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synced 2025-02-21 04:28:58 +00:00
Resource forks are included only for .rsrc files. These are DeRezzed into their data fork. 'ckid' resources, from the Projector VCS, are not included. The Tools directory, containing mostly junk, is also excluded.
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; File: TFSRFN1.a
; Contains: This file contains routines using refnums.
; Copyright: © 1982-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM5> 8/27/93 BH Removed <SM4>. The flushing stuff is now in CmdDone.
; <SM4> 8/3/93 BH Flushing critical volume info when changed for a volume in a
; manual-eject drive.
; <SM3> 10/26/92 CSS We now flush on chip caches after we do a read and before we
; do a write. Also, make a short branch into a word branch.
; <SM2> 5/21/92 kc Append "Trap" to the names of GetFPosTrap and SetFPosTrap to
; avoid name conflict with the glue.
; <SM1> 4/1/92 kc Checked in from Reality.
; ¥ Pre-SuperMario comments follow ¥
; <2> 9/12/91 JSM Add a header.
; <1.4> 4/13/89 DNF Vectored FileRead and FileWrite.
; <1.3> 3/2/89 DNF removed references to forROM; HFS now builds identically for ram
; or rom
; <1.2> 11/21/88 CCH Replaced references to forRAM with ÒNOT forROM.Ó
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ
; 1/22/86 LAK Set CacheFlag before FlushCache call for read-verify flush.
; 1/14/86 LAK TFSBitTst doesn't trash D0 as before (needed for FileAlloc
; change).
; 10/8/85 LAK Fixed bug in DoPart for ROM (vectoring to BlockMove kills D1).
; 10/1/85 LAK Added label for TFSVCBTst. Rewrote to call cache for all I/O.
; Write no longer prefetches when extending the file. Read-verify
; calls cause the file fork to be flushed and blocks to be read
; read from disk rather than the cache.
; 9/21/85 LAK Changed for new TrashBlocks interface.
; 9/18/85 LAK Call TrashBlocks with D2=last block number, not last block+1.
; 9/8/85 LAK Slight modification to read code so it doesn't use FSTemp4.
; 9/6/85 LAK Tag data bug for Write-in-place fixed. MyRWSub uses longword D3
; for start disk block for TFS volumes (for > 32MB volumes).
; 9/2/85 LAK Release cache buffer immediately after read (read-verify error
; path wasn't releasing the buffer). Use MarkBlock to dirty buffer
; for TFS write . . .
; 8/31/85 LAK Removed TFS support of OwnBuf buffers . . . removed Pat's debug
; code.
; 8/19/85 PWD Tempered enthusiam displayed above to save only between calls to
; MyRWSub0 and GetRegs, NEVER AFTER GetRegs.
; 8/15/85 PWD Added code to save A6 before ,ASYNC calls
; 2/25/85 GJC new today
; 6/27/84 GSS Put in line the WrPart patch from MSFileFix
; 8/30/83 LAK Removed redundant set of FCB dirty bit in FileWrite (gets set by
; AdjEOF).
; 8/15/83 LAK Flushes file buffer now if block is dirty and falls within
; read-in-place . . . saved some bytes, too.
; 8/11/83 LAK Added support for a read-verify mode.
; 8/2/83 LAK Fixed read bug (read count 0 with position past EOF). Changed
; file positioning mode 2 (relative to end of file) by defining
; IOPosOffset to be either positive or negative . . .
; 6/2/83 LAK Changes for FCBBfAdr=0 meaning use volume buffer.
; 2/10/83 LAK Fixed bugs in Read with EOL character.
; 2/9/83 LAK Fixed MyWriteIP bug (now invalidates file's buffer if it happens
; to write that block . . .)
; 1/17/83 LAK Latest changes for final structures. Brought SetFPos and GetFPos
; here from FSRFN2. Made GetFPos and SetFPos call FileRead with
; zero bytes requested.
; 12/14/82 LAK Rewrote for new file system data structures.
; External Routines: FileRead,FileWrite,SetFPos,GetFPos
; Internal Routines: MyWrite,Seek,CVFlgs,MyReadBk,MyReadDB,MyReadIP
; Routines TFSBitTst, TFSVolTst, TFSVCBTst
; Arguments A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block
; D0 (output) -- status
; Calls GetVCBRfn
; Called by Create
; Function determines whether or not the volume is TFS format
; (TFSVolTst) and whether or not TFS params are defined
; for this call (TFSBitTst).
; Modification History:
; 25-Feb-85 GJC new today
TFSBitTst BTST #HFSBit,IOtrap(A0) ; test TFS bit <14Jan86>
RTS ; on return, status .ne. means TFS
TFSVCBTst CMPI.W #Tsigword,VCBSigWord(A2) ; is sigword that of TFS? <01Oct85>
RTS ; on return, status .eq. TFS vol
; Routine: Seek
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- I/O parameter block pointer, uses: IOPosMode,
; IOPosOffset
; (A1,D1) (input) -- FCB ptr for the file in question
; D0.W (output) -- error code
; D2.W (output) -- distance past EOF (0 or - if not past EOF)
; D5.L (output) -- current file position
; D7.L (output) -- set to IOReqCount
; IOActCount cleared
; trashes D4
; Called By: FileRead,FileWrite
; Function: Seek is a utility routine that interprets the positioning
; parameters in an read or write call, updating the current
; file position in the FCB.
; There are 4 positioning modes:
; mode 0 -> no positioning
; mode 1 -> relative to beginning (absolute)
; mode 2 -> relative to end of file
; mode 3 -> relative to current
; If the file positioning would cause the current position to
; become negative, it is not changed and an error
; (PosErr) is returned; otherwise, result code 0
; returned. Read and Write must check for positioning past
; current EOF since they handle that case differently (read
; reports an error, write extends the file). This routine will
; clip the position to the end-of-file but returns a remainder
; in D2.
; The IOReqCount field must be positive; IOPosOffset may be
; positive or negative . . .
; Modification History:
; 14 Dec 82 LAK Rewrote to reflect new file system data structures. Changed
; to handle positioning past end-of-file differently, reports
; error when positioning to before file start.
; 15 Aug 83 LAK Now trashes D4 and passes back file position in D5.
; USoft memo Aug 10: A read with position past end of file should return an
; error; a write should allocate space on the disk up to the specified
; position. Read and write should return the current file position in the
; in the parameter block after reads and writes regardless of positioning mode.
CLR.L IOActCount(A0) ; haven't actually done any bytes yet.
MOVEQ #ParamErr,D0 ; assume bad count
MOVE.L IOReqCount(A0),D7 ; # bytes to read/write
BMI.S SkExitRTS ; exit with error if negative
MOVE.L IOPosOffset(A0),D2 ; position value the user supplied
MOVE.L FCBCrPs(A1,D1),D5 ; current file position
MOVE.L FCBEOF(A1,D1),D4 ; get the current EOF
MOVE.B IOPosMode+1(A0),D0 ; the position mode is in bits 0,1
ROXR.B #2,D0 ; get position bits in carry, sign
BCC.S PM01 ; br if 0 or 1
BMI.S PM3 ; br if 3
; relative to the end of the file (mode 2)
MOVE.L D4,D5 ; current EOF
; relative to current position (mode 3)
BRA.S SkExit
PM01 BPL.S SkExit ; br if no position operation (mode 0)
; relative to start (mode 1)
MOVE.L D2,D5 ; relative to start is absolute
SkExit BPL.S @1 ; did D5 go negative? br if not
MOVEQ #PosErr,D0 ; report positioning error
BRA.S SkExitRTS ; and don't change current position
@1 MOVE.L D5,D2 ; new position
SUB.L D4,D2 ; distance past end of file (pos-EOF)
BLE.S @2 ; br if not past the end
MOVE.L D4,D5 ; pin to EOF
@2 MOVE.L D5,FCBCrPs(A1,D1) ; set the new current position
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no error
; Routine: GetFPos
; (c) 1983 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block; uses:
; IORefNum,IOPosOffset
; D0.W (output) -- 0 if file was found, error code otherwise.
; Calls:
; Function: Get current file position for specified opened file
; Modification History:
; 10 Dec 82 LAK Modified for new file system data structures.
; 17 Jan 83 LAK Modified to call FileRead via SetFPos to do the work.
CLR.B IOPosMode+1(A0) ; no file positioning
; Fall thru to SetFPos
; Routine: SetFPos
; (c) 1983 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block; uses:
; IORefNum,IOPosOffset
; D0.W (output) -- 0 if file was found, error code otherwise.
; Calls:
; Function: Set current file position for specified opened file. Will
; not set the position past end of file. Uses positioning modes
; like FileRead.
; Modification History:
; 10 Dec 82 LAK New Today.
; 17 Jan 83 LAK Modified to call fileread.
CLR.L IOReqCount(A0) ; no bytes
; fall thru to FileRead
; Routine: FileRead
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- I/O parameter block pointer, uses: IORefnum,
; IOBuffer,IOReqCount,IOActCount,IOPosMode,IOPosOffset
; D0.W (output) -- error code
; Calls: FSQueue,RFnCall,Seek,Lg2Phys,MyRead,CmdDone
; Function: General purpose file read call.
; Modification History:
; 15 Dec 82 LAK Rewrote to reflect new file system data structures;
; Separated reading with EOL mode from regular reading (now
; checks for EOL character whenever specified).
; 11 Mar 85 GJC Added modifications so FileRead can handle the caching scheme
; Used by TFS
; 16 May 85 PWD Set up options on FlushCache call.
; IOPosMode(A0).W = Newline char in bits 8-15, newline flag (1=enabled) in
; bit 7, bits 0-1 are position information
; - if positions to EOF and 0 bytes are requested, EOF is not reported.
; (reading exactly to EOF will not raise EOF condition unless byte count
; is not satisfied because EOF hit)
IMPORT CacheFlush ; <SM3> CSS
MOVE.L jFileRead,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vFileRead <dnf v1.4>
RTS ; go there
vFileRead: ; 'vectored' FileRead routine
BSR FSQueue ; wait our turn
BSR RFnCall ; map the reference number
BNE FRdExit1 ; exit on errors (don't set IOPosOffset)
; (also exit for offline, ext fs calls)
BSR.S Seek ; do any positioning - D5 gets cur pos,
; IOActCount cleared, D7 set to
; IOReqCount
BNE.S FRdExit0 ; exit if positioned to before file start
; figure min(requested count,distance to EOF)
NEG.L D2 ; EOF-current pos (from seek)
BMI.S FRdEOFXit ; if negative, report end of file
CMP.L D2,D7 ; number of bytes desired within EOF?
BLE.S @1 ; br if so
MOVE.L D2,D7 ; just read distance to EOF
@1 TST.L D7 ; byte count 0?
BEQ.S FRdOK ; all done if none to read!
MOVE.W IOPosMode(A0),D2 ; get newline stuff
LSR.W #8,D2 ; newline char in low byte, enb in carry
BCS FRNewLine ; if newline enabled, do it differently <SM3> CSS
BTST #6,IOPosMode+1(A0) ; read verify? <01Oct85>
BEQ.S @2 ; br if not <01Oct85>
MOVEM.L A1/D1,-(A6) ; save A1/D1 across FlushCache call <01Oct85>
MOVE.W D1,D0 ; set up to make a flushcache for the file <01Oct85>
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; just normal call . . . <01Oct85>
MOVEA.L VCBBufAdr(A2),A1 ; point to volume buffer <01Oct85>
ST CacheFlag ; make sure we flush <22Jan86>
JSR FlushCache ; write all file blocks before read-verify <01Oct85>
MOVEM.L (A6)+,A1/D1 ; and trash so we actually read them <01Oct85>
@2 MOVE.W D5,D2 ; current file position (low word) <01Oct85>
AND.W #$01FF,D2 ; check lower 9 bits for blk bndry read
BEQ.S RDMain ; br if so (see if we can read into place)
; must read a funny amount of data (not a full block's worth)
RdPart BSR RdFileBlk ; read the data (asynchronously) <01Oct85>
BNE.S FRdExit ; exit on errors
; the data block is at (A5). Move it into user buffer byte by byte.
BTST #6,IOPosMode+1(A0) ; read verify only?
SNE D0 ; $00 if not, $FF if so
BSR DoPart ; share code with similar write code
BNE.S FRdExit ; exit on verify errors
; read multiple blocks into place in user's buffer
RdMain MOVE.L D7,D4 ; number of bytes we want.
BEQ.S FRdOK ; all done if no more bytes.
AND.W #$FE00,D4 ; only read whole blocks (pass D4=max bytes to read)
TST.L D4 ; any whole blocks to read?
BEQ.S RdPart ; br if not . . .
JSR CacheRdIP ; pass: A2=VCB ptr,(A1,D1.W)=FCB pointer
; D5.L=cur file pos, D4.L=max bytes to read
; A0=IO Param Blk ptr
; returns: D6=bytes read, D0=result code
BNE.S FRdExit ; disk errors deserve an exit
BSR UpdteCntPos ; using D6, update D7, D5, and IOActCount(A0)
BRA.s RdMain ; loop.
FRdOK MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no errors (except maybe EOF)
FRdExit TST.W D0 ; other error?
BNE.S FRdExit0 ; br if so
MOVE.L IOActCount(A0),D2 ; if actual count is not equal to
CMP.L IOReqCount(A0),D2 ; requested count, and no other errors,
BEQ.S FRdExit0 ; (br if not true)
FRdEOFXit MOVEQ #EOFErr,D0 ; then we must have hit end of file . . .
FRdExit0 MOVE.L D5,FCBCrPs(A1,D1) ; update current position in FCB
MOVE.L D5,IOPosOffset(A0) ; always return current pos
FRdExit1 BSR.L CacheFlush ; <SM3> CSS
BRA CmdDone ; bye now . . .
; reading while looking for end of line characters . . . do it a block at a time
FRNewLine BSR.S RdFileBlk ; read the data (asynchronously) <01Oct85>
BNE.S FRdExit ; exit on errors
; the data block is at (A5). Move it into user buffer byte by byte.
@5 MOVE.L D5,D2 ; current file position
AND.W #$01FF,D2 ; get the index
MOVE.L IOBuffer(A0),A3 ; user buffer
MOVE.L IOActCount(A0),D4 ; where to start continuing read
@10 MOVE.B 0(A5,D2.W),D0 ; get byte from the buffer
MOVE.B D0,0(A3,D4.L) ; put it into user's area
ADDQ.L #1,IOActCount(A0) ; actually read another byte!
ADDQ.L #1,D4 ; incr destination byte offset
ADDQ.W #1,D2 ; incr source byte offset
ADDQ.L #1,D5 ; incr current position
CMP.B IOPosMode(A0),D0 ; is it the EOL character?
BNE.S @20
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no error, we found EOL!
BRA.S FRdExit0
@20 SUBQ.L #1,D7 ; decr byte count
BEQ.S FRdOK ; exit, checking for EOF condition
CMP.W D6,D2 ; reached end of buffer?
BCS.S @10 ; loop if not
BRA.S FRNewLine ; get another block
; Routine: RdFileBlk, PreRdFileBlk
; Arguments: A0.L (in ) -- I/O Param Blk Ptr (RdFileBlk)
; A2.L (in ) -- VCB ptr
; D5.L (in ) -- file position to read block from
; D0.W (out) -- error code
; D6.L (out) -- const 512 (byte count)
; A5.L (out) -- buffer pointer
; A6.L -- TFS stack pointer
; Clobbers:
; All other registers are preserved
; This routine returns to one level above caller during the
; read(caller must not have anything on the stack when
; issuing the call!)
; Called By: FileRead,FileWrite
; Function: Calls cache routines GetBlock and RelBlock to get a block
; of the file.
; Modification History:
; <01Oct85> LAK New today. Built from old MyReadBk.
BSR.S ReadBlock
CMP.L D3,D5 ; read position >= old LEOF rounded? <01Oct85>
BCS.S RdFileB1 ; br if not <01Oct85>
MOVEQ #kGBNoRead,D1 ; don't bother to read it then <01Oct85>
BRA.S RdFileB1 ; <01Oct85>
BSR.S ReadBlock ;
BTST #6,IOPosMode+1(A0) ; read verify? <01Oct85>
BEQ.S RdFileB1 ; br if not <01Oct85>
MOVEQ #kGBRead,D1 ; always read it if so <01Oct85>
MOVEA.L VCBBufAdr(A2),A1 ; Use a TFS volume cache buffer <01Oct85>
MOVE.L D5,D2 ; Byte position <01Oct85>
LSR.L #8,D2 ; 'Divide' by 256 <01Oct85>
LSR.L #1,D2 ; by 512 to get long file block # <01Oct85>
RTS ; return to ReadBlock <01Oct85>
; Called by: MFSDirRead, MFSMapRead, RdFileBlk
MOVEM.L A0-A1/D1-D2,-(A6) ; save status <01Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; 'set up routine' address <01Oct85>
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; Save return address <01Oct85>
MOVE.W D1,D0 ; file refnum
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; flag <01Oct85>
MOVEQ #2,D6 ; always return D6=512 for historical <01Oct85>
LSL.L #8,D6 ; reasons . . . <01Oct85>
JSR (A1) ; fill in A1=Cache Ptr, D2.L=block num, <01Oct85>
; D0.W=refnum (file or volume). <01Oct85>
ADDQ.B #kGBrelease,D1 ; immediate release <01Oct85>
JSR GetBlock ; get the cache buffer <01Oct85>
MOVEA.L A0,A5 ; return A5->released buffer
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; pop ret address off TFS stack
MOVEM.L (A6)+,A0-A1/D1-D2 ; restore status
TST.W D0 ; any errors?
RTS ; return to caller with error code
; Routine: FileWrite
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- I/O parameter block pointer, uses: IORefnum,
; IOBuffer,IOReqCount,IOActCount,IOPosMode,IOPosOffset
; D0.W (output) -- error code
; Calls: FSQueue,TstMod,RFnCall,Seek,Lg2Phys,MyWriteIP,MyWriteDB,CmdDone
; Function: Write user data to a file, extending the file as necessary.
; Modification History:
; 17 Dec 82 LAK Rewrote to reflect new file system data structures;
; When file is initially positioned past end-of-file, the
; file is automatically extended enough for the write.
IMPORT CacheFlush ; <SM3> CSS
MOVE.L jFileWrite,-(SP) ; jumptable entry for vFileWrite <dnf v1.4>
RTS ; go there
vFileWrite: ; 'vectored' FileWrite routine
BSR.L CacheFlush ; flush the chip caches so data is in memory. <SM3> CSS
BSR FSQueue ; don't do the call until time.
BSR TstMod ; test if we may modify this file.
BNE.S FWrExit1 ; br if not.
BSR Seek ; share this routine with read - D5 gets
; cur file position, IOActCount cleared,
; D7 set to IOReqCount
BNE.S @2 ; br if tried to position before start
; (to FWrExit0)
TST.L D2 ; positioned past EOF?
BMI.S @1 ; br if not
ADD.L D2,D5 ; extend added to cur pos
; set up D3 so PreRdFileBlk can tell when a block actually has to be read
@1 MOVE.L #511,D3 ; <01Oct85>
ADD.L D4,D3 ; add current LEOF from Seek <01Oct85>
AND.W #$FE00,D3 ; LEOF rounded to next block boundary <01Oct85>
; see if file has to be made physically longer
MOVE.L D5,D4 ; current position after positioning
ADD.L D7,D4 ; end byte for write + 1
CMP.L FCBEOF(A1,D1),D4 ; will it fit within the old EOF?
BLS.S SameLen ; if so, leave file at same phys length
SUB.L FCBPLen(A1,D1),D4 ; is it past the phys end?
BLS.S @3 ; no, just reset the eof
; ran off the physical end of the file--need to allocate more blocks
; Call alloc with D4=number of extra bytes we need, A2=addr of VCB,
; (A1,D1) ptr to FCB . . .
BSR Alloc ; do it to it (sets FCB PEOF, start blk)
@2 BNE.S FWrExit0 ; exit if didn't get it (return with
; cur file pos = EOF)
; now just update the logical len.
@3 MOVE.L D5,D4 ; current position after positioning
ADD.L D7,D4 ; plus # bytes to write
MOVE.L D4,FCBEOF(A1,D1) ; is new logical end-of-file
; the data will fit into the file. At this point:
; A0=ptr to params,
; (A1,D1) = ptr to file's FCB
; A2 = ptr to VCB
; D7 = # bytes to write total
; D5 = current file position.
SameLen MOVE.W D5,D0 ; check if writing to a block boundary
AND.W #$01FF,D0 ; if so, low 9 bits will be 0
BEQ.S WrMain ; if so, try writing full blocks out
; must write some funny amount of data
WrPart BSR PreRdFileBlk ; get the appropriate block <01Oct85>
BNE.S FWrExit ; just skip if bad read
; the destination data block is at (A5). Move it out of user buffer byte by byte.
MOVEQ #1,D0 ; D0=1 for write
BSR.S DoPart ; share code with fileread
JSR MarkA5Block ; mark the block dirty <01Oct85>
; This section tries to write out entire blocks and/or groups of blocks
WrMain MOVE.L D7,D4 ; number bytes we want.
BEQ.S FWrOK ; all done if no more bytes.
AND.W #$FE00,D4 ; only write whole blocks
TST.L D4 ; must want at least 512 bytes
BEQ.S WrPart ; br if not . . .
JSR CacheWrIP ; pass: A2=VCB ptr,(A1,D1.W)=FCB pointer
; D5.L=cur file pos, D4.L=max bytes to read
; A0=IO param blk ptr
; returns: D6=bytes read, D0=result code
BNE.S FWrExit ; disk errors deserve an exit
BSR.S UpdteCntPos
BRA.S WrMain ; loop.
FWrOK MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no errors
FWrExit BSR AdjEOF ; adjust other FCBs for this file
MOVE.L D5,FCBCrPs(A1,D1) ; update current position in FCB
FWrExit0 MOVE.L FCBCrPs(A1,D1),IOPosOffset(A0) ; always return current pos
FWrExit1 BRA CmdDone ; command is done.
SUB.L D6,D7 ; adjust for number of bytes read
ADD.L D6,IOActCount(A0) ; actually read this many more
ADD.L D6,D5 ; update current position
; code sharing routine . . . D6 = 512 on entry
MOVE.L D5,D2 ; current file position
AND.W #$01FF,D2 ; get the index
SUB.W D2,D6 ; bytes in blk from cur pos
CMP.L D6,D7 ; more than we want?
BCC.S @1
MOVE.L D7,D6 ; if so, only r/w num requested
@1 MOVE.L IOBuffer(A0),A3 ; user buffer
ADD.L IOActCount(A0),A3 ; where to start continuing read/write
BSR.S UpdteCntPos
MOVEM.L D1/A0-A2,-(SP) ; preserve blockmove registers <08Oct85>
MOVE.L A3,A0 ; src for writes
ADD D2,A1 ; dest for writes
TST.B D0 ; read or write?
BGT.S @2 ; br for write
BMI.S @5 ; br for read verify
EXG A0,A1 ; switch src, dest for reads
@2 MOVE.L D6,D0 ; byte count
MOVE.L JBlockMove, A2 ; <01Oct85>
JSR (A2) ; <01Oct85>
@3 MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no errors
@4 MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1/A0-A2 ; restore regs <08Oct85>
@5 MOVEQ #IOErr,D0 ; assume error
SUBQ.W #1, D6 ; for DBNE loop <01Oct85>
@6 CMPM.B (A0)+,(A1)+ ; compare next byte
DBNE D6,@6 ; exit on errors or done <01Oct85>
BNE.S @4 ; br if err <01Oct85>
BRA.S @3 ; and take the good route if done