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2017-09-20 18:04:16 +08:00

1392 lines
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; File: ADBPrimitives.a
; Contains: low-level hardware-dependent ADB and DebugUtil routines
; Written by: Steve Christensen
; Copyright: © 1991-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: ROM
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM9> 11/9/93 KW added some eieioSTP macros. Only expands for CygnusX1 ROM
; <SM8> 8/4/93 JDR private sound defines were moved to SoundPrivate.a
; <SM7> 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig.
; <LW2> 1/21/93 KW CudaDebugEnter should not send PDMSuspend command...should just
; fall through to EgretDebugEnter. CudaDebugExit should send
; PDMDebugContinue instead of PDMContinue. Bug fix #1049224
; <SM6> 11/23/92 SWC Put the build conditionals back in. Added a table for Cuda and
; fixed the Cuda routines so they don't require any Universal
; checks (the whole point of using primitives).
; <SM5> 8/26/92 kc Roll in Horror changes.
; <H4> 8/25/92 BG Changed VIAStartReq at @waitforinput so that the code waits for
; at least 8.8µs before switching the direction of the shift
; register (output to input) to guarantee that we don't outrun the
; ADB micro's ability to respond. Removed <H3>.
; <H3> 7/10/92 BG Added a temporary KLUDGE to ViaDebugPoll to allow typing in
; MacsBug/etc. to function 'normally' again. See the comments for
; more details.
; <H2> 5/3/92 BG Removed references to hasOrwell2, since it is now superfluous to
; hasOrwell.
; <SM4> 07-14-92 jmp Added a changed to make typing MacsBug work a little better on
; Quadra 700s until GR finds a better way to do this.
; <SM3> 7/10/92 mal Changed include from ApplDeskBusPriv.a to AppleDeskBusPriv.a.
; <SM2> 5/28/92 KW (GS,P3) Added suspend/continue PDM to the Debug util code.
; <1> 5/17/92 kc first checked in
; <SM0> 5/2/92 kc Roll in Horror. Comments follow:
; <H1> 4/3/92 SWC Adding this file into the build.
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'SoundPrivate.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'PowerPrivEqu.a'
IF hasEgret THEN
INCLUDE 'EgretEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'IopEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'AppleDeskBusPriv.a'
INCLUDE 'IOPrimitiveEqu.a'
NoIntMask EQU $0700 ; all ints disabled on all machines
IMPORT ImplicitRequestDone, ExplicitRequestDone
; ADB primitives vector table
; Tables pointed to by the universal ProductInfo record (ADBDebugUtilPtr) for low-level
; hardware-dependent ADB routines. There should be a table for each supported
; ProductInfo.
DC.W (VIATableEnd-ViaADBTable)/4 ; number of entries
DC.L VIAInitADB-ViaADBTable ; ADB initialization
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L VIADebugPoll-ViaADBTable ; DebugUtil ADB polling
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.W (PMGRTableEnd-PMgrADBTable)/4 ; number of entries
DC.L PMgrInitADB-PMgrADBTable ; ADB initialization
DC.L PMgrEnableKbdNMI-PMgrADBTable ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L PMgrDebugPoll-PMgrADBTable ; DebugUtil ADB polling
DC.L 0 ; not used
IF hasEgret THEN
DC.W (EgretTableEnd-EgretADBTable)/4 ; number of entries
DC.L EgretInitADB-EgretADBTable ; ADB initialization
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L EgretDebugEnter-EgretADBTable ; DebugUtil enter
DC.L EgretDebugExit-EgretADBTable ; DebugUtil exit
DC.L EgretDebugPoll-EgretADBTable ; DebugUtil ADB polling
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.W (CudaTableEnd-CudaADBTable)/4 ; number of entries
DC.L EgretInitADB-CudaADBTable ; ADB initialization
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L CudaDebugEnter-CudaADBTable ; DebugUtil enter
DC.L CudaDebugExit-CudaADBTable ; DebugUtil exit
DC.L EgretDebugPoll-CudaADBTable ; DebugUtil ADB polling
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.W (IOPTableEnd-IOPADBTable)/4 ; number of entries
DC.L IOPInitADB-IOPADBTable ; ADB initialization
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L IOPRunKBD-IOPADBTable ; DebugUtil enter
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L IOPRunKBD-IOPADBTable ; DebugUtil ADB polling
DC.L 0 ; not used
IF hasOrwell THEN ; <H2>
DC.W (QuadraADBTableEnd-QuadraADBTable)/4; number of entries
DC.L IOPInitADB-QuadraADBTable ; ADB initialization
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L IOPRunKBD-QuadraADBTable ; DebugUtil enter
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L QuadraDebugPoll-QuadraADBTable ; DebugUtil ADB polling
DC.L QuadraCheckSecure-QuadraADBTable ; check if keyswitch is in SECURE position
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ VIA ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥
; Routine: VIAInitADB
; Inputs: A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Outputs:
; Trashes: A0
; Function: initializes the ADB Manager for VIA-based ADB
VIAInitADB LEA FDBShiftInt,A0 ; get the address of the interrupt handler
MOVE.L A0,Lvl1DT+(4*ifSR) ; and install it as the SR interrupt receiver
LEA VIAStartReq,A0 ; setup the procedure to start an ADB request
MOVE.L A0,StartReqProc(A3)
MOVEA.L VIA,A0 ; point to the VIA1 registers
ORI #NoIntMask,SR ; mask out interrupts
MOVE.B #(1<<ifIRQ)|\ ; enable the shift register interrupt
; Routine: VIAStartReq
; Inputs: A2 - pointer to transmit data buffer
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; D2 - number of bytes of transmit data
; D3 - command byte (bits 0-7) + implicit flag (bit 31)
; Outputs: A1 - pointer to base of VIA1
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Trashes: D0,D1,D3
; Function: starts an ADB request using the VIA interface to the ADB transceiver processor
VIAStartReq MOVEA.L VIA,A1 ; point to VIA1
BSET #fDBBusy,FDBAuFlag(A3) ; remember that we are busy
BNE.S @AlreadyBusy ; -> already busy, so do nothing and return
TST.L D3 ; is this an implicit request?
BPL.S @Explicit ; -> nope
; send an implicit command (auto / SRQ polling), no data needs to be sent
@Implicit MOVE.B PollAddr(A3),D3 ; get the auto/SRQ polling address
LSL.B #4,D3
ORI.B #talkCmd+0,D3 ; and make it a Talk R0 command
BSR @SendCmd ; send out the command byte
BEQ.S @AutoReply ; -> see if prior auto poll data returned instead
MOVE.B fDBCmd(A3),pollCmd(A3) ; remember the command byte
BSR.S @StartAutoPoll ; start auto polling
BTST #fDBQEmpty,FDBFlag(A3) ; see if anything queued
BNE.S @Idle ; -> no, just wait for auto poll data
; We have just changed from state 0 to state 3. If a command is in the queue, we will
; want to change back to state 0, and send a new command. We have to give the xcvr
; processor time to recognize the state change into state 3 before we change back to
; state 0, otherwise it will be out of sync.
MOVE.W TimeViaDB,D0 ; get 1ms VIA loop time constant
; LSR.W #4,D0 ; 1ms/16 = 62.5µs
;¥¥¥¥ STP ¥¥¥ eric -- let's double it??
lsr.w #2,d0 ; 1ms/16 = 62.5µs
BTST #0,vBufB(A1) ; timing based on BTST loop, we don't care
DBRA D0,@Delay ; wait at least 50µs for state change to occur
BSR.S @Idle ; mark us idle
BRA.L RunADBRequest ; go run the next request in the queue
@Idle BCLR #fDBBusy,FDBAuFlag(A3) ; allow explicit cmds to interrupt auto polling
RTS ; if not, just let auto polling continue
MOVEQ #(1<<vFDesk1)|\
(1<<vFDesk2),D1 ; change from state 0 to state 3
BSR @waitForInput ; start auto polling, wait for a reply
ORI.B #(1<<fDBAPoll)|\ ; indicate that auto poll data returned
(1<<fDBBusy),FDBAuFlag(A3) ; auto poll found something, we're busy again
MOVEQ #(1<<vFDesk2),D1 ; change from state 3 to state 1
BRA.S @getReply ; join common code to get reply
@explicit MOVEQ #maskADBCmd,D0 ; setup to extract command
AND.B D3,D0 ; clear addr and reg
SUBQ.B #listenCmd,D0 ; check for listen command
BEQ @listen ; explicit listen is special case
; send an explicit command (other than listen), no data needs to be sent
BSR.S @sendCmd ; send out the command byte
BNE.S @explicitReply ; see if auto poll data returned instead
@autoReply BSET #fDBAPoll,FDBAuFlag(A3) ; indicate that auto poll data returned
MOVE.B pollCmd(A3),fDBCmd(A3) ; poll command is command that is completing
MOVEQ #(1<<vFDesk1),D1 ; change from state 0 to state 1
@getReply BSR.S @waitForInput ; wait for the first byte
BNE.S @noTimeout ; see if timeout occured
BSET #fDBNoReply,FDBAuFlag(A3) ; indicate that no reply data was returned
@noTimeout CLR.B fDBCnt(A3) ; indicate buffer empty
BSR.W @getNextByte ; wait for the second byte
BNE.S @noSRQ ; see if SRQ occured
BSET #fDBSRQ,FDBAuFlag(A3) ; indicate that no service request was returned
@fetchLoop BSR.W @getNextByte ; wait for another byte
BEQ.S @fetchDone ; exit if end of data reached
CMPI.B #8,fDBCnt(A3) ; see if end of buffer reached
BLO.S @fetchLoop ; keep fetching until end of data
@fetchDone BTST #fDBNoReply,FDBAuFlag(A3) ; see if buffer data is valid
SEQ D0 ; $FF if data is valid, $00 if no reply
AND.B D0,fDBCnt(A3) ; set count to zero if timeout
@sendCmd ANDI.B #$FF-(\
(1<<fDBAPoll)|\ ; clear auto poll reply flag
(1<<fDBSRQ)|\ ; clear SRQ active in reply flag
(1<<fDBNoReply)),\ ; clear reply timeout flag
FDBAuFlag(A3) ; clear the flags
MOVE.W SR,D0 ; save int mask
ORI #NoIntMask,SR ; disable ALL interrupts
MOVEQ #(1<<vFDesk2)+\
(1<<vFDesk1),D1 ; mask the current state
AND.B vBufB(A1),D1
CMPI.B #(1<<vFDesk2)+\
(1<<vFDesk1),D1 ; are we in state 3?
BNE.S @SendCont ; no, procede as usual
BTST #vFDBInt,vBufB(a1) ; yes, test the FDBInt~ status
BEQ.S @SendExit ; asserted, xcvr already clocking autopoll data
; exit (wait for autopoll to complete)
ORI.B #$1C,vACR(a1) ; set SR to shift-out with ext clk
MOVE.B D3,vSR(a1) ; load shift reg with cmd, start shifting
MOVE.B D3,fDBCmd(A3) ; save the command
ANDI.B #-1-(1<<vFDesk2)-\
(1<<vFDesk1),vBufB(A1) ; force state bits to zero
@SendExit MOVE.L (SP)+,ShiftIntResume(A3); save resume address
MOVE D0,SR ; restore interrupt mask
RTS ; return to callers caller, wait for interrupt
; Shouldn't do the change to shift-in mode til rising edge of ADB clock, which could <H4> thru next <H4>
; be a max. of 8.8µs after getting the shift register interrupt from sending out the
; command byte. These TSTs aren't to actually test a condition - they are to wait
; the appropriate amount of time before changing mode. We have already done 2 accesses
; to the VIA, so we have 2.4µs of time already accounted for.
tst.b vBufB(A1) ; wait for ADB xcvr to have a rising edge (~8.8µs)
tst.b vBufB(A1) ; (each of these should be ~1.2µs)
tst.b vBufB(A1)
tst.b vBufB(A1)
tst.b vBufB(A1)
tst.b vBufB(A1)
tst.b vBufB(A1) ; <H4>
BCLR #4,vACR(A1) ; change to shift-in mode
TST.B vSR(A1) ; empty shift reg to start shifting
EOR.B D1,vBufB(A1) ; change the state
MOVE.L (SP)+,ShiftIntResume(A3); save resume address
RTS ; return to callers caller, wait for interrupt
LEA fDBCnt(A3),A0 ; point to the length byte of the buffer
MOVEQ #1,D0 ; zero extend the index
ADD.B (A0),D0 ; get, and increment the index
MOVE.B D0,(A0) ; update the index
MOVE.B vSR(a1),(A0,D0.W) ; save the new byte in the buffer
EORI.B #(1<<vFDesk1)|\
(1<<vFDesk2),vBufB(A1) ; alternate between state 1 and state 2
MOVE.L (SP)+,ShiftIntResume(A3); save resume address
RTS ; return to callers caller, wait for interrupt
; send an explicit Listen command, send data buffer.
; Inputs: D2 - length of transmit buffer data
; D3 - command byte / implicit flag (bit 31)
; A2 - pointer to buffer containing transmit data
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
@listen SUBQ.B #2,D2 ; check for min length of 2
BHS.S @minOK ; if >= 2, use it
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; otherwise use 0, which will become 2
@minOK SUBQ.B #8-2,D2 ; check for max length of 8
BLS.S @maxOK ; if <= 8, use it
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; otherwise use 0, which will become 8
@maxOK ADDQ.B #8,D2 ; restore count
MOVE.B D2,fDBCnt(A3) ; update buffer length
MOVE.L A2,ListenBuffPtr(A3); save buffer starting address
BSR.S @sendCmd ; send out the command byte
BEQ @autoReply ; see if auto poll data returned instead
BSR.S @sendFirstByte ; send the first byte
BNE.S @noListenTimeout ; see if timeout occured
BSET #fDBNoReply,FDBAuFlag(A3) ; indicate that no reply data was returned
BSR.S @sendNextByte ; send the second byte
BNE.S @sendLoop ; if no SRQ, send the data
BSET #fDBSRQ,FDBAuFlag(A3) ; remember that a service request was returned
@sendLoop TST.B fDBCnt(A3) ; see if end of buffer reached
BEQ.S VIAReqDone ; leave when count is zero, no reply data
BSR.S @sendNextByte ; send another byte
BRA.S @sendLoop ; loop until count exhausted
MOVEQ #(1<<vFDesk1),D1 ; change from state 0 to state 1
BRA.S @sendByte ; join common code
MOVEQ #(1<<vFDesk1)|\
(1<<vFDesk2),D1 ; alternate between state 1 and state 2
@sendByte MOVEA.L ListenBuffPtr(A3),A0; get the buffer pointer
MOVE.B (A0)+,vSR(A1) ; send the byte
MOVE.L A0,ListenBuffPtr(A3); update the buffer pointer
SUBQ.B #1,fDBCnt(A3) ; decrement the send count
EOR.B D1,vBufB(A1) ; change the state
MOVE.L (SP)+,ShiftIntResume(A3); save resume address
RTS ; return to callers caller, wait for interrupt
; Routine: FDBShiftInt
; Inputs: A1 - pointer to base of VIA1
; Outputs: A1 - pointer to base of VIA1
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; CCR - BEQ/BNE based on state of vFDBInt bit in VIA1's buffer B
; Trashes: A0
; Function: handles the shift register interrupt and resumes asynchronous processing
FDBShiftInt MOVEA.L ADBBase,A3 ; point to ADB globals
MOVEA.L ShiftIntResume(A3),A0 ; and get the address to resume at
BTST #vFDBInt,vBufB(A1) ; test the FDBInt~ status
JMP (A0) ; resume async processing
; Routine: VIAReqDone
; Inputs: A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Outputs: A2 - pointer to receive data buffer
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; D2 - number of bytes of receive data
; D3 - command byte (bits 0-7) + SRQ flag (bit 31)
; Trashes: A0,D0,D1
; Function: completion routine for servicing replies from the ADB transceiver
VIAReqDone MOVE.B FDBAuFlag(A3),D0 ; get the flags
MOVE.B fDBCmd(A3),D1 ; and the command
MOVEQ #(1<<fDBSRQ),D3 ; mask to test for SRQ pending
NEG.L D3 ; set bit 31 if SRQ pending
MOVE.B D1,D3 ; insert the command byte
LSR.B #4,D1 ; isolate the device address
TST.L D3 ; was there an SRQ?
BPL.S @NoSRQ ; -> no, don't advance the poll address
MOVE.W DevMap(A3),D2 ; get the list of possible address to search
BSET D1,D2 ; if no other bits are set, come back to this one
@SRQloop ADDQ.B #1,D1 ; try the next address
ANDI.B #$0F,D1 ; wrapping around if needed (clear bit 7, autopoll addr change)
BTST D1,D2 ; is there a device with that address?
BEQ.S @SRQloop ; -> no, try the next address
@NoSRQ MOVE.B D1,PollAddr(A3) ; remember where to auto/SRQ poll next
LEA fDBCnt(A3),A0 ; point to the length byte of the buffer
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; zero extend the length
MOVE.B (A0)+,D2 ; get length of receive data
MOVEA.L A0,A2 ; point to the data buffer
CLR.B FDBAuFlag(A3) ; clear the flags, especially fDBBusy
BTST #fDBAPoll,D0 ; see what kind of request completed
BNE.L ImplicitRequestDone ; auto poll data returned, call handler
BRA.L ExplicitRequestDone ; if explicit, call the completion routine
IF ViaADB | hasEgret THEN
; Routine: VIADebugPoll,EgretDebugPoll
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: A0,A1,A3,...
; Function: DebugUtil code to check if ADB data is available, for implementations that
; use the VIA1 shift register interrupt
JSR ([jCacheFlush]) ; Temporary ÒfixÓ so that MacsBug works on Q700s. <SM4>
MOVEA.L VIA,A1 ; point to the VIA
BTST #ifSR,vIFR(A1) ; is the shift register full?
BEQ.S @PollDone ; -> no, just return
MOVE.L Lvl1DT+(4*ifSR),-(SP) ; get the handler address
@PollDone RTS ; and call the interrupt handler
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Power Manager ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥
WITH pmCommandRec
; Routine: PMgrInitADB
; Inputs: A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: A0
; Function: initializes the ADB Manager for Power Manager based ADB
PMgrInitADB LEA PMgrStartReq,A0 ; setup the procedure to start an ADB request
MOVE.L A0,StartReqProc(A3)
LEA PMgrReqDone,A0 ; get the address of the interrupt handler
MOVE.L A0,Lvl1DT+(4*ifSR) ; and install it as the SR interrupt receiver
; Routine: PMgrEnableKbdNMI
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: none
; Function: Enables the NMI "programmer's key" on Power Manager based systems so we can
; break into a debugger if one is installed. The reason this is an option is
; that if the key is turned on without a debugger, the unaware user can die a
; gory "deep shit" death if they hit the key accidentally.
MOVE.B #1,-(SP) ; buffer contains enable flag
MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; pmRBuffer
MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; pmSBuffer
MOVE.W #1,-(SP) ; pmLength
MOVE.W #$24,-(SP) ; pmCommand = enable/disable keyboard NMI
MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block
_PMgrOp ; send the command
LEA pmRBuffer+4+2(SP),SP ; clean up the stack
; Routine: PMgrStartReq
; Inputs: A2 - pointer to transmit data buffer
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; D2 - number of bytes of transmit data
; D3 - command byte (bits 0-7) + implicit flag (bit 31)
; Outputs: A1 - pointer to base of VIA1
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Trashes: A0,D0,D3
; Function: sends an ADB request to the Power Manager and asynchronously waits for a reply
MOVEA.L VIA,A1 ; point to the base of VIA1
MOVE.B #(0<<ifIRQ)|\
(1<<ifCB1),vIER(A1) ; and disable the interrupt since it's set
LEA -12(SP),SP ; allocate a buffer on the stack
MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; and point to it
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; pmRBuffer
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; pmSBuffer
MOVEQ #3,D0 ; transmit length is size of buffer + 3
MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; pmLength
MOVE.W #PMgrADB,-(SP) ; pmCommand
MOVEQ #(0<<pMgrAutoPoll)|\
(0<<pMgrPollEnable),D0 ; explicit, poll disabled
TST.L D3 ; is this an explicit request?
BMI.S @Implicit ; -> no, go set exerything up
BSET #fDBExpActive,fDBAuFlag(A3) ; remember that an explicit command has been sent
BNE.S @DontCall ; -> it's already been sent, so just exit
BRA.S @Explicit
@Implicit MOVE.B PollAddr(a3),d3 ; get the auto/srq polling address
BMI.S @DontCall ; -> already autopolling, so don't call to restart
TestFor PMgrNewIntf ; does the PMGR do auto-polling?
BEQ.S @oldPMGR ; -> no, let the CPU manage it
MOVE.B #(1<<pMgrSetPoll)|\
(1<<pMgrPollEnable),D0 ; set autopoll, poll enabled if implicit
MOVE.W DevMap(A3),D0 ; pass the Polling Enable bit map
MOVE.L D0,(A0) ; fill in our transmit buffer
MOVE.W #4,pmLength(SP) ; reset count to 4 bytes for this command
BRA.S @SendCmd ; and send it
@oldPMGR MOVEQ #1<<pMgrAutoPoll,D0 ; set auto poll if implicit
LSL.B #4,D3 ; position the address
ORI.B #talkCmd+0,D3 ; make it a Talk R0 command
@Explicit MOVE.B D3,(A0)+ ; command
MOVE.B D0,(A0)+ ; flags
MOVE.B D2,(A0)+ ; send data count
BRA.S @CopyStart ; start the copy
@CopyLoop MOVE.B (A2)+,(A0)+ ; copy into the message buffer one byte at a time
@CopyStart DBRA D2,@CopyLoop
@SendCmd MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block
_PmgrOp ; send the request to the PMGR
@DontCall LEA pmRBuffer+4+12(SP),SP ; clean up the stack
MOVE.B #(1<<ifIRQ)|\
(1<<ifCB1),vIER(A1) ; re-enable PMGR interrupts
; Routine: PMgrReqDone
; Inputs: A0 - ???????????????????????????????
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Outputs: A2 - pointer to receive data buffer
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; D2 - number of bytes of receive data
; D3 - command byte (bits 0-7) + SRQ flag (bit 31)
; Trashes: A0,D0,D1
; Function: completion routine for servicing messages received from the PMGR
PMgrReqDone MOVEA.L ADBBase,A3 ; point to ADB globals
MOVE.B (A0)+,D1 ; get the command that completed
MOVE.B (A0)+,D0 ; and the flags byte
MOVEQ #(1<<pMgrSRQ),D3 ; mask to test for SRQ pending
NEG.L D3 ; set bit 31 if SRQ pending
MOVE.B D1,D3 ; insert the command byte
; Keep the ADB Parser program happy by updating the following variables.
; They are not used by this implementation, but we fill them in with
; approximate values to make the tool happy.
MOVE.B D3,fDBCmd(A3) ; save the last ADB command
MOVE.B D3,pollCmd(A3) ; assume that it was a poll command
LSR.B #4,D1 ; isolate the device address
BSET #7,D1 ; indicate no change in autopoll address needed
TestFor PMgrNewIntf ; does the PMGR do auto-polling?
BEQ.S @oldPMGR ; -> no, let the CPU manage it
BTST #pMgrPollEnable,D0 ; is polling enabled?
BNE.S @noSRQ ; -> yes, skip
BCLR #7,D1 ; indicate a new autopoll address is needed
@oldPMGR TST.L D3 ; was there an SRQ?
BPL.S @noSRQ ; -> no, don't advance the poll address
MOVE.W DevMap(A3),D2 ; get the list of possible address to search
BSET D1,D2 ; if no other bits are set, come back to this one
@SRQloop ADDQ.B #1,D1 ; try the next address
ANDI.B #$0F,D1 ; wrapping around if needed (clear bit 7, autopoll addr change)
BTST D1,D2 ; is there a device with that address?
BEQ.S @SRQloop ; -> no, try the next address
@noSRQ MOVE.B D1,PollAddr(A3) ; remember where to auto/SRQ poll next
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; get the length of received data
MOVE.B (A0)+,D2
MOVEA.L A0,A2 ; point to the data buffer
BTST #pMgrAutoPoll,D0 ; see what kind of request completed
BNE.S @Implicit ; -> polling command, so figure out what to do
TestFor PMgrNewIntf ; does the PMGR do auto-polling?
BNE.S @Explicit ; -> yes
BCLR #7,PollAddr(A3) ; indicate that PollAddr address should be used
@Explicit BCLR #fDBExpActive,fDBAuFlag(A3) ; remember that it has completed
BRA.L ExplicitRequestDone ; call the completion routine
@Implicit BRA.L ImplicitRequestDone ; auto poll data was returned, so call the handler
; Routine: PMgrDebugPoll
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: A1
; Function: DebugUtil code to check if ADB data is available
MOVEA.L VIA,A1 ; point to the VIA
BTST #ifCB1,vIFR(A1) ; does the PMgr have some data?
BEQ.S @PollDone ; -> no, just return
MOVE.L Lvl1DT+(4*ifCB1),-(SP) ; get the handler address
@PollDone RTS ; and call the interrupt handler
IF hasEgret THEN
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Egret ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥
jEgretDispatch EQU OSTable+($92*4) ; OS trap table entry for _EgretDispatch
; Routine: EgretInitADB
; Inputs: A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Outputs:
; Trashes: A0,A1
; Function: initializes the ADB Manager for Power Manager based ADB
LEA EgretStartReq,A0 ; setup the procedure to start an ADB request
MOVE.L A0,StartReqProc(A3)
MOVE.W #(specialPkt<<8)+\ ; pbCmdType = special packet
(aPoll<<0),\ ; pbCmd = install/remove autopoll handler
ImplicitEPB.pbCmdType(A3) ; init the param block
; Routine: EgretStartReq
; Inputs: A2 - pointer to transmit data buffer
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; D2 - number of bytes of transmit data
; D3 - command byte (bits 0-7) + implicit flag (bit 31)
; Outputs: A1 - pointer to base of VIA1
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Trashes: A0,A1,A2,D0,D1,D2,D3
; Function: sends an ADB request to Egret and asynchronously waits for a reply
TST.L D3 ; is this an implicit request?
BPL.S @Explicit ; -> no
@Implicit BTST #fDBInit,fDBFlag(A3) ; is initialization happening?
BNE.S @impDone ; -> yes, implicit commands are ignored
BSET #fDBImpInited,fDBAuFlag(A3) ; has implicit command initialization occured?
BNE.S @impDone ; -> yes, we're done
LEA ImplicitEPB(A3),A0 ; point to the autopoll parameter block
LEA @ImplicitCompleted,A1 ; handler address
MOVE.L A1,pbCompletion(A0) ; install the handler
BSR @SendToEgret ; install the autopoll handler
MOVE.L #(pseudoPkt<<24)\ ; pcCmdType = pseudo packet
+(wrDevList<<16),D0 ; pbCmd = write device list
MOVE.W DevMap(A3),D0 ; pbParam = device map
BSR.S @syncReq ; send command to specify auto polling addresses
MOVE.L #(pseudoPkt<<24)\ ; pcCmdType = pseudo packet
+(aPoll<<16)\ ; pbCmd = autoPoll
+($FF<<8),D0 ; pbParam = $FF (only high byte is used)
; send command to start auto polling
@syncReq LEA -EgretPBSize(SP),SP ; put a parameter block on the stack
MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; and point to it
MOVE.L D0,pbCmdType(A0) ; init pcCmdType, pbCmd, and high word of pbParam
CLR.L pbCompletion(A0) ; no completion routine, sync call
BSR.S @SendToEgret ; send the request off to the ADB micro
LEA EgretPBSize(SP),SP ; deallocate the param block
@impDone RTS ; auto-polling/srq data will arrive unsolicited from now on
MOVEQ #(1<<EgSRQ),D3 ; mask to test for SRQ pending
AND.B (A1)+,D3
NEG.L D3 ; set bit 31 if SRQ pending
MOVE.B (A1)+,D3 ; get the ADB command byte
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; zero extend the length
MOVEA.L A1,A2 ; get the buffer pointer
BSR @FillInVars ; setup A3 and ADB globals for ADB Parser
BRA.L ImplicitRequestDone ; return control to the ADB Manager
@Explicit BSET #fDBExpRunning,fDBAuFlag(A3); explicit command starting, so exclude new ones
BNE.S @IgnoreExplicit ; -> it's already in progress, so don't run it twice
MOVE.B D3,ExplicitEPB.pbCmd(A3) ; setup the ADB command,
MOVE.W D2,ExplicitEPB.pbByteCnt(A3); byte count,
MOVE.L A2,ExplicitEPB.pbBufPtr(A3) ; buffer pointer
BSET #fDBExpInited,fDBAuFlag(A3) ; see if explicit command initialization has occured
BNE.S @expInited ; if already inited, no need to change anything
LEA @ExplicitCompleted,A0 ; explicit request completion routine address
MOVE.L A0,ExplicitEPB.pbCompletion(A3) ; setup buffer pointer
LEA ImplicitEPB(A3),A0 ; point to the autopoll parameter block
CLR.L pbCompletion(A0) ; no completion routine
BSR.S @SendToEgret ; remove the auto poll handler
MOVE.L #(pseudoPkt<<24)\ ; pcCmdType = pseudo packet
+(aPoll<<16)\ ; pbCmd = autoPoll
+($00<<8),D0 ; pbParam = $00 (only high byte is used)
BSR.S @syncReq ; send command to stop auto polling
@expInited LEA ExplicitEPB(A3),A0 ; point to the param block
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; zero the trapword flag bits (in case they ever get used)
MOVEA.L jEgretDispatch,A2 ; get the OSTrap table entry
JMP (A2) ; _EgretDispatch, issue the request (asynchronously), return
@ExplicitCompleted ; A0 points to the EgretPB
MOVEQ #(1<<EgSRQ),D3 ; mask to test for SRQ pending
AND.B pbFlags(A0),D3
NEG.L D3 ; set bit 31 if SRQ pending
MOVE.B pbCmd(A0),D3 ; get the ADB command byte
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; zero extend the length
MOVE.W pbByteCnt(A0),D2
MOVEA.L pbBufPtr(A0),A2 ; get the buffer pointer
BSR.S @FillInVars ; setup A3 and ADB globals for ADB Parser
BCLR #fDBExpRunning,fDBAuFlag(A3) ; explicit command completed, allow new ones
; Egret must check the ADB Device address against the Device Bitmap to see if the device exists.
; If it does not, force Egret to poll the mouse as the MRU device and keyboard as the LRU device.
; This fixes an Egret bug.
MOVE.W Devmap(A3),D1 ; get the ADB device Bitmap
btst.l D0,D1 ; does this device exist?
BNE.S @ExpDone ; -> yes, done
LEA -EgretPBSize(SP),SP ; put a parameter block on the stack
MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; and point to it
CLR.L pbCompletion(A0) ; no completion routine
MOVE.W #(pseudoPkt<<8)+\
(Wr6805addr<<0),pbCmdType(A0) ; packet type & command
MOVE.W #(MouseAddr<<12)+\ ; put mouse address into bits 12-15 (MRU)
(KbdAddr<<4),-(SP) ; and keyboard address into bits 4-7 (LRU)
MOVE.L SP,pbBufPtr(A0) ; buffer pointer
MOVE.W #MRUAddr,pbParam(A0) ; Egret address to write
MOVE.W #2,pbByteCnt(A0) ; 2 bytes to write
_EgretDispatch ; issue the call
LEA EgretPbSize+2(SP),SP ; clean up the stack
@ExpDone BRA.L ExplicitRequestDone ; return control to the ADB Manager
; Keep the ADB Parser program happy by updating the following variables.
; They are not used by this implementation, but we fill them in with
; approximate values to make the tool happy.
@FillInVars MOVEA.L ADBBase,A3 ; point to ADB globals in low memory
MOVE.B D3,fDBCmd(A3) ; last ADB command
MOVE.B D3,pollCmd(A3) ; assume that it was a poll command
MOVE.B D3,D0 ; copy the command
LSR.B #4,D0 ; get the address
MOVE.B D0,pollAddr(A3) ; assume that it was a poll address
; Routine: CudaDebugEnter
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0, D1, A0
; Function: DebugUtil code to be executed when entering a debugger: turns off one-second
; interrupts
; fall thru into EgretDebugEnter
; Routine: EgretDebugEnter
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0, D1, A0
; Function: DebugUtil code to be executed when entering a debugger: turns off one-second
; interrupts
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; turn off mode 3 clock data packets
BRA.S EgretDebugCommon
; Routine: CudaDebugExit
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0, D1, A0
; Function: DebugUtil code to be executed when exiting a debugger: turns on one-second
; interrupts
MOVEQ #PDMDebugCont,D1 ; continue PDM <LW2>
BSR.S EgretDebugPDM ; <P3>
; fall thru into EgretDebugExit
; Routine: EgretDebugExit
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0, D1, A0
; Function: DebugUtil code to be executed when exiting a debugger: turns on one-second
; interrupts
MOVEQ #Mode3Clock,D1 ; turn on mode 3 clock data packets
MOVEQ #EgretPBSize/2-1,D0
@ClearPB CLR.W -(SP) ; zero all fields in the parameter block
DBRA D0,@ClearPB ; (forces mode 0 and no completion vector)
MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block
MOVE.W #(pseudoPkt<<8)+\
(Wr1SecMode<<0),pbCmdType(A0) ; set up the packet type and command
MOVE.B D1,pbParam(A0) ; turn on/off Mode 3 clock data packets
_EgretDispatch ; turn on/off one-second interrupts
LEA EgretPbSize(SP),SP ; clean up the stack
; Routine: EgretDebugPDM
; Inputs: D1 - contains the PDM Selector
; Disable = 0, Enable = 1, Suspend = 2, Continue = 3
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0, D1, A0
; Function: DebugUtil code to be executed when entering/exiting a debugger:
; if Egret chip with Cuda firmware, suspend/continue PDM
moveq #EgretPBSize/2-1,d0 ; <P3>
@ClearPB clr.w -(sp) ; zero all fields in the parameter block <P3>
dbra d0,@ClearPB ; (forces mode 0 and no completion vector) <P3>
movea.l sp,a0 ; point to the parameter block <P3>
move.w #(PseudoPkt << 8) \
+ EnDisPDM,pbCmdType(a0); Enable PowerDown Messages <P3>
move.b d1,pbParam(a0) ; PDM Selector <P3>
_EgretDispatch ; <P3>
LEA EgretPbSize(SP),SP ; clean up the stack <P3>
ENDIF ; {hasEgret}
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ IOP ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥
WITH IOPRequestInfo
; Routine: IOPInitADB
; Inputs: A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Outputs:
; Trashes: A0,A1
; Function: initializes the ADB Manager for IOP based ADB
IOPInitADB LEA IOPStartReq,A0 ; setup the procedure to start an ADB request
MOVE.L A0,StartReqProc(A3)
; initialize the XmtRequest message (all other fields remain zero)
MOVE.B #ADBIopNum,XmtRequest.irIOPNumber(A3)
MOVE.B #IOPRequestInfo.irSendXmtMessage,XmtRequest.irRequestKind(A3)
MOVE.B #ADBMsgNum,XmtRequest.irMsgNumber(A3)
LEA XmtMsg(A3),A0 ; get pointer to message buffer
MOVE.L A0,XmtRequest.irMessagePtr(A3)
; initialize the RcvRequest message (all other fields remain zero)
MOVE.B #ADBIopNum,RcvRequest.irIOPNumber(A3)
MOVE.B #IOPRequestInfo.irWaitRcvMessage,RcvRequest.irRequestKind(A3)
MOVE.B #ADBMsgNum,RcvRequest.irMsgNumber(A3)
MOVE.B #ADBMsg.ADBMsgSize,RcvRequest.irMessageLen(A3)
LEA RcvMsg(A3),A0 ; get pointer to message buffer
MOVE.L A0,RcvRequest.irMessagePtr(A3)
MOVE.L A0,RcvRequest.irReplyPtr(A3)
LEA IOPReqDone,A0 ; get handler pointer
MOVE.L A0,RcvRequest.irHandler(A3)
LEA RcvRequest(A3),A0 ; setup pointer to param block
_IOPMsgRequest ; install the Rcv message handler
MOVE.B #IOPRequestInfo.irSendRcvReply,RcvRequest.irRequestKind(A3)
; Routine: IOPStartReq
; Inputs: A2 - pointer to transmit data buffer
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; D2 - number of bytes of transmit data
; D3 - command byte (bits 0-7) + implicit flag (bit 31)
; Outputs: A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Trashes: A0,A1,A2,D0,D1,D2
; Function: sends an ADB request to the IOP and asynchronously waits for a reply
IOPStartReq MOVEQ #ADBMsg.ADBData-ADBMsg+2,D0 ; length of msg preceeding data +2 for implicit
ADD.B D2,D0 ; d0 := length of message buffer
BCLR #fDBUseRcvMsg,fDBAuFlag(A3) ; see which buffer/message to use
BNE.S @useRcv ; if rcv available, use it
@useXmt LEA XmtRequest(A3),A0 ; get the iop xmt request param block
LEA XmtMsg(A3),A1 ; use the xmt message buffer
MOVE.B D0,irMessageLen(A0) ; setup the message length
BRA.S @fillInReq ; fill in the remaining fields and exit
@useRcv LEA RcvRequest(A3),A0 ; get the iop rcv request param block
LEA RcvMsg(A3),A1 ; use the rcv message buffer
MOVE.B D0,irReplyLen(A0) ; setup the reply length
MOVE.W #(((1<<PollEnable)\ ; setup ADBMsg.Flags, enable polling, assume implicit
+(1<<SetPollEnables))<<8)\ ; indicate that DevMap is being passed
+2,Flags(A1) ; setup ADBMsg.DataCount = 2 (DevMap is 2 bytes long)
TST.L D3 ; see if implicit
BMI.S @implicit ; if implicit, ADBCmd is ignored, send DevMap
CLR.W Flags(A1) ; setup ADBMsg.Flags, implicit, idle, DataCount
BSET #fDBExpActive,fDBAuFlag(A3) ; remember that an explicit command has been sent
BNE.S @SendToIOP ; if it had already been sent, just go idle
MOVE.B #(1<<ExplicitCmd),(A1)+ ; setup ADBMsg.Flags, explicit command
MOVE.B D2,(A1)+ ; setup ADBMsg.DataCount
MOVE.B D3,(A1)+ ; setup ADBMsg.ADBCmd
BRA.S @copyStart ; start the copy
MOVE.B (A2)+,(A1)+ ; copy into the message buffer one byte at a time
DBRA D2,@copyLoop ; loop for all bytes
@SendToIOP MOVEA.L jIOPMsgRequest,A2 ; get the OSTrap table entry
JMP (A2) ; _IOPMsgRequest send the message (Asynchronously), return
MOVE.W DevMap(A3),ADBData(A1) ; pass the Polling Enable bit map
BRA.S @SendToIOP ; pass it to the IOP
; Routine: IOPReqDone
; Inputs: A2 - pointer to receive data buffer
; A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; D2 - number of bytes of receive data
; D3 - command byte (bits 0-7) + SRQ flag (bit 31)
; Outputs: A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Trashes: A0,A1,A2,A3,D0,D1,D2,D3
; Function: completion routine for servicing messages received from the IOP
IOPReqDone MOVEA.L ADBBase,A3 ; point to ADB globals in low memory
MOVE.B RcvMsg.Flags(A3),D0 ; get flags telling what interrupt occurred
MOVEQ #(1<<SRQReq),D3 ; mask to test for SRQ pending
AND.B D0,D3 ; isolate the bit
NEG.L D3 ; set bit 31 if SRQ pending
MOVE.B RcvMsg.ADBCmd(A3),D3; get command that completed
; keep the ADB Parser program happy by updating the following variables
; They are not used by this implementation, but we fill them in with approximate
; values to make the tool happy.
MOVE.B D3,fDBCmd(A3) ; last ADB command
MOVE.B D3,pollCmd(A3) ; assume that it was a poll command
MOVE.B D2,D2 ; copy the command zzz should this be move.b d3,d2?
LSR.B #4,D2 ; get the address
MOVE.B D2,pollAddr(A3) ; assume that it was a poll address
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; zero extend the length
MOVE.B RcvMsg.DataCount(A3),D2 ; get length of receive data
LEA RcvMsg.ADBData(A3),A2 ; point to the data buffer
BSET #fDBUseRcvMsg,fDBAuFlag(A3) ; use the receive buffer for the reply
BTST #ExplicitCmd,D0 ; see if explicit or implicit
BEQ.L ImplicitRequestDone ; if implicit
BCLR #fDBExpActive,fDBAuFlag(A3) ; remember that it has completed
BRA.L ExplicitRequestDone ; if explicit
; Routine: IOPRunKBD
; Inputs:
; Outputs:
; Trashes:
; Function: code to handle keyboard polling in a debugger
IOPRunKBD MOVE.L #(%00001000<<24)+\ ; allow xmt msg 3
(%00001000<<16)+\ ; allow rcv msg 3
(0<<8)+\ ; this byte must be zero
1,d0 ; ADB is on SWIM IOP (IOP 1)
BRA.L IOPInterrupt ; go handle the interrupt
ENDWITH ; {IOPRequestInfo}
;¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ Miscellaneous ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥
IF hasOrwell THEN ; <H2>
; Routine: QuadraDebugPoll
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: A1, D0, D1
; Function: checks if the Caboose-style keyswitch is in the POWER OFF position, and if
; so, turns the system off.
; NOTE: A side effect of reading the keyswitch (VIA2, vBufB) is that if there
; are any pending sound interrupts, they'll be cleared in the VIA (design
; flaw?). Therefore, if there are any pending interrupts, it will diddle
; with Batman to regenerate the interrupt in the VIA.
MOVEQ #v2PowerOff,D1 ; which bit to test in VIA2 vBufB
BSR.S QuadraCheckKeyswitch ; is the keyswitch in the POWER OFF position?
BNE.S IOPRunKBD ; -> no, go do the keyboard polling
@PowerOff _PowerOff ; kill the power
BRA.S @PowerOff
; Routine: QuadraCheckSecure
; Inputs: A3 - pointer to ADBBase
; Outputs: CCR - BNE: call the handler, BEQ: skip it
; Trashes: A1, D0, D1
; Function: checks if the Caboose-style keyswitch is in the SECURE position (and if so,
; the ADB Manager won't call the device completion routines)
; NOTE: A side effect of reading the keyswitch (VIA2, vBufB) is that if there
; are any pending sound interrupts, they'll be cleared in the VIA (design
; flaw?). Therefore, if there are any pending interrupts, it will diddle
; with Batman to regenerate the interrupt in the VIA.
MOVEQ #v2Keyswitch,D1 ; which bit to test in VIA2 vBufB
@switchOffset EQU $80 ; bit 7 is a don't care to the VIA2 decode
MOVEA.L VIA2,A1 ; point to VIA2
MOVE.B vBufB+@switchOffset(A1),D0 ; read the keyswitch register, clearing interrupts (GAG)
BTST #ifCB1,vIFR(A1) ; do we think a sound interrupt is still pending?
BNE.S @HaveInt ; -> yes, we're done
MOVEA.L ASCBase,A1 ; point to Batman
CMPA.L #-1,A1 ; is it setup yet?
BEQ.S @HaveInt ; -> no, bail
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; save the status register
ORI #NoIntMask,SR ; and disable all interrupts
TST.B bmIntControlA(A1) ; is the channel A interrupt enabled?
BNE.S @NoChannelA ; -> no
MOVE.B #1,bmIntControlA(A1) ; disable channel A interrupts,
NOP ; give Batman time to process the disable,
CLR.B bmIntControlA(A1) ; and clear the interrupt mask to regenerate
TST.B bmIntControlB(A1) ; is the channel B interrupt enabled?
BNE.S @NoChannelB ; -> no
MOVE.B #1,bmIntControlB(A1) ; disable channel B interrupts,
NOP ; give Batman time to process the disable,
CLR.B bmIntControlB(A1) ; and clear the interrupt mask to regenerate
@NoChannelB MOVE (SP)+,SR ; restore the status register
@HaveInt BTST D1,D0 ; test the bit we're interested in (0 = switch on)
ENDIF ; {hasOrwell}