Elliot Nunn 0ba83392d4 Bring in CubeE sources
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included.

The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

336 lines
13 KiB

; File: EnvironsGlue.a
; Contains: glue version of SysEnvirons
; Written by: Jim Friedlander
; Copyright: © 1987-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: ROM System
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 10/28/92 SWC Changed INCLUDEs to a LOAD of StandardEqu.d.
; <5> 7/24/91 MH Added conditional wrapper(s) to prevent duplication of public
; interface declarations: TRUE
; <4> 6/12/91 LN Removed #includes for private interfaces from public interfaces.
; changed #include 'HardwareEqu.a' to #include
; 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
; <3> 2/25/91 dba change from SystemSixOrBetter to SystemSixOrLater
; <2> 11/4/90 dba get rid of lots of stuff if we have SystemSixOrBetter
; 04 Dec 89 JAL Removed PrNonPortable and HWNonPortable equates because they are
; defined in the Makefile. Keeping Old Rom (64K) Rom code just to
; be paranoid.
; 28 Apr 87 KLH now in interface.o, so I trust it works now.
; 4/6/87 -- JAF this is untested and untried
if &type('SystemSixOrLater') = 'UNDEFINED' then
SystemSixOrLater: equ 0
; glue to implement:
; FUNCTION SysEnvirons(VersionRequested: Integer; VAR theWorld: WorldRec):OSErr;
; Arguments:
; VersionRequested -which version of SysEnvirons the caller knows about
; TheWorld -Record to contain environs data
; Entry:
; A0.L - Pointer to theWorld
; D0.W - VersionRequested
; Exit:
; D0.W - Error Code
; noErr (0)
; envNotPresent (-5500) glue determines that call does not exit
; envBadSel (-5501) non-positive VersionRequested passed in
; handled by trap
; envSelTooBig (-5502) selector too big, largest known by call is returned
; handled by trap
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'AppleTalk.a'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
;DUMP 'EnvironsDump.dump'
;INCLUDE 'EnvironsEqu.a' ; include templates and equates
PRINT NOMDIR ; don't list HFS macros
; Equates
TRUE EQU 1 ; IMV1p86: "Boolean value in bit 0" -- FALSE EQU 0
SysWDProcID EQU 'ERIK' ; for use with OpenWD
TwoBitsClear EQU $3FFF ; for compare below (two high bits clear)
SysEnvTrap EQU $90 ; trap number of SysEnvirons
UnImplTrap EQU $9F
; REMEMBER TO CHANGE curSysEnvVers in SysEqu.a if there is a new version
; of SysEnvirons.
TheVersion EQU 1 ; Current version of this call
if not SystemSixOrLater then
TST.W ROM85 ; check for old ROMs
BMI.S RunRAM ; if so, run the RAM version
; we don't have to worry about saving A0 here, since the parameter is still on the stack
MOVE.W #SysEnvTrap,D0 ; still here, let's check for existence of the trap
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWOS
MOVE.L A0,A1 ; put in A1 so we can call again
MOVE.W #UnImplTrap,D0
_GetTrapAddress ,NEWTOOL ; unimplemented trap is in A0
CMPA.L A0,A1 ; compare them
BEQ.S RunRAM ; they are the same, so the call doesn't exist, run RAM version
MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; return address
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; @theWorld
MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 ; VersionRequested
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; move return address back on the stack
_SysEnvirons ; do the call
MOVE.W D0,4(SP) ; error code
RTS ; RTS to caller
if not SystemSixOrLater then
; the call is unimplemented, run the glue version
MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ; @theWorld into A0
MOVE.W #TheVersion,D0 ; since we're glue, only return what we know how to
WITH SysEnvRec
MOVE.L A0,A1 ; Pointer to theWorld, ZeroWorld needs world pointer in A0
BRA.S ZeroWorld ; start filling in the record
; Now for the keyboard table, hiding behind the above BRA -- has to be up here
; because we have a one-pass assembler
KbdTable DC.B 3,$13,$B,2,1 ; table of kbdType values for envMacKbd, etc.
; extend the table by adding more values to the right
; most frequent to the right
KbdTableEnd EQU *
KbdTableSize EQU KbdTableEnd-KbdTable
ALIGN 2 ; need this because of odd sized table
; ZeroWorld
; routine to zero out bytes of record
; On Input: D0 == bytes to zero
; A0 == (copy of) pointer to the world
; A1 == pointer to the world
; Register usage:
MOVE.W #SysEnv1Size,D0 ; put the size to zero in D0 -- all we know about in glue
;change this in future versions!!!
ASR.W #1,D0 ;count by words
SUBQ #1,D0 ;adjust for Debra
CLR.W (A0)+ ;clear next word
DBRA D0,ZeroLoop ;loop till done.
; now we've zeroed out the record
MOVE.W #curSysEnvVers,EnvironsVersion(A1) ; put in latest version number
; Get MachineType -- here's the glue that needs to check for XLs and 64K ROMs in addition to all the rest
; this also assumes that future Macs will have 8(ROMBase) > 0
MOVE.L ROMBase,A0 ; get ROMBase
MOVE.W #EnvXL,MachineType(A1) ; default to XL
CMPI.B #$FF,9(A0) ; check for XL
BEQ.S DoneType ; yep, it's an XL, let's leave
; still here, we've got a mac
TST.B 8(A0) ; check for Mac versus SE/II 0 = Mac, 2,1 = SE/II
BGT.S SEorII ; got a fancy Mac
MOVE.W #EnvMac,MachineType(A1) ; assume Mac as default
TST.W ROM85 ; check for old ROMs
BMI.S DoneType ; if ROM85 = FFFF then we're done
; still here, must be a Plus or a 512KE
MOVE.W #Env512KE,MachineType(A1); assume 512KE
TST.W HwCfgFlags ; test HwCfgFlags for presence of SCSI
BPL.S DoneType ; yes, it is a 512E (no SCSI), we're done
MOVE.W #EnvMacPlus,MachineType(A1) ; must be a Mac+ (has SCSI, 8(ROMBase) = 0)
BRA.S DoneType ; we're done, we have a MacPlus
MOVE.W #EnvMachUnknown,MachineType(A1); assume unknown
CMPI.B #02,8(A0) ; check ROM type 1 == MacII, 2 == SE
BGT.S UnKnown ; if greater than 2, then it's unknown
BEQ.S SE ; it's an SE
MOVE.W #EnvMacII,MachineType(A1); it's >0, <= 2, != 2 so, it's 1
BRA.S DoneType
MOVE.W #EnvSE,MachineType(A1) ; it's an SE
UnKnown ; waste a label for clarity!
DoneType ; all done
; SYSTEM VERSION code -- just put a zero in here
CLR.W SystemVersion(A1)
; Get Processor Stuff
CMPI.B #2,CPUFlag ; compare CPUFlag with 2
BGT.S UnKnownCPU ; if greater than 2, we don't know what it is
MOVE.B CPUFlag,D0 ; get the CPUFlag
ADDQ #1,D0 ; increment by one (zero = unknown_
MOVE.B D0,Processor+1(A1) ; otherwise, we know what it is
; HasFPU -- only for newer roms
BMI.S DoneFPU ; 64K ROMs can't have FPU (HwCfgFlags at $B22 = sys heap on 64K ROMS)
BTST #hwCbFPU-8,HwCfgFlags ; check for FPU
; -8 because equates for HwCfgFlags are based on 16-bit word
BEQ.S DoneFPU ; not set, leave
DoneFPU ; all done with this sucker!
; Has ColorQD
CMPI.W #TwoBitsClear,ROM85 ; we're actually testing the two hi bits of ROM85 here
BHI.S NoColorQD ; false case
NoColorQD ; just fall through here, HasColorQD is already set to 0
; Get Keyboard type
MOVE.B KbdType,D0 ; get the low-memory global
LEA KbdTableEnd,A0 ; address just beyond table of keyboard type values
MOVE.W #kbdTableSize-1,D1 ; and sizeÉ
CMP.B -(A0),D0 ; have we found the matching keyboard type?
DBEQ D1,@0 ; if not found and not done, loop
ADDQ.W #1,D1 ; adjust D1 for range 0..n
MOVE.W D1,KeyBoardType(A1) ; move in the value and we're done
; Get AppleTalk Driver Version Number
;Is the B serial port in use?
TST.B PortBUse ; if so, this will be positive.
BMI.S DoneAT ; oops - not in use, return 0
;Port B is in use. Is it in use by AppleTalk?
MOVE.B SPConfig,D1 ; get port configuration info
AND.B #$0F,D1 ; mask off to Port B info only
CMP.B #useATalk,D1 ; is it AppleTalk?
BNE.S DoneAT ; nope, return 0
;Port B is in use by AppleTalk. Get the DCE pointer
MOVE.L ABusDCE,A0 ; get .MPP's DCE pointer
MOVE.B DCtlQueue+1(A0),ATDrvrVersNum+1(A1) ; put version number in record
; Get SysVRef -- returns WDRefNum of directory that contains
; open system file in D0 -- if this call fails, returns 0
; We use GetFCBInfo here -- slower but smaller
; Doesn't Assume system 4.1 or 128K or greater ROMs (HFS)
; In the MFS case, just slam BootDrive into SysVRefNum(A1)
MOVE.W BootDrive,SysVRefNum(A1); default for MFS
BLT.S DoneBoot ; if <0, then MFS installed, we're done
CLR.W SysVRefNum(A1) ; in case we get an error below
MOVE.W #(ioHVQElSize/2)-1,D1 ; this many CLR.Ws, minus one for the DBRA
CLR.W -(SP) ; push zeros onto the stack, worse case 2 too many.
DBRA D1,@1 ; branch if not done
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; set up A0 to point to our cleared param block for the HFS calls
MOVE.W SysMap,ioRefNum(A0) ; get the fileRefNum of System File
_GetFCBInfo ; get info
BNE.S FixStack ; oops, clean up stack and leave
; now we need to do a PBHGetVInfo call -- we've already established that we're running HFS
MOVE.W ioFCBVRefNum(A0),ioVRefNum(A0); Thanks Bill B. -- no thanks Inside Mac
_HGetVInfo ; getVolInfo, to get VFndrInfo (blessed folder's dirID)
BNE.S FixStack ; If HGetVInfo fails, branch to ErrorBoot
; we're OK so far, now we just do a OpenWD, the VRef is set up we just need to
; get the id of the blessed folder from ioVFndrInfo[1] and put it into the dirID
; field of the parameter block, and away we go!
MOVE.L ioVFndrInfo(A0),ioWDDirID(A0) ; set up the "blessed folder"
MOVE.L #SysWDProcID,ioWDProcID(A0); put 'ERIK' into WDProcID
_OpenWD ; open a working directory (it's probably already open)
BNE.S FixStack ; if OpenWD fails, branch to error
MOVE.W ioVRefNum(A0),SysVRefNum(A1) ; put result in parameter block
ADDA #ioHVQelSize,SP ; clean up the stack, same count as above.
DoneBoot ; reach here if error (CurBootDrive=0), or MFS
; End of FillInWorld1 - for future versions (>=2) put checking in here to see how
; much more to fill in, based on selector passed in in D0
; All done, cleanup and leave
CleanUp ; done running glue, set the world right and wave goodbye
MOVE.L A1,A0 ; restore A0, 'cause we said we would
MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; get return address
ADDQ #6,SP ; get rid of parameters, one long, one word
MOVE.W #EnvNotPresent,(SP) ; put error return on stack, since the glue is running
JMP (A1) ; bye-bye