Elliot Nunn 0ba83392d4 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

62 lines
1.9 KiB

Error return codes
Copyright American Telephone & Telegraph
Used with permission, Apple Computer Inc. 1985-1991
This file is used in these builds: ROM System
All rights reserved
Change History (most recent first):
<4> 8/8/91 JL Update copyright
To Do:
#ifndef __ERRNO__
#define __ERRNO__
extern int errno;
#define EPERM 1 /* Permission denied */
#define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */
/* #define ENORSRC 3 No such resource */
#define EINTR 4 /* Interrupted system service */
#define EIO 5 /* I/O error */
#define ENXIO 6 /* No such device or address */
#define E2BIG 7 /* Argument list too long */
/* #define ENOEXEC 8 Exec format error */
#define EBADF 9 /* Bad file number */
/* #define ECHILD 10 No children processes */
/* #define EAGAIN 11 Resource temporarily unavailable, try again later */
#define ENOMEM 12 /* Not enough space */
#define EACCES 13 /* Permission denied */
#define EFAULT 14 /* Bad address */
/* #define ENOTBLK 15 Block device required */
#define EBUSY 16 /* Device or resource busy */
#define EEXIST 17 /* File exists */
/* #define EXDEV 18 Cross-device link */
#define ENODEV 19 /* No such device */
#define ENOTDIR 20 /* Not a directory */
/* #define EISDIR 21 Is a directory */
#define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */
#define ENFILE 23 /* File table overflow */
#define EMFILE 24 /* Too many open files */
/* #define ENOTTY 25 Not a character device */
#define ETXTBSY 26 /* Text file busy */
/* #define EFBIG 27 File too large */
#define ENOSPC 28 /* No space left on device */
#define ESPIPE 29 /* Illegal seek */
#define EROFS 30 /* Read only file system */
#define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */
/* #define EPIPE 32 Broken pipe */
#define EDOM 33 /* Math arg out of domain of func */
#define ERANGE 34 /* Math result not representable */