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2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

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; File: Video.a
; Contains: Equates for video drivers as defined in CARDS & DRIVERS.
; Written by: Dave Fung, but heÕll deny it.
; Copyright: © 1990, 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM8> 12/13/93 PN Roll in KAOs and Horror changes to support Malcom and AJ
; machines
; <SM7> 08-06-93 jmp Added more csDisplayTypes.
; <SM6> 6/25/93 IH Update kHasSerialSense to kHasDirectConnect
; <5> 6/1/93 IH Add VDSwitchInfo
; <SM4> 04-07-93 jmp Added the csc idÕs of one of the new driver calls for supporting
; the Display Manager.
; <SM3> 4/6/93 fau Synchronized with Ludwig.
; <LW3> 4/5/93 fau Removed the now-private codes for Cyclone's video-in driver, as
; well as the records defined for them.
; <SM2> 4/5/93 chp Synchronize with Ludwig.
; <LW2> 2/16/93 fau Changed VDCompOut and added VDInternalInfo for changes to the
; Civic driver.
; <SM4> 7/7/92 CSS Update from Reality.
; <18> 7/1/92 DCL This file is the replacement for the now obsolete VideoEqu.a.
; Changed the 'including' name to match the new file name.
; <SM3> 6/19/92 KW (fau,P3) Added the interface for VDCompositeOut. Added the
; latest cs Codes for the new Cyclone calls.
; <SM2> 5/20/92 KW Roll in from Pandora, P2
; Pre SuperMario Comments below
; <17> 6/14/91 JL Checked in official MPW 3.2Ä version. Temporarily lost comment
; about sGammaDir and sRsrcVidNames - will be restored. Didn't
; publish comment about commented out mTable.
; <16> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the Ôalready including this fileÕ variable to
; all uppercase (for security reasons)
; <15> 7/18/90 jmp Removed the cscVidInit equate and changed cscVidKillIO to
; cscKillIO.
; <14> 7/11/90 jmp Added mode equates for video cards NOT having contiguous (i.e.,
; 1, 2, 4, 8 [, 16, 32]) modes.
; <13> 7/11/90 jmp Added comment about some equates here; cleaned up <12>Õs
; comment, removed goofy Òto do.Ó
; <12> 6/27/90 jmp Added equate names from 2nd Ed. of CARDS & DRIVERS.
; To Do:
; Version: 3.3
; Created: Friday, October 20, 1989 at 10:11:40 PM
; File: VideoEqu.a
; Assembler Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1986-1988
; All Rights Reserved
; Modification History:
; <6> 03/02/90 JAL secondaryINIT belongs in ROMEqu.a
; <4> 03/02/90 JAL Added sixteenBitMode, thirtyTwoBitMode,
; secondaryINIT, and spGammaDir.
;<C742/02Feb87 GWN> Changed video parameters to an sBlock.
; 11 Jun 87 KLH Added Control Codes & Status Codes.
; 2 Jul 87 KLH Added VDSetEntryRecord.
; 1.0 CCH 11/ 9/1988 Adding to EASE.
;¥1.1 CCH 9/14/1988 Updated EASE with the current rev of this file.
; Video sResource parameter Id's
mBaseOffset EQU 1 ;Id of mBaseOffset.
mRowBytes EQU 2
mBounds EQU 3
mVersion EQU 4
mHRes EQU 5
mVRes EQU 6
mPixelType EQU 7
mPixelSize EQU 8
mCmpCount EQU 9
mCmpSize EQU 10
mPlaneBytes EQU 11
;* mTable EQU 12
;* mPageCnt EQU 13
mVertRefRate EQU 14
mVidParams EQU 1 ;Video parameter block id.
mTable EQU 2 ;Offset to the table.
mPageCnt EQU 3 ;Number of pages
mDevType EQU 4 ;Device Type
; Video sResource List Id's
oneBitMode EQU 128 ;Id of OneBitMode Parameter list.
twoBitMode EQU 129 ;Id of TwoBitMode Parameter list.
fourBitMode EQU 130 ;Id of FourBitMode Parameter list.
eightBitMode EQU 131 ;Id of EightBitMode Parameter list.
sixteenBitMode EQU 132 ;Id of SixteenBitMode Parameter list.
thirtyTwoBitMode EQU 133 ;Id of ThirtyTwoBitMode Parameter list.
firstVidMode EQU 128 ; If we ever decide to add/drop a modes
secondVidMode EQU 129 ; in a particular card, it makes more
thirdVidMode EQU 130 ; sense to name the modes in an ordinal
fourthVidMode EQU 131 ; fashion rather than in a cardinal
fifthVidMode EQU 132 ; one. (The RBV equates do this.) <14>
sixthVidMode EQU 133
spGammaDir EQU 64
spVidNamesDir EQU 65 ; <12>
; csTimingFormat values in VDTimingInfo
kDeclROMtables EQU 'decl' ; look in the declartion rom for timing info
; csConnectFlags values in VDDisplayConnectInfo
kAllModesValid EQU 0 ; All modes not trimmed by primary init are know to be good
kAllModesSafe EQU 1 ; All modes not trimmed by primary init are know to be good
kReportsTagging EQU 2 ; To identify smart monitors we must be able to detect tagged displays
kHasDirectConnect EQU 3 ; True implies that serial data link is active through sense lines
kIsMonoDev Equ 4 ; Says whether thereÕs an RGB (0) or Monochrome (1) connection.
; Note: The kIsMonoDev bit is backwards from gdDevType bit because
; weÕve already shipped some color LCD products that way,
; and weÕd really like to default to RGB (i.e., three guns),
; and zero is a good default value.
; csConnectFlag values in VDTimingInfo
kModeValid Equ 0 ; Says that this mode should NOT be trimmed.
kModeSafe Equ 1 ; Says that this mode is safe.
; csDisplayType values in VDDisplayConnectInfo
kUnknownConnect EQU 1 ; Not sure how weÕll use this, but seems like a good idea.
kPanelConnect EQU 2 ; For use with fixed-in-place LCD panels.
kPanelTFTConnect Equ 2 ; Alias for kPanelConnect (because some ROM have already GMÕd that way).
kFixedModeCRTConnect EQU 3 ; For use with fixed-mode (i.e., very limited range) displays.
kMultiModeCRT1Connect EQU 4 ; 320x200 maybe, 12" maybe, 13" (default), 16" certain, 19" maybe, 21" maybe
kMultiModeCRT2Connect EQU 5 ; 320x200 maybe, 12" maybe, 13" certain, 16" (default), 19" certain, 21" maybe
kMultiModeCRT3Connect EQU 6 ; 320x200 maybe, 12" maybe, 13" certain, 16" certain, 19" default, 21" certain
kMultiModeCRT4Connect EQU 7 ; Expansion to large multi mode (not yet used)
kModelessConnect EQU 8 ; Expansion to modeless model (not yet used)
kFullPageConnect Equ 9 ; 640x818 (to get 8bpp in 512K case) and 640x870 (these two only)
kVGAConnect Equ 10 ; 640x480 VGA default -- question everything else
kNTSCConnect Equ 11 ; NTSC ST (default), FF, STconv, FFconv
kPALConnect Equ 12 ; PAL ST (default), FF, STconv, FFconv
kHRConnect Equ 13 ; 640x400 (to get 8bpp in 256K case) and 640x480 (these two only)
kPanelFSTNConnect Equ 14 ; For use with fixed-in-place LCD FSTN (aka ÒSupertwistÓ) panels.
; Control Codes
cscReset EQU 0
cscKillIO EQU 1 ; <15>
cscSetMode EQU 2
cscSetEntries EQU 3
cscSetGamma EQU 4 ; <12>
cscGrayPage EQU 5
cscGrayScreen EQU 5 ; This is what C&D 2 calls it. <12>
cscSetGray EQU 6
cscSetInterrupt EQU 7 ; <12>
cscDirectSetEntries EQU 8 ; <12>
cscSetDefaultMode EQU 9 ; <12>
cscSwitchMode Equ 10 ;
cscSetSync Equ 11 ;
; Status Codes
cscGetMode EQU 2
cscGetEntries EQU 3
cscGetPageCnt EQU 4
cscGetPages EQU 4 ; This is what C&D 2 calls it. <12>
cscGetPageBase EQU 5
cscGetBaseAddr EQU 5 ; This is what C&D 2 calls it. <12>
cscGetGray EQU 6 ; <12>
cscGetInterrupt EQU 7 ; <12>
cscGetGamma EQU 8 ; <12>
cscGetDefaultMode EQU 9 ; <12>
cscGetCurMode EQU 10 ;
cscGetSync EQU 11 ;
cscGetConnection EQU 12 ; Return information about the connection to the display
cscGetModeTiming EQU 13 ; Return timing info for a mode
csGTable EQU 0 ; [long] pointer to gamma table
csTable EQU 0 ; [long] pointer to CLUT
csStart EQU 4 ; [word] entry start number
csCount EQU 6 ; [word] entry count to change
; mVidParams block
VPBlock RECORD 0 ;Video Parameters block.
vpBaseOffset DS.L 1 ;Offset to page zero of video RAM (From minorBaseOS).
vpRowBytes DS.W 1 ;Width of each row of video memory.
vpBounds DS.W 4 ;BoundsRect for the video display (gives dimensions).
vpVersion DS.W 1 ;PixelMap version number.
vpPackType DS.W 1 ;
vpPackSize DS.L 1 ;
vpHRes DS.L 1 ;Horizontal resolution of the device (pixels per inch).
vpVRes DS.L 1 ;Vertical resolution of the device (pixels per inch).
vpPixelType DS.W 1 ;Defines the pixel type.
vpPixelSize DS.W 1 ;Number of bits in pixel.
vpCmpCount DS.W 1 ;Number of components in pixel.
vpCmpSize DS.W 1 ;Number of bits per component
vpPlaneBytes DS.L 1 ;Offset from one plane to the next.
vpBlockSize EQU *
VDSetEntryRecord RECORD 0
csTable DS.L 1 ; ^ColorSpec - (long) Pointer to an array of color specs
csStart DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) Which spec in array to start with, or -1
csCount DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) Number of color spec entries to set
VDSwitchInfo RECORD 0
csMode DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) mode - depth
csData DS.L 1 ; LONGINT - (long) functional sResource of mode
csPage DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) page to switch in
csBaseAddr DS.L 1 ; Ptr - (long) base address of page
csReserved DS.L 1 ; LONGINT - (long) reserved - set to 0
VDTimingInfo RECORD 0
csTimingMode DS.L 1 ; LONGINT - (long) timing mode (a la InitGDevice)
csTimingReserved DS.L 1 ; LONGINT - (long) reserved
csTimingFormat DS.L 1 ; LONGINT - (long) what format is the timing info
csTimingData DS.L 1 ; LONGINT - (long) data supplied by driver
csTimingFlags DS.L 1 ; LONGINT - (long) mode within device
VDDisplayConnectInfo RECORD 0
csDisplayType DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) Type of display connected
csConnectTagged DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) Display is currently "it" (tagged to identify component)
csConnectFlags DS.L 1 ; LONGINT - (long) what format is the timing info
csDisplayComponent DS.L 1 ; LONGINT - (long) if the card has a direct connection to the display, it returns the display component here (FUTURE)
csConnectReserved DS.L 1 ; LONGINT - (long) reserved
csMode DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) mode within device
csData DS.L 1 ; LONGINT - (long) data supplied by driver
csPage DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) page to switch in
csBaseAddr DS.L 1 ; Ptr - (long) base address of page
csHSize DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) desired/returned h size
csHPos DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) desired/returned h position
csVSize DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) desired/returned v size
csVPos DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) desired/returned v position
VDSettings RECORD 0
csParamCnt DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) number of params
csBrightMax DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) max brightness
csBrightDef DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) default brightness
csBrightVal DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) current brightness
csCntrstMax DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) max contrast
csCntrstDef DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) default contrast
csCntrstVal DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) current contrast
csTintMax DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) max tint
csTintDef DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) default tint
csTintVal DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) current tint
csHueMax DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) max hue
csHueDef DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) default hue
csHueVal DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) current hue
csHorizDef DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) default horizontal
csHorizVal DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) current horizontal
csHorizMax DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) max horizontal
csVertDef DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) default vertical
csVertVal DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) current vertical
csVertMax DS.W 1 ; INTEGER - (word) max vertical
ENDIF ; ...already included