Elliot Nunn 0ba83392d4 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

141 lines
5.6 KiB

; File: IOPEqu.a
; Contains: equates used to interface with the IOPmgr
; Written by: Gary Davidian
; Copyright: © 1987-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <4> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the Ôalready including this fileÕ variable to
; all uppercase (for security reasons)
; <2> 3/15/90 djw Add some IOP SCC declarations needed in the patch file
; <1.1> 5/20/89 GGD Moved the IOP manager trap definitions into Traps.a
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.1> 11/6/88 GGD Moved some equates into HardwareEqu.a
; <1.0> 9/24/88 rwh Entered into EASE for the first time
SccIopNum equ 0
SwimIopNum equ 1
MaxIopNum equ 7 ; we support up to 8 IOPs per system
NumberOfIOPs equ MaxIopNum+1
MaxIopMsgNum equ 7 ; message numbers range 1..7
MaxIopMsgLen equ 32 ; message length range is 0..32 bytes
IOPRequestInfo record 0,increment ; parameter block for _IOPMsgRequest
irQLink ds.l 1 ; [long] link to next queue element [pointer]
irQType ds.w 1 ; [word] queue element type [word]
irIOPNumber ds.b 1 ; [byte] -> IOP Number (0..1 for now)
; irRequestKind encodings
irSendXmtMessage equ 0 ; Send Transmit message, Read reply when done
irSendRcvReply equ 1 ; Send Receive reply, Wait for next Receive Message
irWaitRcvMessage equ 2 ; wait for Receive Message
irRemoveRcvWaiter equ 3 ; remove wait for receive message request
irRequestKind ds.b 1 ; [byte] -> kind of request to perform
irMsgNumber ds.b 1 ; [byte] -> Message number (1..7)
irMessageLen ds.b 1 ; [byte] -> Message Buffer Length (0..32)
irReplyLen ds.b 1 ; [byte] -> Reply Buffer Length (0..32)
irReqActive ds.b 1 ; [byte] <- $FF when request active or queued, $00 when complete
irMessagePtr ds.l 1 ; [long] -> Message Buffer Address
irReplyPtr ds.l 1 ; [long] -> Reply Buffer Address
irHandler ds.l 1 ; [long] -> Completion Routine Address
irReqInfoSize equ * ; size of IOPRequestInfo parameter block
IOPMoveInfo record 0,increment ; parameter block for _IOPMoveData
; imCopyKind encodings
imIopToHost equ 0 ; move data from IOP memory to Host memory
imHostToIop equ 1 ; move data from Host memory to IOP memory
imCompare equ 2 ; compare data from Host memory and IOP memory
imPatchIop equ 3 ; patch IOP memory
imCopyKind ds.b 1 ; [byte] -> kind/direction of move
imIOPNumber ds.b 1 ; [byte] -> IOP Number (0..1 for now)
imByteCount ds.w 1 ; [word] -> number of bytes to move/compare (not used for PatchIop)
imHostAddr ds.l 1 ; [long] -> Host Buffer Address
imIopAddr ds.w 1 ; [word] -> IOP Buffer Address (not used for PatchIop)
imCompRel ds.b 1 ; [byte] <- -1 if IOP < HOST, 0 if IOP = HOST, 1 if IOP > HOST
ds.b 1 ; [byte] unused, reserved.
imMoveInfoSize equ * ; size of IOPMoveInfo parameter block
IOPMsgEntry record 0,increment ; Handlers for Xmt/Rcv messages
RcvMsgInfoPtr ds.l 1 ; [long] Ptr to receive message handler info
ds.w 1 ; [word] filler
XmtMsgQHdr ds.b qHeadSize ; [10 bytes] transmit message handler queue
IOPMsgEntrySize equ *-IOPMsgEntry ; size of IOPMsgEntry
IOPInfo record 0,increment ; IOP information (1 per IOP)
IopAddrRegPtr ds.l 1 ; [long] Ptr to IOP RAM Address Reg (word)
IopDataRegPtr ds.l 1 ; [long] Ptr to IOP RAM Data Register (byte)
IopCtlRegPtr ds.l 1 ; [long[ Ptr to IOP Control Register (byte)
BypassHandler ds.l 1 ; [long] Ptr to Bypass Mode Interrupt handler
MaxXmt ds.b 1 ; [byte] Highest Transmit message number
MaxRcv ds.b 1 ; [byte] Highest Receive message number
ds.b 2 ; unused, reserved.
MoveReqInfo ds IOPRequestInfo ; request info for rcv message 1
MoveReqBuffer ds IOPMoveInfo ; message/reply buffer for rcv message 1
MsgTable equ *-IOPMsgEntry.IOPMsgEntrySize ; base for zero based indexing
Msg1Info ds IOPMsgEntry ; info for handling (xmt/rcv) message 1
Msg2Info ds IOPMsgEntry ; info for handling (xmt/rcv) message 2
Msg3Info ds IOPMsgEntry ; info for handling (xmt/rcv) message 3
Msg4Info ds IOPMsgEntry ; info for handling (xmt/rcv) message 4
Msg5Info ds IOPMsgEntry ; info for handling (xmt/rcv) message 5
Msg6Info ds IOPMsgEntry ; info for handling (xmt/rcv) message 6
Msg7Info ds IOPMsgEntry ; info for handling (xmt/rcv) message 7
IOPInfoSize equ *-IOPInfo ; size of IOPInfo record
IOPAccessInfo record 0,increment ; parameter block for _IOPInfoAccess
; iaAccessKind encodings
iaInstallIOP equ 0 ; install IOPInfo and initialize Hardware and Data Structures
iaGetIOPInfo equ 1 ; return pointer to IOP Info for specified IOP
iaRemoveIOP equ 2 ; de-install IOPInfo for specified IOP
iaAccessKind ds.b 1 ; [byte] -> kind of request to perform
iaIOPNumber ds.b 1 ; [byte] -> IOP Number (0..1 for now)
ds.b 2 ; unused, reserved
iaIOPInfoPtr ds.l 1 ; [long] <-> Pointer to IOPInfo record
iaAccessInfoSize equ * ; size of IOPAccessInfo parameter block
; IOP SCC declarations
SCCCtlMsg record 0,increment ; message block for SCC control of external clocking <2>
msgNum ds.b 1 ; SCC IOP message number
Driver ds.b 1 ; SCC port port A = 0, port B = 1
GPI ds.b 1 ; state on GPi pin : 0 = internal, 1 = external clocking
ds.b 1 ; unused, reserved
SCCCtlMsgSize equ *
SCCCtlReply record 0,increment ; reply block for SCC control of external clocking <2>
errNum ds.b 1 ; error code
ds.b 3 ; unused, reserved
SCCCtlReplySize equ *
ENDIF ; ...already included