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1993 lines
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1993 lines
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; File: TFS.a
; Contains: This file is the controlling file for the Macintosh Turbo file
; system. It contains initialization code and the file system's
; queueing and dispatch routines.
; Roots: This system exploits the dispatching mechanism used by the earlier
; Macintosh file system written by Larry Kenyon et al. Relevant
; code was taken from that system and modified as appropriate.
; Copyright: © 1982-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM9> 8/27/93 BH Made DSAlertRect bigger for the disk-switch alert in
; manual-eject systems to keep it the same size as the various
; manual-eject alerts, which have also been enlarged.
; <SM8> 8/3/93 BH Rewrote DSHook for manual-eject drive support.
; <SM7> 6/7/93 kc Roll in missing part of DSHookPatch from reality that sets the fsNoAllocate bits.
; <SM6> 11/12/92 PN Get rid of ³ 020 conditionals
; <SM5> 10/29/92 SWC Changed SCSIEqu.a->SCSI.a.
; <SM4> 9/15/92 RB #1042050,#1042640,#Fixed a bug in DSHook where the PostUpdate
; routine was not duplicating a rectangle pointer in the stack
; correctly. This caused a bomb after a disk had been asked for
; and it got inserted in the drive. The satck was trashed 4 bytes.
; <SM3> 5/21/92 kc Append "Trap" to the names of
; OpenWD,CloseWD,GetWDInfo,OpenDF,UnMountVol,FlushVol,OpenWD,Close
; WD,GetWDInfo,ReName,OpenRF,OpenDF,GetFPos,SetFPos,GetEOF,SetEOF,
; Eject,SetVol,GetVolTrap,Enqueue and Dequeue to avoid name
; conflict with the glue.
; <SM2> 5/18/92 CS Fix bug in OpenCall that I (kc) introduced in the patch roll in.
; <SM1> 4/1/92 kc Rolled in HFSDispHook from FileMgrPatches.a.
; Moved the stub dispatch handlers (VolumeCall,
; RefNumCall,OpenCall and UnknownCall) and copied the
; routines InstallVectors, FSGrowPatchInit,
; QMInit, CountFCBs, OpenAttemptHook, AllocateFCBs, DoFSCleanUp
; Rolled in patches to DSHook.
; include FileMgrHooks.a till someone rolls it in.
; ¥ Pre-SuperMario comments follow ¥
; <4> 9/27/91 JSM DonÕt use hasCQD conditional, all future ROMs will have color
; QuickDraw.
; <3> 9/12/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <2> 6/12/91 LN Changed #include 'HardwareEqu.a' to 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
; <2.6> 6/12/89 GGD Fixed bugs in <C150 09sep86> which intended to allow
; cmd-shift-0/1/2 to eject disks during a disk switch dialog, but
; <2.5> 5/25/89 GGD Deleted 4 extra lines of code that were accidently pasted in the
; wrong place, in the Switcher Table initialization code. This
; would cause a random long word (whose address is a function of
; the number of FCBs from the boot blocks) in the system heap to
; get trashed. This fixes problems noticed in Aurora B1 ROMs, and
; needs to be fixed in Esprit also.
; <2.4> 5/23/89 DAF Corrected color updates in DSHook
; <2.3> 4/13/89 dnf Completed export
; <2.2> 4/13/89 DNF Exported vFileRead, vFileWrite, and vFileClose
; <2.0> 3/27/89 DNF =
; <2.1> 3/27/89 DNF This comment documents the change from V1.7 to V1.8/V1.9/V2.0.
; There have been node real code changes since V1.7. V1.8 Added
; forROM conditionals around the disk-switch code, since it jumps
; to other spots in the ROM. Note that the comment in V1.6 is no
; longer true; RAM versions use the ROM's disk switch code. The
; overridden V1.8, V1.9, the accidentally commentless V2.0 and
; this file all contain the same code.
; <¥1.9> 3/27/89 DNF whoops. v1.8 was checked in from the wrong directory. Here's the
; right one.
; <¥1.7> 3/20/89 CCH Added Export of FSQueueSync and CmdDone for CacheControl.a.
; <1.6> 3/2/89 DNF removed references to forROM; HFS now builds identically for ram
; or rom
; <1.5> 2/20/89 rwh changed from CPU-based to feature-based conditionals.
; <1.4> 1/16/89 GGD Added a scratch register parameter to the BigJSR macro calls
; since it will be needed when they change to use PC relative
; addressing.
; <1.3> 11/21/88 CCH Replaced references to forRAM with ÒNOT forROM.Ó
; <1.2> 11/17/88 GGD Moved file system initialization code from StartBoot into TFS.a,
; Changed BigJsr's into Jsr, since they now reach.
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <¥1.1> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASEÉ
; 11/10/87 JB (C957) Rolled in changes from patches S084, PM120, PP227, &
; PM289. Fixed CmdDone logic for "NoMacDskErr". Instead of special
; casing here, disk format package (PACK 2) will be modified to
; accept "ExtFSErr" as a legitimate format request.
; <C914> 10/19/87 rwh Port to Modern Victorian
; 10/16/87 MSH Added nHardwareEqu.a to INCLUDES for Laguna support.
; 6/10/87 EHB Added INCLUDEs for colorEqu.a and nsysequ.a again.
; 6/2/87 DAF Added INCLUDEs for colorEqu.a and nsysequ.a. Added 020 asm
; directive if on numac.
; 5/12/87 DAF Rolled in DSHook patch to not save bits behind dialog when on
; CQD-equipped system and in >1-bit mode.
; 3/3/87 BB Modified CmdDone to call external file systems if "NoMacDskErr"
; is returned from MountVol.
; 2/19/87 BB Added EXPORTs for vectored MtCheck, CheckReMount, FindDrive,
; DtrmV2, FClose, and FlushMDB.
; 10/27/86 BB Added EXPORTs for vectored CkExtFS, DtrmV3, TstMod, and BMChk
; routines.
; 9/25/86 BB Updated to use new MPW equate files.
; <C150> 9/9/86 TJ Added vDoEject vector for access by other system routines that
; need to handle manual diskette ejection. Extended to accept
; Command-Shift-0 for drive #3.
; 1/20/86 LAK Added .DEF of FindDrive for BTAlloc usage in updating alternate
; MDB.
; 11/3/85 LAK One more tweak to disk-switch: if we get a non-memfull error on
; our mount (e.g., IOErr because double-sided disk was inserted
; into 1-sided drive), we eject that disk and reenter our wait
; loop. Also fixed bug when remounting an offline volume (D3 not
; set up).
; 11/2/85 LAK Call DoEject for cmd-shift-1 or 2 during disk switch DIP wait.
; In case user has inserted needed 2-sided disk into his old
; external 1-sided drive (removes need for paper clip eject).
; 10/29/85 LAK Added Defs for vectored routines.
; 10/22/85 PWD Fixed CmdDone to check PMSP for traps w. TFS bit set but
; DirID=0.
; 10/16/85 PWD Added _LockRng and _UnlockRng dispatches
; 10/14/85 PWD Added _ReadWDCB dispatch (trap 15)
; 10/8/85 LAK Added .Def of vLg2Phys (for ROM vector).
; 10/2/85 LAK Added debug code at CmdDone to check for a non-released buffer.
; (may want to take this out since it is time-consuming).
; 10/1/85 LAK Added .Ref of MarkA5Block. Add .Def of Lg2Phys for Cache.
; Convert positive internal errors to FSDSIntErr at CmdDone. Cut
; out Queue code convert drive numbers to VRefNums (this is now
; handled by GetVCBDrv in TFSCommon). Added Refs of
; CacheWrIP,CacheRdIP. Added Def of TFSVCBTst. Set up global
; asynchronicity flag, FSCallAsync, at FSDispatch. Patched
; disk-switch hook for ROM to look for cmd-. abort and return
; VolOffLinErr for that case (let's see how it goes).
; 9/26/85 PWD Added SetupDef entry point dispatch for external FS support.
; 9/25/85 PWD Changed to allow SkipPMSP to come on in mid-parse in CmdDone
; path
; 9/20/85 LAK Added .Ref of TrashFBlocks.
; 9/8/85 LAK Added Def of MarkVCBTime. Added Ref of UpdateFree.
; 9/5/85 LAK Clear CacheFlag on exit.
; 9/5/85 LAK ParamErr instead of IOErr if D0 parameter to $Ax60 trap is out
; of range.
; 9/2/85 LAK Added .Ref of MarkBlock.
; 8/30/85 LAK Added .Ref of TrashVBlks. Removed .Ref of RelCache.
; 8/27/85 LAK Why waste a word in _FSControl? Remunged dispatch a bit, too.
; 8/22/85 PWD Added _SetUpWDCB trap dispatch
; 7/31/85 PWD Added _FSControl trap
; 7/27/85 PWD Added Poor Man's Search Path mechanism
; 7/17/85 PWD Changed TFSDispatch to store trap index in ioTrap for use by
; ext. FS and volume switch re-trap (TrapAgain)
; 6/14/85 PWD Added EXT.L to make error codes into longs at CmdDone
; 5/1/85 PWD Expanded dispatch table to accomodate new TFS traps
; 4/22/85 PWD Fixed dispatcher table indexing to use word offsets
; consistently.
; 3/13/85 PWD Added TFS trap dispatcher
; 2/8/85 PWD Added .Include of ToolEqu for TIOCore use.
; 2/5/85 PWD Changed to use Tlasm- equates (including TFSEqu)
; 9/24/84 GSS Added include of RAM version trap install code, and def for
; Offline call
; 8/5/84 GSS New today. (taken from Larry Kenyon's Mac File System)
; External Routines: Enqueue,Dequeue,InitQueue
; Internal Routines: FSQueue,FSQueueSync
SonyNonPortable EQU 1
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'SonyEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'Processes.a'
INCLUDE 'MFPrivate.a'
INCLUDE 'FileMgrPrivate.a'
INCLUDE 'GestaltEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'InternalMacros.a'
INCLUDE 'SysPrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'BTreeEqu.a'
; Routine: TFSDispatch
; Arguments: D0.W = TFS trap index
; D1.W = Trap ($Ax60)
; A0.L = Parameter Block Pointer
; Called by: EMT1010
; Function: Dispatch routine for the _HFSDispatch trap.
; The deal with $A060 trap numbers:
; $00-$1f HFS calls
; $20-$2f Desktop Manager Calls
; $30-$3f AppleShare calls (owned by AppleShare group)
; $40-$4f More appleshare calls
; $60-$7f More HFS calls
; Modification History:
; 13-Mar-85 PWD New today.
; <25Sep85> PWD Added SetPMSP (trap 12): bumped _SetupWDCB to index 13.
; <14Oct85> PWD Added _ReadWDCB dispatch (trap 15)
MaxTrapNum Equ $70
TFSDispatch Proc Export
Import UnknownCall
tst.w d0 ; check lower bound of selector
blt.l UnknownCall ; negative traps are no good
cmp.w #MaxTrapNum,d0 ; check upper bound of selector
bge.l UnknownCall ; off the deep end
move.w d1,ioTrap(a0) ; save the unmunged trap
andi.w #$0F00,ioTrap(a0) ; leave only modifiers (Async etc.)
move.b d0,ioTrap+1(a0) ; save the trap selector
lea TFSTrpTbl,a2 ; address of the dispatch table
adda.l (a2,d0.w*4),a2 ; add the routine offset
jmp (a2) ; jump to the routine
DispatchEntry &where
import &where
dc.l &where-TFSTrpTbl
TFSTrpTbl ; pc relative data
DispatchEntry FSControl ; $00 Special control entry point
DispatchEntry OpenWDTrap ; $01 Open a working directory
DispatchEntry CloseWDTrap ; $02 Close a working directory
DispatchEntry SetDir ; $03 Set a default directory
DispatchEntry GetDir ; $04 Get default directory information
DispatchEntry TFMove ; $05 Move a CNode into another directory
DispatchEntry CreateDir ; $06 Create a directory CNode
DispatchEntry GetWDInfoTrap ; $07 Get WDCB infomation
DispatchEntry GetFCBInfo ; $08 Get FCB information
DispatchEntry GetCatInfo ; $09 Get expanded file/dir information
DispatchEntry SetCatInfo ; $0A Change CNode information
DispatchEntry SetVolInfo ; $0B Change volume information
DispatchEntry SetPMSP ; $0C Set up PMSP hook and enable/disable PMSP
DispatchEntry SetUpWDCB ; $0D Set up WDCB [raw internal call only]
DispatchEntry SetUpDef ; $0E Set up default vol&dir [raw internal]
DispatchEntry ReadWDCB ; $0F Get WDCB information [raw internal]
DispatchEntry LockRng ; $10 Lock a byte range
DispatchEntry UnLockRng ; $11 Unlock a byte range
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $12
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $13
DispatchEntry CreateFileIDRef ; $14
DispatchEntry DeleteFileIDRef ; $15
DispatchEntry ResolveFileIDRef ; $16
DispatchEntry PBHExchangeFiles ; $17
DispatchEntry CMCatSearch ; $18
DispatchEntry CheckCSPB ; $19
DispatchEntry OpenDFTrap ; $1A
DispatchEntry MakeFSSpec ; $1B
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $1C
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $1D
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $1E
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $1F
DispatchEntry DTGetPath ; $20
DispatchEntry DTCloseDown ; $21
DispatchEntry DTAddIcon ; $22
DispatchEntry DTGetIcon ; $23
DispatchEntry DTGetIconInfo ; $24
DispatchEntry DTAddAPPL ; $25
DispatchEntry DTRemoveAPPL ; $26
DispatchEntry DTGetAPPL ; $27
DispatchEntry DTSetComment ; $28
DispatchEntry DTRemoveComment ; $29
DispatchEntry DTGetComment ; $2a
DispatchEntry DTFlush ; $2b
DispatchEntry DTReset ; $2c
DispatchEntry DTGetInfo ; $2d
DispatchEntry DTOpenInform ; $2e
DispatchEntry DTDelete ; $2f
DispatchEntry GetVolParms ; $30 GetVolParms
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $31 GetLogInInfo
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $32 GetDirAccess
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $33 SetDirAccess
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $34 MapID
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $35 MapName
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $36 CopyFile
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $37 MoveRename
DispatchEntry OpenCall ; $38 OpenDeny
DispatchEntry OpenCall ; $39 OpenRFDeny
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $3A Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $3B Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $3C Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $3D Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $3E Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $3F GetVolMountInfoSize
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $40 GetVolMountInfo
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $41 VolumeMount
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $42 Share
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $43 UnShare
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $44 GetUGEntry
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $45 ServerControl
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $46 ServerStartup
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $47 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $48 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $49 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $4A Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $4B Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $4C Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $4D Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $4E Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry UnknownCall ; $4F Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry GetParallelFCBFromRefnum ; $50
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $51 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $52 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $53 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $54 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $55 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $56 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $57 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $58 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $59 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $5A Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $5B Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $5C Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $5D Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $5E Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry RefNumCall ; $5F Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $60 GetAltPrivs
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $61 SetAltPrivs
DispatchEntry DoFSCleanUp ; $62 FSCleanUp
DispatchEntry AllocateFCBs ; $63 AllocateFCBs
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $64 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $65 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $66 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $67 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $68 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $69 Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $6A Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $6B Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $6C Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $6D Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $6E Reserved for future use
DispatchEntry VolumeCall ; $6F Reserved for future use
EXPORT vDoEject ; <C150/09sep86>
EXPORT DivUp,RoundAlloc,Lg2Phys,TFSVCBTst ; <01Oct85>
EXPORT MountVol,UnMountVolTrap,FlushVolTrap,MarkVCB,MarkVCBTime,FlushMDB ; <08Sep85>
EXPORT OpenWDTrap,CloseWDTrap,SetDir,GetDir,GetWDInfoTrap
EXPORT FileOpen,FileClose
EXPORT FileRead,FileWrite
EXPORT FSQueueSync, CmdDone
EXPORT CreateDir,FileCreate,FileDelete,ReNameTrap,TFMove,OpenRFTrap,OpenDFTrap
EXPORT GetFPosTrap,SetFPosTrap,FileAlloc
EXPORT GetEOFTrap,SetEOFTrap,FlushFile
EXPORT GetFileInfo,SetFileInfo,SetFilType,RstFilLock,SetFilLock
EXPORT GetCatInfo,SetCatInfo
EXPORT GetVCBRfn,GetVolInfo,SetVolInfo,EjectTrap,Offline
EXPORT SetVolTrap,GetVolTrap
EXPORT DoEject,MakeStkPB,FindDrive ;<20Jan86>
EXPORT vDtrmV1,vFileOpen,vPermssnChk,vFndFilName,vRfNCall,vAdjEOF ;<29Oct85>
EXPORT vCkExtFS,vDtrmV3,vTstMod,vBMChk ;<27Oct86>
EXPORT vMtCheck,vCheckReMount,vFindDrive,vDtrmV2,vFClose,vFlushMDB ;<19Feb87>
EXPORT vLg2Phys ; <08Oct85>
EXPORT vFileRead, vFileWrite, vFileClose ;<dnf v2.2,v2.3>
EXPORT InitFS ;<1.2>
IF hasManEject THEN ; <SM8> <BH 03Aug93>
EXPORT SwitchDisk ; for Desk Mgr
EXPORT CleanDSErr ; for Eject patch in FileMgrHooks (ExtFSHookPatch)
IMPORT AllocFakeRgns
IMPORT EnqueueTrap,DequeueTrap,InitQueue
IMPORT InitCache,GetBlock,RelBlock,FlushCache,TrashBlocks,TrashVBlks
IMPORT MarkBlock,MarkA5Block,TrashFBlocks ; <01Oct85>
IMPORT CacheWrIP,CacheRdIP ; <01Oct85>
IMPORT MapFBlock,ExtendFile,TruncateFile,DeallocFile,BlkChk,UpdateFree ; <08Sep85>
IMPORT BTOpen,BTFlush,BTClose,FXMKeyCmp,CMKeyCmp
IMPORT BTSearch,BTGetRecord,BTUpdate
IMPORT WDCBSwOS ; <C152><1.2>
IMPORT PMSPSwOS ; <C152><1.2>
IMPORT DTDBMgrInit,QMInit,CheckDesktopSupport,DesktopCloseDownProc ; from DTDBMgr.a
IMPORT vSyncWait ; from FileMgrHooks.a
IMPORT vAfterFSQHook ; from FileMgrHooks.a
IMPORT fsGeneralWakeUp ; from FileMgrHooks.a
IMPORT fsSCSIFreeHookProc ; from FileMgrHooks.a
IMPORT ProcessMgrExists ; from FileMgrHooks.a
; Routine: Stub dispatch handlers
; Function: Pass a call to the external File System if it refers to an
; external File System volume.
; VolumeCall handles calls defined to take a vRefnum/ioNamePtr
; RefNumCall handles calls which take an FCB refnum
; OpenCall handles all forms of Open (which need to set up an FCB in d1)
; UnknownCall handles call for which there isn't yet a definition
; Inputs: A0 = Parameter block
; Output: D0 = error code, RfNumErr or zero.
moveq.l #ExtFSErr,d0 ; Good news!
bra.l CmdDone
moveq.l #paramErr, d0 ; It's an unknown trap for a local volume
bra.l CmdDone
; Routine: VolumeCall
; Function: Handles calls defined to take a vRefnum/ioNamePtr. If
; the call refers to an External File System's volume,
; the call is passed to the external FS. Otherwise,
; a #paramErr is returned to the caller.
entry VolumeCall
jsr FSQueue ; Patiently wait our turn
jsr DtrmV3 ; Determine the volume being referred to
bne CmdDone ; Punt at the slightest hint of trouble
move.l a2,ReqstVol ; Point to the volume being referred to
tst.w VCBFSID(a2) ; External FS?
bne ExtFSErrExit ; Branch if it's not a local FS
bra ParamErrExit
; Routine: RefNumCall
; Function: Handle a refNum-based call. If the call refers to an External
; File System's volume, the call is passed to the external FS.
; Otherwise, a #paramErr is returned to the caller.
entry RefNumCall
jsr FSQueue ; chill in line
move.w ioRefNum(a0),d0 ; Pick up the refNum
jsr RefNumCheck ; Check the refNum supplied
bne CmdDone ; Punt at first hint of trouble
movea.l FCBsPtr,a1 ; Point to the FCB table
move.w ioRefNum(a0),d1 ; Pick up the specified refNum
movea.l FCBVPtr(a1,d1),a1 ; Point to the VCB for this volume
move.l a1, ReqstVol ; In case it's #extFSErr
tst.w VCBFSID(a1) ; Local FS?
bne.s ExtFSErrExit ; No - let external file systems have it
bra.s ParamErrExit ; Local doesn't implement this call
; Routine: OpenCall
; Function: Open a fork with specific Deny modes; pass the call to the External;
; file system if it's for an Ext. FS volume.
entry OpenCall
jsr FSQueue ; Wait our turn
jsr DtrmV3 ; Determine the volume being referred to
bne CmdDone ; Punt at the slightest hint of trouble
move.l a2,ReqstVol ; Point to the volume being referred to
tst.w VCBFSID(a2) ; External FS?
beq.s ParamErrExit ; It's an unknown trap for a local volume
bsr OpenAttemptHook ; let ourselves know we're trying <38>
jsr Gt1stFCB ; get (A1,D1) pointing to first FCB
@1 tst.l FCBFlNm(a1,d1) ; FCB unused
beq.s @90 ; br if so
jsr GtNxtFCB ; get next one until we run out
bcs.s @1
moveq.l #TMFOErr,d0 ; too many files open
clr.w IORefNum(a0) ; make refnum invalid
bra CmdDone
@90 add.l a1,d1 ; Point to the FCB
bra.s ExtFSErrExit ; ... and pass it along
; Routine: UnknownCall
; Function: Pass a call to the external File System. This routine is called for
; call selectors that are unknown to HFS and the Desktop Manager, but
; which might be implemented for External File Systems.
entry UnknownCall
jsr FSQueue ; Wait our turn
movea.l VCBQHdr+qHead, a2 ; Pick up pointer to first VCB
move.l a2, ReqstVol ; Point someplace semi-innocuous
bra.s ExtFSErrExit ; ... and pass it along
; Routine: FSControl
; Arguments: D1 = trap
; A0 = parameter list pointer
; Function: The FSControl entry point is provided in part to allow a
; program to sync up with the file system - the completion
; routine is called with exclusive access to all file system
; data structures...
BSR.S FSQueue ; Wait out turn (sync up with FS)
MOVE.L #FSVrsn,ioFSVrsn(A0); Return the current version of TFS <27Aug85>
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Indicate success
BRA CmdDone ; And call it a day
; Routine: RefNumCheck
; Function: Check the refNum supplied to make sure it's a real file RefNum.
; Inputs: d0 = refnum
; Output: d0 = error code, RfNumErr or noErr
; Note:
; This routine is called by the desktop manager and the UnTagFCB _Close patch.
; This routine was rolled into into the file TFS.a. <SM1>
RefNumCheckRegs reg a1/d1
entry RefNumCheck
movem.l RefNumCheckRegs, -(sp)
moveq.l #0, d1 ; clear high word
move.w d0, d1 ; make a copy of the refnum
bmi.s @RefNumErrExit ; no negative refnums
divu FSFCBLen,d1 ; Divide by the FCB size
swap d1 ; Get remainder in low word
subq.w #2,d1 ; Is the remainder 2?
bne.s @RefNumErrExit ; If not, no way this could be a refnum
move.l FCBSPtr, a1 ; point to length word of FCB array
cmp.w (a1), d0 ; check against size of FCB array
bgt.s @RefNumErrExit ; Too high? Too bad.
moveq.l #noErr, d0 ; No pwobwem!
bra.s @Exit
moveq.l #RfNumErr,d0 ; Indicate a bad refNum
movem.l (sp)+, RefNumCheckRegs
tst.w d0 ; Set condition codes
; Routine: FSQueueSync
; Arguments: D1 = trap
; A0 = parameter list pointer
; Calls: calling routine
; Called by: File system routines which must be executed synchronously
; (MountVol,UnMountVol).
; Function: This entry point waits until the file system queue is
; empty, and then calls the calling routine, ensuring
; synchronous (with other file system calls) execution of
; the file system routine at user-level (memory manager calls
; are ok). The called routine calls CmdDon when through.
; Modification History:
; 02 Dec 82 LAK New today.
BCLR #AsyncTrpBit,D1 ; ensure async bit is not on
; fall thru to FSSync
; Routine: FSQueue,CmdDone
; Arguments: D1 = trap
; A0 = parameter list pointer
; Calls: FSQue dispatches to the calling routine unless the call is
; asynchronous and the file system queue is not empty. Pascal
; register save conventions are observed.
; Called by: All file system routines when they may be executed asynchronously
; (i.e., they don't call the memory manager).
; Function: This entry point determines whether a call is synchronous
; or asynchronous; it queues up the call, then, if async and
; there is a command already executing, returns immediately.
; Otherwise, it enters the sync wait routine, then goes to
; command dispatch.
; All of these commands finish by branching to CmdDone; this
; routine calls any completion routine and dispatches the
; next queued command, if any . . .
; Modification History:
; 05 Aug 84 GSS New today (taken from Larry Kenyon's Mac File System)
; 24 Sep 84 GSS Removed JSR Enqueue and put in a trap
; 10-Feb-85 PWD Re-inserted JSR to Enqueue (now directly accessible again)
; 13-Mar-85 PWD Added code to set up A6 stack for async context storage\
; 26-Jul-85 PWD Changed to restore ioTrap to $Ax60 and D0 to TFS trap index
; before going off to external file system hook.
; 25-Sep-85 PWD Changed to allow SkipPMSP to come on in mid-parse
; 22-Oct-85 PWD Fixed to check PMSP for traps w. TFS bit set but DirID=0.
; Do async calls have to be forced synchronous if the file system is not busy?
; Make sure interrupts are disabled at this time, though, so another request
; issued at interrupt time doesn't interfere.
MOVE.L FSQueueHook,D2 ; queue hook?
BLE.S @0 ; br if not . . .
JSR (A1) ; D2 and A1 are expendable
@0 MOVE.W #1,IOResult(A0) ; set IOResult to "in process"
MOVE.W D1,IOTrap(A0) ; save the trap number
CMP.B #$60,D1 ; TFS trap dispatch?
BNE.S @2 ; If not, leave ioTrap alone
AND.B #$0F,ioTrap(A0) ; Leave only modifier bits <27Aug85>
MOVE.B D0,ioTrap+1(A0) ; Store trap index in low byte <27Aug85>
@2 MOVE.L (SP)+,IOCmdAddr(A0) ; save address to go to when ready
MOVE.W #FSQType,IOType(A0) ; say its a file system queueing element
BTST #AsyncTrpBit,D1 ; async bit on?
BEQ.S @3 ; br if not
TST.B FrcSync ; force it synchronous?
BEQ.S FSAsync ; if not, do it async
BRA.S @4
@3 CLR.L IOCompletion(A0) ; no completion routines for sync calls
@4 MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save parameter block ptr
BSR.S FSAsync ; queue it up (and maybe call it)
SyncWait MOVE.W IOResult(A0),D0 ; get the result code into D0
BGT.S SyncWait ; done when result is zero or negative
EXT.L D0 ; ALWAYS return a long error code.
CMP.W #VolOffLinErr,D0 ; volume off-line error? (detected by file
BNE.S @1 ; system) br if not
MOVE.L DskSwtchHook,-(SP) ; OffLineVol points to VCB, A0 to request
BGT.S @1 ; br if there is a hook proc
ADDQ #4,SP ; otherwise, just return
IF ForROM THEN ; <27Mar89 V1.8>
BTST #7, DSAlertRect ; already in our proc? <06Mar85>
BNE DSHook ; br if not <06Mar85>
ENDIF ; <27Mar89 V1.8>
@1 RTS ; return to caller
FSAsync LEA FSQHdr,A1 ; get pointer to file system queue
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; only allow level 3
ORI #HiIntMask,SR ; interrupts for debugging
JSR EnqueueTrap ; queue up the request
BSET #0,FSBusy ; is a request already executing?
BEQ.S FSDispatch ; if not, just call it
; The file system is busy so we're done for now. We'll get to it when
; CmdDone is called. (maybe check here for async call with off-line vols,
; since only eject will force something off-line . . .)
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no errors (yet)
MOVE.W (SP)+,SR ; re-enable interrupts and return
; dispatch the next request (also called by CmdDon)
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; re-enable interrupts
MOVE.L FSQHead,A0 ; get first parameter block
MOVE.L IOCmdAddr(A0),A1 ; get address to call
MOVEM.L D3-D7/A2-A6,-(SP) ; observe Pascal regsave conventions
; Just before the initial dispatch into the routine,
; clear the Poor Man's Search Path:
MOVEA.L PMSPPtr,A6 ; Point to the PMSP table
CLR.W PMSPIndx(A6) ; No entries used yet
BTST #AsyncTrpBit,ioTrap(A0) ; set the flavor for this trap <01Oct85>
ST FSCallAsync ; If we're debugging, always do async <27Oct85>
SNE FSCallAsync ; if sync, we'll do our I/O synchronous <01Oct85>
MOVEA.L HFSStkTop,A6 ; Set up A6 for use as stack pointer
JSR (A1) ;
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D7/A2-A6 ; restore registers
RTS ; and return (all commands finish by
; jumping to CmdDone)
BRA.S @3 ; check to see if cache is cool <02Oct85>
@0 MOVEA.L A3,A4 ; start at top of queue <02Oct85>
@1 MOVEA.L CBHFlink(A4),A4 ; position to next buffer <02Oct85>
CMPA.L A3,A4 ; back to top of queue ? <02Oct85>
BEQ.S @2 ; yes -> <02Oct85>
BTST #CBHinuse,CBHFlags(A4) ; buffer in-use? <02Oct85>
BEQ.S @1 ; no, continue search -> <02Oct85>
_HFSDebug $500 ; trap if we exit FS with a buf in-use <02Oct85>
@2 RTS ; 02Oct85
@3 MOVEM.L A3-A4,-(SP) ; save registers <02Oct85>
MOVEA.L SysCtlCPtr,A3 ; A3 = ptr(control cache header) <02Oct85>
BSR.S @0 ; check out the control cache <02Oct85>
MOVEA.L SysBMCPtr,A3 ; <02Oct85>
BSR.S @0 ; check out the alloc map cache <02Oct85>
MOVEA.L SysVolCPtr,A3 ; <02Oct85>
BSR.S @0 ; check out the volume cache <02Oct85>
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A3-A4 ; restore registers <02Oct85>
CLR.B CacheFlag ; we're always clean here . . . <05Sep85>
EXT.L D0 ; Make a long of it <14Jun85>
BLE.S @0 ; If zero or negative, we're OK <01Oct85>
MOVE.W D0,HFSDSErr ; Save internal error for debug <01Oct85>
MOVEQ #FSDSIntErr,D0 ; 1-127 codes are internal errors <01Oct85>
@0 MOVE.L FSQHead,A0 ; A0 -> current request
CMP #FSQType,IOType(A0) ; it better be an I/O queue element
BNE.S toDSFSErr ; or else die
CMP.W #FNFErr,D0 ; File not found error?
BNE.S cd_CkExtFS ; If not, we're gone.
BTST #HFSBit,ioTrap(A0) ; Use of HFSBit (=9) is OK on high byte ref.
BEQ.S @2 ; If clear, consider the next entry on the PMSP <22Oct85>
TST.L ioDirID(A0) ; TFS trap: was DidID specified? <22Oct85>
BNE.S cd_CkExtFS ; Yes - there's no search path to consider <22Oct85>
@2 BTST #NoPMSP,HFSFlags ; PMSP disabled? <25Sep85>
BNE.S cd_CkExtFS ; If set, don't search any other directories <25Sep85>
BTST #SkipPMSP,HFSFlags ; Don't bother with PMSP for this operation? <22Aug85>
BNE.S cd_CkExtFS ; If flag isn't set, give it a chance <22Aug85>
MOVEA.L PMSPPtr,A1 ; Point to the search path list
MOVEM.L D1/A2,-(SP) ; Save them across the offline check
MOVE.W PMSPIndx(A1),D1 ; Pick up the index
@3 ADDQ.W #SPEntLen,D1 ; Advance to the next entry
CMP.W (A1),D1 ; Index outside table yet?
BGE.S @5 ; Yes - give up.
MOVE.W SPVRefNum(A1,D1),D0 ; Pick up the VRefNum
BEQ.S @5 ; If there isn't one, give up.
BSR GetVCBRfn ; Find the VCB
BNE.S @5 ; Punt on errors
MOVE.W vcbDrvNum(A2),D0 ; Volume on-line?
BLE.S @3 ; No - try next entry.
@5 MOVE.W D1,PMSPIndx(A1) ; Point to this entry
MOVE.W D1,D0 ; Save the index
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1/A2 ; Restore scratch registers
CMP.W (A1),D0 ; Exceeded PMSP table limits?
BGE.S @10 ; Yes - punt.
TST.W SPVRefNum(A1,D0) ; Was a new default volume found?
BEQ.S @10 ; Nope - give up.
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Clear high 3 bytes
MOVE.B ioTrap+1(A0),D0 ; Pick up the TFS trap index again, too
MOVEA.L ioCmdAddr(A0),A1 ; Pick up the CmdAddr from FSQueue
JMP (A1) ; Repeat the trap with a different default
@10 MOVEQ #FNFErr,D0 ; Restore error code
cd_CkExtFS BCLR #SkipPMSP,HFSFlags ; Don't skip PMSP now that this trap's done <25Sep85>
MOVE.L ExtFSHook,D2 ; queue hook?
BLE.S @1 ; br if not . . .
MOVE.L D2,A1 ; (external fs, debug)
JSR (A1) ; leave CmdDone address on the stack
move.l toExtFS,d2 ; Any external file systems defined? <10Nov87>
ble.s cd_DeQueue ; Xfer if not... <10Nov87>
move.l d2,a1 ; Else, point to first proc in chain <10Nov87>
cmp.w #ExtFSErr,d0 ; Pass request on to external FS's? <10Nov87>
beq.s @2 ; Xfer if so... <10Nov87>
cmp.w #NoMacDskErr,d0 ; Did a MountVol call fail? <10Nov87>
bne.s cd_DeQueue ; Xfer if not... <10Nov87>
clr.l ReqstVol ; Force 'No VCB' for this call <10Nov87>
MOVE.L FSQHead,A0 ; A0 -> current request
CMP #FSQType,IOType(A0) ; it better be an I/O queue element
BNE toDSFSErr ; or else die
MOVEQ #ExtFSErr,D0 ; Code to ExtFS's unless an $Ax60 call <03Mar87>
TST.W ioTrap(A0) ; Check trap word:
BLT.S @3 ; If it's negative ($A...), go ahead <27Aug85>
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; Clear high 3 bytes <27Aug85>
MOVE.B ioTrap+1(A0),D0 ; Pick up the TFS trap index <27Aug85>
CLR.B ioTrap+1(A0) ; and restore original trap <27Aug85>
ORI.W #$A060,ioTrap(A0) ; keeping modifier bits <27Aug85>
JSR (A1) ; leave CmdDone address on the stack <25Jan85>
cd_DeQueue MOVE SR,-(SP) ; save interrupt state <27Aug85>
ORI #HiIntMask,SR ; only debug interrupts allowed
CLR.W FSBusy ; clear file system busy boolean
; delete the current request from the queue and post any completion routines
MOVE.L FSQHead,A0 ; A0 -> current request
CMP #FSQType,IOType(A0) ; it better be an I/O queue element
BNE toDSFSErr ; or else die
MOVE.L QLink(A0),FSQHead ; get next request, if any
BNE.S cd_CallComp ; branch if queue not empty <27Aug85>
CLR.L FSQTail ; clear tail ptr, too
cd_CallComp ; <27Aug85>
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; restore interrupt state
MOVE.W D0,IOResult(A0) ; post error code
MOVE.L IOCompletion(A0),D1 ; is there a completion routine?
BEQ.S cd_DispNext ; skip if there's not <27Aug85>
MOVE.L D1,A1 ; get the completion routine address
TST.W D0 ; test result code
JSR (A1) ; call it
; check if there's anything else for this driver to do
cd_DispNext ; <27Aug85>
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; save interrupt state
ORI #HiIntMask,SR ; only debug interrupts allowed
TST.L FSQHead ; is a command pending?
BNE ToFSDispatch ; if so, launch new command
MOVE.W (SP)+,SR ; restore rupt state and return
; Routine: FInitQueue
; Arguments: none
; Calls:
; Function: Clear the queue of all pending commands except for the one
; running (if there is one . . .).
; Modification History:
; 05 Aug 84 New today. Taken directly from LAK's FS code
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; save interrupt state
ORI #HiIntMask,SR ; only debug interrupts
MOVE.L FSQHead,D0 ; any commands?
BEQ.S @1 ; if not, we are done
MOVE.L D0,A0 ; get pointer to the current routine
CLR.L IOLink(A0) ; get rid of any others
MOVE.L A0,FSQTail ; only this one
@1 MOVEQ #0,D0 ; this routine has no errors
; Routine: DSHook
; Arguments: none
; Calls:
; Function: Implements disk-switch recovery.
; 29 Jan 85 LAK Doubled amount of stack slop needed.
; To Do:
; - be smarter about number of bytes to save of rectangle (compute from
; rectangle).
; There was a bug in the DSHook code used to force updates that is used when there is insufficient
; room on the stack to save the room behind the disk switch dialog. We now use the new global,
; SysErrorUpdateRect, instead. See the patch to GetNextEvent that uses SysErrorUpdateRect for more
; information
MOVEM.L A0-A3/A6/D0-D7,-(SP) ; save registers
LEA TrapAgain,A1 ; fill in the trap now
MOVE.W IOTrap(A0),(A1)+ ; Set up the trap to be retried...
MOVE.W #$4E75,(A1) ; Follow it with an RTS
; first try mounting the volume in case it was forced off-line due to mem-full:
IF NOT hasManEject THEN ; if man-eject, defer this a bit <SM8> <BH 03Aug93>
BSR MakeStkPB ; get a parameter block off the stack . .
MOVE.L A0,D7 ; remember it in D7
MOVE.L ReqstVol,A2 ; VCB for requested volume
MOVE.W VCBDRefNum(A2),D3 ; Original drive
BPL.S TellUser ; br if ejected-offline
NEG.W D3 ; negative means non-ejected offline
IF hasManEject THEN ; <SM8> <BH 03Aug93>
BSR MakeStkPB ; get a parameter block off the stack . .
MOVE.W D3,ioDrvNum(A0) ; remount this drive
BSET.B #fsNoAllocate,FSVars.fsFlags(A1) ; inform _Mount that it can't allocate memory
BCLR.B #fsNoAllocate,FSVars.fsFlags(A1)
ADDA.L #IOVQElSize,SP ; goodbye paramblock
TST ioResult(A0) ; success?
TellUser MOVE.W #dsReinsert,D4 ; err code for SwitchDisk
BSR.S SwitchDisk ; ask for the disk
; CCR: Z set if disk received, clear if request aborted
ELSE ; if NOT hasManEject, here's the old DSHook, most of which resides in
; SwitchDisk for the manual-eject case. <SM8> <BH 03Aug93>
MOVE.W D3,IODrvNum(A0) ; so just remount (reload the buffers)
MOVE.L FSVarsPtr,A2 ; <SM7>
BSET.B #fsNoAllocate,FSVars.fsFlags(A2) ; inform _Mount that it can't allocate memory <SM7>
_MountVol ; <SM7>
BCLR.B #fsNoAllocate,FSVars.fsFlags(A2); <SM7>
TST ioResult(A0) ; <SM7>
BNE.S TellUser ; ?? tell user something ?? <03Nov85> LAK
MOVEQ #0,D3 ; yes, retry the fs call <03Nov85> LAK
BRA DSExit ; exit . . . <03Nov85> LAK
TellUser MOVE.L #$00500078,DSAlertRect ; use alternate alert rect
MOVE.L #$00980195,DSAlertRect+4 ;(high bit is also flag)
; the code the saved the screen behind the dialog has been removed. <SM1>
MOVEQ #DSReInsert,D0 ; ask for diskette back
MOVE.L DrvQHdr+QHead,D0 ; figure out if this drive has a disk-in-place
@0 BEQ.S WaitForDsk
CMP.W DQDrive(A1),D3 ; find queue element for this drive
BEQ.S @1
MOVE.L QLink(A1),D0
BRA.S @0
@1 MOVE.B -3(A1),D0 ; DiskInPlace
CMP.B #1,D0 ;
BEQ.S @2
CMP.B #2,D0
BNE.S WaitForDsk ; just wait for disk-insert if no DIP
@2 MOVE.W D3,D1 ; disk to eject
EjectMtDisk ; <03Nov85> LAK
MOVEQ #2,D2 ; a disk-switch eject <03Nov85> LAK
BSR DoEject
SUB #EvtBlkSize,SP ; get event buffer space off the stack
@0 MOVE.W #128+8,D0 ; only disk-inserted/key down events interest us
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; event buffer
BNE.S @0 ; loop until we get one . . .
MOVE.L evtMessage(SP),D0 ; drive number/key
MOVE.W evtNum(SP),D3 ; event
MOVE.W evtMeta(SP),D1 ; meta keys (for command bit)
ADD #EvtBlkSize,SP ; free up event buffer space
SUBQ #diskInsertEvt,D3 ; disk-insert event?
BEQ.S @3 ; br if so <02Nov85> LAK
CMP.B #$2E,D0 ; period?
BEQ.S @2 ; br if so <02Nov85> LAK
MOVEQ #$0B,D2 ; seek cmd, shift, not alphaLock, and option <02Nov85> LAK
LSR.W #8,D1 ; get high byte of meta-key info, clear D1.W hi byte <02Nov85> LAK
AND.B D1,D2 ; high byte of meta word contains mod bits <02Nov85> LAK
SUBQ.B #$03,D2 ; want cmd AND shift BUT NOT option <02Nov85> LAK
BNE.S WaitForDsk ; if not so, no FKey action! <02Nov85> LAK
moveq.l #-'3',d1 ; prepare to convert ascii to binary <2.6>
add.b d0,d1 ; keyCode - '3' <2.6>
addq.b #3,d1 ; convert key to drivenum, range check <2.6>
bhs.s WaitForDsk ; if >= '3', or < '0', not an eject req <2.6>
ext.w d1 ; drive number in D1.W <C150/10sep86><2.6>
bne.s @1 ; 1, 2 handled as is, <C150/10sep86>
moveq #3,D1 ; 0 becomes 3 (drive #3) <C150/10sep86><2.6>
@1 moveq #1,D2 ; flag from keyboard, <C150/10sep86>
move.l jDoEject,A0 ; <C150/10sep86>
jsr (A0) ; eject the diskette <C150/10sep86>
BRA.S WaitForDsk ; keep waiting for Disk-In-Place <02Nov85> LAK
@2 BTST #cmdKey,D1 ; command-. for abort? <02Nov85> LAK
BEQ.S WaitForDsk ; keep waiting if not
BRA.S PostUpdate ; otherwise, let the user beware!
; D3 non-zero denotes abort . . .
@3 MOVE.L D7,A0 ; point to the I/O block <02Nov85> LAK
MOVE.W D0,IODrvNum(A0) ; drive to mount
MOVE.W D0,D1 ; save in case we have to eject it <03Nov85> LAK
MOVE.L FSVarsPtr,A2 ; <SM7>
BSET.B #fsNoAllocate,FSVars.fsFlags(A2) ; inform _Mount that it can't allocate memory <SM7>
_MountVol ; <SM7>
BCLR.B #fsNoAllocate,FSVars.fsFlags(A2) ; <SM7>
TST ioResult(A0) ; <SM7>
BEQ.S PostUpdate ; cruise on if ok <03Nov85> LAK
CMP.W #MemFullErr,D0 ; memory full?
BNE.S EjectMtDisk ; br if not - eject it and wait some more <03Nov85> LAK
MOVEQ #-1,D3 ; make it an abort (avoid DS) <01Oct85>
; OK, we're basically done with the disk switched stuff.
; The code the saved the screen behind the dialog has been removed. <SM1>
PostUpdate ; <SM1>
CLR.B DSWndUpdate ; flag GNE to remove the alert . . . <SM1>
PEA DSAlertRect ; union this in <SM1>
MOVE.L ExpandMem,a0 ; <SM1>
PEA ExpandMemRec.SysErrorUpdateRect(a0) ; into this rect <SM1>
move.l (sp),-(sp) ; do it in place <SM1> <SM4> rb
_UnionRect ; <SM1>
DSExit BSET #7, DSAlertRect ; return to old DS rect (also clears exclusion) <06Mar85>
; <removed reinstall of DskSwHook> <06Mar85>
ADD #IOVQElSize,SP ; clean up stack
TST.W D3 ; zero for non-abort . . . <01Oct85>
ENDIF ; hasManEject--the manual-eject and non-manual-eject threads rejoin here
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A3/A6/D0-D7 ; restore registers
BEQ.S @1 ; br for retry <01Oct85>
MOVEQ #VolOffLinErr,D0 ; well, not much else to do . . . <01Oct85>
RTS ; <01Oct85>
@1 MOVE.W ioTrap(A0),D0 ; Pick up trap word again <01Oct85>
BLE.S FlushTrapAgain ; Go re-execute the original I/O trap <2> rb <SM1>
; (should we be using a signed branch?) <SM1>
; <SM1>
; Repeat a TFS trap: the word in ioTrap (copied into TrapAgain by now) usually <SM1>
; looks like 0mxx, where m contains the modifiers (,ASYNC and ,IMMED for TFS) <SM1>
; and xx is the TFS trap dispatch. TrapAgain must be changed to Ay60 and D0 <SM1>
; to $00xx. <SM1>
; <SM1>
TFSAgain: OR.B #$A0,TrapAgain ; Set up top nibble <SM1>
MOVE.B #$60,TrapAgain+1 ; Overwrite lower bytes w. TFS trap <SM1>
AND.W #$00FF,D0 ; Remove modifier bits from saved index <SM1>
; <SM1>
FlushTrapAgain ; <SM1>
MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; save D1 for 020/030's <2> rb <SM1>
JSR ([jCacheFlush]) ; flush the cache <2> rb <SM1>
MOVE.L (SP)+,D1 ; restore D1 <2> rb <SM1>
JMP TrapAgain ; Go re-execute the original I/O trap <2> rb <SM1>
IF hasManEject THEN ; <SM8> <BH 03Aug93>
; This is now a subroutine so it can be used by the Desk Manager to get back dirty
; disks that have been manually ejected. It largely duplicates the old code.
; Inputs: A2 -> VCB of desired volume
; D4 == DS err ID for alert to be displayed
MOVEM.L D1-D3/A0-A1/A3-A4,-(SP) ; save regs
BSR MakeStkPB ; get ioPB space on stack
MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; A3 -> paramblock
SUBA.L #EvtBlkSize,SP ; stack space for evt record
MOVEA.L SP,A4 ; A4 -> evt buffer
MOVE.L #$004B006A,DSAlertRect ; set up alternate sys alert rect
MOVE.L #$00A50196,DSAlertRect+4 ; (high bit is also flag)
; all NEW, all BIGGER DSAlertRect! <SM9> <BH 27Aug93>
BSET.B #fsNoAllocate,FSVars.fsFlags(A0) ; prevent new mounts
LEA vcbVN(A2),A1
MOVE.L A1,FSVars.dsRecoverNamePtr(A0) ; vol name for DS code
MOVEQ #1,D3 ; first time through, do draw alert at @getdisk
MOVEQ #2,D2 ; prepare disk-switch eject
MOVE.W vcbDrvNum(A2),D1 ; try to get the drive in which the vol was last seen
BNE.S @freeDrive
MOVE.W vcbDRefNum(A2),D1 ; offline vol's drive num is in DRefNum field
BPL.S @freeDrive ; positive if ejected-offline
NEG.W D1 ; negative if only offline
@freeDrive ; eject the disk in drive number D1, if any. D2 has "message" for EjectNotify--
; 1 for an FKEY eject, 2 for disk-switch.
MOVEA.L DrvQHdr+qHead,A0 ; Find drive queue element: get the first
@chkdrv CMP.W dqDrive(A0),D1 ; match?
BEQ.S @gotdrv ; yes: go check it out
MOVEA.L qLink(A0),A0 ; no: get next drive
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; any more?
BEQ.S @getdisk ; can't find the drive
BRA.S @chkdrv
@gotdrv BTST #dqManEjBit,dqInstall(A0) ; is this a manual eject drive?
BEQ.S @0 ; if so, the "Insert the disk" dialog will need to be
MOVEQ #1,D3 ; redrawn after ejection--set D3 to indicate this
@0 MOVEA.L jDoEject,A0
JSR (A0)
@getdisk TST.W D3 ; does the dialog need to be drawn?
BEQ.S @getevt
MOVE.W D4,D0 ; get DS code
_SysError ; draw it
MOVEQ #0,D3 ; flag it drawn
@getevt MOVE.W #128+8,D0 ; only disk-inserted/key down events interest us
MOVE.L A4,A0 ; event buffer
BNE.S @getevt ; loop until we get one . . .
MOVE.L evtMessage(A4),D0 ; drive number or key
CMPI.W #diskInsertEvt,evtNum(A4) ; disk-insert event?
BEQ.S @dievt ; br if so <02Nov85> LAK
MOVE.W evtMeta(A4),D1 ; meta keys (for command bit)
CMP.B #$2E,D0 ; period?
BEQ.S @chkabort ; br if so <02Nov85> LAK
MOVEQ #$0B,D2 ; seek cmd, shift, not alphaLock, and option <02Nov85> LAK
LSR.W #8,D1 ; get high byte of meta-key info, clear D1.W hi byte <02Nov85> LAK
AND.B D1,D2 ; high byte of meta word contains mod bits <02Nov85> LAK
SUBQ.B #$03,D2 ; want cmd AND shift BUT NOT option <02Nov85> LAK
BNE.S @getevt ; if not so, no FKey action! <02Nov85> LAK
moveq.l #-'3',d1 ; prepare to convert ascii to binary <2.6>
add.b d0,d1 ; keyCode - '3' <2.6>
addq.b #3,d1 ; convert key to drivenum, range check <2.6>
bhs.s @getevt ; if >= '3', or < '0', not an eject req <2.6>
ext.w d1 ; drive number in D1.W <C150/10sep86><2.6>
bne.s @1 ; 1, 2 handled as is, <C150/10sep86>
moveq #3,D1 ; 0 becomes 3 (drive #3) <C150/10sep86><2.6>
@1 moveq #1,D2 ; flag from keyboard, <C150/10sep86>
BRA.S @freeDrive
@chkabort BTST #cmdKey,D1 ; command-. for abort? <02Nov85> LAK
BEQ.S @getevt ; keep waiting if not
BRA.S @aborted ; otherwise, let the user beware!
; D0 non-zero denotes abort . . .
@dievt MOVE.L D0,D1 ; get drive num in D1.W
TST.W D0 ; is this a genuine insert event?
BNE.S @ejectevt ; no: it's some sort of ejection
MOVEA.L A3,A0 ; yes: get mountvol paramblock
MOVE.W D1,ioDrvNum(A0) ; drive to mount
BEQ.S @exitok ; success!
MOVEQ #2,D2 ; going to be a disk-switch eject
BRA.S @freeDrive ; wrong disk--go eject it and try again
@ejectevt CMP.W #-1,D0 ; is this an ejection request?
BEQ.S @1 ; yes: treat it like an FKEY
CMP.W vcbDRefNum(A2),D1 ; no: manual eject--is it the drive we expected the vol in?
BEQ.S @getevt ; yes: probably spurious, so drop it...that drive should be empty
; no: hmm, what to do...repost, deal with it later
SWAP D0 ; restore message
MOVEA.W #DiskInsertEvt,A0 ; event type
_PostEvent ; post it
BRA.S @getevt ; go back for another
@aborted MOVEQ #1,D3
BRA.S PostUpdate
@exitok MOVEQ #0,D3
; OK, we're basically done with the disk switched stuff.
; The code the saved the screen behind the dialog has been removed. <SM1>
PostUpdate ; <SM1>
BSR.S CleanDSErr ; cleanup code now a subroutine, for sharing
CLR.W DSErrCode ; don't freak out the Process Mgr
BCLR.B #fsNoAllocate,FSVars.fsFlags(a0) ; new mounts are OK again
MOVE.W D3,D0 ; get result, set CC
ADDA.L #EvtBlkSize+IOVQElSize,SP ; clean that stack
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D3/A0-A1/A3-A4 ; restore those registers
; Clean up the disk-switch error box--now a subroutine for sharing purposes.
; It is called from CmdDone after _Eject has been called for a manual-eject
; drive; CmdDone uses a DS alert to tell the user to take the disk out of the
; drive.
CLR.B DSWndUpdate ; flag GNE to remove the alert . . . <SM1>
PEA DSAlertRect ; union this in <SM1>
MOVE.L ExpandMem,a0 ; <SM1>
PEA ExpandMemRec.SysErrorUpdateRect(a0) ; into this rect <SM1>
move.l (sp),-(sp) ; do it in place <SM1> <SM4> rb
_UnionRect ; <SM1>
BSET #7, DSAlertRect ; return to old DS rect (also clears exclusion) <06Mar85>
; <removed reinstall of DskSwHook> <06Mar85>
ENDIF ; <SM8> <BH 03Aug93>
; Routine: vDoEject,DoEject
; Arguments:
; D1 = drive # to eject
; D2 = 1 for keyboard/eject button source,
; 2 for Disk Switch code hook
; calls EjectNotify function as:
; Function EjectNotify(drive:int;caller:int):boolean;
; if false is returned, the disk is not ejected;
; caller=1 for eject key, caller=2 for DS hook
vDoEject ;this label for export only
BSR MakeStkPB ; get a parameter block
MOVE.W D1,IODrvNum(A0)
MOVE.L EjectNotify,D0 ; notify proc?
BLE.S @1 ; br if not
MOVEM.L D2/A0-A2,-(SP)
MOVE.W D1,-(SP) ; pass eject drive
MOVE.W D2,-(SP) ; 1=fkey eject, 2=ds hook eject
MOVE.L D0,A0 ; procedure pointer
JSR (A0) ; call it (it should preserve Pascal regs)
TST.B (SP)+ ; still want to eject?
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D2/A0-A2
BEQ.S @2 ; br if not
@1 _Eject ; get rid of it . . .
BEQ.S @2
MOVE.W #8,-(SP)
_SysBeep ; make a beep
@2 ADD #IOVQElSize,SP ; clean up stack and return
; Initialize the file system.
; D0 -> number of FCBs to allocate.
InitFS TST.W FSFCBLen ; are we in already?
BPL FSInitOK ; br if so
; first, announce the presence of TFS by publishing the FCB size:
MOVE.W #FCBEntLen,FSFCBLen ; Store size of TFS FCB there; non- -1 value means TFS is in
; next, zero the low-memory file system area
LEA FileVars,A0 ; initialize our lomem vars to 0
MOVEQ #(FSClrWdLen/2)-1,D1 ; esp. VCB, FS queue hdrs, params, FSBusy
@1 CLR.W (A0)+
DBRA D1,@1
MOVE.W #StrtDir,DRMstrBlk ; set up master block address
; get some memory for the FCBs
CMP.W #2,MemTop ; 128K machine? <25Oct85>
BLE.S @2 ; no multiplier for 128K <22Oct85>
LSL.W #2,D0 ; mult by 4 for 512K+ <25Oct85>
@2 MOVE D0,D2 ; save for WDCB allocation <25Oct85>
MULU #FCBEntLen,D0 ; number of bytes needed for FCBs <25Oct85>
ADDQ.W #2,D0 ; and 2 for length prefix <25Oct85>
MOVE.W D0,D1 ; and save in D1 <25Oct85>
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; get buffer with D0 bytes in it.
BNE FSInitErr ; Stop execution on any errors
MOVE.W D1,(A0) ; first word is FCB part length
MOVE.L A0,FCBSPtr ; set the FCB pointer
; Set up a WDCB array with the same number of entries as the FCB array:
MULU #WDCBLen,D2 ; number of bytes needed for WDCBs <25Oct85>
MOVE.L D2,D0 ; <25Oct85>
ADDQ.W #2,D0 ; and 2 for length prefix <08Aug85>
MOVE.W D0,D1 ; and save in D1 <11Apr85>
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; Allocate room for the WDCB array <11Apr85>
BNE FSInitErr ; Crash and burn on errors <11Apr85>
MOVE.W D1,(A0) ; Store length of WDCB array <11Apr85>
MOVE.L A0,WDCBsPtr ; Store pointer in lomem <11Apr85>
BigLEA WDCBSwOS,A2 ; point to offset to the WDCB entry <1.2>
MOVE.W (A2),A2 ; Get the offset to the WDCB entry <1.2>
ADD.L SwitcherTPtr,A2 ; Index into Switcher Table <1.2>
MOVE.L A0,(A2) ; Fill in entry for WDCB switch <A271><27Oct86><1.2>
NOT.L (A2)+ ; ... complement for long addresses <A271><27Oct86><1.2>
MOVE.W D1,(A2) ; <A271><27Oct86><1.2>
; Allocate a File System Stack:
MOVE.L #(HFSStkLen+HFSTmpSize),D0 ; Size of stack area <26Aug85><C206>
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; Allocate space in system heap <11Apr85>
BNE FSInitErr ; Stop execution on any errors <11Apr85>
ADD #HFSStkLen,A0 ; Point beyond the end of the stack <25Oct85><C206>
MOVE.L A0,HFSStkTop ; Store pointer in lo-mem <11Apr85><C206>
MOVEQ #PMSPSize,D0 ; Size of Poor Man's Search Path <18Aug85>
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; Allocate space for it <18Aug85>
BNE FSInitErr ; Punt on errors <18Aug85>
BigLEA PMSPSwOS,A2 ; point to offset to the PMSP entry <C152><1.2>
MOVE.W (A2),A2 ; Get the offset to the PMSP entry <C152><1.2>
ADD.L SwitcherTPtr,A2 ; Index into Switcher Table <C152><1.2>
MOVE.L A0,(A2) ; Fill in entry for PMSP hook switch <A271><27Oct86><1.2>
NOT.L (A2) ; ... complement for long addresses <A271><27Oct86><1.2>
ADDQ.L #SPHdrSize,A0 ; Point beyond PMSP header <18Aug85>
MOVEQ #(PMSPSize-SPHdrSize),D0 ; Get length of remaining table <18Aug85>
MOVE.W D0,(A0) ; Stash it at the start of the table <18Aug85>
MOVE.L A0,PMSPPtr ; Set up the lo-mem pointer <18Aug85>
; Set up the lomem system cache pointers: (hack in until new cache arrives . . .)
MOVE.W #512,D1 ; Set up cache block size <26Aug85>
MOVEQ #1,D0 ; Allocate 1-block bitmap cache <26Aug85>
Jsr InitCache ; Set up the cache <26Aug85><1.2>
BNE.S FSInitErr ; <26Aug85>
MOVE.L A1,SysBMCPtr ; Bitmap cache pointer. <26Aug85>
MOVEQ #1,D0 ; Allocate a 1-block volume cache <20Sep85>
CMP.W #2,MemTop ; 128K machine? <20Sep85>
BLE.S @4 ; br if so <20Sep85>
MOVEQ #2,D0 ; Allocate a 2-block volume cache <20Sep85>
@4 Jsr InitCache ; Set up the cache <20Sep85><1.2>
BNE.S FSInitErr ; <26Aug85>
MOVE.L A1,SysVolCPtr ; Volume cache pointer <26Aug85>
MOVEQ #4,D0 ; Allocate a small B*-Tree cache <04Nov85>
CMP.W #2,MemTop ; 128K machine? <27Aug85>
BLE.S @5 ; br if so <27Aug85>
MOVEQ #16,D0 ; Allocate a LARGE B*-Tree cache <20Sep85>
@5 Jsr InitCache ; Create a new cache <26Aug85><1.2>
BNE.S FSInitErr ; <26Aug85>
MOVE.L A1,SysCtlCPtr ; B*-Tree Control cache pointer <26Aug85>
; Set up a disk switch hook
LEA DSHook,A0 ; Point to the disk switch code <22Jul85>
MOVE.L A0,DskSwtchHook ; Make it available for use <22Jul85>
; Begin SuperMario
; allocate our file system variable block <SM1> FM
move.l FSVarsPtr,D0 ; has this been initialized?
cmp.l #-1,D0 ; $FFFF FFFF if not
bne.s FSInitOK ; initialized
move.l #FSVars.size, d0 ; d0 = size of file system variable block
_NewPtr sys, clear ; go get the block
bne FSInitErr ; die horribly if we don't get it
move.l a0, FSVarsPtr ; stash the address in lomem
move.w #FSVars.size, FSVars.length(a0) ; store length of block in 1st word
jsr FSGrowPatchInit ; FCBs, WDCBs and vectors
jsr QMInit ; initialize the Queue Manager
jsr DTDBMgrInit ; initialize desktop DB manager
jsr InstallVectors ; install the vectors that hang off ExpandMem
; End of SuperMario patch roll inÉ <SM@> FM
FSInitOK MOVEQ #0,D0 ; success!
FSInitErr MOVEQ #-1,D0 ; we failed
; <38>
; CountFCBs
; Function:
; Return the number of free FCBs
; Return the total number of FCBs
; Use d0 as a max number to count, to allow for callers to check for a
; specific quantity of free FCBs.
; Input:
; d0.w - requested # of free FCBs
; Output:
; d0.w - number of free FCBs (clipped to input value of d0)
; d1.w - total number of FCBs
; ccr - Z set if requested number were free
; Z clear if not
; Note: When called with d0.w = #-1, the output in d1 is the total number
; of FCBs that exist.
; This routine was copied FileMgrPatches.a <SM1>
@Regs reg d2/a0/a1
movem.l @Regs,-(sp)
move.l FCBSPtr,a1 ; point to base of FCB array
moveq.l #0,d1 ; clear high word
move.w (a1),d1 ; grab length of the array
lea.l 2(a1),a0 ; point to base of 1st FCB
add.w d1,a1 ; point to end of FCB array
divu FSFCBLen,d1 ; d1 = number of FCBs
move.w d0,d2 ; copy limit value
suba.w FSFCBLen,a1 ; point to beginning of previous FCB
tst.l (a1) ; is it free?
bne.s @notFree
subq.w #1,d2 ; tally the free FCB
beq.s @enough ; hit our quota?
cmpa.l a0,a1 ; are we done with the array?
bhi.s @loop ; as long as we're above the bottom now
sub.w d2,d0 ; d0 = number of free FCBs
tst.w d2 ; d2 is zero if we hit our target
movem.l (sp)+,@Regs
; <38>
; OpenAttemptHook
; Function:
; This procedure is called each time some sort of Open call (one that allocates
; an FCB) is attempted. We're here to schedule the FCB allocator if
; necessary. The FCB allocator is now run after the sync wait loop (on failed
; opens) and at _SynchIdleTime, although it could be run anytime moving memory
; is cool.
; Optimization:
; Since counting the number of free FCBs is time consuming, we use fsFCBCounter
; to hold the approximate number of free FCBs in excess of the fsFCBBurst amount.
; We conservatively assume that each time we attempt an open we use up an FCB. This
; is obviously wrong, since some opens fail and _Close frees up FCBs, but this
; will allow us to avoid our more expensive check most of the time. When the counter
; does hit zero we count the array and set fsFCBCounter back up. We also might set
; the fsNeedsFCBs value if there are too few FCBs around.
; Input:
; a0 - pointer to caller's PB
; Output:
; none
; This routine was copied FileMgrPatches.a <SM1>
@regs reg d0/d1/a1
movem.l @regs,-(sp)
move.l FSVarsPtr,a1
with FSVars
btst.b #fsNoFCBExpansion,fsFlags(a1) ; are we in the ballgame?
bne.s @exit
sub.w #1,fsFCBCounter(a1) ; see if we need to check
bgt.s @exit ; no need to check if we're > 0
moveq.l #-1,d0 ; we want to know about all FCBs
bsr CountFCBs ; see how many there are
sub.w fsFCBBurst(a1),d0 ; do we have enough headroom?
bls.s @needMore ; need more if (#free) <= (burst amount)
move.w d0,fsFCBCounter(a1) ; remember the amount of slack
bra.s @exit
bset.b #fsNeedFCBs,fsFlags(a1) ; remind ourselves of our need
clr.w fsFCBCounter(a1) ; and make sure we check next time
movem.l (sp)+,@regs
; <38>
; AllocateFCBs
; Function:
; This is a private queued file system call which returns information
; about the FCB array and can allocate more FCBs.
; If a request for more FCBs is being made then AllocateFCBs must be
; called only when moving memory is legal. If the call is made for
; information only it can be made anytime.
; parameter block:
; ioFCBBurst offset $20, word, input requested burst headroom
; ioFCBGrow offset $22 word, input requested free if allocation triggered
; ioTotalFCBs offset $24 word, output returns number of FCBs present
; ioTotalFreeFCBs offset $26 word, output returns number of free FCBs
; ioFCBsAdded offset $2A, word, output returns number allocated this time
; Input:
; a0.l - pointer to PB
; Output:
; d0.w - #noErr if at least one FCB is free on exit.
; - #tmfoErr if no FCBs are free on exit
; AllocateFCBs always counts the total number of FCBs and the total number free. If there
; are ioFCBBurst FCBs free, no other work is performed. If there are fewer than ioFCBBurst
; FCBs free then AllocateFCBs will attempt to allocate enough new ones so that ioFCBGrow
; are free.
; ioFCBBurst and ioFCBGrow work together. ioFCBBurst is the number of opens that we'd
; like to be able to perform between visits to sync time. ioFCBGrow is the number that
; we'd like to have available when we go to the trouble of growing the array. ioFCBBurst
; must always be <= ioFCBGrow.
; This routine was copied FileMgrPatches.a <SM1>
import MoreFCBs
bsr.s FSQueue ; Wait out turn
moveq.l #-1,d0 ; more FCBs than we'll ever have
bsr CountFCBs ; count all of them
move.w d0,ioTotalFreeFCBs(a0) ; remember how many are free
move.w d1,ioTotalFCBs(a0) ; remember how many there are
movea.l FSVarsPtr,a1
with FSVars
move.w ioFCBBurst(a0),d2 ; get the # we'd like to keep free
cmp.w d2,d0 ; see if we have that many free
bhs.s @noAllocate
move.w ioFCBGrow(a0),d2 ; d2 = the number of free FCBs we'd like to grow to
sub.w d0,d2 ; d2 = the number we need to grow to there
move.w fsFCBMax(a1),d3 ; d3 = the most FCBs we can have
sub.w d1,d3 ; d3 = the most we can grow
beq.s @noAllocate ; bail if we're out of array room
cmp.w d2,d3 ; can we grow as much as we want to?
bhs.s @grow ; if (most we can grow) >= (amount desired), we're OK
move.w d3,d2 ; otherwise, just grow as much as we can
bsr MoreFCBs ; try to get the FCBs
beq.s @gotSome ; leave with a smile
asr.w #1,d2 ; try to get half that many
beq.s @noAllocate ; if we're down to zero, bail
bra.s @grow
add.w d2,ioTotalFCBs(a0) ; update the total count
add.w d2,ioTotalFreeFCBs(a0) ; update the free count
move.w d2,ioFCBsAdded(a0) ; note the number added
bra.s @done
clr.w ioFCBsAdded(a0) ; we didn't add any new ones
tst.w ioTotalFreeFCBs(a0) ; check the number that are free now
beq.s @noFCBsAvailable ; if none are left, report the problem
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; if some are left, we're happy
@exit: bra CmdDone ; And call it a day
moveq.l #tmfoErr,d0
bra.s @exit
; Routine: File System cleanup routine <2.7>
; Function: Closes all open files belong to the process upon process termination.
; The process serial number in the Ext. FCB is cleared.
; By: Kenny Tung
; Copyright © 1989 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Input: D1 = trap, A0 = parameter block pointer
; HFS call requires an ioPB, but in this call no parameter is passed in.
; However, A0 is used to make the PBClose call within the routine. (Therefore
; it should be at least 26 bytes long).
; Revision History:
; 26Sep89 KSCT New today (from TFSDir1.a)
DoFSCleanUp ; serial ID is 64 bits
FSCleanupRegs REG A2-A3/D2-D6
MOVEM.L FSCleanupRegs,-(SP)
; ask the Process Mgr which process is current
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save needed, but volatile, register
LEA -10(SP),SP ; get current PSN and verify it's for us
PEA 2(SP) ; push address of PSN
_GetCurrentProcess ; call the OS
MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 ; save result
MOVE.L (SP)+,D6 ; D6 = process ID1
MOVE.L (SP)+,D2 ; D2 = process ID2
MOVEA.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore volatile register
TST.W D0 ; check result now that stack restored
BLT CleanupDone ; if so, we can do nothing
MOVEa.L FSVars.fcbPBuf(A1),A2 ; A2=parallel array
MOVE cbPBufCount(A2),D3 ; D3=number of FCBs
SUBQ #1,D3 ; for DBcc
MOVE cbPBufULen(A2),D4 ; D4=ext. FCB unit size
LEA fcbPBufData(A2),A2 ; A2=ext. fcb array
jsr Gt1stFCB ; A1=FCB, D1=1st RefNum
; First close all the open files belong to this process:
; A1=FCBptr, A2=Ext. FCBptr, D1.W=RefNum, D2=id2, D3.W=loop index,
; D4.W=ext FCBlen, D5.W=original FCBlen, D6=id1 (not D1!)
@cleanLoop MOVE.L xFCBPid2(A2),D0 ; do the 2nd one first
CMP.L D0,D2 ; FCB belongs to this process?
BNE.S @3 ; no->
MOVE.L xFCBPid1(A2),D0
CMP.L D0,D6 ; FCB belongs to this process?
BNE.S @3 ; no->
;; close the file only if it is open and not a system file.
MOVE.L fcbFlNm(A1,D1),D0 ; file open?
BEQ.S @2 ; not open -> invalidate PIDs
CMP.L #FSUsrCNID,D0 ; Is it a system control file?
BLO.S @2 ; yes, don't touch it
;; this open path belongs to this proc, let's close it
BSR clearPB ; clear iopb in A0
MOVE D1,ioRefNum(A0) ; close this access path
MOVEM.L A1/D1/D2,-(SP) ; these registers are trashed
_Close ,Async ; close the file ASYNCly (to avoid deadlock)
;; but we will wait synchronously until it's done .....
@wait TST ioResult(A0)
BGT.S @wait
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A1/D1/D2
BNE.S @3 ; if error don't clear IDs
@2 CLR.L xFCBPid1(A2) ; clear procID 1
CLR.L xFCBPid2(A2) ; clear procID 2
@3 ADDA D4,A2 ; go to next ext.FCB
ADD.W D5,D1 ; go to next FCB RefNum
DBF D3,@cleanLoop ; process them all É
;; Then close all the working direstories: D2.L/D6.L=procID, others are free
MOVEA.L FSVarsPtr,A1 ; FSVars
MOVE cbPBufCount(A2),D3 ; D3=number of WDCBs
SUBQ #1,D3 ; for DBcc
MOVE cbPBufULen(A2),D4 ; D4=ext. WDCB unit size
LEA wdcbPBufData(A2),A2 ; A2=1st ext. WDCB array
MOVE #WDCBLen,D5 ; D5 = old WDCB len
jsr Gt1stWDCB ; A1=WDCB array, D1=WDRefNum
;; A1=WDCBptr, A2=Ext WDCB, D1.W=WD RefNum, D2=id2, D3.W=loop index,
;; D4.W=ext wdcblen, D5.W= orginal WDCBlen, D6=id1
@WDLoop MOVE.L xWDCBPid2(A2),D0
CMP.L D0,D2 ; same process?
BNE.S @6 ; no->
CMP.L D0,D6 ; WDCB belongs to this process?
BNE.S @6 ; no->
TST.L WDVCBPtr(A1,D1) ; WD open?
BEQ.S @5 ; no-> already closed
BSR.S clearPB ; clear iopb
MOVEM.L A1/D1/D2,-(SP) ; these registers are trashed
ADD.W #WDRfnMin,D1 ; Offset the index to make a WDRefNum (-32767)
MOVE D1,ioVRefNum(A0) ; close this WD
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A1/D1/D2
BNE.S @6 ; if error don't clear IDs
@5 CLR.L xWDCBPid1(A2) ; clear procID 1
CLR.L xWDCBPid2(A2) ; clear procID 2
@6 ADDA D4,A2 ; go to next ext.WDCB
ADD.W D5,D1 ; go to next WDCB RefNum
DBF D3,@WDLoop ; process them all É
BSR.S clearPB ; all done, return a clear PB
MOVEM.L (SP)+,FSCleanupRegs
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; happy ending
; clear iopb in A0 up to ioRefnum. (28 bytes), A3 is free
clearPB MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; A3=A0=iopb
MOVEQ #(fscPBLen/4)-1,D0 ; iopb len in long -1
@2 CLR.L (A3)+
DBRA D0,@2 ; clear 28 bytes
; __________________________________________________________________________________
; InstallVectors
; Function:
; Attach ourselves to the appropriate vectors.
; For fsQueueHook, ExtFSHook and jFileOpen we selfishly insist that
; we're the first piece of code hooked in so that we can assume
; that we're the last one called.
; __________________________________________________________________________________
; slam onto fsQueueHook, ExtFSHook and jFileOpen
Import fsQueueHookPatch,ExtFSHookPatch
Lea fsQueueHookPatch, a0 ; our patch address
move.l a0, fsQueueHook ; be the first ones
Lea ExtFSHookPatch, a0 ; our patch address <38>
move.l a0, ExtFSHook ; be the first ones <38>
; install some vectors:
move.l ExpandMem, a1
lea vSyncWait, a0 ; get addr of syncwait (in this fsQueueHook patch)
move.l a0, ExpandMemRec.jSyncWait(a1)
lea vAfterFSQHook, a0 ; get addr just past call to fsQueueHook (in fsQueueHook patch)
move.l a0, ExpandMemRec.jAfterFSQHook(a1)
lea CmdDone, a0 ; get addr of CmdDone
move.l a0, ExpandMemRec.jCmdDone(a1)
lea fsGeneralWakeUp, a0 ; get addr of general purpose File System kickstart
move.l a0, ExpandMemRec.jDispatchNext(a1)
lea fsSCSIFreeHookProc, a0 ; get addr of File System SCSI Busy deferral completion
move.l a0, ExpandMemRec.jSCSIFreeHook(a1)
; Initialize FCB expansion patch, WDCB expansions patch, and vectors
; Roll into SuperMario <SM1> fm
; allocate the FCB parallel array
movea.L FCBSPtr,a1 ; a1 = address of main FCB array
moveq #0,d0 ; clear d0 for long calc
move.w (a1),d0 ; bytes in FCB array and header
divu.w FSFCBLen,d0 ; divide by element size to get count of FCBs
andi.l #$FFFF,d0 ; clear d0 top word set by divu
move.w d0,d1 ; Save # of FCBs in d1
lsl #L2ExtFCBLen,d0 ; d0 = total size of the parallel array
addq #fcbPBufData,d0 ; include info words
_NewPtr sys, clear ; Allocate buffer for FCBs
bne.s GrowErrExit ; Any errors are fatal
; initialize parallel FCB array header and install the array in FSVars
move.w d1,cbPBufCount(a0) ; first word = count
move.w #ExtFCBLen,cbPBufULen(a0) ; second word = unit size
movea.L FSVarsPtr,a1 ; save array address in FSVars
move.l a0,FSVars.FCBPBuf(a1) ; now we're ready to record file opens!
; allocate the WDCB parallel array
move.l WDCBSPtr,a1 ; a1 = address of main WDCB array
moveq #0,d0 ; clear d0 for long calc
move.w (a1),d0 ; length of WDCB array
divu.w #WDCBLen,d0 ; divide by element size to get count of WDCBs
andi.l #$FFFF,d0 ; clear d0 top word
move.w d0,d1 ; Save # of WDCBs in d1
lsl #L2ExtWDCBLen,d0 ; d0 = total size of the parallel array
addq #wdcbPBufData,d0 ; include info words
_NewPtr sys, clear ; Allocate buffer for FCBs
bne.s GrowErrExit ; Any errors are fatal
; initialize parallel WDCB array header and install the array in FSVars
move.w d1,cbPBufCount(a0) ; first word = count
move.w #ExtWDCBLen,cbPBufULen(a0) ; second word = unit size
movea.L FSVarsPtr,a1 ; save array address in FSVars
move.l a0,FSVars.WDCBPBuf(a1) ; now we're ready to record _OpenWDs!
; initialize FCB expansion mechanism <38>
movea.l FSVarsPtr,a1
move.w #fsDesiredFCBBurst,FSVars.fsFCBBurst(a1)
move.w #fsDesiredFCBFree,FSVars.fsFCBGrow(a1)
clr.w FSVars.fsFCBCounter(a1) ; make us check on the next open
move.w #$7fff,d0 ; max signed int is all we can have for the FCB array
ext.l d0 ; divide takes a long input
divs fsFCBLen,d0 ; d0 = max # of FCBs
move.w d0,FSVars.fsFCBMax(a1)
MOVEQ #dsMemFullErr,D0 ; no mem
; Routine: GetVolParms
; Input: a0 - pointer to user's param block
; Output: d0 - result code
; Function: Return a version 2 GetVolParms param block
; Interesting problems with GetVolParms (which aren't important enough to cause
; us to make a change this close to 7.0 final. Obviously, if you're reading this
; after 7.0 final, please make these changes for the good of humanity. You should find
; these written up in the BRC).
; 2) The suba.w @VolParmsBufferSize,a6 instruction needs to be changed to a long subtract.
; What happens now is that zero is subtracted from a6, but the size of the saved registers
; happens to be bigger than the buffer, so there's enough room on the stack. Since the File
; Manager happens to save registers before dispatching, the fact that GetVolParms trashes
; the registers is unimportant. Thus, the three parallel changes are to get rid of the
; regster save/restore, change the suba.w to a suba.l, and add an adda.l at the bottom of
; the routine to deallocate the buffer.
; Roll in for SuperMario. Fix up the
@GetVolRegs reg d2/d3/a1-a4
; <SM1> FM bclr #asyncTrpBit, ioTrap(a0) ; force synchronous (wrong. See note, above)
jsr FSQueue ; Patiently wait our turn in line
; <SM1> FM movem.l @GetVolRegs, -(a6) ; save regs on FS stack
suba.l @VolParmsBufferSize, a6 ; <SM1> FM allocate a GetVolParms buffer on the stack
; Find the VCB in question:
jsr DtrmV3 ; find vol using ioNamePtr & ioVRefNum (D023/A234 trashed)
bne.s @GetVolParmsExit ; (DtrmV3 puts VCBPtr in A2)
tst.w vcbFSID(a2) ; Check: external file system? (¥¥ TFSVCBTst?)
beq.s @ForUs ; If zero, it's HFS.
; This call is for an External File System volume:
moveq #extFSErr, d0 ; Tell the world
bra.s @GetVolParmsExit ; and let them worry about it
; This call is for us. First, make a modifiable copy of the return buffer.
movea.l a0, a4 ; move user's pb to a safe register
move.l @VolParmsBufferSize, d0 ; d0 = size of GetVolParms' ioBuffer
movea.l a6, a1 ; onto our stack buffer
lea.l @HFSVolParmsBuffer, a0 ; copy the static values for HFS volumes
cmp.w #SigWord,vcbSigWord(a2) ; is this an MFS volume?
bne.s @notMFS ; no, skip the following
lea.l @MFSVolParmsBuffer, a0 ; copy the static values for MFS volumes
bsr CheckDesktopSupport ; returns zero clear if support, set if none
beq.s @NoDTSupport ; z set means no support
move.l vmAttrib(a6), d0 ; get the attributes word
bset.l #bHasDesktopMgr, d0 ; set the bit indicating support
move.l d0, vmAttrib(a6) ; put the modified word back in the buffer
; The buffer on the stack reflects the correct values for this volume.
; Copy back as much of it as the caller gave us room.
move.l ioReqCount(a4), d0 ; get user's buffer size
cmp.l @VolParmsBufferSize, d0 ; is it smaller than our buffer?
bls.s @NoClip ; then just return that amount
move.l @VolParmsBufferSize, d0 ; clip the return to just the size of our data
move.l d0, ioActCount(a4) ; tell'em how much we're copying
move.l a6, a0 ; copy from our stack buffer
move.l ioBuffer(a4), a1 ; copy into the user's pb buffer
adda.l @VolParmsBufferSize, a6 ; <SM1> FM deallocate a GetVolParms buffer on the stack
;<SM1> fm movem.l (a6)+, @GetVolRegs ; restore regs
jmp CmdDone ; Go home
; This buffer contains the appropriate values for local HFS volumes.
dc.w 2 ; this is a version 2 getvolparms
dc.l localvMAttribs ; static set of local attribute bits
dc.l 0 ; no local window handle
dc.l 0 ; no server address
dc.l localVolGrade ; standard volume grade
dc.w 0 ; local volumes don't support alt priv models
dc.l *-@HFSVolParmsBuffer
; This buffer contains the appropriate values for local MFS volumes.
dc.w 2 ; this is a version 2 getvolparms
dc.l 0 ; no optional calls supported for MFS volumes
dc.l 0 ; no local window handle
dc.l 0 ; no server address
dc.l localVolGrade ; standard volume grade
dc.w 0 ; local volumes don't support alt priv models
; .NoList
INCLUDE 'TFSCommon.a' ; Common subroutines w. TFSUtil
INCLUDE 'TFSVol.a' ; TFS volume level routines
INCLUDE 'MFSVol.a' ; MFS-specific volume level stuff
INCLUDE 'TFSDir1.a' ; include routines using filenames
INCLUDE 'TFSRfN1.a' ; include routines using refnums
* some lucky person gets to roll the following file into the rest of the sources
INCLUDE 'FileMgrHooks.a'