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2017-12-26 09:52:23 +08:00

3089 lines
86 KiB

; File: AEHashtable.a
; Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
; Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
; Copyright: © 1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: BigBang
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 6/12/92 RB This file had a few DC.L which do not work from ROM. The code
; was supposed to store offsets to routines used to allocate,
; deallocate and execute memory blocks. Also, there was an option
; to store user supplied routine pointers in this code itself
; which was not actually used. To make this code work from ROM it
; all came down to deleting a bunch of useless code, deleting
; macros and making the code that returns the default memory
; procedures return the standard ones. Someone is going to have
; to take a good look at the functionality they originally wanted
; out of this code. Anyway, the 50% of apps that were breaking on
; SuperMario will now run.
; <4> 1/11/91 Lai Fix new hash table size bug when number of entries is an exact
; power of 2, and bug in GetIndexedEntry
; <3> 12/18/90 Lai Chagne size of minimum hash table to avoid using excessive
; amount of memory
; <2> 12/14/90 gbm <Lai> Make ptr relative rather than absolute so they can be
; relocated
; <1> 12/13/90 Lai first checked in
; To Do:
; Change the interface to make NewHashTable return an OSErr.
; Adding extra entries to the end of a table, should add a minimum of 1.5% of
; table size to avoid growing very large tables by 6 entries each time.
;v Memprocs should be allowed to have Nil entries, and I will use my defaults
;v for them.
;v Add a GetMemProcs that just returns the defualt procs.
;v Build a conditional assembly that only optomises for AppleEvents.
;v Check all SendMsg references and make sure A2 is already offset by headersize!
;v With 4->4 hash, can we support key of 0? There must be some way to flag
;v an empty entry. Typically that is with a Tag of zero. It could
;v be a whole entry of zero for the 4->4. Does this help?
;x Are HashCalcIndex and HashFind always together? Can we just make them
;x a single hook, calling HashMult in the general cases?
;v I need a mult4x4 and a Divu4x4, that will work on 68K's. Find ??? entries.
; Could add a String Keyed Table which didn't copy the string keys.
;x Could make the Stored String Keys separate handles, so they can be tossed
;x when an entry is removed.
; Give an error when a value of zero is added to a 4 -> 4 table.
; On my proto fx, Handles are not always long-aligned! (just a performance issue)
; When a custom hash function is added to a 4->4 table, it can no longer do
; on-the-fly hashing. It should be converted into a non-on the fly
; with 4->4 (relying on the idea that there should be no entries yet).
; Also GetHashProc must return a pointer to the CheapOHash for 4->4.
; Change FindAnEntry to use BClr D0,D1 instead of #31 for collision.
; Make sure all hash functions return 31 bits not including a zero value.
; Make sure long values used throughout, 32 bit clean, unsigned values.
; Make sure ExpandTable clears the entries in the second half and extension.
; AddEntry should make sure the Key is not zero for 4->4.
; Define and use consistent terminology throughout.
; Set up consistant register usage.
; Add a Find presearch to optomise lookup on an existing entry.
; Cmp.L (A0),D3
; Beq.S @Found
; Add.L D5,A0
; Make sure we support zero values.
;v Add a CountPaths macro to count the number of paths through it, when debugging
; Write a (C?) test program to check all functionality, do performance
; Add a flag to the asm code to stub out all functionality when in stub mode,
; so the overhead of the timing code can be reported.
;For eric:
; Most functions will work well on highly random data. We wish to minimize
; worst-case behavior for any set of plausable data. So, design some
; nasty data sets, where the keys could cause terrible clumping. EG
; a set of 8 byte keys that all differ by just one bit, or two bits.
; For each hash function, use your knowledge of the hash implementation to
; try to devise a data set to produce terrible clumping for that function.
; How plausable are the keys? Is there a subset of the keys that
; is plausable? (As we know, this reveals the problems with XOR)
; Computing the inverse function is often difficult, or impossible.
; Theoretically, a perfect 4->4 hash would produce each bit pattern
; exactly once when fed the set of all possible imputs. (Could this be
; a useful test? Could we derive a better one from this idea?) An 8->4
; hash probably produces a single bit pattern FOR 2^32 DIFFERENT inputs!
; Try just feeding the hash function Keys with a single bit on, or a single
; zero bit. How do these values look on the output side?
; File HashedLookup - Simple Hashing functions.
; © Apple Computer, Inc. 1989 - 1990
; Written by Donn Denman
; The Key Manager provides fast lookup in a keyed array of values. It automatically
; manages a hash table which maps a key to a user value. The key can be
; of fixed size, or variable size up to 255 characters. The user value
; must be of a fixed size. The Key Manager allows key/value pairs to be
; added or removed from the table. If the table becomes full beyond a certain
; percentage it is automatically expanded.
; We have special cases for searching for Keys of 4, 8, and Pascal Strings.
; We also have special cases for Data Values of 4, 8, 12, and 4*N bytes.
; Special cases are implemented for the following Key/Value sizes:
; input output table
; KeySize ValueSize EntrySize Notes
; ------- --------- --------- -----
; 4 4 8 Key points to a non-zero longword.
; 8 4 16 Key is a pointer to two longwords.
; p 4 12 Key is a pascal string of any length.
; 4 8 16 Key is a long, with a double long returned.
; 8 8 24 Value and Key are pointers to two longwords.
; p 8 16 Key is a pascal string, value is two longs.
; 4 n n+8 Key is a pascal string, and Value is fixed of size n.
; 8 n n+12 Key is a pascal string, and Value is fixed of size n.
; p n n+8 Key is a pascal string, and Value is fixed of size n.
; HHand = Handle;
; HEntryPtr = Pointer; ???
; HashProc = ProcPtr;
; MemBlock = LONGINT;
; MemProcs = ^MemProcBlock;
; MemProcBlock = RECORD
; DerefProc: ProcPtr;
; NewProc: ProcPtr;
; GrowProc: ProcPtr;
; DisposeProc: ProcPtr;
; END;
; Function NewHashTable(NumEntries:LONGINT; KeySize, ValueSize:INTEGER;
; MemHooks:MemProcs; SysHeap:Boolean: VAR Table:HHand): OSErr;
; Function DisposeHashTable(VAR Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs): OSErr;
; Function AddKeyEntry(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr; Value:HEntryPtr): OSErr;
; Function ReplaceEntry(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr; Value:HEntryPtr):OSErr;
; Function RemoveKeyEntry(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr): OSErr;
; Function GetKeyValue(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr; Value:HEntryPtr): OSErr;
; Function CheckKey(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr): boolean;
; Function GetIndexedEntry(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Index:LONGINT; VAR Value:HEntryPtr): OSErr;
; Function IsHashConsistent(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs):Boolean;
; Function GetHashProc(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs):HashProc;
; Procedure SetHashProc(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; theHash:HashProc);
; Function GetGrowThreshhold(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs):INTEGER;
; Procedure SetGrowThreshhold(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Percent:INTEGER);
; Procedure GetTableMetrics(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; VAR info: HashInfo);
; Function GetDefaultMemProcs: MemProcs;
; Functions provided by the user:
; Function MyHashProc(Key:KeyPtr):LONGINT;
; Function NewMemory(NewSize:LONGINT; SysHeap:Boolean; VAR Result:MemBlock):OSErr;
; Function DisposeMemory(block:MemBlock):OSErr;
; Function SetMemorySize(block:MemBlock; NewSize:LONGINT):OSErr;
; Function DeRefMemory(block:MemBlock):Ptr;
; The hash table implementation is optomized primarily for fast lookup,
; and secondarily for quick table expansion.
; The actual hashing function used is determined by the hash table itself (proc ptr).
; You can get its value, and set it using GetHashProc and SetHashProc. However,
; don't change hash functions while there are values in the
; table or most of the values will be lost, or a crash could result.
; The default storage allocator uses Handles, but it can be replaced with your own procs.
; NewHashTable(NumEntries:LONGINT; KeySize, ValueSize:INTEGER;
; ------------ MemHooks:MemProcs; SysHeap:Boolean: VAR Table:HHand): OSErr;
; The NumEntries parameter allows preallocation of the specified
; number of hash table entries. However, any number greater than zero
; can be used, since AddKeyEntry will automatically grow the table
; when it is considered too full. The KeySize paramter indicates the
; number of bytes in the key. Acceptable values are 4, 8, 0 and -4.
; A KeySize of zero or -4 indicates that the key is a pascal string.
; If the KeySize is 0, then the keys will be copied into the hash table,
; but if -4 then the caller must keep the pascal strings persistent.
; Function DisposeHashTable(VAR Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs): OSErr;
; Disposes of the memory associated with the given handle (and handles it contains).
; Function AddKeyEntry(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr; Value:HEntryPtr): OSErr;
; The result is not too valueable at this time (since it is an offset into an
; unlocked handle. The Value parameter will be the value associated with
; the String on subsequent lookup in the table.
; Function RemoveKeyEntry(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr): OSErr;
; Removes the specified entry. Note that neither the hash table nor the associated strings
; list is ever shrunk by entry removal. The string is left in the list (without
; reuse) and the hash table entry is free to be reallocated.
; Function GetKeyValue(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr; Value:HEntryPtr): OSErr;
; The hash table implementation is optomized for fast lookup. This is the lookup routine. Given
; a pointer to the key, and a pointer to the value to fill, GetKeyValue does a lookup
; on the key and copies the value from the hash table to the caller.
; Function GetIndexedEntry(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Index:LONGINT; VAR Value:HEntryPtr): OSErr;
; Returns the value from the indexed location (so you can iterate through the hash table) in the
; value var. The result indicates if the entry is in use, or is beyond the end of
; the hash table: 0 - entry is empty, 1 - entry in use, -1 - beyond end of table.
; Function CheckKey(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr): Boolean;
; CheckKey - Find the hashed entry if it exists. Returns zero if the key doesn't exist.
; Function GetHashProc(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs):HashProc;
; Returns the hash function proc pointer in use by the specified hash table.
; Procedure SetHashProc(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; theHash:HashProc);
; Sets the hash function to a new proc pointer, supplied by the user.
; Use this to change a hash function's proc pointer (before adding entries).
; Function GetGrowThreshhold(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs):INTEGER;
; Gets the percentage at which the table is considered full, and is automatically
; grown when adding another entry.
; Procedure SetGrowThreshhold(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Percent:INTEGER);
; Sets the percentage at which the table is considered full, and is automatically
; grown when adding another entry.
; Function GetDefaultMemProcs: MemProcs;
; Returns the default memory procs.
; Internal Details
; ----------------
; Hash Table Entry
; hashed key complete key data here user's value
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
; | Tag | Key | Key2 | Value |
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
; User does a Find on a key e.g. 'aevtmult'
; SearchKey SearchKey1 | SearchKey2
; +---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
; | ------> | --------> | a e v t m u l t |
; +---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
; A Hashing function is called to mangle all of the SearchKey bits into a number
; SearchKey1 | SearchKey2
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+
; | a e v t | m u l t | >===> | Hash |
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+
; The top n bits of the hash are masked away, to create an integer of limited range
; which is used as a table index.
; Hash Hash
; +---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+
; |101101001010011| AND 000000011111111 >===> |000000001010011|
; +---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+
; HashTable |
; +---+---+---+---+ |
; | T K1 K2 V | |
; +---+---+---+---+ |
; | | |
; +---+---+---+---+ |
; | | |
; +---+---+---+---+ |
; | | |
; +---+---+---+---+ |
; | T V | <--------------------------------+
; +---+---+---+---+
; | |
; +---+---+---+---+
; The matching entry is quickly found by matching the full Hash with the
; Tag from the entry. If a Tag does not match, then the next entry
; is searched. If the Tag matches, the Keys will probably match
; the SearchKey identifying the found entry. A pointer to the Value
; is returned.
; String -> Long Hash Table Entry:
; hashed key string offset user's value
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
; | Tag | offset | Value |
; +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
; The keys are recorded in a separate block.
; offset is an index to the sting key for the entry.
Print Off
INCLUDE 'Traps.a'
PRINT on,NoMDir,noPage,NoHDR
DoDebug Equ 0 ; 0-none, 1-error breaks, 2-Head/tail, 3-all breaks.
NotLobotimised Equ 1 ; 1 - normal function, 0 - don't do any operation.
ForAppleEventsOnly Equ 1 ; 1 - if we should optimize for AppleEvents only.
For0x0 Equ 0 ; change for debugging, or if code will be
; for a 32 bit CPU only.
NoStoredHash Equ 8 ; table entries of this size or less dont include the hash.
CollBit Equ 31 ; bit idicates if this entry is a collision.
MinExtraEntries Equ 6 ; minumum number of extra entries.
MinInitalEntries Equ 3 ; initial minimum table size expressed as N for 2^N entries.
PercentFull Equ 80 ; defualt percent considered full.
NumKeySizes EQU 3
ModifiedJamesMethod EQU 0 ; use a Modified James hash?
DoBennetteHash EQU 0 ; use the Bennette hash for 4 bytes?
; Global Error Definitions
ErrAlreadyExists EQU -1722 ; fix this constant???
ErrNotFound EQU -1723 ; fix this constant
ErrEndOfTable EQU -1724 ; fix this constant!!!
IF For0x0 THEN
Machine MC68020
* MACRO HEAD, TAIL routine headers
; Head and Tail macros for the beginning and end of subroutines.
; generates a label for the debugger IFF DoDebug > 1.
; generates a link and unlink if DoDebug or LinkSiz specified.
&Lab HEAD &Regs,&LinkSiz ; with label parameter
&Lab ; generate the label
GBLA &HaveLink
&HaveLink SetA 1
IF DoDebug>1 AND &LinkSiz <> 'NoLink' THEN
Link A6,#&Default(&LinkSiz,'0')
GBLC &DebugLabel ; parameter to pass the label.
&DebugLabel SetC &Lab ; pass the label to the Tail Macro.
ElseIF &LinkSiz<>'' AND &LinkSiz <> 'NoLink' THEN
Link A6,#&LinkSiz
&HaveLink SetA 0
GBLC &RegList
&RegList SetC &Regs
IF &Regs<>'' THEN
MoveM.L &Regs,-(SP) ; generate register save.
TAIL &FirstParam
GBLA &HaveLink
GBLC &DebugLabel
GBLC &RegList
IF &RegList<>'' THEN
MoveM.L (SP)+,&RegList ; generate register restore.
IF &HaveLink Then
Unlk A6
LclA &p
IF &FirstParam<>'' THEN
&p SetA &Eval(&FirstParam)-ReturnAddr
Move.L (SP)+,A0
IF &p > 8 AND &p < 100 THEN
Lea &p(SP),SP
AddQ #&p,SP
; no parameters to pop.
AError 'Error with Tail Paramter'
Jmp (A0)
IF DoDebug > 1 Then
LclA &i
LclA &c
LclA &L
&L SetA &Len(&DebugLabel)
&i SetA 1
DC.B 128
DC.B 128+&L
While &i < &Len(&DebugLabel)+1 Do
&c SetA &Ord(&SubStr(&DebugLabel,&i,1))
DC.B &c
&i SetA &i+1
Align 2
PRINT on,NoMDir,noPage,NoHDR
; Break to debugger macro
IF DoDebug > 2 THEN
dc.w $abff
BaseAddress EQU * ; base address used for offsets into this code.
Export NewHashTable, DisposeHashTable
Export AddKeyEntry, RemoveKeyEntry, GetKeyValue
Export ReplaceEntry, GetIndexedEntry
IF NOT ForAppleEventsOnly THEN
Export CheckKey
Export GetGrowThreshhold, SetGrowThreshhold
Export SetHashProc, GetHashProc
Export GetDefaultMemProcs, GetTableMetrics
Export IsHashConsistent
; Global Sets!
EntrySize Set 0 ; set the current entry size for macros.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; if the entries are so small the Tag is the key, not the hash value.
; HashTabRecord - the format of a hash table.
; Warning!!! Don't change this structure without fixing NewHashTable
; since it is dependent on the number of entries and their order!
HashTabRecord Record 0
HashMask DS.L 1 ; Long mask to select the offset bits.
HashTableSize DS.L 1 ; physical size of the table.
HashNumUsed DS.L 1 ; number of entries in use.
StringsHand DS.L 1 ; handle to string block, if needed.
HashEntrySize DS.L 1 ; size of an entry.
HashMultiply DS.L 1 ; Method offset for multiply by entry size.
HashFind DS.L 1 ; search method offset
HashExpand DS.L 1 ; expand method offset
HashCustom DS.L 1 ; custom hashing method offset or ptr.
HashNumExtra DS.L 1 ; number of extra entries at the end of the table.
HashMagnitude DS.W 1 ; number of bits in hash index.
HashFullPercent DS.W 1 ; grow the table when more than this percent is used.
HashPercentUsed DS.W 1 ; current percent used.
HValueOffset DS.W 1 ; offset to the value within an entry.
HashKeySize DS.W 1 ; size of a key
HashValueSize DS.W 1 ; size of a data value.
Align 4 ; long-align all the data.
HeaderSize EQU *
With HashTabRecord
; Register Usage
; D0 - Current Entry Tag curTag
; D1 - scratch
; D2 - scratch
; D3 - Target Tag / Table Magnitude targetTag / tableMagnitude
; D4 - Key / HalfTableSize Key / halfTableSize
; D5 - Table Entry Size EntrySize
; D6 - HashMask hashMask
; D7 - collision bit 31
; A0 - Current Table Entry Pointer curPos
; A1 - New Table Entry Pointer newPos
; A2 - Table Data Base Pointer tableBase
; A4 - StringTable/Key2 stringTable
; A5 - Unused
; A6 - Optional Frame Ptr
; A7 - SP
; SendHMsg &Message assumes A2 points to the hash table Header.
; --------
SendHMsg &Message ; Using the reversable formula:
Lea BaseAddress,A0 ; address = base - offset; offset = base - address;
Sub.L &Message(A2),A0 ; get the proc associated with the message.
Jsr (A0) ; call the hook.
; SendDMsg &Message assumes A2 points to the hash table data.
; --------
SendDMsg &Message
Lea BaseAddress,A0 ; address = base - offset; offset = base - address;
Sub.L &Message-HeaderSize(A2),A0 ; get the proc associated with the message.
Jsr (A0) ; call the hook.
; SendDMsgOfst &Message assumes A2 points to the hash table data.
; ------------
SendDMsgOfst &Message
Move.L &Message-HeaderSize(A2),D0 ; get the proc associated with the message.
Bsr CallMessage ; call that message.
; CallMessage - code saver to jump to the specified Memory hook.
; Entry: D0 - offset or ptr to the mem proc to call.
Move.L D0,A0 ; check if it is a ptr or an offset.
BClr #0,D0 ; ptrs have the low bit on.
Bne.S @Callit ; so call them directly.
Lea BaseAddress,A0 ; address = base - offset; offset = base - address;
Sub.L D0,A0 ; get the proc associated with the message.
Jmp (A0)
; MultQ &ESize,&R Multiply Dx by Arg (EntrySize)
; -----
MultQ &ESize,&R ; Mult Dx by Arg (EntrySize)
Lcla &m
IF &Type(&ESize) = 'INT' THEN
&m SetA &ESize
&m SetA &Eval(&ESize)
IF &M = 4 THEN
Asl.L #2,&R ; shift 2: *4
Asl.L #3,&R ; shift 3: *8
Asl.L #4,&R ; shift 4: *16
Add.L &R,&R ; shift 1: *2
Asl.L #2,&R ; shift 3: *8
Move.L &R,D1 ; trashing D1!
Add.L D1,D1
Add.L D1,&R ; 8*(2+1)=24
Asl.L #3,&R ; shift 3: *8
Move.L &R,D1 ; trashing D1!
Add.L D1,D1
Add.L D1,&R ; 8*(2+1)=24
Move.L &R,D1 ; trashing D1!
Add.L D1,D1
Add.L D1,&R
Add.L &R,&R ; times 2
Move.L &R,D1 ; trashing D1!
Add.L D1,D1
Add.L D1,&R
Move.L &R,D1 ; trashing D1!
Asl.L #3,D1 ; times 8
Add.L D1,&R ; times (1+8+8+8)
Add.L D1,&R
Add.L D1,&R
Mulu D5,&R ; Warning! Assumes that D5 has the EntrySize!
; MultEntrySize Multiply D0 by EntrySize
; -------------
IF EntrySize = -1 THEN
Move.L A0,-(SP)
SendDMsg HashMultiply ; do which ever multiply is hooked in now.
Move.L (SP)+,A0
MultQ EntrySize,D0 ; multiply by the entry size.
; FourByteHash Computes a Hash In Line, for four byte keys.
; ------------
IF DoBennetteHash THEN
Move.L (A0),D0
Move.L D0,D1
Ror.L #5,D0
Eor.L D1,D0
Ror.L #5,D0
Eor.L D1,D0
Ror.L #5,D0
Eor.L D1,D0
Move.L (A0),D0
Ror.L #5,D0
Add.L (A0),D0
Ror.L #5,D0
Add.L (A0),D0
Ror.L #5,D0
Add.L (A0),D0
Mulu #$B33D,D0
BSET #CollBit-1,D0
; CheapOHash Computes a Hash In Line, for small table size.
; ----------
IF NoSeparateHash THEN
AERROR 'CheapOHash called when NoSeparateHash false!'
; InLineHash Computes the Hash from (A0) into D0 In Line.
; ---------- KeySize and NoSeparateHash must be set up.
IF KeySize = 0 THEN
Move.B (A0),D1 ; get the length
MoveQ #100,D0 ; start with some initial value.
Add.B D1,D0
Rol.L #3,D0 ; try to smear the bits a little.
Add.B (A0)+,D0
DBRA D1,@AddLoop
Mulu #$B33C,D0 ; slow, but gives us better bit smearing.
BSET #CollBit-1,D0
IF ModifiedJamesMethod THEN
Move.L (A0),D0
Add.B (A0)+,D0
Roxl.L #4,D0
Add.B (A0)+,D0
Roxl.L #4,D0
Add.B (A0)+,D0
Roxl.L #4,D0
Add.B (A0)+,D0
Roxl.L #4,D0
Add.B (A0)+,D0
Roxl.L #4,D0
Add.B (A0)+,D0
Roxl.L #4,D0
Add.B (A0)+,D0
Roxl.L #4,D0
Add.B (A0)+,D0
BSET #CollBit-1,D0
Move.L (A0),D0
Rol.L #5,D0
Add.L (A0),D0
Rol.L #5,D0
Add.L (A0),D0
Rol.L #5,D0
Add.L (A0)+,D0
Add.L (A0),D0
Ror.L #5,D0
Add.L (A0),D0
Ror.L #5,D0
Add.L (A0),D0
Ror.L #5,D0
Add.L (A0),D0
Mulu #$B33D,D0
BSET #CollBit-1,D0
ELSEIF KeySize = -1 THEN
Bsr SetUpHashCustom ; make sure the HashCustom field is set up.
SubQ #4,SP ; for result
Move.L A0,-(SP) ; call a custom hash computation.
SendDMsgOfst HashCustom ; with KeyPtr parameter on TOS.
Move.L (SP)+,D0 ; return the hashed value.
AERROR 'KeySize is invalid in InLineHash'
ClearCollided D0
; GetTagInD3 get the tag (usually the hash) into D3.
; ----------
IF NoSeparateHash THEN
Move.L (A0),D3 ; the tag to find is the key.
Move.L D0,D3 ; remember the full hash code.
; SetUpKey Set up the Key data in reg's D4,A4, based on KeySize.
; --------
IF KeySize = 0 THEN
; already got the string pointer.
ELSEIF KeySize = -1 THEN
; the dynamic case - use the keysize in the table.
; tricky code calls it's own macro to expand the various cases.
OldKeySize Set KeySize ; preserve the current keysize setting.
Move.W HashKeySize-HeaderSize(A2),D0 ; get the current hash key size.
SubQ #4,D0
BLT.S SetUpKeyString
BGT.S SetUpKeyDouble
KeySize Set 4
Bra.S SetUpKeyContinue
KeySize Set 8
;;; Bra.S SetUpKeyContinue ;;; cuz SetUpKey for 0 expands to nothing.
KeySize Set 0
KeySize Set OldKeySize
ELSEIF KeySize >= 4 THEN
Move.L (A0),D4 ; fetch the long key.
AERROR 'KeySize is invalid in SetUpKey'
IF KeySize = 8 THEN
Move.L 4(A0),A4 ; fetch the second long.
; ClearCollided &D Clear the collided bit for a Tag.
; -------------
ClearCollided &D
IF NOT NoSeparateHash THEN
BClr D7,&D ; set the collided flag on the target.
; The collided flag is implicit in the tags value.
; SetCollided &D Set the collided bit for a Tag.
; -----------
SetCollided &D
IF NOT NoSeparateHash THEN
BSet D7,&D ; set the collided flag on the target.
; The collided flag is implicit in the tags value.
; ComputeOldLocation computes the correct location for an entry.
; ------------------
MACRO ; depends on EntrySize
And.L D4,D0 ; mask with old hash mask.
MultQ EntrySize,D0 ; compute new offset
Lea 0(A2,D0.L),A1 ; point to new location
; ComputeNewLocation compute the location for an entry.
; ------------------
MACRO ; depends on EntrySize
And.L D6,D0 ; mask with new table size
MultEntrySize ; compute new offset
Lea 0(A2,D0.L),A1 ; point to new location
; BCollided &Label Branch if Collided
; ---------
MACRO ; branch if a collided entry
BCollided &Label
IF NoSeparateHash THEN
CheapOHash ; if the hash is not cached, then hash
Move.L D0,D1 ; remember the computed hash.
Move.L (A0),D0 ; restore tag
Cmp.L A0,A1 ; curOffset > newOffset means collided
; CCR shows collided in Neg Flag from the Move instruction.
BMI.S &Label
; TestNextBit test the new high bit used in hash.
; ---------
IF NoSeparateHash THEN
BTst D3,D1 ; test the new high bit used in hash.
BTst D3,D0 ; test the new high bit used in hash.
; SearchEmptySpot Find an empty table entry.
; ---------------
MACRO ; EntrySize in D5, ptr before entry in A1.
Move.L A6,D0 ; restore tag
ClearCollided D0 ; hope new spot won't be in use
Tst.L (A1) ; test if empty
Beq.S @FoundSpot
Add.L D5,A1 ; next entry
Tst.L (A1) ; tag indicate in use?
Bne.S @NextSpot ; loop till empty
SetCollided D0 ; flag collided entry
; BKeyWrong Check if this entry is the target.
; -----------
BKeyWrong &MissedLabel
IF NoSeparateHash THEN
; already found matching entry
Cmp.L 4(A0),D4
Bne.S &MissedLabel
IF KeySize = 8 THEN
Cmp.L 8(A0),A4
Bne.S &MissedLabel
ELSEIF KeySize = -1 THEN
; handle general case of any key size.
; tricky code calls it's own macro to expand the various cases.
OldKeySize Set KeySize ; preserve the current keysize setting.
Move.W HashKeySize-HeaderSize(A2),D1 ; get the current key size.
SubQ #4,D1
BLT.S BKeyWrongStringCompare
BGT.S BKeyWrongDoubleCompare
KeySize Set 4
BKeyWrong &MissedLabel
Bra.S BKeyWrongContinue
KeySize Set 0
BKeyWrong &MissedLabel
Bra.S BKeyWrongContinue
KeySize Set 8
BKeyWrong &MissedLabel
KeySize Set OldKeySize
Move.L (A4),A1
Add.L 4(A0),A1 ; get the string pointer.
MoveQ #0,D1
Move.B (A1),D1 ; get the length byte
Move.L A0,-(SP)
Move.L D4,A0 ; point to the parameter string
Cmp.B (A1)+,(A0)+ ; does it match?
DBNE D1,@CmpLoop
Move.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore entry ptr
; continue with flags still set from Cmp
Bne.S &MissedLabel
; PreScanEntries @Lab,&NumLoops Generate a Pre-Scan for the matching entry.
; --------------
PreScanEntries &Lab,&NumLoops
LclA &Loop
LclC &D
&D SetC &Default(&NumLoops,'MinExtraEntries')
&Loop SetA &Eval(&D)
WHILE &Loop > 0 DO
Add.L D5,A0 ; point to next entry.
Cmp.L (A0),D3 ; check it too.
Beq.S &Lab
&Loop SETA &Loop-1
; Find Entry
; This chunk of code is a macro, because we want to lay down the
; four different optomised cases based on the KeySize:
; PString, Long, Double, and the NoSeparateHash case.
; Entry: A1 - Pointer to the Key.
; Exit: D0 - 0 iff found.
; A0 - pointer to the found entry, or first available spot.
; FindAnEntry Search for the matching entry.
; ----------- depends on NoSeparateHash, MinExtraEntries, KeySize, EntrySize
Move.L D4,A0 ; pointer to the key data.
SetUpKey ; set up the key data in my regs.
; compute the hash value for the key.
InLineHash ; takes Key in A0, returns hash in D0.
GetTagInD3 ; get the tag (usually the hash) into D3.
And.L D6,D0 ; mask down to the index bits.
MultEntrySize ; multiply by the entry size.
Move.L A2,A0 ; table base pointer.
Add.L D0,A0
; The entry almost certainly exists, so we prescan attempting to locate it.
; returns D0 - 0 iff found, or Error.
Move.L A0,A1 ; remember start point
Cmp.L (A0),D3 ; check if this tag matches.
Beq.S @MayHaveFound ; then it is likely to be the target.
SetCollided D3 ; now prepare to match a collided entry.
PreScanEntries @MayHaveFound
; The prescan failed. We may not have gone far enough, or it might not exist.
Move.L A1,A0 ; start over again, using the general case.
ClearCollided D3
Move.L (A0),D1 ; get the tag.
Beq.S @NotFound ; no tag - empty cell.
Cmp.L D1,D3 ; do the tags match?
Beq.S @MayHaveFound ; no, maybe the next will
SetCollided D3
Add.L D5,A0 ; point to next entry.
Move.L (A0),D1 ; get the tag.
Beq.S @NotFound ; no tag - empty cell.
Cmp.L D1,D3 ; do the tags match?
Bne.S @NextOne ; no, maybe the next will
BKeyWrong @SecondOne ; check if this is the right entry.
MoveQ #0,D0 ; return EQ
MoveQ #-1,D0
Bra.S @Exit
; CopyAndClearEntry copies a hash table entry from the source to the dest.
; Depends on EntrySize.
; Entry: D0 - Tag, perhaps including collision bit.
; Exit: D0 - trashed sometimes.
; D1 - trashed.
; CopyAndClearEntry &Src,&Dest copies a hash table entry
; -----------------
CopyAndClearEntry &Src,&Dest
LclA &Count4
Move.L &Src,D1 ; preserve the source ptr!
Move.L D0,(&Dest)+ ; copy the tag
Clr.L (&Src)+ ; clear the source entry
IF EntrySize = 8 THEN ; custom entry size
Move.L (&Src)+,(&Dest)+ ; bytes 4-7
ELSEIF EntrySize < 4 THEN ; custom entry size
Move.L D5,D0 ; get the entry
Lsr.W #2,D0 ; divide by 4
SubQ #1+1,D0 ; one entry already done.
Move.L (&Src)+,(&Dest)+
DBRA D0,@MoveLoop
ELSEIF EntrySize > 8 THEN
&Count4 SETA (EntrySize-8)/4
WHILE &Count4 > 0 DO
Move.L (&Src)+,(&Dest)+
&Count4 SETA &Count4-1
Move.L D1,&Src ; preserve the source ptr!
; Table Expansion
; ---------------
;Expand Algorithem
; IF not empty entry THEN
; newPos = curPos
; IF collided entry THEN
; newPos = FindEntry
; Else IF NextBit THEN
; newPos += TableSize
; End IF
; IF newPos != curPos THEN
; copy entry from curPos to newPos
; clearEntry(curPos)
; EndIF
; EndIf
;Expand Algorithem - as implemented
; Note that the compute newPos is a special findentry in the full
; table that treats the current entry as if it is available.
; IF not empty entry THEN
; IF not collided entry THEN
; IF NextBit THEN
; newPos += TableSize
; MoveRecord
; EndIf
; Else
; compute newPos
; IF newPos != curPos THEN
; MoveRecord
; End IF
; End IF
; EndIf
; ExpandEntry - called by sending the HashExpand message.
; -----------
;Expand Entry Depends on EntrySize, NoSeparateHash
; Entry: D2 - Half table size.
; D3 - old table magnitude.
; D4 - Old hash Mask.
; D5 - Entry size.
; D6 - Hash Mask.
; D7 - Collision bit
; A0 - first entry of the table.
; A1 - scratch: new table entry ptr.
; A2 - hash table data pointer
; A4 - Half table size.
; A6 - scratch: saves Tag.
Move.L A2,A0 ; point to the first entry.
Move.L (A0),D0 ; pick up current Tag.
Beq.S @NextRecord ; unused entry?
; check if it is a collided entry.
BCollided @Collided ; branch if the entry is a collided one
; copy entries that have their new high bit ON
TestNextBit ; test the new high bit used in hash.
Beq.S @NextRecord ; skip if bit OFF - it stays in this spot.
Move.L A0,A1 ; bump dest pointer by tableSize
Add.L A4,A1
; non-collided entries get copied to second half of table, or are correct.
; This record should be copied into the new table.
@MoveRecord ; D0 - new collided info at this point.
CopyAndClearEntry A0,A1
Bra.S @NextRecord ; go to the next entry.
; find the correct new position for a collided entry.
IF NoSeparateHash THEN
Move.L (A0),A6 ; remember the Tag.
Move.L D1,D0 ; on-the-fly hash (for SearchEmptySpot)
Move.L D0,A6 ; remember the Tag.
Clr.L (A0)
SearchEmptySpot ; find next empty entry
Move.L A6,(A0) ; restore current entry
Cmp.L A0,A1 ; did it map to the same entry?
Bne.S @MoveRecord ; no,
; yes, just leave it alone
; move past dest record, till done with this half.
Add.L D5,A0 ; point to next dest record.
SubQ.L #1,D2
BPL.S @CopyLoop
Rts ; done!
; CountPath - counts the number of times the macro was executed.
; --------- only runs in debug mode
CountPath &Label
Move.L A0,-(SP) ; save
Lea @theCount,A0
AddQ.L #1,(A0) ; bump in-line counter
Move.L (SP),A0 ; restore
Bra @SkipData
@theCount DC.L 1
; Deref &Src,&Dest Dereference Source to Dest.
; -----
Deref &Src,&Dest
SubQ #4,SP
Move.L &Src,-(SP)
bsr DeRefMemory
Move.L (SP)+,&Dest
; GrowMem &Src,&Size Grow a block to the spec'ed size.
; ------- error result in D0.
GrowMem &Src,&Size
SubQ #2,SP ; for result
Move.L &Src,-(SP)
Move.L &Size,-(SP)
bsr SetMemorySize
Move.W (SP)+,D0
; KillMem &Src Dispose of a block of memory
; ------- error result in D0.
KillMem &Src
SubQ #2,SP ; for result
Move.L &Src,-(SP)
bsr DisposeMemory
Move.W (SP)+,D0
; NewMem &Size Create a block of memory
; ------- error result in D0.
NewMem &Size,&SysHeap
SubQ #4,SP ; for VAR
Move.L SP,A0
SubQ #2,SP ; for result
Move.L &Size,-(SP)
Move.W &SysHeap,-(SP) ; pass the sysHeap boolean
Move.L A0,-(SP) ; point to Var
bsr NewMemory
Move.W (SP)+,D0
Move.L (SP)+,A0 ; return the block in A0.
; MyBlockMove same interface as blockmove, but no trap.
; -----------
SubQ #1,D0 ; Warning: this will not work for zero length!
Move.B (A0)+,(A1)+
DBRA D0,@MoveLoop
; MyBlock4Move same interface as blockmove, but no trap.
; ------------ moves longs at a time.
SubQ #1,D0 ; Warning: this will not work for zero length!
Lsr.W #2,D0 ; divided by four.
Move.L (A0)+,(A1)+
DBRA D0,@MoveLoop
;HashMultiply Methods.
EntrySize Set 8 ; generate shift MultQ
MultQ 8,D0 ; multiply quickly by 8.
MultQ 12,D0 ; multiply quickly by 12.
MultQ 16,D0 ; multiply quickly by 16.
MultQ 24,D0 ; multiply quickly by 24.
; Multiply a Long value in D0 by D5.
MultByN ; multiply slowly by EntrySize.
Move.L D0,-(SP)
Mulu D5,D0 ; mult the low order word.
Tst.W (SP)
Beq.S @GotResult
Move.L D0,-(SP)
Move.W 4(SP),D0 ; get the high word.
Mulu D5,D0 ; mult the high order word.
Swap D0
Tst.W D0 ; non zero only if overflowed.
Beq.S @SkipError
Break 'Multiply overflowed!'
Clr.W D0
Add.L (SP)+,D0 ; get the final result.
AddQ #4,SP
IF NOT ForAppleEventsOnly THEN
; HashFind Methods
KeySize Set 4 ; has a key 4 bytes long.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; we do have a separate hash for most tables.
EntrySize Set -1 ; invalid size will generate general multiply
FindAnEntry ; expand a find loop, key size 4, with separate hash.
KeySize Set 4 ; has a key 4 bytes long.
NoSeparateHash Set 1 ; no stored hash for a Long --> Long table.
EntrySize Set 8 ; generate shift MultQ
FindAnEntry ; expand a find loop, key size 4, no separate hash.
KeySize Set 0 ; has a pascal string key.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; we have a separate hash.
EntrySize Set -1 ; invalid size will generate general multiply
FindAnEntry ; expand a find loop, pascal key, no separate hash.
KeySize Set 8 ; has a key 8 bytes long.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; we have a separate hash.
EntrySize Set -1 ; invalid size will generate general multiply
FindAnEntry ; expand a find loop, key size 8, no separate hash.
KeySize Set 8 ; has a key 8 bytes long.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; we have a separate hash.
EntrySize Set 24 ; special case for AppleEvents.
FindAnEntry ; expand a find loop, key size 8, entry size 24.
EntrySize Set -1 ; invalid size will generate general multiply
KeySize Set -1 ; set to special value for dynamic key-size test.
FindAnEntry ; general find loop, which calls an external hash.
; dependent on EntrySize, NoSeparateHash
; 8 byte entry expand.
EntrySize Set 8 ; entry is 8 bytes long.
NoSeparateHash Set 1 ; no stored hash - dynamically computed.
; 12 byte entryExpand
EntrySize Set 12 ; entry is 12 bytes long.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; has a stored hash.
; 16 byte entry Expand.
EntrySize Set 16 ; entry is 16 bytes long.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; has a stored hash.
; 24 byte expand
EntrySize Set 24 ; entry is 16 bytes long.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; has a stored hash.
; General Expand
EntrySize Set -1 ; invalid size will generate general multiply
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; has a stored hash.
ELSE ; NOT ForAppleEventsOnly
; HashFind Methods
KeySize Set 8 ; has a key 8 bytes long.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; we have a separate hash.
EntrySize Set 24 ; special case for AppleEvents.
FindAnEntry ; expand a find loop, key size 8, no separate hash.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; we have a separate hash.
EntrySize Set -1 ; invalid size will generate general multiply
KeySize Set -1 ; set to special value for dynamic key-size test.
FindAnEntry ; general find loop, which calls an external hash.
; dependent on EntrySize, NoSeparateHash
; 24 byte expand
EntrySize Set 24 ; entry is 16 bytes long.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; has a stored hash.
; General Expand
EntrySize Set -1 ; invalid size will generate general multiply
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; has a stored hash.
ENDIF ; NOT ForAppleEventsOnly
EntrySize Set -1 ; general multiply for the rest.
KeySize Set 4 ; four byte hash.
Hash4Byte ; long key
Move.L (SP)+,A1 ; return addr
Move.L (SP)+,A0 ; data pointer
Move.L D0,(SP) ; return result
Jmp (A1) ; rts
KeySize Set 0 ; 0 means pstring hash.
HashPString ; pascal string key.
Move.L (SP)+,A1 ; return addr
Move.L (SP)+,A0 ; data pointer
Move.L D0,(SP) ; return result
Jmp (A1) ; rts
KeySize Set 8 ; eight byte hash.
HashDouble ; double key.
Move.L (SP)+,A1 ; return addr
Move.L (SP)+,A0 ; data pointer
Move.L D0,(SP) ; return result
Jmp (A1) ; rts
KeySize Set -1 ; reset to avoid accidental use.
; Default Memory Access routines.
; Function NewMemory(NewSize:LONGINT; SysHeap:Boolean; VAR Result:MemBlock):OSErr;
; Function DisposeMemory(block:MemBlock):OSErr;
; Function SetMemorySize(block:MemBlock; NewSize:LONGINT):OSErr;
; Function DeRefMemory(block:MemBlock):Ptr;
; Function NewMemory(NewSize:LONGINT; SysHeap:Boolean; VAR Result:MemBlock):OSErr;
NMFrame Record {ReturnAddr},Decr
theError DS.W 1
theSize DS.L 1
FirstParam EQU *
SysHeap DS.W 1
theVar DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With NMFrame
; called by the NewMessage
NewMemory Head ,NoLink
Move.L theSize(SP),D0 ; size.
Tst.B SysHeap(SP)
Beq.S @NormalNew
_NewHandle ,Sys
Bra.S @StuffError
Move.W D0,theError(SP)
Move.L theVar(SP),A1
Move.L A0,(A1)
Tail FirstParam
; Function DisposeMemory(block:MemBlock):OSErr;
DMFrame Record {ReturnAddr},Decr
theError DS.W 1
theBlock DS.L 1
FirstParam EQU *
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With DMFrame
DisposeMemory Head ,NoLink
Move.L theBlock(SP),A0 ; block.
Move.W D0,theError(SP)
Tail FirstParam
; Function SetMemorySize(block:MemBlock; NewSize:LONGINT):OSErr;
SMSFrame Record {ReturnAddr},Decr
theError DS.W 1
theBlock DS.L 1
FirstParam EQU *
theSize DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With SMSFrame
SetMemorySize Head ,NoLink
Move.L theBlock(SP),A0 ; block.
Move.L theSize(SP),D0 ; the new size
Move.W D0,theError(SP)
Tail FirstParam
; Function DeRefMemory(block:MemBlock):Ptr;
DRFrame Record {ReturnAddr},Decr
thePtr DS.L 1
theBlock DS.L 1
FirstParam EQU *
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With DRFrame
DeRefMemory Head ,NoLink
Move.L theBlock(SP),A0 ; block.
Move.L (A0),thePtr(SP)
Tail FirstParam
; SetUpMemProcs - Install the default memory procs, if not already done
; This macro has been killed.
; SetUpMemProcs ;;; Move.L MemProcs(SP),D0 ; should be done already.
; _______________
; <SM2> rb, space for variables moved to global record so this code works from ROM.
; SetUpHashCustom - set up the HashCustom field of the table, if it's nil.
; Entry: A2 - pointer to the data of the hash table.
Tst.L HashCustom-HeaderSize(A2)
Bne.S @Exit
MoveQ #-1,D0 ; clear the high word.
Move.W HashKeySize-HeaderSize(A2),D0 ; case on the key size.
SubQ #4,D0 ; pascal, 4 or 8 byte key?
BLo.S @PStringHash
BHi.S @DoubleHash
Move.W #BaseAddress-Hash4Byte,D0 ; long key
Bra.S @SetHash
Move.W #BaseAddress-HashPString,D0 ; pascal string key.
Bra.S @SetHash
Move.W #BaseAddress-HashDouble,D0 ; double key.
Move.L D0,HashCustom-HeaderSize(A2) ; set the hash proc.
IF NOT ForAppleEventsOnly THEN
; String List Management Routines.
; String List entry format:
ListRecord Record 0
LTotalSize DS.L 1
LFreeOffset DS.L 1 ; offset to free data.
LGrowAmount DS.L 1
ListData DS.L 0
With ListRecord
; NewList - Create a new list object.
; Entry: D0 - SysHeap boolean
; D1 - initial size of the block.
; Exit: D0 - result code.
; D1 - Handle to the object.
MoveM.L D6/D7/A4,-(SP)
Move.L D1,A4
Move.W D0,D7
MoveQ #0,D6 ; clear result
; make the amount to grow each time the initial size (or 100).
MoveQ #100,D2 ; minimum grow size.
Cmp.L D2,A4
Move.L D2,A4
MoveQ #ListData,D0 ; size must include dispatch, offset to free, total size
Add.L D0,A4 ; add to initial size.
NewMem A4,D7
Bne.S @Error
Move.L A0,D6 ; remember the block handle.
Deref A0,A0 ; dereference A0 into A0.
MoveQ #ListData,D0
Move.L A4,(A0)+ ; remember the total size. field LTotalSize
Move.L D0,(A0)+ ; remember the offset to the free space. field LFreeOffset
Move.L A4,(A0)+ ; remember the grow amount. field LGrowAmount
MoveQ #0,D0
Move.L D6,D1 ; return the handle.
Tst.W D0 ; set the condition codes.
MoveM.L (SP)+,D6/D7/A4
Break 'NewList error'
Bra.S @Exit
; LAddEntry - Add a string to our string list.
; Entry: A0 - List block handle.
; D4 - Key string pointer.
; Exit: D0 - result code.
; D1 - offset to string in the list.
LAddEntry Head D2-D5/A0-A4
Move.L A0,A2 ; save list handle.
Move.L D4,A0 ; point to the string to add.
MoveQ #0,D3 ; get length here.
Move.B (A0),D3 ; got the length (minus one).
AddQ #1,D3 ; got length including length byte.
Deref A2,A1 ; point to the block
Move.L LTotalSize(A1),D5 ; get total size.
Sub.L LFreeOffset(A1),D5 ; amount of room left.
Cmp.L D3,D5 ; room for our string?
BGE.S @NoGrow
Move.L LGrowAmount(A1),D5 ; grow amount
Add.L LTotalSize(A1),D5 ; add to old size.
GrowMem A2,D5 ; grow block in A2 to size in D5.
Bne.S @ErrorCase
Deref A2,A1
Move.L D5,LTotalSize(A1) ; remember new size.
Bra.S @TestFit ; fall through on an error.
Break 'LAddEntry Error'
Bra.S @ErrorReturn
Move.L D4,A0 ; src ptr.
Move.L LFreeOffset(A1),D1 ; offset to return.
Add.L D3,LFreeOffset(A1) ; point past the string.
Add.L D1,A1 ; point to string place
Move.L D3,D0
MoveQ #0,D0 ; return no error.
; ListDispose - Dispose is not used now. This means that removing a hash table
; element will not remove its string (just wasted space).
MoveQ #0,D0
; LKill - Kill ourself, assuming I'm a list object.
; Entry: A0 - List block handle.
LKill Head
KillMem A0 ; call the dispose proc.
EndWith ; ListRecord
ENDIF ; NOT ForAppleEventsOnly
; index = ((p * 3) + V) * 2
; p -> 4
DC.B 12,8 ; 12 byte entry with value offset 8.
DC.W BaseAddress-MultBy12 ; Mult by 12 function.
DC.W BaseAddress-FindPTo4 ; Pascal string Find
DC.W BaseAddress-ExpandPTo4 ; 12 byte entryExpand
; p -> 8
DC.B 16,8 ; 16 byte entry with value offset 8.
DC.W BaseAddress-MultBy16 ; Mult by 16 function.
DC.W BaseAddress-FindPTo8 ; Pascal string Find
DC.W BaseAddress-ExpandPTo8 ; 16 byte entry Expand.
; p -> 12+
DC.B 0,8 ; N byte entry with value offset 8.
DC.W BaseAddress-MultByN ; Mult by N function.
DC.W BaseAddress-FindPToN ; Pascal string Find
DC.W BaseAddress-ExpandPToN ; General Expand
; 4 -> 4
DC.B 8,4 ; 8 byte entry with value offset 4.
DC.W BaseAddress-MultBy8 ; Mult by 8 function.
DC.W BaseAddress-Find4To4 ; NoSeparateHash Find
DC.W BaseAddress-Expand4To4 ; 8 byte entry expand.
; 4 -> 8
DC.B 16,8 ; 16 byte entry with value offset 8.
DC.W BaseAddress-MultBy16 ; Mult by 16 function.
DC.W BaseAddress-Find4To8 ; Longword Find
DC.W BaseAddress-Expand4To8 ; 16 byte entry expand
; 4 -> 12+
DC.B 0,8 ; N byte entry with value offset 8.
DC.W BaseAddress-MultByN ; Mult by N function.
DC.W BaseAddress-Find4ToN ; Longword Find
DC.W BaseAddress-Expand4ToN ; General Expand
; 8 -> 4
DC.B 16,12 ; 16 byte entry with value offset 12.
DC.W BaseAddress-MultBy16 ; Mult by 16 function.
DC.W BaseAddress-Find8To4 ; Double Long Find.
DC.W BaseAddress-Expand8To4 ; 16 byte expand
; 8 -> 8
DC.B 24,12 ; 24 byte entry with value offset 12.
DC.W BaseAddress-MultBy24 ; Mult by N function.
DC.W BaseAddress-Find8To8 ; Double Long Find.
DC.W BaseAddress-Expand8To8 ; 24 byte expand
; 8 -> 12+
DC.B 0,12 ; N byte entry with value offset 12.
DC.W BaseAddress-MultByN ; Mult by N function.
DC.W BaseAddress-Find8ToN ; Double Long Find.
DC.W BaseAddress-Expand8ToN ; General Expand
ProcEntrySize EQU *-LastProcEntry
; NewHashTable - Creates a new hash table and returns the handle.
; Function NewHashTable(NumEntries:LONGINT; KeySize, ValueSize:INTEGER;
; MemHooks:MemProcs; SysHeap:Boolean: VAR Table:HHand): OSErr;
NewHFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
ResultCode DS.W 1
NumEntries DS.L 1
FirstParam EQU *
theKeySize DS.W 1
ValueSize DS.W 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
SysHeap DS.W 1
ResultHand DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With NewHFrame
; NewHashTable - Creates a new hash table and returns the handle.
NewHashTable Head D2-D7/A1-A4,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
; set up the memory procs from the parameter, or use default.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
SetUpMemProcs ; puts hooks, or defualt into A3.
; Use the key and value size params as a table index: (3 * Key + Size)/2
; Key: 0 (p), 4, 8; VSize: 4, 8, 12 and 8 byte table entries.
Move.W theKeySize(A6),D0 ; and the key size
And.W D2,D0 ; mask off the low bits.
Move.W D0,theKeySize(A6)
MultQ NumKeySizes,D0 ; times number of key sizes (3).
Move.W ValueSize(A6),D1 ; get the value size
AddQ #3,D1 ; round Value Size up to nearest Long.
And.W D2,D1
MoveQ #12,D2 ; pinning valueSize at 12
Cmp.W D2,D1
BLE.S @GetOffset
Move.W D2,D1
Add.W D1,D0
MultQ (ProcEntrySize/4),D0 ; times 2, cuz 8 byte table entries.
Move.W D0,D6 ; remember the offset into ProcOffset Table.
; get the entry size from the table.
MoveQ #0,D5
Lea ProcOffsetTable,A0
Move.B 1-ProcEntrySize(A0,D6),D7 ; get value offset.
Swap D7
Move.W D6,D7 ; remember ProcOffsetTable entry.
Move.B 0-ProcEntrySize(A0,D6),D5 ; get entry size.
Bne.S @HaveEntrySize
; zero means entry size is determined by Value length (and key length)
Move.W theKeySize(A6),D5 ; PString requires a 4 byte key reference.
BGT.S @HaveKeySize
MoveQ #4,D5 ; for the string table offset.
AddQ #4,D5 ; add in overhead for the Tag (to cache the hash value).
Add.W ValueSize(A6),D5 ; now have the entry size.
; For each case we set up HashCalcIndex, HashFind, and HashExpand hooks (in A0, A1, A2).
; We also set up EntrySize, KeySize (in D0,D3).
; We have special cases for Keys of 4, 8, and Pascal Strings.
; We also have cases for Values of 4, 8, 12, and 4*N bytes.
; KeySize ValueSize EntrySize Notes
; ------- --------- --------- -----
; 4 4 8 Key points to a non-zero longword.
; 8 4 16 Key is a pointer to two longwords.
; p 4 12 Key is a pascal string of any length.
; 4 8 16 Key is a long, with a double long returned.
; 8 8 24 Value and Key are pointers to two longwords.
; p 8 16 Key is a pascal string, value is two longs.
; 4 n n+8 Key is a pascal string, and Value is fixed of size n.
; 8 n n+12 Key is a pascal string, and Value is fixed of size n.
; p n n+8 Key is a pascal string, and Value is fixed of size n.
Sub.L A4,A4 ; clear strings object ref.
IF NOT ForAppleEventsOnly THEN
Tst.W theKeySize(A6) ; test the key size
BGT.S @HaveStringList ; if we are dealing with a PString key then...
; Create the String list.
Move.L NumEntries(A6),D1 ; get the table size.
MultQ 8,D1 ; estimate 8 bytes per entry.
Move.W SysHeap(A6),D0 ; wheather it goes in the system heap.
Bsr NewList ; create a string list.
Bne @ErrorExit
Move.L D1,A4 ; remember the strings object.
; compute the next larger power of two for the number of table entries.
Move.L NumEntries(A6),D0 ; get the table size.
BEQ.S @FindPower2
SubQ.L #1,D0 ; take care of the case where it is already exact power of 2 ;
IF For0x0 THEN
BFFFO D0{0:31},D1 ; get bit number of first one bit.
MoveQ #33,D0 ; convert bit field number to bit number (Plus one).
Sub.L D1,D0 ; make it the magnitude.
MoveQ #31,D1
Rol.L #1,D0 ; is the high bit on?
DBCS D1,@FindBit ; Loop till it was on, or done.
AddQ #1,D1 ; now create that power of two.
Move.W D1,D0
MoveQ #MinInitalEntries,D3
Cmp.W D3,D0 ; make sure the table is at least a min size.
BLT.S @UseMinSize
Move.W D0,D3 ; remember the order of magnitude.
MoveQ #1,D0 ; build a power of two here.
Asl.L D3,D0 ; shift the one by the amount.
Move.L D0,D1
SubQ.L #1,D1
Move.L D1,D6 ; remember HashMask.
; Multiply the number of entries by the entry size to get the table size.
Add.W #MinExtraEntries,D0 ; can't overflow a word.
Bsr MultByN ; multiply D0 by D5 with long arith.
Move.L D0,D4
MoveQ #HeaderSize,D0 ; plus header size.
Add.L D0,D4
Move.L ResultHand(A6),A2 ; clear the result, in case of an error
Clr.L (A2)
NewMem D4,SysHeap(A6) ; create the hash table.
Bne.S @ErrorExit
Move.L A0,(A2) ; remember the table.
; now set up the header with all of our information.
Deref A0,A2 ; get a pointer to the table.
Move.L A2,A0
Move.L D6,(A0)+ ; set HashMask
Move.L D4,(A0)+ ; set HashTableSize
Clr.L (A0)+ ; clear HashNumUsed
Move.L A4,(A0)+ ; set up StringsHand
Move.L D5,(A0)+ ; set up HashEntrySize
Lea ProcOffsetTable,A1 ; point to our procs table
MoveQ #-1,D0
Move.W 2-ProcEntrySize(A1,D7),D0 ; get offset to Mult Proc.
Move.L D0,(A0)+ ; stuff HashMultiply
Move.W 4-ProcEntrySize(A1,D7),D0 ; get offset to Find Proc.
Move.L D0,(A0)+ ; stuff HashFind
Move.W 6-ProcEntrySize(A1,D7),D0 ; get offset to Expand Proc.
Move.L D0,(A0)+ ; stuff HashExpand
Clr.L (A0)+ ; use default HashCustom to compute hash.
MoveQ #MinExtraEntries,D0
Move.L D0,(A0)+ ; stuff initial HashNumExtra
Move.W D3,(A0)+ ; HashMagnitude
Move.W #PercentFull,(A0)+ ; HashFullPercent
Clr.W (A0)+ ; HashPercentUsed
Swap D7
Ext.W D7
Move.W D7,(A0)+ ; HValueOffset
Move.W theKeySize(A6),(A0)+ ; HashKeySize - size of a key
Move.W ValueSize(A6),(A0)+ ; HashValueSize - size of a data value.
; point to the data start, and set up the number of entries.
Move.L A2,A0
Add.W #HeaderSize,A0 ; point to the data field.
MoveQ #1,D0 ; build a power of two here.
Asl.L D3,D0 ; shift the one by the amount.
AddQ.L #MinExtraEntries,D0 ; now have total number of entries -1.
; now clear out the tag for each entry.
Clr.L (A0) ; clear the tag
Add.L D5,A0 ; next entry
SubQ.L #1,D0
Bne.S @ClearAllEntries ; until all done.
MoveQ #0,D0
Move.W D0,ResultCode(A6) ; return an error code.
Move.L ResultHand(A6),A0
Clr.L (A0) ; always OK if lobotimised.
Clr.W ResultCode(A6)
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail FirstParam
EndWith ; NewHFrame
DispHFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
theError DS.W 1
HHand DS.L 1
FirstParam EQU *
MemHooks DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With DispHFrame
; DisposeHashTable - DeAllocate the hash table, and associated memory.
; Function DisposeHashTable(VAR Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs): OSErr;
DisposeHashTable Head D3/A3,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
; set up the mem procs.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
SetUpMemProcs ; puts hooks, or defualt into A3.
; dispose of the table.
Move.L HHand(A6),A0 ; point to the var.
Move.L (A0),D0
Clr.L (A0)
Tst.L D0 ; is it gone already?
Beq.S @Done
KillMem D0 ; trash the block.
Move.W D0,theError(A6) ; return an error code.
Clr.W theError(A6) ; always OK if lobotimised.
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail FirstParam
; GetKeyValue - Find the hashed entry. Returns an error if not found.
; Function GetKeyValue(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr; Value:HEntryPtr): OSErr;
; Note that the result is a pointer into a handle,
; so it will become invalid once the heap
; is shuffled by allocation within it.
GetKValueFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
theError DS.W 1
HHand DS.L 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
KeyPtr DS.L 1
theVAR DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With GetKValueFrame
GetKeyValue Head D3-D7/A2-A4,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
Move.L HHand(A6),A2 ; get the hash object pointer.
Move.L KeyPtr(A6),D4 ; pass pointer to the key.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
Bsr.S DoStandardFind ; do the standard find operation.
Move.W D0,theError(A6) ; set up the error code.
Bne.S @LeaveTheVAR
Add HValueOffset-HeaderSize(A2),A0 ; point to the value field.
Move.L theVAR(A6),A1 ; where the result should go.
IF ForAppleEventsOnly THEN
Move.L (A0)+,(A1)+ ; for AppleEvents we know the value size is 8.
Move.L (A0),(A1) ; HashValueSize bytes moved.
Move.W HashValueSize-HeaderSize(A2),D0 ; move the value into the user's data space.
Clr.W theError(A6) ; always OK if lobotimised.
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail HHand ; restore regs, strip stack and return.
; Do the Standard Find call. This just saves code between GetKeyValue
; and CheckKey.
; set up the mem procs.
SetUpMemProcs ; puts hooks, or defualt into A3.
; deref the hash table and call the find hook.
Deref A2,A2 ; get the hash object pointer.
Move.L HashEntrySize(A2),D5 ; set up entry size, in case it's needed.
Move.L HashMask(A2),D6 ; mask to get index bits.
Move.L StringsHand(A2),A4 ; handle to strings table.
MoveQ #CollBit,D7
Add.W #HeaderSize,A2 ; point beyond the header.
SendDMsg HashFind ; find the entry, if possible.
Beq.S @Exit
Move.W #ErrNotFound,D0 ; return not found
; CheckKey - Find the hashed entry if it exists. Returns zero if the key doesn't exist.
; Function CheckKey(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr): Boolean;
CheckKeyFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
theResult DS.W 1
HHand DS.L 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
KeyPtr DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With CheckKeyFrame
CheckKey Head D3-D7/A2-A4,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
Break 'CheckKey'
Move.L HHand(A6),A2 ; get the hash object pointer.
Move.L KeyPtr(A6),D4 ; pass pointer to the key.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
Bsr.S DoStandardFind ; do the standard find operation.
SEQ D0 ; true iff entry found.
Neg.B D0 ; return a 1 for true.
Move.B D0,theResult(A6) ; set up the result.
Clr.W theResult(A6) ; always OK if lobotimised.
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail HHand ; restore regs, strip stack and return.
; RemoveKeyEntry - Add an entry. Returns an error if entry already found.
; Function RemoveKeyEntry(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr): OSErr;
RemoveFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
theResult DS.W 1
HHand DS.L 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
KeyPtr DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With RemoveFrame
RemoveKeyEntry Head D3-D7/A2-A4,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
; find the entry, or the next empty slot.
Move.L HHand(A6),A2 ; get the hash object pointer.
Move.L KeyPtr(A6),D4 ; pass pointer to the key.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
Bsr.S DoStandardFind ; do the standard find operation.
Bne.S @NotFound ; Didn't Find it! Give an error.
; now pointing to the entry. Just zero it, and adjust the counters.
SubQ.L #1,HashNumUsed-HeaderSize(A2) ; bump the number used down.
Clr.L (A0) ; clear the entry.
; must shuffle up collided entries now!
Bsr.S ShuffleEntryRun ; move the following entries up if needed.
Clr.W theResult(A6) ; set up the error code
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail HHand ; restore regs, strip stack and return.
NoSeparateHash Set 1 ; so CheapOHash will work.
; ShuffleEntryRun - Utility routine to shuffle up a run of entries.
; When an entry is removed, the following entries (in a run till an empty slot)
; must be moved up if they belong higher. Each slot is temporarily zeroed, a
; search for the best empty entry is done, slot restored, and if the found entry is
; not the one then it is shuffled up.
Move.L A6,-(SP)
Move.L HashEntrySize-HeaderSize(A2),D0
SubQ #NoStoredHash,D0
SEQ D2 ; true iff NoSeparateHash now.
Add.L D5,A0 ; point to the next entry
Move.L (A0),D0
Beq.S DoneShuffle
Move.L D0,A6 ; remember the Tag.
Tst.B D2 ; on-the-fly hashing?
Beq.S @HaveHash ; no, skip extra stuff.
NoSeparateHash Set 0 ; so CheapOHash will work.
Clr.L (A0)
SearchEmptySpot ; find next empty entry
Move.L A6,(A0) ; restore current entry
Cmp.L A0,A1 ; did it map to the same entry?
Beq.S ShuffleNextEntry ; Tag is adjusted for collision by SearchEmptySpot.
Tst.B D2 ; if NoSeparateHash, then collided bit
Beq.S @OKTag ; mangled our key, so use the key
Move.L A6,D0 ; verbatim.
CopyAndClearEntry A0,A1 ; copy the entry up, and clear the current one.
Bra.S ShuffleNextEntry
Move.L (SP)+,A6
; GetIndexedEntry - Get the hashed entry by index.
; Returns zero or ErrNotFound if empty entry or ErrEndOfTable if beyond the last entry.
; Function GetIndexedEntry(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Index:LONGINT; VAR Value:HEntryPtr): OSErr;
; Exit: Result - 0, or ErrNotFound, or ErrEndOfTable
GetIndFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
theError DS.W 1
HHand DS.L 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
Index DS.L 1
VarValue DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With GetIndFrame
GetIndexedEntry Head D4-D5/A2-A3,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
; set up the mem procs.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
SetUpMemProcs ; puts hooks, or defualt into A3.
; deref the hash table and index into it.
Deref HHand(A6),A2 ; get the hash object pointer.
Move.W HashKeySize(A2),D4 ; what is the key size?
Move.W HValueOffset(A2),D2 ; get the offset to the value.
SUB.W D4,D2 ; now D2 is offset to the key
Move.L HashEntrySize(A2),D5 ; set up entry size
Move.L Index(A6),D0 ; get the index to the entry.
SendHMsg HashMultiply
MoveQ #HeaderSize,D1
Add.L D1,D0 ; now have the offset.
Cmp.L HashTableSize(A2),D0 ; are we indexing beyond the table?
BGE.S @BeyondEnd ; yes, then error.
; check if the entry is nil.
Add.L D0,A2 ; point to the entry.
Tst.L (A2) ; is it empty?
Beq.S @EmptyEntry
Add.W D2,A2 ; point to the Key.
Move.L VarValue(A6),A1
SubQ #1,D4 ; Warning: this will not work for zero length!
Lsr.W #2,D4 ; divided by four.
Move.L (A2)+,(A1)+
DBRA D4,@MoveLoop
MoveQ #0,D0 ; return with no error.
Bra.S @Exit
; return an error code.
Move.W #ErrEndOfTable,D0 ; indexed beyond the end of the table.
Bra.S @Exit
Move.W #ErrNotFound,D0 ; the indexed entry was empty.
Move.L VarValue(A6),A1
Clr.L (A1) ; clear the result if not found.
; stuff the result and return
Move.W D0,theError(A6) ; set up the result code.
Clr.W theError(A6) ; always OK if lobotimised.
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail HHand ; restore regs, strip stack and return.
; AddKeyEntry - Add an entry. Returns an error if entry already found.
; Function AddKeyEntry(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Key:KeyPtr; Value:HEntryPtr): OSErr;
AddKeyFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
theResult DS.W 1
HHand DS.L 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
KeyPtr DS.L 1
ValuePtr DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With AddKeyFrame
MoveQ #-1,D0
Bra.S AddKeyCommon
MoveQ #0,D0
AddKeyCommon Head D3-D7/A2-A4,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
Move.W D0,-(SP) ; remember flag if OK to replace an entry.
; find the entry, or the next empty slot.
Move.L HHand(A6),A2 ; get the hash object pointer.
Move.L KeyPtr(A6),D4 ; pass pointer to the key.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
Bsr DoStandardFind ; do the standard find operation.
Move.W D0,D7 ; remember if found.
Or.W (SP)+,D0 ; if NotFound OR Replacing, then Stuff entry
Beq @AlreadyFound ; we found it AND not replace! Give an error.
; put the Hash value into the Tag, unless we are dealing with a really small table.
MoveQ #HeaderSize,D0
Sub.L D0,A2 ; point back to the header info
Cmp.W #NoStoredHash,D5 ; is this a really short entry, with no stored hash?
Beq.S @NoTag
Move.L D3,(A0)+ ; stuff in the tag
; check if the key is a PString, and if so, we must copy it.
Move.W HashKeySize(A2),D0 ; what is the key size?
IF NOT ForAppleEventsOnly THEN
BGT.S @StuffKey
Beq.S @CopyString
Move.L A0,A1 ; dest is the record.
Move.L KeyPtr(A6),(A1)+
Bra.S @CopyValue
; compute the offset into the table, so we can recreate the pointer.
Sub.L A2,A0 ; now a relative offset.
Move.L A0,-(SP)
Move.L StringsHand(A2),A0 ; get the block handle.
Move.L KeyPtr(A6),D4 ; point to the key
Bsr LAddEntry ; add a string entry
Move.L D1,D4 ; remember the offset.
Move.W D0,D3 ; result code
Deref HHand(A6),A2 ; get the table pointer back
Move.L (SP)+,A1 ; get back the relative offset.
Add.L A2,A1 ; get my entry pointer back.
Move D3,D0 ; error on LAddEntry?
Bne @GrowStringError ; yes, then clear this entry.
Move.L D4,(A1)+ ; stuff the string table offset into the entry.
Bra.S @CopyValue
; copy the key and data values into the record.
Move.L A0,A1 ; dest is the record.
Move.L KeyPtr(A6),A0 ; get pointer to the key.
MyBlock4Move ; move the bytes into the record.
; A1 points to the user value, so copy their data in.
Move.L ValuePtr(A6),A0 ; point to the value.
Move.W HashValueSize(A2),D0
MyBlock4Move ; move the bytes into the record.
Clr.W theResult(A6) ; set up the result.
; now that we used an empty entry, make sure there is still one at the end of the table.
Move.L A2,A0 ; table pointer.
Add.L HashTableSize(A2),A0 ; point to the end of the table.
Sub.L D5,A0 ; point to the last entry.
SubQ #4,A1 ; point within the entry just set.
Cmp.L A0,A1 ; are we beyond the last entry?
BLT.S @HaveEnoughExtra ; yes, then we will have to add extra entries.
; multiply new extra entries by the entry size.
MoveQ #MinExtraEntries,D0
SendHMsg HashMultiply ; do which ever multiply is hooked in now.
Add.L HashTableSize(A2),D0 ; add MinExtraEntries to the end.
Move.L D0,A4 ; save new table size
; Grow the hash table by the min entry size.
GrowMem HHand(A6),A4 ; grow the block
Bne.S @GrowExtraError
Deref HHand(A6),A2 ; grow the block
Move.L A4,HashTableSize(A2) ; remember new size.
AddQ.L #MinExtraEntries,HashNumExtra(A2) ; bump the number of extra.
; zero out the new entries.
Move.L A4,D0 ; get the offset to the end.
MoveQ #MinExtraEntries-1,D1
Sub.L D5,D0 ; point to the last entry.
Clr.L 0(A2,D0.L) ; zero out the new entry.
DBRA D1,@ClearLoop
; compute the percentage of records in use.
; Note that we don't handle the Extra entries right - used ones are counted, unused are not!
Move.W D7,D0 ; did we find the entry? (are we replacing)
Beq.S @SameNumUsed ; yes, then the same number is in use, we're done.
AddQ.L #1,HashNumUsed(A2) ; bump the number used.
Move.L HashNumUsed(A2),D0
MultQ 25,D0 ; multiply long D0 by 25 (100/4)
Move.W HashMagnitude(A2),D1 ; get N where TableSize = 2^N.
SubQ #2,D1
Lsr.L D1,D0 ; calc the percentage
Move.W D0,HashPercentUsed(A2) ; remember the percent used (for debugging).
; now check if the table needs to be expanded.
Move.W D0,D1 ; get the amount used.
MoveQ #0,D0 ; load a result code of no error.
Cmp.W HashFullPercent(A2),D1 ; is it too much.
BLE.S @TableBigEnough
; expand the table
Bsr.S ExpandTable ; grow the table.
Move.W D0,theResult(A6) ; return with no error
Clr.W theResult(A6) ; always OK if lobotimised.
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail HHand ; restore regs, strip stack and return.
IF NotLobotimised THEN
; found an entry, and not replacing. Return an error.
Move.W #ErrAlreadyExists,D0 ; return with an error, if it already exists.
Bra.S @SetResultCode
; couldn't grow the string table. Clear the current entry and return the error.
Clr.L -(A1) ; clear tag
Bra.S @SetResultCode ; couldn't create string entry.
; couldn't add the required extra entries, so clear the last one.
Move.L HashTableSize(A2),D1 ; offset to the end.
Sub.L D5,D1
Clr.L 0(A2,D1.L)
Bra.S @SetResultCode
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
; ExpandTable - time to grow the table by doubleing it.
; I have access to the caller's stack frame. AddKeyFrame
; Entry: A6 - Caller's stack frame (AddKeyFrame)
; D5 - Entry size
; A2 - pointer to the table.
; D6 - HashMask
; Exit: D0 - result code from the grow.
; Grow the table to double it's current size 2^(n+1)
Move.L D6,D4 ; old hash mask.
AsL.L #1,D6
AddQ.L #1,D6 ; build the new mask
; we are adding entries to the table (otherwize we wouldn't be here).
; make the number of extra entries at least 3% of the table size,
; since growing a large table just to add "extra" space is a pain.
Move.L D6,D3 ; compute desired numExtra in D3.
Asr.L #5,D3 ; divide by 32, gives about 3%
Move.L HashNumExtra(A2),D1
Cmp.L D3,D1 ; is this larger?
BLT.S @NumExtraOK
Move.L D1,D3 ; use numExtra, since it's bigger.
Move.L D3,D0 ; num extra.
Add.L D6,D0 ; plus number of entries-1.
AddQ.L #1,D0 ; now have the total number of entries.
SendHMsg HashMultiply ; do which ever multiply is hooked in now.
MoveQ #HeaderSize,D1 ; plus header size for total table size.
Add.L D1,D0
Move.L D0,A4 ; remember new total table size
GrowMem HHand(A6),A4 ; grow the table, if we can.
Bne @ErrorReturn
; it grew, without an error!
Deref HHand(A6),A2 ; get the table pointer back.
; zero out all of the "New" entries.
Move.L A4,D2 ; new table size.
Sub.L HashTableSize(A2),D2 ; number of new entries made.
Move.L A2,A0
Add.L HashTableSize(A2),A0 ; point to the first new entry
Clr.L (A0) ; zero an entry
Add.L D5,A0 ; bump pointer
Sub.L D5,D2 ; done?
BHI.S @ClearLoop
; move the "extra" entries to the bottom of the table.
; compute a pointer past the last extra entry, where they now sit.
Move.L A2,A1
Add.L HashTableSize(A2),A1 ; compute a pointer past the last extra entry (old table)
Move.L A4,HashTableSize(A2) ; remember new table size
; compute half the new table size (not counting header and extra entries).
Move.L D6,D0 ; get the number of entries-1 (hashMask)
Lsr.L #1,D0
AddQ.L #1,D0 ; get Half table number of entries.
SendHMsg HashMultiply ; do which ever multiply is hooked in now. Mulu D5,D0
Move.L D0,A4 ; remember half table size.
; copy each extra down to the end of the table.
Move.L A1,A0 ; pointer past last Extra.
Move.L HashNumExtra(A2),D2 ; number of entries to move.
Sub.L D5,A0 ; compute a pointer a half table
Move.L A0,A1
Add.L A4,A1 ; size beyond the last extra (where to move the extras).
Move.L (A0),D0 ; get the Tag for CopyAndClear...
CopyAndClearEntry A0,A1 ; copy each entry to the bottom of the table.
SubQ.L #1,D2
BNE.S @CopyLoop
; save a pointer to the first "extra" entry.
Pea 0(A0,A4.L) ; pointer to the first "Extra" entry.
; set up the registers for the main table expand.
Move.L D6,HashMask(A2) ; remember new hash mask.
Move.L D3,HashNumExtra(A2) ; remember new extra entries.
Move.W HashMagnitude(A2),D3 ; set up some reg's the way expand wants.
AddQ.W #1,HashMagnitude(A2) ; the magnitued is bumped by one.
MoveQ #CollBit,D7 ; collision bit.
MoveQ #HeaderSize,D1 ; plus header size for total table size.
Add.L D1,A2 ; compute pointer to the first entry.
Move.L D6,D2 ; get the number of entries-1 (hashMask)
Lsr.L #1,D2 ; get Half table number of entries-1.
; Entry: D2 - Half table size.
; D3 - old table magnitude.
; D4 - Old hash Mask.
; D5 - Entry size.
; D6 - Hash Mask.
; D7 - Collision bit
; A0 - first entry of the table.
; A1 - scratch: new table entry ptr.
; A2 - hash table data pointer
; A4 - Half table size.
; A6 - scratch: saves Tag.
Move.L A6,-(SP)
SendDMsg HashExpand ; do the inner expand loop.
Move.L (SP)+,A6
; for each "extra" entry, place it in the right spot, if we can.
Move.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the pointer to the first "extra" entry.
Sub.L D5,A0 ; point to the previous entry
Bsr ShuffleEntryRun ; move the following entries up if needed.
MoveQ #0,D0
; For AppleEvents only, we do not include this code
IF NOT ForAppleEventsOnly THEN
; Function IsHashConsistent(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs):Boolean;
; Exit: D1 - number of collided entries.
TestConFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
theResult DS.W 1
HHand DS.L 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With TestConFrame
NoSeparateHash Set 1 ; so I can generate cases for on-the-fly hashing.
IsHashConsistent Head D3-D7/A2-A4,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
Move.W #$0101,theResult(A6) ; set both bytes true.
; set up the mem procs.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
SetUpMemProcs ; puts hooks, or defualt into A3.
Deref HHand(A6),A2 ; get the table pointer.
Move.L HashEntrySize(A2),D5 ; entry size.
; check if the hash mask matches the table magnitude.
Move.W HashMagnitude(A2),D3 ; get the magnitude.
MoveQ #1,D0 ; get a 1 bit
Lsl.L D3,D0
SubQ.L #1,D0
Move.L HashMask(A2),D6
Cmp.L HashMask(A2),D0 ; is the mask right?
Bne @BadHashMask
; check that the table size is the number of entries plus header size plus extra.
AddQ.L #1,D0 ; number of regular entries.
Move.L HashNumExtra(A2),D1 ; get number of extra.
Add.L D1,D0
SendHMsg HashMultiply ; times the entry size.
MoveQ #HeaderSize,D1
Add.L D1,D0
Move.L HashTableSize(A2),D1
Cmp.L D1,D0
Bne @BadNumExtra
; make sure that the last entry is empty.
Sub.L D5,D0
Tst.L 0(A2,D0.L) ; is the last entry zero?
Bne @BadLastEntry
; scan the table.
Sub.L A3,A3 ; number of collided entries.
Move.L HashTableSize(A2),D7 ; Compute of bytes left to check.
MoveQ #HeaderSize,D0 ; Total size - Header Size.
Sub.L D0,D7
MoveQ #0,D2 ; number of empty entries.
MoveQ #8,D3 ; entry size for on-the-fly hash.
MoveQ #-1,D4 ; current entry number.
Add.W #HeaderSize,A2 ; data pointer.
Move.L A2,A0
IF NOT ForAppleEventsOnly THEN
Cmp.L D3,D5 ; is this an on the fly cell?
Beq.S @OnTheFlyScam
AddQ.L #1,D4 ; entry number.
Move.L (A0),D0 ; get the tag.
Beq.S @EmptyCell
Bpl.S @NotCollided
AddQ #1,A3
And.L D6,D0 ; mask to index
Cmp.L D4,D0 ; index should be less than entry number
BHS.S @BadIndex
Bra.S @NextEntry
AddQ.L #1,D2
Bra.S @NextEntry
And.L D6,D0 ; mask to index
Cmp.L D4,D0 ; index should be less than entry number
BNE.S @BadIndex
Add.L D5,A0
Sub.L D5,D7 ; done?
BNE.S @ScamLoop
Bra.S @CheckMetrics
IF NOT ForAppleEventsOnly THEN
AddQ.L #1,D4 ; entry number.
Move.L (A0),D0 ; get the tag.
Beq.S @OTFEmptyCell
CheapOHash ; if the hash is not cached, then hash
Move.L D0,A4
Cmp.L A0,A1 ; curOffset > newOffset means collided
Bpl.S @OTFNotCollided
AddQ #1,A3
Move.L A4,D1
And.L D6,D1 ; mask to index
Cmp.L D4,D1 ; index should be less than entry number
BHS.S @BadIndex
Bra.S @OTFNextEntry
AddQ.L #1,D2
Bra.S @OTFNextEntry
Move.L A4,D1
And.L D6,D1 ; mask to index
Cmp.L D4,D1 ; index should be less than entry number
BNE.S @BadIndex
Add.L D5,A0
Sub.L D5,D7 ; done?
BNE.S @OnTheFlyScam
; A3 - number of collided entries
; D2 - number of empty entries
Move.L D6,D0 ; check if the number of used entries matches.
AddQ.L #1,D0 ; total number of entries (minus extra).
Add.L HashNumExtra-HeaderSize(A2),D0
Sub.L D2,D0 ; number of used entries.
Move.L HashNumUsed-HeaderSize(A2),D1
Cmp.L D1,D0
Bne.S @NumUsedIsWrong
Bra.S @Exit
; D0 - Current Entry Tag curTag
; D1 - scratch
; D2 - scratch
; D3 - Target Tag / Table Magnitude targetTag / tableMagnitude
; D4 - Key / HalfTableSize Key / halfTableSize
; D5 - Table Entry Size EntrySize
; D6 - HashMask hashMask
; D7 - collision bit 31
; A0 - Current Table Entry Pointer curPos
; A1 - New Table Entry Pointer newPos
; A2 - Table Data Base Pointer tableBase
; A3 - MemProcs Pointer memProcs
; A4 - StringTable/Key2 stringTable
; A5 - Unused
; A6 - Optional Frame Ptr
; A7 - SP
Break 'An index is bad ((A0), D0, D4).'
Bra.S @ClearResult
Break 'Hash num used doesnt match the table (D1, D0).'
Bra.S @ClearResult
Break 'num extra or hashmask times entrysize plus headersize not tablesize (D1, D0).'
Bra.S @ClearResult
Break 'hash mask doesnt jibe with table magnitude (D3, D6).'
Bra.S @ClearResult
Break 'Last entry not empty (zero). ((A2)+D0)'
MoveQ #-1,D0
Clr.W theResult(A6)
Move.L A3,D1 ; return the number of collided entries.
ST theResult(A6) ; always OK if lobotimised.
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail HHand ; restore regs, strip stack and return.
; GetTableMetrics - Return the number of entries, and the full table size in bytes.
; Procedure GetTableMetrics(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; VAR info: HashInfo);
; HashInfo = RECORD
; usedEntries: LONGINT;
; collidedEntries: LONGINT;
; totalEntries: LONGINT;
; tableSize: LONGINT;
; END;
HashInfoRec Record 0
usedEntries DS.L 1
collidedEntries DS.L 1
totalEntries DS.L 1
tableSize DS.L 1
GetTMFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
HHand DS.L 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
VarInfo DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With GetTMFrame
GetTableMetrics Head A2-A3,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
; set up the mem procs.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
SetUpMemProcs ; puts hooks, or defualt into A3.
; call IsHashConsistent(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs):Boolean;
Clr.W -(SP)
Move.L HHand(A6),-(SP)
Move.L MemHooks(A6),-(SP)
Bsr IsHashConsistent
Tst.B (SP)+ ; did I get an error?
Beq.S @ClearResult
; deref the hash table and index into it.
Deref HHand(A6),A2 ; get the hash object pointer.
Move.L VarInfo(A6),A0
Move.L HashNumUsed(A2),(A0)+ ; return the number of entries. (usedEntries)
Move.L D1,(A0)+ ; return num collided (collidedEntries)
Move.L HashMask(A2),D0 ; compute the total number of entries.
AddQ.L #1,D0
Add.L HashNumExtra(A2),D0
Move.L D0,(A0)+ ; return totalEntries.
Move.L HashTableSize(A2),(A0) ; return the full table size.
Bra.S @Exit
Move.L VarInfo(A6),A0
Clr.L (A0)+ ; clear usedEntries, collidedEntries
Clr.L (A0)+ ; totalEntries, tableSize.
Clr.L (A0)+
Clr.L (A0)+
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail HHand
; GetHashProc - return the hash proc currently in use. Note that the default proc
; is in the pack, and since the pack moves, the proc will become invalid!
; Function GetHashProc(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs):HashProc;
GetHFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
GetHProc DS.L 1
GetHHand DS.L 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With GetHFrame
GetHashProc Head A2-A3,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
; set up the mem procs.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
SetUpMemProcs ; puts hooks, or defualt into A3.
Deref GetHHand(A6),A2 ; get the hash object pointer.
Add.W #HeaderSize,A2 ; point to the data.
Bsr SetUpHashCustom ; make sure the hash proc is defined.
Lea BaseAddress,A0
Sub.L HashCustom-HeaderSize(A2),A0
Move.L A0,GetHProc(A6) ; stuff the proc.
Clr.L GetHProc(A6) ; always OK if lobotimised.
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail GetHHand ; restore regs, strip stack and return.
; Procedure SetHashProc(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; theHash:HashProc);
SetHFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
SetHHand DS.L 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
SetHProc DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With SetHFrame
SetHashProc Head A2-A3,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
; set up the mem procs.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
SetUpMemProcs ; puts hooks, or defualt into A3.
; point into the table.
Deref SetHHand(A6),A2 ; get the hash object pointer.
Move.L SetHProc(A6),D0 ; get the proc ptr.
BSet #0,D0 ; set the low bit to flag that it's a ptr.
Move.L D0,HashCustom(A2) ; stuff the proc.
Move.L #BaseAddress-FindNtoN,HashFind(A2); point to the general find routine (which calls this hash)
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail SetHHand ; restore regs and return.
; GetGrowThreshhold
; Gets the percentage at which the table is considered full, and is automatically
; grown when adding another entry.
; Function GetGrowThreshhold(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs):INTEGER;
GetGTFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
theResult DS.W 1
GetGTHand DS.L 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With GetGTFrame
GetGrowThreshhold Head A2-A3,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
; set up the mem procs.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
SetUpMemProcs ; puts hooks, or defualt into A3.
Deref GetGTHand(A6),A2 ; get the hash object pointer.
Move.W HashFullPercent(A2),theResult(A6) ; return the percentage.
Clr.W theResult(A6) ; always OK if lobotimised.
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail GetGTHand ; restore regs, strip stack and return.
; SetGrowThreshhold
; Sets the percentage at which the table is considered full, and is automatically
; grown when adding another entry.
; Procedure SetGrowThreshhold(Hash:HHand; MemHooks:MemProcs; Percent:INTEGER);
SetGTFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
SetTHand DS.L 1
MemHooks DS.L 1
Percent DS.W 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With SetGTFrame
SetGrowThreshhold Head A2-A3,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
; set up the mem procs.
Move.L MemHooks(A6),D0 ; get the hooks, or nil.
SetUpMemProcs ; puts hooks, or defualt into A3.
Deref SetTHand(A6),A2 ; get the hash object pointer.
Move.W Percent(A6),HashFullPercent(A2) ; stuff the percentage.
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail SetTHand ; restore regs and return.
; GetDefaultMemProcs - returns the default memory procs.
; Function GetDefaultMemProcs: MemProcs;
GetDMPFrame Record {A6Link},Decr
MemProcs DS.L 1
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
LocalSize EQU *
With GetDMPFrame
GetDefaultMemProcs Head A2-A3,LocalSize
IF NotLobotimised THEN
Break 'GetDefaultMemProcs'
; set up the mem procs.
Clr.L D0 ; nil ensures the hooks will be set up.
SetUpMemProcs ; puts hooks, or defualt into A3.
Move.L MemProcs(A6),A1 ; get place to stuff the procs.
lea DeRefMemory,a0 ; <SM2> rb
Move.L A0,(A1)+ ; stuff all the procs. <SM2> rb
lea NewMemory,a0 ; <SM2> rb
Move.L a0,(A1)+ ; <SM2> rb
lea SetMemorySize,a0 ; <SM2> rb
Move.L a0,(A1)+ ; <SM2> rb
lea DisposeMemory,a0 ; <SM2> rb
Move.L a0,(A1) ; <SM2> rb
ENDIF ; NotLobotimised
Tail ReturnAddr ; restore regs, strip stack and return.
ENDIF ; ForAppleEventsOnly.