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843 lines
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843 lines
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; File: DispatchPatch.a
; Contents: a patch to get a new trap dispatcher on the machines that need it
; The dispatcher is a faster one for the II ROMs, and one that is
; both faster, and supports a secondary trap table on the Plus and SE ROMs.
; Since this gets in the way of debugging, it is loaded as part of the
; pre-patch boot process, before MacsBug is loaded. This code, along with
; BootCode.a, makes up the 'boot' 3 resource.
; Copyright: © 1982-1990, 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 7/20/93 SAM Added a macro to correctly set the assembler directive according
; to the build conditional "CPU".
; <6> 3/27/92 JSM Update header comments, this code now lives in 'boot' 3.
; <5> 2/12/92 JSM Moving to TrapDispatcher directory, keeping all revisions.
; <4> 8/14/90 dba get auto-pop and extended cases working on a Plus or SE w/68020
; <3> 7/11/90 gbm blast some asm warnings
; <2> 6/15/90 EMT Fixed a few typos.
; <1> 6/11/90 EMT New today.
load 'StandardEqu.d'
AERROR 'Unknown CPU type'
MacPlus equ $0075
MacSE equ $0276
MacII equ $0178
numTbTrap equ 512 ; old number of toolbox traps
XnumTbTrap equ 1024 ; total # of toolbox traps in the extended trap dispatcher
XnumTrapMask equ XNumTbTrap-1 ; mask for number of extended toolbox traps
XTbEntries equ XNumTbTrap-numTbTrap ; # of toolbox traps in extended portion of trap table
XTbSize equ XTbEntries*4 ; size of the extended trap table (in bytes)
ToolTable equ $0E00 ; start of toolbox trap table
PlusToolDiff equ $0C00-ToolTable ; difference between the MacPlus and the current toolbox trap table
&NumTTRefs SETA 0
PlusToolTrapRef &Offset
&NumTTRefs SETA &NumTTRefs + 1
ENTRY PlusToolTrapRefTab_&NumTTRefs
PlusToolTrapRefTab_&NumTTRefs EQU *+&Offset
LEA StartFixMacPlus,A0
MOVE.W (A0)+, D0 ; Offset in D0
BEQ.S EndFixMacPlus ; If 0, we're done.
LEA StartFixMacPlus(PC, D0.W), A1 ; Get address of code to patch.
ADD.W #PlusToolDiff, (A1) ; Add the magic difference.
BRA.S @NextFix ; And move on.
; Build the table.
&i SETA 1
WHILE &i <= &NumTTRefs DO
DC.W PlusToolTrapRefTab_&i - StartFixMacPlus
&i SETA &i + 1
DC.W 0
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; A-Trap Dispatcher Patch for the Mac Plus and SE <4.3>
; ===============================================
; This code "borrowed" from Gary Davidian's rewrite of the A-Trap Dispatcher
; (Nov. '88). For the complete history of this code, see file "OS:Dispatch.a".
; The basic upgrade is to install Gary's optimized A-Trap Dispatch code and
; to extend the size of the Toolbox Trap dispatch table. On the Plus and the
; SE, the Toolbox trap table consists of 512 entries. On the II and beyond,
; it consists of 1024 entries (see HardwareEqu.a for details).
; NOTE - this code completely replaces all previous A-Trap dispatch code.
; Because it is possible to have accelerators that could possibly be another
; processor besides the 68000 (a 68010, 68020 or 68030), we provide three (3)
; dispatchers (a 68000, 68010, and one for 68020/68030).
; BG 5-July-89
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MacPlusAndSEATrapDispatch PROC
; ****************************************************
; * *
; * Varous ENTRYs required by the installation code *
; * *
; ****************************************************
ENTRY MacPlusAndSEATrap68000
ENTRY MacPlusAndSEATrap68010
ENTRY EndMacPlusAndSEATrap68000
ENTRY MacPlusAndSEATrap68020
ENTRY EndMacPlusAndSEATrap68020
; Routine: MacPlusAndSEATrap68000
; Function: Dispatch A-line emulator traps to Mac system.
; Input: (SP) - status register
; 2(SP) - address of trapped instruction
; 6(SP) - stack frame format word (for 68010s)
; Output: none
; Called by: Jump through vector at $28 when trap occurs.
; 68000 A-line trap dispatcher
; Timing information Clocks ROM Reads RAM Reads RAM Writes
; ToolBox, autopop 196 23 14 8
; ToolBox, normal 206 24 14 10
if OSTable-($100*4) <> 0 then
; OpSys, A0 not saved 306 36 21 16
; OpSys, A0 not saved 302 35 21 16
; OpSys, normal 328 37 23 18
MacPlusAndSEATrap68000 ; 34 0 4 3 overhead for A-Trap exception
move.w d3,-(sp) ; 8 1 0 1 save d3, stack has d3.lo/x/pc
move.l a2,-(sp) ; 12 1 0 2 save a2, stack has a2/d3.lo/x/pc
movea.l 4+4(sp),a2 ; 16 2 2 0 get return address
move.w (a2)+,d3 ; 8 1 1 0 get trap word, inc pc
cmpi.w #$A800,d3 ; 8 2 0 0 see if os or tool trap
blo.s OSTrap68000 ; 8 1 0 0 os-traps are lower
add.w d3,d3 ; 4 1 0 0 trap number * 2
add.w d3,d3 ; 4 1 0 0 trap number * 4
; +++
; We subtract *numTbTrap* as well as $A800 to determine whether it is either (1) in the
; extended toolbox or (2) an autoPop operation. This allows the "standard A-Trap (in the
; normal range of Plus/SE traps) to still run at the fastest possible speed. We'll take
; care of sorting out autoPop and/or extended entries out of the main flow of traffic.
subi.w #(($A800+numTbTrap)\; 8 2 0 0 subtract tool trap start
*4)**$FFFF,d3 ; and see if auto-pop set
; OR if in extended toolbox table
bhs.s @Extended ; 8 1 0 0 handle auto pop separately
; ---
; This is the "standard" A-Trap handling.
move.l a2,4+4(sp) ; 16 2 0 2 save updated return pc
movea.w d3,a2 ; 4 1 0 0 setup index to table entry
move.w 4(sp),d3 ; 12 2 1 0 restore d3
; +++
; We re-add in *numTbTrap* because we subtracted it above.
PlusToolTrapRef 2
move.l ToolTable\ ; 28 3 2 2 get trap table entry
+(numTbTrap*4)(a2)\ ; biased by -extended- bit
,4(sp) ; setup routine address
; ---
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 12 1 2 0 restore a2
rts ; 16 2 2 0 jump to the routine
; +++
; Here, we need to do two things:
; 1. See whether or not trap is an auto-pop one.
; -- if it is NOT, then it has to be an extended one.
; -- if it IS, continue checking (at #2)
; 2. If you made it here, we need to check if we're dealing with an extended autoPop.
; Check if the Extended bit is on.
; -- if it IS, perform the extended autoPop dance.
; -- if not, handle the "normal" auto-pop trap dispatch.
@Extended ; 2 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
addi.w #(numTbTrap*4),d3 ; 8 2 0 0 restore original shifted offset value
bclr #12,d3 ; 10 1 0 0 clear (and test)(shifted) auto-pop bit
beq.s @JustExtended ; 8 1 0 0 if not an auto-pop
bclr #11,d3 ; 10 1 0 0 clear (and test)(shifted) extended bit
beq.s @AutoPop ; 8 1 0 0 not extended - perform std. auto-pop
; Handle extended auto-pop) toolbox trap addressing here:
; -- D3.w now contains the offset into the extended trap table.
@XAutoPop ; 2 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
movea.w d3,a2 ; 4 1 0 0 setup index to table entry
adda.l XToolTable,a2 ; 22 2 5 0 add in base address of extended table
move.l (a2),4+4(sp) ; 16 ? 3 1 get trap table entry
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 12 1 2 0 restore a2
move.w (sp),d3 ; 8 1 1 0 restore d3
addq.w #4,sp ; 8 1 0 0 pop hole from stack
rts ; 16 2 2 0 jump to the routine
; Handle extended (non-auto-pop) toolbox trap addressing here:
; -- D3.w now contains the offset into the extended trap table.
@JustExtended ; 2 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
bclr #11,d3 ; 10 1 0 0 clear extended bit (since we know its set)
move.l a2,4+4(sp) ; 16 2 0 2 save updated return pc
movea.w d3,a2 ; 4 1 0 0 setup index to table entry
move.w 4(sp),d3 ; 12 2 1 0 restore d3
adda.l XToolTable,a2 ; 22 2 5 0 add in base address of extended table
move.l (a2),4(sp) ; 16 ? 3 1 get trap table entry
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 12 1 2 0 restore a2
rts ; 16 2 2 0 jump to the routine
; ---
movea.w d3,a2 ; 4 1 0 0 setup index to table entry
PlusToolTrapRef 2
move.l ToolTable(a2)\ ; 28 3 2 2 get trap table entry
,4+4(sp) ; setup routine address
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 12 1 2 0 restore a2
move.w (sp),d3 ; 8 1 1 0 restore d3
addq.w #4,sp ; 8 1 0 0 pop hole from stack
rts ; 16 2 2 0 jump to the routine
move.w d3,(sp) ; save d3, stack has d3.lo/pc/x
move.l a2,-(sp) ; save a2, stack has a2/d3.lo/x/pc
movea.l 4+2(sp),a2 ; get return address
move.w (a2)+,d3 ; 8 1 1 0 get trap word, inc pc
cmpi.w #$A800,d3 ; 8 2 0 0 see if os or tool trap
bhs.s ToolTrap68000 ; 8 1 0 0 Tool traps are higher or equal
OSTrap68000 ; 2 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.l a2,4+4(sp) ; 16 2 0 2 save updated return pc
move.l d2,-(sp) ; 12 1 0 2 save d2, stack has d2/a2/xx/pc
move.l d1,-(sp) ; 12 1 0 2 save d1, stack has d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
move.l a1,-(sp) ; 12 1 0 2 save a1, stack has a1/d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
move.w d3,d1 ; 4 1 0 0 pass trap word to OStraps in D1
andi.w #$0100,d3 ; 8 2 0 0 test the don't save A0 bit
bne.s @A0NotSaved ; 8 1 0 0 handle it separately
move.l a0,-(sp) ; 12 1 0 2 save a0, stack has a0/a1/d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
move.b d1,d3 ; 4 1 0 0 zero extend the trap table index
add.w d3,d3 ; 4 1 0 0 trap number * 2
add.w d3,d3 ; 4 1 0 0 trap number * 4
movea.w d3,a2 ; 4 1 0 0 setup index to table entry
move.w 5*4(sp),d3 ; 12 2 1 0 restore d3.low
movea.l OSTable(a2),a2 ; 16 2 2 0 get trap table entry
jsr (a2) ; 16 2 0 2 call the routine
movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; 12 1 2 0 restore a0
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ; 12 1 2 0 restore a1
movem.l (sp)+,d1/d2/a2 ; 36 2 7 0 restore d1/d2/a2
tst.w d0 ; 4 1 0 0 set conditions based on d0.w
addq.w #4,sp ; 8 1 0 0 pop hole from stack
rts ; 16 2 2 0 return
@A0NotSaved ; 2 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.b d1,d3 ; 4 1 0 0 zero extend the trap table index
add.w d3,d3 ; 4 1 0 0 trap number * 2
add.w d3,d3 ; 4 1 0 0 trap number * 4
movea.w d3,a2 ; 4 1 0 0 setup index to table entry
move.w 4*4(sp),d3 ; 12 2 1 0 restore d3.low
if OSTable-($100*4) <> 0 then
movea.l OSTable\ ; 16 2 2 0 get trap table entry
-($100*4)(a2),a2 ; biased by the dont save A0 bit
movea.l OSTable\ ; 12 1 2 0 get trap table entry
-($100*4)(a2),a2 ; biased by the dont save A0 bit
jsr (a2) ; 16 2 0 2 call the routine
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ; 12 1 2 0 restore a1
movem.l (sp)+,d1/d2/a2 ; 36 2 7 0 restore d1/d2/a2
tst.w d0 ; 4 1 0 0 set conditions based on d0.w
addq.w #4,sp ; 8 1 0 0 pop hole from stack
rts ; 16 2 2 0 return
; Routine: MacPlusAndSEATrap68020
; Function: Dispatch A-line emulator traps to Mac system.
; Input: (SP) - status register
; 2(SP) - address of trapped instruction
; 6(SP) - stack frame format word
; Output: none
; Called by: Jump through vector at $28 when trap occurs.
; 68020 / 68030 A-line trap dispatcher
; Approx Mem information ROM Reads RAM Reads RAM Writes
; ToolBox, autopop 13 8 7
; ToolBox, normal 12 8 8
; OpSys, A0 not saved 20 10 10
; OpSys, normal 20 11 11
machine mc68020
align 16 ; align on cache line boundary
MacPlusAndSEATrap68020 ; 2 1 4 overhead for A-Trap exception
move.l a2,-(sp) ; 1 0 1 save a2, stack has a2/x/pc/x
move.l d2,-(sp) ; 0 0 1 save d2, stack has d2/a2/x/pc/x
movea.l 4+4+2(sp),a2 ; 1 2 0 get return address
move.w (a2)+,d2 ; 1 1 0 get trap word, inc pc
cmpi.w #$A800,d2 ; 1 0 0 see if os or tool trap
blo.s @OSTrap ; 0 0 0 os-traps are lower
; +++
subi.w #($A800+numTbTrap)\ ; 1 0 0 subtract tool trap start
,d2 ; and see if auto-pop set
bhs.s @Extended ; 1 0 0 handle auto pop separately
; This is the "standard" toolbox trap handling path.
PlusToolTrapRef 4
move.l (ToolTable\ ; 2 1 1 get trap table entry
+(numTbTrap*4)\ ; biased by extended bit
,d2.w*4),4+4(sp) ; setup routine address
; ---
move.l a2,4+4+4(sp) ; 1 0 1 save updated return pc
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 0 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 1 1 0 restore a2
rts ; 1 1 0 jump to the routine
; +++
; Here, we need to do two things:
; 1. See whether or not trap is an extended one.
; -- if it is NOT, then it has to be a standard autoPop.
; -- if it IS, continue checking (at #2)
; 2. If you made it here, we need to check if we're dealing with autoPop.
; -- if it IS, perform the extended autoPop dance.
; -- if not, handle the "normal" extended trap dispatch.
@Extended ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
cmp.w #autoPop-numTbTrap\ ; check and see if this is auto-pop
blo.s @JustExtended ; it is just extended (not auto-pop)
sub.w #autoPop,d2 ; get rid of the auto-pop bit
bcs.s @AutoPop ; not extended - perform std. auto-pop
; The stack will have a2/d2/trap_addr/hole.l.
; We get rid of the hole with an RTD, and top of stack will have original
; user's return address.
@XAutoPop ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.l ([XToolTable],\ ; get base address of extended table
d2.w*4),4+4(sp) ; setup routine address
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 0 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 1 1 0 restore a2
rtd #4 ; 1 1 0 jump to the routine (and remove hole)
; Handle extended (non-auto-pop) toolbox trap addressing here:
; The stack will be rewritten to look like a2/d2/trap_addr/inc'ed_pc.
align 16 ; align on cache line boundary
@JustExtended ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.l ([XToolTable],\ ; get base address of extended table
d2.w*4),4+4(sp) ; setup routine address
move.l a2,4+4+4(sp) ; 1 0 1 save updated return pc
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 0 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 1 1 0 restore a2
rts ; 1 1 0 jump to the routine
align 16 ; align on cache line boundary
@AutoPop ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
PlusToolTrapRef 4
move.l (ToolTable\ ; 2 1 1 get trap table entry
+(numTbTrap*4)\ ; biased by extended bit
,d2.w*4),4+4(sp) ; setup routine address
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 1 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 0 1 0 restore a2
rtd #4 ; 1 1 0 jump to the routine
align 16 ; align on cache line boundary
@OSTrap ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.l d1,-(sp) ; 1 0 1 save d1, stack has d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
move.l a1,-(sp) ; 0 0 1 save a1, stack has a1/d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
move.w d2,d1 ; 1 0 0 pass trap word to OStraps in D1
move.l a2,5*4(sp) ; 1 0 1 save updated return pc
andi.w #$0100,d2 ; 1 0 0 test the don't save A0 bit
bne.s @A0NotSaved ; 0 0 0 handle it separately
move.b d1,d2 ; 1 0 0 zero extend the trap table index
move.l a0,-(sp) ; 0 0 1 save a0, stack has a0/a1/d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
jsr ([OSTable,d2.w*4]) ; 3 1 1 call the routine
movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; 1 1 0 restore a0
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ; 0 1 0 restore a1
move.l (sp)+,d1 ; 1 1 0 restore d1
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 0 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 1 1 0 restore a2
tst.w d0 ; 0 0 0 set conditions based on d0.w
addq.w #4,sp ; 1 0 0 pop hole from stack
rts ; 1 1 0 return
align 16 ; align on cache line boundary
@A0NotSaved ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.b d1,d2 ; 1 0 0 get the trap table index
jsr ([OSTable-($100*4),d2.w*4]) ; 2 1 1 call the routine
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ; 1 1 0 restore a1
move.l (sp)+,d1 ; 0 1 0 restore d1
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 1 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 0 1 0 restore a2
tst.w d0 ; 1 0 0 set conditions based on d0.w
addq.w #4,sp ; 0 0 0 pop hole from stack
rts ; 2 1 0 return
ENTRY GetTrapAddress
ENTRY SetTrapAddress
ENTRY vCacheFlush68020
ENTRY vCacheFlush
ENTRY EndTrapCommon
; Routine: FindTableEntry
; Function: Return address of trap entry in the dispatch table.
; (flushes Inst cache on 020).
; Input: D0 - trap number in low bits
; D1 - Get/Set TrapAddress trap word (for NewTool/NewOS bit testing)
; Output: A1 - address of trap table entry for specified trap number
_AssumeEq OldDisp,ToolDisp-1 ; OldDisp is next to, and lower than ToolDisp
lsl.w #16-ToolDisp,d1 ; ccr.c <- ToolDisp, ccr.n <- OldDisp
bpl.s @oldTrap ; if OldDisp = 0, it's an old style trap
bcc.s @osTrap ; if ToolDisp = 0, it's a new style OS trap
; Otherwise, it's a new style ToolBox trap
@toolTrap andi.w #XnumTrapMask,d0 ; clear all but trap bits
move.w d0,d1 ; save a copy for "extended" testing
subi.w #numTbTrap,d1 ; < 0 if NOT an extended table entry
PlusToolTrapRef 2
lea ToolTable,a1 ; point to base of the Toolbox table
bmi.s @done ; if ccr.n, trap is in orig. part of the trap table
movea.l XToolTable,a1 ; place extended toolbox address in A1
move.w d1,d0 ; move (trap# - numTbTrap) [extended TB trap offset] to D1
@done add.w d0,d0 ; trap number * 2
add.w d0,d0 ; trap number * 4
adda.w d0,a1 ; index into the dispatch table
bra.s CacheFlush ; flush inst cache and return (destroys only reg D1)
@oldTrap andi.w #$01FF,d0 ; clear irrelevant bits
moveq.l #-$0057,d1 ; setup to check for ToolBox range
add.w d0,d1 ; d1 := TrapNum - $0057
bgt.s @toolTrap ; $0058 É $01FF are tool box traps
beq.s @osTrap ; $0057 is an OS trap
addq.w #$0057-$004F,d1 ; d1 := TrapNum - $004F
ble.s @osTrap ; $0000 É $004F are OS traps
subq.w #$0054-$004F,d1 ; d1 := TrapNum - $0054
bne.s @toolTrap ; $0054 is an OS trap, $50É$53,$55,$56 are tool box
@osTrap andi.w #$00FF,d0 ; only 8 bits for OS trap numbers
lea OSTable,a1 ; point to base of the OS table
bra.s @done ; index into the table and return
; Routine: GetTrapAddress
; Function: Return trap address from dispatch table.
; Input: D0 - trap number in low 9 bits
; Output: A0 - trap address
bsr.s FindTableEntry ; locate the dispatch table entry
movea.l (a1),a0 ; get the routine address from the table
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; return with success
rts ; all done
; Routine: SetTrapAddress
; Function: Load new trap vector into dispatch table.
; On 020 machines, flush the cache as well.
; Input: D0 - trap number in low 9 bits
; A0 - trap address
; Output: none
bsr.s FindTableEntry ; locate the dispatch table entry
move.l a0,(a1) ; install the new routine address into the table
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; return with success
rts ; all done
; Macros: CacheFlush, vCacheFlush
; Function: Flush the 68020 Cache. For programs that do self modifying code, etc.
; Arguments; none
; Invoked by: BlockMove, GetTrapAddress, LoadSeg, Read, SetTrapAddress, UnloadSeg
; Note that this routine only trashes one register, namely D1. D1 was chosen to speed up
; blockmove. In blockmove we can trash D1, since D1 is not used in blockmove, and since D1
; is preserved by the trap dispatcher.
move.l jCacheFlush,-(sp) ; push the vector
rts ; jump through the vector
vCacheFlush68020 ; change at runtime if cache found
movec.l cacr,d1 ; get current cache state of 68020
addq.w #1<<3,d1 ; flush the instruction cache <1.4>
movec.l d1,cacr ; write back to the control register
vCacheFlush ; if no cache, nothing to flush
rts ; all done
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; End of code for optimized, extended A-Trap Dispatcher.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; A-Trap Dispatcher Patch for the Mac II
; ======================================
; This code "borrowed" from Gary Davidian's rewrite of the A-Trap Dispatcher
; (Nov. '88). For the complete history of this code, see file ":OS:Dispatch.a".
; The basic upgrade is to install Gary's optimized A-Trap Dispatch code.
; NOTE - this code completely replaces all previous A-Trap dispatch code.
; <BG> 7-July-1989
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ENTRY MacIIATrap68020
ENTRY EndMacIIATrap68020
; Routine: ATrap68020
; Function: Dispatch A-line emulator traps to Mac system.
; Input: (SP) - status register
; 2(SP) - address of trapped instruction
; 6(SP) - stack frame format word
; Output: none
; Called by: Jump through vector at $28 when trap occurs.
; 68020 / 68030 A-line trap dispatcher
; Approx Mem information ROM Reads RAM Reads RAM Writes
; ToolBox, autopop 13 8 7
; ToolBox, normal 12 8 8
; OpSys, A0 not saved 20 10 10
; OpSys, normal 20 11 11
MyAlignment set 16 ; alignment set to 16 for 68030
align MyAlignment ; align on cache line boundary <1.5>
MacIIATrap68020 ; 2 1 4 overhead for A-Trap exception
move.l a2,-(sp) ; 1 0 1 save a2, stack has a2/x/pc/x
move.l d2,-(sp) ; 0 0 1 save d2, stack has d2/a2/x/pc/x
movea.l 4+4+2(sp),a2 ; 1 2 0 get return address
move.w (a2)+,d2 ; 1 1 0 get trap word, inc pc
cmpi.w #$A800,d2 ; 1 0 0 see if os or tool trap
blo.s @OSTrap ; 0 0 0 os-traps are lower
subi.w #($A800+autoPop)\ ; 1 0 0 subtract tool trap start
,d2 ; and see if auto-pop set
bhs.s @AutoPop ; 1 0 0 handle auto pop separatly
move.l (ToolTable\ ; 2 1 1 get trap table entry
+(autoPop*4)\ ; biased by autopop bit
,d2.w*4),4+4(sp) ; setup routine address
move.l a2,4+4+4(sp) ; 1 0 1 save updated return pc
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 0 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 1 1 0 restore a2
rts ; 1 1 0 jump to the routine
align MyAlignment ; align on cache line boundary <1.5>
@AutoPop ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.l (ToolTable,d2.w*4)\ ; 2 1 1 get trap table entry
,4+4(sp) ; setup routine address
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 1 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 0 1 0 restore a2
rtd #4 ; 1 1 0 jump to the routine
align MyAlignment ; align on cache line boundary <1.5>
@OSTrap ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.l d1,-(sp) ; 1 0 1 save d1, stack has d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
move.l a1,-(sp) ; 0 0 1 save a1, stack has a1/d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
move.w d2,d1 ; 1 0 0 pass trap word to OStraps in D1
move.l a2,5*4(sp) ; 1 0 1 save updated return pc
andi.w #$0100,d2 ; 1 0 0 test the don't save A0 bit
bne.s @A0NotSaved ; 0 0 0 handle it separatly
move.b d1,d2 ; 1 0 0 zero extend the trap table index
move.l a0,-(sp) ; 0 0 1 save a0, stack has a0/a1/d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
jsr ([OSTable,d2.w*4]) ; 3 1 1 call the routine
movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; 1 1 0 restore a0
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ; 0 1 0 restore a1
move.l (sp)+,d1 ; 1 1 0 restore d1
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 0 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 1 1 0 restore a2
tst.w d0 ; 0 0 0 set conditions based on d0.w
addq.w #4,sp ; 1 0 0 pop hole from stack
rts ; 1 1 0 return
align MyAlignment ; align on cache line boundary <1.5>
@A0NotSaved ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.b d1,d2 ; 1 0 0 get the trap table index
jsr ([OSTable-($100*4),d2.w*4]) ; 2 1 1 call the routine
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ; 1 1 0 restore a1
move.l (sp)+,d1 ; 0 1 0 restore d1
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 1 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 0 1 0 restore a2
tst.w d0 ; 1 0 0 set conditions based on d0.w
addq.w #4,sp ; 0 0 0 pop hole from stack
rts ; 2 1 0 return
SETMACHINE ; set it back to the native type <SM7>
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Beginning of installation code
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
InstallDispatch PROC EXPORT
move.l ROMBase,a0 ; point to ROM
move.w 8(a0),d0 ; get ROM version
cmp.w #MacPlus,d0 ; is it a Mac Plus?
beq.s InstallPlus ; go to it.
cmp.w #MacSE,d0 ; is it a Mac SE?
beq.s InstallSE ; go to it.
cmp.w #MacII,d0 ; is it a Mac II?
beq InstallMacII ; go to it.
rts ; nothing to do.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Beginning of installation code for optimized, extended A-Trap Dispatcher. <4.1>
; This creates the extended part of the Toolbox A-Trap dispatch table used
; by all new dispatcher code. It also installs new UnImplemented,
; GetTrapAddress, and SetTrapAddress traps. Finally, it decides which of
; the A-Trap dispatch tables to use based on *CpuFlag*.
; <BG> 5-July-1989
; csd 16-Oct-89 Moved this install code above all other patches. <5.5>
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; setup registers
move.l #XTbSize,d0 ; size of toolbox trap table extension
_NewPtr sys ; request the extension to be in the system heap
bne Error ; ... no, so don't perform any further installation
move.l a0,XToolTable ; Save location of extended toolbox trap table
move.l a0,a1 ; use a1 for it
; Initialize extended Toolbox trap table with _Unimplemented.
move.w #$A89F,d0 ; offset into toolbox trap table for _Unimplemented
move.w #XTbEntries-1,d1 ; number of extended Toolbox trap entries
move.l a0,(a1)+ ; point all extended entries at BadTrap
dbra d1,@XTableInit
; Now make the decision as to which A-Trap table to use, based on *CpuFlag*
moveq.l #0,d2 ; d2 = offset to Line1010 vector. Assume no offset
cmpi.b #1,CpuFlag ; let's see what kind of dispatcher we need
blo.s @Install68000
beq.s @Install68010
move.l #EndMacPlusAndSEATrap68020-MacPlusAndSEATrap68020,d1
lea MacPlusAndSEATrap68020,a1
bsr.s MoveToSysAlign ; copy the code on down.
move.l #vCacheFlush68020-TrapCommon,d1
bra.s @InstallCommon ; a1 = Line1010 vector, d1 = offset to CacheFlush
move.l #MacPlusAndSEATrap68010-MacPlusAndSEATrap68000,d2
; d2 = offset to Line1010 vector.
move.l #EndMacPlusAndSEATrap68000-MacPlusAndSEATrap68000,d1
lea MacPlusAndSEATrap68000,a1
bsr.s MoveToSys ; copy the code on down.
move.l #vCacheFlush-TrapCommon,d1
add.l d2,a1 ; add the offset to the Line1010 vector.
move.l a1,Line1010 ; install the Line-A exception handler
move.l d1,d2 ; save the CacheFlush offset in d2
move.l #EndTrapCommon-TrapCommon,d1
lea TrapCommon,a1
bsr.s MoveToSys ; copy the code on down.
; The common code is now in the system heap and pointed to by a1. The offset to the correct
; CacheFlush routine is in d2. We need to install the CacheFlush vector.
lea (a1,d2.l),a0 ; add the offset to CacheFlush.
move.l a0,jCacheFlush ; initialize cache-flushing vector
; Now update the _GetTrapAddress and _SetTrapAddress traps to point to the new code.
lea GetTrapAddress-TrapCommon(a1),a0
moveq.l #$46,d0 ; _GetTrapAddress
lea SetTrapAddress-TrapCommon(a1),a0
moveq.l #$47,d0 ; _SetTrapAddress
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; End of installation code for optimized, extended A-Trap Dispatcher.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Beginning of installation code for optimized, extended A-Trap Dispatcher.
; This installs the new dispatcher code.
; <BG> 7-July-1989
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
move.l #EndMacIIATrap68020-MacIIATrap68020,d1
lea MacIIATrap68020,a1
bsr.s MoveToSysAlign
move.l a1,Line1010 ; install the Line-A exception handler
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Creates a block in the system heap, copies the block of memory starting at a1 for d1 bytes into
; it. Returns the place it copied to in a1.
move.l d1,d0 ; How much space we'll need.
_NewPtr sys ; request the system heap
bne.s Error ; no memory, panic.
exg a1,a0 ; put source and destinaton for blockmove in right place.
move.l d1,d0 ; number of bytes
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Creates a block in the system heap, copies the block of memory starting at a1 for d1 bytes into
; it, and aligns it to a 16 byte boundary. Returns the place it copied to in a1.
moveq #14,d0 ; Add 14 bytes of slop to the pointer.
add.l d1,d0 ; How much space we'll need.
_NewPtr sys ; request the system heap
bne.s Error ; no memory, panic.
moveq.l #15,d0 ; align to a 16 byte boundary
add.l a0,d0 ; by adding 15
and.b #$F0,d0 ; and clearing out the low nibble
move.l a1,a0 ; source for blockmove
move.l d0,a1 ; destination for blockmove (aligned 16)
move.l d1,d0 ; number of bytes
moveq #dsMemFullErr,d0
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; End of installation code for optimized, extended A-Trap Dispatcher.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------