
if (PPostEvent(mouseDown, pOfficialEvent->message, &pEvtQEl) == noErr)
pEvtQEl->evtQWhere = pOfficialEvent->where;
if ( (GetOSEvent(mUpMask, &evtRecord)) &&
(PPostEvent(mouseUp, evtRecord.message, &pEvtQEl) == noErr) )
pEvtQEl->evtQWhere = evtRecord.where;
/* End of normal checks. Now check briefly for any puppet string activity.
* puppetMasterProc == nil means no puppeting at all, puppetEppcMsgBlk != nil
* means the puppeting is being done for AppleEvent translation (where there
* are no "special" ways out).
if ( (pCurrProc->p_puppetvars.puppetMasterProc == nil)
|| (pCurrProc->p_puppetvars.puppetEppcMsgBlk != nil) )
/* If we get to this point we are in a scratchpad task. There are two
* "special" ways out of this: timeout, and hitting cmd-comma.
if ( (pCurrProc->p_puppetvars.puppetTimeout != 0)
&& (--(pCurrProc->p_puppetvars.puppetTimeout) == 0) )
scratchpadResume = ResumeTimeout;
else if ( (pOfficialEvent->what == keyDown)
&& (*((char *) &pOfficialEvent->message + 2) == SCRATCHPADRETURNKEYCODE)
&& ((pOfficialEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) != 0) )
/* Don't let app see it */
pOfficialEvent->what = nullEvent;
/* To force clipboard coercion */
/* Set return value */
scratchpadResume = ResumeFromScratchpad;
pCurrProc->p_state = PRPUPPET;
/* We're escaping! Make the "switch out" instruction list active */
PushInstrsHdl(pCurrProc, pCurrProc->p_puppetvars.puppetOutInstrsHdl, evtMouseGlobal);
pCurrProc->p_puppetvars.puppetOutInstrsHdl = (Handle) -1;
pProc = pCurrProc->p_puppetvars.puppetMasterProc;
pProc->p_puppetvars.masterResumeMsg = scratchpadResume;
/* cpu_resched. This routine is called when there is a chance to reschedule the
* CPU. This comes when:
* 1) the foreground task has received enough NULL events
* 2) an updating background task has completed, and is returning the CPU.
* If appropriate, the calling process is switched out for a while.
register PEntryPtr pProc, pNewProc;
/* processes which are already running are re-eligible for execution */
pProc = pCurrentProcess;
if ( (pProc != nil) &&
((pProc->p_state == PRRUN) || (pProc->p_state == PRBACKRUN) || (pProc->p_state == PRUPDATE)) )
pProc->p_state = PRREADY;
/* switch to a different process, if appropriate */
if ((pNewProc = nexttask()) != pProc)
/* nexttask. This routine is called by resched to determine who the next task to run is.
* In the current world, the view is:
* 1) the first guy with remaining updates
* 2) A desk layer with pending updates
* 3) alternately foreground and round robin background processes.
* NOTE: Assumes that current app's state is PRREADY, not PRRUN, PRBACKRUN, etc. This
* is why cpu_resched() changes the current apps state to PRREADY.
* NOTE: You found it! This routine houses the "main loop" of the Process Mgr where the
* PC spins when there are no processes that need time.
EventRecord theEvent;
PEntryPtr pProc;
short fgstate;
/* Look everywhere for an update. Normally, desk updates will be found by the
* CheckUpdateIn(&theEvent, MFLayer), since the owner (Finder) has a window
* in its windowlist that shares the updateRgn handle. It will not be found, tho,
* if the owner is currently hidden (i.e. because its layer is invisible). We
* make the check ourselves.
pProc = nil;
if (CheckUpdateIn(&theEvent, MFLayer))
pProc = LayerOwner(FindAppLayer((WindowPtr) theEvent.message));
else if (EmptyRgn(((WindowPeek) desklayer)->updateRgn) == false)
pProc = desklayerowner;
/* Found one. pProc is the handler. Check pProc's viability, then schedule it
* to get time.
if (pProc != nil)
/* Don't use this update if the controlling process is suspended */
if (pProc->p_state == PRNULL)
pProc = nil;
/* Check for the current process ending its quantum without even wanting
* to handle the update. Don't let him hog the machine forever.
else if ( (pProc == pCurrentProcess)
&& ((pProc->p_eventmask & updateMask) == 0)
&& (TICKS >= nextswitch) )
pProc = nil;
/* Did we unearth any necessary updates? */
if (pProc != nil)
/* No updates happening. Look for general reasons to reschedule. If there is
* absolutely nothing to do, idle here, polling various sources, until an app
* needs time.
while (pProc == nil)
/* Because we use pFrontProcess, which is guaranteed valid only if CS_DONE */
assert(coercionState == CS_DONE);
/* wake up sleeping processes whose naptime is over */
/* generate mouse moved... */
/* See if any notifications have come in */
if (pFrontProcess->p_state == PRSLEEPING
&& (NMQHDRPTR != nil && NMQHDRPTR != (Ptr)(-1) && NMQHDRPTR->qHead != nil) )
/* see if it's time to switch to the frontmost task */
fgstate = pFrontProcess->p_state;
if (pCurrentProcess != pFrontProcess)
/* Well? */
if (fgstate == PRREADY)
pProc = pFrontProcess;
pProc->p_state = PRRUN;
/* See if any puppet strings have come in from a BG process */
if (fgstate == PRPUPPET)
pProc = pFrontProcess;
/* See if there are any pending deaths */
if ((pProc = pDyingStateList) != nil)
/* see if it's time to switch to a background task */
if (nbacks > 0)
if ( (pProc = nextback()) != pFrontProcess)
pProc->p_state = PRBACKRUN;
pProc = nil;
/* else, continue to run frontmost process */
if (fgstate == PRREADY)
pProc = pFrontProcess;
pProc->p_state = PRRUN;
/* Give the system/toolbox some time */
/* If we got here, there's nothing that wants to run, if this is A/UX we can
* go block in the kernel waiting on something interesting to happen, this will
* also break if the mouse leaves mousebox or as soon as the first timeout expires
* NOTE: We make sure to do this after SyncIdleTime(), since we will not get
* control back for a while.
if (AUXIsPresent)
EventRecord anEvent;
if (AUX_WaitForEvent(-1, &anEvent))
/* If an event is waiting to be processed, wake up the frontmost layer,
* hopefully it's some sort of user event which needs to be processed
* by the front layer, otherwise it's a kernel event which can be
* processed by anybody.
pProc = pFrontProcess;
if (fgstate == PRSLEEPING)
pProc->p_state = PRRUN;
/* nextback. Return the next available background task to run. Uses a placeholder
* to affect a roundrobin selection of background tasks.
PEntryPtr pThisPEntry, pStartEntry;
/* recover placeholder, and start the search */
pThisPEntry = pStartEntry = pLastBGProcess;
/* Move on. Wraparound to start of list, if necessary. */
if ((pThisPEntry = pThisPEntry->p_NextProcess) == nil)
pThisPEntry = pProcessList;
/* check eligibility of this process */
if (((pThisPEntry->p_taskmode & modeCanBackground) != 0)
&& (pThisPEntry->p_state == PRREADY))
return (pLastBGProcess = pThisPEntry);
while (pThisPEntry != pStartEntry);
/* Couldn't find any so stay in foreground */
/* Limit on number of event calls allowed while switched in to do updates in the
* background (p_state == PRUPDATE). We impose this because some apps are unable
* to handle background updates. Timing out is the only recourse.
* NOTE: This timeout should really be per update. What if there are many windows
* to be updated? Only the first MAX_UPDATE_CHANCES could be done, the remainder
* would be lost (via CancelPendingUpdates). Also, some programmer may decide to
* do a slow update in pieces, with interspersed event calls to increase user response
* time (e.g. to cancel the draw). Would it make sense to patch BeginUpdate or
* EndUpdate to reset the counter?
/* PrepareForUpdate. Given a random process that has an update pending, set up the
* necessary state information to let it run.
PrepareForUpdate(PEntryPtr pProc)
/* The foreground application take updates without any special effort */
if (pProc == pFrontProcess)
pProc->p_state = PRRUN;
/* Background applications should be scheduled just long enough to do the
* update(s) before we return to our normal scheduling. Impose limit on
* number of update events we'll actually allow.
/* NOTE: Why don't we set remnulls here? */
pProc->p_state = PRUPDATE;
pProc->p_updatechances = MAX_UPDATE_CHANCES;