Elliot Nunn 0ba83392d4 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

391 lines
14 KiB

File: Cmdo.r
CMDO.R - Resource description file for building Commando resources.
Copyright: © 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<2> 6/24/92 DCL Changed #ifndef __CMDO.R__ to __CMDO_R__ at the request of the
MPW team (3.2.3 rez broke on the periods)
#ifndef __CMDO_R__
#define __CMDO_R__
#define FilesID 0
#define MultiFilesID 1
#define CheckOptionID 2
#define RadioButtonsID 3
#define RegularEntryID 4
#define MultiRegularEntryID 5
#define BoxID 6
#define TextBoxID 7
#define PopUpID 8
#define NestedDialogID 9
#define TextTitleID 10
#define RedirectionID 11
#define EditPopUpID 12
#define TriStateButtonsID 13
#define ListID 14
#define PictOrIconID 15
#define DummyID 16
#define DoItButtonID 17
#define VersionDialogID 18
#define CMDOVersion 8
/* The following are used to set styles, simply add for desired style.
#define bold 1
#define italic 2
#define underline 4
#define outline 8
#define shadow 16
#define condense 32
#define extend 64
type 'cmdo' {
integer = CMDOVersion; /* Version number */
integer = $$CountOf(dialogs); /* # of dialogs, at least 1 */
array dialogs {
integer; /* height of the dialog */
cstring; /* text displayed in help window */
align word;
integer = $$CountOf(itemArray); /* # of items */
/* The order in which Commando writes out the options is the same order in which the
items in this array are entered in your resource declaration. This is important
for those commands which have position dependent parameters. */
wide array itemArray {
switch {
case NotDependent:
key int = 0;
case Or:
key byte = 1;
byte = $$CountOf(OrArray);
wide array OrArray {
int; /* item number dependent upon */
case And:
key byte = 2;
byte = $$CountOf(AndArray);
wide array AndArray {
int; /* item number dependent upon */
switch {
case Files:
key byte = FilesID;
byte InputFile, /* These types require the */
InputFileOrDir, /* 'Additional' case below. */
OutputFile, /* These types require the */
OutputFileOrDir, /* 'NoMore' case below. */
switch {
case OptionalFile:
/* Using this case makes a popup with two or three items.
This first item is used to select a default file or to
select no file. The second (and third) item(s) are used
to select input or output files. */
key int = 0;
rect; /* bounds of title */
rect; /* bounds of display box */
cstring; /* title */
cstring; /* default file */
cstring; /* option to return before file */
cstring; /* If this item is dependent upon
another Files item, an extension
can be specified here to be added
to the dependents file. */
cstring; /* help text for popup */
byte dim, dontDim; /* Normally, dependent items are
dimmed if the parent is disabled,
if this field is "dontDim", then
this item won't be dimmed */
/* These next three strings are the strings displayed in the popup. Most
of the file types have only two strings but InputOrOutputFile and
InputOrOutputOrDir require three strings. If a string is set to "",
Commando will use a built-in default. */
cstring; /* popup item #1 */
cstring; /* popup item #2 */
cstring; /* popup item #3 */
case RequiredFile:
/* Using this case makes a button that goes directly to standard
file. Use this case when a file is required and the user doesn't
have the choice of a default file or no file. */
key int = 1;
rect; /* bounds of button */
cstring; /* title of button */
cstring; /* option to return before file */
cstring; /* help text for button */
/* Some file types take additional information. See the comment next to the
file types to find out which case to choose here. */
switch {
case Additional:
key byte = 0;
cstring; /* For InputOrOutputFile, an option
can be specified when a new
(or output) file is chosen. */
cstring FilterTypes = ":"; /* preferred file extension (i.e. ".c")
If null, no radio buttons will be
displayed. If FilterTypes is used,
the radio buttons will toggle
between showing files only with
the types below and all files */
cstring; /* title of only files button */
cstring; /* title of all files button */
byte = $$CountOf(TypesArray); /* up to 4 types may be specified */
align word;
array TypesArray {
literal longint text = 'TEXT', /* desired input file type, specify */
obj = 'OBJ ', /* no type for all types */
appl = 'APPL',
da = 'DFIL',
tool = 'MPST';
case NoMore:
key byte = 1;
case MultiFiles:
key byte = MultiFilesID;
cstring; /* button title */
cstring; /* help text for button */
align word;
rect; /* bounds of button */
cstring; /* message like " Source files to compile: " */
cstring; /* option returned before each
filename. Can be null */
switch {
case MultiInputFiles:
key byte = 0;
byte = $$CountOf(MultiTypesArray); /* up to 4 types may be specified */
align word;
array MultiTypesArray {
literal longint text = 'TEXT', /* desired input file type, specify no type */
obj = 'OBJ ', /* for all types */
appl = 'APPL',
da = 'DFIL',
tool = 'MPST';
cstring FilterTypes = ":"; /* preferred file extension (i.e. ".c")
If null, no radio buttons will be
displayed. If FilterTypes is used,
the radio buttons will toggle
between showing files only with
the types below and all files */
cstring; /* title of only files button */
cstring; /* title of all files button */
case MultiDirs:
key byte = 1;
case MultiInputFilesAndDirs:
key byte = 2;
case MultiOutputFiles:
key byte = 3;
case CheckOption:
key byte = CheckOptionID;
byte NotSet, Set; /* whether button is set or not */
rect; /* bounds */
cstring; /* title */
cstring; /* option returned */
cstring; /* help text for button */
case RadioButtons:
key byte = RadioButtonsID;
byte = $$CountOf(radioArray); /* # of buttons */
wide array radioArray {
rect; /* bounds */
cstring; /* title */
cstring; /* option returned */
byte NotSet, Set; /* whether button is set or not */
cstring; /* help text for button */
align word;
case RegularEntry:
key byte = RegularEntryID;
cstring; /* title */
align word;
rect; /* bounds of title */
rect; /* bounds of input box */
cstring; /* default value */
byte ignoreCase, keepCase; /* the default value is never displayed
in the commando window. If what the
user types in the textedit window
matches the default value, then that
value isn't displayed. This flag
tells Commando whether to ignore case
when comparing the contents of the textedit
window with the default value. */
cstring; /* option returned */
cstring; /* help text for entry */
case MultiRegularEntry: /* For scrollable, lists of an option */
key byte = MultiRegularEntryID;
cstring; /* title */
align word;
rect; /* bounds of title */
rect; /* bounds of input list */
byte = $$CountOf(DefEntryList);
array DefEntryList {
cstring; /* default values */
cstring; /* option returned. Each value
will be preceded with this
option */
cstring; /* help text for entry */
case Box: /* Can be used to draw lines too */
key byte = BoxID;
byte black, gray; /* color of object */
rect; /* bounds of box or line */
case TextBox: /* Draws a box with title in upper-left */
key byte = TextBoxID;
byte black, gray; /* color of object */
rect; /* bounds of box or line */
cstring; /* title */
case TextTitle:
key byte = TextTitleID;
byte plain; /* style of text */
rect; /* bounds of title */
int systemFont; /* font number to use */
int systemSize; /* font size to use */
cstring; /* the text to display */
case PopUp:
key byte = PopUpID;
byte Window, Alias, Font, Set; /* popup type */
rect; /* bounds of title */
rect; /* bounds of popup line */
cstring; /* title */
cstring; /* option returned */
cstring; /* help text for popup */
byte noDefault, hasDefault; /* hasDefault if first item is "Default Value" */
case EditPopUp:
key byte = EditPopUpID;
/* For MenuItem, this EditPopUp must be dependent upon another EditPopUp
of the MenuTitle type so that the control knows whose menu items to
For FontSize, this EditPopUp must be dependent upon a PopUp of the
Font type so that the control knows what sizes of the font exist. */
byte MenuTitle, MenuItem, /* Type of editable pop-up */
FontSize, Alias, Set;
rect; /* bounds of title */
rect; /* bounds of text edit area */
cstring; /* title */
cstring; /* option to return */
cstring; /* help text for textedit part */
cstring; /* help text for popup part */
case NestedDialog:
key byte = NestedDialogID;
byte; /* the number of the dialog
to call. It must be greater
than the current dialog */
rect; /* bounds of button */
cstring; /* button's title */
cstring; /* help text for button */
case Redirection:
key byte = RedirectionID;
byte StandardOutput, DiagnosticOutput, /* the type of redirection */
point; /* upper-left point of the whole contraption */
case TriStateButtons:
key byte = TriStateButtonsID;
byte = $$CountOf(threeStateArray); /* # of buttons */
cstring; /* option returned */
wide array threeStateArray {
align word;
rect; /* bounds */
cstring; /* title */
cstring; /* string for Clear state */
cstring; /* string for DontTouch state */
cstring; /* string for Set state */
cstring; /* help text for button */
case List: /* Puts up a list of "things" and allows multiple selections */
key byte = ListID;
byte Volumes, ShellVars,
Windows, Aliases; /* what to display in the list */
cstring; /* option to return before each "thing" */
cstring; /* title */
align word;
rect; /* bounds of title */
rect; /* bounds of list selection box */
cstring; /* help text for selection box */
case PictOrIcon:
key byte = PictOrIconID;
byte Icon, Picture; /* display a picture or icon */
int; /* resource id of icon/picture */
rect; /* display bounds */
case Dummy:
key byte = DummyID;
case DoItButton: /* Allows the 'do it' button to be dependent */
key byte = DoItButtonID;
case VersionDialog: /* Display a dialog when the version # is clicked */
key byte = VersionDialogID;
switch {
case VersionString: /* Version string embedded right here */
key byte = 0;
cstring; /* Version string of tool (e.g. V2.0) */
case VersionResource: /* Versions string comes from another resource */
key byte = 1;
literal longint; /* resource type of pascal string containing version string */
integer; /* resource id of version string */
cstring; /* Version text for help window */
align word;
integer noDialog; /* Rsrc id of 'DLOG' */
/* NOTE ¥1: if there is no modal dialog to display when the version
string is clicked, set the rsrc id to zero (noDialog).
NOTE ¥2: if the version string comes from another resource (VersionResource),
the string must be the first thing in the resource and the string must be
a pascal-style string. A 'STR ' resource is an example of a resource that
fits the bill.
NOTE ¥3: if the modal dialog is to have a filter proc, the proc
must be linked as a 'fltr' resource with the same resource id
as the dialog. */
align word;
align word;
#endif __CMDO_R__