Elliot Nunn 0ba83392d4 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

87 lines
3.0 KiB

; File: Components.a
; Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
; Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
; Copyright: © 1991-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <6> 11/13/92 JDR Ha! Wrong check in comment the last time. What I meant to say
; is: Updated to the QuickTime 1.5 release of the interfaces.
; General rearrangement of the stuff too.
; <5> 11/13/92 JDR fix problems
; <4> 12/6/91 YK Change the Ôalready including this fileÕ variable to all
; uppercase like neighbors.
; <3> 12/5/91 JH Trap macros are duplicated in Traps.a, so I'm removing the
; macros from Components.a.
; <2> 11/23/91 YK Removed gestaltComponentMgr. It's already in GestaltEqu.a.
; <1> 11/21/91 JH first checked in
; Created: Wednesday, August 14, 1991 9:33 AM
; File: Components.a
; Assembler Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1990-1991
; All Rights Reserved
kAnyComponentType EQU 0
kAnyComponentSubType EQU 0
kAnyComponentManufacturer EQU 0
kAnyComponentFlagsMask EQU 0
cmpWantsRegisterMessage EQU $80000000
; Set Default Component flags
defaultComponentIdentical EQU 0
defaultComponentAnyFlags EQU 1
defaultComponentAnyManufacturer EQU 2
defaultComponentAnySubType EQU 4
defaultComponentAnyFlagsAnyManufacturer EQU defaultComponentAnyFlags+defaultComponentAnyManufacturer
defaultComponentAnyFlagsAnyManufacturerAnySubType EQU defaultComponentAnyFlags+defaultComponentAnyManufacturer+defaultComponentAnySubType
ComponentDescription RECORD 0
componentType DS.L 1 ; A unique 4-byte code indentifying the command set
componentSubType DS.L 1 ; Particular flavor of this instance
componentManufacturer DS.L 1 ; Vendor indentification
componentFlags DS.L 1 ; 8 each for Component,Type,SubType,Manuf/revision
componentFlagsMask DS.L 1 ; Mask for specifying which flags to consider in search, zero during registration
size EQU *
ResourceSpec RECORD 0
resType DS.L 1 ; 4-byte code
resId DS.W 1
size EQU *
ComponentResource RECORD 0
cd DS ComponentDescription; Registration parameters
component DS ResourceSpec ; resource where Component code is found
componentName DS ResourceSpec ; name string resource
componentInfo DS ResourceSpec ; info string resource
componentIcon DS ResourceSpec ; icon resource
size EQU *
; Structure received by Component:
ComponentParameters RECORD 0
flags DS.B 1 ; call modifiers: sync/async, deferred, immed, etc
paramSize DS.B 1 ; size in bytes of actual parameters passed to this call
what DS.W 1 ; routine selector, negative for Component management calls
params DS.L 1 ; actual parameters for the indicated routine
size EQU *
ENDIF ; ...already included